Full WaPo ‘Deniers Club article here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/09/16/deniers-club-meet-the-people-clouding-the-climate-change-debate/
WaPo: Marc Morano inducted into ‘Deniers Club’: Climate scientists “deserve to be publicly flogged.” – As a reporter for the ExxonMobil-funded Conservative News Service, Morano helped launch the swift-boat campaign attacking John F. Kerry’s military service in Vietnam. He then went to work as communications director for the leading climate change denier in the Senate, James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), and he brought “swift boating” to climate science. Among his targets has been James Hansen, former head of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies and an authoritative voice calling for action on climate change. Morano labeled Hansen a “wannabe Unabomber” who supports “ridding the world of industrial civilization,” “razing cities” and “blowing up dams.” He now runs the anti-climate-science website ClimateDepot.com. One representative headline from this past week: “285 Papers From 1960s-’80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ‘Consensus.’ ”
Climate Depot’s Morano statement on WaPo’s ‘Deniers Club’: ‘I would like to thank the media, the Washington Post and Michael Mann for partnering with a cartoonist (Tom Toles) for bestowing this (dis)honor of being inducted into the sought after and exclusive ‘Deniers Club.’ I will continue to do my best to meet the expectations and obligations of being a member of the ‘Deniers Club’ and will do my best to continue to help ‘stall action’ on ‘climate change’ using scientific facts, logic and sound economics and public policy. This award could not have come at a better time, as the skeptical film ‘Climate Hustle’ has just been released on DVD for all to purchase. (www.ClimateHutle.com) and the film just had an overflow showings in Canada last week and is set to premiere in Brussel’s at the EU parliament on October 19. I am appreciative of the ‘Deniers Club’ award bestowed by the Washington Post, Mann & Toles.’
WaPo’s Tom Toles says GOP has ‘IMMORAL’ agenda to ‘DESTROY CLIMATE’
3 Responses
Way to go Marc!!!!! Couldn’t think of a better honor!
Since no one is actually measuring climate change, its rate and how much is caused by dinosaur off-gassing, I shall remain a climate agnostic.
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