UN IPCC Report Exposed By Its Own Members as ‘a pure political process’ — ‘Scientific truth isn’t negotiated in the dead of night behind closed doors’ — Climate Depot Round Up

Update: The UN IPCC Summary for Policymakers report is out. Follow updates here.


Climate Depot’s Special Report Revealing the IPCC as Political, Not Scientific

‘This is a pure political process’: Why the UN IPCC Meeting Isn’t Being Televised: ‘Scientific truth isn’t negotiated in the dead of night behind closed doors’ — ‘At the [UN IPCC] meeting, one sentence after another has been projected onto large screens. Diplomats, bureaucrats, and politicians from dozens of UN nations have haggled, horse traded, and negotiated. Eventually, phrasing that everyone can live with has been agreed upon. Then they’ve moved on to the next sentence. The meeting is closed to the public. It is closed to the media. No minutes are kept. But let us imagine that a television camera had been smuggled inside. What would we see?’ In 2007 we saw: ‘An agonizing, frustrating process, as every sentence had to be wordsmithed on a screen in front of representatives of more than 100 governments’ (Report from Donna Laframboise of NOconsensus.org)

UK Daily Mail reporter David Rose UN IPCC: ‘What’s happening here in Stockholm is final terminological shift. Global warming is dead. Long live climate change. New ocean acid emphasis!’‘Cunning work, IPCC. Surface temp pause is inexplicable, but it’s wrong metric, so who cares? And PS, one unknown day it will get really hot.’

New study refutes UN IPCC — finds threat of man-made global warming greatly exaggerated: Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change finds the threat of man-made global warming to be not only greatly exaggerated but so small as to be ‘embedded within the background variability of the natural climate system’ and not dangerous

UN Scientists Who Have Turned on the UN IPCC & Man-Made Climate Fears — A Climate Depot Flashback Report — Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘We are now at the point in the age of global warming hysteria where the IPCC global warming theory has crashed into the hard reality of observations’

UN IPCC Chief Pachauri says new report will ‘reassure’ ‘belief’ in AGW: ‘I don’t think there is a slowdown (in the rate of temperature increase)’ — ‘There’s definitely an increase in our belief that

‘Honey, I shrunk the consensus’ — Monckton takes action on Cooks paper

“Honey, I shrunk the consensus” — Monckton takes action on Cooks paper


If you are fed up with dismal papers passing peer review and exploiting the good name of science, join us in protest. Christopher Monckton was not content to let John Cook and others get away with a paper where 0.3% becomes 97%, so  Monckton is formally asking the journal to retract it — suggesting it would be wise to protect the journal from any allegation of scientific misrepresentation. Here is his entertaining background on events, and below that, a very serious letter 273 scientists and citizens have already signed to jointly send to the Editor Daniel Kammen. If deceptive wording and hidden data make you angry, join in by commenting below or emailing. — Jo ————————————————–  Honey, I shrunk the consensus By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Michael Crichton said: “If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus.” Thales of Miletus, Abu Ali Ibn al Haytham, Newton, Einstein, Popper and Feynman thought much the same and said so. Science by head-count is mere politics. Doran and Zimmerman (2009) and Anderegg et al. (2010) each concluded that 97% of a few dozen carefully-filtered climate scientists held Man guilty of some of the 0.7 Cº […]Rating: 10.0/10 (4 votes cast)

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CLIMATE STUDY: EVIDENCE LEANS AGAINST HUMAN-CAUSED GLOBAL WARMING — Group of 50 international scientists releases comprehensive new 1200-page report


The report dismisses these claims with peer-reviewed evidence and concludes that “neither the rate nor the magnitude of the reported late twentieth century surface warming (1979–2000) lay outside normal natural variability,” “solar forcings of temperature change are likely more important than is currently recognized, and evidence is lacking that a 2° C increase in temperature (of whatever cause) would be globally harmful.”

“We conclude no unambiguous evidence exists for adverse changes to the global environment caused by human-related CO2 emissions,” the authors write. “In particular, the cryosphere is not melting at an enhanced rate; sea-level rise is not accelerating; no systematic changes have been documented in evaporation or rainfall or in the magnitude or intensity of extreme meteorological events; and an increased release of methane into the atmosphere from permafrost or sub-seabed gas hydrates is unlikely.”

The authors also note that “forward projections of solar cyclicity imply the next few decades may be marked by global cooling rather than warming, despite continuing CO2 emissions” and warn against using imperfect deterministic climate models to advocate for a “one size fits all” climate policy.

In light of these findings, which are “stated plainly and repeated in thousands of articles in the peer-reviewed literature” that are not “fringe,” the authors emphasize that policymakers “should resist pressure from lobby groups to silence scientists who question the authority of the IPCC to claim to speak for ‘climate science.'”…

UK Daily Mail: ‘Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year with top scientists warning of global COOLING’

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online


Excerpts: A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent.

The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.

Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.

The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year. More than 20 yachts that had planned to sail it have been left ice-bound and a cruise ship attempting the route was forced to turn back.

Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century – a process that would expose computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously misleading.

The disclosure comes 11 months after The Mail on Sunday triggered intense political and scientific debate by revealing that global warming has ‘paused’ since the beginning of 1997 – an event that the computer models used by climate experts failed to predict.

In March, this newspaper further revealed that temperatures are about to drop below the level that the models forecast with ‘90 per cent certainty’.

The pause – which has now been accepted as real by every major climate research centre – is important, because the models’ predictions of ever-increasing global temperatures have made many of the world’s economies divert billions of pounds into ‘green’ measures to counter  climate change.

Those predictions now appear gravely flawed.

In its draft report, the IPCC says it is ‘95 per cent confident’ that global warming has been caused by humans – up from 90 per cent in 2007.

This claim is already hotly disputed. US climate expert Professor Judith Curry said last night: ‘In fact, the uncertainty is getting bigger. It’s now clear the models are way too sensitive to carbon dioxide. I cannot see any basis for the IPCC increasing its confidence level.’

She pointed to long-term cycles  in ocean temperature, which have a huge influence on climate and  suggest the world may be

Arnold Schwarzenegger on global warming ‘deniers’: ‘Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!’

Schwarzenegger: ‘Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s [carbon dioxide] a pollutant!’ (Via JunkScience.com)


The Huffington Post reports:

The annual National Clean Energy Summit on Tuesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, pointed up the promise and pitfalls of such events…

Schwarzenegger got off some good gibes to win the crowd over.

Speaking of greenhouse gas deniers: “Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!

More here…

Arnold Schwarzenegger on global warming deniers: ‘Strap some conservative-thinking people to a tailpipe for an hour and then they will agree it’s a pollutant!’

Update: ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger orders gas chambers for some conservatives’ – Analysis by former Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl — ‘Carbon dioxide, while a greenhouse gas, is not toxic and it is not noxious. It’s probably carbon monoxide that will be responsible for the [tailpipe] genocide’

Related Links:

Analysis of Schwarzenegger’s tailpipe comment: ‘Man With Thick German Accent Wants To Kill His Political Opponents With Poison Gas’

Flashback 2010: Climate Depot’s Presentation at Warmists’ Summit Met By Hostile Crowd; Call for Morano to Kill Himself! — ‘Morano told to drive car into garage with engine running and then close the doors’

Flashback: Warmist suggests skeptical  Meteorologist  Anthony Watts ‘park his gas guzzler in the garage, close all the doors and leave his engine running’

‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’ — ‘Shouldn’t we start punishing them now?’

CO2 Nears 400 ppm – Relax! It’s Not Global Warming ‘End Times’ — Climate Depot Special Report

A UN IPCC Scientist’s New Study! ‘Global Warming Sparks Fistfights & War, Researchers Say’: ‘Will systematically increase the risk of many types of conflict ranging from barroom brawls & rape to civil wars & international disputes’ — Climate Depot Responds

Statement by Climate Depot Publisher Marc Morano on new global warming/violence study: “Instead of looking at temperature data or other climate metrics to prove or disprove man-made global warming claims, the global warming activists have now shifted the playing field so rape and murder statistics are now used as some sort of ‘proof’ of man-made global warming.  Global  warming science has truly morphed to modern witchcraft!’


Can a carbon tax prevent YOU from being MURDERED?! UN IPCC’s Prof. Hsiang’s new study ‘could go a long way toward convincing people that climate change can directly affect their lives. We just need to make it all about us, and our unwillingness to get murdered’


Read full Bloomberg News on new study in journal Science: ‘Climate change will probably trigger more human conflict, according to an article in the journal Science. An examination of 60 separate studies, including one stretching back to 10,000 B.C., found that individuals, groups and nations are “substantially” more likely to become involved in physical conflict in hot weather and heavy rain. Climate change is expected to drive up temperatures in many regions, which will “systematically increase the risk of many types of conflict” ranging from barroom brawls and rape to civil wars and international disputes, according to the article.’


‘Civilization as we know it may even be at risk’: With the US murder rate on track to be the lowest in a century, warmists suggest that CO2 causes ‘increased murder’ — Reality Check: May 2012: ‘The US Murder Rate Is on Track to Be Lowest in a Century’

Crime in the United States – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ‘In the long term, violent crime in the United States has been in decline since colonial times’

Oct. 2012: U.S. violent crime down for fifth straight year – CNN.com: ‘Violent crime in the United States fell for the fifth consecutive year in 2011 with murder, rape and robbery all going down’


UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol has ‘massive criticism’ for new paper — German newspaper Der Spiegel takes apart global warming/violence paper: Accuses ‘authors of gross errors and a distorted selection of data’ — ‘Global Warming: Study on Climate Change/War Met With Fierce Criticism’ — Der Spiegel ‘then writes that Oslo economist Halvard Buhaug is quoted saying that Hsiang and his team ‘ignored data’. Worse, Buhang says that the ‘authors …

As Obama heats up rhetoric & executive actions about ‘global warming’, the Earth has been COOLING since 2002 – Climate Depot Reaction to Obama’s Climate Plan

Statement by Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “President Obama is still parading his ignorance on climate science, linking bad weather to “global warming”, claiming a mythical 97% consensus, and implying that his executive actions can alter the globe’s temperature and lessen extreme weather events. The President has descended into the realm of medieval witchcraft by claiming he can combat global temperature rises and weather patterns through administrative action. Let the battle begin.”

Watch Now: Skeptic Chris Horner on Obama’s climate plan: ‘Nothing Obama is proposing would detectably impact the climate according to anybody’

UN IPCC Lead Author Dissents over Obama calling CO2 ‘pollution’: ‘Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, not now, not here, not to us’Dr. Tol: ‘According to this branch of the US gov’t, CO2 in the human body is not dangerous (but lack of CO2 is)‘ — Tol: ‘CO2 concentrations in the human lung reach 37,000 ppmv’ — ‘CO2 concentrations of 100,000 ppmv are immediately dangerous to life.  Atmospheric concentration is about 400 ppmv’

Obama Dresses CO2 in a Big Bad Wolf Costume: The term ‘carbon pollution’ is used a further 13 times. – The term ‘carbon pollution’ is one of the most odious slogans ever dreamed up by environmentalists. If the president has now officially adopted it, our opinion of him cannot remain the same. As any high school student knows, carbon is represented by a C on the periodic table. We are carbon-based life forms; carbon is within us and all around us. Anti-global-warming activists are, in fact, concerned about something else – carbon dioxide. Comprised of one molecule of carbon and two molecules of oxygen (a separate and distinct element on the periodic table)’

Obama: ‘I will lead the world in a coordinated assault on a changing climate’

Oh My! 2010 tied for ‘hottest’ year?! Relax, it is ‘purely a political statement’ — Even NASA’s Hansen admits it is ‘not particularly important’ — Prof. mocks ‘hottest decade’ claim as ‘a joke’ — ‘Claims based on year-to-year temperature data that differs by only a few HUNDREDTHS of a degree’

Obama cites 97% Nonsensus; Claims some skeptics have become warmists

Analysis: The President’s Climate Action Plan – the good, the bad, and the ugly: ‘Multiple citations of the crazy idea that carbon dioxide is ‘carbon pollution’

Flashback 2007: Obama claimed CO2 ‘threatens our very existence’; & claimed that ‘no business will

New York Times Features Climate Depot’s Morano in profile on Bill Nye: ‘In an exchange several months ago on ‘Piers Morgan Tonight’ on CNN, Mr. Morano denied that warming is occurring, and scoffed that Mr. Nye’s arguments were “the level of your daily horoscope.

Round Up of Morano and Nye’s debate on CNN: 

Watch Now: CNN Climate Debate! Climate Depot’s Morano Debates Bill Nye the Science Guy on Piers Morgan — Updated Transcript Includes Citations

Analysis: Bill Nye the clueless weather guy – flattened by tornado data — ‘Claims go up in flames with a simple examination of data’ — ‘Bill Nye is a glutton for punishment. After getting destroyed by Climate Depot’s Marc Morano during a discussion about global warming on the Piers Morgan show in January he was eviscerated by Washington Post’s Chief Meteorologist, Jason Samenow a month later

Analysis: ‘Bill Nye Makes A Fool Of Himself Again’ on Tornadoes — Rebuttal: ‘Tornadoes have been declining since the 1970’s’ — ‘Stronger tornadoes have also declined’ — ‘USA is having coldest Spring in years’ – ‘Despite the latest outbreak, tornado numbers are running at less than half the usual level so far this year.’

Bill Nye ‘the Science Fool’ on CNN: Claims: Higher average global temperature provides heat for tornadoes — Junk Science: ‘Though no one knows where and when mean global temperature occurs or what it might mean (if anything), Bill Nye the Science Guy says it fueled the Oklahoma tornado’

Real Science: Oklahoma Having Their Coldest Spring On Record:  ‘Last year was the warmest spring on record in Oklahoma and the US, and had the lowest tornado count on record. This spring is the coldest on record in Oklahoma and much of the US, and tornadoes are much worse. Alarmists are trying to associate global warming and tornadoes, but there isn’t one shred of evidence to support that idea’

Real Science: Oklahoma Has The Highest Tornado Frequency: ‘Tulsa, Oklahoma is the most dangerous city in the US for strong to violent tornadoes’

Aussie’s Andrew Bolt: Oklahoma tornado strikes, climate vultures gather: ‘If there was really someone to blame for this hideous tragedy, the anger would be justified. But what we are seeing is the deliberate exploitation of grief and fear to perpetrate a lie’

Watch & read full transcript of Morano v. Sierra Club’s Brune at their last match up on CNN on Jan. 2013 here.

Flashback Dec. 2012: Watch Now: CNN Climate Debate! Morano Debates Bill Nye the Science Guy on Piers Morgan — Transcript Includes Citations

Former CNN Producer Peter Dykstra rips CNN for allowing Climate Depot’s Morano on the air — Compares Morano to ‘a

Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002! Climate Scientist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘Attention in the public debate seems to be moving away from the 15-17 year ‘pause’ to the cooling since 2002’

Climate Depot Exclusive Round Up of Global Cooling  predictions  

Professor Judith Curry of, the chair, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, on June 14, 2013: “Attention in the public debate seems to be moving away from the 15-17 year ‘pause’ to the cooling since 2002 (note: I am receiving inquiries about this from journalists). This period since 2002 is scientifically interesting, since it coincides with the ‘climate shift’ circa 2001/2002 posited by Tsonis and others. This shift and the subsequent slight cooling trend provides a rationale for inferring a slight cooling trend over the next decade or so, rather than a flat trend from the 15 yr ‘pause’.”

Climate Depot Note:

Many scientists in recent years have noted the recent global cooling and predicted many years to decades to centuries of more global cooling. Below is a sampling of scientists and studies on global cooling.

UW-Milwaukee Professor’s Peer-Reviewed Study Predicts 50 Years of Global Cooling – January 2010: ‘A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee professor is making headlines for his work suggesting the world is entering a period of global cooling. “Now we’re getting a break,” Anastasios Tsonis, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at UWM, said in an interview with the MacIver Institute. Tsonis published a paper last March that found the world goes through periods of warming and cooling that tend to last thirty years. He says we are now in a period of cooling that could last up to fifty years.

Atmospheric Scientist Tsonis on record cold: ‘It just isn’t true to say this is a blip. We can expect colder winters for quite a while’ — Tsonis was flooded with ‘hate emails’ after 2009 peer-reviewed study predicting ’20 or 30 years of cooler temperatures’ — ‘People were accusing me of wanting to destroy the climate, yet all I’m interested in is the truth’

Russia’s Pulkovo Observatory: ‘We could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years’

New Study: Russian Astrophysicist from Russian Academy of Science Predicts Global Cooling: ‘From 2014 we can expect start of deep cooling with a Little Ice Age in 2055′ — Habibullo I. Abdussamatov, Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, 196140, Russia — Applied Physics Research, Vol. 4, No. 1 February 2012: Abstract: ‘We can expect the onset of a deep bicentennial minimum of total solar irradiance (TSI) in approximately 2042±11 …

Climate Depot’s Round Up on Global Warming and Meat Eating, Agriculture and Cows

The warmists have proposed really disgusting “solutions” to meat eating: See: ‘Poop burgers’ to save the planet! Japanese scientist creates artificial meat from human feces

In 2006, a UN report blamed cows for global warming:  See: Cow ’emissions’ more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars: UN report: ‘Livestock are responsible for 18 per cent of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together’

But then, these claims fell into dispute: UN admits flaw in report on meat and climate change: Admits ‘a report linking livestock to global warming exaggerated impact of eating meat on climate change’

More Woes: UN body to look at meat and climate link after claims that earlier UN report exaggerated the link

Report: Vegetarians are wrong and eating less meat will NOT save planet — Study finds ‘exaggerated links between farming and global warming’

Flashback September 2009: Science not so ‘settled’: Study rebuts UN livestock emission claims – Meat Eaters Off the Hook?

Science not so ‘settled’: Study rebuts UN livestock emission claims – Meat Eaters Off the Hook?

Then, we have very frightening activists proposing new “solutions” to correct meat eaters. See: NYU Bioethicist S. Matthew Liao again suggests ‘voluntarily’ medicating the public and shrinking humans to make them care more about global warming — Liao: ‘The stuff that we looked at are things we currently already can do. So they are not meant to be very farfetched scenarios. They are meant to be realistic. — ‘Screen for embryos that are expected to be shorter. Another possibility is you can get hormone treatments…We can use that technology to have smaller children’

NYU Bioethicist Prof. Liao on Eating meat: Seeks to ‘Make ourselves allergic to those proteins…unpleasant reaction…The way we can do that is to create some sort of meat patch’ — ‘Kind of like a nicotine patch where you put it on before you go to dinner go out to restaurant and this will curb your enthusiasm for eating meat’

The global warming activists are still convinced meat eating is evil for our climate: 

Animal Rights’ Peter Singer: ‘Why are they serving meat at a climate conference?’ — The best thing conference could do for climate is to remove meat from menu —and to make a big deal about it’ — ‘No one really believes Rio+20 meeting will result in a new …