Climate Poll Con Job: ‘When you don’t like the poll numbers, make up your own poll’ – Media Duped Again By Stanford U. Pollster Jon Krosnick’s Shoddy Agenda Driven Climate Polling

Climate Depot Special Report

Stanford University’s Jon Krosnick ([email protected]) has been receiving a huge splash of publicity with his allegedly surprising state-by-state poling showing ‘the vast majority of Americans in each of 40-plus states surveyed say global warming is real, serious and man-made’ (USA Today) Jon Krosnick is the director of Stanford’s Political Psychology Research Group.

Krosnick’s polling results, complete with handy maps showing rising “belief” in man-made global warming, are a climate activists dream. According to Krosnick’s new poll: “Majorities of residents in every state surveyed said the government should limit greenhouse gas emissions by businesses and, in particular, by power plants. Majorities also favored a cap-and-trade system to limit emissions; tax breaks to encourage the production of energy from the sun, wind and water; carbon sequestration; and government regulations or tax breaks to require or encourage improvements in the energy efficiency of automobiles, appliances and buildings. No state had a majority of residents opposed to any of those policies.”

[UpdatePresident Obama tweets about Stanford Prof. Jon Krosnick’s bogus poll on climate change]

Could Krosnick be right? Is his poll a true shocker that shows the American public is now in lock step with Al Gore and the UN IPCC and the mainstream media?! Answer: Don’t bet on it.

Even fellow global warming activists like UN IPCC’s Princeton University Prof. Michael Oppenheimer acknowledged this week that Krosnick’s Stanford polls tend to skew to more “believers” in man-made global warming. Oppenheimer tweeted on November 12: “Interesting new poll; often more believers in Stanford polls.

Krosnick’s polling flies in the face of recent polling showing a committed lack of belief and concern about man-made global warming from large segments of the U.S. public.  See: 2013 Rasmussen Reports Poll: Most People Don’t Blame Humans for Global Warming

Pew poll: ‘Americans are relatively unconcerned about global climate change’ — ‘Americans among the least concerned about this issue of the 39 publics surveyed’

Obama: ‘Dial testing’ of his State of the Union speech showed that the favorability ratings ‘plummeted’ when he vowed to act on climate change if Congress refused to do so — Wash Post excerpt: ‘Obama expressed concerns about the political pain involved, saying that ‘dial testing’ of his State of the Union speech showed that the favorability ratings ‘plummeted’ when he vowed to act on climate change if Congress refused to do so.’

2013 Pew Survey says only 42% say both that climate change is happening AND that it is mostly caused by human activity — ‘Not even Hurricane Sandy led to a lasting change in attitudes’

Washington Post Insiders: ‘Democrats’ lost momentum on climate change’ — ‘Climate change is probably leaving the stage as a political issue — just as Pres. Obama is trying to gather momentum for a major push’

Washington Post: ‘The public’s interest in climate change is waning’ — ‘A new Pew poll shows the percentage who say that global warming is a ‘very serious’ problem has slipped six points since October’

Cheers! Global Poll: ‘The perceived seriousness of climate change has fallen particularly sharply since unsuccessful UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen in Dec. 2009′

Krosnick Publicly Reprimanded for poor results and methods by both Gallup & Pew

Krosnick’s polling methods have been publicly reprimanded by both Gallup and Pew Center Survey for his faulty results and analyses.

See: Warming propagandist Prof. Krosnick exposed: Pew research ‘says that Krosnick’s survey is marred by faulty methodology. …used words that encouraged a positive response’ – Pew: ‘This is known in the polling world as acquiescence bias…almost all (surveys), except Mr. Krosnick’s, show a significant decline in belief in climate change’


Polling propaganda Prof. Krosnick slapped down by Gallup Polling! Recent polling ‘shows demonstrable drops in Americans’ acknowledgment of and concern about global warming’ – Krosnick’s Op-Ed ‘could leave the impression that polls showing a decline in American concern about climate change should be ignored or are incorrect. This would be a mistake. A number of survey questions, conducted by several polling organizations — including Mr. Krosnick’s own recent survey — show demonstrable drops in Americans’ acknowledgment of and concern about global warming.”

Krosnick’s polling results on global warming have been challenged for years.

See: Flashback 2008: Krosnick’s long history of climate propaganda: ‘Krosnick invents a consensus position: climate change is occurring. But this is a meaningless assertion, devoid of any scientific value the public can expect psychologists to be engaged in brainwashing them into accepting political propaganda’ — ‘Krosnick conducted a poll amongst the public, to see if their beliefs match those of the scientists, but neglected to poll scientists to establish their views’

Professor Krosnick’s polling has been seen as propaganda for  years. One 2010 headline said it all: Krosnick’s Polling Con Job: ‘When you don’t like the poll numbers, make up your own poll’

Now, in November 2013, Krosnick is at it again. He claims his latest survey purportedly reveals “Majorities consistently said that the U.S. should take action regardless of what other countries do.” Krosnick also conveniently claimed his research “suggested members of Congress who question global warming or oppose EPA power plant rules may not have an accurate view of what their constituents want.”

In short, Krosnick’s own personal views of on climate change and what he would like to see happen with regard to energy policy are now projected onto the American public.

Krosnick Using 2006 Polling Public Opinion Data to Draw Conclusions in 2013

Krosnick’s media hyped state-by-state climate survey, relies on a mix of 21 existing surveys (mostly by Stanford) of recent polling data and some very old polling data going back to 2006! According to Stanford’s website, Krosnick relied on 21 surveys “primarily conducted between 2006 and 2013. Data from 19,751 respondents were analyzed.:

Krosnick would have us believe that 2006 polling data is somehow relevant to today’s global warming debate. Is 2006 data relevant to the UN climate summit or EPA regulations in 2013? But don’t worry, we are assured by Stanford University that Krosnick applied his special techniques to massage er — conduct a “secondary analysis” of the data to reach his obviously predetermined results.

Krosnick relied in part ‘on self-completion of Internet questionnaires’

Stanford University explains: “Krosnick reached these [2013] conclusions by conducting what social scientists call a ‘secondary analysis’ of existing data from national surveys that measured public opinion in nearly every state on various issues related to global warming. He added data collected in surveys of representative samples of residents in a collection of states.”

The University continues: ‘The statistical modeling procedure estimated differences in opinions between states while taking into account the effects of each survey mode (e.g., telephone interviewing vs. self-completion of Internet questionnaires) on expressed opinions, differences between results obtained by different data collection firms and sponsored by different organizations, the effects of the season when the survey took place, and other factors. The result of the statistical modeling were measurements of opinions in each state in 2012-13 gauged via random-digit-dialed telephone surveys sponsored by Stanford.”

But as of November 14, 2013, the actual survey with a breakdown of the full questions does not appear to be available for public inspection. This would not be the first time that Krosnick used the media to hype his results and conclusions without providing the full survey for inspection. See: The Financial Post’s Lawrence Solomon revealed the same Krosnick’s tactics in a June 21, 2010 article. According to the Financial Post, Krosnick did not release his full report for public scrutiny nor did he show the public the context for his questions.

Krosnick uncovers results ‘no other pollster can find’

In a  June 8, 2010 oped in the New York Times, Krosnick was still up to his old tricks, trying to convince people that he was a competent pollster who can find what no other pollster can find. (See: 2008: Stanford U. Prof. Krosnick: ‘Huge majorities of Americans still believe earth has been gradually warming as result of humans & want gov’t regs to stop it’)

The Financial Post reported that Krosnick lumped the phrase “global warming” in with “the environment.” Here is the question Krosnick asked: “What do you think will be the most serious problem facing the world in the future if nothing is done to stop it?” According to the paper, when put this way, 25% of the public responded with “Global warming/the environment.” But Krosnick doesn’t tell us how many of that 25% choose global warming versus the myriad of other environmental issues.

What is most shocking about this point is that in 2010, all major polling has consistently revealed that not only was global warming/climate change the issue of least concern, but it was the lowest concern among all ENVIRONMENTAL issues!

See: 1) March 2010: How could Americans show less concern?! Gallup Poll: Americans rank global warming DEAD LAST (8 out of 8) among ENVIRONMENTAL issues — Not all issues! — Only 28% of Americans worry ‘a great deal’ about global warming — Water and air pollution, extinctions, deforestation, toxic waste, all rank among higher concerns;

2) March 2009: Gallup survey found global warming ranked dead last in the U.S. among ENVIRONMENTAL issues – 8th out of 8 Env. Issues; —

3) Climate Fears Fading: International Survey: ‘People around the world view fresh water crisis as planet’s top environmental problem’ – August 18, 2009

4) March 2010: Rasmussen: 72% of American voters don’t believe global warming is a ‘very serious problem’

5) Gallup: Environmental concerns hit 20-year low in U.S – March 2010

6) Gallup Polling: ‘It may be that the continuing doubts about global warming put forth by conservatives and others are having an effect’

7) Gallup Poll: ‘48% of Americans believe ‘global warming is generally exaggerated’ — ‘Americans now less convinced than at any time since 1997!’ – March 2010 — Gallup: Concern is ‘reverting to levels recorded when Gallup began tracking global warming measures more than a decade ago’ — ‘In 1997, 31% said global warming’s effects had been exaggerated; last year, 41% said the same, and this year the number is 48%’

8) I’m a free fallin, I’m a free fallin: Rasmussen Poll: ‘Only the Democrat base (35%) now thinks climate change is man-made’ – Feb. 2010 — ‘47% now think global warming is naturally-occurring, cyclical phenomenon’ — ‘Belief that human activity is the primary cause of global warming has declined significantly’

9) Zogby Poll: More Americans Have Little or No Concern About Climate Change

10) Climate Depot’s (Pre-Climategate) Polling Fact Sheet: ‘More Americans believe in haunted houses than man-made global warming’ – 37% vs. 36%

(Note: The above are a very, very small sample of polling from 2010. For a more complete list see below)

For Krosnick to try to pull this tactic of combining climate and environment as though the public treats them identical, reveals that he was either ignorant of the wealth of polls at that time or he was deliberately trying to con the public.

The Financial Post further explains some of the polling tactics Krosnick regularly employs:

Krosnick gets different results than other pollsters do by asking questions that some might consider bizarre. For example, when people told him that they didn’t believe global warming was happening, he asked them to pretend they did by asking them, “Assuming that global warming is happening, do you think a rise in the world’s temperature would be caused mostly by things people do, mostly by natural causes, or about equally by things people do and by natural causes? He then lumped the pretend response from people who don’t believe in global warming with a similar question asked of people who weren’t pretending about their belief in global warming. The result of the merger of these two groups was: 30% blame global warming on humans, 25% blame global warming on natural causes, and 45% believe humans and natural causes are about equally to blame. In the New York Times oped, Krosnick summarized this finding by pretenders and believers as “75% of respondents said that human behavior was substantially responsible for any warming that has occurred,” even though many of those 75% didn’t believe that global warming was happening at all. [End excerpt]

The professor’s methods were exposed for the entire world to see.

Shame on you, Mr. Krosnick.

Krosnick has to be given credit for one thing — the man was ambitious to even think he could hoodwink his colleagues, Stanford University, other polling organizations, the blogosphere, and the public.

The Financial Post also revealed: “[Krosnick] also chastises the press for interviewing global warming skeptics along with global warming advocates, saying this creates in the public mind the impression that the science is not settled on global warming. 6% of articles on global warming last year included the views of skeptics, a percentage Krosnick evidently views as too high.”

Related Links: 

2013 Rasmussen Reports Poll: Most People Don’t Blame Humans for Global Warming — ‘According to an August Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 likely voters, 43 percent say global warming is caused by humans, 41 percent say global warming is caused by planetary trends, and 6 percent say global warming is caused by other reasons. The percentage of people blaming humans for global warming is down from 48 percent a year ago.’

Pew poll: ‘Americans are relatively unconcerned about global climate change’ — ‘Americans among the least concerned about this issue of the 39 publics surveyed’ – Pew Global Attitudes Project: ‘In contrast, Americans are relatively unconcerned about global climate change. Four-in-ten say this poses a major threat to their nation, making Americans among the least concerned about this issue of the 39 publics surveyed, along with people in China, Czech Republic, Jordan, Israel, Egypt and Pakistan.’

Obama: ‘Dial testing’ of his State of the Union speech showed that the favorability ratings ‘plummeted’ when he vowed to act on climate change if Congress refused to do so — Wash Post excerpt: ‘Obama expressed concerns about the political pain involved, saying that ‘dial testing’ of his State of the Union speech showed that the favorability ratings ‘plummeted’ when he vowed to act on climate change if Congress refused to do so.’

2013 Pew Survey says only 42% say both that climate change is happening AND that it is mostly caused by human activity — ‘Not even Hurricane Sandy led to a lasting change in attitudes’

Washington Post Insiders: ‘Democrats’ lost momentum on climate change’ — ‘Climate change is probably leaving the stage as a political issue — just as Pres. Obama is trying to gather momentum for a major push’

Washington Post: ‘The public’s interest in climate change is waning’ — ‘A new Pew poll shows the percentage who say that global warming is a ‘very serious’ problem has slipped six points since October’

Cheers! Global Poll: ‘The perceived seriousness of climate change has fallen particularly sharply since unsuccessful UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen in Dec. 2009′

Climate Depot’s Exclusive 2010 Polling Archive: (for the full 21 pages go here)

March 2010: Rasmussen: 72% of American voters don’t believe global warming is a ‘very serious problem’

Gallup: Environmental concerns hit 20-year low in U.S – March 2010

Cheers! Gallup Polling: ‘It may be that the continuing doubts about global warming put forth by conservatives and others are having an effect’

A Victory for Science! Gallup Poll: ‘48% of Americans believe ‘global warming is generally exaggerated’ — ‘Americans now less convinced than at any time since 1997!’ – March 2010 — Gallup: Concern is ‘reverting to levels recorded when Gallup began tracking global warming measures more than a decade ago’ — ‘In 1997, 31% said global warming’s effects had been exaggerated; last year, 41% said the same, and this year the number is 48%’

I’m a free fallin, I’m a free fallin: Rasmussen Poll: ‘Only the Democrat base (35%) now thinks climate change is man-made’ – Feb. 2010 — ‘47% now think global warming is naturally-occurring, cyclical phenomenon’ — ‘Belief that human activity is the primary cause of global warming has declined significantly’

Zogby Poll: More Americans Have Little or No Concern About Climate Change

Fox News Poll: Majority of Americans Don’t See Warming As Crisis — issue of at ‘bottom of the national to-do list’

Cheers! Rasmussen Poll: 50% Now Say Global Warming Caused by Long-Term Planetary — ‘all-time high among Americans’ — ‘34% say climate change is due primarily to human activity — down from 47% in 2008’

Gallup survey found global warming ranked dead last in the U.S. among ENVIRONMENTAL issues – 8th out of 8 Env. Issues – March 2009 – Excerpt: (Air and water pollution, toxic waste, animal and plant extinction and loss of tropical rainforests, all ranked as greater concerns than global warming.) “Since more Americans express little to no worry about global warming than say this about extinction, global warming is clearly the environmental issue of least concern to them. In fact, global warming is the only issue for which more Americans say they have little to no concern than say they have a great deal of concern.”

Yet Another Poll: Politico Voters Poll: Global Warming ranked dead last again! ‘Just 4% ranked climate change as the top issue’ – Oct. 20, 2009

Yet Another New Poll: FT/Harris Poll: Nearly 3 of 4 US adults not buying man-made climate fears – Oct. 22, 2009

Rasmussen Poll: ‘Belief in ghosts’ and ‘Belief in global warming consensus’ now in statistical tie? — 59% Say Scientists Disagree ‘Significantly’ Over Global Warming – April 2010

Gallup Poll Editor: Gore has ‘Failed’ — ‘The public is just not that concerned’ about global warming – May 5, 2009 – Excerpt: Gallup Poll Editor Frank Newport says he sees no evidence that Al Gore’s campaign against global warming is winning. “It’s just not caught on,” says Newport. “They have failed.” Or, more bluntly: “Any measure that we look at shows Al Gore’s losing at the moment. The public is just not that concerned.” […] Ask people to name their biggest concerns, and just 1 percent to 2 percent cite the environment. “The environment doesn’t show up at all,” says Newport. “It’s Al Gore’s greatest frustration,” says Newport. “We seem less concerned than more about global warming over the years.”

Gallup Poll: ‘Record-High 41% of Americans Now Say Global Warming is Exaggerated’ – March 11, 2009

Pew survey: Global warming ranks dead last as priority for Americans – Ranked 20th out of 20 issues – January 2009

NPR survey: ‘Climate Change’ finishes dead last in yet another voter poll – 12th out of 12 issues! – July 29, 2009

Bloomberg News Poll: 58% of Americans view global warming as ‘minor threat’ or ‘no real threat at all’ – September 15, 2009 – Excerpt: 31 percent [of Americans] say climate change is a minor threat and just 27 percent saying it’s no real threat at all.

‘Climate Change’ ranks dead last [again] in nationwide Bloomberg poll — Only 2% of Americans call it ‘most important issue’ – September 22, 2009

Polling: ‘More Americans believe in haunted houses than man-made global warming’ – 37% vs. 36% – October 2009

Gallup: ‘Number of Americans who say media exaggerated global warming jumped to record 41% in 2009’

Pew Poll Eye Opener: ‘The small minority that has heard a lot about cap-and-trade opposes carbon emissions limits by two-to-one (64% to 32%).’ (Oct. 2009)

Pew Poll: Decline in belief in global warming ‘has been particularly pronounced among independents’; 22% drop in 1 year!

Pew Poll: Even Democrats growing more skeptical; 8% drop in Dems who are convinced of global warming since 2008

MIT Climate Scientist: ‘Ordinary people see through man-made climate fears — but educated people are very vulnerable’ – July 2009

Global Warming beaten out by ‘humane treatment of farm animals’ and ‘obesity in America’ — global warming finishes last in yet another poll

Fading Fast: ‘Climate Change’ ranks dead last in nationwide Bloomberg poll — Only 2% of Americans call it ‘most important issue’ – Sept. 2009

Na na na hey hey hey goodbye! Pew Survey: Global warming ranks dead last as concern for Americans — 21 out of 21 – Jan. 2010 — ‘Global warming ranks at the bottom of the public’s list of priorities; just 28% consider this a top priority, the lowest measure for any issue tested in the survey’

Poll: 70% of Americans Don’t Blame Global Warming for Extreme Weather

Survey: Concern in Europe about global warming plunges from 30% to 18% in less than a year

Pew Survey: Only 6% of Scientists Self-Identify as Republicans

Poll: Just 37% Call Global Warming High Priority — ‘Significant drop from 2007’ (CBS/NYT Poll Dec. 2009)

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans (53%) now skeptical of man-made global warming – Dec. 2009 — 22% ‘believe global warming is caused natural changes unrelated to man’ — 31% say man-made global warming is still an ‘unproven theory’ — ‘Only 45% believed global warming is a proven fact…down from 56% in 2007’

Pre-ClimateGate Poll: Harris Poll: ‘Big Drop in Those Who Believe That Global Warming Is Coming – ‘lowest number recorded’ — Only 41% think it is ‘a very serious problem’ — ‘Only 17% of GOP and 38% of Independents believe global warming should be treated as a very serious problem’

March 2010: How could Americans show less concern?! Gallup Poll: Americans rank global warming DEAD LAST (8 out of 8) among ENVIRONMENTAL issues — Not all issues! — Only 28% of Americans worry ‘a great deal’ about global warming — Water and air pollution, extinctions, deforestation, toxic waste, all rank among higher concerns

Et Tu? California Poll: ‘Fewer people think global warming is a serious threat to economy and quality of life’

Florida Poll: ‘Entire premise of [cap-and-trade] legislation might be misguided in the public mind’ — ‘Only 35% believe global warming is proved, while 57 percent say it isn’t an established fact. By a 34-50 percent spread, voters oppose the cap-and-trade legislation’

Climate Fears Fading: International Survey: ‘People around the world view fresh water crisis as planet’s top environmental problem’ – August 18, 2009

‘73% of Canadians want climate policy delay for economic reasons or doubts over scientific certainty’

Germans lose fear of global warming after long, hard winter: Worry over warming drops 20% to 42%

Uk Poll: Sharp decline in public’s belief in global warming — Only 1 in 5 believe it is man-made

BBC: ‘Dramatic shift’ — Climate skepticism ‘on the rise’ — 73% say man-made warming is ‘not yet proven’ or ‘propaganda’ or ‘not happening’ – Feb. 2010′

Et Tu? Most French — 74% — oppose idea of carbon tax

Science is prevailing: ‘Less than half of UK population believes human activity to blame for global warming’ — ‘Ministers have failed in their campaign to persuade the public that the greenhouse effect is a serious threat requiring urgent action’

Poll: Half of UK public believes there is no proof global warming caused by humans – Dec. 2009

UK Greenie George Monbiot: ‘We’re losing. Climate change denial is spreading like a contagious disease’

Canadian concern over climate change plummeting

UK ‘is less concerned about climate change than any other country in the world’ — ‘Just 15% worry about climate change…lowest figure for any of the 12 countries surveyed…down from 26% last year’

Moment of Clarity down under: ‘Australians care less about climate change — concern dropped 14% — ‘The largest drop among the developed nations surveyed’

Dem Sen. Nelson ‘My mail is running about 99-to-1 against’ climate bill

‘Phones are quiet’: Congresswoman admits she’s ‘so disappointed’ at lack of phone calls in support of climate bill

Liberal Senators Dodge Tough Climate Votes…’signaling that global warming is quickly becoming a political third rail’

Flashback 2008: Krosnick’s long history of climate propaganda: ‘Krosnick invents a consensus position: climate change is occurring. But this is a meaningless assertion, devoid of any scientific value the public can expect psychologists to be engaged in brainwashing them into accepting political propaganda’ — ‘Krosnick conducted a poll amongst the public, to see if their beliefs match those of the scientists, but neglected to poll scientists to establish their views’
Warming propagandist Prof. Krosnick exposed: Pew research ‘says that Krosnick’s survey is marred by faulty methodology. …used words that encourged a positive response’ ([email protected]) — Pew: ‘This is known in the polling world as acquiescence bias…almost all (surveys), except Mr. Krosnick’s, show a significant decline in belief in climate change’Reality Check: Climate Depot’s (Pre-Climategate) Polling Fact Sheet: ‘More Americans believe in haunted houses than man-made global warming’ – 37% vs. 36%

Polling propaganda Prof. Krosnick slapped down by Gallup Polling! Recent polling ‘shows demonstrable drops in Americans’ acknowledgment of and concern about global warming’ — Frank Newport, Editor in Chief, of The Gallup Polling: ‘At a time of concerted effort by those concerned about climate change to raise Americans’ consciousness about its existence and dire potential consequences, American public opinion on the issue has moved in the exact opposite direction’

Huh? Stanford U. Prof. Krosnick: ‘Huge majorities of Americans still believe earth has been gradually warming as result of humans & want gov’t regs to stop it’

Krosnick’s Polling Con Job: ‘When you don’t like the poll numbers, make up your own poll’


7 Responses

  1. I am REALLY tired of governmental imbeciles using phoney polls to support their nefarious activities. BO supports gay marriage, because “a majority of Americans support gay marriage.” I say bull! Just like global warming temperature tables, the unemployment rate, and election day exit polls, any statistics can be massaged, interpreted, and reported to show any desired conclusions. Those of us with a glimmer of critical thinking skill can see this. Unfortunately, a vast majority of Americans are either too lazy or stupid to learn to doubt.

  2. Krosnick is merely following the method(s) and subsequent unaccountability of chief climate ethicist Peter Gleick.

    To quote an expert on poor results and methods; “What difference [to the invested media lapdogs and public], at this point, does it make?”

  3. When I first read the introduction about the survey done by
    the American Meteorology Society (see a different posting on Climate ,etc.) I
    thought it had been prepared by a bunch of 9th graders . It is nonsense.

    As I read through the comment by the chemists we find some
    real thought and knowledge of the physical world. The problem is that everyone
    wants to concentrate on just the tiniest portion of what does not really
    controls temperatures on this planet-
    CO2. There is not credible test that proves that the greenhouse gas
    effect exists. .

    Now we all know that the primary heat on earth is solar
    radiation which covers EMR from gamma to microwaves, to radio waves and everything in between. In
    reality IR is a very small portion of the total energy. To this we should add a
    portion for volcanic heating from the core of the planet and oxidation of
    gasses in the atmosphere like methane and exothermic conversion of O2 to O3
    caused by UV.

    The thing that shows that the Meteorology Society is totally
    brainwashed by the AGW environmentalist is that
    they seem to totally forget what their primary job is “studying the
    weather-snow , rain and water evaporation”.

    When in college studying hydrology we did evaporation
    studies, wet and dry bulb tests, wind chill factors etc. It is absolutely a
    proven fact that when water evaporates it cools the source. Thus the fact that
    the earth is covered with 80% liquid water , a large portion of
    ice(sublimation) , the remainder of land gets rain on, and the only part that
    does not have significant amounts of evaporative cooling is the deserts ( very
    little water to evaporate).

    Without looking up the real numbers I’d estimate that 99.5%
    of the earth’s surface is being cooled by evaporative cooling. To the heat lost by evaporation, there is
    cooling by IR radiation and other forms of radiation.

    Obviously conduction and convection are the mechanisms that carry heat energy to higher elevations
    where there are all kinds of things happening. Condensation of water vapor to
    form clouds (liquid and solid). The clouds absorb light energy reducing the
    amount of light energy reaching the earth, thus the earth under the clouds are
    cooler, thus less IR radiation and less evaporation. As part of the condensation
    process there is a significant reduction of volume of the vapors, this can
    cause wind velocity, this combines wind the natural atmospheric drag from the
    earth’s rotation. This brings us back to a factor that effects evaporation-
    wind. Every weather report especially in winter includes the “wind chill
    factor”. Evaporative cooling again. This also relates to wave action on
    bodies of water, the more surface of water exposed to the atmosphere the higher
    the rate of evaporation. What nitwit could believe that 400ppm of CO2 can cause
    temperature changes that could cause climate changes? Climate is the average
    pattern of thousands of weather days in one location.

    Now I know I’ve missed some important factor because we know
    very little about them=the effect of solar particles that effect cloud
    formation. Other aerosols from all sources that have effects on cloud formation
    and rainfall.

    But man-kind is
    absolutely guilty of causing climate change by burning fossil fuels. This is

    Not one of the IPCC climate models work! What would you
    expect when they are based on the Hypotheses of the greenhouse gas effect which
    can not be proven by credible testing. Garbage in is garbage out.

    Here is part of my
    post from another web-site. It contains some of the same material, so I
    apologize for the repetition.

    There is something that every climate scientist has
    forgotten: evaporation cools the surface , this is effected by wind , clouds,
    UV, IR, visible light, and microwave radiation. Evaporation of water from 99,9%
    of the earths surface is what controls atmospheric temperatures. The only place
    on earth that gets extremely high temperature are the deserts because there is
    very little water to evaporate to cool them . The system is self regulating and
    the horror stories projected by the environmental vampires will never happen as
    long as we have oceans and water that cover more than 80 % of the surface and
    there is rainfall over all the rest except the land that is deserts (now).
    There is no test that shows that the greenhouse gas effect exists. Even John
    Tyndall realized in 1850-60 that water/liquid/solid/ vapor controls weather and
    that it was stupid to think that a trace gas that was about 0.03 % of the
    atmosphere (then) could control temperature.

    Here is a reference that proves the above by testing.

    The Greenhouse Effect Explored

    Written by Carl Brehmer | 26 May 2012

    Is “Water Vapor Feedback” Positive or Negative?

    Exploiting the medium of Youtube Carl Brehmer is drawing
    wider attention to a fascinating experiment he performed to test the climatic
    impacts of water in our atmosphere.

    Carl explains, “An essential element of the “greenhouse
    effect” hypothesis is the positive “water vapor feedback” hypothesis. That is,
    if something causes an increase in the temperature this will cause an increase
    in the evaporation of water into water vapor.” ( This experiment proves that
    GHGE by the AGW is wrong)

    List of references:

    The paper “Falsification of the Atmospheric CO2
    greenhouse effect within the frame of physics” by Gerhard Gerlich and Ralf
    D. Tscheuschner is an in-depth examination of the subject. Version 4 2009

    Electronic version of an article published as International
    Journal of Modern Physics

    B, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2009) 275{364 , DOI No:
    10.1142/S021797920904984X, c World

    Scientific Publishing Company,

    Report of Alan Carlin of US-EPA March, 2009 that shows that
    CO2 does not cause global warming.

    Greenhouse Gas Hypothesis Violates Fundamentals of Physics”
    by Dipl-Ing Heinz Thieme This work has about 10 or 12 link

    that support the truth that the greenhouse gas effect is a

    R.W. Wood from the London, Edinborough and Dublin
    Philosophical Magazine , 1909, vol 17, p319-320. Cambridge UL shelf mark
    p340.1.c.95, i

    The Hidden Flaw in Greenhouse Theory By Alan Siddons

    at March 01, 2010 – 09:10:34 AM CST

    The below information was a foot note in the IPCC 4 edition.
    It is obvious that there was no evidence to prove that the ghg effect exists.

    “In the 1860s, physicist John Tyndall recognized the Earth’s
    natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the atmospheric
    composition could bring about climatic variations. In 1896, a seminal paper by
    Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first speculated that changes in the levels
    of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could substantially alter the surface
    temperature through the greenhouse effect.”

    After 1909 when R.W. Wood proved that the understanding of
    the greenhouse effect was in error and the ghg effect does not exist. After
    Niels Bohr published his work and receive a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. The
    fantasy of the greenhouse gas effect should have died in 1909 and 1922. Since
    then it has been shown by several physicists that the concept is a Violation of
    the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

    Obviously the politicians don’t give a dam that they are
    lying. It fits in with what they do every hour of every day .Especially the
    current pretend president.

    Paraphrasing Albert Einstein after the Publishing of “The
    Theory of Relativity” –one fact out does 1 million “scientist, 10 billion
    politicians and 20 billion environmental whachos-that don’t know what” The
    Second Law of thermodynamics” is.

    ILEUniversity of Pennsylvania Law School


    A Joint Research Center of the Law School, the Wharton

    and the Department of Economics in the School of Arts and

    at the University of Pennsylvania


    Global Warming Advocacy Science: a Cross Examination

    Jason Scott Johnston


    May 2010

    This paper can be downloaded without charge from the

    Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper

    Israeli Astrophysicist Nir Shaviv: ‘There is no direct
    evidence showing that CO2 caused 20th century warming, or as a matter of fact,
    any warming’ link to this paper on climate depot.

    Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory
    [Kindle Edition]

    Tim Ball (Author), Claes Johnson (Author), Martin Hertzberg
    (Author), Joseph A. Olson (Author), Alan Siddons (Author), Charles Anderson
    (Author), Hans Schreuder (Author), John O’Sullivan (Author)

    Israeli Astrophysicist Nir Shaviv: ‘There is no direct
    evidence showing that CO2 caused 20th century warming, or as a matter of fact,
    any warming’ link to this paper on climate depot

    Web- site references: Ponder the Maunder


    The Great Climate Clash -archives December, 2010 , G3 The
    greenhouse gas effect does not exist.( peer reviewed and revised but not yet

    Wood is correct: There is no Greenhouse Effect

    Posted on July 19, 2011 by Dr. Ed

    Repeatability of Professor Robert W. Wood’s 1909 experiment
    on the Theory of the Greenhouse (Summary by Ed Berry. Full report here or here.
    & PolyMontana.)

    by Nasif S. Nahle, June 12, 2011

    University Professor, Scientific Research Director at
    Biology Cabinet® San Nicolas de los Garza, N. L., Mexico.

    many others are available.

    The bottom line is that the facts show that the greenhouse
    gas effect is a fairy-tale and that Man-made global warming is the World larges
    Scam!!!The IPCC and Al Gore should be charged under the US Anti-racketeering
    act and when convicted – they should spend the rest of their lives in jail for
    the Crimes they have committed against Humanity.

    The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is

    —Albert Einstein

    “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to
    have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb.” Benjamin Franklin

  4. Look, you’re wrong about Krosnick. He gets survey results nobody else does because he’s smarter and more resourceful than they are. Gallup and Pew are just jealous.

    They say he’s a “gifted masseur” with data –what’s wrong with that? I hurt my back recently and let me tell you I don’t want an unmotivated, indifferent hack working on me. I want the “magic hands”.

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