‘Yet another study finds little basis for attribution of extreme weather (drought-flood-storm) to human-caused climate change.’


“There can be a tendency in some quarters to want to confidently attribute extremes to anthropogenic climate change in the absence of scientific consensus or to argue that it isn’t possible to link individual extreme events with anthropogenic climate change, neither of which is correct. Given that many extreme weather and climate events have occurred before substantial anthropogenic modification of the climate system has been clearly detected in many regions, an over simplistic attribution to human causes could be costly. For example, based on the occurrence of a particularly damaging extreme event, plans could made to adapt to an increasing frequency of such events in future when in fact this is not what is expected.”


Bill Nye: Paris Terrorist Attacks Linked to Climate Change


“There is a water shortage in Syria, this is fact based—small and medium farmers have abandoned their farms because there’s not enough water, not enough rainfall. And especially the young people who have not grown up there, have not had their whole lives invested in living off the land, the young people have gone to the big cities looking for work.”

“There’s not enough work for everybody, so the disaffected youths, as we say—the young people who don’t believe in the system, believe the system has failed, don’t believe in the economy—are more easily engaged and more easily recruited by terrorist organizations, and then they end up part way around the world in Paris shooting people,” Nye said.

“You can make a very reasonable argument that climate change is not that indirectly related to terrorism. It’s related to terrorism,” said Nye. “So this is just the start of things. The more we let this go on, the more trouble there’s going to be. You can say, ‘We’ll stamp out the terrorists,’ but everybody’s leaving their farms because of water shortages, that’s a little, bigger problem.”…

Watch Now: Hannity on Fox News features exclusive clips of ‘Climate Hustle’: First Time Broadcast of Select Clips

Hannity: “A new documentary called Climate Hustle takes aim at many of the global warming alarmists and debunks much of their so-called science.” Here is a clip of the film. [Show Climate Hustle clip showing that no matter the weather, ‘global warming’ is blamed as the cause.]

Hannity: “The film even goes after Lear Jet Liberal Al Gore. Watch this.” [Hannity then shows 2nd clip featuring Climate Statistician Dr. Caleb Rossiter and Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack former chair of the Earth Sciences Dept. at the University of Pennsylvania, critiquing Al Gore’s film ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’]

(Background: Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock UN Climate Summit – ‘Climate Hustle’ To Have Red Carpet Premiere in Paris)

Hannity: “The publisher of Climate Depot and the producer of Climate Hustle, Marc Morano is with us.”

Morano:  “The goal of these UN climate conferences has nothing to do with science. They actually say even if we are wrong on the science, we are doing the right thing by policy.”

Hannity: “First it was the coming ice age, then it was earth is going to burn up and global warming and now they have climate change. As you pointed out in Climate Hustle, if it snows, if it doesn’t snow, if it rains, if it doesn’t rain, tsunami no tsunami, volcanic activity or not. It’s always climate change, no matter what it is!”

Morano: “Yes. In our film Climate Hustle, we go back to the 1970s. We have Walter Cronkite, ABC News, and Leonard Nimoy — warning of a coming ice age. And we say: ‘Before fossil fuels caused global warming, fossil fuels caused – global cooling. And there was actually the theory that fossil fuel burning was going to block out the sun and cool the earth [in the 1970s]. But now they say the 1970s global cooling scare never happened. Just like they are trying to erase the global warming ‘pause’ never happened. They are actually erasing the past on many important things.”

Morano on Obama’s speech from UN summit: “It was like an apocalyptic doom preacher trying to scare people with no basis in science. The idea that ISIS was created by man-made global warming because there was a drought in Syria is not based on science. In 1933, the government of Syria banned Yo-Yos because they thought they caused drought. And now modern day climate activists want …

‘The science says Prince Charles is a fool to blame global warming for the Islamic State’



Let’s fact-check this claim.


The International Food Policy Research Institute warns that overpopulation and overstocking in the arid Middle East will make droughts worse:

Drought is a recurrent and often devastating threat to the welfare of countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) where three – quarters of the arable land has less than 400 mm of annual rainfall, and the natural grazings, which support a majority of the 290 million ruminant livestock, have less than 200 mm. Its impact has been exacerbated in the last half century by the human population increasing yearly at over 3%, while livestock numbers have risen by 50% over the quinquennium.


Australian researchers predict global warming will actually bring more rain to key parts of the Middle East:

The prospect of climate change sparking food shortages and water wars in the Middle East is less likely than previously thought, with new UNSW research suggesting that rainfall will be significantly higher in key parts of the region.


Syria gets a drought – like it so often does – albeit one more prolonged than most:



The drought ends, and Israel proves that rich and free societies can easily survive what poor tyrannies next door cannot:

“Israel is no longer drying up and the severe drought ended two years ago,” Water Commissioner Alexander Kushnir told “Globes TV” today [October 2, 2013]. “We’re emerging from the drought, and the water sector has stabilized at a supply rate for the next 10-15 years.”


We’re reminded that far worse has happened in Syria before, without man-made emissions being blamed:

The Akkadian empire flourished in the third millennium BC. Sometime around 2,200 BC drought hit, the lands dried and people migrated from urban centres. The government then collapsed, and the mighty empire began to falter in a series of calamities collectively referred to as the third-millennium Mesopotamian urban crisis.


In fact, the IPCC concedes there is little evidence that global warming (which has paused for 18 years) has brought more droughts around the world:

In summary, the current assessment concludes that there is not enough evidence at present to suggest more than low confidence in a global-scale observed trend in drought or dryness (lack of rainfall) since the middle of the 20th century…. Based on updated studies, AR4 conclusions regarding global increasing trends in drought since the 1970s

Veteran Meteorologist Says John Kerry’s Claim Climate-Change Drought Is Causing Refugees Is Completely False

Veteran Meteorologist Says John Kerry’s Claim Climate-Change Drought Is Causing Refugees Is Completely False


Veteran meteorologist Joe Bastardi at his latest Weatherbell Analytics Saturday Summary explains why US Secretary of State John Kerry’s claim that the refugee crisis is caused by climate-change-driven drought is total nonsense and is easily disproved. Secretary Kerry would like to have the public believe that the refugee crisis from Syria and Africa is due to man-made climate drought in the region – and not his abject foreign policy debacle.  Chart shows Nigeria has been too wet. Source Weatherbell. At the 2:34 mark Joe shows a precipitation chart for western Africa which clearly depicts how rainfall has in fact been above average over the past 15 years, and thus drought cannot be cited as a reason for the Boko Haram terror group. Bastardi says: There’s no drought here. And so you cannot blame drought in Nigeria for the rise of Boko Haram.” The above chart’s blue shows that it’s been too wet in Nigeria, and not too dry. Indeed there are number of scientific papers showing that the Sahara region has been getting greener over the past 30 years. In the Middle East Bastardi shows that the drought has hit part of Turkey, but that most of Syria has had normal precipitation, and explains that “drought” is the normal climate condition there. At the 4:20 mark the Weatherbell meteorologist puts up a precipitation chart for the Middle East for the last five years: The chart above shows more wet (blue) than dry (yellow/green) with Syria being completely normal. Joe shakes his head at how anyone could even make the claim that Kerry does: What’s really interesting about all this is, this is just so easy to disprove. […] So I don’t understand why that was said.” Most readers here do understand why. The falsehood was said because US foreign policy has been a total catastrophe in that region, and now Kerry is desperate for any excuse. And he couldn’t have picked a lamer one. In real life any company or employee blaming poor performance on climate change would be immediately shown the door. This is a blatant unwillingness to accept any responsibility. The nonsense of climate change leading to terrorism excuse is so clear on so many fronts that it’s a wonder than anyone with even a few points of IQ would take it seriously.…

New Study: Megadroughts in past 2000 years worse, longer, than current droughts

Megadroughts in past 2000 years worse, longer, than current droughts


What hockeystick eh? A new atlas shows droughts of the past were worse than those today — and they cannot have been caused by man-made CO2. Despite the claims of “unprecedented” droughts, the worst droughts in Europe and the US were a thousand years ago. Cook et al 2015[1] put together an old world drought atlas from tree rings data as a proxy for summer wetness and dryness across Europe. They compare the severity and timing of European droughts with the North American Drought Atlas (NADA) released in 2004. Yes, it’s a tree ring study with all the caveats about how trees are responding to several factors at once etc etc. But at least the modern era is measured with the same proxy as used in the old eras. Something else is causing droughts, something modern models don’t include: “megadroughts reconstructed over north-central Europe in the 11th and mid-15th centuries reinforce other evidence from North America and Asia that droughts were more severe, extensive, and prolonged over Northern Hemisphere land areas before the 20th century, with an inadequate understanding of their causes.” The worst megadrought in the California and Nevada regions was from 832 to 1074 CE (golly, […]Rating: 10.0/10 (3 votes cast)

— gReader Pro…

Kerry Blames Debunked Global Warming Claim For Syrian Conflict

Secretary of State John Kerry said Saturday he believes global warming played a role in exacerbating the Syrian conflict.

“It is not a coincidence that immediately prior to the civil war in Syria, the country experienced the worst drought on record,” Kerry said during a speech in Milan Friday, according to The Wall Street Journal.

“Now, I’m not telling you that the crisis in Syria was caused by climate change,” Kerry said, adding that global warming “clearly made a bad situation a lot worse,”…

Study shows climate change made Calif. drought less likely to occur


A new peer-reviewed study refutes Gov. Jerry Brown’s assertion that global warming is behind California’s drought, indicating that climate changeneither makes droughts more likely to occur nor exacerbates them. The study, published this week in the Journal of Climate, shows that the “net effect of climate change” has made California’s agriculture drought “less likely” to happen and that the “current severe impacts of drought on California’s agriculture” has not been exacerbated by long-term climate changes. This is another stinging indictment that Gov. Brown’s belief that global warming is causing California’s drought is bordering on wish fulfillment.…