Cheers! ‘Climate Hustle’ premiers on DVD as Wash Post inducts Morano into ‘Deniers Club’ – WaPo featured Morano w/ cartoon image as one of ‘worst offenders’ for ‘stalling action’

Full WaPo ‘Deniers Club article here:

WaPo: Marc Morano inducted into ‘Deniers Club’: Climate scientists “deserve to be publicly flogged.” – As a reporter for the ExxonMobil-funded Conservative News Service, Morano helped launch the swift-boat campaign attacking John F. Kerry’s military service in Vietnam. He then went to work as communications director for the leading climate change denier in the Senate, James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), and he brought “swift boating” to climate science. Among his targets has been James Hansen, former head of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies and an authoritative voice calling for action on climate change. Morano labeled Hansen a “wannabe Unabomber” who supports “ridding the world of industrial civilization,” “razing cities” and “blowing up dams.” He now runs the anti-climate-science website One representative headline from this past week: “285 Papers From 1960s-’80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ‘Consensus.’ ”

Climate Depot’s Morano statement on WaPo’s ‘Deniers Club’: ‘I would like to thank the media, the Washington Post and Michael Mann for partnering with a cartoonist (Tom Toles) for bestowing this (dis)honor of being inducted into the sought after and exclusive ‘Deniers Club.’ I will continue to do my best to meet the expectations and obligations of being a member of the ‘Deniers Club’ and will do my best to continue to help ‘stall action’ on ‘climate change’ using scientific facts, logic and sound economics and public policy. This award could not have come at a better time, as the skeptical film ‘Climate Hustle’ has just been released on DVD for all to purchase. ( and the film just had an overflow showings in Canada last week and is set to premiere in Brussel’s at the EU parliament on October 19. I am appreciative of the ‘Deniers Club’ award bestowed by the Washington Post, Mann & Toles.’


Flashback: Climate Depot’s Morano calls NASA’s Hansen a ‘wannabe Unabomber’ for endorsing book urging ‘ridding the world of industrial civilization’ and ‘razing cities’ and ‘blowing up dams’

No wonder Michael Mann is so angry at Morano! Climate Depot credited with helping ruin Mann’s UVA rehire! ‘Did climate change controversy cause UVA’s sacking of Teresa Sullivan?’

Report: ‘Collusion Between Michael Mann, James Hansen And Gavin Schmidt To Create The Hockey Stick’

As of 1999, NASA showed no net warming from the 1870’s to the 1970’s, and showed 1877 as the warmest year from 1866 to 1976.

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The IPCC showed that the warmest period of the last thousand years was in the 13th century, and that all recent warming occurred before the year 1940.

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There was no evidence of a human influence on climate, and that was no use for funding or political influence. So the decision was made to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period, and create a hockey stick of recent warming.

IPCC participant Jay Overpeck said in his email to Professor Deming, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.”

Michael Mann was up to the task, and he did exactly what Overpeck wanted him to do – he erased the Medieval Warm Period.

hockey stick mann

But that wasn’t enough to make the Hockey Stick. Mann needed some help from his buddies at NASA, James Hansen and Gavin Schmidt. They had to create about 0.6C warming from 1850 to 1976 – which they did by altering their own data.

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Hansen and Schmidt erased all of the warm years before 1880, and massively cooled all of the remaining years before 1970.

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Hansen and Schmidt created the blade of the hockey stick by tampering with their own data, just as Mann did with the proxy data to get rid of the MWP and LIA.

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The massive climate fraud we are currently experiencing didn’t just happen.  It required two decades of planning and collusion to make it happen. Gavin says that is is no big deal that he nearly doubled 1880 to 1999 warming, hid the pre-1880 warmth, adjusted data far outside of his own error bars, and declared hottest year ever by a couple of hundredths of a degree.

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Empirical Evidence: Climate Change Driven By Non-CO2 Factors, Experts Find

China climate change global warming study - no tricks zone
(click to enlarge — image source)

It is indisputable that significant climate change is a never ending condition: Earth’s climate, due to internal and external forces, is inconstant and variable across regions.

Chinese researchers determined that non-CO2 forcings are the principal causes of majors swings in a climate’s temperature, be it cooling and warming. They also determined that the modern 20th century warming, which doomsday alarmists attribute solely to the trace gas CO2, is well below the confirmed warming that took place in earlier, pre-industrial periods.

Their research is based on the empirical evidence of a reconstructed temperature dataset using tree rings from China’s northwestern Sichuan Plateau. This new dataset confirms what the multitude of previous studies have determined – significant climate changes are absolutely natural.

This study’s conclusions:

“Seven major cold periods and three major warm periods were identified from this reconstruction, which might be linked with volcanic and solar activities. The Little Ice Age (LIA) climate can also be well represented and clearly end with climatic amelioration at the end of the 19th century. The 18th and 20th centuries were warm with less extreme cold years, while the 17th and 19th century were cold with more extreme cold years. Moreover, the 20th century rapid warming was not obvious in our RLST reconstruction, which implies that mean maximum temperature, as a unique temperature indicator, might play an important and different role in global change. Overall, the RLST variability in the NWSP might be associated with global land–sea atmospheric circulation (e.g., ENSO, PDO, or AMO) as well as solar and volcanic forcing”

Michael Mann Can See Climate Change From His Window!

Mickey Mann Can See Climate Change From His Window!

By Paul Homewood From Investor’s Daily: Michael Mann, who has staked his reputation on being right about climate change, has apparently abandoned the science that he said he’s kept his “head buried in” for “much” of his career. Mann, a climate scientist chosen to help the Democratic Party draft its election-year platform, has concluded that “these tools that we’ve spent years developing increasingly are unnecessary.” So if the global warming alarmists should no longer use these tools — the climate prediction computer models — to badger the rest of us, then what should they use? Well, just tell some tales, of course. “We can see climate change, the impacts of climate change, now, playing out in real time, on our television screens, in the 24-hour news cycle,” Mann told Democrats at a platform draft hearing last month. “The signal of climate change is no longer subtle, it is obvious.” Maybe Mann, from his ivory tower at Penn State University, is seeing something we’re not. Whatever it is, there’s no way he can, with any degree of certainty, say it’s caused by humans. As we’ve said before, there are simply too many variables to declare without reservation that man’s carbon-dioxide emissions are causing the planet to overheat. Our climate is too complex for an explanation as simplistic as that. Get instant access to exclusive stock lists and powerful tools on Try us free for 4 weeks. But Mann is right about abandoning the models that he’s used to try “to tease out” — isn’t this a second admission that a con is going down? — “the signal of human-caused climate change.” The models that the global warming scare are based on are severely flawed. And the models are not really solid science themselves. Aside from being consistently wrong, predicting more warming than has been observed, they have taken the place of doing the real work of science — which involves actual experimentation, not just fiddling with highly questionable math models. Scholars Patrick J. Michaels and David E. Wojick recently wrote in the Cato Institute’s At Liberty blog that the “the climate science research that is done appears to be largely focused on improving the models.” They certainly could be improved upon. But so, too, can Mann’s observational skills. He’s seeing things.

— gReader Pro…

Michael Mann, scientist: Data ‘increasingly unnecessary’ because ‘we can see climate change’

– The Washington Times – Monday, June 27, 2016

Leading climate doomsayer Michael Mann recently downplayed the importance of climate-change science, telling Democrats that data and models “increasingly are unnecessary” because the impact is obvious.

“Fundamentally, I’m a climate scientist and have spent much of my career with my head buried in climate-model output and observational climate data trying to tease out the signal of human-caused climate change,” Mr. Mann toldthe Democratic Platform Drafting Committee at a hearing.

“What is disconcerting to me and so many of my colleagues is that these tools that we’ve spent years developing increasingly are unnecessary because we can see climate change, the impacts of climate change, now, playing out in real time, on our television screens, in the 24-hour news cycle,” he said.

Mr. Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State, spoke before the committee June 17 in Phoenix, Arizona.

His comment drew hoots from climate skeptics, including the website Greenie Watch, which posted his comment under the headline, “‘Scientist’ Michael Mann says there is no need for statistics: You can just SEE global warming.”

“Unsurprising. The statistics are pretty doleful for Warmism,” said the site in a Monday post.

Warmist Michael Mann says there is no need for statistics: ‘We can see climate change…now, playing on our TV screens’

The Democratic Platform Drafting Committee held a series of hearings to solicit input on what issues should be front-and-center during the general election. Michael Mann spoke as follows:

“What is disconcerting to me and so many of my colleagues is that these tools that we’ve spent years developing increasingly are unnecessary because we can see climate change, the impacts of climate change, now, playing out in real time, on our television screens, in the 24-hour news cycle. Regardless of how you measure the impacts of climate change — be it food, water, health, national security, our economy — climate change is already taking a great toll… The stakes could not be greater in this next election — the future of our children and grandchildren literally hangs in the balance — nor could the contrast be any more stark. We have on the one hand a Republican Party whose standard bearer, Donald Trump, and a great majority of its congressional representatives deny that climate change even exists. We have on the other hand a Democratic Party that understands full well that while we can debate the policy specifics for dealing with this crisis, we cannot bury our heads in the sand and avoid dealing with the growing threat.”…