Watch Video Now: CNN Hosts Rare Live Contentious Global Warming Debate – Marc Morano vs. Sierra Club’s Michael Brune & Philippe Cousteau Jr. – Full Transcript – Morano: ‘So record cold is now evidence of man-made global warming?

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Watch Both Segments of CNN Debate here:


 Transcript Below: 

Update: Reactions to CNN Debate: 

Daily Caller: ‘Global warming skeptic Morano buries Sierra Club director under avalanche of facts’ in CNN Debate

Analysis: Don’t Expect The Facts From Sierra Club’s Michael Brune

Warmist Media Matters laments CNN climate debate: ‘Morano’s extensive media presence is alarming’ – ‘Morano commandeered the majority of the segment’ – Declares ‘The Worst Climate Change Misinformer In America Is On CNN’

Warmist Media Matters Misquotes Morano in Attempted Hit Piece: Claims Morano said ‘scientific journals” say global warming is not ‘real’ – Reality Check: Morano specifically was referring to the claims of man-made ‘global weirding’ of extreme weather as not being ‘real’

Radio Host Vicki Mckenna on CNN debate: ‘It was 2 on 1–and @ClimateDepot’s Marc Morano SMOKED them in contentious global warming debate.’

NewsBusters: Morano Smacks Down Sierra Club Director in 2nd CNN Debate: ‘Sierra Club Took 26 Million From Natural Gas’


THE 11TH HOUR – TRANSCRIPT – With Supporting Links Added Throughout Morano’s Section

East Coast Continually Pounded by Storms; Strange Things Happening in the Animal Kingdom; What’s Causing the Extreme Weather; A Link Between Climate Change and Health?

Aired December 10, 2013 – 23:00   ET on CNN


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: You are looking live at New York City. It’s not even winter yet, but today is a record for snowfall for the day dating back to 1932. And that’s nothing. 90 percent of the country will have below normal temperatures by morning. Anybody else out there think this is extreme weather?

It’s 11:00 in the east, everyone. Do you know where your news is? I’m Don Lemon. This is THE 11TH HOUR, the last word on today and what you’ll be talking about tomorrow.

… (Break in transcript)

CNN ’11th Hour host DON LEMON: I want you to stay right there because I want you to join our debate on what’s causing this extreme weather and how much we should worry. 


LEMON: Welcome back. I’m Don Lemon. This is THE 11TH HOUR.

Hurricanes, tornadoes, extreme weather, one of the hottest debates in the country right now. Going head-to-head tonight, Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club; Marc Morano, editor-in-chief at; and back with us is Philippe Cousteau, president of …

Climate Depot’s Morano At UN Press Conference in Warsaw Denounces Exploitation of Typhoon to ‘an unappreciative audience’: Morano ‘compared the belief that policy can change the weather to ‘medieval witchcraft’

[Reprint from E&E – November 19, 2013 – subscription required]

Excerpt: Conservatives pan Philippines negotiator at warming conference

Jean Chemnick, E&E reporter

Published: Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WARSAW, Poland — The Philippines and its lead negotiator have become folk heroes of the United Nations climate change summit, now in its second week at Poland’s national soccer stadium. Having weathered a devastating typhoon that has left thousands dead, the island nation has become the poster child for an ominous new reality that the talks aim to avoid. But climate skeptic and blogger Marc Morano sees things differently. He had sharp words today for Philippines lead negotiator Yeb Sano, who has pledged not to eat until the conference yields a “meaningful agreement” that might shield other countries from natural disasters like Typhoon Haiyan.”There’s a level of deep exploitation going on, and the U.N. is allowing this and media is feeding this, as if a U.N. treaty is going to prevent future supertyphoons from hitting,” Morano said to an unappreciative audience in one of the stadium’s makeshift conference rooms.

Sano said his action was inspired by concern for his family, which was still coping with Haiyan as he left for the conference. Many other delegates here have stopped eating in solidarity. But Morano, a former aide to Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), compared the belief that policy can change the weather to “medieval witchcraft.” “This is supposed to be the modern age,” he said. He also panned the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — the U.N. climate science body that warned there’s growing certainty that man-made climate change is occurring — as a front for international bureaucrats.

“They don’t want you to know that these are political statements issued by a small group of scientists and designed to create the illusion of consensus,” he said.

Morano also praised Australia — treated by most conference attendees as a villain for not sending a minister to the talks and starting work to repeal its carbon tax. The United States, he said, would follow Australia’s lead after the next presidential election.

Morano has attended the last several conferences of the parties (COPs) to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, and this year was modest in comparison. He and Lord Christopher Monckton jumped out of an airplane two years ago in Durbin, South Africa.

Monckton was escorted out of last year’s meeting in Doha, Qatar, after posing …

UN Climate Summit Rejects Its Own Science – Links Typhoon Haiyan to Global Warming – UN Summit Degenerates Into Unscientific Claims to Advance Political Agenda – Climate Depot Special Report

[UpdatesClimate Depot’s Morano At UN Press Conference in Warsaw Denounces Exploitation of Typhoon to ‘an unappreciative audience’: Morano ‘compared the belief that policy can change the weather to ‘medieval witchcraft’

Climate Depot’s Morano & Apollo 7 Astronaut Walt Cunningham featured at ‘a UN-sanctioned press conference’ at UN Climate Summit in Warsaw 

Professor calls for ‘a planned economic recession’ to combat global warming –  Also admits ‘cutting back on washing and showering’ to fight climate change –‘That is why I smell’]

WARSAW – The United Nations global warming summit in Warsaw has contorted its own science reports in an attempt to claim that Tyhpoon Haiyan/Yolanda was a result of man-made global warming. The UN’s 19th session of the Conference of the Parties, being held in Warsaw Poland, is exploiting the tragedy in the Philippines in order to advance the UN’s political agenda.

Climate Depot’s Special Report includes the latest scientific studies, analyses, including the UN IPCC’s own report, which counters the UN climate summit’s claims about Typhoons and extreme weather.


UN head Ban Ki-moon says Typhoon Haiyan due to climate change – ‘We have seen now what has happened in the Philippines. It is an urgent warning. An example of changed weather and how climate change is affecting all of us on Earth.’

Philippines lead negotiator at UN climate summit in Warsaw puts the blame for typhoon on global warming – ‘Yeb Sano announces he will not eat during the conference, until a meaningful agreement has been achieved’

Jeffrey Sachs,  Special Advisor to UN Sec.-General Ban Ki-moon,  tweeted on Nov. 10 that ‘Climate liars like Rupert Murdoch & Koch Brothers have more & more blood on their hands as climate disasters claim lives across the world.’

Typhoon Fuels Call for Global Warming Compensation Funds at UN Summit – Poor nations ‘blame countries that industrialized 200 years ago for damaging the atmosphere’ – Bloomberg News: ‘Some 130 countries, including islands concerned they’ll disappear with rising sea levels, are pushing for reparations as part of a “loss and damage” mechanism at United Nations climate talks in Warsaw this week. They blame countries that industrialized 200 years ago for damaging the atmosphere.’

Religious Claim: Repent Ye Sinners to Stop Bad Weather! Wash Post features theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite urging us to ‘repent’ for our ‘sin’ of causing Typhoon Haiyan due to the ‘moral evil of climate change denial’

Climate Poll Con Job: ‘When you don’t like the poll numbers, make up your own poll’ – Media Duped Again By Stanford U. Pollster Jon Krosnick’s Shoddy Agenda Driven Climate Polling

Climate Depot Special Report

Stanford University’s Jon Krosnick ([email protected]) has been receiving a huge splash of publicity with his allegedly surprising state-by-state poling showing ‘the vast majority of Americans in each of 40-plus states surveyed say global warming is real, serious and man-made’ (USA Today) Jon Krosnick is the director of Stanford’s Political Psychology Research Group.

Krosnick’s polling results, complete with handy maps showing rising “belief” in man-made global warming, are a climate activists dream. According to Krosnick’s new poll: “Majorities of residents in every state surveyed said the government should limit greenhouse gas emissions by businesses and, in particular, by power plants. Majorities also favored a cap-and-trade system to limit emissions; tax breaks to encourage the production of energy from the sun, wind and water; carbon sequestration; and government regulations or tax breaks to require or encourage improvements in the energy efficiency of automobiles, appliances and buildings. No state had a majority of residents opposed to any of those policies.”

[UpdatePresident Obama tweets about Stanford Prof. Jon Krosnick’s bogus poll on climate change]

Could Krosnick be right? Is his poll a true shocker that shows the American public is now in lock step with Al Gore and the UN IPCC and the mainstream media?! Answer: Don’t bet on it.

Even fellow global warming activists like UN IPCC’s Princeton University Prof. Michael Oppenheimer acknowledged this week that Krosnick’s Stanford polls tend to skew to more “believers” in man-made global warming. Oppenheimer tweeted on November 12: “Interesting new poll; often more believers in Stanford polls.

Krosnick’s polling flies in the face of recent polling showing a committed lack of belief and concern about man-made global warming from large segments of the U.S. public.  See: 2013 Rasmussen Reports Poll: Most People Don’t Blame Humans for Global Warming

Pew poll: ‘Americans are relatively unconcerned about global climate change’ — ‘Americans among the least concerned about this issue of the 39 publics surveyed’

Obama: ‘Dial testing’ of his State of the Union speech showed that the favorability ratings ‘plummeted’ when he vowed to act on climate change if Congress refused to do so — Wash Post excerpt: ‘Obama expressed concerns about the political pain involved, saying that ‘dial testing’ of his State of the Union speech showed that the favorability ratings ‘plummeted’ when he vowed to act on climate change if Congress refused to do so.’

2013 Pew

Climategate’s Michael Mann finally getting recognition he deserves: Fellow warmist describes Mann’s latest papers as ‘a crock of sh*t’

Mann’s latest papers … were described as “a crock of xxxx”

Key excerpt: ‘The real fireworks came when Mann’s latest papers, which hypothesise that tree ring proxies have large numbers of missing rings after major volcanic eruptions, were described as “a crock of xxxx”.

Update: Michael Mann is fuming, calls his colleague Wilson a “denier” — Mann says Wilson is a “denier” because he is “regurgitating #denialist drivel by the likes of McIntyre etc.”

Mann deletes tweet! Mann: ‘Closet #climatechange #denier Rob Wilson, comes out of the closet big time: … #BadScience #DisingenuousBehavior’

Shortly afterwards, Mann got into a long and somewhat huffy discussion with Tamsin

Tamsin Edwards responded to Mann: “You are seriously calling Rob [Wilson] a denier for criticizing your work, M? That’s pretty strong to call a prof climate colleague.’

Excerpt via Bishop Hill:

Last week I attended a lecture given by Rob Wilson at the University of St Andrews. This was a two-hour marathon, a format that is excellent if your lecturer is good enough to carry an audience, as it enables issues to be addressed in much more depth than is the norm. In the event, the time shot by, and if you read on you will see why.

Rob was doing a review of the millennial temperature reconstructions, following the story from the First Assessment Report through to AR5. As readers here know, Rob is no kind of a sceptic (a point he repeated over lunch), but on the northern hemisphere paleo studies his position is not a million miles away from mine. In places our positions are identical, as you will see.

Because of the prominence of Michael Mann’s work in the area, some of the lecture was devoted to the Hockey Stick, to the 2008 paper (the “upside down Tiljander” study to the initiated) and to Mann’s most recent area of focus, the influence of volcanoes on tree ring growth. Students learned that the Hockey Stick included a whole lot of inappropriate proxies and heard something of the issues with its verification statistics. The wallpapering of the Third Assessment with Mann’s magnum opus and John Houghton’s claims about unprecedented warmth based on this single study were described as “ridiculous”. “Ultimately a flawed study” was the conclusion, with a gory list of problems set out: inappropriate data, infilling of gaps, use of poorly replicated chronologies, flawed PC analysis, data and code …

New Study: ‘2013 ranks as one of the least extreme U.S. weather years ever’– Many bad weather events at ‘historically low levels’

[Also see: Gore still warning of ‘extreme’ weather, ‘increasing storms’ and ‘other extreme events]


Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘Interesting from @TheSIWeather 2013 ranks as one of the least extreme US weather years ever’

According to the latest analysis of data by the The SI Organization, Inc.

18 OCT/13 FRI

11:50 AM | 2013 – a year with minimal extreme weather events in the US

There have been many forecasts in the news in recent years predicting more and more extreme weather-related events in the US, but for 2013 that prediction has been way off the mark. Whether you’re talking about tornadoes, wildfires, extreme heat or hurricanes, the good news is that weather-related disasters in the US are all way down this year compared to recent years and, in some cases, down to historically low levels.

To begin with, the number of tornadoes in the US this year is on pace to be the lowest total since 2000 and it may turn out to be the lowest total in several decades. The table below lists the number of tornadoes in the US for this year (through 10/17) and also for each year going back to 2000.
(Source: NOAA,

Year         # of Tornadoes
2013                    771
2012                   1119
2011                   1894
2010                   1543
2009                   1305
2008                   1685
2007                   1102
2006                   1117
2005                   1262
2004                   1820
2003                   1374
2002                    938
2001                   1219
2000                   1072

Second, the number of wildfires across the US so far this year is on pace to be the lowest it has been in the past ten years and the acreage involved is at the second lowest level in that same time period (table below).
(Source: National Interagency Fire Center;

2013            Fires: 40,306           Acres: 4,152,390
2012            Fires: 67,774           Acres: 9,326,238
2011            Fires: 74,126           Acres: 8,711,367
2010            Fires: 62,471           Acres: 3,233,461
2009            Fires: 78,792           Acres: 5,921,786
2008            Fires: 80,094           Acres: 5,254,109
2007            Fires: 85,822           Acres: 9,321,326
2006            Fires: 96,358           Acres: 9,871,939
2005            Fires: 66,552           Acres: 8,686,753
2004            Fires: 63,608           Acres: 8,097,880
*2013 data through 10/16

In addition to wildfires, extreme heat is also way down across the US this year. In fact, the number of 100 degree days across the country during 2013 is not only down for this year, but it is perhaps going to turn out to be the lowest in about 100 years of records.

(Source: NOAA, USHCN reporting stations; through August)

The …

Oh No! ’2047 Is The New 2012!’ A new Mayan Calendar Deadline! ‘A climate plague affecting every living thing’ — AP: ‘Temps Go Off the Charts Around 2047′ – Climate Depot Round Up

[Update: Global warming activist scientists may not be the first to proclaim a doomsday year of 2047 as the end of time! — 2047 is the new 2012 — but global warming activists were beaten to Armageddon!]

Oh No! A new Mayan Calendar Deadline! ’2047 Is The New 2012!’ AP: ‘Temperatures Go Off the Charts Around 2047′ — ‘Starting in about a decade, Kingston, Jamaica, will probably be off-the-charts hot — permanently’ — ‘And eventually the whole world in 2047′ — AP’s Seth Borenstein: ‘To arrive at their projections, the researchers used weather observations, computer models and other data to calculate the point at which every year from then on will be warmer than the hottest year ever recorded over the last 150 years.’ — Doomsday dates for American cities: ‘By 2043, 147 cities — more than half of those studied — will have shifted to a hotter temperature regime that is beyond historical records…The 2047 date for the whole world is based on continually increasing emissions of greenhouse gases from the burning of coal, oil and natural gases. If the world manages to reduce its emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases, that would be pushed to as late as 2069, according to Mora.’ (So, if the world manages to reduce carbon emissions, we’d only gain 22 years before the world ends.)

World to roast by 2047, film at 11: ‘A new Vinerism has emerged: “Within my generation, whatever climate we were used to will be a thing of the past’

Real Science Quips: Borenstein : 2047 Is The New 2012

Did Bob Geldof get advance copy of 2047 end of times study!? Musician-turned-activist Bob Geldof: ‘All humans will die before 2030′ due to global warming! ‘We may not get to 2030. We need to address the problem of climate change urgently’

Meet Prof. Camilo Mora, the man who uses climate models to warn you of ‘The Coming Plague’ — ‘A climate plague affecting every living thing will likely start in 2020 in southern Indonesia, scientists warned Wednesday in the journal Nature’ — 

[email protected]

Prof. Camilo Mora: ‘Within my generation, whatever climate we were used to will be a thing of the past.’

Camilo Mora

‘We don’t know what the impacts will be. If someone is about to fall off a three-story building you can’t predict their exact injuries but you know there will be injuries,” said Camilo

UN Climate Report Goes Bust: Even Media Fails to Promote: Top Scientists (including IPCC reviewers) Condemn IPCC Report as ‘Premeditated Murder of Science’ – ‘absurd’ – ‘political’ – ‘wrong’ – ‘dogmatic’ – ‘propaganda’ – ‘grossest misrepresentation of data’

See earlier Climate Depot Round Ups of the New UN climate panel report herehere and here. 

Award-winning Israeli Astrophysicist Dr. Nir Shaviv condemns the UN climate report: Rips ‘the absurdity of the new report — ‘IPCC authors are bluntly making more ridiculous claims as they attempt to fill in the gap between their models and reality’ — Shaviv: ‘The likely range of climate sensitivity did not change since the Charney report in 1979. In other words, after perhaps billions of dollars invested in climate research over more than three decades, our ability to answer the most important question in climate has not improved a single bit!’

Award-winning Israeli Astrophysicist Dr. Nir Shaviv: ‘The IPCC and alike are captives of a wrong conception’ – ‘The IPCC is still doing its best to avoid the evidence that the sun has a large effect on climate’

Award-winning Israeli Astrophysicist Dr. Nir Shaviv: ‘After perhaps billions of dollars invested in climate research over more than three decades, our ability to answer the most important question in climate has not improved a single bit!’ — ‘One reason for the lack of improved understanding could be incompetence of the people in the field’ — Shaviv: ‘The IPCC and alike are captives of a wrong conception’ — if the basic premises of a theory are wrong, then there is no improved agreement as more data is collected. In fact, it is usually the opposite that takes place, the disagreement increases. In other words, the above behavior reflects the fact that the IPCC and alike are captives of a wrong conception. This divergence between theory and data exactly describes the the situation over the past several years with the lack of temperature increase…under legitimate scientific behavior, the upper bound would have been decreased in parallel, but not in this case. This is because it would require abandoning the basic premise of a large sensitivity. Since the data requires a low climate sensitivity and since alarmism requires a large climate sensitivity, the “likely range” of climate sensitivity will remain large until the global warming scare will abate.’ — ‘A second important aspect of the present report is that the IPCC is still doing its best to avoid the evidence that the sun has a large effect on climate. They of course will never admit this quantifiable effect because it would completely tear down the line of

Climate Depot Round Up: A New Climategate?! ‘UN IPCC Stands Accused Of Misleading World Leaders & The Public’

See earlier Climate Depot Round Ups of the New UN climate panel report here and here

A New Climategate?! ‘UN IPCC Stands Accused Of Misleading World Leaders & The Public’ — ‘Did The IPCC ‘Fix The Facts’? ‘Discrepancy between climate models & observations was systematically hidden’ — ‘The full text of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report has been out for less than 24 hours and the tales of malfeasance are flowing already. Steve McIntyre has already blogged about some misleading behaviour by senior scientists involved in the review, but his post this morning is amazing, revealing how the discrepancy between climate models and observations was systematically hidden between the final review of the draft and the report issued to the public.’

Global Temperature Standstill May Last 30 Years, Climate Scientist Predicts: Prof. Anastasios Tsonis at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee,: ‘I would assume something like another 15 years of leveling off or cooling’

Oh No! UN IPCC Co-chair Stocker warns about AGW: “In short, it threatens our planet, our only home’ — Change: How Long Will Earth Remain?

Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry calls for abolishing UN climate panel: ‘We need to put down the UN IPCC as soon as possible’ — ‘As temperatures have declined and climate models have failed to predict this decline, the IPCC has gained confidence in catastrophic warming’ — Judith Curry, Professor and chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology: ‘Given the widespread nature of the infection and intrinsic motivated reasoning.  We need to put down the IPCC as soon as possible’ — Key Points: There is a ‘growing realization that you can’t control climate by emissions reductions’As Temperatures Have Declined, The IPCC Has Gained Confidence In Catastrophic Warming — ‘With each successive decline in temperature, the IPCC has gained confidence that their exponentially increasing warming models are correct.’MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen Rips UN IPCC Report: ‘The latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence’ — ‘It is quite amazing to see the contortions the IPCC has to go through in order to keep the international climate agenda going’ — Former UN IPCC Lead Author Richard Lindzen: ‘In attributing warming to man, they fail to point out that the warming has been small, and totally consistent with there being nothing to be alarmed about’UN IPCC claim: ‘Since the 1950s, many

Climate Depot Round Up: UN IPCC Exhumes, Brings Climate Catastrophe Back From The Grave…Politicians, Activists Dancing Like It’s 2007!

(Also see: UN IPCC Report Exposed By Its Own Members as ‘a pure political process’ — ‘Scientific truth isn’t negotiated in the dead of night behind closed doors’ — Climate Depot Round Up )

Climate Depot Report on reaction to New UN IPCC Report

For continuous updates to UN IPCC report click here.

Update: Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry calls for abolishing UN climate panel: ‘We need to put down the UN IPCC as soon as possible’ — ‘As temperatures have declined and climate models have failed to predict this decline, the IPCC has gained confidence in catastrophic warming’

Update: MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen Rips UN IPCC Report: ‘The latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence’ — ‘It is quite amazing to see the contortions the IPCC has to go through in order to keep the international climate agenda going’

UN IPCC Exhumes, Brings Climate Catastrophe Back From The Grave…Politicians, Activists Dancing Like It’s 2007! — ‘The media, politicians and activists are all in a celebratory mood – the climate catastrophe is back, real and approaching faster than ever after all. The UN just certified it! Climate activists are in a state of euphoria again – They’re out dancing in the streets – there hasn’t been such a feeling since 2007.’ ‘Happy days are back again – the catastrophe is coming, the UN reassures the world. The 15 years of model failure are not significant after all. In fact the UN now says the models are better than ever and the climate scientists are now 95% confident that the climate catastrophe is coming and that our living standards are responsible for it. Never before have scientists been more confident.’

‘Gambling’ Climate Scientists Could Be Left Red-Faced As They Bet On Warming Soon

Judith Curry: IPCC Will Be ‘Toast’ If It Doesn’t Warm Soon

TheGWPF: David Whitehouse: ‘IPCC talking like bankers, or like bankers did pre 2008.’

UN climate report glosses over 15 years without global warming — Daily Caller Features Climate Depot: ‘You have to pity the UN. The climate events of 2013 has been one of the most devastating to the UN’s political narrative on global warming,” said Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot, a climate skeptic website. Morano added that ‘both poles have expanding ice, with the Antarctic breaking all time records, global temperatures have failed to rise for 15