Climate change helped cause Brexit, says Al Gore

By Ian Johnston Environment Correspondent

Brexit was caused in part by climate change, former US Vice-President Al Gore has said, warning that extreme weather is creating political instability “the world will find extremely difficult to deal with”.

Mr Gore, speaking at an event in which he previewed a sequel to his landmark 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, said the “principal” cause of the Syrian Civil War had been the worst drought in 900 years, which forced 1.5 million people to move from the countryside to the cities.

There they met a similar number of Iraqis who had fled the conflict in their homeland, creating powder keg conditions that Syrian government officials privately feared would explode.

The resulting war brought more refugees into Europe, causing political instability and helping convince some in the UK to vote to leave the European Union.

One of the most controversial Leave campaign posters showed a queue of refugees stretching into the distance with the caption “Breaking point: The EU has failed us all”. The then-Chancellor, George Osborne, described the poster as “disgusting and vile” and, like others who explicitly compared it to Nazi propaganda, said it had “echoes of literature used in the 1930s”.

Mr Gore, whose new film An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is due out in the UK in August, told an audience at the Advertising Week Europe event in London: “This collision between the power of industrial civilisation and the surprising fragility of the Earth’s ecosystem now poses a great danger that could even threaten the future of human civilisation itself.…

DC Science March Organizers Racked By Infighting Over ‘Diversity’

The “March for Science” is being ripped apart by organizers who want to make gender and racial diversity the center of a march initially formed to push back against the Trump administration’s allegedly “anti-science” stance.

Tensions over the march’s stance on diversity has caused some organizers to quit and many scientists to pledge not to attend as the focus shifts from science to overtly left-wing causes, according to an in-depth report by STAT.

In fact, march organizers tweeted out a statement on how they valued diversity and equity after STAT published its report. It included a lengthy comment from Rachael Holloway, who’s in charge of diversity for the march.

The “March for Science” started to gain traction in January, garnering hundreds of thousands of likes on Facebook. Major environmentalist and activist groups have backed the march, which is planned for Earth Day in Washington, D.C., but sister marches are planned in other cities as well.

But as support for the march grew, so did concerns over its core message.

University of Maine biologist Jacquelyn Gill recently left the march’s organizing committee over “leaders’ resistance to aggressively addressing inequalities — including race and gender,” STAT reported.

“We were really in this position where, because the march failed to actively address those structural inequalities within its own organization and then to effectively communicate those values outward, we carried those inequalities forward,” Gill told STAT. “Some of these problems stem from the march leadership failing early on in its messaging.”…

New Bill Protects ‘Global Warming’ Skeptics From Prosecution

A Maine lawmaker wants to protect people on both sides of the global warming debate from being prosecuted by the attorney’s general office or punished by state agencies.

Republican state Rep. Larry Lockman introduced legislation to “limit the attorney general’s ability to investigate or prosecute people based on their political speech, including their views on climate change” and “prohibit the state from discriminating in buying goods or services or awarding grants or contracts based” on “climate change policy preferences,” The Associated Press reported.

Lockman is clearly worried Maine Attorney General Janet Mills, a Democrat, could join an investigation being conducted by her colleagues in other states into ExxonMobil’s stance on global warming.…

Media Touts A New Study Blaming Diabetes Epidemic On Global Warming

The media is touting a new study claiming global warming could be, at least in part, to blame for the “diabetes epidemic” sweeping the globe.

“When it gets warmer, there is higher incidence of diabetes,” Lisanne Blauw, a Ph.D. candidate at the Netherlands-based Einthoven Laboratory and the study’s lead author, told The Huffington Post Tuesday.

“It’s important to realize global warming has further effects on our health, not only on the climate,” Blauw said.

Blauw and her colleagues wrote “the diabetes incidence rate in the USA and prevalence of glucose intolerance worldwide increase with higher outdoor temperature” based on a meta-analysis of 14 years of data on diabetes and temperature in U.S. states.…

The New York Times goes full Duranty on CO2 Scaremongering

What makes a newspaper take it upon itself to foist propaganda on to children?

This recent article in the New York Times contains lesson-plan instructions on how to indoctrinate youngsters in Climate Alarm Orthodoxy:
A Lesson Plan About Climate Change and the People Already Harmed by It

It hardly needs Fisking, the bias is so blatant, the intention so obvious:
When will it ever end?

Climatist Consortium Against Human Health

Website, owned by a previously unknown group called the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health (“MedSocCon”), published a number of  irresponsible and misinforming posters, statements, “reports,” and other materials.  These materials teach doctors that certain illnesses are caused or aggravated by “climate change” and/or “global warming,” which are, according to the same materials, caused by combustion of fossil fuels.  Posters and talking points for communication with patients tell the patients to “vote for elected leaders that will act to cut climate pollution.” These materials also instruct doctors to give wrong advice to their patients, both adults and children.  For example, a poster for children speaks directly to kids (over the heads of their parents) and tells them to bike to school.  Dangers and high fatality rates of biking compared with driving are ignored.  A “Heart Health” poster advises heart patients to replace their car trips with biking and walking.

Many of these materials are based on or utilize climate propaganda materials developed by the Center for Climate Change Communication (“4C”) of George Mason University.  MedSocCon gives these materials to doctors to use in diagnosing and/or treating illnesses and diseases.

Since March 14 MedSocCon and its propaganda have been heavily promoted by the former mainstream media.  The timing is not accidental.  This seems to be a part of the well-organized “resistance” against President Trump.…

All Australians “are detrimental”. Climate Scientist worries that her baby will cause floods, droughts, and warm globe

After years of struggle to conceive, plus tortured introspection about the effect her baby might have on future storms, Sophie Lewis, climate scientist, announces conception in the most convoluted way: And then, just as senselessly as our grief began, it ended.

Source: All Australians “are detrimental”. Climate Scientist worries that her baby will cause floods, droughts, and warm globe

Claim: Climate Increases Diabetes Rates – ‘Warmer climate is associated with higher rates of diabetes’

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A new study claims a warmer climate is associated with higher rates of diabetes. But even if the authors are right, obesity, diet, age and heredity remain the dominant factors. Diabetes incidence and glucose intolerance prevalence increase with higher outdoor temperature Lisanne L Blauw, N Ahmad Aziz, Martijn R Tannemaat,…

Source: Claim: Climate Increases Diabetes Rates