Frost Strikes Germany As Mid August Temperatures Shatter 19th Century Cold Records – August Temps ‘Colder Than Christmas’


Surface Frost Strikes Germany As Mid August Temperatures Shatter Old Records!

A blast of polar air swept across central Europe from Wednesday through Thursday, sending temperatures tumbling to record low levels for mid August in parts of Germany.

Yesterday many locations saw new all-time mid August records set for the lowest “high” recorded, with many places failing to reach 15°C. Meteorologists called the cold for this time of year “unusual”.

Frost at the peak of summer!

German meteorologist Domink Jung wrote here yesterday that a number of German stations recorded surface frost, “and that in the middle of peak summer” and that “it was colder than Christmas day 2015”.

What follows are some early morning recordings measured at 2 meters above ground surface:

Bad Berleburg: 0°C
Carlsfeld: +1°C
Nürnberg: +2°C

Early morning readings a some locations at 5 cm above the ground surface:

Carlsfeld: -1°C
Braunlange: 0°C
Neuhaus am Rennweg: 0°C
Feuchtwangen: +1°C

Mid August has never seen such cold

Also Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann at his site writes of “new records: At these locations in mid August it has never been as cold as it is today!”

He adds:

The current air mass, where it could not be colder for this time of year, not only brought temperatures like those seen on Christmas day 2015 or 
record low temperatures
– but also today at a number of locations in northwest Germany the previously standing record lowest highs were broken. That means: The highest temperature for a mid August (what meteorologists call the second decade of the month from 11 to 20 August – a ‘decade’ meaning a 10-day period) had never been as low as they are today – since recording began.”

Frozen Hamburg!

For example, yesterday Hamburg saw a high of only 14°C, which was the lowest high since temperature recording began in 1891!

German national daily Die Welt here reports on “record cold for August” accompanied by “frost in central Germany“.

Not only this August has seen unusual cold, but so did last month – as we reported earlier here.

Opposite of what climate models projected!

This summer’s cold, wet weather flies in the face of climate model projections, which in 2003 predicted Central Europeans in the future would have to expect hot, drought-ridden summers. But since 2003, 12 of 14 summers have been normal wet or wetter than normal. See more here.


– See more at:


54 Responses

  1. Saskatchewan has been cooler than normal for most of the summer. Usually we get lots of days with 30+ C temps but i think this year me got maybe 2 or 3. Next week there will be highs of 17 and 18 C predicted. And thats cold.

      1. yes, once the temperature “adjustments” have been done for the ground
        measurements, i’m sure it will be. because the adjustments are always
        made to favor cooler past temps and warmer present temps. in short,
        they are still faking the data. but the satellite data will not agree.

      2. I imagine when Hillary Clinton wins and slowly starts destroying the US economy over green energy policies there will a strong force of opposition that will overwhelm American polities for years to come. And once the world recognizes the global warming scam for what it is everyone on public record will be acknowledge for what they are.

    1. yes, oonce the temperature “adjustments” have been done for the ground measurements, i’m sure it will be. becasue the adjustments are alwyas made to favor coller past temps and warmer presnttemps. in short, they are still faking the data. but the satellite data will not agree.

        1. Faking is a matter of opinion, but that the historical data is continually re-written is a matter of fact.

          That graph shows that since about 1980 all the records have been bumped up by about a tenth of a degree and prior to 1980 most have been reduced by a similar amount.

          That GISS finds it necessary to change data from 1880 is something to wonder about.

          1. That GISS finds it necessary to change data from 1880 is something to wonder about.

            Several explanations in the past decade. You have wonder, do you have the tiniest amount of research skills to find out? Think for yourself and all that?



  2. The IPCC and the warmist models predictions have never materialized since Earth Day 1970. They have been wrong 100 percent of the time once you factor out the manipulated temperature data.
    26,000 to 13,000 years ago, the ice caps during the Ice Age were 3-4 Kilometers (9,000 to 12,000 feet) thick and extended down to the 45 degree latitude which is below the most northern states.
    The ice caps began to melt approximately 13,500 years ago. The climate has been in a warming cycle ever since in what is called the Holocene Epoch. The Holocene Epoch is predicted to last until the beginning of the 22nd century at which time the Earth will begin to slowly cool again. This would match the approximate cooling / warming cycles that Earth endures over several eons.
    During the Holocene Epoch, the CO2 levels have been both higher and lower than today. Also there has not been steady warming as there have been periods of a hundred years or more of cooling referred to as the mini-ice ages during the Holocene Epoch.
    So, why did the 12,000 feet thick ice caps melt? Did the CO2 from cavemen roasting their rabbits over open fires create a greenhouse effect?
    Of course not. 13,500 years ago the Earth began a new warming cycle which we are still experiencing. In another 10-15 thousand years, there will likely be 12,000 feet of ice over North American once again and the sea levels will drop significantly. The land bridge between Alaska and Russia will reappear, beach front property in Florida will be miles from the coast, you may be able to walk across parts of the English Channel, New York City will be land locked, etc.
    Think about it. Since Earth Day 1970, the climate alarmists have been making doom and gloom predictions about the end of live as we know it. Most of the predictions have been in the 5-10 year periods (my guess is to scare everyone into supporting their junk science). But as the deadlines pass and nothing of note happens, they make yet more predictions that fail, and the cycle continues.
    The world’s climate has been changing for billions of years. The good news is that it changes so slowly that people, animals, and plants can adapt or if not, they become extinct and replaced by new species.
    According to the climate alarmists, Earth by now should be a glowing ember with only a few life forms still surviving in the deepest parts of the oceans.
    These people are so moronic I would laugh if they weren’t actually spending trillions upon trillions of dollars to fix something that is just a natural cycle. By the way, the increase in CO2 has made the Earth greener, allowed farmers to grow more crops, and is feeding the earth.
    The idea that people and animals can’t adapt to heating and cooling cycles is silly. I guess that would mean that Canadians who move to Florida would not be able to adapt to the significant increase in annual temperatures and would die off soon after they arrived. I used to live in North Dakota. I can tell you that I prefer the tropics.
    Anyway, no one is going to change the minds of the climate alarmists–there is too much money in that junk science for them to suddenly become legitimate scientists. After all, a computer model is not proof of anything. The results have also be proven by observation and so far the climate alarmist have been completely wrong with every prediction.

          1. What evidence?
            Please show some actual evidence that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming. Note that past periods have been warmer without man’s CO2 such as Minoan, Roman & Medieval times. Also there is nothing about today’s climate that is outside of normal. According to the best data we have, RSS, UAH, USHCN, warming stopped about 20 years ago.

            1. Catastrophic Dangerous is subjective, thanks!

              past periods have been warmer without man’s CO2 such as Minoan, Roman & Medieval times.

              No they were not, thanks!

              warming stopped about 20 years ago.

              I’ll take those points on offer, thanks!

              o Global warming stopped in 1998, or other such cherry-picking of small time intervals (add 5 points for each time a single date with an anomalous event is used as the start date for when global warming stopped) [15 points]




                  1. The fact that this guy (likely David Appell) cannot come up with actual
                    evidence that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming is more
                    evidence that there is NO EVIDENCE

                    1. Dangerous: subjective.

                      Man-made emissions causing the planet to warm: known for two centuries.

                      Try to keep up.



                    2. Actually it is not known. Two centuries ago it was postulated. It is still merely and unproven postulate.
                      Informal proof of this is that no one ever seems to be able to show proof. They only scream the sky is falling, but cannot offer any proof. Like you are doing.
                      BTW about two centuries ago, a relationship was found between the price of wheat and sunspots. Much more credible than the CO2 crap.

                    3. cannot offer any proof. Like you are doing.

                      I started by collecting points off of your long-refuted statements. Joke’s on you.

                      It is still merely and unproven postulate.

                      Science doesn’t ‘prove’ aside, only in the denialist bubble.

                      Anyhoo, Two centuries of physics and chemistry that CO2 keeps them thar earf from bein an ice ball:

                      Fourier, J.B.J. 1827. On the Temperatures of the Terrestrial Sphere and Interplanetary Space. Memoires de l’Academie Royale de Science 7: 569-604.

                      Tyndall, J. 1861. On the absorption and radiation of heat by gasses and vapours, and on the physical connection of radiation, absorption, and conduction. Philosophical Magazine Series 4, 22: 169-194, 273-285.

                      Arrhenius, S. 1896. The influence of the carbonic acid in the air upon the temperature of the ground. Philosophical Magazine, Series 5, 41: 237-276.

                      Chamberlin, T.C. 1897. A group of hypotheses bearing on climatic changes. Journal of Geology 5: 653-683.

                      Chamberlin, T.C. 1898. The influence of great epochs of limestone formation upon the constitution of the atmosphere. Journal of Geology 6: 609-621.

                      Chamberlin, T.C. 1899. An attempt to frame a working hypothesis of the cause of glacial periods on an atmospheric basis. Journal of Geology 7: 545-584, 667-685, 751-787.

                      Callendar, G.S. 1938. The artificial production of carbon dioxide and its influence on temperature. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 64: 223-237.

                      Callendar, G.S. 1949. Can carbon dioxide influence climate? Weather 4: 310-314.

                      Plass, G.N. 1956a. Effect of carbon dioxide variations on climate. American Journal of Physics 24: 376-387.

                      Plass, G.N. 1956b. The influence of the 15-micron carbon dioxide band on the atmospheric infrared cooling rate. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 82: 310-324.

                      Plass, G.N. 1956c. The carbon dioxide theory of climatic change. Tellus 8: 140-154.

                      Revelle, R. and Suess, H.E. 1957. Carbon dioxide exchange between atmosphere and ocean and the question of an increase of atmospheric CO2 during the past decades. Tellus 9: 18-27.

                      Callendar, G.S. 1958. On the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Tellus 10: 243-248.

                      Callendar, G.S. 1961. Temperature fluctuations and trends over the earth. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 87: 1-12.

                      Plass, G.N. 1961. The influence of infrared absorptive molecules on the climate. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 95: 61-71.

                      Collection of the science that addressed the Detection and Attribution problem and empirically determined that the increase in CO2 is from man, and that these emissions warm the earth:


                      The history of it all, in one place, with many links for verification and education:


                      Experiments confirming all this:

                      Feldman, D.R. 2015. Observational determination of surface radiative forcing by CO2 from 2000 to 2010. Nature 519 pp., 339–343

                      Press release explaining results:

                      You have nothing to refute this fact. Nada. Nil. Null set. Nichts. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Jack. Bupkis. Squat. Diddly.



                    4. Now tell us which of those citations prove that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming.

                    5. “You seem fixated on dangerous.”
                      And YOU are fixed on NOT providing evidence that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming.

                    6. When are you going to providing evidence that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming.

                    7. Scientifically. Who has said it? What paper in the literature has defined it? Who has perdiktid it?

                      Cough them up.



                    8. dan·ger·ous
                      adjective: dangerous
                      able or likely to cause harm or injury.”a dangerous animal”
                      synonyms:menacing, threatening, treacherous; More
                      savage, wild, vicious, murderous, desperate
                      “a dangerous animal”
                      likely to cause problems or to have adverse consequences.”our most dangerous opponents in the playoffs”synonyms:hazardous, perilous, risky, high-risk, unsafe, unpredictable, precarious, insecure, touch-and-go, chancy, treacherous; informaldicey, hairy
                      “dangerous wiring”

                    9. You are “forgetting” to provide evidence that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming.

                    10. That’s not an answer. Your bluff was called, and you had no cards. You’re supposed to fold now.

                    11. Fold??? NO I’m still waiting for you to show actual evidence that man’sCO2 is causing dangerous* global warming

                      * see:

                      There is an important lesson here:

                      The fact that 9.8m/ss cannot provide evidence is yet more evidence that there is NO EVIDENCE that man’s CO2 is causing global warming.

                    12. You keep chanting “actual evidence” as if that phrase meant something. But you can’t say what it means, which indicates it means nothing. You’re a pretender, David Clark. If you weren’t, you could describe, in technical terms, the “actual evidence” you would accept. “Google it yourself” always means “I’ve got nothing.”

                    13. We are still waiting for evidence that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming. It is obvious that you don’t know of any evidence.

                    14. You can’t flap your hands fast enough to polish that Trump.

                      What is dangerous?

                      Answer or skitter away.



                    15. dan·ger·ous
                      adjective: dangerous
                      able or likely to cause harm or injury.”a dangerous animal”
                      synonyms:menacing, threatening, treacherous; More
                      savage, wild, vicious, murderous, desperate
                      “a dangerous animal”
                      likely to cause problems or to have adverse consequences.”our most dangerous opponents in the playoffs”synonyms:hazardous, perilous, risky, high-risk, unsafe, unpredictable, precarious, insecure, touch-and-go, chancy, treacherous; informaldicey, hairy
                      “dangerous wiring”
                      We are still waiting for evidence that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous
                      global warming. It is obvious that you don’t know of any evidence.

                    16. Where in the scientific literature is there perdiktins for dangerous?

                      Where are these papers that you pretend exist? Where is this pretend concern in the literature?

                      Or are you constructing a strawman?



                    17. Still waiting for you to show evidence that man’s CO2 is causing dangerous global warming.
                      You don’t because there is no such evidence.

    1. During the Holocene Epoch, the CO2 levels have been both higher and lower than today.

      Utterly false. CO2 levels were last this high in the Pliocene Epoch, ~3 MYA.



    2. According to the climate alarmists, Earth by now should be a glowing ember with only a few life forms still surviving

      You made that up. You have no such perdiktins to show everybody.



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