Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock UN Climate Summit – ‘Climate Hustle’ To Have Red Carpet Premiere in Paris


CONTACT: Christina Norman (651) 724-4228 or +33 0641484842; [email protected]

Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock Climate Debate

President Obama & World Leaders to Be Greeted By New Film Debuting in Paris

Gala Paris red carpet premiere for new “Climate Hustle” skeptical documentary

Cinéma du Panthéon, December 7, 7:30 PM

(Sorbonne, Paris) CFACT will hold the world premiere of its long-awaited Climate Hustle skeptical documentary film at an invitation-only red carpet event in Paris during the UN’s COP 21 international summit on climate change.

Featuring interviews and comments from more than 30 renowned scientists and climate experts, Climate Hustle lays out compelling evidence that devastates the global warming scare.  Film host Marc Morano, founder and publisher of CFACT’s award-winning Climate Depot news and information service, leads viewers on a fact-finding and often times hilarious journey through the propaganda-laced world of “climate change” claims.

The film is the first climate documentary to profile scientists who have reversed their views from supporting the so-called “consensus” position to a conversion to skepticism. The film also profiles politically left scientists who have now declared themselves skeptics of man-made global warming and United Nations scientists who have now turned against the UN for “distorting” climate science.

David Rothbard, CFACT president and executive producer of the film says, “Climate Hustle is the most important climate documentary since Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth.  Gore’s film kicked off a decade of scaremongering junk science.  CFACT’s film debunks the scare and clears the way for a return to sound science and rational debate.”

Nationally syndicated columnist Cal Thomas calls Climate Hustle “tremendous” and says “anyone who still believes in ‘climate change’ after watching this film needs the type of reprogramming given to cult members.”

Noted climatologist Dr. Judith Curry of the Georgia Institute of Technology, who is featured in the film, adds “Climate Hustle is a refreshing and entertaining antidote to the sillier and alarming claims about climate change and its impacts that people regularly hear from politicians and the media.”

“Climate Hustle” will premiere at the Cinéma du Panthéon, beside the Sorbonne, on Monday, December 7. A red-carpet ceremony and champagne reception will take place at 7:30 p.m. prior to the screening. The film is planned for theatrical and home video release in 2016.

Because of very limited space, credentialed media that wish to attend the event should RSVP in advance to Christina Norman of CFACT ([email protected] or phone (651) 724-4228).   Climate Hustle’s host, Marc Morano, along with key scientists from the film, will be available for a short time on the red carpet prior to the event at 7 p.m. and are also available for interviews and comments upon request.

Climate Hustle, a production of CFACT, was fully funded by the support of roughly 1,500 citizen supporters.   More information is available at

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Related Links:

No global warming at all for 18 years 9 months – a new record – The Pause lengthens again – just in time for UN Summit in Paris

The Time Has Come: ‘Climate Hustle’ Set To Rock Climate Debate – Film Set for Paris Red Carpet Premier on Dec. 7 – CFACT is also announcing the world premiere of its groundbreaking new documentary in Paris, “Climate Hustle,” hosted by Morano. “Climate Hustle” assembles an impressive group of experts in climate science and policy, many of whom worked on the UN’s climate assessments, but left after the UN ignored overwhelming evidence that contradicts its position. The film is planned for U.S. release in 2016. “Climate Hustle” will premiere at an invitation-only event at the Cinéma du Panthéon, beside the Sorbonne, on Monday, December 7, at 7:30 PM.  There will be a red-carpet ceremony and champagne reception prior to the screening.   Credentialed media that RSVP may be able to attend, but seating is very limited.

Sarah Palin on TV praises Climate Hustle!: ‘An upcoming outstanding documentary’ – ‘We look forward to seeing it’


1,426 Responses

  1. Hope it is effective in explaining WHY it is a “hustle”, climate issues notwithstanding– because it isn’t about “climate” at all– it is about the use/abuse of “climate” from schools to political circles, in propaganda form, to beat over the heads of both the unsuspecting and the skeptical, ultimately for pushing a global governance agenda. And in the process, corrupting honest scientific debate, leading directly to the destruction of the preimminence of scientific leadership in America, when deference to so-called United Nations climate concensus is given. Make no mistake, it corrupts the ENTIRETY of the scientific community, by a relatively small, vocal, and cult-like fanaticism.

        1. In India, I read that 175 people per sq kilometer defecate outside because they haven’t any toilets, never mind electricity. I doubt this will garner much support.

          1. Oh no… it gets lots of support from India, and Bangladesh…. they want the rich countries to send them money, to deal with the problems that climate change presents for them. THAT is what this entire conference is about… Putting the squeeze on the rest of us, to send something on the order of one hundred billion dollars a year to the third world, so they can deal with the problems that climate change presents for them.


            1. True. I saw that $100B annual figure too. Since our government has no money…except that which they beg, borrow or steal from us I guess we better loosen our our purse strings yet again ;(. To pay for this manufactured farce.

            2. More correctly, the “leaders” of said people want the money so they can spend it on their lavish lifestyles while their people continue to die.

              1. How much do our Congressional representatives get paid now? I believe it’s something around $172,000/yr. Correct me if I’m wrong.
                I’d also like to see a list of the dates and amounts of their self given pay raises.

                1. Not including the bribes (I mean campaign contributions) plus all the money they make in the stock market (insider trading is legal for them). They could always have someone ghost write a book for them too and have a lobby buy a few million copies.

            1. Dan,

              Yup. Obama gives my and your money to the UN for them to suck some up, and they pass it to the Indian Gov to suck some up, and some trickles down to connected non-Gov Indians. Few untouchables will touch any of our tax money.

          2. They should be taxed like the FARTING cows. This is far beyond STUPID science. Nothing but CONTROL and TAX !!! Nature rules, always has, always will.

        1. Oh sure, they will take more from other countries but it starts with America. This climate fraud shrinks to a footnote tomorrow without America’s (Obama’s) support.

            1. Every year at a new summit these third world countries will line up and demand more Billions because the funds sent in the previous year wasn’t enough. This scenario will follow the same route as the US Congressional Budget Fraud. In ten years our National Debt will be 100 Trillion and the world will still be begging for more. I guess the US Treasury is safe under this plan.

              1. Gruber was bragging about lies and omissions to push his bosses’ bogus health care program forward. If one is ignorant of the truth, the wrong things will be believed, but not due to stupidity or low intelligence. The same concept applies to “Climate Change” or whatever the Term of the Day happens to be. The U. of East Anglia e-mail scandal is just one of many symptoms of the campaign that would bring envy to the likes of Joseph Goebbels.

                  1. Today it’s globalists socialists determining that the world is coming to an end and the only way to save it is to bow down and worship the globalist socialist cult god.

                    Notably, the God of the Holy Bible asks for your soul.
                    The globalist socialist cult god demands cash.

                    1. “Notably, the God of the Holy Bible asks for your soul.
                      The globalist socialist cult god demands cash.”

                      Oh, and pretty much your soul, too.

                    1. Actually, the Bible has always said the earth was round. The general “science” community finally caught up with the Bible. “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.” (Isaiah 40:22)

                    2. Exactly, Matt. Of course, you have to READ the Bible to know what’s in it and progressives don’t believe in reading anything for themselves. .. they just have to wait until it’s law to find out what’s in it.

                    3. Sounds like flat to me. Round and flat. The Bible is not a geography lesson but rather a collection of works – divinely inspired – that describes man’s relation to his Creator.

                  2. So – the science was settled then as well….Galileo was convicted of Heresy by Pope Urban’s Inquisition because he observed – and published – that the Earth is not the center of the Solar System. Oh well….

                    1. As I figured, you didn’t read it. Just blasted it as being the Catholic version. Continue to spread the myths my friend. Whatever makes you feel good, just do it…

                    2. Go read his link .. It’s an article debunking many different science v.s. religion issues, written by Dinesh D’Souza, whom I find highly credible.

                    3. Dear gordiduk,
                      Thank you for your continued correspondence. I hope that this message finds you in best health and spirits.

                      As a Catholic, I will be the first to admit my weakness in faith.

                      I pray that you will be peaceful and accept God’s grace.

                      Extra Sparkly, or however. Amen

                    4. A Catholic without strong faith isn’t much of a Catholic my friend. However, the Church’s doors are open to all…

                    5. I read both articles. Yours says, basically, that the church was unhappy with Galileo, and arrested him for going against church teachings. That is called heresy. Did you read the article he linked to?

                    6. OMG – you REALLY think that a Catholic Church website will give impartial “facts” about a major controversy involving the Catholic Church?

                      The Church has done a lot of good, but it has also done a LOT of bad…….

                    1. Do you not see that it is you warmers who are the ones taking the side of narrow minded, non-science in this debate? The mere fact that the climate change alarmists do everything they can to manufacture ‘consensus’ and silence by any means necessary any opposition to their weak claims should be enough for anyone who has ever seriously cracked a science book to be very concerned about these AGW claims.
                      And if you still think this global warming alarmism is about the climate, you really haven’t been paying attention.

                  3. Not surprisingly, you are totally wrong. It was science that told you the earth was round
                    (actually determined by scientists in the ancient world thousands of years BCE) and it
                    was religion that told you the earth was flat and that Earth was the center of the universe.
                    How’s that working out for you now or it that still what you believe?

                    1. Actually neither one affects my daily life much. Unless I get in an airplane, I can commute to just about anywhere I want assuming that the earth is flat.
                      As far as the earth being at the center of the solar system or the sun that is a matter of selecting a reference frame. All inertial reference frames are equivalent ( not equal) – either choice is valid. The only reason we normally say the earth orbits the sun is because we know how to (relatively) easily solve the equations of motion for nice elliptical orbits. We could still have gone to the moon using an earth centered reference frame – the size of the required computer would have been much , much larger.

                    2. You’re actually wrong about that too. The bible paints the earth as a globe…as a circle, not as something flat. It was the predominant political/social/theocratic (ie, religious political) view at the time that pushed the flat earth/earth as the center of the universe/solar system and destroyed their detractors. The fact that men have and continue to misinterpret the Bible is no surprise. That doesn’t mean it’s also not scientifically accurate.

                    3. Read your own remark. The actual scientific data shows that there has been no “global warming” for over 18 years. Those would be “scientists”
                      who are competing for money and grants take the hard data and make up reasons to change it to show what they know they can get funding for.
                      I used to do computer modeling and and minor tweaks can produce whatever result you want. That is NOT science. And by the way, if you think nazism and conservatism is the same I suggest you do some research and you’ll discover that Mussolini got his ideas for the fascist party from
                      the American Progressive Party. Also compare the 1930’s stated objectives of the Nazi party to the Democratic party platform. Just replace
                      Jew with rich, and what a coincidence!!!

                  4. Yeah, and since our understanding of science itself and our ability to understand, measure, observe and interpret our world hasn’t improved at all in the last ‘few hundred years,’ the understandable and sane skepticism about man made global warming must just all be a lie. haha
                    By the way, most people did not actually think the world was flat.

                  1. Even if “global warming” was a thing, it wouldn’t be in the top five (5) issues facing humanity.

                    However, it is the #1 subjective topic to be manipulated by statist scam artists around the world.

                    1. And the #1 statist scam artists that told me this was all about money 15 to 20 years ago was Al Gore himself.

                    2. I read a few years ago that one of the professors that taught Gore was looking for grant money which was a bit hard to get. Someone told him to study the climate because there was a lot of funding available ( no one was interested) so that is what the professor did and Viola` !!

                    3. That would be Prof. Roger Revelle who Gore touted repeatedly until Revelle openly repudiated Gore, who then ostracized him.

                    4. It is all about money. Money for Gore. Cue up “Al Gores Hedge Fund” and tell me I am lying. Based in England to trade carbon credits.

                    5. Recent polling in America indicated that for 97% of the population, global warming isn’t of concern to them. The economy, the war on terror, other things are though.

                    6. And stupid CBS morning news had some bogus poll results that “showed” a majority of Americans think climate change is an important issue to do something about (I’m paraphrasing the question asked, but I think the point is made)

                    7. Polling is dependent on the questions asked. If you ask something like “If AGW/ACC has the ability to affect billions of people, do you think we should do something about it?”…the answer is going to be yes the vast majority of time. The question predisposes that AGW/ACC exists. If the question is “Of the 30 issues below, list them in the order of their importance as to what needs to be dealt with first.”, then the vast majority of people are going to put AGW/ACC at the bottom of the list. Check the poll questions. That’ll give you great insight into the poll itself and the agenda of the pollsters.

                    8. Just having AGW on a list of “things we can something about” furthers the premise that it is something we CAN do anything about. Don’t accept the premise that it belongs on any list that includes terrorism, immigration, etc., unless it is on a list of which issue of corruption do you care most about…

                    9. I’m mostly afraid they DO something, because we all know it’s hooey, so what if what they do turns out to be even worse than their chicken little dangers?
                      I want them to keep their hands OFF!
                      They’ve effed up everything else. How could they be right about this?
                      LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!

                    10. can’t control spending or their sexual urges but “they” can control the temperature ?

                    11. .❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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                    12. Or, ask them if they would be ok if their energy bills doubled over the next ten years to reduce the potential, but uncertain impact of CO2, the gas you exhale with each breath, on the climate.

                    13. In many push polls, the purpose is not to find out what people think but to distort the poll results to make it appear that your assertion (AGW is something to worry about) is valid – even if it is not. It’s a propagandist’s tool.

                    14. Polls only reflect the effectiveness of the propaganda. They have nothing to do with truth. The uneducated are easily duped.

                    15. Interesting: “What is truth?” Pilate asked Jesus. 1) Truth is the sun is the dominate climate change agent. Earth’s temperature for the last 1,000 years is tracking the sun’s activity as measured by Carbon 14. [1, 2] This tracking is prior to any man-made influence, and shows the temperature on earth can cycle, just like the multiple ice ages. 2) The sun’s energy output is not constant and man cannot predict how much energy the sun will emit, thus all predictive models are flawed. [3, 4] We’ve only begun to study the sun’s output and if you don’t understand the dominate force, you can’t predict outcome. 3) Historical data has been manipulated to create the desired “warming” outcome. [5-8] Computer models can be manipulated to produce any output desired. [9] 4) Biology 101 says CO2 is needed by plants for survival and we human’s exhale it. However, politicians classify it as a pollutant and now they can tax it. [10] 5) CO2 is not the dominate greenhouse gas (9% to 23%), water vapor is. [11] Note the wide variation in effect. It is an indication of how much we don’t know.

                      1[email protected]/climate_files/SolarCycleFor1100Years_Carbon14.jpeg
                      3 , Figure 4

                    16. like socialism…let the socialist pay for it. Let the air heads pay for the stupidity of climate change. LEAVE ME ALONE ! Don’t tread on me…I won’t put a hole in you.

                    17. That’s funny, so 97% of the American people don’t give a hoot about what 97% of the scientists agree on. Ha ha ha. That part about 97% of the scientists “agreeing” has been proven time and time again to be an outright lie. I am with the American people.

                    18. No, it’s because they want control over everything in your life including how much you take home out of your paycheck, what you eat, what you watch on tv, what you listen to on the radio, where you go, etc. And, what they confiscate from your paycheck conveniently winds up in their bank accounts…and the bank accounts of their friends.

                    19. Control over your access & use of energy is ultimate social and individual control. If they obtain that, they have you by your gonads and you must go where and when they tug or twist.

                    20. To put it simply, liberals don’t believe in God, they is believe in climate change. Fanatics all.

                    21. True. The church of Big Fat Al keeps the donation plate moving thru the congregation while the sermon on the evils of “Big Oil” and the AGW boogie man plays over and over.

                    22. Left-Wing Fanatics: That may be true of those who comprise the proverbial “useful idiots” of the anthropogenic global warming movement, but the ones at the top — the ones directing it — know EXACTLY what they doing.

                      It’s more than just the thieves banquet of “carbon credits” exchanged by corporations and packaged into funds by banks,
                      all subsidized by the government at citizen expense.

                      The main reason the international corporate elite promotes global warming in general and anthropogenic global warming in particular is to enable the corporate elite to expand its power through supra-national organizations created to “combat” global warming — such as the “new global political authority” recently called for by Pope Francis.

                    23. Pope Francis is a joke and a fool. If you notice, he NEVER mentions Jesus or salvation. He’s a left-wing politician in goofy clothing with a goofy hat. This man “of the world” can simply be dismissed and ignored and God will not hold it against you

                    24. Of the world: I suggest there is no ideology motivating Pope Francis, left-wing or otherwise. He is just another spokesman for the international corporate elite.

                    25. No, you can’t dismiss or ignore the Pope. But his opinions on science you certainly can ignore.

                    1. I would say the warmists are the greater threat to a free society because they want to persecute those who refuse to accept their religion and refuse to worship at the altar of the state. This is a Nazi-like cult.

                    2. What is it with you know nothings (Republicans) that makes you call anyone on the left
                      a Nazi? Do you have any idea of what the Nazi party stood for? It was a radical right
                      wing political philosophy. Try reading a book sometime.

                    3. Really Judith? Nazi stands for National Socialism. Not right wing, but far left wing. You should read a book. Nationalsozialismus

                    4. Actually it is ‘The National Socialist German Workers Party” and you are correct, they were devout collectivists and ANYTHING but right-wing in the American sense. To the International Marxist they were “right-wing”.

                    5. Cogglegoggie:
                      Well, their genetic science was pretty bad. Science and dogma don’t mix. Their worst crime was Eugenics. It claims that the ‘race’ can be ‘purified’ by killing all the ‘unfit’. Not surprisingly, the ‘unfit’ just happened to be all the people Hitler didn’t like.

                      Planned Parenthood was based on the same myth. Margaret Sanger was very big on eugenics, and she got the ‘great idea’ about how to ‘get rid’ of the ‘unfit’ blacks in the USA. Black neighborhoods in the US are still stuffed with Planned Parenthood clinics.

                    6. “Really Judith? Nazi stands for National Socialism. Not right wing, but far left wing. You should read a book. Nationalsozialismus”

                      Nazis were fascist, which the leftists in academia also like to label “right wing,” so perhaps its just as significant to point out that Mussolini, who created fascism, was a writer for communist newspapers before he adopted elements of syndicalism, and then, ultimately, totalitarian approaches to government and fascism.

                      Fascism, in other words, grew out of the philosophies of the radical left, not the right. Even as practiced in socialist Germany and Italy, it was entirely a statist approach to government, meaning it was still very much aligned with the left.

                    7. You should try thinking, yourself, @Randee Head.

                      I never equated Nazism with socialism, the claim that your link attempts to refute. Instead, I gave you considerably more information than simply that, in presenting the facts that fascism (and Nazism) derives from and is consistent with the ideology of the left.

                      You should first learn your terms. Second, you should be embarrassed linking such a weak and silly argument as some kind of counterpoint to a post on almost a different subject, entirely.

                      Someone else in the comments section, here, posted the Nazi party platform. You can judge for yourself just how socialist it is. And contrary to the claim the snippet you provided makes, Nazis were anti-communist, but not anti-socialist.

                    8. G L
                      You are took kind to the ‘Nazi=right wing’ crowd.

                      The Mises Institute has reviewed the Nazis in detail, and made a convincing case that
                      all the principles of Marxism were present in Nazi thinking and actions. They wee totalitarian socialists.

                      The Nazis had a massive welfare state, with cradle-to grave welfare, forced income levelling, state control of the means of production, and complete control of private property. They didn’t directly take over big business. Instead, they put Nazi party members inside the businesses, who told the bosses what to produce, how much to produce, and who to sell it to. Bosses who didn’t cooperate were liquidated.

                      Sounds pretty communist to me…

                    9. Nazis: Progressive Big Government, disarming citizens, Balkanizing citizens against each other, vilifying opposition, government run healthcare, government indoctrination, government propaganda, cult of personality leader, repetitive chants and slogans, shall I go on? That was a Progressive Utopia.

                    10. TeaPartyPat949
                      Yes, absolutely right. The NAZIs were totalitarian socialists, as Goebbels, the propaganda minister made clear many times.

                    11. Actually Judith, that is a myth as well. Check definitions, not opinion pieces when you read your books, and don’t be afraid to read things that conflict with your current world view – mental challenges are healthy and it’s always good to check your assumptions. Socialism is left-wing – it’s about centralized government replacing the family by framing itself as moral arbiter and infallible, kind of cult-ish in demanding total blind obedience. Right-wing is generally more about self-determination and localization of authority, from family to town to state. If think that nazism is fascist and that isn’t socialist, consider that both replace democracy with elite-run cartels where small groups of people control legislation and gain all profit, demonize and violently remove opposition, replace religion with propaganda and remove family control of education with state institutions and encouragement of youth to report their parents for thought infractions. Despite rhetoric to the contrary, actual economic, political and cultural ramifications are pretty much the same (c.f. germany-hitler, italy-mussolini, spain-franco, russia-everyone). If right-wing is taken to its extreme, the endpoint is *anarchy*, not nazism. Neither are good results, of course.

                    12. Judith gets her world view from the OP ED pages of the LA and NY Times. Anything else will be a hard sell to her.

                    13. The Nazi’s were clearly left wing. You need to understand the left wants total government control over the people. That’s what the Nazi’s did. National Socialism is Left Wing.

                    14. Say what?!
                      Read some history before you post embarrassingly incorrect

                      While they may have had the word “socialist” in their party’s
                      title, the Nazis were the post-boys of extreme right-wing fascism and had a
                      raging hatred of the Left which is why they attacked the communist Soviet

                    15. Using your analogy, couldn’t the same argument be made for why the Nazis attacked any free country (a “raging hatred” of conservatism…or whatever?).

                      The Nazis had a raging hatred of anyone that stood in their way of world domination period. The quest for control of the world is the only reason the Nazis attacked Russia…along with all other countries near and far.

                      Oh, and being obviously a great reader of history (or I’m sure you wouldn’t have posted “embarrassingly incorrect comments”), I’m sure you have read that the Nazis created nature preserves, contemplated sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network supposedly as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature (certainly not to move their war machine at ‘blitzing’ speed). Environmentalists and conservationists in Germany welcomed the rise of the Nazi regime with open arms. And we’re sadly mistaken…
                      We don’t get fooled again alarmists!

                    16. So:
                      Ok, I agree with most of that. But the autobahns (4-lane divided freeways) went straight to the German borders and stopped. I don’t think that was to get the public back to nature.

                      The Nazis were totalitarian socialists who didn’t want to Kow-Tow to Moscow. Hitler wanted to be his own boss. So they reject the Communist Internationale.

                      And I’m not sure the Nazis were true avid environmentalists. The Soviets and the Red Chinese were never good environmentalists.

                    17. Wrong. The political spectrum is more of a circle. If you go around it far enough you will become the other side. i.e. Even though they hated each other Nazis and Stalinists were very close in actuality.

                    18. I have always thought of politics and economics exactly as you describe.
                      I give you credit for such a succinct and clear statement. Usually, the explanation gets too complicated to be useful.

                    19. emsteksrv:
                      I know, I was taught that same thing in school. The logical basis for that seems to be that the Nazis were right-wing and the communists were left wing, and so the two wrapped around at the back. Both were totalitarian.

                      My teachers never properly explained where the Framers of the US Constitution fit in. Of course the Framers didn’t fir in. They wanted liberty and equality, and a tiny government that could not threaten liberty.

                      But back then we were taught that the Nazis were right-wing, because that’s what the media said. Few people actually looked closely at where the fascists came from, and how they made so many alliances with the Communists.

                      Mussolini was a communist before he became a fascist.

                      This explains a lot of detail:

                    20. “We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing
                      citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living.
                      The activities of the individual must not be
                      allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place
                      within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: … an
                      end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big
                      business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand … the
                      greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the
                      national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every
                      capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus
                      the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an
                      all-around enlargement of our system of public education…. We demand the
                      education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents…. The
                      government must undertake the improvement of public health — by protecting
                      mother and child, by prohibiting child labor — by the greatest possible
                      support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e
                      combat the … materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced
                      that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the
                      foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good.”

                      –Planks of the National Socialist Party of Germany (N A Z I), adopted in Munich on February 24, 1920.

                    21. Gath:
                      Thanks for this. Very interesting. The document bristles with state control over the individual. Th individual is subsumed to the goals of the state. Just the opposite of the USA.

                      Karl Marx makes the same points about state control in the Communist Manifesto. The key idea of Communism/ socialism is that cooperation is better than competition. Capitalism is bad, because it’s competitive.

                      Income levelling is a key goal, because it forces people to cooperate, and removes any financial benefits from competition. And if people don’t cooperate, they are liquidated.

                      Both the Communists and Nazis enforced income levelling.

                    22. BigFire45:
                      I have a question. I’m serious, no kidding. What is your definition of right-wing? Of left-wing? Were the Framers of the Constitution Left or Right? We may agree upon more than you think, when we dig down a bit.

                      Here’s my definition of the American right-wing. They like liberty, and they distrust big government because it threatens liberty. The far-right are libertarians, who want tiny government, and maximum liberty. They hate commies and fascists because they use big governments to crush liberty.

                      So how do you and I differ?

                    23. Wrong. The Nazis were National Socialists, with the “State” being all supreme. Sound familiar, Democrat? Republicans are for limited government, personal responsibility, and freedom from the “State”. Got it?

                    24. The NAZI party was fascist not socialist.
                      It has nothing to do with socialist theory regardless of it’s name.
                      Hitler modeled the NAZI party on Mussolini’s fascist party.

                      Here is Mussolini’s definition of fascism.
                      1.”Everything in the state”. The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompasing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.

                      2.”Nothing outside the state”. The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.

                      3.”Nothing against the state”. Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.

                    25. It sounds like a group of elites who want to be in charge. Peasants wouldn’t likely be interested unless they are bought through free goodies. Hitler and Mussolini (and many politicians, Obama included) made promises to the populace to get their power and then centralized as much as they could. That’s not right wing nor Tea Party philosophy. Who is it that’s ignoring the constitution?
                      Hint: He will return with a document that tries to obligate all of us to his corrupted version of reality.

                    26. Only in the sense that they are/were dictatorships. Economically the systems are totally different.

                    27. Edward:
                      Here is a question. I’m serious. What is your definition of American conservatism?

                    28. At the present time American conservatism consists of a rabble of racist, gun toting, bible thumping, anti-science know-nothings in the pockets of military suppliers and oil interests. Not that they the believe in racism or religion or guns, it’s just an appeal to the what they see as their grass-roots.
                      I doubt they believe in anything.
                      The last conservative president with any real brains was Dwight Eisenhower. He would be appalled at the quality of the Republican Party. I doubt he could even get a nomination in the current GOP.

                    29. Edward MacGuire:
                      Well thank you for your reply.

                      I guess this picture might summarize your thinking! Having been a Trotskyite, a socialist, a conservative, and an existentialist with no political party, I’m interested in how people think about politics.

                      Most political thinking seems to center around two things, the vision and the grievance. The vision is like a mission statement, it summarizes the main goals of a political movement. The grievance focussed on the problems and threats posed by the other competing political movements.

                      I guess you kind of went for your grievances about “The Right”. That’s OK, most political comments of all types focus on the grievances.

                      Here’s my summary of the vision of center-right US conservatives. They like liberty, and they distrust big government because it threatens liberty. The far right are Libertarians, who want maximum liberty and tiny government. Therefore, US conservatives have no linkage to fascists or Nazis, because those groups have huge governments that crush liberty. The US right opposes communists, fascists, Islamists, and everyone else who threatens liberty.

                      If I’m right, US conservatives would never align with neo-Nazis.

                    30. Socialism and Marxism are economic systems more than political ones. There are many social-democratic systems; all the Nordic countries for example. The NAZI ideology was more crony-capitalism married with military dictatorship and ultra-nationalism. Nothing at all to do with socialism.

                    31. You are clearly missing the point – what is the difference between a totalitarian state and any other totalitarian state? By bringing in Nordic countries, you are changing the discussion. Government thuggery is the same, whether it is from a brutal dictator or a benign emperor …

                    32. You are correct in your first sentence, but the NAZI’s married those ideas with a nationalistic and dictatorial command and control structure. They did not get along with the Communists only because it was a different faction despite having similar ideology/goals. The difference you seek is the theory of Marxism/Socialism and the practice. The flaw in the theory is that it cannot be implemented except through a party/prole system.

                      See above.
                      –Planks of the National Socialist Party of Germany (N A Z I), adopted in Munich on February 24, 1920.

                    33. The word socialist in the United States has a connotation of evil that simply does not exist anywhere else and one reflection of this is to compare it to fascism/nazism. The Nazi’s were not interested in a classless society or common ownership of assets and means of production which is a key component of socialism as envisioned by Marx.The hyper-nationalism of nazism is also the antithesis of socialist thought. There are many flaws in Marx’s theories and many of Marx’s ideas seem rather silly today but in the mid-1800’s in Britain, a Welch coal miner or English factory worker would and did find them pretty appealing.

                    34. Gath:
                      Good points. The Mises institute agrees with you. They also explain why the Swedish system is an inaccurate distraction. Sweden is not a socialist country. It’s a capitalist country with lots of welfare built in. Sweden’s independent big business include IKEA (worldwide), Scania trucks and diesels, Volvo, Saab cars and Jet fighters, and Tri-pak (They invented boxed milk. drinkin’ juice boxes, and all manner of liquid containers).

                    35. Those are all socialist capitalist systems. You’re simply lying wholesale in your worship of the Europeans whom we disarmed and have stood over with massive firepower for sixty years. The reason they don’t fight any more is the MASSIVE MASSIVE firepower on BOTH sides of them.

                    36. So, what, exactly was the difference between Italy under Mussolini, Germany under Hitler, or Russia under Stalin? To the average man in the street, that is?
                      Mussolini’s description fits all three equally.
                      You are in a semantic quandary of your own making. You hide inside books. Books are written so you may think, not just parrot what was written in it like a small child.

                    37. A tyrant is a tyrant whether a communist, a capitalist or a king who rules by divine right.
                      I’m in no semantic quandary of my own making by pointing out that the nazi philosophy did not include the idea of a classless society or the shared ownership of assets and means of production which are the key components of socialism. In actual fact on the economic side nazism is more like hyper crony-capitalism than socialism.

                    38. Edward MacGuire
                      Yes. The Nazis definitely wanted a classless society, built on the model of the proletariat society of the Communist Manifesto. That’s why Nazi meant national socialist German workers party. They wanted a classes proletariat, all of one race. And of course Hitler wanted to run it. If Hitler called himself a communist, he would transfer power to Stalin, and he didn’t want that. Hitler was ‘nationalist’ in that sense.

                      The Nazis were very big on sharing assets. Private property was allowed only if it suited the state. If the state wanted your house. or business. or car, they took it.

                      The Nazis tightly controlled the means of production. They put a Nazi official inside almost all big businesses, who told the bosses what to produce, how much to produce, and who to sell it to. Bosses who objected were liquidated. The website for Continental Tire, a big German firm, includes a history of the company. It explains how the Nazis controlled everything Continental did.

                      All this is well documented.

                    39. If you check you will find that every government ‘ tightly controls the means of production’ while on a war footing. Don’t be so superficial as to say that the war didn’t start till 1939; Hitler used war preparations and infrastructure improvements (autobhan) from the start of his regime to stimulate the economy and put people to work. He didn’t nationalize industry he was involved in an incestuous relationship with it. Effectively, Hitler had no choice except war or the economy would have collapsed. The Nazi government did not control industry to any greater extent than the Allied governments controlled their industry. Not too many private automobiles or yachts produced by American manufacturers during the war.

                    40. Edward:
                      You might find it useful to read a bit about Bismarck. In the days of Karl Marx, it was widely thought that Germany was the country most likely to become communist. Most communist thinking originated there, most communist conferences were held in Germany, and many of the populace advocated communism.

                      Bismarck responded to this movement by moving left. He instituted many features of the welfare state, including many government-funded programs. Thus, when Hitler came to power, Germany already had cradle-to grave social programs, and Hitler extended them. In Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to his Marxist roots.

                    41. My hat is off to you if you can stand the turgid prose of Mein Kampf.

                      As I recall, and I’m not reading it again, Hitler thought the political organization and security services of the Bolsheviks were the way to go in eliminating resistance to a new order.

                      His statements on Marx and his theories were not flattering and he considered communism a plot and a means to ensure Jewish world domination.

                      Marx thought communism was an historical process and that only advanced industrial societies were ready to move on to the next stage i.e. communism. I’m sure he would have seen Lenin’s attempt to move the feudal Russian state directly to communism (skipping capitalism) as destined for failure.

                    42. Edward MacGuire
                      Your point about Lenin’s difficulties is very relevant. Marxist philosophers are still discussing it. For Marx, the proletariat were necessary for a successful revolution (e.g., Communist Manifesto). They are the key to his whole theory. For example. dialectical materialism is based on the proletariat-bourgeoisie rivalry for power. One reason Germany seemed ripe for communism was the large and homogeneous proletariat class.

                      Because of this, Lenin and his colleagues had a hard time figuring out what to do. Russia did not have a large proletariat class. Mobilizing the Russian peasantry as a homogeneous resistance group was very hard.

                      In later revolutions, the peasant classes of landed farmers formed the backbone of the resistance, as in Vietnam.

                    43. Republicans are for empire and a rabid police state, much like the Democrats. Government is a progressive disease. It only grows worse over time. It is a mental disease in the minds of voters, who actually believe that voting can make it better.

                    44. You do know what “Nazi” means? The name is a slang contraction of ” national socialism”….in German Socialism is spelled with a Z….
                      In truth, they were a left wing group who believed in the many of the same ideals of Karl Marx, while at the same time having a hatred of the so called “communists” in Russia… ie: Marxism, Marxist Socialism…. essentially selling the idea that a Communist utopia was attainable thru implementation of Marx’s ideals, etc. Ultimately, Communism was never achievable as it proposes having no centralised leadership….thus it only works in small groups of perhaps up to twenty people…..
                      Most people are taught to only know or believe that Hitler was a “fascist” dictator….they totally miss the points about Socialism and the left because they aren’t taught the whole truth….Hitler ultimately became a dictator after he seized absolute power….this is the fate of all forms of Socialism, they degrade into some form of dictatorship…

                    45. Wrong again moron. Hitler was a Socialist. He started the national socialist party . You need to read YOUR history. Hitler and his Nazi party had no tolerance for anyone who disagreed with them (just like you libtards today). Hitler tried silencing all the opposition with tyrannical methods and and by stirring up hate against them (just like you libtards do to conservatives and Christians today).

                    46. Love that so many know the truth – Judy and her ilk are, indeed, the Nazis. Her migrant buddies worked directly with the Nazis. Had their own SS Brigade. Yours is a party of evil oppression and lies Judy. Your bleeding heart will not protect you from the orcish onslaught. Wake up and be American first. Whatever you are reading is inaccurate J. Branch out, challenge your indoctrination.

                    47. Do you know what NAZI (NSDAP) stands for?

                      I guess you don’t, (it stands for “National Socialist German Workers Party”)

                      Here are some points straight from Hitlers NAZI Platform don’t they sound like a Democrat echo chamber:

                      It must be the first duty of every Citizen to carry out intellectual or physical work.
                      Individual activity must not be harmful to the public interest and must be pursued
                      within the framework of the community and for the general good.
                      We therefore demand:
                      11. The abolition of all income obtained without labor or effort.
                      Breaking the Servitude of Interest
                      12. In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the
                      Nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against
                      the Nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
                      13. We demand the nationalization of all enterprises (already) converted into
                      corporations (trusts).
                      14. We demand profit-sharing in large enterprises.
                      15. We demand the large-scale development of old-age pension schemes.
                      16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle class; the immediate
                      communalization of the large department stores, which are to be leased at low
                      rates to small tradesmen. We demand the most careful consideration for the
                      owners of small businesses in orders placed by national, state, or community
                      17. We demand land reform in accordance with our national needs and a law for
                      expropriation without compensation of land for public purposes. Abolition of
                      ground rent and prevention of all speculation in land.
                      18. We demand ruthless battle against those who harm the common good by their
                      activities. Persons committing base crimes against the People, usurers, profiteers,
                      etc., are to be punished by death without regard of religion or race.
                      19. We demand the replacement of Roman Law, which serves a materialistic World
                      Order, by German Law.
                      20. In order to make higher education—and thereby entry into leading positions—
                      available to every able and industrious German, the State must provide a thorough
                      restructuring of our entire public educational system. The courses of study at all
                      educational institutions are to be adjusted to meet the requirements of practical
                      life. Understanding of the concept of the State must be achieved through the
                      schools (teaching of civics) at the earliest age at which it can be grasped. We
                      demand the education at the public expense of specially gifted children of poor
                      parents, without regard to the latter’s position or occupation.
                      21. The State must raise the level of national health by means of mother-and-child
                      care, the banning of juvenile labor, achievement of physical fitness through
                      legislation for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and maximum support for all
                      organizations providing physical training for young people.
                      22. We demand the abolition of hireling troops and the creation of a national army.

                    48. Nazis were national socialists that sought to concentrate power in a centralized collective. How does that compare with an American conservative who seeks the devolution of centralized power and instead restrain government and leave liberty with individuals?

                    49. JudithWithHer is a flatlander. She lives in a 2-diminsional world where politics is a long straight line. Come join us in the 3-D, Judith.

                    50. Nazi’s were collectivist socialists who acclaimed Lenin as the greatest man second only to Hitler. Many of the left-wing therefore including Bernard Shaw touted the Nazi agenda. You only spout left-wing lies covering up the left-wing’s dirty ties with socialism including the founder Karl Marx, who advocated genocide and from whom Hitler got his inspiration for the holocaust. You left-wing collectivists advocate evil and promote ignorance of left-wing collectivist history. Down with the warmest cult.

                    51. Judith, for years anyone with any view slightly right of center on any issue has been called a Nazi. Name calling is the lowest form of argument– on this, I hope we can find common ground.

                    52. Appreciated. On that note, please consider avoiding “denier” with the connotation that expressing uncertainty in regards to climate-related matters is akin to denying the Holocaust. That type of rhetoric may give you a momentary feeling of moral or intellectual superiority but does not advance your argument.

                    53. I’ve been just as guilty of disagreeing disagreeably with my liberal friends. I’m trying to be a nicer know nothing. Take it easy, Judith.

                    54. I’ll look for your posts in the future. It could benefit me to expand the scope of my discourse. Keep sane. It will help us both to blaze new trails.

                    55. The pendulum has swung from one end to the other. The danger now is young person wearing smiley faces on his t-shirt and Nike tennis shoes.

                    56. It’s obvious that you haven’t read any books on the infamous German socialist party. They were about as right wing as Obama.

                    57. Brush up on your history Judith.
                      You might want to try a little German too.
                      NAZI, in German, stands for “National SOCIALIST party.”
                      That’s “SOCIALIST.”
                      Comprendez “socialist?”

                    58. Oh, for God’s sake, Google Nazi and read the Wikipedia definition of Nazism. That
                      shouldn’t tax your brain too much. Nazism is a right wing political philosophy. And
                      by the way, your caps lock is stuck, like your mind.

                    59. Tell us how a national socialist is not your ordinary socialist. In both systems, the government holds the guns and therefore the power. Unless you disagree with the man that wrote the little red book.

                    60. JudthChezElle
                      Hi. I know what the media says about the Nazis being right-wing. That label was started by Stalin after Germany invaded Russia (June 1941). Until then Hitler and Stalin were buddies. NAZI stands for National Socialist Workers’ Party. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler admits that he modelled a lot of his ideas after Karl Marx.

                      The American Right wants liberty, and they distrust big government because it threatens liberty. The far-right are Libertarians who want tiny government and maximum liberty. They hate fascists and communists because they have huge governments and they crush liberty.

                      The News Managers have been lying to us ever since WWII.

                    61. Does anyone doubt that the climate has been changing for thousands of years? What is really funny about the whole scam is that when data didn’t support the man-made global warming fraud, which would be required for there to be man-made climate change, they just started referring to climate change

                    62. Climate change “deniers” is a pejorative used by the “true believers” to denigrate those who actually looked at the science behind so-called global warming/climate change and discovered its many flaws and lies. The “deniers” refused to bow to the propaganda, that’s all.

                    63. Uhh, NO it wouldn’t. Climate SCAM deniers are not trying to control anyone or infringe on anyone else’s freedoms and liberties.

                    64. Those that understand science are not easily duped and have lots of experience having to admit to not understanding or only partially understanding something of a scientific nature. Too humble to claim knowing the future, when knowing that it cannot be forecast. See E Lorenz, MIT Prof of mathematics and meteorology, father of modern chaos theory.

                      Besides, if the science of global warming were settled, there would be one climate model and that model would be both precise and accurate at forecasting climate.

                    65. Difference is there is no credible evidence to support the warmists. There is only the liberal echo chamber motivated by lefties who “hate” fossil fuels. The global warming debate gives them a fig leaf of legitimacy.

                  2. Ain’t that the truth. Green-zealots will NEVER doubt the “veracity” of their cult-like faith, even when confronted by the very data on which they posit their “settled” science.

                    1. Call them something disparaging like Alinsky promotes. I like the term “Greenies”. Like in Greenie Wheenies.

                  3. The term you’re looking for is “emotional investment.”
                    When people become emotionally invested in something, and come to believe it to be true, then dislodging them from that belief with the facts means not just showing them the real facts but also convincing them that their previous emotional investment was actually… well… wasted.
                    That’s a tough sell because now people have to admit that they were wrong when they chose to believe what they believed.
                    …And the more intensely they came to believe it, the more avidly they’ll hold onto that belief, even when their belief is proved to be misplaced.
                    The psychology isn’t hard to understand but it sure is messy and unpleasant.

                1. That’s right. Turn your brain over to your progressive leaders assisted with the likes of liars like Jonathan Gruber. Makes things so much easier for them. But then they already knew how easy it would be.

              2. As long as they can fool 51%, they can get and retain control,

                Fool the public on rising temperatures
                Fool the public on unemployment rates
                Fool the public on VA waiting times
                Fool the public on Obamacare sign up rates
                Fool the public on ISIS containment
                Etc, etc, the beat goes on.

                  1. and voter participation is so low. 2/3 won’t vote because they either don’t care or “it won’t make any difference”. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!

              3. Actually we are all quite stupid or they would not be where they are. They were smart enough to get there and we were stupid enough to allow it. We need to stop thinking that we are smart and they are stupid. We can think that when they are in prison. Currently, we are in (political) prison and I am not seeing any escape. Are you?

            1. ”walk the walk ” if they really mean it. Haven’t they ever heard of a video streaming conference ”live” from there home instead of wasting all of that ”carbon footprint”.

              1. Have you not seen the latest? Apparently, running your computer creates so much of a carbon footprint that we should all go back to smoke signals. Except that we can’t burn any real wood or any other substance because that creates CO2. Oh, no! What are we to do? We need to stop cooking our food, heating our homes, using anything electric or electronic, creating anything that requires energy (shut down all manufacturing) build no houses…wait, does this mean we should all go back to living in caves? At least they got to burn anything they could find, ate whatever they could kill or scavenge any plants that were edible. Geesh! How far we’ve come.

              2. Wouldn’t have the same photo op impact designed to influence the public. Besides, they’ve already determined (as Jonathan Gruber stated so blatantly) that the public would be too stupid to notice the inconsistency.

          1. Private jets at that!
            P.S. Obama’s jet stays fueled and running on the tarmac 24/7 for the whole time he’s there! (Talk about a lying/delusional hypocrite).

              1. His tenure in trying to destroy America will some day be used as a case study in graduate schools across the country. He’ll be remembered with contempt and as an incompetent leader. The word would-be dictator will apply to him.

                1. Yes, I thought that for some time. I too think that he will be viewed by history as our most incompetent president up to this time. Jimmy and the Carter family have much to be thankful for. I’ve often wondered what surprises will be unearthed once historians start probing his past and the machine that exists now to protect his past is gone and defunct. I hope I’m around.

                2. Obama is NOT incompetent! He is a skilled politician with a clear agenda. Two of his mentors were rabid anti-American left wing fanatics. Rev Wright “God damn America” and Bill Ayres, a domestic terrorist. His goal was and remains the destruction of America as the worlds leading political, economic and military power and the establishment of a weak Marxist dictatorship.
                  He is flooding the country with massive amount of third world illegals that he knows will “fundamentally transform” America. The GOP Leadership is supporting this effort but for a different reason. Their moneymen have told them they must dramatically lower American prevailing wages.
                  Which is worse? Obama who sincerely hates America or the GOP Leadership who are going along for money.

                    1. Have to part ways with you here. I agree with the first part. But I’m not so sure about the second part. I used to think as you do (incompetent and/or cowardly), but seeing how the establishment Republicans are hell bent on electing another establishment candidate despite previous election results that should’ve given them a clue about what their constituents want, I’m starting to believe otherwise. I’m coming to the conclusion that DC is a huge money pit that feeds too many politicians, their family and friends and other special interests and no one, including those establishment Republicans, wants to see that gravy train end. I really think they’re terrified at the idea that some outsider will throw a wrench into the system and end the party for everyone.

                    2. This is not about establishment vs. non-establishment – it is about the idea that my party, our party has to become the party of getting things done. The Dems claim that we are obstructionist, but they were the party that kept every major piece of legislation over the past 50 years from moving forward – civil rights and environmental policy – both put forward and championed by either VP Richard Nixon or President Richard Nixon – now I am no fan of Nixon, but he created the EPA and was a part of a Republican group that was in favor of civil rights, at the expense of Democrats – let’s not be confused, it was the Democrat party that, as a group, opposed civil rights …

                3. You mean IF America survives Obama , but if not, some else will decide what should be studied and how history will record these events. I hope you are right!

          2. How silly, all of that carbon dioxide doesn’t hurt the earth at all since they all paid for their extravagance by using our taxes to pay for their “carbon credits”

            See, No harm no foul.

          3. I think if you check, Obama brought more than 160 people, a dozen planes, The Beast, Secret Service, political advisors, speech writers, and a partridge in a pear tree.

            If they’re thinking about environmental damage, start there.

        1. They(Satan’s minions) want to be worshiped. They thought the Evolution scam would bring down Christianity, then the sexual revolution, kicking God out of public schools, mandated vaccines, fluoride in your water, gun control, abortion, taxation(slavery), EPA, and now Global Warming. The minions are to stupid to read the good book and take a peak at the ending.

            1. The planet has done just fine before humans arrived, and it’ll be just fine long after the last generation of humans leave. But you can pretend you are important by believing that only you can “save the planet” which will have NO effect on it whatsoever. I bet you think when you die the world will end, don’t you? Your life, and my own, means NOTHING to the world; it will keep on spinning long after we’re gone. Such hubris and ignorance!

              1. Of course the planet will continue to exist until such time as our sun either collapses or
                becomes a supernova and destroys the small blue marble. The catch is that there will
                be no human race here to enjoy it. George Carlin had an absolutely hilarious routine
                positing just that. Look it up. It’s worth it. In no sense to I overestimate my importance
                in the grand scheme of things and certainly not yours.

        2. Control is only one aspect. Desovereignization, dewealthification, and regulation aside, zillions of brokerable speculation and government directable $ would be created out of thin gases, for the pre-positioned and late-coming scrambling whores.

        3. how long will the cowards be ruled by the foolish. What happened to the spirit of LIBERTY and freedom in Amerika ? What more do you need to secede ?

        1. This was the ‘plan’ from day-1 for the Obama administration. Expect a full-court press by his gang in Paris. This is his last opportunity to get his agenda through. It will be all about graft, bribes, extortion and threats. If he pulls it off, say good bye to America as you know it.

        2. obama did say “this is has been a long time coming” and “fundamentally change America” He grew up around people that hated and despised European people and what they stand for. He won’t be happy until all of us are living how people of Indonesia live or worse.

      1. It ain’t just the American middle class….the only solution to this is that if you don’t pay tax, you don’t get a vote. Will stop these bureaucrats and other rent seekers from shoving their snouts into My pocket!

        1. Our forefathers had to deal with “taxation without representation”…Today, the problem is flipped. We now have way too much “representation without taxation”.

      2. And building greater dependence by the poor on government handouts. After all, higher energy prices disproportionately affect the poor. Anyone think Bill Gates cares about his monthly electric bill doubling? Now ask the same question about a retiree on a fixed income, or a blue collar worker living month to month.

      3. ProudlyUnafilliated: Correction — the Anthropogenic Global Warming paradigm is about picking everyone’s pockets, except those of the international corporate elite. And by the international corporate elite, I’m not talking about the “1%”, more like the 0.00001%.

      1. If the Pope distributed all the Church’s resources, and the western countries private and public resources were thrown in. Just break the world. In six months there would be nothing for anyone. If there is not capital growth all over the world –nothing will ever improve.

      2. A commenter by the name of “M Aurelius” said elsewhere:
        “You will know AGW is real and something to fear, when the proponents clamor for an urgent free market solution to it. As long as the solution is “More Socialism” you’ll know it is politics and not science.”

      3. Exactly. Someone has to get from A to B everyday. If they need to spend 1.00 or 1.04 to get there…. they’re gonna get there. So how does taxing the .04 save the planet? If they REALLY believed it they would tax $40, not .04 — and then MAYBE it would effect behavior. But its only about grabbing the money people won’t miss as much not really changing behavior.

      4. Since righties have moved all the money from the poor and middle class, the only way to ‘redistribute wealth’ is to give it back. derp

    1. Science was corrupted before Global Warming and will be afterwards.

      Rabbi Avigdor Miller on the theory of evolution:

      Let us take an example: the common louse. It cements its eggs to a human hair. This cement is so strong that it can only be dissipated by very hot water. The cement is of a formula which allows it to remain liquid while inside the insect’s body, but which causes it to harden immediately upon contact with the air. This insect’s proboscis is provided with stylets (tiny knives) to cut the host’s skin. Into the wound it injects a chemical that prevents the host’s blood from clotting, and thus the insect is able to continue pumping out blood. On each foot the insect has a stout claw to grasp the host’s hair.

      Is there any feature of this phenomenon that lends itself to explanation by accident?

      Did the gland that provides the cement come into being by random gene-mutation?

      Did mere accident create the precise formula for cement that hardens on contact with the hair and not before?

      Did mere chance provide the exact chemical composition of the anti-coagulant, which allows the host’s blood to continue flowing?

      Did the stylets develop by haphazard? And did the claw on each foot just happen to be there?

      The trusting multitude on hearing such questions, retort: “That is Evolution!” Deluded by the media and the textbooks, they are confident that the all-seeing and all-knowing god of evolution looks ahead and provides whatever is needed. Even the academicians do not hesitate to employ such forms of speech. But ideologically the theorists claim that everything is the result of accidental gene-mutations, of which the vast majority was useless or harmful; and they lean on the explanation that the process of natural selection “weeded out” the useless mutations and left over only those that had survival value.

      Stripped of verbiage this means: by blind accident there developed a gland that is capable of organizing materials into a cement; the stylets of the mouth parts formed by accident, and each foot gained a claw by

      The ear is an accident, the tongue is an accident, the heart is an accident, the eye is an accident, reproduction is an accident, mother’s
      milk is an accident, a seed is an accident, ad infinitum: the blind academicians who today lead the blind masses, see nothing but accident.

      They see nothing because they wish to see nothing. Would
      they choose, they could see everything.

      The endless panorama of the phenomena has been bestowed to enable men to see the hand of the Great Designer. Those who choose not to see cannot claim exemption from this universal obligation.

      To those who reject the blind and rigid partisanship of the academicians, the phenomena of nature speak clearly and testify to their Creator. Each phenomenon is as accidental as a book (actually, a library of books); like a book, it testifies to its Author, and it was designed to testify to its Author. “All Your works praise You” (Tehillim 145: 10).

          1. Oh, were you offended by his comment? That’s the thing with most liberals, no sense of humor and easily offended by trivialities. And you wonder why nobody likes you……

          2. LOL I have seen this “it’s people like you” meme so often, on such a wide variety of topics and statements; it’s obvious Dem loyalists have been taught to use it when they don’t have a legit case to make… which is always…

            1. Why would I be bothered making a legit case with someone who is proposing to send Obama ‘back to Africa in chains’.? Let’s at least be honest about the kind of discussion we’re engaging in.

              1. If we can agree that simple handcuffs are, in effect, chains and that Obama is almost surely an illegal alien from Africa who needs to be deported what is wrong with Leonard’s comment?

              2. When a person has committed such egregious acts as the porch monkey in chief has, insulting to the lowest form of debasement is our alternative to out and out bloodshed. You vile liberals should get down on your knees every day and thank whatever potted plant you pray to that we continue to ONLY hurl insults because to move to the next level would see the vast majority of you swinging from lamp posts and trees.

                1. LOL. So scary. I’d be worried if I wasn’t certain you were a slack jawed yokel who wastes his days drooling in front of the TV with a bunch other intellectually stunted Walmart hambeasts.

          3. That sounds like a threat to me. Do as we say and hand over all of your money or we will unleash Godzhillary upon you. Tokyo first, then the rest of the civilized world.

      1. “Rabbi Avigdor Miller on the theory of evolution…”

        Most rabbis have enough faith to believe that God can create the cosmos any way God might wish, whether or not humans can understand how or why the process need not be teleological (i.e. by design).

        A rabbi or a scientist who believes in God might conclude that Darwin simply discovered that the means by which God created the universe was by natural selection and not by design.

        In my opinion, it is blasphemy to assert that God cannot employ evolution by natural selection as a means of creation.

        A person with religious faith might believe that God has the power to create the universe the way Darwin has described, by natural selection.

        Whether or not evolution by natural selection occurred is a scientific, not a religious question. And while we honor Darwin for his insights, we have come a long way from Darwin in our studies of the origins of the universe and its contents.

        We no longer mention Darwin much in our scientific discussions of evolution, anymore than biologists mention Vesalius in regard to anatomy. Neither you nor I nor Rabbi Miller would return to a heart specialist who relies on William Harvey (

        So it is with anyone who relies on Charles Darwin for evolutionary theory. Attempting to refute Darwin demonstrates that the person does not know that Darwin’s theory of evolution was radically revised around 85 years ago, by those who formulated the “modern synthesis”.

        And since the discovery of DNA, the science of bioinformatics has further weakened the link between Darwin and evolutionary theory.

        At least 100 branches of science support evolutionary theory, including the technology in your GPS device. The GPS satellites can measure how fast continents move across the face of the Earth.

        With this information we know that the Americas were once connected to Europe and Africa and India was once connected to Australia. We know too that climate has evolved as continents moved poleward or equatorward and that plants and animals evolved to adapt to tropical and polar climates.

        If you won’t let yourself be conned by climate catastrophists, why let yourself be conned by Creationists?

        But don’t rely on my opinion. Nir Shaviv and Jan Veizer have demonstrated how climate during the last 500 million years might have been driven by movement of the Sun across the spiral arms of our galaxy.

        The celestial geometry of Earth, Sun and galaxy, together with plate tectonics may one day become a magnificent theoretical synthesis that can explain Earth’s evolutionary development.

        But it will tell us nothing about the existence or non-existence of God.

        1. Belief in God actually takes much less faith than belief in Darwinism. The fossil evidence refutes much of Darwin’s theory, starting with the fact that disparity precedes diversity, followed by the Cambrian explosion, both examples Darwin himself admitted being problematic to his theory. Just like warming theorists, who ignore or “shift” data to fit their models, the faith to believe these “scientific” theories must be much stronger than belief in “intelligent design”

        2. “With this information we know that the Americas were once connected to Europe and Africa and India was once connected to Australia.” Oh really? So where is the GPS data that gives that proof? Oh, I see. It’s based on an ASSUMPTION. So now we KNOW the past based on an ASSUMPTION of present data projected back in time. Sounds like more than just creationists are being conned. Let me refer you to Job Ch. 38 when God puts Job in his place, ( a man found to be upright by God, mind you), and says to him, “Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer Me. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me if you have understanding.” Then proceed to read the rest of the book and consider all these so called “facts” based on assumptions that evolutionists have of which there is no proof.
          How much of evolutionary development God used in creation simply cannot be known with any reliable certainty. It is presumptuous and foolish to put forth ideas regarding unwitnessed history as fact based on very limited knowledge. And yet our so called scientific community overflows with such garbage.

        3. Okay, with your knowledge of the new and improved theories of evolution explain to me how through natural selection an organ that produces an anticoagulant comes into existence?

        4. What a bunch of crap. Pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo cobbled together by an over-educated idiot. Darwin’s theory of evolution cannot explain the sudden appearance of thousands of new species all at one time. It cannot explain the lack of any intermediary forms in the fossil record. That would be fossils showing a gradual change from one form to another thereby creating a new “species”. That is the real reason Darwin is not pushed by the scientific community. The fossil record does not support his theory. Plate tectonics has nothing to do with evolution. Climate doesn’t evolve and there is no fossil record to prove that “plants and animals evolved to adapt to tropical and polar climates”. The only thing you have stated that is beyond dispute are the three words, “in my opinion”. That is exactly what all that is, your opinion.

          1. Rabbi Avigdor Miller on Geology:

            Paragraph 99. One of the mainstays of evolution is the claim that everywhere the order of the rock strata demonstrates the development of living things from the simple to the complex. The public has been led to believe that the “bottom strata” contain fossils of the simplest (and “therefore” the earliest) forms, and as the geologic column ascends we find more highly developed and more-complicated forms. But the discrepancy between the dictates of the theory of evolution and the actual facts is too glaring for any honest mind to ignore.

            100. The actual order of the strata as we see them in
            super-position upon each other, very frequently contradicts the order required by the theory. There are so many instances where the supposedly older fossils
            are superimposed upon beds of supposedly recent fossils that it becomes clear that geology cannot be invoked as a support for the theory of evolution.

            101. What do the theorists counter to this open refutation? They reply: Wherever the order of the strata is in discordance with the chronology of the evolution-system, “it constitutes the clearest evidence that the strata have been displaced.”

            102. These instances frequently involve areas of hundreds of thousands of square miles. To overturn or otherwise displace such extensive surfaces would require mechanics beyond our ken, and no process can be imagined which would be capable of inverting many thousands of square miles of rock beds so that the “older” or previously-deposited strata would lie uniformly
            on top of beds that had been laid down later.

            103. Even if we could conjure up in our minds the
            possibility of such events, yet such upheavals should be expected to leave their impression. Yet the theorists postulate such gigantic displacements, even when there is not the slightest evidence of any disturbance of the rock beds. The “wrong” order of the fossils is in itself full and convincing “evidence” that the strata are not in their original position.

            104. Thus the theorists can never lose. When the fossils are found in successive beds in accordance with their theory, these beds are considered conformable and in their original position; but when the order of the fossils contradicts their theory, the beds are declared to have been displaced from their original position.

            105. “The most incredible mechanical explanation (i.e.,
            to explain away the “wrong” order of the strata) is more probable than that the evolution of organic nature (i.e. the theorists’ doctrine of the succession of the fossils) should have been inverted in one country as compared
            with another.” Any incredible explanation is preferable to denying the theory of evolution.

            1. So…does that mean God exists, because evolution doesn’t?? Don’t misunderstand me, I am not anti religion, I just can’t help see the gaping hole in your logic about the existence of God. In truth we just don’t know the answers so we fill that void with stuff like religion and science. Since there seems to be no evidence that God takes an active and helpful role in our everyday lives and science keeps getting updated with the discovery of new evidence why don’t we all deal with what we do know about (and have some hope of changing). A good start would be to implement Leonard’s suggestion and send Obama back to Africa in chains.

          2. I’ve seen the fossil record, but even after being “dead” twice (the last time for ten minutes) I have yet to meet God. In fact, God may very will exist, but you have zero proof. Basically life on earth got here somehow, but none of us really knows what brought it about. Why the heck are we arguing about it??

            1. From: Confession of a Creationist by Sara Yoheved Rigler

              Why did the intelligentsia of 19th and 20th century Europe and America jump on Darwin’s bandwagon with such zeal that they accorded this unproven theory the status of law, so that to question evolution became like doubting the law of gravity?

              Darwin’s theory was a convenient way to dispose of God.
              Unlike the gods of the East, Judaism conferred on the Western world a God who gives commandments, who tells you what to do, who impinges on personal freedom.
              Until Darwin, the Western world was stuck with God. After all, who else could have created the world? And if He did you the favor of creating you, the least you could do was obey His Ten Commandments.

              Darwin’s “Origin of Species” liberated more people than Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. If human beings were the result of chance mutations and survival of the fittest, nobody owed God anything. Human beings were free to do as they pleased.

              The Talmud makes a knowing remark about such hidden agendas. It says that the Children of Israel never pursued idol worship except in order to “permit themselves” promiscuity. After all, in the Torah God issued dozens of commandments restricting certain sexual relationships. The pagan deities’ idols Baal and Ashera, on the other hand, had no such scruples. In fact, some pagan gods rather liked orgies. Following them meant one could do as one pleased.

              Like virtually everyone in the 20th century West, I had grown up with a firm belief in the objectivity of science. Therefore, I was shocked and disillusioned when I read an account of how Albert Einstein, the greatest of all scientists (we stood up in silence in Hebrew school when we received the news of his death, an honor never accorded to any religious or Zionist figure) resisted all the evidence of an expanding universe.

              Einstein, in his brilliance, understood that the Big Bang implied some supernatural force that could break through the Law of Inertia and cause the primordial dot which contained all matter and energy to explode. After examining the data of top astronomers and mathematicians, which all pointed to an expanding universe, Einstein still refused to concede the point, and insisted to a colleague, “I have still not fallen into the hands of priests.” [“God and the Astronomers” by Robert Jastrow.]

              Even after Edwin Hubble, using the largest telescope in the world, discovered incontrovertible proof of the expanding universe, Einstein continued teaching the static model of the universe for five more years. Only after acceding to Hubble’s request and traveling to Pasadena to personally examine the evidence, did Einstein reluctantly concede, “New observations by Hubble … make it appear likely that the general structure of the universe is not static.”

              But to this day, schools and universities continue to teach evolution with a devotion which former societies
              reserved only for religion. Wishful thinking dies hard.

              1. I stopped reading after the first erroneous paragraph. Darwin was forced to apologize for his original theory and compelled to write another book disavowing it all. Ms Rigler needs to improve her research skills.

        5. The question is how did DNA, RNA, and the complex amino acids required for all life come into existences on earth about 3 billion years ago? The probability that this happened by unguided random chemical reactions is essentially zero!

          1. If I toss a coin the probability of get a head is 0.5. But after I toss a coin that turns up heads, the probability of a head is 1.0. The point is that when an event has already happened the probability is always 1.0.

            So the argument that the universe as we know it happened in a certain way based on probabilities is not convincing. The attempt to use science to either prove or disprove the nature or existence of God goes nowhere.

            Religion tells us that God created the universe and also why. Science is concerned with discovering how the universe and it contents work and for how long the universe has been working.

            Most American scientists believe in God and also accept evolution by natural selection. They are able to combine belief in the existence of God and evolution because their faith in God is strong.

            Worldwide only radical fundamentalists among Jews, Christians and Muslims reject evolution by natural selection. In so doing they reveal that their faith in God is to weak to accept evolution.

            Unfortunately, among Christians, the percentage of fundamentalists is greater in the US than elsewhere. This does not bode well for American science.

            1. I agree that the probability of what has happened in the past has happened is one. If you can discover the past objectively and you can’t change the past so the probability of your objective discovery being true is one. No rational person would argue with this triviality. Life does indeed exist today on earth.

              The fossil record also shows that bacteria with DNA, RNA, amino acids and proteins existed in the primitive earth about 3 billion years ago. Before this time, conditions on the planet were unlikely to support life as we know it. The bacteria appear at almost the same time as the climate changed on earth in such a way as to be conducive to life. Since the earth is only 4.5 billion years old, it is fair to ask how did the DNA, RNA, and special proteins come into existence. As we experience it, life is required to produce life.

              So don’t you think it is reasonable to ask how did DNA, RNA, etc. come to be? George Wald, a Nobel prize winning scientist, says life is the inevitable product of random chemistry – one only has to wait as time will produce the miracles. Other prominent scientists have estimated the the time required for this to occur by unguided random chemical reactions to exceed the 4.5 billion year age of the earth and even the 15 billion year age of the universe based on the Big-Bang.

              So far we have said nothing about God or religion. It would seem that the evolutionists invoke faith in the miracle of spontaneous generation.

              When I consider the comments of Frederick Colbourne, I conclude that they are the products of an intelligent being. If I were a devout evolutionist, I might suggest that they could also be the products of an infinite number of monkeys banging away randomly at an infinite number of word processors.

              Intelligent design seems far more likely to be a possible answer to life’s origin. So why are the evolutionists so afraid to allow ID to be taught or discussed without invoking ad hominem attacks.

              1. There is no way to prove either that intelligent design or natural selection drives evolution. But science is not in the business of proving theories. Science is in the business of exploring alternative theories to find which ones better explain reality.

                In exploring how theories explain reality, some theories may be refuted but none are ever proven. The best that a scientist can say is that an observation supports a particular theory.

                Often scientists can find a null hypothesis against which all theories can be tested. For a mercury barometer the null hypothesis might be that mercury would not rise in the tube if there were no gas pressure on the mercury in the reservoir. The scientist would place all apparatus in a vacuum chamber and evacuate all air from the chamber and observe that the mercury falls to the level in the reservoir. The scientist would then observe what happens when air is admitted to the chamber: the mercury rises as air is admitted to the chamber. The null hypothesis is demonstrated. It is now up to other scientists to falsify the theory that air pressure forces mercury to rise in the tube.

                Natural selection is the null hypothesis for evolution. Intelligent design is an assumption that believers bring to the study of the Earth and leads to a blank wall. It is therefore up to the scientist who favors intelligent design to falsify the null hypothesis, natural selection.

                (Genetics theory tells us that natural selection is non-random although random mutations generate the variety needed upon which natural selection can work. In turn random mutations may be generated by subatomic processes that are known to be random. S.J. Gould explained this very clearly in books and essays for non-scientists.)

                While intelligent design closes most discussions of evolution, natural selection as an hypothesis that opens many doors and windows to further inquiry.

                That is why I say adoption of intelligent design by so many Americans does not bode well for American science.

                Disclaimer: I am an entity realist. I believe entities exist (such as genes). But I do not believe that theories are real. Theories have to be formed and reformed and rejected according to whether they do not fit reality. As I see it, the main scientific problem with the theory of evolution by natural selection is that it cannot be refuted. But its opposing theory, intelligent design cannot be refuted either. As it stands, the best that natural selection has going for it as a theory is that it leads to further discoveries. My biggest criticism of intelligent design is that it leads nowhere.

                Some theories are used merely because they are useful, such as the diagrams developed by Richard Feynman to work with quantum theory. The diagrams explained nothing and Feynman famously said that nobody understands quantum theory.

                Possibly, the reason we are compelled to used natural selection to explain evolution is that it is the most useful theory we have.

                Intelligent design may be useful for religions but it is useless for science. With one exception, breeding new varieties of plants and animals is a form of evolution by intelligent design. Genetic engineering is new, but for thousands of years humans have been using selective breeding to change both plants and animals. Charles Darwin’s first book on evolution devoted a big chunk of its text to this subject. The humans doing the breeding were intelligent designers.

                We now do genetic engineering using our knowledge of DNA and the people who do it are very intelligent.

                Perhaps we have reached the point where we have two theories. just as for electromagnetic phenomena where we have the wave theory and the quantum theory.

                We have evolution by natural selection as the scientific theory and evolution by intelligent design as the religious theory espoused by a minority of Christians, Jews and Muslims.

                Some scientists whose faith in God is strong can hold both theories at the same time and not worry about the apparent conflict, just as they do for wave theory and quantum theory. I am not one of them, but I respect those who take this approach.

                1. You asked for an attack on natural selection. There are many. I give you a few: Ann Coulter (a lawyer not a scientist) from her book “Godless”:

                  “Through the process of natural selection, the ‘fittest’ survive, [but] who are the ‘fittest’? The ones who survive! Why, look – it happens every time! The ‘survival of the fittest’ would be a joke if it weren’t part of the belief system of a fanatical cult infesting the Scientific Community.” This is just circular logic.

                  I also give you Jerry Fodor who makes more extensive sophisticated arguments against Darwinian natural selection.

                  Both Coulter and Fodor were subjected to ad hominem – in a debate this will always result in a loss.

                  You state that intelligent design leads nowhere and natural selection opens many doors.

                  I am an engineer and when I see a design or create one that design has a purpose. Intelligent design implies a purpose to life and the universe – granted that purpose may not be known. but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist and it that we should not look for it.

                  Unguided random natural selection has no purpose. History tells us that it leads to nihilism, Nietzsche, Marx, Hitler, Sanger, etc., which in turn leads to evil and death.

                  Intelligent design leads to Cicero, Locke, Jefferson, etc., which in turn leads to the Natural Law and Human Rights.

                  I naturally select intelligent design any day.

      2. All that does seem improbable, but why does that mean the whole mess was created by some kind and loving god? Your comment sounds very much like the climate hustle, “the earth is warming and we hate SUVs so the problem must be your SUV.” Good luck with that.

      3. Darwinian Evolution, like man-made global warming, and running a modern economy with solar and wind power are frauds, lies, and hoaxes that any true honest scientist or engineer can debunk by application of the laws of physics and mathematics.

    2. It is a HUSTLE because you are HAPPY to let these world “leaders” suck tax money out of YOUR pockets and into THEIR POCKETS. They are the ones who have an iron grip on the climate exchange. That is why your energy bills are FAR HIGHER than they should be. THEY SET THE MANDATES! We pay the taxes to set up their phoney sunshine and windmill companies. Same companies get the money, pretend they’re building their business for a few years, then give half the money back to the political hacks who gave them the startup money and declare bankruptcy. Ever hear of Solyndra? That’s just the start. There have been many more.

      1. Big oil is already realizing that this farce can be a boon to them also. It is an economy of scale. The percentage may wane, but the sheer volume increase of dollars will bring more dollars to all pockets on the billing end of the transaction.

        1. What’s your problem with oil companies. They have NO POWER over me. Governments DO. And you are happy to let them tax the pants off you and stuff your tax money into their greedy pockets by way of the phony sunshine and windmill companies they set up. You are pitiful.

    3. Always follow the money. The more the government grows, the more poor decisions it makes not just in sum, but in percentage.

      I’ve seen the impact of sending a GS-15 to the executive office for advisory roles. Instant budgets, instant positions of power. Scientists are people.

      Big government truly kills.

    4. Religious Zealouts and it is about power and controll…. nothing more and nothing less!

      People of the Global Warming Religion are absolutely no different than the “Flat Earthers”….. close off all debate and kill people who believe the Earth is round!!

    5. ” pushing a global governance agenda”

      Exactly. You know, once you realize the presence of the global governance agenda everything going on in the world today makes sense, including the use of mass immigration to break down the ethnic cohesion of White countries.

    6. ” the process of, corrupting honest scientific debate, leading directly to the destruction of the preeminence of scientific leadership in America, when deference to so-called United Nations climate consensus is given. Make no mistake, it corrupts the ENTIRETY of the scientific community, by a relatively small, vocal, and cult-like fanaticism.” So true it requires repeating . CZ.

    7. The ‘97% of all scientists agree that global warming is real and is caused by man’ meme they are using is also a hustle. It was cooked up by two global warming wackos and sent to the ASU as a ‘survey’. 30,000 were sent the survey. Only 10,000 received it. Of that 10,000, only 3,000 even responded. Of the 3,000, only 97 had written any ‘peer reviewed’ articles that contained the key words, ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’. All others were rejected.

      Of the remaining 97, 95 agreed with the wackos that global warming is real, and is caused by man. 2 disagreed. And there is the so-called ‘97% of all scientists’ that the liberals, the UN, and Obama have raised up as their golden calf of global warming. It’s actually barely 2% of ‘all the scientists’ that they surveyed. So 97% of 2% of ‘all scientists’ agreed with the wackos and that’s it.

    8. Environmental issues are, in this case, similar to Erdogan’s train, the one called democracy – the one that you disembark as soon as you reach your destination.

    9. The end game of the climate hustle is global socialism. Everything Obama has done is in the pursuit of greater government control, diminishing the traditional family, and creating social unrest. His climate cult is a means to an end all while the climate does what it has always done … change.

    10. The Global Warming-cum-Climate Change scam is proof that the elites and their puppets in government, including many republicans, view and treat their constituents as captive slaves forced to perform involuntary labor (taxation) “justified” by a damnable lie told by politicians and their Nazi collaborators in academe and at NASA.

      These people of the lie must be resisted at every turn and at all costs, as every step they take tightens the yoke of slavery around every once free citizen around the world.

    11. it’s a religion like the flat earth religion the only difference is they do not burn you at the stake for denying it. even the pope back then claimed it was heresy to believe in nothing but a flat earth like our pope of today who is a believer but with a jaded view he sees the redistribution of wealth not the churches but us little people to dirt bag countries run by war lords and dictators! did you know the catholic church owns 3 swiss banks? that’s 100’s of billions in dollars euro’s yuans and what ever currency they can get!

      1. Oh, give them the chance. They DO want to burn us at the stake for disagreeing with them…or, at the very least, jailing us. Some of them are already advocating we be jailed if we don’t toe the line.

    12. There was the story several years ago where a writer went to the Andes in Chili and saw a melting glacier. He then commented that a glacier not far away was inexplicably growing. “Inexplicably”. Yup, that says it all.

    13. It’s all about stopping REAL progress: business. Building companies, logging companies, modern comfort (heating/cooling, indoor plumming, etc.), forest clearing (maintenance), irrigation, etc.

      Greenies hate all that. So they want to stop it. And they found a way: scaring little children and chicken littles about damages that are going to happen at the soonest in about 150 years from now.

      Notice how it’s never next year. Or in 5 or 10 years. No, it’s always in some distant future, when none of us will be here to hold anyone accountable for the catastrophes they predicted and that did not happened.

    14. I would only add the word “socialist” before global governance. Otherwise, you are spot on! Twenty-first century science has been tainted by radical leftists with an agenda to take more control, freedoms, and civil rights from people everywhere.

      1. Tell that to supporters of socialism. They seem to think that there would only be a middle class. No more poor or rich. Just everybody living together happy, feed, loved and cared for. LOL!!!! What a bunch of gullible suckers.

    1. You might be right but your position statement is far too simplistic. Please expand your thesis. And please don’t overlook the point that the Middle Class makes everything possible. Without them you’ll never get a solution and the threat to the environment will still be there.

      1. I should have been more clear when making my initial statement. I should of said, “The elites and our leaders believe that the biggest threat to the planet is ordinary people like you and me.” They believe that people … regular ordinary people are the biggest threat to the planet.

  2. Even the UN IPCC TFE.8 declares temperature rise of a few degrees has no objective level set to cause any harm. And warming could feed the world with longer growing seasons, extended north and south growing regions, and more rainfall due to more evaporation to water the extended regions and seasons, not to mention more CO2 helps plants grow better. The climate alarmists could one day being dooming even more people to starve to death !!!

  3. Memo to Marc Morano: love what you are doing but watch your back, dude. There is an ocean full of money involved in the climate fraud and you threaten that gravy train. Dissent will not be met with reasoned discourse.

    1. They have thought control over nearly everyone in Academia.
      They have content control over every school textbook.
      They have policy control over nearly every government environmental bureaucracy.
      They have monetary control over the United Nations.
      They have political control over European Union representatives.
      They have edit control over the US News Media.
      They have career control over most Hollywood celebrities.
      They even have the head of the Catholic Church playing the fool for them.
      They have control over the narrative, their scandals disappear, opposition demonized.
      And with all that they have control over the truth, the facts are buried by consensus, their scandals are sanitized and their opposers demonized, ignored or destroyed.
      Unfortunately, I am skeptical that anything is going to stop this…as you say…its all about the Gold.

      1. Americans have awakened. The cat is out of the bag. We KNOW they are FRAUDS! Global warming, global cooling, climate change is NOTHING they can control. GOD CONTROLS THE CLIMATE BECAUSE GOD CONTROLS THE SUN!

  4. Time is past for tar and feathers. It’s now time for ropes and trees . . starting with Algore and Michael Moore. Then, maybe go alphabetically, starting in the “Os”.

      1. To hell with that. There are too many. And this is a big deal for the amount of lies and corruption. We need to be serious. We need to look to the past for better solutions.

      1. Religion is a hoax, but it gives a benefit to society. Imagine how many murders were not committed because someone believed in god. Imagine how many people remained married their whole lives because of religion which benefitted their kids. What benefit do we get from not heating our homes? Pokie nipples?

        1. Although I do agree with you and do consider myself a Christian, I can’t pass up the chance to play Devil’s Advocate on this one: Imagine how many people would not have been killed in the name of some god or another throughout history? Nevermind today’s terrorists, who wouldn’t have a cause without religion, but think of the several crusades, all the catholic/protestant wars of the middle ages, etc. I 100% agree with you on religion being the source of societal morality though.

          1. What about all the deaths caused by communism, Stalin, Mao, Khmer Rouge, to name a few. These murders don’t need a religion to murder, they are just mass murders using any excuse to take power.

            1. As you said, those weren’t done in the name of religion, but we’re only considering those murders that [i] weren’t [/i] caused by religion, and those historical massacres that [i] were [/] caused by religion.

              That statement was made a little tongue-in-cheek though. As I said, I do 100% agree on the church being the source of societal morality. without organized religion, why would good be good or bad be bad, no matter what perspective you view things through?

              1. Religion is the scapegoat used by lazy historians. Today, just like in 860ad all the way back to the beginning of human time; war of aggression is simply caused by those looking for power and money. So a failing politician can hold onto his support locally by blaming all the ills of his citizenry on some evil entity. Or (think Sparta) a country rich in people and arms but poor in economy (ships, trade, farms) would seek to attack and rob their neighbors in order to fill their wallets and bellies.

          2. If you go back, and look at all of the Holy Wars brought about by Islam… and look at the Crusades…. The Crusades were just a brief moment in time. AND… The Crusades were brought about NOT to conquer new lands, but to take back Christian Territories that had been overrun in Islamic Jihads.


            1. I never said one or another was more at fault. Religion is faith. Faith, by definition, is belief that cannot be proven with fact. Without organized religion, those wars probably still would have happened for some reason or another. I only said “imagine how many people wouldnot have been killed in the name of some god ” to counter the point of “imagine how many murders were not committed because someone believed in god”.

                1. It seems they really worship their “prophet”. You never hear them talk about God. It is always the prophet Mohammed they are going on about. It is his writings, his beliefs, his laws, his commandments that make up the bulk of their literature. It is Mohammed they worship. It is any perceived insult to Mohammed that drives them into a rage and brings on their threats of murder. It is not their god that commands them to conquer the infidel. Murder, convert or enslave the infidel. No, that is Mohammed commanding them to do these things. He says they are to do these things because God commands it. He is a false prophet that is responsible for the murders of millions of people. In his name the followers of Islam have enslaved millions of people. The wars of conquest by the Muslim hordes stretch back for almost a thousand years, They conquered most of Europe and all of North Africa. It took hundreds of years to push them out of Europe. It was not even two hundred years ago that Greece finally won independence from it’s Muslim rulers. It is shocking to me that Europe now opens it’s doors to the same Muslim invaders that their ancestors fought so bravely to defeat. Shameful that the best in this world is valued so cheaply that they freely give it to the Muslims.

                  1. You are 100% right. The Great Crusades were fought to TAKE BACK the land muslim terrorists had invaded. Why in sam hill they GAVE ALL THAT LAND BACK to the terrorists is beyond me! Just as the kenyan has given back to the terrorists all the land our soldiers fought and died for in Iraq and Afghanistan. Un efn believable!

          3. I think the real question is how many liberals would have been killed over the centuries (and over the last 60 years even) if Christ didn’t exist to stop conservatives from doing so. Would the world even resemble what it does today? I don’t think so.

          4. Islam is a TERRORIST CULT. It is NOT a religion. And killing terrorists is NOT against Gods laws. The Crusades happened when the French got sick and tired of muslim terrorism in Europe and chased them all back to the middle east. They were kept in their place until political correctness convinced everyone that one religion is just like any other religion. Now look at the mess.

        2. How many Christians were killed, because they could not cite verses from the Koran? How many Muslims have been killed, because they are not the right kind of Muslim. Are you a Sunni Muslim? Or are you a Shiia Muslim? Think fast… or I’ll cut your head off… Sunni or Shiia? Shiia or Sunni? Mohammad demands an answer….

      2. The Christian faith is not a hoax. No one is forced to be a Christian, no one is forced to worship God. It is people who realize there is more to their existence than their everyday lives. Those people seek a spiritual awakening or spiritual growth in the faith of their fathers. Only in the Christian faith can one find peace and a life-altering experience that changes one’s whole life. It is truly being born again as a new person. It is difficult for those who are skeptical to understand or even believe the Christian faith is a source of immense strength for believers. It is not just morals and values, it is living one’s faith on a daily basis. It is knowing that God has a plan for your life, your life is not meaningless or of no consequence. God created you, therefore, your life has value and meaning beyond your understanding.

  5. This film is L O N G overdue!!! A person can research the truth, evidence the truth, expose the truth….but the climate cultists refuse to listen to even a syllable. You would think that you had committed heresy to their most sacred religion….and indeed, you have! In time, those who do not have a monetary tie to the religion in the form of grants or whatever, will possibly tire of the fraud and the scandal and the scam, and put the GW nonsense to rest once and for all. Al Gore…a pox upon you!

  6. Every time it gets bitterly around our area, with tongue in cheek, I ask, “Where is global warming when we need it the most?”
    With all the religious overtones coming out of this climate-change harangue, I now beg anyone in the know to tell me where the heck is the rationality of the 18th Century Enlightenment, logical positivism of the 20th Century Vienna Circle and plain old common sense, when we need it the most.

  7. If carbon combustion is a direct threat to humans, due to disastrous climate change then billions are doomed. Economical energy sustains life and there is no alternate energy that is cheap enough for bulk supply (Uranium fission can help is limited situations).

    Hence the sole decision is who goes first. They may be the lucky ones. They probably will be victims of the necessary dictatorships which will slice the pie and get to eat it.

    This has been the worse managed issue ever to face society. Our leaders are incompetent.

  8. Well now that the US utility providers were coerced by the govt to install smart meters, they’ll be able to insure our participation in this folly/hoax…like it or not.

      1. I had to respond to a certified letter. Send in a cashiers check and fend off two follow up visits from managers to not have one. They kept telling me why I should comply and all reasons had to do with their ability to control usage. One finally admitted that the government had them all do it.

  9. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that it is difficult to find someone who knows the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere. This topic has been in the news every day for over 15 years and our kids have been taught about the subject in school. Most people get mad at me when I explain that oxygen is 21%, nitrogen is 78%, and argon is 1% of our air. Yes folks, carbon dioxide is only 0.04%. (That rounds to 0.0%) It is proper to be mad about the truth when you realize you have been scammed.

  10. Climate change and migration are being used to elevate the lefts vision of multiculturalism and world governance. After all, when will the US have another President (Obama) so willing to hand over American sovereignty.

  11. The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He,
    Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short
    a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his
    own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all
    others accepted the lie which the Party imposed–if all records told the
    same tale–then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls
    the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the
    present controls the past.’ And yet the past, though of its nature
    alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from
    everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was
    an unending series of victories over your own memory. ‘Reality control’,
    they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink’.

    ‘Stand easy!’ barked the instructress, a little more genially.

  12. The utter fraud and silliness of this “global warming” scam is truly breathtaking. How can people be so delusional? Not Obama, he’s already delusional, but rational, thinking people. Why are they so willing to surrender to this scam?

  13. That is exactly what it is…a hustle. These so-called “leaders ” can’t manage the lint between their toes, much less the environment. God complexes one and all.

  14. Global Warming has been proven a fraud, with their faulty computer models, so they call it Climate Change now. This is nothing more than world Gov’t wanting to control the freedoms we’ve fought for & are willing to do it again!

  15. It is pretty clear that the global warming scientist do not understand the mechanisms of nature well enough to say nothing about anything. At least they can admit that. Maybe someday they will figure meteorology out but for now they don’t really know squat.

  16. Seems that a lot of developing countries that were promised twelve digit checks to “mitigate” the “effects” of “climate change” are still in favor of the treaty…

  17. No one denies the climate changes. It is, does and has for as long as it has existed. The question is does human activity have any discernible impact on it. Obviously not, and if it did, how many people are they willing to kill to prevent a .02 degree change in the climate over the next 50 years? Because that is really what it comes down to. I have always found it to be very interesting that the climate change pushers in the government have pegged C02 as the culprit that must be controlled. They want the government in charge of everything that produces C02. Human beings, all 7 billion of us, produce C02. Isn’t that really what they wish to control?

      1. How so sir? We remove oxygen and replace it with C02. The very first case of mass pollution on the planet occurred when C02 breathing organisms changed the atmosphere of the planet enough to support oxygen breathing life by replacing C02 with oxygen. Those organisms were single cell, non-fossil or otherwise fuel burning, creatures. Just by exchanging one gas for another they changed the composition of the planet enough to cause mass extinctions of C02 breathing creatures and brought about the oxygen breathers.

        1. Plants absorb the carbon we respirate. We then eat the plants and respirate carbon dioxide. It’s a cycle. Whatever you eat has at some point been plant based. When you expel that carbon it will eventually make it back into plants which will then be eaten again.

          1. I’ve noticed that vast amount of vegetation on this planet is NOT consumable. So I am not following where you are going with your point. We can never produce more CO2 than plants produce oxygen globally.

          2. Yes, but as you stated initially, in the absence of using fossil fuels to produce food our respiration is carbon neutral. To feed our population requires energy to produce the food. Not to mention the methane that is a byproduct of consumption. So again I would ask, how many people is the government willing to kill to stop a .02 degree increase in temperature over the next 50 years?

  18. Its an accepted belief and practice of environmental protection for our Air, Water and Earth by the people of the US. We have been fighting that battle for more than 50 years both in the private sector and Government regulation. To use this endeavor as a cover for the Progressive Globalists agenda of “Climate Change” to confiscate our money for their redistribution to the Al Gores’ and Goldman Sachs along with the UN with a mere pittance for third world nations at the end of the pyramid is nothing but a SCAM. All those poor people demonstrating in Paris and around the world are being mislead confusing the protection programs already in place with compliance efforts for nations such as China that have yet to perform their responsibility with the Globalists conspiracy to extract our personal savings into their greedy coffers. Their technique of Guilt and Divide are the two devices to accomplish the Climate Change Fallacy Agenda.

    1. How did you determine that this is a massive conspiracy rather than this is the conclusion most scientists have reached based on the evidence? How is the former more probable than the latter?

            1. If it is warming the planet faster than we can adapt to then it is at some concentration a pollutant. We allow minute traces of arsenic and other such compounds as tolerable in minute amounts. They are however pollutants in higher concentrations.

                    1. I don’t know that that is necessarily true. To the extent that climate change has altered the weather such that a person died that otherwise wouldn’t have then people have been killed by climate change.

  19. If you watch The Great Global Warming Swindle that is available for free on YouTube you can see how absurd the MMGW crowd are. And so many in the documentary are the top people in the fields that the UN used for their report. Even the lead author of the UN report on MMGW who was ignored when he said it was wrong.

  20. It’s too late to effectively refute the climate change agenda, as it has become an immovable force , with big money industries, and even big oil on board. The fix is in, and the solution to a nonexistent problem is guaranteed regardless of it’s composition. I have to admit ,it’s genius in both concept and application.

  21. The truth is most of these delegates and world leaders are probably going to this summit with a pre-made consensus to agree on massive co2 limits and masses of money to commit, with a few (or many) going with the idea of strong arming the wealthier countries to pay for their environmental clean ups. Now, there will be a race to the theater door by countries like India, Russia and China to have ammunition to saying a great big “HELL NO.” This makes Obama’s home coming very interesting. But then again, he is a well oiled and rehearsed LIAR. He can conjure up fast on his feet from a lifetime of practice.

  22. 3 suggestions:

    1)Stop making war machines; that wastes 50 percent of the world’s resources…

    2) Stop with income and property taxes, it causes people to expend more energy to get the money…

    3) Lastly, disband the UN… Too much hot air is excreted from those wannabe world dictators…

    Paranoia will destroy ya… Climate fear, terrorism fear, the sky is falling fear… fear, fear, fear..

    …Or turn off the damn TV and start living in the here and now.

    The UN is frantic to use the “global warming” fears to consolidate the NWO order for the Elites… These UNelected depots need to be shut down. Let real science do the trick.

  23. I don’t know why the discussion continues. I have seen the stockholder list of Shoreline Bank in at least 4 articles about this fraud. The authors of the articles stated that two of the largest shareholders are Obama and Gore. This crackpot scheme has Shoreline Bank as the broker to handle the dispersal and collections for the carbon credits from which the bank’s fees will be up to 20 billion dollars a year. One article stated Gore stands to make 8 billion a year if he can get this through. And, of course, the middle class will pay the bill.

  24. Warmist/Leftists are not the first generation of gulliblistas to come along. Snake-oil salesmen — …er, scientists — have been pushing the lies that are gobbled up by the ignorant masses for years.

    This batch are the most evil, however, as their agenda is all about consolidating power and money and control in the hands of a few global oligarchs and autocrats who have their eyes on the ultimate prize — destroying the United States of America.

    “Government by the few” has been the mantra of the Left for generations.

  25. The Left’s leaders are malignant narcissists and lies & deception are the tools of narcissists to achieve their objectives. In this case, extorting cash rich companies out of their earnings and wealth. Period. These people driving this hoax are evil.

    1. Right, it’s so evil to force corporations to become better stewards of the environment. PURE EVIL! Those poor multi-billion dollar corporations! WHO WILL SPEAK FOR THEM?

      1. Those damned corporations. Especially the ones that do not produce anything tangible (the preponderance of American corporations). What ever shall we do about them?

  26. In addition to the scientific deficiencies in the CAGW theory, it is essential to point out the circumstantial evidence involving the odd, non-scientific behavior of its proponents. Their clear propagandist approach seriously undermines their credibility.

    Some examples: Using the loaded term “carbon” instead of the accurate, but less “dirty and sooty” sounding “carbon dioxide.” Similarly, using photos of smokestacks and cooling tower emissions (falsely implying that the emitted water vapor is smoke) in their materials to suggest to the uninformed that they are fighting “pollution.” Then we have the attempts to shut skeptics out of the scientific journals and manipulate the data (“hide the decline”), as revealed in the leaked East Anglia CRU emails. Finally, there is the ever-popular moving the goalposts when their predictions inevitably fail to come to pass. They have learned their lesson on that one, and now typically focus their dire predictions on time frames beyond the lifespans of those living today and therefore beyond the ability of anyone to test the theory against reality.

    The clear implication is that this whole thing is nothing more than a propaganda campaign with little to no objective “science” supporting it. If the science were truly “settled”, the warmists wouldn’t have to resort to such transparent deception and manipulation.

  27. B. Hussein Obama, a lowlife lawyer for a slum lord, a community agitator, and a sleazy politician who slithered his way into office by challenging signatures of the incumbent politician is the man who wants to rob you of your hard earned money to give to his political cronies. But you should take his word for it on this whole global warming/climate change/climate disruption thing, he’s much smarter than you. After all, he could talk to grade school children without a teleprompter if he wanted to, he just doesn’t want to. He has to save his energy for saving the planet. And by saving the planet I mean golf.

      1. Yeah, when I first posted that I forgot to include the teleprompter bit. It’s too bad Disqus edits aren’t shown until someone refreshes the page, because I never say what I mean the first go ’round.

  28. Non issue, the Gruber Warming hoax / scam is / has been dying a slow death for quite some time. Unfortunate the next scam to come along can’t possibly be half as entertaining.

  29. It’s well past the time when the climate fraud is exposed for what it is. It just shows the veracity of professor Grubers statements about the mental capacity of most citizens that anyone would buy into this money grab.
    Not to mention that if they had any real historical knowledge they would know better.

  30. So many lies produced by so many liars so long for profit to themselves. We as a world community must fight back with a kill mentality. We cannot allow these people–who I used pretend to think we were fools– but now know we they are conspiring for our wealth— to over come us. This is enough. We must stand as one strong community to halt this stupid movement that has a goal of making fools of us. The ones who do know and continue do so for profits they may find. Stop it now–and don’t quit fighting the ones trying to make you feel as if you don’t know better.

  31. How did we manage to have a leader like Barack Hussein Obama, who thinks he is more knowledgeable than any one on earth. With the help of the Democrats and liberals he has convinced the world that he knows best on ALL issues. We, as Americans are truly blessed.

  32. True Believers will not change their faith in global warming no matter how convincing and objective the contrary evidence. A fact-filled movie will not change their minds. Just ask Dinesh D’Souza.

    1. It’s somewhat analogous to some of the ridiculous things religious folks believe in, like a virgin birth, resurrection, Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark… etc… Oh wait, it’s actually not analogous to that at all.

      1. I haven’t seen too many of those religious folks demanding the gubmint pick my pocket to support their beliefs. On the other hand, you warming alarmist will stop at nothing to pick the taxpayers’ pocket for this man made dogma.

          1. You shouldn’t laugh, sir (or ma’am), it is just more unnecessary emission of CO2 into the atmosphere which we all know contributes to man made global warming.

  33. Lyrics for the new dance all the liberals are doing:

    Tax em on the left.

    Tax em on the right.

    Tax em all day.

    Tax em all night.

    Hey, hey, hey!! Do the Climate Hustle!!!

  34. I am trying my best here in November to help minimize the population of Odocoileus virginianus in the great north woods. I see their droppings all over, I am sure that both said droppings and the flatulence which precedes said droppings are adding to global warming.

  35. I will believe in man-made global warming or climate change (since the world doesn’t seem to be warming) when the money is taken out of it. The scientists who say it is happening have been given millions in grants to do their studies (of course they are going to find the results that the people who are paying them want them to find). Then there are the Obama handouts to all of the “green companies” who are losing our money, lining their pockets and after that, declaring bankruptcy. Gore has become a billionaire promoting this bilge, all the while flying his private jets, using his several homes that take enough electricity to take care of a city block. He uses the excuse that he buys “carbon credits” so he can use it. (The average Joe will not be able to afford carbon credits.) Obama is getting ready to sign an agreement in France with poorer countries that will make the U.S. pay these countries because we use more energy than they do so we will basically be giving them welfare. Of course China won’t sign this deal. Plus Obama won’t call it a treaty because that would require congress to okay the deal. He is going to sign this final coup de gras. His legacy will be that he basically finished off our country that he hates so much. Now if he can only get half of Syria to immigrate, his PLAN will be complete. Fourteen months and counting. This is so sad and there is nothing one can do at this point and he knows it.

  36. We know climate is a hoax simply because the corrupt politicians are behind it. Since when should we trust politicians when we don’t trust them on everything else that is happening in the political arena?

  37. “U.S. to Give $3 Billion to Climate Fund to Help Poor Nations, and Spur Rich Ones” (NewYorkTimes(dot)com)

    The big money hustle begins and it’s with our prezident hustling the American taxpayers again out of their hard earned money for his own agenda. Congress – do not give this king a single penny for this global garbage.

    1. Really? So what are your throughts on the lack of any global warming in the mid-tropospheric satellite temperature data in the last 20 years? Or that any recorded increases in global warming have been in absolute concert with the solar cycles, and the burning of fossil fuels does not seem to have a thing to do with it?

  38. Let’s face it. None of you would accept climate change no matter how convincing the evidence is. Because it requires you to make sacrifices you are unwilling to make, even if those sacrifices could make things better for future generations. You were brought up and brainwashed as children to believe in absurd fairy tales from an ancient book of stories that are so fantastical they require you to intentionally ignore reason in order to protect your insular worldview. As a result you’ve become morally and intellectually stunted. Your entire life and ideological make up was determined before you were able to make decisions for yourself. I actually feel sorry for you.

    1. The most poor future generations are being poisoned by the millions all over the world because they cook with charcoal in their houses because climate change regulations won’t allow the government or private company to build a coal fired electric generator where they live. Think about that in your high and mighty OPINION.

    2. Are you somehow inferring that since you didn’t buy into the “absurd fairy tales” you will somehow have your own insulated world to live in apart from the rest of us. Do you honestly think the climate change hustler are going to exempt you?

    3. I hire lots of college grads. As the years pass (like 30), the quality of the individuals has steadily declined and their ability to reason, is even weaker than their knowledge.

  39. Breaking News:

    Digging in newly discovered ancient ruins, archeologists have uncovered the acceptance speech of Claudius Ptolemy for receiving the Nobilis Prize in astronomy. Ptolemy was being honored for developing the geocentric model which proved that the Earth is the center of the universe.

    His views garnered a XCVII% consensus among classical world scientists.

    A dissenting opinion from Aristarchus of Samos was not permitted in the archives because the debate had been deemed closed by the Nobilis Committee and by other leading scientists with prominent positions in the Roman Empire.

        1. When radical minds feel like they have the right and or authority to declare scientific thought to closed, I find that “mind boggling.” What is your point?

  40. The whole climate change movement is the ultimate confiscation of wealth scam. The climate change hustlers will never allow a minor detail like the truth to deter their visions of dollar signs in their eyes and the power and control that comes with it.

    The important things that dumbed down populations fail to recognize is that in western nations, government already control education, the media, the means of communication, healthcare and have succeeded in wiping out all forms of religion except Communist Progressivism. The climate change hustle will allow them to control the means of production. This is the last step to global communist governance.

  41. Hey, as I have said a million times. The number 1 global warming gas is water vapor. There is period after that sentence for a reason. PERIOD #1 Also the sun determines how warm or cold it is. That is another period. This is a money grab and nothing more. Where do you think all the coal in the world came from?????? Ah, from much higher levels of CO2. This is to screw the middle class into poverty. The sun is very quite right now and it is probably going to get colder than crap.

  42. BTW, how often is the weather man wrong, when they say it is going to rain in two days. They can’t even predict the weather 2 days in advance, half the time. Even a broken clock, is right twice a day.

  43. Any money given by developed countries to less developed to help them fight climate change by:

    Buying windmills and solar power equipment from developed countries.
    Ending up in politicians bank accounts.
    A combination of the two.

      1. Internal Exxon documents show that they knew decades ago that burning fossil fuels would cause climate change, yet they spend millions to try to convince us otherwise. If you can find internal documents at EPA or NASA or NSF that say they believe climate change is bogus, then I will agree they are similar.

  44. “Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now.” ~ John Kerry in 2009

    So-called ‘scientists’ have great faith in global warming, but no facts.

  45. All this can be directly linked to the UN’s agenda 21 plan. The brainchild of a UN marxist. Made manifest in ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, founded in 1990 as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives

  46. But we have liars like Obama and the democrat party who have legions of followers who get government agencies to lie about climate information. They have been threatening that the world is coming to an end for the last 40 years. But they have been saying that the end will happen in 20 years. Get the giant stupidity of these clowns.

  47. As the world leaders assemble to meet at the church of global warming, the entertainment will be a good slap in the face with a dose of truth.

  48. How do they intend to negotiate with God’s climate decisions on the climate? Are they going to be arrogant and tell God he is wrong, I guess they could but then we might see a brimstone storm over Paris.

  49. I can assure you not one of the people who have stock in the sunshine and windmill business will be there. They know it is a HOAX to stuff OUR tax dollars into THEIR pockets! And that includes EVERY world leader over there!

  50. I saw a comment i an other venue claiming that CO2 couldn’t be measured prior to the 1800s. Not true. Tree ring data goes back several thousand years and tells us of the climate within the past few thousand years. Sea bed mud cores and ice cores go back even farther, over 10,000 years. The three together gives us a picture of both climate and CO2 levels. However, the measurements tell us that CO2 increases trail warming periods and lead cooling or ice age periods. By the way, Al Gore’s hockey stick graph left out the Medieval Warming Period, the Little Ice Age, the Maunder Minimum that happened inside the Little Ice Age, or the 1816 “Year without a Summer” that preceded another cool period similar to the one around 1885-1888. We know Maunder was caused by a dip in solar activity while the other two at the end were due to volcanism in Indonesia.

    Al Gore’s Park City prediction of global calamity in 2006 runs out after 26 January 2016 or about 58 days from now. So far, Florida is still the same size, the promised hurricanes seem to be on vacation, and they aren’t booking trans Arctic cruises. Sorry, but the chances of any of this happening by then are remote. This week there is an ice storm stretching from New Mexico to the Great Lakes.

  51. Climate control is very important. One of THE most important things on the planet. What would the world be like if each and every attendee to this summit did not have perfect climate control in their polluting jets which leave a major carbon big foot? If Obummer had to travel to Paris to give away billions of taxpayer dollars, that he has no right to give away btw, and did not have the perfect climate control in air force one, well it would just be a tragedy. To think that one of these insufferable,self centered pompous fools would not have climate control in their hotel rooms pains us all.
    Odummer, please come back with all our money. We simply need it here now that we’re so traumatized by you not having the perfect climate control in your cabin.
    Returning the money would help us all feel better.

  52. As a long time weather nerd, and self-proclaimed environmentalist I have accepted the “global warming” thesis for several years, but I am starting to have doubts. So many things just don’t add up. For example, natural sources of carbon emissions like volcanoes absolutely dwarf what human can produce. Even the link between carbon emissions and warming is tenuous. The sun seems to be more of a major player. Even accounting for data manipulation, the last several years have actually been cooling. Remember there was once a scientific consensus that “bleeding” was a preferred method of healing.

  53. The Moron rapists, despots and Kleptocrats at the U.N. were delusional long before the latest Marxist financial shake down tool cum religion of “Climate Change” came along. Since they already are 100 percent removed from reality, their delusional condition cannot be made any worse. We would all be better off if we were governed by a large bag of rocks.

  54. They doom themselves with all the apocalyptic language and predictions. It’s almost comical. Hopefully, a film like this can gain some traction. We know our president will deny the obvious and continue on his own path, but thankfully presidents don’t have life-time terms. After he’s gone it may be possible to put the skids on the leadership of the USA in climate change with more of this kind of information getting out.

  55. The U.N. Climate Change summit in Paris a/k/a “Loony Tunes” presided over by Barrack Hussein Obama a/k/a Daffy Schmuck and John Kerry a/k/a Mashed Potato Face.

  56. Global Warming is just as true and shares the same purpose as Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”: To stampede a Free Humanity headlong and hysterically back into Enslavement and Death with all the racist fervor of a Klansmen’s Cross Burning party. Different colored sheets and team members, perhaps.

    These Globalist Socialists will stop at nothing until 95% (or, maybe, just a little bit more) of all humanity are as healthy as Karl Marx or JFK … ground down into Brave New World pup to be sprayed out onto new killing fields. I say … after you, sir… let me see if your voluntary departure moves the thermal or carbon footprint needle first before sacrificing another millimeter of sovereignty ….

  57. Leave it to India to send a real Physicist to the conference. It is true, the science is in. It is no longer in doubt the earth will begin to “Cool” around 2025. “The Sun God has spoken”. Perhaps those at the conference can find a way to create a blanked of CO2 around the planet – keep things warmer for a little longer. Plants will appreciate the gesture!

  58. Please don’t pop their bubble. I have just applied to be on the governing council of the international body which will assure that the level of the seas will vary only .001% from optimum, so that only a small proportion of suffering humanity will be inconvenienced at any given time–in perpetuity.

  59. – – – – – 2 0 1 5 – – – – –

    The year politicians realized that their citizens were finally dumbed down enough to believe that their leaders could control the weather.

  60. The guiding quote for this and other universal political hustles is, “Follow the money….” The Left, in its several ideological manifestations, has been accreting weight behind its bully tactics – all in an effort to extort massive monies. This is the quintessential redistribution strategy of New Marxism. It’s time to beat these clowns down and leave them penniless – where they and their fellow travelers belong.

  61. Global warming IS REAL! The only way we can save the earth is if the government takes over all businesses or forces a very hefty carbon credit tax to all businesses!!!!!!!

  62. For every change, in climate or anything else, there are both advantages and disadvantages. This we know.

    These politicians are only telling us what they believe will be the disadvantages (if, in fact, any of this is true).

    Why are they leaving out what the potential advantages of global warming might be?

  63. A couple hundred years ago, Indian shysters would perform rain dances for their illiterate followers.

    Today, we have Barack Obama performing Climate Magic for the Grubers.

    Now that’s “progressive.”

  64. Global Warming, is just the latest in a long list of Leftist Wealth Redistribution CON JOBS -period. I live in central Missouri near what was the leading edge of the Glacier that COVERED a large part of North America not that long ago. Thank God for Global Warming. And what about all that oil in Alaska, doesn’t oil come from bio-mass? Just where in the hell did all that bio-mass come from NORTH of the Arctic Circle?

  65. How can you tell if a man is honest? Just ask him if he believes in man caused apocalyptic global warming, especially as “settled science”. If he says he does, you know you are dealing with a crook.

    What would be the effect of this Global Warming fraud and coercion, if successful? To make part of the world fools and part hypocrites; to support criminal level roguery and error all over the earth. Barack Obama and the other Global Warming power mad and money grubbing fraudsters are trying to convert simple and natural changes in the weather into an engine with which to enslave mankind to filch ever more power and ever more wealth to themselves. They, in fact, have declared war on truth, science and humanity.

  66. I fear it’s too late to undo the rampant and fraudulent INDOCTRINATION that’s taken hold of millennials and and other susceptible dupes. They’re not just believers, they’re TRUE believers and thus irrational (like wanting to literally lock up or otherwise harm “deniers”). It’s pathological at this point.

    1. Just look at what the ‘Black Lies Matter’ bunch has done on the college campuses (speaking of Leftist hoaxes’) and the fraternity/soccer team rape hoaxes” (more Leftist hoaxes’). College is like being in the Leftist Hoax of the month club.

  67. Taxes, taxes, taxes & personal control of humanity is what they want. At any cost.

    from The Club of Rome. Founded in 1968 at David
    Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy,

    The Arctic has been warming 2-3 times faster than the rest of the world.
    In the last few weeks melting of the Arctic sea ice has accelerated
    dramatically, reducing the area and volume to levels never previously
    experienced. Some 80% of the summer sea-ice has been lost since 1979;
    on current trends the Arctic will be ice-free in summer by 2015.

  68. There are many reasons to conclude that the “man did it” crowd are (to put it politely) lying. To me, the most compelling is how they treat scientists who don’t toe the AGW line. Those who put forth science that shows man’s CO2 isn’t significant, and that the climate isn’t doing anything unusual, are vilified, threatened, and ridiculed. These are not part of the scientific process.

  69. And now for the really big question. Since all of these years of this nonsense has been paid for by tax dollars and crooked deal making, When do I get my money back?

  70. Global warming, climate change, or whatever they’re calling it this week, has nothing to do with science. It has everything to do with bossing people around and taking their stuff.

  71. Global Warming===>Climate Change===>Climate Disruption issue has been corrupted by Collectivist goals.

    Ideally Scientist would dispassionately compile & distill the data, so as to advise our Society & Government, which in-turn charts how Humanity integrates that knowledge into the fabric of our lives.

    Stepping away from the Climate issue itself & just looking at the political actions / behavior of those that have been shown to massage & distort the data, how is it possible for the public to trust our EPA over what now is obviously an entire issue ENCAPSULATED by bureaucratic & Socio-Political agendas?

    There is no-way to look at the Climate issue today without acknowledging that powerful Statist elements have sized upon this issue; establishing a meme that seeks to sequester more than just our Carbon.

    This recklessness in conflating CO2 pseudo-pollution, with actual pollution. Is actively enforced by the Agenda-Driven MEDIA echo-chamber, in order to establish their smug consensus–A consensus derived from a rote parroting ‘uber allies’ to the almighty construct known as the “Carbon Footprint”.

    Politically Correct Science creates pseudo-science, and that makes for bad public policy. It risks impoverishing our society for inconsequential returns. This in turn makes it less likely that we as a society will fund needed environmental cleanups!

    REMEMBER impoverished societies DO NOT spend to protect Mother Nature!

  72. THIS from the co-founder of Greenpeace, of all people:

    “Climate change has become a powerful political force for many reasons. First, it is universal; we are told everything on Earth is threatened. Second, it invokes the two most powerful human motivators: fear and guilt… Third, there is a powerful convergence of interests among key elites that support the climate “narrative.” Environmentalists spread fear and raise donations; politicians appear to be saving the Earth from doom; the media has a field day with sensation and conflict; science institutions raise billions in grants, create whole new departments, and stoke a feeding frenzy of scary scenarios; business wants to look green, and get huge public subsidies for projects that would otherwise be economic losers, such as wind farms and solar arrays. Fourth, the Left sees climate change as a perfect means to redistribute wealth from industrial countries to the developing world and the UN bureaucracy.” (Dr. Peter Moore, P.h.d., co-founder of Greenpeace; “Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic”, March 20th, 2015;

  73. The walls will be dripping with desperation in Pairs, the hard sell will be on. Will the west be sold into Marxism and be forced into paying a never satisfied criminal cartel of parasitic worms who have become accustomed to living a life of freeloading ? It will be a close thing.

    1. Of course you’re not moved to see it by the trailer. You’ve already made up your mind not to believe it let alone listen to what the documentary has to say.

  74. I see the film will mention doomsday claims based on the Mayan Calendar. I hope the ancient Mayans will not be blamed for predicting a doomsday in December 2012. Anthropologists say that end-of-world scenarios were not included in the Mayan’s culture. The equivalent date in 2012 was just a transition from an old baktun cycle to a new baktun cycle in the Long Count Calendar. It was modern new-age enthusiasts and doom merchants that latched onto the date and invented various world-wide disasters that were devoid of any evidence, and were not in the least bit plausible.

  75. When The Sun is more active we are warmer.
    When The Sun is less active we are cooler.
    The Sun is 109 times the size and has 330,000 times the mass of the Earth.
    The Sun is 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.
    Sunlight is Earth’s primary source of energy, despite the fact that The Sun is 92.96 MILLION miles away!
    Leftists are simply Bundist sheeple Sun deniers.
    In the 1970’s the socialist control freaks were predicting a new Ice Age. Goo gle it!
    Heck, go to You Tube and watch it for yourself “In Search Of… The Coming Ice Age”
    That is Spock…I mean Leonard Nimoy’s old TV show.
    This is ALL about DemocRATs (and their allies in other Countries) wanting to control you.
    To them you are simply a battery in their Matrix.
    They are taking a few hundred years of recorded temperatures and predicting the future.
    “Past performance is not a predictor of future results.”
    This is the same group that tells us that DNA (science) be damned, if a man cuts off his penis he can claim to be a woman!
    Perhaps if we call it Global Climate ‘Progress’ Change they will embrace the Sun…figuratively (literally is a pipe dream).

  76. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder as has been written about. Cal Thomas was right on when he said in the article that after seeing this film, people who are still sold on the Global Warming scam need to have mental help and intervention just as former cult members have needed it to come into the real world. I truly feel sorry for people with Liberal Personality Disorder….If we could get them mental help, they can be cured and the world would be better for it.

  77. At last a scientific expose of the climate scam. The Church of Climate Change is crumbling, and will rapidly dissapear, and slink away as the biggest tax scam ever!

  78. Since I’ve been so lovingly branded an ‘idiot’ by those who assert that “Global Warming” (or “Climate Change” or “Global Wierding” , or whatever the phrase is today that allows facts to be ejected from conversations), I do wonder what the idiots that pretend to be “Young American’s” today will do with real data.

    Forgive me for thinking when someone said, ‘hey, don’t use that aerosol, you’ll destroy earth’, and I thought ‘that’s a pretty broad connection; how’d you get there?’.

    Given that earth is approximately (if you’re a science guy/gal – and ‘hey ho’ fancy eco-scientists, grab your local statisticians) 4.5 billion years old. And that “life” has existed on earth for approximately 3.5 billion years. And keep in mind DINOSAURS only really died out 63 million years ago, what in the f’n hell do we think we do with 40 years of data (and I must assert data that has clearly been manipulated — badly).

    OK here’s my scale
    Earth ===============================================================
    Life =================================================
    Dinos . (63 million years, does it even deserve a ‘.’?
    40 years worth of climate data …..

    The math doesn’t work; and, sadly enough, as much as you think that I am powerful enough to “destroy the earth”, “harm the planet”, “leave my carbon foot print”, I believe we’ll have a lovely discussion at some point, in the afterlife, with whatever force / spirit / God put us all together. But let me share with you one more thing.

    I don’t think that, that God/Spirit/Force/Whatever wants us worrying about our SUV’s. He/She’s probably a tiny bit more worried with things like sexual slavery, torture, murder, abuse and hate.


  79. It is the ultimate scam. The temps have stabilized for a while, so they will say, “see the good work we are doing? Keep the money flowing to us.”
    The temps will rise for a while, so they will say, ” We need to have more money for our work, to prevent this.”

    The Earth has been warming and cooling since the beginning of it’s existence. We are in an interglacial period of warming right now, that is why the several thousand feet thick ice sheet that several different times covered where I am standing in Wisconsin melted. It will come again, it has several times.

    Many of the temperature measurements that these scammers use are flawed, some are just plain lies, some are taken from stations that were in a grassy or tree lined area which is now covered with pavement and buildings, it is bad data for these and several other reasons. A book could be written on the flawed and bad science that these scammers are using.

    This is nothing more than an attempt to steal yet more money from working taxpayers. Both by direct theft, (taxes), and by hitting utility companies with fees, which of course would be directly passed on to the consumer by increased prices. Of course, the developing nations that this stolen money would supposedly go to will still have Mustafa wallowing in his own feces, because he is stupid and doesn’t care, and because the vast majority of this money would go to “administration and implementation” expenses. Just like most “charities” do it. The Clinton Foundation is a current example, 3 billion dollars in holdings, and most studies show that 15 percent or less is going to recipients, the rest to “operating costs”. Not bad money for a political favors scam, is it?

  80. If I said it once, I have said 100 times. All the climate change/ global warming narrative is another opportunity to tax the wealthier nation’s and the middle class. The progressive/socialist governments are running out of money to fund their give away programs and this is a way to do that. A straight out tax would enrage the middle class or cause a revolt so they do this and tie a pretty ribbon around the global climate change narrative to make you think you are doing a great thing when all they are doing is picking your pocket.

  81. You would think the world leaders and researchers would be relieved to know we are not in peril due to initial thoughts (ahem propaganda) about Climate Change.

    The reason they aren’t thrilled about this is…

    …too many people have too much to lose… namely the hyperventilating political left.

  82. When NASA and NOAA admit to fudging figures, then admit there is no change. And when there has been no change in 18 years, and the cap is larger and thicker than before. You have to assume this is all about making money off of the little people. They want us to reduce our lives, but not one has given up their large cars, big multiple houses, or private jets.

  83. Do WE have the commitment to liberty that the left
    has to subjugation? Of COURSE they are going to
    ignore it. But will we do the work of educating with
    the film? Will we loan it to our neighbors? Will we
    promote it to school kids? Have we forgotten how
    much has been given to us? Now we must do what
    is necessary to reverse the propaganda that has
    been promoted by the left. The war goes on. Like
    Reagan said, …every generation could be the last
    to live in liberty. We must do the work to give them
    the tools to live in liberty. As I have been talking to
    people about the Liberty Bell, I began to ask, “What
    command of God did our founders put on the Liberty
    Bell?” Only 2 out of hundreds have been able to answer.
    It is God speaking, (Leviticus) and He says, “PROCLAIM
    inhabitants thereof…” He wants liberty for us, and has
    provided Liberty through the finished work of Jesus
    Christ paying for our sin as the Lamb of God–now we
    can go into the world proclaiming the good news.

  84. As with all progressive causes, the reduction or elimination of “climate change” (or as it was once known, “global warming”) is a strategy, not a goal. The goals are money, and the political power to expropriate more taxpayer money to support of progressive political elites — the taxpayers in the cross-hairs being those who are least likely to buy in to climate change initiatives.

    Another, equally insidious progressive cause, is the fight over income inequality. In a growing economy it’s mathematically impossible to prevent inequality, and in a stagnant economy income inequality is even worse. We can thank Obama’s stagnant economy for demonstrating that for us. The only way that our pure and noble progressives say that income inequality can be addressed is by raising taxes — on the people who are most likely to disagree with them on political issues. A progressive win-win. If progressives can successfully implement their policies, they damage their political enemies while lining their own pockets.

  85. When school kids come past me as I sit at my free speech table in front of the library, and proclaim proudly that they are communist, I am appalled at what the leftists have accomplished right under our tax-paying noses, and with our money.

    1. When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”

      Adolf Hitler

      Speech November 1933, quoted in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer

  86. Another good documentary that is still relevant is Expelled, which explains how the fascists have taken control of the education process and convinced generations of lies they have created about evolution.

  87. No “expert” at the so called “climate change” summit will be able to tell us what the correct climate of the planet should be. Is it the climate before, during or after past ice ages? We’re waiting.

  88. The Indians Started Global Warming

    I live on an estuary on the Gulf Coast of central Florida. About 15,000 years ago the polar caps basically covered much of the US down to the Mississippi Valley into the midwest. Glaciers were a mile or more thick. The reason my location means something is that back then the Gulf Coast shoreline extended about 150 miles west of me out into the Gulf. If I dig 1.5’ I hit water. So, the coastline is close now.

    During this great ice age, the paleo-man (aka Indians) crossed the frozen Bering’s Straights from Siberia. They walked across the ice, which was typical of the time, into what is now Alaska and after many many generations lived in all areas of both North and South America.

    Now, one of the reasons the Indians flourished over the next several thousand years was because of the abundance of large (over 100 pounds) clueless mammals across both continents. Today North America has only 10% of the large mammals that roamed the lands before the Indians showed up. But that’s another story.

    As the Indians flourished and spread throughout the land, they made fires to cook the meat and fat they took and to form weapons, tools, etc. All those millions of fires over all those thousands of years created anthropologic global warming. There’s no other explanation for it. This caused the glaciers (now polar caps) to melt so badly that the ocean rose so that the Gulf Coast shoreline receded 150 miles over the centuries that followed. In other words, the beach disappeared by 150 miles.

    So, that is proof that man caused global warming. Because of the Indians immense carbon footprints, today we have far less land than we did before they melted the glaciers and ice caps with their camp fires but it is a much more forgiving Earth. But, once and for all we should all now accept the fact that man causes global warming. Thank the Old One we no longer burn camp fires. Anyone burning a fire is risking melting what little polar ice we have remaining. So, that’s proof of man-made global warming. There’s no other explanation. The debate is over….NOT!

    We just learned that Earth’s temperature (Oh, that’s another thing. We are still cooling from spacial geologic formation and we have a terrific molten iron core that is really hot and a bunch of rock under terrific pressure generating tremendous heat – and we all know where heat goes – up through Earth’s core and mantle to heat up things like mine shafts, and radioactive isotopes in hot meltdown decay, and frog burps) has stabilized over the past decade or two. Well, as an olive branch from all to all, let’s just say that all the global warming zealots put enough pressure on enough individuals all around Earth that we finally put a stop to anthropologic global warming. So, it’s over. Thank The Great One that global warming is finally over.

    Great. Now can I go back to my bbq and can I mow my lawn???

    The Ringo Zone

  89. It doesn’t matter what they prove in the documentary. The people who need to watch it will not do so because they watch left-leaning shows who will ignore it. Liberals will simply show a video of a polar bear mother with her cubs on a small piece of ice, and then ask “don’t you want to save the polar bears?” Low IQ types will sniffle and say yes like they always do. If what has already been proven didn’t work, this will do very little. This is all about power and money.

    1. However, if enough of the “normal” people see it, they’ll pressure the “brain-dead” liberals to stop their nonsense. . . .They’ll stop pushing the nonsense when they’re humiliated, and publicly scorned. . . My guess is, they “will” be aware of it. . .but they’ll stick their fingers in their ears and yell “nananananananana” so they don’t have to “hear” an opposing view.

    1. Good. It’s about time they were as “upset” as the rest of us who have been watching this farce, and screaming that this needed to be stopped because it has nothing to do with “climate” or weather, or any such thing.It’s been a two-step shuffle to “blame” advanced nations for a “non-existent” problem.It’s always been about the “money”. . . . .in order to justify the UN, and blaming western nations, you had to make up a fake problem, and then “blame” them. . . .so you could “take” and “control” them. . . .It’s a global scam, the worlds biggest money scam the the world has ever seen. . . .

  90. What HASN’T the Obowelmovement lied about?
    What HASN’T the socialist jew media lied about for Obama?
    Has anyone gotten that $2500 saving on their health insurance?
    Have the millions of illegal aliens helped the economy yet?
    Trusting Obama, or the socialist jew media means you are stupid and gullible….

      1. Why blame me because you are an ignorant as$hole who is too cowardly to GOOGLE?

        Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

        Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
        Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
        Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
        Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
        Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
        Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
        Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

        These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

        1. How many times do you need to be humiliated and banned from disqus?You’d think you’d learn that there is no place in society, nor discussion forums for your irrational hatred. . . .

      2. hey sniveling pus$y….which ones are NOT jews?

        What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

        Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

        Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
        Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
        Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
        Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
        Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
        Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
        Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

        These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  91. Climate and weather are synonyms. What kind of STUPID DEMOCRAT MORON, still has not figured out that THE WEATHER CHANGES?
    How many of you pathetic Democlowns are too stupid, or too lazy to GOOGLE CLIMATE DEFINITION and see that DEMOCRAT TRASH ARE LYING TO YOU to raise your taxes? Is GOOGLE really Lying????Really?
    How much will taxes have to be raised on working families to keep the weather from changing?

  92. Humans are smarter and much more powerful than poor Mother Nature. Mother Nature can’t handle such difficult problems so humans must help ‘Her’. Humans had to help Mother Nature get rid of the Ice Ages (all of them – snicker) because ‘She’ was too weak. (Note: Humans can’t even stop a small storm or small tsunami, but their ever controlling ego tells them that they can … hence this nonstop War on Mother Nature.)

  93. Climate Hustle sounds to be another big propaganda piece. True scientific works include all sides of any issue, and the evidence that would tend to support and that which would tend to refute a particular theory. No doubt, this will be completely one-sided and not very in-depth.

    1. So, unlike the liberal lies, you’re prejudging something that hasn’t even premiered yet?Well, I think we know where you stand.And haven’t we heard enough of the “other” side over the last 15 years?Why does this documentary have to give the “other” side when that’s been rammed down our throats for years?Hmmmm?

      1. Which ones are not jews, cowardly lying pus$y?

        Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

        Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
        Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
        Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
        Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
        Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
        Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
        Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

        These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  94. Democowards will call names, but they are incapable of answering honestly…


    What HASN’T the Obowelmovement lied about?
    What HASN’T the socialist jew media lied about for Obama?
    Has anyone gotten that $2500 saving on their health insurance?
    Have the millions of illegal aliens helped the economy yet?
    Trusting Obama, or the socialist jew media means you are stupid and gullible….

  95. And still the worldwide scam known as man-made “Global Warming” continues to be perpetrated upon the world by the clownish liberals.
    And even though the hoax has been exposed as nothing more than a phony religion they continue to double down and pretend that it is true.
    And led by their court jester and Liar-In-Chief Obama, who lies to the world that man-made “Global Warming” is the single greatest threat to the world, the progressives ignore the facts and hypnotically trudge forward.

    Until euphorically over the cliff, as all good lemmings must, they go.

  96. The only way to reduce the negative human impact to the climate is to drastically reduce the human population. I fear that will be the conclusion made by these liberal dictators.

  97. Climate and weather are SYNONYMS…..are all democrats too stupid to know what a synonym is?
    What kind of weather do you want EVERY SINGLE DAY? Sunny every day forever? Sure, that would work out well….
    IS Google really lying about the definition of climate being THE WEATHER CONDITIONS?

  98. Whenever you see Media Matters, just remember, Media Matters is fully funded by George “SorryA$$” Soros. He is the multi billionaire that made his money the old fashioned way, by manipulating currencies.

  99. What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  100. Folks, don’t bother commenting. The default display here is set to “Best” and your post will drop to the bottom eventually and into oblivion. Hey Climate Depot, set the default to “Newest.” ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° )

      1. Yet you deny the media is run by socialist jews…..

        Are these guys all Amish? Christians? Buhdists? You are a sniveling pu$sy and a pathetic coward….

        Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

        Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
        Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
        Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
        Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
        Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
        Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
        Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

        These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

        1. Yep – keep posting your hatred – you’re the one who looks irrational and unbalanced.Don’t forget to flag this mope everyone. . . .He’ll get banned, yet again for the 100th time. .

    Warming = Rising temps
    HOW are record cold temps possible ANYWHERE, if TEMPS ARE RISING EVERYWHERE…..
    Only Idiot democrats who don’t even know the definitions of global and warming say the science is settled…..These fools don’t even know what 6th grade level vocabulary words mean….

  102. Are there any bigger cowards here than “No One Important”?

    Which ones are NOT jews, lying pus$y?

    What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.


    What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  104. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    – H. L. Mencken

    To wit: Climate Change.

    It is time to stop wasting our time with this non-sense and move on to more important things.

    Warming = Rising temps
    HOW are record cold temps possible ANYWHERE, if TEMPS ARE RISING EVERYWHERE…..
    Only Idiot democrats who don’t even know the definitions of global and warming say the science is settled…..These fools don’t even know what 6th grade level vocabulary words mean….


    What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

            1. All of these so called “JEW” media moguls…yo ever see them wearing a yamaca? Celebrating any Jewish holidays? Helping Jews in Isreal? No
              Just because they may have a last name that sounds Jewish, or maybe their great grandparents were Jewish, doesnt mean they are devout Jews or even practice that religion.

              Also, copy and pasting anti-Semitic nonsense over and over and over is just lame and dumb.

              1. Agree with what you say. A large number of American jews do not believe in God, possibly even a majority, according to one supposed jewish study. But that doesn’t make them not Jewish. I don’t know if the guy is saying devout jews or just jews, because they are jews, so he is right there, they just probably are not devout jews.

                  1. I don’t know what you mean there, but I am just saying, that technically he appears to be correct with many of his facts. I do not factually know if his information is relevant. But what if it was a different ethnic group, like blacks or chinese or indians who cornered the media market. You would have to suspect that that would have an effect on what the public sees. I don’t know if he is attacking their religion, or their liberalism. I suspect it is the liberalism.

          1. It’s not the facts that make you look nutty. It’s the relentless cutting and pasting mainly, combined with the multiple names, etc. I didn’t say you are nutso, I said your posts make you look nutso.

        1. I can point out many so called “Christians” who are part and parcel to his plans.
          Claiming you are religious does not make you devout.
          I would take an Israeli Jew over an American Socialist any day.

          I dont have Jews calling me an a-hole…but you do.

  107. Ozone layer, polar bears, rain forests, global cooling, global warming, man made global climate change, …..for over 30 years the Left has cooked up something to shove in our kids faces with dire warnings of dying cute baby animals. Yet the solution is always the same-more taxes, more regulations, ever increasing threats and today its outright censorship, ridicule and crazy calls for climate “reeducation” camps.

    If the Marxist cant outright own and control the companies via a centralized bureaucracy, well then they control what goes in, what comes out and what goes out the stack. The EPA and the IRS are now political tools of the Left dishing out punishment on behalf of the POTUS and so far Congress is powerless and spineless to actually do anything about it.
    Its Marxism by other means.

    1. A global money scam – the largest in mankind’s history.I want to know why they’re not being charged with taxpayer fraud.If you and I took government money, and produced a faked/baked study – we’d be doing time for taxpayer fraud, and anyone who helped us.How come they were allowed to “investigate” themselves?If we tried that too with the IRS, and told them “yep, I audited myself and found I don’t owe you anything”. . .we’d be in prison.Their homes, their kids’ college funds, their cars, and the assets of any college institution that helped them (East Anglia) would also be confiscated. . . . .Of course, when you use government money to foment a policy of more government control, I guess you shouldn’t expect the government to prosecute you for taxpayer fraud. . . .

  108. The GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS who push the global warming lie also push the DIVERSITY LIE….



    What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.


    What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  110. The GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS who push the global warming lie also push the DIVERSITY LIE….



    What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  111. No doubt the “humor” that is said that will occur will be a combination of a complete distortion of the data and analysis that competent scientists have made, a complete overlooking of global trends (such as four yearly global warmth records set in the last ten years, a complete overlooking of the net loss of global ice over the last thirty years, and the overlooking of the long-predicted cooling of the stratosphere. And, of course, completely overlooked will be the world-wide increase in weather anomalies (long predicted by scientists to be an indicator of global warming).
    But, who knows, there might actually be a smattering of actual scientific analysis here and there (but don’t look for anyone who has an opposing view to the propaganda presented to even have one frame of coverage in this piece).

  112. “Because of very limited space, credentialed media that wish to attend the event should RSVP in advance to…” Translates as “We’re are looking for 15 dupes to spread our lies.”

  113. Are these guys all Amish? Christians? Buhdists? You are a sniveling pu$sies and a pathetic cowards to call me names for posting facts you cannot refute!….

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

    1. They better be able to show us a cave painting of a hummer, or a fossilized SUV to explain those “ancient polar forests” at the poles of the earth 230 million years ago. . . . .And yet, they can’t.Receding glaciers in Alaska reveal tree stumps from 1300 to 2500 years ago. . . . .So much for the “unprecedented” glacial melting, huh?

  114. “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?

  115. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking for alternatives for fossil fuels, just don’t try and sell at as a cure for “Climate Change.” And give us something that is dependable and affordable, of which right now alternatives are neither. For example, solar panels are only 11-15 percent efficient, and much of the country only recieves approximately four hours a day of peak sunlight. So, if it’s feasible in your area, say the SouthWest, knock yourself out. Just don’t think it’s going to work as well in Montana. Even the much hated by environmentalists inefficient internal combustion engine is 18-20 percent efficient. And there are absolutely zero green products that can heat the country in winter. Virtually everyone heats with wood, coal, natural gas, propane, kerosene, or fuel oil. Electricity for heating is the most expensive way to heat. And geothermal heat pumps are only good to about 30 degrees. Furthermore, propane, natural gas and kerosene burn at a 99.9 percent efficiency when used for heating and cooking. Nothing in the green world comes close.

      1. I normally heat this time of year with kerosene, with propane for back up. And when it turns cold, swap over to wood. One gallon of kerosene puts out 135,000 BTU’s of heat, and I can get around 18 hours from one gallon when using one of my small heaters. I burn seasoned red oak, it’s renewable, but the whole country can’t heat with it. Kero and wood both have d@mn near an unlimited shelf life, within reason. Easy to store, easy to use.

    1. Not to mention, the “mining” of the rare earth minerals for the solar panels is something they look away from – annnnnnnnnnnd that China owns the last/largest rare earth mineral mine now. . . .so you’re beholden to China for your “solar” energy.Also, those solar panels involve some seriously toxic implementations. . . .if they’re so “enviro” friendly, they’d be upset about what goes into/how a solar panel is manufactured. . . .

      1. Serious waste stream from the processing of those rare earth metals. And the last I read, we had only one rare earth metal mining operation, and that was in California. And has been shut down in the paste for the waste stream. I did read about another one being spun up in Alaska, but I lost track of it.

  116. The SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA pushes the GLOBAL WARMING LIE, and IDIOTS say the socialist jew media has nothing to do with this story……
    WBCARSON is a ridiculous lying pus$y…….

  117. Every school who made children watch “Inconvenient Truth” should be FORCED to make the children to watch “Climate Hustle” since the responsibility of schools is to teach the children HOW to think and not WHAT to think. Let’s give the next generation both sides of the story and then let them make their own informed decision.

    1. Gore’s piece was also propaganda. I’m a firm believer in the notion that humans are the major contributor to global warming. But I would never show Gore’s video to a class and call it a scientific work.

      1. “notion that humans are the major contributor to global warming.”
        I think that is the major contention in this whole argument…and also its coming out the warming numbers have been cooked up for political reasons.

        1. I’ll say this, then. With a 95% percent confidence, I declare that it will be comprised of elements of propaganda, and little – if any – implementation of sound scientific principles. Just like all the other ones that have come before (like Climate Swindle). I mean, just look at the title, and you get the picture right quick.

  118. Of course, Climate Hustle will, like the little leftist tyrants on the college campuses, not allow for any dissent to be aired. As true propaganda, it will have only one theme, and no opposing viewpoints to confuse the intended audience.

    1. And why does it need an “opposing” view?We all know the “opposing view” that’s been rammed down our throats for 15 years, without “opposing views” at all. . . .as a matter of fact, taxpayer funded “censure.” Their “propaganda” has been presented as fact without ever giving time/space for opposing views.So why would a movie that presenting the “other” side of the argument have to present the “opposing” side now, huh??

      1. Opposing views are always welcomed in the scientific arena (that’s how scientific knowledge advances). If this new piece presents scientifically derived “opposing” views, then fine. But I’ll bet my next paycheck that it’s nothing more than a relentless collection of folks telling people what they just want to hear, rather than a counter-analysis of the data based on sound scientific principles.

    So why do IDIOTS like WBCarson claim the socialist jew media has nothing to do with this story?
    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  120. The SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA pushes the GLOBAL WARMING LIE, and IDIOTS say the socialist jew media has nothing to do with this story……
    WBCARSON is a ridiculous lying pus$y…….

    Warming = Rising temps
    HOW are record cold temps possible ANYWHERE, if TEMPS ARE RISING EVERYWHERE…..
    Only Idiot democrats who don’t even know the definitions of global and warming say the science is settled…..These fools don’t even know what 6th grade level vocabulary words mean….

  122. The SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA pushes the GLOBAL WARMING LIE, and IDIOTS say the socialist jew media has nothing to do with this story……
    WBCARSON is a ridiculous lying pus$y…….

    1. Yo, Rexxx!

      Why don’t you give it a break for awhile so I don’t have to scroll down four freakin’ pages to read someone else’s posts.

      It’s just common courtesy, my friend.


  123. “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?

        1. Why answer a crazy Iranian on points that are lame, copy and paste and intellectually …stupid?
          You will only copy and paste an answer.

          What time is it over there in Iran?

  124. telling the truth about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA makes you an Anti-Semite
    telling the truth about Obama’s violent kneegrow sons makes you a Racist
    telling the truth about disease spreading hoemoes make you a homophobe
    LYING about Right Wing Christians makes you a SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA “Journalist”….



    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

  125. “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?

  126. telling the truth about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA makes you an Anti-Semite
    telling the truth about Obama’s violent kneegrow sons makes you a Racist
    telling the truth about disease spreading hoemoes make you a homophobe
    LYING about Right Wing Christians makes you a SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA “Journalist”….



    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

  127. “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?

  128. What name does the socialist jew media call people who lie about “RIGHT WING CHRISTIANS”?
    Funny how the socialist jew media doesn’t call itself names……name calling is reserved for those who tell the truth about jews, Blax, and Hoemoes……

  129. telling the truth about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA makes you an Anti-Semite
    telling the truth about Obama’s violent kneegrow sons makes you a Racist
    telling the truth about disease spreading hoemoes make you a homophobe
    LYING about Right Wing Christians makes you a SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA “Journalist”….



    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

  130. If one looks at the comments posted in all these stories on Climate Change, you will see that the overwhelming majority of ordinary people simply do NOT buy into this scam. It seems only the elites who think they know better (when actually they only want to pick your pocket and take control of the masses) are the ones pushing for global changes that supposedly beat Mother Nature.

    1. We The People is a concept no longer accepted by them
      Even the GOP Establishment doesnt care about the will of the people and the popular vote or they would shut up and let us choose who we want instead of insulting us for simply listening to a Trump speech.


    What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  132. WHY hasn’t the socialist jew media made up a name to call themselves and other democrats when THEY LIE ABOUT REPUBLICAN CHRISTIANS?
    People like WBCarson are too stupid to see the blatant socialist jew media hympocrisy…..

            1. No, his copy and paste is the same nonsense i can go over to Infowars, Wasthington Times, Politico, The Hill….and read.
              Its the same exact copy and paste at different sites at the same time using different accounts

              anti-semetic trolls…

              Even the replies are the same..rude, vulgar with a name copied and pasted into a reply.


    What HAVEN’T these GREEDY LYING SOCIALIST JEWS lied to America about?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

      1. Explain this one away

        The Muslim and Jewish communities share a common heritage, and have been connected by many bridges in the past. The Council will serve to build more bridges between and among these communities in future

        For its part, the Muslim-Jewish Leadership Council will coordinate and mobilize resources within its networks to offer support for refugees in Europe.

        The participants at the MJLC’s inaugural session included: Tahir Salie, Chairman of Islamic Relief Worldwide; Ibrahim El-Zayat, MJLC co-convener and past Chairman of Islamic Relief Worldwide; Mohamed Ashmawey, CEO, Islamic Relief Worldwide; Burhan Kesici, President of the Islamic Council for the Federal Republic of Germany; Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, co-convener of the MJLC , President of the Conference of European Rabbis, and Chief Rabbi of Moscow; Rabbi Jair Melchior, Chief Rabbi of Denmark; Rabbi Moshe Lewin, Executive Director of the Conference of European Rabbis and Special Adviser for the Chief Rabbi of France; Rabbi Schlomo Hofmeister, Community Rabbi of Vienna; as well as the KAICIID Board Members, Dr. Hamad Al-Majed; Dr. Seyyed Mohajerani; and Rabbi David Rosen, KSG CBE, International Director of Interreligious Affairs, AJC

  134. WHY hasn’t the socialist jew media made up a name to call themselves and other democrats when THEY LIE ABOUT REPUBLICAN CHRISTIANS?
    People like WBCarson are too stupid to see the blatant socialist jew media hypocriCy…..

  135. “RACISM” = telling the truth about blax
    “Homophobia” = telling the truth about disease spreading sodomites
    “Anti-Semitism” = Telling the truth about the greedy lying socialist jew media….
    What do the socialist jew media liars call folks like themselves who LIE ABOUT CHRISTIANS ?
    Face it, Democowards are incapable of answering honestly……

  136. WHY hasn’t the socialist jew media made up a name to call themselves and other democrats when THEY LIE ABOUT REPUBLICAN CHRISTIANS?
    People like WBCarson are too stupid to see the blatant socialist jew media hypocriCy…..

    1. Yep – the scam is about making up a “fake” disaster to blame on the advanced nations, to take from them and redistribute the money to tin-pot dictators. . . .It’s about global extortion, and it foments the idea that governments need to “control” their people more. . . .Wonder what Saudi Arabia and the “oil” based nations think of the other groups trying to turn their nations into bankrupted nations?And how about the nasty pollution that happens with the “solar panel” manufacturing? And the horrendous mining that goes on for the “rare earth minerals” that are needed for those solar panels. . . .

  137. “RACISM” = telling the truth about blax
    “Homophobia” = telling the truth about disease spreading sodomites
    “Anti-Semitism” = Telling the truth about the greedy lying socialist jew media….
    What do the socialist jew media liars call folks like themselves who LIE ABOUT CHRISTIANS ?
    Face it, Democowards are incapable of answering honestly……

      1. This has been going on for a while and its the same copy and paste at different sites using different accounts. If you say anything agaisnt it then your name is copy and pasted into copy and pasted replies.
        Only a professional troll network will do that…and its all anti-Semitic.

  138. telling the truth about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA makes you an Anti-Semite
    telling the truth about Obama’s violent kneegrow sons makes you a Racist
    telling the truth about disease spreading hoemoes make you a homophobe
    LYING about Right Wing Christians makes you a SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA “Journalist”….



    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

  139. “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?

  140. Can you imagine idiots like WBCarson not knowing that ISIS = USA?
    That sniveling coward won’t even acknowledge that OBAMA RELEASED AL BAGHDADI, THE TOP ISIS COMMANDER, from Camp Bucca prison in 2009…..Too cowardly to google up the truth, pus$y?

  141. “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?…

  142. “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?…

  143. I also am not a fan of blacklivesmatter, the homosexual lobby, the liberal elite etc. But cutting and pasting over and over, while entertaining for a few moments, overall becomes boring. I am here to be entertained, so you gotta do more than that to keep me interested and laughing.

    1. It wont end….and the same trolls from the same outfit are at a couple of different sites right now.
      Even flagging doesnt help because you saw how fast it changed it profile name to insult me…..oh and jews.

  144. How can any sane person can look at the data manipulation, data omission (satellite) and lack of any empirical evidence and say to themselves, “Yup, climate change is real…” is beyond comprehension.

  145. “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?…

  146. It amazes me that we live in a time where plenty of people see through this global-control mechanism, this plan to undermine and diminish western civ BY OUR OWN LEADERS and yet ‘we’ aren’t all out there doing something to prevent the carbon taxes which are just a-comin’ down the pike, done deals and which are going to affect EVERY.SINGLE.THING. we buy. Enough people know this is a hoax, I think it should really end up being a changing point in history. The ‘people’ should finally tell the elites we are not going along with this and that’s that.

  147. telling the truth about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA makes you an Anti-Semite
    telling the truth about Obama’s violent kneegrow sons makes you a Racist
    telling the truth about disease spreading hoemoes make you a homophobe
    LYING about Right Wing Christians makes you a SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA “Journalist”….



    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

  148. telling the truth about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA makes you an Anti-Semite
    telling the truth about Obama’s violent kneegrow sons makes you a Racist
    telling the truth about disease spreading hoemoes make you a homophobe
    LYING about Right Wing Christians makes you a SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA “Journalist”….



    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

        1. That anti semite is the same mentally deranged guy that crops up all the time.Seriously mental problems.He’s been banned 100s of times from sites and disqus, but he just makes up a new name and shows up again.It’s a shame someone doesn’t notice how out of whack he is. . . .he seems like the kind of psycho that would go on a shooting rampage. . ..

          1. Its a group f people because i can go to other sites Drudge links to and read the same exact thing and if it is flagged and kicked out its right back wit a fresh new profile within 30 seconds.

            What is interesting is that you dont see this copy and paste at Liberal sites.

  149. The IPCC report first noted the MWP prominently:The existence of the Medieval Warm Period was accepted without question and noted in the first progress report of the IPCC from 1990. On page 202 of that 1990 IPCC report there was the graphic 7c (see below), in which the Medieval Warm Period was portrayed as clearly warmer than the present.“By the time of the second IPCC report in 1995 where for the first time CO2 forcing began to be proposed more prominently as a cause of serious alarm, the Medieval Warm Period was sidelined in the text and narrative. An important way that this was done in the report was to alter the diagram of recent climate history by simply shortening the time period it covered so that it now started after the Medieval Warm Period. All that was shown was the long slow recovery from the Little Ice Age to today’s temperatures, . . It’s been repeatedly cooked/faked/baked.

  150. Q:WHY is it wrong to tell the truth about the socialist jew media?
    It’s OK to lie about whites, Christians and heterosexuals though!!!!!!!

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

      1. excuse me. They should shove a close up 8×10 of pretty Debbie in the face of every GOP congressperson the moment they awaken and maybe that would toughen them up a little

        1. They are spineless and anyone with sense can sit and figure out what the Left will say, what lies they will spread, what outrage they will accuse others of yet the GOP leadership sits confused, befuddled and outflanked at every turn.

  151. Why do BIGOT DEMOCRATS get so upset when I say “SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA”, yet say nothing when the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA says “RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE”…..

    Why doesn’t the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA MAKE UP SOME NAMES TO CALL THEMSELVES like they use “anti-Semite” for when someone tells the truth about greedy socialist jew media or bankers??


    Telling the truth about greedy lying socialist jew media = Anti-Semitism

    Telling the truth about disease spreading homosexuals = Homophobia

    Telling the truth about violent racist kneegrow trash = Racism

    But what does the socialist jew media call it when you lie about whites, Christians or heterosexuals????????JOURNALISM!!!!!


    JFK talked about abolishing the FED, and he was SHOT DEAD within six months. Then in 1967, the CIA coined the term “CONSPIRACY THEORIST” as a method of attacking anyone who doubted the government’s official version of events regarding his execution…..yep, the CIA thought they had to attack people and call people names who didn’t trust the government…..


  153. I think our leaders who are so brilliant they are existing on a plane we cannot understand will be sitting cross-kneed in a circle singing Kumbayah so they will probably miss the show.

    1. Do not underestimate the danger these people pose….look at the changes these past 40 years and especially the past 8. Problem is the GOP Establishment is pretty much acting the same way.

        1. Super rich always has and always will use their money to sway things their way. That has been since the beginning of time. You cant expect an apple to be anything but an apple.
          But when i elect a person to do the Will of the People i expect them to have the integrity to do.
          But then again they are politicians…

  154. Notice how the socialist jew media has programmed the weak minded (WBCarson) to attack anyone who tells the truth about the greedy socialist jew media and Federal Reserve Bank


    What can’t the greedy socialist jew federal reserve bankers buy with the SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS they printed for themselves under Obama?


    1) Socialist Jew media ….CHECK!

    2) Entire democrat party…..CHECK

    3) Republican leadershit…..CHECK…

    4) US Supreme Court….CHECK….think Obamacare and PHAG Marriage from a REPUBLICAN SUPREME COURT…..

  155. Telling the truth about greedy lying socialist jew media = Anti-Semitism

    Telling the truth about disease spreading homosexuals = Homophobia

    Telling the truth about violent racist kneegrow trash = Racism

    But what does the socialist jew media call it when you lie about whites, Christians or heterosexuals????????JOURNALISM!!!!!

  156. Proof WBCarson is a cowardly pus$y…he just can’t answer!!!!!

    “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?…

      1. WHY COWARDLY PUSSY? But YOU are stupid……Aren’t you an American? Figures

        WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA TO LIE ABOUT CHRISTIANS, but it’s not OK for me to post the TRUTH ABOUT THE SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA? Why WBCarson?

  157. When is this documentary going to be released for the peons to see? I would like to see someone come up with the money to show this movie in every school and university in the country

      1. maybe we can change that. More and more people are waking up to the indoctrination of our children by the leftist radicals and are starting to fight back.


    Cowardly pus$ies just can’t answer honestly…….


    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

  159. Money and power is the end game…..nothing more nothing less. Money is raised “for the children” as added taxes and fees. Whoever can control the spigot then grants power to those that kiss the climate change ring; it is Catholicism in the 21st century.

    1. It’s definitely a cult.Heck, any Hare Krishna leader would be jealous of these Religioscience nutters. . . .No matter how many times you show them proof that their “beliefs” are wrong . . .they double down on dumb. . . .

  160. Proof WBCarson is a cowardly pus$y…he just can’t answer!!!!!

    “Right wing Christian conservative”
    “Socialist jew media”
    Because the socialist jew media says so!!!!! How fukking stupid are Americans?…

  161. Anybody find it odd Al Gore owns a business that’ll be exchanging carbon credits? It’s called “Blood & Gore”…no Sh1T. Surprise! Al Gore and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals at Generation Investment Management (GIM)

    1. Or that the people who tout climate change have a bigger carbon footprint than 50 families?I find it a bit hypocritical that people with multiple homes, and the lawn care maintenance that spews carbons, uses up water, mega power for lights. . . fly around on private jets and ride in gas guzzling limos lecture anyone about their “carbon” footprint. . . . “You first”. . . .


    Cowardly pus$ies just can’t answer honestly…….


    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

  163. Like the lies necessary to sell Barry Care, the American Communists aka the Democ-rat party must sell a lie about phony climate change to further their real agenda of high taxes, income and wealth redistribution.

    1. Control – government control.Why isn’t anyone doing prison time for taxpayer fraud?If you and I took hundreds of millions and produced faked/baked/fraudulent studies on the taxpayer dime, we’d be in huge trouble. . . . Notice how those hacks Mann and Hansen shut up real quick when the words “taxpayer fraud” were starting to be bandied about?Those 2 hacks dropped off the radar real, real quick.

  164. Telling the truth about greedy lying socialist jew media = Anti-Semitism

    Telling the truth about disease spreading homosexuals = Homophobia

    Telling the truth about violent racist kneegrow trash = Racism

    But what does the socialist jew media call it when you lie about whites, Christians or heterosexuals????????JOURNALISM!!!!!

    It’s how I, and other people with functioning brain cells know that my factual posts are sinking through even the thickest skulled Democowards among us!!!!
    I WIN AGAIN!!!!!

  166. Anybody find it odd Al Gore owns a business that’ll be exchanging carbon
    credits? It’s called “Blood & Gore”…no Sh1T. Surprise! Al Gore
    and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals
    at Generation Investment Management (GIM)

  167. We already have a lost generation, educated in leftist institutions. This happened because conservatives were very busy and distracted – working and paying taxes while leftists were infiltrating education as well as government. I suspect there will need to be a special cleansing to repair the damage. As the boy pharaoh’s plan to destroy American healthcare fizzles out, he doesn’t even stop to notice that. he’s too busy cobbling together another plan to bring down free enterprise.

    1. Ayers, Dohrn and Rudd spent much time in the late sixties visiting places such as Cuba, Russia and even Red China learning how to hone their “Death to America” skills by educating themselves on how to destroy democracies from within…After fifty years in our public school systems, it seems they have finally achieved their goal…

  168. Telling the truth about greedy lying socialist jew media = Anti-Semitism

    Telling the truth about disease spreading homosexuals = Homophobia

    Telling the truth about violent racist kneegrow trash = Racism

    But what does the socialist jew media call it when you lie about whites, Christians or heterosexuals????????JOURNALISM!!!!!

  169. Only since the last fifty years have there been humans arrogant enough to think they can control the whims of Mother Nature…It is of no surprise that Barack Hussein Obama numbers amongst them…He was born to follow…


    JFK talked about abolishing the FED, and he was SHOT DEAD within six months. Then in 1967, the CIA coined the term “CONSPIRACY THEORIST” as a method of attacking anyone who doubted the government’s official version of events regarding his execution…..yep, the CIA thought they had to attack people and call people names who didn’t trust the government…..


  171. How much does Planned Parenthood sell dead babies for? has anyone in the greedy, lying, socialist jew media asked? Can we get a dead baby price list? Do dems really buy dead baby scrotums and make tobacco pouches out of them? I hear white baby scrotums are $343 each, while the more plentiful black ones go for $43 dollars. Can the socialist jew media confirm this?

  172. There are two types of people in this world. Those who believe in a creator and those that do not. For those that don’t, they inevitably turn to science to fill that void in their lives. ANY science, no matter how flawed, is their gospel. Very few seem capable of stepping back and taking an objective look at what is passing as science in the case of AGW. They simply accept it without so much as a thought to the contrary.

    Let’s look at a few simple realities about this “science”

    1- If you tried to explain the warming of the 90’s as solar cycles you were shouted down as a heretical simpleton incapable of understanding the complex nature of AGW and all the entails. Yet today, after their idiotic attempts to massage surface temperature data to still show warming, (Because if it isn’t warming every year the very foundation of the AGW hypothesis has been disproved) and completely dismissing satellite data because it was not in agreement they have fallen back to blaming solar cycles as to why we aren’t seeing the warming that should be occurring but isn’t. Well, I’m sorry, but if deniers can’t use solar cycles to disprove the theory then warmers can’t use them to prop up the theory.

    2-Models… These are quite literally the same imbeciles that fail on 90% of 4 day weather forecasts and yet somehow we are suppose to accept their apocalyptic 10,20 and 30 year models? Rewind 10, 20 years ago and see where we should be today based on their chicken little models. Are we anywhere within a million miles of those predictions? No….

    3- Where is the empirical evidence? I mean anything? Hello….?

    And meanwhile our elected idiots continue to press on with a full embrace of the settled “science” to the detriment of our economies and living conditions across the planet. People of Earth….this is 100% BS and you are being played the fool. Its time to flush the toilet on these elected idiots and demand your politicians denounce this insanity for what it is… A HOAX!

    1. They can’t even tell us which comes first, CO2, or warming. (Yep, that’s right – they can’t even tell you which is first.)Now how are these same hacks, who deny over 250 paleoclimate studies that prove the MWP (Medieval Warm Period) was global, and so was the LIA (little Ice Age – aka Maunder Minimum) supposed to be taken seriously?That hack “professor” Mann still won’t admit that the MWP was a “global” event, despite 250 studies which prove it was. . .over 6,000 boreholes from every continent on the planet proves it. . . .but he denies it. . .

  173. Can anyone buy DEAD BABIES and DEAD BABY PARTS?

    Does anyone in the socialist jew media know if there is a price list? How much for a black baby penis? Do you wonder why NOBODY IN THE SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA thought to ask?

    If you did you are stupid, and probably voted for Obama twice.

  174. Planned parenthood sells black baby scrotums for $43 each. White baby scrotums sell for $343 each. It seems that even in death, whites contribute much more to the economy than blax…….

    Can any liberal honestly explain the price difference? I knew you couldn’t…..cowards

  175. How much money does Planned Parenthood sell a DEAD BABY for? Doesn’t it strike you as odd that nobody in the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA has thought to ask?

    IS THERE A DEAD BABY PARTS PRICE LIST AVAILABLE? No such thing as a socialist jew media huh?

  176. Do you really believe that Obama and the Progressive liberals are interested in facts? They plan to push through their plan for a global economy and wealth redistribution, aka Climate Change, regardless of what the rest of the world wants. Our leaders are no longer working of the people, by the people, and for the people, but of, by, and for themselves, for power, and for personal wealth. Just like all radical liberal despots throughout the ages.

  177. As soon as the leaders get rid of all their investments in global warming tech. and other products, I’ll believe them. As for O’J@ck@ss and his claims of jobs and such, he is a demented, self absorbed, liar.

    1. When those that preach climate change get rid of their multiple homes, the gas guzzling limos, the private jets. . . .then they can talk about what they “believe”. . .(they obviously don’t “think”)But hypocrites with multiple mansions, all the power needed to light/heat those mansions, their gas guzzling limos, private planes and the lawn care that spews carbon into the atmosphere taking care of those homes and mansions. . . . .Big middle finger to you elitist hypocrites. . . .

  178. Obama and his liberal crew have taken over Health Care with Government single payer health care. Global Warming/Climate change is their phony smoke screen and excuse for the Government to take over, seize, (NATIONALIZE ENERGY PRODUCERS). It is a con job and a fraud constructed to excuse the coming Government theft of Energy Companies. The same thing that happened in Veneswayla by U-Go-CHA-VEZ the dictator.

  179. The AGW/CC ReligiouScience people need to stop denying reality, and get in their right minds.That’s the only way they’re ever going to gain any credibility ever again. . . Otherwise, you’re going to become the “religious nutters” of the era. . .kinda like the roaming Flagellants of the Middle Ages, who believed the only way to defeat the plague was by publicly flogging themselves. . .and wanting everyone else to do it, too.Not happenin’ ….. .the rest of us will stick with the “real” scientists. . . not the ReligiouScientists. . . you can flog yourselves, but leave the rest of us alone. . .

  180. It is well past the time to sideline the many “scientist” hustlers found to be falsifying their data to promote phony Globull Warming! Universities with hustlers on staff need to be stripped of any government funding. No new federal funding to any University hiring them. These snake-oil salesman need to be marginalized to the fullest extent!

    1. Notice how “professors” Mann and Hansen disappeared off the radar when the words “taxpayer fraud” started being bandied about?Those hacks went into a “cone of silence” and disappeared . . . . .Why was this “community” allowed to investigate itself for fraud? What if you and I tried this with the IRS?”I audited myself and decided I don’t owe you anything”. . . .we’d be in prison!

  181. September 5, 2015“Obama’s own NOAA climate division reports that the empirical evidence documents clear and sustained cooling trends for both Alaska and the continental U.S. for the past 16 years.NOAA’s Alaska/US evidence also supports the global warming ‘pause’ that has proven to be a major embarrassment for those proponents of climate-doomsday angst.September 6, 2015 – the “Pause” in global warming still defies explanation from the AGW/CC screamers. In 2014 – Nature – The case of the missing heat: “Climate scientists, meanwhile, know that heat must still be building up somewhere in the climate system, but they have struggled to explain where it is going, if not into the atmosphere. Some have begun to wonder whether there is something amiss in their models.”Duh? Maybe because their initial assertions were wrong from the beginning? Maybe that’s how something goes off the rails so badly?

    1. Ha! I get a kick out of watching the Alaska -based reality shows where the locals complain of unprecedented warm weather due to global warming – although they never mention the Great Lakes were frozen for the longest time in 100 years and the midwest had record breaking snow.

  182. No one addresses the reasons for the Climate Change Scam: To control the entire world. The royal leaders of the Climate Change Kingdom can tell ANY country or group of people, “Your carbon footprint is too big. Here is your list of items you must quit using, including air conditioners and automobiles. Or if you would rather pay us a huge “carbon tax” for your excessive use of world resources, that is acceptable.”

    1. It’s always been about making something up to “blame” the westernized nations. . . .meaning, the USA.You have to make up a “fake” problem, blame them (us) and then extort money from us to redistribute it to the UN to distribute the money to the rest of the planet with tin pot dictators and despots.It’s never been about the “climate” . . it’s about money and control.And as I kept saying – these “climate change” hucksters aren’t going to go away willingly. .. .. they’ve got decades into this scam. . . they’re not going to give up on it.Especially Obama – who is gung-ho for massive global control of the USA. . .he’s not going to let go of this agenda that easily. . .

      1. Don’t forget – it requires a new army of unelected, unaccountable, faceless, highly paid incompetent bureaucrats to make regulations that control your freedom and collect big fines under penalty of prison.

  183. The President has always been wrong on climate warming. The cyclic swing has been going on for billions of years and will continue until our sun decides to end life on earth. Let’s spend our time and resources on something which will help mankind enjoy the remaining eons we have left.

    1. Think of the millions that have been wasted.Scientists are suspecting we may be going into a modern day ‘Maunder Minimum’. . . .if we had invested that money into crop development that can grow in less-than-ideal climates. . low sun, colder/wetter. . . . .Instead it’s been wasted on garbage nonsense and schemes to control the USA and extort money from nations. . . .

  184. if climate change is real, then all western nations should put a moratorium on immigration and refugees from low carbon footprint countries that increase emissions of carbon.

    1. Climate Change is a great big HOAX. Or better known as a FRAUD. Obama is a FRAUD. And the great Americans take it hook line and sinker.
      Not to mention the great and wonderful Catholic Church and it’s “papa”.
      Lead by a false god.

  185. “warmists now claim that the 1970s global cooling fears never existed”

    Maybe they should read the Time magazine article from the 70s instead of trying to rewrite history.

  186. In addition to debunking the hockey stick shaft that never was, what would any sane leader do if CO2 was dangerous for their grandchildren’s planet?

    I would regulate the heck out of it.

    These dorks let people burn as much as they want for a price. Follow the money.
    AGW/Climate Change is the biggest scam ever.

  187. The evidence just keeps mounting up about how badly these guys have cooked/faked/baked the data.Pliocene warm interval, a period of warm climate conditions that preceded the current Pleistocene Ice Age. Occurring some 4 million years ago, the Pliocene warm interval has been difficult to explain. The early Pliocene epoch from 5.3 to about 3 million years ago was much warmer than today. The early Pliocene climate was very much like preindustrial conditions during the Holocene (our current interglacial warm period). Similarities include the amount of solar radiation Earth received, the concentration of atmospheric CO2, and a nearly identical geographic environment.Why isn’t someone in prison for taxpayer fraud?Notice how those hacks Mann and Hansen dropped off the radar when the words “taxpayer fraud” started being bandied about after “climate-gate” broke with those emails?

      1. Imagine if we had spent those hundreds of millions wasted on AGW/CC and investigated developing crops that can grow in less-than-ideal conditions. . like corn that can grow in wetter/colder climates. . .potatoes and other food staples. . . .Instead, hundreds of millions have been wasted on greedy hacks on a lie. . . .

  188. We’ve had the LIA (Maunder Minimum.) Medieval Warm Period, “Snowball” earth, the Sahara Desert was once a green forest, ancient polar forests, Iceland used to be green, polar ice cores show that the Thermohaline circulation (the gulf stream) at one point moved in a different direction, bringing pollen and other plant material to the poles of the earth. In 2012, they declared the “gulf stream” had stopped in 2010. Really? Predicting the next ice age. and extreme changes taken from Greenland Ice cores spanning 110,000 years “Ocean and lake sediment data from places such as California, Venezuela, and Antarctica have confirmed that these sudden climate changes affected not just Greenland, but the entire world. During the past 110,000 years, there have been at least 20 such abrupt climate changes. Only one period of stable climate has existed during the past 110,000 years–the 11,000 years of modern climate (the “Holocene” era). “Normal” climate for Earth is the climate of sudden extreme jumps–like a light switch flicking on and off.Get it now? Our climate is not the “norm.”,600 years ago, when Earth emerged from the final phase of the most recent ice age (an event called the Younger Dryas), the Greenland ice core data showed that a 15°F (8°C) warming occurred in less than a decade, accompanied by a doubling of snow accumulation in 3 years. Most of this doubling occurred in a single year.

  189. Besides the 2013 discovery of trees in Alaska found dating 2,350 years ago – – 2013 – “The new poster-child of planetary degassing is diffuse CO2 — invisible emanations which can occur across vast areas surrounding the main vents of a volcano, rising through the bulk of the mountains. This transparent haze is only just beginning to receive proper attention, and as such we have very little idea of how much it might contribute to the global output.Now, they’re “shocked” at what they’re finding out about how our volcanoes “gas” and just howwwwwwww much CO2 they’re gassing. The word used is “staggering.”Mammoth Mountain – mysterious die off trees – they’ve found that the CO2 concentrations seeping into the soil is so high, it’s killing large swaths of trees.” In the areas of tree kill, CO2 makes up about 20 to 95% of the gas content of the soil; soil gas normally contains 1% or less CO2.It’s funny how the AGW/GW people scream it’s us – when they know very little about so many things in our eco system – but somehow, they’re positive it is our fault, and demand anyone who disagrees be persecuted.

  190. I wish to heaven I could remember which channel I watched last week (NatGeo, Nature, ?) which showed the documented history of the millions of years history of how this earth has been catastrophically changed. It’s still here, by the way. Massive shiftings of the earth, massive ice ages, massive dry spells lasting thousands of years, volcanic eruptions, all of it of such size as to put the lie to this “the humans did this to the world”. This has happened repeatedly over those eons and will continue, most likely (I’m no seer).
    Starting with the very greedy Al Gore, this whole scare science is making a lot of money and the people who are genuinely, if wrongly worried about global warming (notice they’ve changed the name to climate change) are likely a tiny portion of the money grubbing sensationalists.
    If anyone watched that program, please post it so that, if nothing else, it gives perspective to the nonsense being spewed by the alarmists (and the media).

  191. The global warming scam is all about taking more money from Western Country’s citizens to give to the 3rd world countries….as if we don’t give them enough already for some dictator to squander.

  192. Mr. UNITED, OBAMA the peace making “supernigger”, France being murdered by
    TERRORISTS of ISLAM, and now the American President rails about CLIMATE CHANGE. A FRAUD Americans voted for TWICE. Dumb asses. But NOT the biggest FRAUD…….it’s called EVOLUTION. I wonder if his followers will blow up Harvard. The dumbest people………………… figure it out. IF you can thiMk.

  193. I hope this kills off of the elitists that want to control every aspect of our lives from an authority that destroys our American Constitution. This is not just delusional but incredibly evil. The US Coal Industry has been devastated by Obama using his illegal EPA. Only Congress can make laws, but the Constitutional wrecking Obama doesn’t care.

  194. Will this be required viewing in America’s indoctrination camps (public schools) like the fairy tale that is the Inconvenient Truth? Don’t hold your breath….

    1. This must be why Obama keeps issuing declarations from Paris – because this movie is about to debut, and he’s concerned that this is going to “foster” more dissent against his EPA trash. . . .

  195. It’s just a hammer to beat over the heads of the successful countries so they’ll give up more money to the failure countries. [am I allowed to say that?]

  196. Don’t the trees discovered just in 2013 under the glaciers in Alaska prove that this isn’t “unprecedented” melting?Is it dawning on these nutters yet that we know nothing about CO2 and where it actually comes from?”Outgassing” of our volcanoes – discovering new volcanoes on the bottom of the ocean. . . trees discovered in Alaska dating back 2350 years. . . .yep, trees there before Jesus walked the earth. . .was that “Man made global warming” too?Over and over, these “Religioscience” nutters are faced with evidence that they’re wrong. . . .and yet, they deny the evidence and continue to claim it is “man” made. . . .AGW/CC followers are a cult – brainwashed and unteachable. . . .Who are the “science deniers” now, hmmmm?

    1. Remember the hope-dopey Copenhagen debacle?Inhoffe (not always a fan of him) flew there on his own dime and walked around behind Obama telling people “he can’t bind us to anything. A treaty requires 2/3rds of the senate and that’s not going to happen.”It was hysterical. . . .He made it clear to everyone there – Obama can’t bind the USA to anything. . . .

  197. President Obama has closed the case. After all he has put his finger on it. The USA, as always according to Obama, is who caused the problem and as always must come up with the money to fix it. The solution is to open a new slush fund (sorry check that) do a new tax and spend program ( sorry again, Oh here is a good one) investment program for the children (there that’s better)to fix it.

    1. Liberalism itself makes the strongest case against evolution! Everything liberals/leftists/progressives/marxist do results in the devolution of man. Or put another way, devil-ution!

  198. I have a tough time understanding the skepticism. Gee whiz, our President told us that Global Warming causes terrorism. He must be correct since we re-elected him 3 years ago. Global warming and Police brutality. These insidious travesties are all Bush’s fault.

  199. Obama’s referral to many American’s as bitter clingers would have a far better use in describing the AGW Kool-Aid drinkers that refuse to acknowledge that their cult is disintegrating due to lack of empirical evidence.

    1. Yep – Obama “declared” it so.There’s no debate. The debate is over.Every time he opens his arrogant yap and spews something silly, he gets slapped across the mouth.

  200. The leaders of the Climate Change religion know that they are perpetrating a scam. They know that their “evidence” is selective, manipulated and, in many cases, simply manufactured to support their “case”. Climate Change is nothing more than another Progressive scheme to confiscate ever more money from those nasty rich countries and they will not be dissuaded by facts. It’s all pretty obvious to any thinking person but none of this will make a whit of difference to Climate Change followers.

  201. The entire AGW dog and pony show has gotten old. It’s lost it’s impetus, and these expensive gatherings look like tacky carnivals. There never were that many true believers, but the “highly educated” crowd runs the propaganda machines, and we saw the floggings of anyone daring to question. The true believers were also in favor of prosecuting non-believers. That seems to work only in Islam, and not very well.

    1. Obama’s time is ending in the USA. His main objective has always been to head of the UN. That was clear to me from his first day in office, when he travelled the globe apologizing for America’s past and non-exceptualism! But,he will face many enemies in that attempt, and executive orders will not work there!

    1. How about “The Truth about Their Inconvenient Truth” (grin)Al Gore, the guy who assaults women and plagiarizes movies. . . .Why does anyone still give that dirtbag a microphone?

      1. The left are monolithic in their indoctrination from the minute they get a hold of our children in kindergarten well through college. Algore just plays a part in that indoctrination. He was probably given the part after he failed to even convince the people of Tennessee (his “home” state) that he should be president! The “also ran” prize was hey Al, we got this global warming scam we need to get you plugged into to help our one-worlder cause.

  202. DR. Micheal Crichton wrote several books including Jurassic Park but one that really stayed with me was State Of Fear… exactly what is going on now but not using weather. State of Fear is what our government wants to impose for various reasons.. read it .

  203. Billions have flowed – from the government – to people to develop studies, which promote/advocate “government control.”Tell me. . .how is that science not twisted/warped/diseased then? Hmmm?Know how many boreholes “professor” Mann used to dismiss the MWP and LIA as “regional” only? 10. That’s right, 10. 6,000 boreholes/250 paleoclimate studies prove this hack is wrong.Michael Mann, himself, admits he’s an “advocate:” – “Penn State Professor Michael Mann describes himself as a climate change “advocate.” That’s not a scientist – that’s a political advocate.These AGW/CC Religioscience nutters should be in prison for taxpayer fraud. . . .

  204. Obama is simply hiding behind this contrived climate farce to deflect attention from his deep weakness and stupidity. He has a lasting legacy of creating chaos (I will bring the races together, in harmony), and is now deemed the supreme lier in the sphere of politics (you can keep…period, you did not build that, I would never take your guns the (bastar* does not own them), and the Isis is contained. Etcetra!

    1. If we can’t kick them out – just drop out – no longer be a member. Stop paying their ridiculous bills.Let it go the way of “The League of Nations”. . . .It should die the death the “League of Nations” did.It’s nothing more than a global forum for people that hate the USA, while those same “diplomats” live here in our nation enjoying all the luxuries of our nation. . . .

  205. Even in this article’s title, “Skeptical” is used. I’m TIRED of it! I’m NOT SKEPTICAL, and NOT A DENIER. I AM a REALIST! I have COMMON SENSE! Please don’t continue to allow the WACKO LEFTISTS define who we are!

    1. It’s what they do. Liberalism cannot win on the merits of its ideas so it criticizes the messengers of contrary viewpoints. (See Alinsky, S., “Rules for Radicals,” 1971.)

      “Deniers” are just the latest “racists.”

  206. 250 million years ago, in the Mesozoic Period, there were ancient polar forests. Yes, at the poles of the earth.45 million years ago – the Eocene geologic period, we had polar forests.In 2013, there were trees discovered under the glaciers in Alaska, some dating back 2,350 years.All of which refutes this ReligiouScience nonsense of the AGW/GW nutters.Over and over – the evidence keeps refuting their claims of “unprecedented” warming. . . “unprecedented glacier melt” (oops, those tree stumps disprove that). . . .Over and over, evidence keeps revealing how wrong they are, how misguided they are. . . and how the science is not “settled”But now they want to use the jack boot of the government to silence those skeptics.Are they going to silence the 250 paleoclimate studies showing the MWP was global? Are they going to silence the scientists who discovered the tree stumps under glaciers in Alaska? How many people will they propose “silencing” to hide their errors?When do we call it “fraud?”

      1. You’re capable of checking that yourself. . . .The planet has a “wobble” in the axis, which would also not be “man caused”. . . .Our polar fields also reverse every so often. . . .also not “man caused”. . . .Again, proving how ridiculous the AGW/CC people are. . . .

  207. Did you know?
    There is NO scientific definition of what “climate” is…

    the definition the Liberals us is the one Rand McNally uses:
    “The climate of San Francisco is cold in the summer”

    that’s it folks – no definition exists….

    1. did you know that there is zero agreement on what the “ideal” temperature is? If you can’t tell me the ideal temperature then how does one know if it’s too warm or too cold…??? All this ‘warming’ is nothing but a cult. Where’s Jim Jones when you need him?

  208. climate change has been around since the 70’s when I grew up. it was supposed to be the end by now but we’re still here and the sun has not turned the oceans into boiling pots!!

  209. has anyone seen the movie Snowpiercer. that movie shows what the governments of the world can screw up. the governments did a seeding of the atmosphere like what they are wanting to do with a fake volcano and screwed everything up.

  210. Take a look at what has happened in America, then take a look at what is happening around the world. Now tell me if the biggest threat to the country and the world is global warming or Obama.

  211. The US government is so incompetent that it spent $19 Trillion more than it collected in taxes

    those same clowns want to control the weather………..god help us….

  212. So they want to arrest those who deny climate change ….that’s when the truth speaks for itself.. why the need to dump chemicals into our air than turn and set blame on us….Trillions will be made on carbon tax all in pockets of the demonic elite.

  213. GW is an opponent guys like Obama love to “fight”, given they are imaginary, which is helpful as GW can’t actually fight back, or cause an actual harm, it’s the perfect liberal adversary.
    Then Obama can report back that he has the “enemy on the run”.

    Unlike the real world, where when you dare tyrants to step over your “red line” and then they do, and your impotence is exposed, not to mention having to deal with real men, like Putin, who treat Obama like a little girl.

    So keep on fighting those windmills Baraka, you worthless POS.
    And have another Newport, maybe one days all that chain smoking will come home to roost….let’s hope so.

    1. I think that’s the real reason Obama wants Assad gone. . .he humiliated Obama on the international stage. . and we’ve seen – Obama doesn’t tolerate people humiliating him. . . .so Obama let the “oil assets” ISIS had to be used by ISIS in some misguided belief those rabid dogs would take out Assad.Assad is a bigger danger to us than ISIS?Or is it Assad humiliated Obama on the world stage when he issued his declaration of a red line. . . .which Assad promptly crossed. . .and gave Obama the finger. . .

  214. Politico Europe nails the “true” purpose of this Paris nonsense:“And therein lies the sticking point on which negotiations actually center: “climate finance.” Climate finance is the term for wealth transferred from developed to developing nations based on a vague and shifting set of rationales including repayment of the “ecological debt” created by past emissions, “reparations” for natural disasters, and funding of renewable energy initiatives.“The issue will dominate the Paris talks. The INDCs covering actual emissions reductions are subjective, discretionary, and thus essentially unnegotiable. Not so the cash. Developing countries are expecting more than $100 billion in annual funds from this agreement or they will walk away. (For scale, that’s roughly equivalent to the entire OECD budget for foreign development assistance.)”As we’ve always known – this is about taking our cash, and giving it to despot tin pot dictators.This is about “control” of the USA. . .and other nations.

  215. “Climate change” is real – it just happens due to natural processes. Humans may have some type of impact on the climate, but how much? Is it something worth spending trillions of tax-payer dollars on? Is it the “greatest challenge” that our military will face? Is every hurricane and drought and flood caused by man? Absolutely not, and to think so is insanity.

    1. Especially when they’re discovering new volcanoes on the sea bottom, and finding tree stumps under glaciers that date back to 2350, (so much of “unprecedented melting”)They’re only now starting to look at volcano “outgassing” in areas far away from the vents. . .realizing that there is much much more CO2 being “gassed” through the soil than they ever imagined. . . . .The AGW/CC people are nutters. . .spewing nonsense. . .Who are the “science deniers” now, huh?

  216. And meanwhile President Fecal Midas, in all his majesty, is no doubt sanctimoniously lecturing all of his intellectual inferiors about how ignorant they really are about the impending doom that awaits us unless they align with him and his charlatan accomplices.

  217. First the possibility of a Trump presidency (not owing to anybody) and now a main ‘control tool’ (carbon credits) gone, what’s the rich and powerful bankers and lobbyists to do? These guys have castles and yachts to pay for. They have to rob the middle class to survive. Next thing you know small government conservatives will break up the too big to fail banks – ah, oh no!!!!!

  218. The person who is single handedly most responsible for the rise of ISIS and has done virtually nothing to stop its murder and spread since is now declaring war on the weather.

    What a dangerous, delusional, demagogue.

  219. Congress needs to forbid any taxpayer funding for “climate research”. If, after their funding is withdrawn, these “scientists” continue beating the climate change drum, I’ll pay attention. Until then, I’ll continue to consider AGW for what it is……a gigantic shakedown of America which our chief community organizer has obviously bought into.

  220. What does Barack Hussein Obama know about being an American? He was raised by Muslim-Kenyan-Communist radical leftists that hated America. All of his inner circles hated America. Even Michelle hates America.

    So, it’s no wonder that, the traitorous, Obama, disdainfully ignores his oath as President to “faithfully execute” the laws of America and to “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution!

    Obama’s twisted ideology to transform America into a third world cesspool is guided by his hatred of America…”climate” is just another device he is using towards that end.


    If you are happy with this, you’ll continue to be happy till the end.

    If you are not happy…what are you doing?

    Midnight’s not creeping, it’s at a gallop…

  221. the demonic realm rising becoming as natural as the air we breathe.. sadly those that know not the LORD will suffer greatly…remember he is always with us it is up to us to invite Him into our hearts.. His name is Christ Jesus….

  222. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    – Joseph Goebbels

  223. Nature today spews out 15 times the amount of CO-2 than all fossil fuel burning does. All the environmentalists have accomplished was forcing manufacturing to shift to third world where a coal burning plant opens each week on average and there are few standards on how clean they should be. The effect has been increased development, pollution and emissions. They made “problem of CO-2 emissions” worse.

    1. We could cure half of the man-made CO2 by just going back to a part-time citizen government in Washington, D.C. Between the politicians, their handlers and their lobbyists, they spew out 15 times the exhalation that the rest of the U.S. does. Although since most of what they say stinks to high heaven, I wonder if it’s more methane than CO2…?

  224. with the Progressive left it is all about power and the redistribution of wealth. i.e. control of the voting population. It is pure political geinious to come up with the idea to tax the very gas we exhale. Think about the total power that will come about. These people will stop at nothing . They have complete contempt for people and country.

  225. Let’s suppose this documentary is correct; let’s suppose that man made climate change is greatly exaggerated, maybe even non-existent. Those who have subscribed to Global Warming/Climate Change are not going to change their views. People who embrace religion are rarely dissuaded: that goes for those who don’t as well. Climate Change believers and climate change deniers will not change – they’ve committed to their beliefs and admitting being wrong? Unlikely.

      1. Yep. Not a single tax dollar paying for their trash. Let them live on donations from the nutty left. . . .Let the “private” industry subsidize them with donations. . . .And never should they be able to use the government as their “power” to enforce their religion on us. . . .

    1. However, the “deniers” (as you call them) have science on their side, and are constantly refuting the nonsense from the AGW nutters. . . . At some point, they can still “believe”. . .but they shouldn’t be using the power of the government nor a single tax dollar to support their trash.Let them live on donations, like Churches do then. . . .

  226. I’m betting the left will come out hard condemning this film ,look for the paid sheep to protest at the premiere and the media coverage to be ultra negative .The scientists telling the truth in the film will be ridiculed and discredited ,we’re talking huge money that will be lost by the hoaxers if all were revealed.

      1. Many will gradually and our idiot children have been brainwashed for decades by the left ,it is our responsibility to deprogram ours and theirs . On a personal note my kids are young adults now and I’ve always been straight with them ,they know BS when they see BS.

    1. Must be why Obama keeps issuing “declarations” from Paris about how important this is. . . .because this movie is about to premier in Paris. . . .shortly after this supposedly “historic” trash conference. . . .

    2. Of course they will, without ever having seen the movie! Bandwagon politics is their forte. Drudge has a picture of the “leaders” (more like lemmings) with Obama grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Definitely in his element on this trip.

    1. the roaming Flagellants of the Middle Ages, who believed the only way to defeat the plague was by publicly flogging themselves. . .and wanting everyone else to do it, too.

  227. Climate change is about redistribution of wealth. Utility bills will skyrocket and the wealthy will be able to pay and others will be subsidized. Taxes will rise. The sad part is that none of this will affect the actual climate. The Earth has been warming since the last mini-ice age and will continue to do so until the next cooling cycle begins.

    1. Yeh, but for some reason the crowd of morons never see this. They continue to destroy reality. Let’s face it, the radical left has out-gunned common sense and truth in a carefully planned program to destroy the middle class and implement global government. Constitutionalists will have to be just as ruthless when Obama is gone and the effort to reverse this malarky begins.

    2. Utility bills are already doing this. I have a chart of my KW usage and it is down 7% the past 5 years due to some improvements I have made. But my bill is up 20%.

      The system is rigged to creep up on people so that they do not notice it. It is only math/finance nerds like me that pay attention to the creep.

    1. Not in this generation. The scientific “community” has a lot of make up to do. . . .Especially something that humps “government control”. . . .

    2. At the moment the under 30 crowd believes every word of this tripe and so the scientists are sitting pretty. It is only 50-100 years from now that science will be wiped off the map and scientists burned at the stake again like years gone by. Of course, by then the Muslims will rule the world and we know they stopped scientifically advancing in the 11th century.

  228. Climate change is designed for the NWO. Penalize the wealthy nations while propping up the poor ones. So everyone is on an even playing field. Who determines when there will no longer be a need for any of this? Who make makes the call and decides the earth is doing well? It will never end just like the race war in this country.

  229. I get so tired of the left. In an article on Bloomberg it states that Italy is spending $6 Billion to save Venice from rising oceans. The ocean is not rising, the city is sinking. It has been doing this for hundreds of years. It is called subsidence and is the whole reason why Venice is as it is.

    1. Exactly. The city is “floating” on hundreds and hundreds of air bladders. . . .the water isn’t rising, the city is sinking.New Orleans – same thing – “old muddy” shifts over thousands of years. In an effort to keep “old man river” from shifting away from New Orleans, they put in a channel. And when you “channel” water – it runs harder, faster, deeper and carves faster . . . . .There are 6 pumping stations in NO, with 6 or 7 massive pumps in each pumping station running at all times to keep the “city” from sinking.Let the “dammm” place sink. . .stop wasting taxpayer money keeping that place afloat. . . .Move the “precious” stuff in Venice to another area . . . .if the ancient Romans can build a Colosseum and vast aqua ducts, they can sure figure out a way to move the “valuable” parts of Venice to higher ground. . . .

    2. I windsurf on Cape Cod – For the past 30 years the water level on the beach has not risen there are just a couple areas where winter storms washed away some sand.

  230. NASA’s own satellites show a massive global cooling taking place in the past 30 years

    of course that doesn’t fit with what the Liberal lies say…………….

  231. What do you expect from Politicians? Their entire world is lying to make money and hold power, in order to make more money and separate themselves from the rest of us peasants.

    They MAKE money off of polluting the air and water and land. Think about it. What does Soros do? Steyer? How do they achieve their divisive agendas? What corporations do they invest in to make their money? When they move their community organizing armies? They have the biggest “carbon footprints” of all, while they sit back in the luxury that the peasants have built and created. When you are high up in the air in your private jet, your ego is all that exists – not empathy nor sincere compassion. This is all BS. Just look at Al Gore’s mansions. And Obama’s in Hawaii and on the mainland.

    Believe in the upcoming Ice Age, they tell us.
    Believe in the upcoming Global Warming, they tell us.
    Believe in, well, Climate Change…
    Believe in the weather, it will surely change day after day.
    Just as the tectonic plates shift, just as the universe changes.
    Just as species come and go…
    Just as politicians are voted out of office.

    1. Multiple mansions, and the power that it takes to heat and light those multiple mansions. The carbon-spewing lawn services. . .the gas guzzling limos, the carbon spewing private jets. . . .Those that have the largest footprints think they should limit the lives of the rest of us.Gimme a break. . . .Obama sends an empty AF-1 back from Hawaii to get “Bo” the dog. . . .what, his press secretary didn’t get him to the tarmac on time?When those that live the grandest lifestyles start to curtail theirs, while chanting for the rest of us to be taxed into oblivion. . . . .then they can talk about it. . . Until then, a big middle finger to you sanctimonious hypocrites. . . .

  232. Just this morning I saw another article that proposes creating a “fake volcano” to combat global warming. Oh the irony! Trying to reverse dubious claims of man-made global climate change by using man-made climate change. Only in the progressive mind can such foolishness be found…

  233. Every tenet of leftism is based on their hatred of the Judaeo-Christian God and His Word. For God had promised Noah:
    All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day shall not rest. (Gen 7:22 1609 Douay Rheims)

    And God knew the whole future at the time (still does). Lying warmists call God the liar instead and in this, as they do in so many other ways, shake their fists in His Holy Face. Just another facet of the stark evil of leftism.

  234. Nobel winner Dr. Ivar Giaever was one of over a hundred co-signers of a message given to the president in 2009, that criticized his stance on climate change. Now he’s returned to reiterate his position on Obama’s environmental policies. At a recent Nobel laureate meeting, he claimed that Obama’s latest statements on the matter were “ridiculous” and that he’s receiving “bad advice” on global warming. “I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong.”He further added that “Global warming really has become a new religion. Because you cannot discuss it. It’s not proper. It is like the Catholic Church.”“Giaever has been a vocal critic of global warming for several years now. He even left the esteemed “American Physical Society” in 2011, after they officially announced that they believed the evidence for global warming was “incontrovertible.” At the time he supported his decision by saying “Incontrovertible is not a scientific word. Nothing is incontrovertible in science.”

  235. It’s not just about how scientists could prostitute themselves for a hidden ideological agenda via “global warming – climate change”. The rot in academia and science pervades all disciplines in their fight at the grant funding feeding trough. There are other delusional theories bought into by the research hacks such as “big bang”, “black hole”, “dark matter” and other bits of computer modeling religious dogma. Science is no longer science, it is a stomping ground the suppression of alternate theories, a refuge for departmental bureaucracies and a meal ticket for corrupt game riggers. All the evidence you need to clear your head of this mania for cob webbery, is available a mouse click away.

  236. “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” said Christina Figueres, executive secretary for UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change.

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  237. OK! Maybe I will go to the movies again.
    IMHO, climate change is all about putting an emergency response to the environmental agenda. I get the part about wanting clean air, clean water, and a clean world. I confess, I want it too. But the man-made ‘climate change’ debate is pure BS. Scientists aren’t unlike everyone else in that they need to put food on the table to survive. It just so happens, the man-made climate change debate is where activists have partnered with scientists in exchanging taxpayer dollars for political backing camouflaged as ‘science’. Look at the billions in research that have gone to ‘science’ over the last decade in exchange for lies. Its not like scientists couldn’t later hide behind getting it wrong. Scientists get things wrong all the time, while in the search for truth. This will just appear as business as usual. But in the meantime, a generation of ‘scientists’ will get more funding than they ever dreamed of.

    1. “Religeoscience” nutters. . . . .That’s what they are. . .cultists who can’t stand the fact that new data and discoveries keep refuting their nonsense. . . .so they double down on dumb.

  238. This global warming religion/farce takes me back to the bad old days of the Inquisition. I meant that was hell on Earth for the time it lasted but i made it out alive…now here we go again with the same f…c…k…i…n…g fools that brought us every religious war and pogrom in human history.

    1. Can you imagine what these wingnutters would do if we declared the science settled from breast cancer research? Aides? Parkinson’s? They’d be screaming at the top of their lungs. . . .

  239. The
    global warming agenda is Nothing but another banker bailout, disguised
    in a social movement for academics fighting to stay relevant and to be
    worshiped. If this goes through, and suddenly the phony college debt
    crisis is resolved by the banks, You know you have been fooled again.
    Though you’ll never admit it, you’ll just become more bitter as you and
    your ilk, circle your wagons for constant affirmation you did it for
    the planet. All you’re doing is taking money from poor people, and
    giving it to rich people. Your god George Soros is buying up all the
    coal stocks right now. He’s not closing the mines, he backed Obama who
    set it up for him to buy them up pennies on the dollar making money off
    of your stupidity, and custard dripping sycophancy

    1. And the safer/cheaper/more efficient XL pipeline for moving oil has been stomped because Warren Buffet owns lots of Rail and Trucking stock. . . .and he moves the oil through the nation. . . Geeeeeeeee, imagine thaaaaaaaaaaaaat. . . .cronies protecting cronies. . . .

      1. Have you ever seen so many billionares hanging around a president? They want something and they know it is for sale. Why else would the super rich support a supposed socialist?

  240. I guess they haven’t gotten the word yet that we are headed into a solar ‘Maunder minimum’ that will produce a mini ice age about 2030.
    That will result in a depression if not a collapse of their carbon credits industry

  241. i have said this a hundred times about this chicken little science/government grab. have a world wide live debate with the believers and the heretics as this has become a flat earth science the only difference is they aren’t burned at the stake. have the un the masters of deceit and lies through the un climate panel and their yearly lie of heat and force them to prove it to us the real losers in this not from the heat but our pocketbooks and wallets!

    this reminds me of syria and our fearless leader who when he backed the rebels with weapons and air support was shocked when assad fought back unlike libya and egypt witch folded like american cheese. then gave up and went on his paid for vacations allowing isis to form using weapons we furnished the rebels. you fight back and like american cheese they will fold also!

  242. The world leaders are getting together in Paris for another try to fleece the world. The powerful of powerful nations are agreeing to pay off the powerful of weak nations for their silence. Some socialists think of this as redistribution of wealth. None of this money would ever go to the ordinary people of poor weak nations or for programs for those people. It will all go into the hands of the rich and powerful. Lots of shoes for some third world countries’ president’s wives. Move over Emelda Marcos. Ordinary people would get higher taxes, and higher food and energy prices. The long nasty arm of Chicago reaches for the world.

  243. And nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, the idiots. . .are proposing. . . . .to use a “man made” volcano. . “cool” the climate.Jeeeeeeezuzmary. . . . .Ok, someone needs to put a stop to these idiots. . . .Hey, morons! You are aware that the Deccan Traps are believed to be part of why the dinosaurs are gone now, right? The belief that they were on their way out, and then the traps erupted after an impact. . . And now, you morons, in all your idiot self aggrandizing glory, want to “mimic” that type of event. . . .Someone needs to put these people in a rubber room, and lock them up. . . .

  244. As of 2015, the computer models of METEOROLOGIST and CLIMATOLOGISTS, do a poor job of capturing the great complexity of both the Earth’s WEATHER and the Earth’s CLIMATE.

    Therefore, the output of these computer models can NOT be used to prove or dis-prove a HYPOTHESIS involving the Earth’s WEATHER or the Earth’s CLIMATE.

  245. It’s like they always say: Follow the Money.

    Who will profit from a global warming tax?

    Who will be accountable for distributing the money and what independent oversight will there be?

    Who are the people who will run this program and how much are they going to make?

    I’ll bet their salaries will start in the high six figure range. And what will their jobs be? To travel the world on private CO2 spewing planes to tell people ‘we need to do more’ and ‘we need more money’.

    1. Politico Europe nails the “true” purpose of this Paris nonsense 11/30/2015:“And therein lies the sticking point on which negotiations actually center: “climate finance.” Climate finance is the term for wealth transferred from developed to developing nations based on a vague and shifting set of rationales including repayment of the “ecological debt” created by past emissions, “reparations” for natural disasters, and funding of renewable energy initiatives.“The issue will dominate the Paris talks. The INDCs covering actual emissions reductions are subjective, discretionary, and thus essentially unnegotiable. Not so the cash. Developing countries are expecting more than $100 billion in annual funds from this agreement or they will walk away. (For scale, that’s roughly equivalent to the entire OECD budget for foreign development assistance.)”As we’ve always known – this is about taking our cash

  246. Climate is the tool they are using to bring about one world government. This is AGENDA 21. For years we have been talking about this Agenda21 and for years its been denied as if its some outlandish conspiracy. This climate crap IS OLD NEWS. The plan has always been to use climate change to usher in the new world order. This plan should have failed a long time ago but people are so super lazy that they wont do the research themselves, which btw takes 5 minutes and a few google searches. The whole book is available directly from the UN, and if you follow the rabbit hole and look into who wrote this, you’re gonna be very surprised that EVERYTHING you’ve heard (not from the lamestream media) about Agenda 21 is true.

    “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up
    with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water
    shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers
    are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity

    p. 75 – “The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome” – 1990

  247. Climate change – a political policy of which the effectiveness can never be actually be measured, but a political policy by which politicians can spin the results of investment, or lack of, in any direction.
    Politicians loath being measured on the effectiveness of their policies – from terrorism, poverty, crime, etc. But climate change is the perfect policy – it’s long term, it takes in vast amounts of money, it redistributes wealth. If you don’t fund it adequately, you can point to the results of under-funding on such wide-ranging topics as terrorism, crime, lack of crop growth, and species extinction. The politician avoids blame and can show how much they “care” based on everyone else funding it.
    Most of us just go to work to try and provide for our families. Rather than becoming productive, Climate Change proponents dreams, scheme, and connive new ways to alarm the uniformed and enrich themselves.

  248. Hopefully, this film will begin the well-deserved shaming of all the “scientists” who have been promoting the fraud for so many years! (but since so many are essentially cult members, you could hit them with a thousand pound climate hammer and they would still refuse to acknowledge the fraud)

  249. It will not do any good. This scam is VERY well financed and those in charge of the huge lies are not going to give it up. Unfortunately, Obama believes that he has the power to force Americans to accept his lies and deceit so he can control, regulate and tax people into a new “dark age” of lower energy use. He is intent on destroying the coal industry and is well on his way there. It does not matter at all that less developed countries will see deaths this winter from unavailable heating sources. What does he care? He is making a “LEGACY’. That’s all that matters. This is one of the most egregious abuses of power that any of the presidents in the past half century or so have perpetrated on the United States, let alone the entire world. The only hope that Americans have is Congress. As long as Congress refuses to buy the big lies, no treaty the president signs is valid. He can work his little pen all he wants and it will do him no good. He is a lame duck and he knows it. This is his last ditch attempt to try to force the country to its knees (at his feet by the way). I look forward to his final day in office. His many failures and treasonous actions will go down in history. Let that be his legacy.

  250. “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up
    with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water
    shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers
    are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity

    p. 75 – “The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome” – 1990

  251. And nowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, the idiots. . .are proposing. . . . (get this). . . use a “man made” volcano. . “cool” the climate.Jeeeeeeezuzmary. . . . .Ok, someone needs to put a stop to these idiots. . . .Hey, morons! You are aware that the Deccan Traps are believed to be part of why the dinosaurs are gone now, right? The belief that they were on their way out, and then the traps erupted after an impact. . . And now, you morons, in all your idiot self aggrandizing glory, want to “mimic” that type of event?Think about the global crop failures this would cause!Someone needs to put these people in a rubber room, and lock them up. . . .

  252. Its pretty scary to me that these “world leaders” might be so easily led by false data and claims by unethical science and that everyday people like myself, with only a computer and common sense, would know what a fraud Al Gore and the climate alarmists are. The world needs better leaders, but especially in the United States because of the power it has. We can’t afford frauds like Obama anymore.

    1. The do-gooder weasels all have their private agendas; large sodas cause obesity for example.

      They worm their way into the company of people in power and our uncritical, weak-minded leaders fall for every scam.

  253. They need to rush this through because they KNOW man-made global warming isn’t happening.

    They need their scam in place as soon as possible so they can claim credit for stopping something that isn’t happening.

  254. Come and listen to a story about a man named Gore
    Who wanted to rape a maid and became a climate wh or e.
    After his loss in a Presidential race
    He sold some carbon credits at a frenzied pace…Fast, that is! Chicago gold! Leftist tee-hee!

    Well the first thing you know old Gore’s a millionaire
    His Tennessee kin said “Move away from thar!”
    “Cal-E-fornia is the place for loons like you!”
    So he bought himself a mansion on the cliffs of Malibu!

  255. What is pretty funny about this is seeing the idiots who fell for the scam scramble to cover for themselves! Of course, so many will refuse to admit that they were part of the scam, or that it is a scam, until the day they die!

  256. The loony tunes want to seed the atmosphere with sulfuric acid…to make clouds…to reflect sunlight.

    A) We already have an abundance of clouds.
    B) Won’t dumping acid into the atmosphere create “acid rain?”

    1. Yep, and the Deccan Traps in India (lava flows now found 1 mile down from the ocean floor) were thought to have played a role in the demise of the Dinosaurs after the Chicxulub impact.So now, these insane maniacs, want to emulate that. . .the Pinatubo eruption?Because they “believe” there is warming, when there isn’t?They’re insane – certifiably they understand the global crop failures that will happen? The world wide famine?Someone needs to go to the Hague and get an “injunction” against what they’re doing because of the global ramifications of their “religion” when there’s no evidence, and new evidence refutes them every single day. . . .

    1. According to their theory of man-made global warming they told us that as the earth got warmer we would see an increase in the number and intensity of hurricanes.

      They told us 2014 and then 2015 were the hottest years on record but hurricanes are decreasing in number. I believe they’ve been decreasing since 1997 (during the time of alleged accelerated warming).

  257. I love how the gloBULL warming crowd likes to refer to those who do not believe or simply pose reasonable questions about the “science” as “flat earthers” and mock them when in fact the “flat earthers” of the past had taken the position that the “science” was settled and the earth was flat. It was only the explorers who took the position that the science was not settled who ventured out and found new land. Science is and has been the search for truth, sadly it is now the search for political expediency and ideology. The gloBULL warming crowd can’t even get the science right about their mocks and insults.

  258. A few of the GW religionists have suggested that ‘skeptics’ be shot.
    I’d suggest that something akin to that happen, but not in a blood-thirsty way.
    Oust all politicians who espouse this GW hoax.
    Fire all ‘scientists’ on university staffs who continue to be tools of the socialist cabal.
    Laugh out loud at the fools flying in on private jets to march for climate control and wealth-theft. Then put them in institutions to de-cult them.
    Roll back EVERY SINGLE reg obama’s EPA has forced down our throats. Fire all EPA officials.
    Run that skinny-ased socialist community organizer out of DC on a rail – tarred & feathered.
    It would be a start.

    1. I suggest that we lock up anyone who is proposing the “geoengineering” of the climate by trying to “mimic” the eruptions of mount Pinatubo. . . .Does anyone understand that the eruptions of the Deccan Traps in India are now believed to have played a role in the KT extinction level event?And now these insane nutters, who really believe there is “warming” (despite the evidence monthly that is refuting their nonsense). . .and they want to “geoengineering” this type of disaster?Given how they’ve handled the global warming. . . do you trust these nutjobs?Gawdalmighty. . . they’re insane. . .

      1. It could also be a ploy with no real action being taken; only minor stunts done for show.

        Since man-made global warming isn’t happening, they’ll likely have public stunts like this and when global warming fails to happen they can claim success.

        1. This insane idea is gathering steam – although thankfully, it’s just a general “idea”. . but we’ve seen what these nutters are capable of doing with just some “idea”. . .(billions spent/wasted). . .This is such a lunatic, insane and ridiculous idea. . .deliberately trying to geoengineer a disaster like what wiped out the dinosaurs is certifiably insane. . . .Millions of people – dead – due to crop failures, and global famine. .. Floods, mudslides. . . they’ve literally lost their minds. . .

  259. Obamas’ legacy will be an oppressive, heavy-handed, tyrannical, unrepresentative world government run by astronomically high paid unelected bureaucrats.

    A fundamental transformation.

  260. Whenever you have big money involved in an issue you need to be very skeptical. I look at the players and who is profiting first. Al Gore is the poster child for hypocritical climate change hucksters. He is the Al Sharpton of climate change. Certainly man can pollute the environment and maybe to a small degree affect it but Mother nature is in charge. One big volcano can change the environment but mankind’s actions? Because of the huge economic impact these climate change enthusiasts want to have on the world there is a lot at stake. Now that we have proof of this group of “fudging the numbers” I have even less faith. Perhaps with groups (equal numbers of supporters/skeptics) of scientists with independent over site, investigating the real numbers, they would regain some credibility. But to say this is “Settled Science” when we know the numbers are changed in certain instances I’m not about to accept the destruction of the economy on their say so. Obama saying something is fact is laughable, how many times does he think he can he lie to us before he is a total joke.

  261. I suggest that we lock up anyone who is proposing the “geoengineering” of the climate by trying to “mimic” the eruptions of mount Pinatubo. . . .Does anyone understand that the eruptions of the Deccan Traps in India are now believed to have played a role in the KT extinction level event?And now these insane nutters, who really believe there is “warming” (despite overwhelming evidence that there is nothing “unprecedented” going on). . .and they want to “geoengineering” this type of disaster?Think people! Think about the global crop failures with these nutters! Think of the global famine, and the world wide devastation – all because they “believe” in something that isn’t happening!Given how they’ve handled the global warming with the fake/baked data. . . do you trust these nutjobs?Gawdalmighty. . . they’re insane. . .

  262. The far left love their
    climate change / global cooling / global warming / climate disruption scam for
    it’s sheer brilliance in creating a whole new category of taxes that can be
    levied on the plebes! And like all leftist programs they create the slush funds
    that the far leftists then use to funnel taxes to fake groups who then work,
    campaign and donate those funds back to get more far leftists elected. The
    taxpayer is paying for his own demise with every government program as they all
    create and expand the slush funds of political campaign donations to defeat
    capitalists, conservatives and traditionalists! We are paying for our own
    demise! In the increasingly poor province of Ontario Canada once the economic
    driver of Canada the climate change & carbon taxes will increase a bankrupt
    provincial government’s revenues by $5 Billion a year!!! They also use the
    new funds to reward their friends, money bundlers (who kick back to the
    politicians) with fake “grants” to create green energy. Not to
    mention exorbitant pay raises and benefits to all government employees who
    become an official election campaign army to elect and re-elect more far
    leftists! 100% of these green energy ventures fail to achieve anything other
    than enriching the politicos who create the programs and the beneficiaries who are
    showered with them! These programs are self perpetuating and grow the power of
    the left who then impose phony corrupt programs on the public against the will
    of the people!!!

  263. The Pope is now the defunct world-wide leader of this socialist religion.

    It is compelling to see the minions of morons, who would otherwise HATE a Catholic Pope, fawn over this non-scientist.

  264. The lack of action is very telling. For example, trees consume enormous amounts of CO2, yet there is no call for tree farms on federal lands, or elsewhere. Global Warming is definitely a science, political science.

    1. I noticed that too.

      I haven’t heard any calls for global reforestation which would be an easy fix and have numerous environmental benefits.

      Apparently there’s no money to be made in planing trees.

      1. I don’t hear the government spewing about the millions of cars that visit Yosemite each year, spewing carbon. . . .Or the fact that Yellowstone is a massive “super volcano” that is about 64,000 years over due for one mother of a belch. . . . .despite the land rising over 10 inches in 2013. . . .like a big fat pimple getting ready to blow. . . .

        1. “New pictures of Yellowstone’s plume show the reservoir is about 80 kilometers long and 20 kilometers wide. “I don’t know of any other magma body that’s been imaged that’s that big,” says Robert Smith, a geophysicist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.” Researchers report the super-volcano underneath the state of Wyoming has been rising at a record rate since 2004. Its floor has gone up three inches per year for the last three years indicating the fastest rate since records began in 1923Now, fears about 9.0 earthquakes . . . .Hang on to your hats if Yellowstone belches. . . .it will be ugly. . .

            1. No dear – Yellowstone is over due for a belch.And yet, these nutters want to create a “man made” volcano reaction. . . .and no doubt, when they do that. . . .a “real” volcano will chime in and exacerbate the entire problem. . .so we’ll have global famine, crop failures and death. . . These nutters are insane. . .and need to be locked up. . .

    1. Even better – plant a “Dawn Redwood.” It’s a “metasequoia.”It was thought to be extinct until found in China in the 50s.There are fossil remains of it growing at the “polar forests” of the earth 250 million years ago.It’s called a “living fossil.”It’s an awesome living rebuttal to nutters.Find me a cave painting of a hummer or a fossilized SUV to explain why that tree was growing in forests at the poles of the earth 250 million years ago. . .

        1. Yep. . . .but the liberal idiots won’t accept that as refutation of their claims.Nor the tree stumps dating back 2,350 years ago under the retreating glaciers. . . .so much for the “unprecedented” melting, huh?There were trees up in Alaska, before Jesus walked the earth, and while Jesus walked the earth (some date back 1,300 years.)

  265. Occasionally, I get these nutters at my door. So when they knock – I point to a tree in my yard:——————
    See that tree over there? It’s called a “Dawn Redwood.” Yea, it’s a metasequoia. Believed to be the great great grand daddy of the Giant Sequoias and California redwoods. It’s known as a living fossil, thought to be extinct until they were discovered growing in China in the 40s.There are fossilized remains of that tree growing in the ancient polar forests 250 million years ago from the Mesozoic era.So unless you can dig up a fossilized SUV or show me a cave painting of a Hummer, you better come up with an explanation of why that tree was growing 250 million years ago in forests at the poles of the earth.——————More than a few times I’ve sent them away scratching their heads as they walk past that pine tree. . . . .staring at living proof against their argument. . . .Go get one and plant it. They’re only about $30.00, fast growing and a great living argument against the nonsense that they’re teaching these people.

  266. The only place we see proof about the liberal lie of global warming is in their liberal models. While empirical data shows nothing close to the global warming lie they’ve tried to create its clear the liberal garbage in = liberal garbage out agenda has nothing to do with global warming.

    1. Ancient polar forests 250 million years ago refutes their claims.250 paleoclimate studies show the MWP and the LIA were global events, both before the “industrial revolution”. . . The tree stumps revealed in Alaska in 2013 dating 1,300 to 2,350 years ago refutes their claim of “unprecedented” melting. . .Just now starting the study of “out gassing” from volcanoes through the soil. . . .We’ve now discovered new volcanoes on the ocean floor. . . .They are insane – they spew nonsense and still refuse to realize how badly their “science” has been debunked.they’re the true “science deniers” now. . .

  267. Somebody ‘splain to me how repressive regulations and new forms of taxation stops the climate from changing?

    And who in their right mind wants to stop the climate from changing? It’s been in a state of perpetual change since the planet cooled enough to allow liquid water to cover most of the Earth!

      1. Joe Rogan Experience #725 – Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson

        These two gentlemen have put together a theory (hypothesis with evidence) of a global cataclysm that brought the last ice age, and a great global civilization, to an end. Carlson presents geological evidence for a comet/asteroidal impact on the Canadian Ice Sheet. Hancock presents evidence for an advanced civilization bearing the brunt of the resulting radical climate change.

  268. Hey DimLibs!

    What are you going to do about the tectonic plates that are still in motion around the globe? If they keep moving like they do, the climate is going to change on the continents they support!

  269. The “Global Warming Caused by Humans Lie,” will go down as one of the worst Environmental Disasters in 50 years.

    Why, because it took Billions of Dollars away from proper and urgently needed environmental projects and just gave the money away to Carbon Credit Selling Bankers, worthless Foreign Governments, and bogus research projects. And, allowed companies to just keep on polluting the air, water and everything else in the USA. It gave a paid for free pass to polluters. It also caused massive fake research spending to crooked kickback sudo scientists.

    Humans can’t cause Global Warming. We can only live in our own poop, nothing else.
    Stop sacrificing virgins (or wasting money on Carbon Credits) to the climate Gods.
    Also, CO2 is not a pollutant. That’s just plain Nuts!

  270. Government Economics 101 – Lesson 01

    “If it can be measured, it can be taxed.”

    CO2 can be measured.

    Class dismissed…but remember to read Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” this weekend. There is a paper due on how you would implement the ideology in that book for world domination.

  271. When one tries to comprehend the double-minded average liberal one is confronted with their madness! On one hand they love trees and think they should be protected. On the other hand they think it is alright to murder unborn babies in the womb. On still another hand, the liberal globull warming alarmists say we need to control CO2 emissions …the very same gases that sustain the trees they love so much.

    1. Kind of like they argue about a criminal killer facing the death sentence was the victim of “fetal alcohol syndrome” but that same “fetus” isn’t a person when it comes to an how can something that isn’t a “person” be a “victim” of something. . . .

  272. Although there may be evidence humans are in some manner affecting the earth’s climate in a very small way, ways so small the error associated with its collection puts into doubt its very existence, the fact remains that massive, rapid climate change occurred at the onset, and end of the several and very real Ice Ages that engulfed our planet. The fact there were no coal burning power plants, no hummers, no nukes, and no rain forest clear cutting, means that something other than humans cause these radical climate shifts.

    1. We have trees fossilized at the poles . . . In Alaska, tree stumps that date from 1,300 to 2,350 years ago being revealed (so much for “unprecedented warming/melting”)We have woolly mammoths found frozen suddenly with flowers still in their mouths.New volcanoes discovered under the sandwich islands. . .Mammoth mountain and the tree die off with the CO2 seeping up through the soil. . . killing trees. Beginning of “out gassing” studies on volcanoes. . . .And couple that with the fact Yellowstone, one big “super-volcano” is 60,000 years over due for a belch. . .with the land rising 3″ per year for the last 5 years. . . .This is turning into a very expensive joke our nation can’t afford any more. . .we need to tell them to sit down and shut up, fund their “religioscience” with private donations. . no more taxpayer money.

  273. “Science” has always been used as a political tool primarily with the occasional truly beneficial contribution that sneaks out to society to make it worthwhile. Read “The 5 Equations that Change the World”, that profiles the professional lives of Isaac Newton, Daniel Bernoulli, Michael Faraday, Rudolf Clausius and Albert Einstein, and you come away with the unmistakable conclusion that ‘Science” did everything in its power to destroy these visionaries before their work could be published.

    1. Galileo. . .the juncture of the church and government, to label him a heretic. . . .The “powers” at the time that had a vested interest in the status quo. . . .Columbus was going to “sail off the edge of the earth”. . . Over and over, we see a “religion” with the power of government (back then). . . .we know that true “science” is stifled. . . .

      1. No One Important:
        “People thought the earth is flat” is itself another science scam. A couple of historians made that false claim about 200 years ago. In fact, experts have known the earth is round at least since about 300 BC, when Aristotle discussed the proofs, when lunar eclipses made the earth’s roundness obvious.. it. The Old Testament mentions that the earth is round. In early Christian times, the Jewish Alexandrian philosopher /astronomer Ptolemy published a very accurate calculation of the earth’s size: approx 24,000 miles in circumference.

        Columbus argued with Spanish scholars about the circumference, not the flatness. He thought Ptolemy was wrong, and the earth was smaller, which would make Japan closer. The scholars stuck by Ptolemy, who turned out to be right.

        Queen Isabella funded the trip anyway, and Columbus got lucky. He didn’t find Japan, but he found something else.

  274. Are scientists incapable of falsifying data? Are they incapable of lying? Are they incapable of humor error?

    To listen to those in the Church of Global Warming, one has to believe scientists are the new Saints; infallible, and not to be questioned, the holy of the holy.

  275. Climate change has been happening for thousands of years, way before the industrial revolution. It is a cyclical phenomenon and man has little to do with it.

    1. They only call you a denier because they are trying to link you with the holocaust. Oh he’s a holocaust denier, a climate denier. Pathetic and indigenous fraudulent tactics.

      Also it is like denying a religious FAITH. He is a climate denier or heretic – off with his head. And yes some are calling for execution for climate DENIERS.

  276. How much warming and co2 comes from all the worlds underwater active vents and volcanoes… oh that’s right: NOBODY KNOWS!

    If you don’t know the existing worming factors how can you allocate blame on any one of them? And by the way the sun controls 99 percent of all heat on the earth, Duh.

  277. These people are talking about global measurements of temperature to the tenth and even hundredth of a degree centigrade and global sea levels to the millimeter. That’s the equivalent of saying they know the exact amount of global currency to the cent and that they can even determine what the exact amount of global currency was 100 and 1000 years ago, to the cent. This is ludicrous to an extreme. Science is becoming the old drunk on the corner telling us God is destroying the world tomorrow.

  278. Scientists have been wrong in the past and will continue to be with their theories. The problem is when powerful, egotistical people start to believe something they can’t recant it, because it would make them look like frauds.

  279. “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.” – Aldous Huxley Brave New World foreword to 1946 edition

    Stop the Hoax, Global Warming or Climate Change is not due to humans, it is normal and cyclic.

  280. Plant more trees. They gobble up CO2 and they’re prettier to look at than all those crooked politicians who push the climate change BS to support their Liberal agenda.

  281. Let the liberals that are killing this country’s economy watch this. In California, the liberals (Democrats) have ruined the economy with restriction and regulations. Because of their view on climate change, they have made it difficult for everyone to live, work and have a business in California.

  282. Don’t get your hopes up. They will just ignore this like they are ignoring all the latest research that proves them wrong. Remember, this is about power and control. Nothing will stand in their way to achieve it.

  283. “anyone who still believes in ‘climate change’ after watching this film needs the type of reprogramming given to cult members.”

    The Church of Climatology has a strong hold on its followers.

  284. Liberal media watchdog group Media Matters declares the documentary a “Climate Misinformer”.

    LOL…As if a bunch of post-college leftist propaganda twirps sitting behind a keyboard in a media office have a smidgen of knowledge and expertise in climate science to even declare this bold and authoritative statement…their expertise being even more so than the famous Climate Scientists profiled in the film including a Nobel Prize Winning Physicist.

    The Media Matters group is a joke…So Hilarious!!!

  285. Intelligence test:

    Why are the closest planets to the sun. Mercury and Venus hundreds of degrees boiling hot with no water and no life?

    Why are the farthest planets from the sun frozen sub zero waste lands with no running water and no life?

    If you said: ‘The distance to the sun’ then you are not an idiot and have now understood the real cause of warming and cooling periods on the earth as well.

    1. It’s actually much more complicated than that. Without an atmosphere the earth would have temperature swings like the moon, very hot in daylight very cold in shadow. Without greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere the average temperature on earth would be about -17 degrees celsius instead of the current +15 degrees celsius. I learned this in highschool in the 1960’s.

      1. Describe your understanding of how a frigid, light blocking, self refrigerating bath, makes the sun warmed rock immersed in it HOTTER
        than when there WAS no FRIGID bath
        and it got FULL energy from the sun which warms it.

        When you do that and go step by step thermodynamically, from ”earth without an atmosphere, rotating in the insulating vacuum of space, illuminated by the nearby glowing sun”


        ”And that’s how the frigid light blocking turbulent self refrigerating bath,

        REDUCED ENERGY to the SURFACE of the EARTH
        through a LARGER, COLDER, overall MASS, and that’s a HEATER in my Head!”

        Not COOLING.
        Which it’s ACTUALLY the definition of.

        emitting the LESSER REMAINDER through an overall LARGER, COLDER MASS,

        is C O O L I N G, Buck Rogers.

        And it’s gonna BE cooling when you turn tail,

        give up, and slink off.

        Having been CONNED by the same people, who sold you ‘Pot’s like Heroin.’
        The people whose school graduates – that’ll be you – are BLOWN OUT of the WATER in science
        Schooled, DINOSAUR rider people.

        That’s where your information comes from. ”Pot’s Like Heroin” D.A.R.E. class where the SCIENCE GRADUATES are BLOWN AWAY
        by Home Schooled,
        long dress,
        hair bun,
        lace-up boots,
        DINOSAUR riders.

        Wanna bet?

        Go look it up. Public School (your education) vs Home School Dinosuar Riders.

        They lead YOUR group by 30%.

        Sucks to be children of the empire of pot’s like heroin, the sky’s a heater, and dinosaure people ROUTING your classmate’s scientific accomplishments in education.

        LoL you people just can’t win. You know why? It’s the lack of discipline. You public schoolers never get any. Nobody ever makes you, BE RIGHT or BE GONE.

        You’re given a POLITICAL education in public schools.

  286. The Pied Piper is whistling Dixie and the climate change renamed again zombies are trudging forward with glassy eyes and blood dripping from their mouth snorting, “Hotter, hotter.”

  287. We know the true believers relish the certainty of their convictions that evil humanity, suffering from the banality of our own indulgences and greed, will ultimately reap the consequences of a destruction of our own making as a Righteous Gaia cleanses itself of the transgressors unless piety is restored through a massive fit of self-flagellation and deprivation ordained by them and their self-righteous high priests under the guise of climate purity, all while flying around in their jumbo jet CO₂ generators ordering another martini. As the scientific basis of the Nuevo Warmist Religion crumbles with each passing day and data collection leaving nothing more than the usual remnants of just another crank mysticism in its wake, the writhing of its well-appointed adherents is humorous to watch.

  288. If they really believed in global warming, they wouldn’t be importing hundreds of thousands of ignorant third world immigrants who trash the environment at every turn. Just take a look at the immigrant camps in Germany and the environment they leave behind….

          1. Oh, I C, you are a believer in invisible friends and invisible skyghosts. I thought you were joking. You got me with that whole faithaphobe thing. Oh well, the world needs stupid gullible people as well so you are welcome to have as much fun with your holly book as you want, I support your right to worship whatever you want so long as you don’t go around blowing people and things up.

            1. Look around bud, you think the life around you came from rocks. That the complex DNA code just happened randomly? Do you think birds just willed to fly and grew feathers. That humans and the vast diversity of species at the same place and time decided to grow compatible sexual organs to propagate their species! You’ve got nothing…not even random chance to hang your world view on. I’ve got Jesus, the Creator of all. The Bible says the fool in his heart says there is no God. I will leave it to you to decide if that describes anyone you know!

                1. No, Man’s rebellion led to a fall both physically and spiritually and separation from God (Jesus) that created him in His image. Human disease is a result of mans disobedience. A rebellion much like you are demonstrating in you post.

    1. Japan is one of the most seismically active places on the planet. How can those people claim to be on the upper end of the IQ spectrum and then put nuke plants all over the island?

      1. They believed their plants could withstand a shake, and they’re right.What took them out was the tsunami. . .not the quake.They took all off line, and several stayed off line. They’ve brought one Oi reactor #3 and they shut it off again. Another they’ve brought on line and kept it up and running now.Pretty resilient if you ask me. . The quake/tsunami one-two punch was something I’m surprised they didn’t think about given it’s a tiny island. . .It’s not a large continent. . . where stuff can be put far inland. . .

        1. I can not imagine the delusional state that someone who have to be in to consider any part of Fukashima a success. I am speechless at your ignorance. I can only cringe that you would pass on any genes to future offspring.

          1. The Fukishima plants are gone. . . .These are other reactors. What a dingaling you are. Japan has. . .50, I think they saidWhat I wonder is, why didn’t Japan avail themselves of the smaller/compact reactors that you place under ground. . . .powers a town of 3,000. . . .something the size of a refrigerator.Maybe you should read before you open your yap purporting that others are “delusional.”

              1. And only a dingaling would call others delusional without having all the facts. . . .Imagine that – Japan has a reactor on line and is working to bring others back on line. . . .Seems some of the other 50 weren’t as damaged . . . .geeee. . . . .Man some people are really arrogant in their ignorance. . .

  289. A politician is a politician is a politician. The Republicans could have gotten rid of the EPA during the Bush admin but they did not. The two party system was created to fool the fools. Democrats and Republicans are one in the same.

        1. I’d take bush over obama any day of the week.At least Bush, love him or hate his policies, you knew he loved the nation and was doing what he thought was best for the nation.You cannot say that about Obama at all. . .

          1. You are out of your cotton picking MIND to say that Bush loved the country. OMFG!!!! You consider the TSA molesters to be a sign of love? Perhaps the systematic destruction of personal freedom and property ownership to be love. You are a moron.

            1. Says the self professed “white supremacist”. . . .Yea. . .like you’re someone to lecture anyone about “personal freedom”. . . . you’re one of the most hateful and ignorant posters on this site.

              1. So because you disagree with me on one issue means that everything else is of no value? My comment was to a know nothing moron and only another know nothing moron would think that the TSA is of any value to freedom because of my previous statement. Grow up.

                1. You’re the one who posted the crude racial slur. . .not myself pal.As I said, you’re the only person here with the hateful and disgusting outlook toward others, and frankly, you’re in no position to lecture anyone about “freedom”. . . .Move along hater. . . .we don’t need individuals like you around. . .

                  1. So what, who cares? I said it and I stand by what I said. Are you that much of a simpleton that you can be so swayed by racial comments that you lock up mentally? Did you want to go tell mom and get me in real trouble?

                    1. Whatever . . . a racist is a racist. . .and in no way puts you in any category qualified to lecture anyone about anything.Racists should be shunned and discounted wherever they are. They and their “contributions” bring nothing at all to the table. . . .The only thing good is that everyone has seen your filthy hatred and knows you for your vicious and small mind.And for that – you’ve outted yourself. . . .c’est la vie. . .

      1. Bush and the Republicans had a chance to get rid of it. Why did they not do so? Do you think the next Republican will get rid of it? Do you think that there is any real, meaningful difference between the Republicans and the Democrats?

          1. No, it is all B. S. The Republicans could careless about social issues. The only time you hear anything about them is when it is election time and they make statements for the sake of the fools. Did Bush do anything about welfare? Could he have? Could the Republicans done anything during the Bush admin about any social issues? Geez.

        1. Rinos are gutless…don’t expect them to put their heads in a noose that the media would gladly pull the switch on. So no, I haven’t seen meaningful action by Republicans since Reagan!

          1. There are no such thing as rinos. Sorry dude/dudette, there are politicians and only the fools think they there is any difference between them. Lets not sugar coat it.

            1. There has always been good and bad politicians…our founding fathers being some of the best. But I will agree that today we seem to have a dearth of them!

  290. The god eating bigot Jihadist goes there to pass more crippling legislation against his sworn enemy — Those pesky European American “Bitter Clingers” —

    1. That number is a deception.
      A few years ago 97% said they thought that CO2 was a greenhouse gas.
      So the alarmists extrapolated and embellished.
      But today there is no proof even that CO2 levels make any difference.

      1. See below for analysis of scientific papers (peer reviewed) on AGW.
        Will show that your statement ‘no proof even that CO2 levels make any difference’ is a bit silly.

        Published 15 May 2013 • 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd • Environmental Research Letters, Volume 8, Number 2
        “Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature”

    2. I just read that the 97% was taking 2700 peoples responses and then eliminating the nay sawyers from the numbers and crunching their silly statistic…even the stats about the subject are lies

      1. Their 97% figure has been debunked..10,257 people were invited to take an on-line survey, only 3,146 of them did. Only 79 of those were “published experts” and only 76 of those “experts” said yes. And it was based on 2 questions.Ever wonder why the AGW/GW nutters never use the “real” number?

  291. Imagine the United Nations as a global government taxing the air we breathe, thus the global climate change fraud and the profiteers endorsing its pseudo-science.

    1. Yep, his 2 mansions, his private jet, his gas guzzling limo, the carbon-spewing lawn services. . .the power sucking lighting and heating for his multiple homes. . . .And yet, it’s always these self aggrandizing elitists who think “you” should limit your lifestyle, not them. . .<

  292. We have been doing something about the environment, we now have catalytic converters and smoke stack filters etc… We owe the rest of the world nothing… The Chinese and Indians are smart people and when it gets bad enough they will do something about it… And those that cook over wood fires that is not our problem and lets not send good money after bad to their dictators… Heh pres, we are 19 trillion in debt…

  293. _The study concluded that in fact Mr Gore, pound for pound, is perhaps the most damaging source of
    hot greenhouse gas of any other living thing, and that his Carbon Credit scheme is burning an ever widening hole in the financeosphere at an alarming rate. Many children in schools across the country are coming down with Ecoscareitus and suffering needlessly.

  294. Just read they want to start making acid rain .Acid rain was what we were told was going to kill us all when I was a kid after they got tired of telling nuclear bombs were about to fall . Im starting to think maybe Im not the crazy one here .

    1. You live long enough these days and you see that the alarmists are like a cat chasing its own tail. They forget their previous lies and try to foist a new set of conflicting lies on the gullible…and oh there are all to many gullible!

      1. Jim:
        Yes. The Republicans vary a lot, but on average they seem to be a center-right party. They are “anti-commie lite”. The average conservative seems to be somewhat further right. The far-right are the libertarians, who want tiny government and maximum liberty. Since communists (and fascists) crush liberty by having huge oppressive governments, libertarians strongly oppose communism (and fascists). But there are not many libertarians.

        To me it’s simple common-sense to oppose green commies. Urban air pollution is diminishing in most US cities. The death rates from pollution are tiny compared to smoking mortality. Blaming bourgeoisie capitalists for wrecking the planet makes no sense. World poverty is decreasing, global GDP is increasing. GDP per person is also increasing, global life expectancy is increasing, and the USA is the richest country in human history, by far. Capitalism works.

        Instead of beating us over the heads with fabricated evidence, the green commies need to help us make the world better, faster, by cooperating with those who are actually doing helpful things.

  295. Climate Change politics is about wresting global economic control from the carbon producers and transferring it to the socialists and their supporters.

    1. Nope, it’s really about r/K selection theory. Check out what Stefan Molyneux has to say about it on YouTube, it will change the way you see everything in life.

  296. just finished dumping a load in my wife’s azz, rolled over and put a huge dip in and fired up the laptop. I come across this story, and it just infuriates me with these liberal elitists’ behavior.

    1. Soros has just been directed to get out of Russia. They don’t like him.

      Some lefty will come along and tell us “See, we told you, Putin is a Fascist”.

  297. This conference is estimated to produce 300,000 tons of carbon over 12 days, or 25000 tons a day. 25000 tons and 150 leaders. 167 tons per leader per day, or about 330000 pounds.

    The average human has a footprint of 4 tons of carbon a year, or about 22 pounds a day.

    330000/22 = 15000.

    These “leaders” are producing carbon at a rate of about 15000 times that of an average human.

      1. Reggie:
        Why does your name ‘Reggie’ show up in grey lettering?
        Also, when I click on it, I do not go to your Disqus personal home page.
        I there something wrong with your Disqus account?
        I can’t find anything more about you.

          1. Are you doing that so you can avoid being blacklisted by disqus?
            Normally, to blacklist someone on disqus, I would click on the time/date of the their comment.
            then I would copy the url of their comment
            Then I would click on their name, and that would take me to their personal disqus homepage
            on that page, a little grey flag appears in the upper right hand-corner
            I would click on that, and choose the problem
            then I paste the url of the comment into the problem line, so disqus people can find teh prblem comment.
            From that disqus can decide whether or not to blacklist a commenter
            That usually works for me. The commenter is gone, and they only return if they set up a new disqus account.
            One sign that a commenter has regained access to disqus is that they have very few comments posted, since their account is new.
            What would you do if this website disabled the guest comment feature?

  298. We see a re-creation of the unholy Roman Empire of Metternich, a neo-feudal aristocracy in which the barons are replaced by bureaucrats, the counts are now commissioners and the dukes are now directors. Whether its the blue bloods of the Hanoverians and Hapsburgs or the non-elected officials in the UN and EU, in either case the common citizen is a subservient. The banking magnates in the houses of the Medici and Fugars are now replaced by the plutocratic power behind the throne, if not the electors who determine who gets on the throne. And we have the Caliphate of Wahhabi oil sheiks of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan and now Turkey re-creating the empire of Suleiman the Magnificent. Sovereign constitutional republics, including America are on the wane, betrayed by the aristocrats, plutocrats and oligarchs who refuse to share power with the rabble. These elitist have a plot to “control the means of production” as Marx would say by controlling the means of combustion. Wealthy plutocrats and campaign donors will receive chartered Marxist monopolies, a license to sell highly taxed carbon ration slips. Government bureaucrats will mandate restrictions and rationing of carbon throughout the world to restrict and ration industrial production, electricity usage and even heating. This totalitarian ration is known as “Cap”. The well connected elite plutocrats will sell “permission slips allowing a home or business to use more fuel if needed, only if the recipient contributes right, is politically correct and utterly subservient to the socialist overlords. And these oligarchs never even bother to explain how a miniscule amount of gaseous plant metabolite portends such climactic catastrophe. carbon dioxide only comprises 0.0038 of the atmosphere. And you can be sure this “environmental” agreement will be used to exacerbate and accelerate the decline if Western Civilization. The Socialist International world leaders seem intent upon the eradication and enslavement of Western, Christian, Caucasian civilization and any sovereignty for the constitutional republics of Europe and America. With the free trade advantages China enjoys from trade imbalances from the West, you can be sure businesses will be fleeing America and Europe as our Platonic enlightened Philosopher kings and their environmental white knights descend upon our evil, greedy, polluting industries forcing them to raise rates, and loose revenue and market share as they are forced to obey these environmental mandates. Domestic industries will go bankrupt, in which case the elites will buy the foreclosed factories and then lessen these Draconian environmental mandates. While domestic businesses become unprofitable and unproductive, tax revenues will also plummet. but these global elitist will lend even more trillions of dollars for our national debt, at deleterious terms, conditions and with pledges of assets to be confiscated as collateral. . Every time Congress increases the debt ceiling they force you to cosign this loan. To pay back this loan you must agree to higher taxes and less government services. And since many politicians require voting blocks of those liberals who live lucratively off the public purse and those parasites, like the Syrian refugees and illegal aliens, who will continue to receive entitlements in exchange for votes and occasional thug services. Those bourgeois productive citizens, especially the conservative, capitalist, Constitution-loving Christian Caucasians will get doubly squeezed. Our treasonous Democrats will see to it the debt level and environmental restrictions are foisted upon the Americans and Europeans, while our treasonous republicans will insure the TPP passes to give western businesses and opportunity to flee to Asia. Only those BRICS countries led by wise, Machiavellian, nationalist patriots will thrive and survive as the liberal elite in America and Europe bring us to the brink of the dark Ages and Darwinian extinction. And maybe that is inevitable, we have rejected our Deity in the name of Chapter X, article 124 of the soviet constitution regarding “separation of church and state”. We have rejected the Bible and its theory on origins despite the fact no progressive can explain how essential protein conformations come from the gametes of a parental type that did not have the assembly instructions for these vital, essential proteins. Though none can explain the infinitesimal probability of the necessary, simultaneous co-evolution of the proteins involved in a binary feedback mechanism, still our NEA progressives demand we reject the posit of a Creator. Our Brave New World hedonist and feminist have certainly succeeded in destroying the necessary communal character aspects of Chastity, morality, paternal family structures and large families with many children in the now decadent, indebted and non-fecund West. It is said we no longer have enough educated and productive children to defend and sustain our society and culture. It appears that those elitist infallible high priests involved in that Satanic cult in which Government is God, father and husband are sowing the wind and reaping the tornado. By the time they usurp all power and control, there may not be anything left of the West worthy of controlling.

      1. Or maybe they should try breaking into multiple posts.Solid walls of text are difficult to contend with in a forum like this. . . .Orrrrrrrrrrr, try fewer words. . .(grin)The “James Michener” of discussion forums. . . .

  299. I think this climate change scam is related to the NWO agenda. This is designed to get American citizens and other World citizens to pay into a UN fund. This could be the beginning of One World Government. Next would be a “world tax” under the guise of helping undeveloped countries, and then a “world Government” to dictate laws and regulations to all countries. And of course world-wide gun regulations.

    This has to be stopped ASAP.

  300. Religious people are nutz. They hate your god and tell you that your idiot god is not real all the while they worship their own invisible skyghost, or Al Gore or whomever the case may be. No amount of logic, reason and evidence will ever be enough to convince religious whack jobs that they are wrong. I say, climb down from your cross, quit trying to rape little girls and NO, man kind is not causing the poles to melt.

  301. Rev 19:20

    And the beast “0bama” was taken, and with him the false prophet “Bush” that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

    2 months left and 7yrs tribulation will be up..

    The worst has yet to come. Sorry but I don’t know the day or hour.

  302. BahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahha!

    Our president believes in the tooth fairy , pixi dust and global warming .

    And the absolute funniest fantasy. He believes he’s intelligent. ROFLMAO!! Stop please! I can’t breath from the laughing.

  303. “0bama”


    The King Who Exalts Himself

    36 “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price.[d]

    40 “At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood. 41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand. 42 He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape. 43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Cushites[e] in submission. 44 But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at[f] the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.

    2 Thessalonians 2:8

    And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

  304. The real danger to America is not just a filthy muslim sodomite by the name of Obama alone, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a filthy sodomite like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a gay Obama presidency than to restore the necessary,commonsense ,Godliness and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a creature for their president or any democrat or Republican…..

    The problem is much deeper and far more serious than muslim Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the gay fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. “The Republic can survive a gay Obama, who is, after all, merely a gay fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made this gay muslim creature their President.


      Not feeling well and being concerned about his immortality, Barack Obama consults with a psychic about the date of his death.

      Closing her eyes and reaching out to the future, she tells the President, “You will die on a Jewish holiday.”

      With much anxiety, Barack asks, “Which holiday?”

      “It really doesn’t matter.” She replies. “Whenever you die, it will be a Jewish holiday.”

  305. Rev 6:14 and 6:15

    14And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every slave, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

  306. The Deccan Traps in India (lava flows now found in the ocean floor) were thought to have played a role in the demise of the Dinosaurs after the Chicxulub impact.So now, these insane maniacs, want to emulate that. . .the Pinatubo eruption?Because they “believe” there is warming, when there isn’t?They’re insane – certifiably they understand the global crop failures that will happen? The world wide famine?The horrific global ramifications of their “religion” is unbelievable when there’s no evidence. . . .

    1. Where do you get your information liberal? The Dinosaurs died out after the flood. You liberal trolls who think that the Earth has been around for millions of years are the ones who are corrupting our education system and are the ones really behind climate change.

  307. Look at the data in the graph. The relative changes are in 1/10 of a degree increments or decrements. i.e. Less than 1 C. Climate has changed due to natural forces long before humans were around and the ice caps have only been around for 800 million years or 20% of the total earths history of 4 billion years. We had nothing to do with their formation or demise if and when that happens. Why won’t these people talk about volcanic eruptions in the last century that have poured out more C02 than the entire industrial revolution? The climate system seems to have handled that fairly well.

    1. Careful. . . .those whackjobs think the eruption of Mount Pinatubo “undid” all the global warming since the beginning of the industrial revolution – and now think “that’s” a viable solution. . .No, I’m not kidding. .they want to create a “man made” volcanic effect. . . .The Deccan Traps in India with their eruptions (lava flows now found 1 mile down from the ocean floor) were thought to have played a role in the K/t extinction level event.So now, these insane maniacs want to emulate volcanic effects like the Pinatubo eruption.Because they “believe” there is warming, when there isn’t. They’re insane – certifiably insane.Think about the global crop failures that will happen. The world wide famine. And what about the “natural” volcanoes that will add to the effect?These people need to have it made clear – they’re certifiably insane for what they’re proposing. . . .and should be made to understand – “mankind” should not hinge on their insane “belief” system. . .

  308. (FOX 11) – “Come on mate, what have you done to her.”

    Police were called to a report of domestic violence on Nov. 21 at a
    home near Sydney, Australia after neighbors heard “a woman screaming
    hysterically” and a man yelling, “I’m going to kill you, you’re dead!
    Die Die!!”

    Officers responded and began banging on the door, only
    to find the “suspect” alone and out of breath from chasing a large

    The local police posted on its Facebook page how the conversation went down:

    Police: “Where’s your wife”
    Male: “umm I don’t have one”
    Police: “Where your girlfriend”
    Male: “umm I don’t have one”
    Police: “We had a report of a domestic and a women screaming, where is she?”
    Male: “I don’t know what you’re talking about I live alone”
    Police: “Come on mate people clearly heard you yelling you were going to kill her and furniture getting thrown around the unit”
    At this point the male became very sheepish.
    Police: “come on mate, what have you done to her.”
    Male: “it was a spider”
    Police “Sorry??”
    Male: “It was a spider, a really big one!!
    Police :”what about the women screaming?”
    Male: “Yeah sorry that was me, I really really hate spiders”
    it turns out the male was chasing a rather large spider around the unit
    with a can or mortein. After a very long pause some laughter and a
    quick look in the unit to make sure there was no injured party (apart
    from the spider) we left.

    Spiders, man.

    1. No – there are whackjobs now that propose creating a “man made” volcanic effect.Yep. ..they think the eruption of Mount Pinatubo rolled back the warming since the “industrial revolution” (so, if there’s no warming, why the summit? And if there is warming, then the volcano did nothing?)But get this. . .they want to emulate a volcanic effect to “cool” the globe. Never mind the volcanic activity in the Deccan Traps in India are believed to have played a key role in the k/t extinction event. . . .And these nutters want to emulate a volcanic effect because they “believe” the earth is warming. . . .Are the catastrophic ramifications sinking in yet about what these insane people are proposing?Global famine, death, crop failures, floods, mudslides. . . .Certifiably insane. . these people are insane.Someone needs to make it clear to them what they’re proposing is catastrophic insanity. . .

      1. “The public perception of a scientific consensus on AGW is a necessary element in public support for climate policy (Ding et al 2011). However, there is a significant gap between public perception and reality, with 57% of the US public either disagreeing or unaware that scientists overwhelmingly agree that the earth is warming due to human activity (Pew 2012).”

        Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature Published 15 May 2013 • 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd • Environmental Research Letters, Volume 8, Number 2

        1. more fruitless appeal to authority that simply doesn’t exist, because every one of you can be routed by simply handing you a marker and showing you a board, and saying ”show us how the frigid
          light blocking
          self refrigerating
          turbulent fluid bath,
          becomes a heater in your head. ”

          Your public school educated head.

    2. I like to throw trash out my window while I’m driving. I could give a s h i t about the environment. it’ll be centuries before it’s all f u c k e d up anyway.

        1. I have done that but I should have waited till the road was clear because it went through the windshield of the car behind me. That is why god made gas peddles though so it was all good.

      1. And jesus loves you too. If only you will give you heart to him and believe on the flood of noah then you will be saved. I will pray for you. god said that he hates some people but not you.

    3. And maybe, just maybe, that’s how we “go out”. . not with a nuke war, but the “insane” nutters and their good intentions of deliberately creating a “man made” volcanic effect. . . thinking they’re “saving” us.. . .Of course, right about that time. . Pinatubo will blow, or Yellowstone “super-volcano” which is 64,000 years over due for one mother of a belch will happen, and then, we’ll be in for a “survival of the fittest” all because a bunch of “faithful” AGW people insisted the globe was warming when there isn’t any evidence. . . .

  309. Climate change? Right. And my wife is a supermodel.(not really, she’s a middle-aged fat azz that doesn’t blow me anymore, so I have to get Asian massages now)

    1. Neighborly Jim:
      Good question. Global warming is just one more doom theory. They keep coming, and as each one is proved wrong, another one pops up. Everything from the ‘Yellow Peril’ to ‘Killer Bees’.

      Acid rain disappeared like a ghost because it never existed. What happened is that some naturalists noticed that the acidity of lakes in the US Northeast was increasing. The lakes used to be very alkaline, and they they were less and less alkaline. When coal is burned, sulphur is sometimes a byproduct. The sulphur in the air can make sulphuric acid.

      Environmentalists jumped up and claimed that all lakes were ‘dying’ because of ‘acid rain’.

      Totally wrong. More research showed that early American farmers had burned a lot of forests, and a lot of ashes made it into lakes, so the lakes became more alkaline. But these days, farmers have given up on marginal forest lands, and stopped burning them. So lakes that had been quite alkaline, got less alkaline. The environmentalists were wrong about acid rain. There wasn’t any, and the lakes were just returning to normal, the way they were before the white man came.

      Notice taht they never admit defeat or sya they were wrong. They just accuse the capialtis bougoise of being bad people who are wrecking the world.

  310. “anyone who still believes in ‘climate change’ after watching this film needs the type of reprogramming given to cult members.”

    Someone might want to invite Obama to this documentary before he tries to buy off every country in the world with our tax money for this elitist power grabbing scam!!!

    1. One of the best ways to change hearts and minds is with a belt, it works on my children. I would throw those Changers a Bible and then start whipping them till they believed in Jesus and turned from their wicked liberal ways. Jesus is love and we can use the Bible to teach those sinners about the lighted path.

    1. Matt:
      Yes, dogma is a problem. I hope you get a chance to read the Communist Manifesto (1848). If you do, you will understand why the commenters here seem so worried. And it’s just a good read. Marx was brilliant, and he wrote beautifully and simply.

  311. I am thinking back to when Obama said that he was going to fundamentally change America. You know he is sleeping well at night when he is able to destroy White European peoples. Obama is a bag of S#!T.

    1. Neighborly Jim
      Yes, he did say that often. By then, I had already read enough about Obama to know he was a Muslim by birth, and a well-indoctrinated communist. Since then, whenever he opens his mouth, I notice that the Communist Manifesto comes out. Karl Marx also wanted to fundamentally change America. And everywhere else, too.

  312. I been stating for years that the data had been and is being manipulated and now that that is finally being accepted we now need to go out and arrest those at who’s behest these criminal manipulations occurred. The sheer enormity of what has been done and what was intended in terms of misappropriation of money and more importantly the destruction of human rights and personal freedoms constitutes a crime against humanity.
    We must hold those responsible to account just as we did after World War II with the Nuremberg Tribunals.
    By doing this we are not being vindictive but we are attempting to prevent a reoccurrence of similar misapplications of science in the future. It is important we remember this is not the first time something like this has occurred. In the 1970’s we had the global cooling scare and we have had science purposely distorted in many other ways as well.
    Science is far too important for mankind to allow it to become so eaaily politicized as what follows that is then its being weaponized as was attempted here, with global warming. We must be constantly on guard in the future and we must send a message here, in the present, that we take these wholesale abuses very seriously and anyone considering such perversions of science in the future will be held to account.
    Rich in New Mexico.

      1. Very intelligent post in support of your position. That is assuming of course, your position is that you are a mindless, leftist tool. A Soros/Obama drone who basically constitues a waste of food and O2.
        So if that is your position, I congratulate you on an inspired defense of your position and I am man enough to say, I totally agree with you. You are an idiot who lacking any facts or education engages in adhominem attacks in lieu of reasoned debate.
        Rich in New Mexico.

  313. Obama, on his Alaska vist, points to two receding satellites and blames that on “climate change”. (which means, to both the UN’s IPCC and its cabal, “human activity is the PRINCIPLE cause of global warming”) But one of the two glaciers, “Exit”, has been receding since 1750, so 100 years BEFORE co2 began rising and 200 years before rising co2 could have possibly had any influence on the temperature. But wait…. it gets better. What about the half dozen other Alaskan glaciers (including “Hubbard” and “Taku”) which have been ADVANCING ?

    “ObamaScience” is political “science”.

  314. Alarmists about climate change evidently prefer that all glaciers be advancing. But that would imply that our interglacial period has past and we’re entering our next ice age…… (90,000 years to the our next interglacial)

  315. It will be shown. No one will be there who can make a difference. The press will not be there. No one in their homes will ever see or hear of it and there are none so deaf as will not hear. It will not be covered in the media and it will just melt away sadly (no pun intended).

    The world has gone stark staring mad.

  316. The best way to block CO2 emissions would be to stuff Al Gore’s large behind in a volcano to plug it up while it is spewing CO2 gasses as they have been doing for 4 million years.

  317. For decades the Left has called our energy producers “Big Oil”. It’s time we responded by calling global warming alarmists “Big Science”. These scientists get billions of dollars a year from our government. End this subsidy and most of them would have to find employment as Walmart greeters.

    1. tonyrohl:
      I prefer the word, “Big Dogma”. That’s the real problem. Socialist/communist dogma, Islamist dogma, EuroZone dogma, Racist dogma, Anti-Semitic dogma, etc., etc, ad nauseam. Logic, common sense, ctical thinkg, and the rules of evidence are the enmies of dogma.

      There are hundresds of thousands of sceintist who see that the warmists ae lying. They violated the fundamentl rules of sceince from teh get-go. “Extraordinalry lcaims require extraordinary proof” ~ ignored. “The burder of proof is on the one making the claim.” ~ ignored. “One fialure to predict the futreue can crash awhole theroy.” ~ ignored. “Consensus is not factual evidcne, it’s just opinion.” ~ ignored.

      So the gloabal wrming melt-down and fialure is victory for sceince. If those fools had stuck tothe rules, they would not have switece got to dogma. They would have just sid they were wrong. Thye are proof thaa bad sceince fials. good sceince suceeds.

  318. Global warming is first and foremost about power and control. Secondly, it’s about justifying the redistribution of wealth and earnings from the makers, to the takers. Why do you think that the poorer nations are so adamantly in support of it?



  320. This is all ridiculous as the facts are so simple:

    CO2 is a “trace gas” in air and is insignificant by
    definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight per
    molecule as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200
    times as much heat producing 99.8% of all “global warming.” CO2 does only 0.2%
    of it. For this we should destroy our economy, starve the world, cause hunger, riots and wars?

    There is no “greenhouse effect” in an atmosphere. A greenhouse has a solid, clear cover
    trapping heat. The atmosphere does not trap heat as gas molecules cannot form surfaces to work as greenhouses that admit and reflect energy depending on sun angle. Gases do not form surfaces as their molecules are not in contact.

    The Medieval Warming from 800 AD to 1300 AD Micheal Mann erased for his “hockey stick” was several Fahrenheit degrees warmer than anything “global warmers” fear. It was 500 years of world peace and abundance, longest ever.

    Vostock Ice Core data analysis show CO2 rises followed temperature by 800 years 19 times in 450,000 years. Therefore temperature change is cause and CO2 change is effect. This alone refutes the
    anthropogenic global warming hypothesis.

    Methane is called “a greenhouse gas 20 to 500 times more potent than CO2,” by Heidi Cullen and Jim Hansen, but it is not per the energy absorption chart at the American Meteorological Society. It has an absorption profile very similar to nitrogen which is classified “transparent” to IR, heat waves and is only
    present to 18 ppm. “Vegans” blame methane in cow flatulence for global warming in their war against meat consumption.

    Carbon combustion generates 80% of our energy. Control and taxing of carbon would give the elected ruling class more power and money than anything since the Magna Carta of 1215 AD.

    Most scientists and science educators work for tax supported institutions. They are eager to help government raise more money for them and they love being seen as “saving the planet.”

    Google “Two Minute Conservative” for clarity.

    1. Supurbly stated piece. I could not agree with you more. For many global warming has become a religion and for others it is a catch all to be used to fund solutions to myriad non-existant liberal problems. There are also many on the left who would use the power to regulate inherent in any AGW legislation to limit behaviors which they disagree with in others while they would carve out exceptions for themselves, such as happened with the health care legislation.
      Thank you for your thoughts.
      Rich in New Mexico.

    2. Excellent! The information you’ve reported is factual, and I’ve yet to see a single scientifically supported attempt to refute them. I guess if it doesn’t fit the narrative then it’s ignored (at best), a scientific mortal sin.

  321. IQ test:

    Q1: Why are the closest planets to the sun. Mercury and Venus hundreds of degrees boiling hot with no water and no life?

    Q2: Why are the farthest planets from the sun frozen sub zero waste lands with no running water and no life?

    If you said: ‘The distance to the sun’ then you are not an idiot and
    have now understood the real cause of warming and cooling periods on the
    earth as well.

    The sun goes in cycles of heat intensity. You might of heard of this crazy conspiracy theory called SUN CYCLES.

    1. That proves nothing. The answers are in the bible. god makes it snow and makes it rain. If the weather is not right then it is because we are not right with god. You need to learn basic facts and stop relying on the science of man.

  322. This is a golden opportunity for a globalist false flag attack. They could make a horrendous attack on this premier look like it was perpetrated by, for example, ISIS while simultaneously sending a subtle warning salvo to climate “deniers”. The globalists are not yet ready to fully unmask their totalitarian agenda so they have to implement their suppression of views they don’t like via surrogates.

  323. LOL. Good luck there, skippies. Yes, I can see it now: “Well, ladies and gentlemen, all of science says one thing… but I did see this right-wing movie down the street, so let’s just ignore all science. Everyone with me? Good, let’s go home.”

    Yup, that’s exactly how it’s about to go down…

  324. Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.

    1. Their 97% figure has been debunked..10,257 people were invited to take an on-line survey, only 3,146 of them did. Only 79 of those were “published experts” and only 76 of those “experts” said yes. And it was based on 2 questions.Ever wonder why the AGW/GW nutters never use the “real” number? Is it because they’d be humiliated?

    2. The current trends are due to human activity. Unfortunately for you that activity consists falsifying current data, changing historical data to conform to politically derived schemes to defraud and limit freedoms, humans basing the distribution of grant money to those who lie to support the governments above mentioned political hijinks and other illicit, criminal activities.
      I suspose the one saving grace here is that humans can also rectify this issue. They would be investigators to track down the scammers and judges, jurors and jailers, humans all, to deal with them while they are incarcerated for their crimes.
      See, a solution for everything even crimes against humanity such as alleging global warming for fun, power and prosperity!
      Rich in New Mexico.

    3. Funny how all these so called “peer reviewed” studies never consider information from the most accurate and reliable source on global climate known to man, SATELLITE DATA, before coming to their conclusions which they pass off as “settled science.” NASA itself has debunked global warming with it’s own satellite data … It wasn’t that long ago when 100% of the world’s scientists believed that the earth was flat, Even after it was established that the globe was indeed round, the schools still taught the flat earth theory as fact for several decades afterwards. Scientists don’t like to be told they are wrong, even when the proof is staring them in the face.

    1. Speaking of morons. . . .Their 97% figure has been debunked..10,257 people were invited to take an on-line survey, only 3,146 of them did. Only 79 of those were “published experts” and only 76 of those “experts” said yes. And it was based on 2 questions.Ever wonder why the AGW/GW nutters never use the “real” number? Is it because they’d be humiliated?

  325. In the meantime think of all the CO2 that will be released into the blessed environment courtesy of these morons, who flew in for the “summit” in their private planes (heaven forbid that they should travel with the rest of the peasants), so that they can gas away propaganda about their cult (that would be global warming, for those of you in Rio Linda).

  326. American Association for the Advancement of Science

    “The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society.” (2006)3

    American Chemical Society

    “Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem.” (2004)4

    American Geophysical Union

    “Human‐induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.” (Adopted 2003, revised and reaffirmed 2007, 2012, 2013)5

    American Medical Association

    “Our AMA … supports the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth assessment report and concurs with the scientific consensus that the Earth is undergoing adverse global climate change and that anthropogenic contributions are significant.” (2013)6

    American Meteorological Society

    “It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide.” (2012)7

    American Physical Society

    “The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.” (2007)8

    The Geological Society of America

    “The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse‐gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s.” (2006; revised 2010)9


    International academies: Joint statement

    “Climate change is real. There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring. The evidence comes from direct measurements of rising surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures and from phenomena such as increases in average global sea levels, retreating glaciers, and changes to many physical and biological systems. It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities (IPCC 2001).” (2005, 11 international science academies)10

    U.S. National Academy of Sciences

    “The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify taking steps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.” (2005)11


    U.S. Global Change Research Program

    “The global warming of the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced increases in heat-trapping gases. Human ‘fingerprints’ also have been identified in many other aspects of the climate system, including changes in ocean heat content, precipitation, atmospheric moisture, and Arctic sea ice.” (2009, 13 U.S. government departments and agencies)12


    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.”13

    “Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely* due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.”14

    *IPCC defines ‘very likely’ as greater than 90 percent probability of occurrence.

  327. The answer is Jesus, I don’t know why it is so hard for people to get that. If we look to the Bible and pray about it we will understand what God is trying to tell us. I believe that Climate Change is real but not man made. I think it is real because of the hardness of mans heart towards God. God is going to burn the Earth to a cinder if we do not repent and give our hearts to Jesus. I also believe that we should kill ever Muslim on the planet if they do not turn to Jesus. If they want to reject Jesus then we should arrange a meeting to prove that he is real.

  328. The climate change agenda has ZERO percent to do with saving the environment/world (since it’s completely false “science”), and 100% about one-world control of everything by the globalist, criminal cabal.

    In short it’s ALL about power…them over us.

    (Note that I’m referring to TPTB, not the useful idiots who actually believe all this man-made climate change horsesh*t with religious fervour.)

  329. Obama: November 30, 2015 – Paris:“”I’ve come here personally, as the leader of the world’s largest economy and the second-largest emitter, to say that the United States of America not only recognizes our responsibility in creating this problem, we embrace our responsibility to do something about it,” Obama told the summit.”Obama blathered on and on past the “wrap it up” signals he was receiving. . .obviously believing he was entitled to more than the 3 1/2 minutes he was allotted like everyone else.Obama blithered on for 14 minutes. . .apparently believing anything he had to say was much more important than anyone else. . . .

    1. You need to get over it, climate change is real and we are going to do something about it. Just think where the world would be if people like you ran it. That is seriously scary.

        1. No, the nation is waking up to drug filled madness. Good thing the people do not run things because if a country full of madmen actually had any say in the matter then the world would seriously be doomed. You and the rest of the crazies in America are a good example of why we need more government, to keep you people at bay.

  330. Open letter to climate summit: Lot’s of info, gov docs,patents, video,testimony, Haarp etc: 6 decades of weather modification not even accounted for in Summit. Solar Radiation Management is now world wide, and is Omniside. They have created the problem, and now want to tax and control you into oblivion, Agenda 21.

  331. I wonder if there will be a “trigger warning” at the beginning of the film, just in case the hysterical liberals at the climate summit want to go to their safe room and cuddle their teddy bears and play with playdough.

  332. The numbers are in. The year 2014 – after shattering temperature records that had stood for hundreds of years across virtually all of Europe, and roasting parts of South America, China and Russia – was the hottest on record, with global temperatures 1.24F (0.69C) higher than the 20th-century average, US government scientists said on Friday.

    A day after international researchers warned that human activities had pushed the planet to the brink, new evidence of climate change arrived. The world was the hottest it has been since systematic records began in 1880, especially on the oceans, which the agency confirmed were the driver of 2014’s temperature rise.

    The global average temperatures over land and sea surface for the year were 1.24F (0.69C) above the 20th-century average, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) reported. Nasa, which calculates temperatures slightly differently, put 2014’s average temperature at 14.67C – 0.68C above the average – for the period 1951-80.

    The scientists said 2014 was 0.07F (0.04C) higher than the previous records set in 2005 and 2010, and the 38th consecutive year of above-average temperatures.

    That means nobody born since 1976 has experienced a colder-than-average year.

    “Any one year being a record warm one is not in itself particularly significant, but this is one in a series of record warm years that are driven by the continuing underlying long-term global warming,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of Nasa’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies. “We expect that heat records will continue to get broken – not everywhere and not every year – but increasingly, and that does not bode well for a civilisation that is continuing to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere at an increasing rate.”

    “It is not just 2014, but the long-term trend, so we may anticipate further records in the years to come,” Schmidt said.

    The odds of that temperature shift occurring because of natural climate variability were less than one in 27 million, according to the Climate Central research group.

    “The data from Nasa and Noaa is the latest scientific evidence that climate change is real, and we must act now to protect our families and future generations,” said Barbara Boxer, the California Democrat and climate champion. “Deniers must stop ignoring these alarms if we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.”

    The findings from Nasa and Noaa were in line with reports from the United Nations weather organisation, the UK Met Office and Japan’s meteorological agency confirming the steadily upward march of temperatures over the last decades. Thirteen of the 15 hottest years have occurred since 2000. “Nineteen eighty-eight was also a record warm year at the time. Now it doesn’t even rank in the top 20,” Schmidt said.

    “We can safely say it’s probably the warmest year in 1,700 and 2,000 years, and I think it’s probably safe to say 5,000 years,” said Don Wuebbles, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Illinois who has worked on a number of IPCC reports. “You have a continuous upward trend over the last century and that is telling us something. We have a clear signal that our climate changing, and when you look at the evidence it’s because of human activities.”

    “The evidence is so strong I don’t know why we are arguing any more,” Wuebbles said. “It’s just crazy.”

    The last record cold year was more than a century ago in 1911.

    The scientists noted that the 2014 record occurred without the help of a strong El Nino, a global weather phenomenon known for pushing more heat into the atmosphere.

    Campaign groups said the milestone ought to spur new efforts to fight climate change. “The Obama administration must back international efforts to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050,” said Shaye Wolf, the climate science director with the Center for Biological Diversity. “We need a global agreement that keeps most dirty fossil fuels in the ground and provides ample support for developing nations to leapfrog into clean energy economies.”

    On the current emissions trajectory, the world will attain warming of 4 or 5C by 2100, which climate scientists say would be catastrophic.

    Ocean surface temperatures were far warmer in 2014 than any year on record, especially in the northern Pacific. In April, westerly winds began spreading that very warm water out along the equator to the eastern Pacific and around to the Gulf of Alaska – releasing heat that had been locked in the depths for nearly a decade. The unusually warm waters shifted hurricane tracks, weakened trade winds, and led to widespread bleaching of coral reefs in Hawaii. Vast expanses of the north-western and south-eastern Atlantic, most of the Norwegian Sea, and parts of the central to southern Indian Ocean were also extraordinarily warm. Global sea-surface temperatures were 1.03°F (0.57°C) above the 20th-century average.

    On land, temperature records toppled almost everywhere.

    Much of Europe and parts of North Africa sweated out heatwaves. England saw its hottest year in three and a half centuries, according to the Central England Temperature data set. Nearly every weather station set new records. Transport crew in Norway had to hose down runways to prevent them buckling in the heat. Finns were warned they may soon face Decembers without snow. Australia had a series of heatwaves.

    “Every continent had some aspect of record high temperatures,” Thomas Karl, director of Noaa’s National Climatic Data Center.

    For North America – aside from California and Alaska – it was the opposite story. The year was so cold it spawned two new meteorological terms: polar vortex for the Arctic blast at the beginning of the year and lake effect, for the 2ft of snow dumped on Buffalo in November.

    But California saw its hottest year, with annual average temperatures 4.1F (2.3C) higher than 20th century average, and scant relief for a punishing drought.

    Elsewhere, Argentina was plagued by water shortages and power blackouts as extreme heat engulfed South America, setting new temperature records in Brazil and Bolivia.

    The year also brought heavy rainfall and flooding in some countries.

    Parts of Turkey saw five times the normal amount of rain, and France experienced its wettest summer since 1959. Rivers broke up earlier than ever recorded in Siberia. Millions of people were affected by heavy rains and severe flooding in northern Bangladesh, northern Pakistan and India.

    Sea ice extent was below average on the Pacific side of the Arctic and near-average on the Atlantic side.

    It was another year of declining sea ice in the Arctic. However, Antarctica actually saw the highest sea ice extent. “There are some interesting things going on in Antarctica,” Nasa’s Schmidt

      1. Mike:
        Yes, and don’t forget: The Yellow Peril (didn’t happen), Acid Rain (didn’t exist), Ozone Hole (closed up on it’s own), Silent Spring (didn’t happen), Nuclear winter (nope), Killer Bees (couldn’t get green cards), Honey Bees all died (except their ae more now than a few years ago), Ebola (No bola), H1N1 Flue epidemic (flue rates declined that year), Population Explosion (went kaput), Peak Oil (really did happen, as predicted we ran out of oil in 1992,,, no, wait…), The China Syndrome [nuke reactors would overheat and melt into the earth] (didn’t happen, China melted down instead), The Crisis of Capitalism [the corrupt bourgeoisie would destroy the global economy] (didn’t happen, communism collapsed instead), Asteroid impact (no, but Hollywood keeps hoping…)

        Need I go on? All of these were going to destroy us, and all required global communism so we could organize against the coming disaster. And all were untrue.

  333. Just in case anyone forgot what the whole climate-change scandal is all about…

    The crooks want to run the big “Carbon Credit” exchanges (kinda like stock exchanges) and make mega-billion$ overnight by buying/selling carbon credits to their crony friends and families, who in turn sell (stick-it) to the energy companies (and us). This all has NOTHING to do with the environment.

    1. In my view it’s about one-world control of everything by the globalist, criminal cabal, with the carbon credit scheme merely being one of the side benefits that they’ll reap.

  334. If you have actually examined the overwhelming evidence that supports the existence of man-made climate change and you are a still a denier:

    1. Go purchase a large caliber handgun
    2. Put it in your mouth
    3. Blow your feeble conservative brains out!

    1. More kind and caring words from the always loving and tolerant left! But, I thought you lefties were against handguns except when used in the commission of a crime by people of color!

    2. Are we allowed to also examine the numerous e-mails from the climate scammers which detail how to hide the decline and alter data?

      If sub-human filth like you are allowed to distort, lie, ridicule [and every other failed Alinsky trick] to redistribute wealth all while your buddies gore, barry, soros will reap billions in carbon exchange credits via their CCX [Chicago Carbon Exchange].

  335. Paris has been shot up twice this year by radical islamists and that doesn’t even register with these lefties!


    97% of Americans aren’t even buying what’s being shoved down their throats DAILY about this climate change BS and these lefties are burying their heads in the sand while islime is running wild in the streets killing innocents.

    They all deserve a Mussolini send off!!!

  336. Climate Change… .the new term for how politicians funnel money from your pocket to theirs. Funny how those individuals that most loudly proclaim that the sky is falling due to “global warming and CO2 emissions” are those who fly around the globe in private jets with long entourages of SUV’s waiting on them to haul them around.

  337. Obama keeps warning of submerged countries as he pushes the fear of climate change, which he vehemently claims is very real. Perhaps he can explain to world leaders why in spite of this so called fact, he recently spent millions to purchase a beachfront mansion in Hawaii that sits right on the waters edge! I smell a rat!!!

  338. The far left love their
    climate change / global cooling / global warming / climate disruption scam for
    it’s sheer brilliance in creating a whole new category of taxes that can be
    levied on the plebes! And like all leftist programs they create the slush funds
    that the far leftists then use to funnel taxes to fake groups who then work,
    campaign and donate those funds back to get more far leftists elected. The
    taxpayer is paying for his own demise with every government program as they all
    create and expand the slush funds of political campaign donations to defeat
    capitalists, conservatives and traditionalists! We are paying for our own
    demise! In the increasingly poor province of Ontario Canada once the economic
    driver of Canada the climate change & carbon taxes will increase a bankrupt
    provincial government’s revenues by $5 Billion a year!!! They also use the
    new funds to reward their friends, money bundlers (who kick back to the
    politicians) with fake “grants” to create green energy. Not to
    mention exorbitant pay raises and benefits to all government employees who
    become an official election campaign army to elect and re-elect more far
    leftists! 100% of these green energy ventures fail to achieve anything other
    than enriching the politicos who create the programs and the beneficiaries who
    are showered with them! These programs are self perpetuating and grow the power
    of the left who then impose phony corrupt programs on the public against the
    will of the people!!!

  339. Kill Agenda 21 Death to the UNs new climate program headlined by President Obama, the biggest liar ever to hold the office. Beep, beep, beep he won’t stop lying to us. More taxes is all they want, more taxes for re-distribution from the USA to a bunch of third world dictators. You know all that money will have “impact”.

  340. Climate change is real, and it’s happening NOW!! Areas of South Florida flood every time it rains. I grew up in South Florida, and it would only flood during hurricanes. Key West and the other keys are dealing with the encroachment of salt water on their source of fresh water. New York is concerned because of the danger of flooding of their underground transportation systems.

    Regardless of the cause, fossil fuels are speeding up the process. We need to fund real research into alternatives. Eating less meat will help because animal agriculture contributes to the problem.

    You can fabricate all the stories you like, but it won’t change reality.

    Randee Head

  341. From what I see on their hoax of a global warming chart that they are saying temps started rising in the 40s. Right after countries started detonating atomic bombs. So temp rise of 0.1 is caused by Governments not the people!

  342. from ice age, cooling, to warming to “change” to “disruption” back to warming/change/whatever in 40-50 years.
    this is not science… it’s a political farce.
    “climate change is real”… cannot take such people seriously.

    1. The best part of this discussion is that Bush and the Republicans had years to get rid of the EPA and the climate change B. S. Why do you suppose they never did? Perhaps because the Democrats and Republicans are one in the same. The two party system was invented to fool the fools.

      Yes, you are right, it is political.

  343. I think the earth’s climate is supposed to change. it has changed constantly ever since the earth was created.
    everything on earth probably contributes in some manner to the climate changing.
    we should be exploring our response to the earth’s climate changing.
    I am unaware in the history of science, at least since the advent of life on earth, where the earth’s climate has become to warm for life to thrive. I realize that this is only about a billion years of life on earth. still, if the earth’s climate has never become threatening to life on earth, I need a lot of evidence before I believe that the climate scientists can predict the future with any significant degree of accuracy. no human before now has been that successful in predicting the future.

  344. If everyone went to Greenland and jumped up and down we could straighten the earth back onto its axis and the climate change issue would be under control.

    1. I have been working on my T. K skills for the past two decades in an attempt to melt Greenland and flood Al Gores home. I think I am starting to get somewhere though. Yesterday I focused on it not raining here in Phoenix and I succeeded.



    1. You know… I go to Tybee Island and Savannah quite a bit. Seems it is all still exactly where I left it every time I go back down there. And I haven’t seen one dead floating polar bear yet in over half a century.

      … Although… Come to think of it…. I have seen a few beached whales there from time to time.

      1. SonofaCV15
        Yes. The evidence for sea-level rise is very doubtful. Say this phrase to any warmist: “Post-Glacial rebound”. They will either look confused, or leave the room. It’s an enormous cover-up in the sea-level boondoggle. There are massive areas where sea-level is DROPPING.

        Why? because the last ice-age is not over yet. Northern areas had upt to 9,000 feet of ice coverage, tah exerted massive weight on teh landand pushed it down into the mantle of the earths’ crust. The mantle is mushy, like plasticine or play-doh. In teh Baltic sea, near Sweden, seaside rocks and boulders rise about 1 meterper centurey, ans the entire land mas flaots back up to noarmal. That’s about 1 milimeter per year, whic is close to the prediction that the warmist make about se-level rise.

        1. Sea- level (2)

          The best tide-gauges on earth are in or near the Baltic sea, where people hammered bronze spikes into solid granite coastal boulders to measure tidal changes. The warmists claim those spikes register sea-level rise, but they cheat. They assume the boulders will rise about 1 millimetre from Post-glacial rebound, and if they don’t rise they much, the warmists claim that global sea-level is rising. What fools. Post-glacial rebound does not work in a perfectly smooth way. Canada is rising much faster, and it differs in different places.

          Countries that have no post-glacial rebound, like Australia and New Zealand cannot find reliable evidence that the sea-level is rising. Several tidal markers and other indicators show no changes for at least a century.

          So that’s why you see no changes on Tybee Island. There probably aren’t any.

    2. Your rant in all caps reminds me of Rick Moranis as Vince Tully in “Ghost Busters” after he was bewitched into the ‘Gate Keeper,’ and clumsily stumbles through Central Park in an uncontrollable rage. “May you all burn in hell for your AGW-sins of denial.”


  348. This entire scheme is being pushed by the one world types who want to CONTROL everyone on the planet. Also. they want countries who are the most advanced and pollute the least, to foot the entire bill. This group of Socialist/Progressive/Communists want to punish America and line their own pockets. The only winners are China and every socialist dictator led country in the World. Horrible deal that Congress must STOP by specifically stating that in all budget bills that not one dollar of tax payers money are to be spent on this hoax.

    1. kyrunner:
      I agree. The Dems never saw akick-back they didnn;t like. The formula of a governmetn sponsored program, run by indepnendet business who get trillions in tax money, is teh usual set-up for government kck-back, favor exhanges, quid pro quos, self-dealing, etc. Billions will wind up in politican bank accounts.

      People forget that until afew yearsa go, the Fed polticians could collect coporate insider info from theri committee work, and buy and sell stocks freely. It was not illengal, nor considered unethical. If they knew ho was due to buidl the next aircraft carrier, and it’s approval date, they could buy and seel stocks with no questions asked. Without internet whislte-bloweres, that would still be going on.

  349. Can you imagine what America would look like if we had that knuckle dragger (Hillary) as president next? god D. A. M. N. Would the world be a greener place? Well at least her pockets would be greener.

  350. I wonder how the climate change cult is going to react when they finally realize how all this illegal immigration and “refugee” stuff is going to impact the “carbon footprint” of the US.

    I’m thinking they aren’t going to be too happy… until they figure out a way to put some trumped up positive spin on it.

    Maybe we could require those coming here to run in modified hamster wheels to generate electricity for a period of time to gain citizenship and cover their medical cost.

    … Oh! Wait! That would create even more huffing and puffing… even more CO2…. Never mind.

  351. Let’s see, we pay Algore and his democrat crony pals a fine if our company produces too much carbon dioxide? I mean, it’s OK for us to produce CO2 as long as we pay a private entity to do so? Ya, make perfectly good sense to me.


  352. Planet Earth has spent as much as 25% of its 4.5 Billion year existence with atmospheric concentrations of CO2 at levels of 4000 parts per million (ppm) or greater – an order of magnitude (10x) greater than current levels of CO2 in our atmosphere – and guess what?… the Planet survived just fine… all by itself!

    On an existential scale – Planet Earth is today experiencing near-historic low levels of CO2 in our atmosphere (400 ppm). The argument can be made that there is a greater chance of Planet Earth becoming a frozen and lifeless planet (much like Mars); simply because we are closer to a CO2 deficiency on the planet than we are to an over-abundance of CO2 – a compound that is essential for the survival of all plant-life on Earth.

    The unfortunate reality is that plant-life begins to shut-down (die) when CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere drop below 150ppm – whereas today’s commercial growing operations pump upwards of 1200-1600ppm into their Greenhouses to facilitate optimum growing conditions. Take a walk in your favourite forest or woodland and you will at times be exposed to CO2 concentrations at levels close to 600ppm… but no worries!… you’ll be just fine. In fact, Princeton Phd Physicist, Freeman Dyson in an April 2015 interview with The Vancouver Sun explains that Planet Earth has greened-up by close to 20% in the last 40 years “… increasing our tillable land, increasing crop yields and feeding more people…” as a direct result of increased levels of CO2 in our atmosphere. In the interview Dyson states emphatically that: “… in the aggregate, increasing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere are a “net benefit” for our biosphere.”

    I find it comically ironic that an entire movement that calls itself “green” has positioned itself as the greatest demonizer of the very compound (CO2) that is responsible for “greening” our Planet in the last 2 generations.

    Carbon Dioxide also forms the very basis of the food chain in our Oceans!… CO2 is consumed by vast quantities of algae and plankton in our Oceans – these micro-organisms feed the small shrimp and krill that sustain the baitfish, who in turn are prey for the larger ocean predators. Without CO2, our Oceans would be lifeless – our Atmosphere would be toxic and the Planet would be dead!

    All life on Planet Earth originated in our Oceans – it is our Oceans that act as vast storage sinks for CO2; as they absorb CO2 during our prolonged Glacial Eras and release it back into the atmosphere following the centuries-long warming process of our interglacials.

    The UN’s Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has CO2’s relationship to climate exactly backwards!… CO2 does not cause warming… it follows warming!… It is a trailing indicator of “warming events” that occurred in the near past (600-1000 years past). The reason; is that our Oceans are so vast… they literally take centuries to warm-up and it is this warming process in our Oceans that releases and emits CO2 back into our atmosphere to complete the cycle during the warmer interglacial periods like our current Holocene Epoch which reached it’s maximum warming of 3-4 degrees centigrade higher than today over 8,000 years ago.

    Mankind with all of his Industry, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Transportation and Land-use needs is responsible for emitting approximately 30 giga-tons of CO2 into our atmosphere per year worldwide. Yes!… that is 30 billion tons, but it is a mere 4% of 750 giga-ton global footprint of CO2 that is emitted into our atmosphere every year by our oceans, lakes, deltas, volcanoes, forest fires, dying vegetation, animals of all kinds and microbes.

    Why then is CO2 the source of such angst and hysteria from Academia, our bureaucracies and Progressives?… Answer: In today’s world of misinformation, CO2 has been tagged as the prime candidate onto which our Progressive elites can attach a brand new tax, to pay for the entitlements that 1st World Nations have promised to their constituencies – while at the same time, the UN’s IPCC has become a hypocritical advocate for limiting the growth potential of most 3rd World Nations who are desperate to utilize their own carbon-based energy sources in order to develop their new and emerging economies.

    I suppose under the auspices of the United Nations IPCC and alarmists everywhere, we can expect the hype and ramped-up rhetoric to increase at the COP-21 in Paris this year – soon to be augmented by the Progressive Carbon Tax, the Fresh Water Tax, the Sunshine Tax and last but not least, the Oxygen Tax!

    All of it coming to you via the “lock-step” agenda of a Progressive policy platform near you!…

      1. Just some of the “inconvenient truths” to buttress the above narrative!…

        … or any of these……/im…/gaia_chapter_4/milankovitch.htm…


        If Al Gore, Barack Obama, NOAA, the EU, Micheal Mann, Phil Jones et al and the UN’s IPCC’s Summary for Policy-makers (SPAM) get to put forth a fantasy of propaganda that include: “may result in…, could lead to… or “will lead to increasingly catastrophic climate outcomes…” – then perhaps a equal number of accredited Scientists and Academics can voice a calmer and less sensationalized version on the realities of our ever-changing climate.

    1. I’m more concerned about the aliens that are coming here to eat the fat ones. At least… I will be one of the mid to lower ones to go in the line.

      Better start on that Michelle Obama quick weight loss plan guys…. They could be here any day now.

      1. Sonofa:
        Don’t worry. I used the Mars-mail on Craig’s list to tell the aliens about your problem. They said they have seen the same Twilight Zone episode that scared you (“to Serve Man”). They have no plans to visit earth. And if they do, it will be to eat all the travertine marble. They love that stuff. Humans, not so much.

        1. The health department inspectors give us a really low rating. I bet that is where the problem is….

          Way too many roaches in the kitchen. We need to just fumigate the whole planet.

      1. This is the product of my own research and opinion based on a host of articles that I have accumulated over the past 10-years as a skeptic to what our conventional Media put forth on a daily basis. See below for just a small sample on the scope of the contrarian opinions on AGW.

    2. Very nicely put, Gregson. I’m glad you included the natural emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere as well – because all you hear and read about are the ‘gigantic’ human emissions of CO2 which, as you say, are a mere 4% of total emissions.

      I just wish there were a way to plaster this type of information across ALL the MSM.

  353. It may turn out that Globull Warming being just a vast taxation and control scam is actually the lessor of 2 evils because God help us all if these crooks actually start trying to manipulate the climate…based on the track record of Socialism/Communism in “fixing” things it will be a cataclysmic disaster.

  354. Our climate cooling if the sun goes into the low level of activity that is predicted is a much bigger threat to mankind. Shortened growing seasons and failed crops because of cold will cause massive starvation on a global scale.

  355. The Climate change hoax is nothing more than the vehicle for consolidating global power through the UN. Just as the elite used religion throughout the ages to control the masses, climate change is the new religion of the global elite, as it provides the means to secure power, protect the status quo, and create barriers to opportunity for the unwashed masses the elite need to feed upon.

    1. We need to start our own UN. Call it the United Democracies, and no despots allowed. It’s not racist, and it’s completely feasible. Out of about 200 countries worldwide, about 122 are some type of democracy. The list includes Botswana, (in southern Africa), Mongolia, Chile, India, Japan, etc. But it excludes Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.

  356. I’m glad this film debunks the conspiracy theorist who think that everything is a cover up.
    Conspiracy theorists think
    1) that pollution of water and air is a bad thing, without realizing that the Earth simply absorbs pollution into it’s system.
    2) The Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy when everyone knows that LHO killed Kennedy no matter that the House Committee on assassinations in 1978 concluded it was a conspiracy. The Warren Commission headed by John Foster Dulles concluded it was not, and he ought to know who killed Kennedy, he had first hand knowledge.
    3). That cops go around killing people because they are trigger happy or just bad cops. There are no videos showing that.
    4) That our brave young fighting men, women and drones are wasting their time. Look at the progress we have made in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria…these people are now free, they can buy whatever they want, Haagen Daaz for example…you couldn’t get that type of ice cream in Iraq before the war.
    5) That the Military Industrial Complex even exists. War is beneficial to our economy, provides jobs and frees oppressed people.
    6). That Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who was also the Holy Ghost raped his mother, Mary, who was a prostitute by dropping his seed on her when she was asleep in order to give birth to himself as Jesus, and then afterward married his own mother. That’s just not true. Jesus is an AMERICAN! He’s on our side. We don’t go around the world, raping, plundering, bombing other countries in order to perpetuate the American way and neither did Jesus.

  357. just finished dumping a load of jizz in my wife’s azz. Rolled over, put a huge dip in, fired up the laptop, and came across this story. Climate change is a total hoax.

  358. Can’t wait to see this. Big Climate is a trillion dollar plus industry these days and full of vested interests. It is a power and money grab of great magnitude. Hussein is delusional and should be impeached.

    1. Too late for impeachment, it takes too long. His term would be up before he was convicted. How about just good old jail? Like for fraud and stuff, after he leaves office and losses all his dictatorial powers. And retroactively declaring his birth certificate invalid, and all his signatures on all documents null and void. Good-bye Obama-care and all the rest of it, in one day.

      1. Ok, one more time. Just let me ask you this. You really really believe that this is a real copy of a real birth certificate? With its crooked lines, and the security paper that’s all nice and straight? You really believe that this came straight out of the paper document records. You believe this….

  359. People need to separate the 2 real issues at hand.
    1) Climate change is real, but has nothing to do with actions of humanity, and everything to do with Solar cycles.
    2) Poisoning the thin layer of our biosphere is also real, and in this we are contributing to our eventual demise, at which point the earth will return to normal. (a self correcting system)
    The Earth will thrive until the sun becomes a red giant, (several billion years from now) when it will expand in size cooking the planet in the process. (you can’t save the planet)
    Now, can we all start looking at the real threat humanity is facing. (corporate greed/control – aka – global slavery)
    P.S: You know, (generally speaking) people are really stupid, and if that isn’t rectified, than perhaps we are not worth saving to begin with. (just saying)

  360. How
    much tax you pay for gas? NO COMPLAINT.. A pint of oil cost 3X as much as a pint of gas, why?, NO COMPLAINT!!. Gas cost $5 because 1 refinery out of 350 closed during
    Katrina/GW Bush era?. NO COMPLAINT..How much damage has been done by oil/coal to our planet? NO COMPLAINT…Only a politically brainwashed moron would not prefer change over destruction, taxes and enslavement to fossil fuels…

      1. moronic reply…must be conservative, gets distracted easily, no answer to facts as usual..stick to subject. Plus, USA is only country that has not changed to metric system, everything is sold in gal..milk and oil included…hence a barrel of us crude oil is 42…………………………………liters?.

        Hope i didnt confuse you with using same liquid measurement, but if i said ‘a gal of gas’,which is how it is sold, would you have been confused with the metric equivalent in oil? , seeing as that is how oil is sold..Now can we discuss price and taxes?..fool..

  361. I finally found the right blog to post this earth shaking information on. I pray it will not fall on deaf ears. Climate change is not man caused. It is happening. It is just not man caused. Carbon emissions and greenhouse gases are all a scientific hoax, A carefully contrived hoax meant to promote and sell a lot of fantastical books on the subject matter. Totally science fiction. Global warming is really solar warming. It has a more profound and far reaching purpose. It’s really going to be a blessing to the entire world and all the inhabitants thereof including the plants and creatures. Read on. You will understand.

    View here the divine visions I have been having pertaining to climate
    change. Read this:— Washington aka Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and Gore to
    name a few have it all wrong on this one. As posted on National
    Geographic Daily News comments.

    Carbon emissions, greenhouse gases, defining climate change as man
    caused is a hoax. The people propagating this are deceived by this
    notion and they are deceiving the public at large. About the middle of
    the 1980’s I had a vision that said
    this. “We are coming into a time of illumination, and you ARE GOING TO
    see whole civilizations walking around naked. It’s meant to pass genetic
    strengths down upon the whole human race.” We are meant to absorb this
    energy while it lasts. Plants and animals are also going to be absorbing
    this energy. This vision has also returned to me on a recurring basis
    over the years until this present day to continue to reinforce this
    impression upon my mindset that I may with authority communicate this to
    the world. Laugh fools. But this is what you’re going to see.

    Now read these blog posts I made about global warming being not man caused. It’s solar.

    Thank you,
    Guy Tarantolo
    216 S OAK PARK AVE UNIT #5
    OAK PARK, ILLINOIS 60302-3242

  362. Do I believe global warming is man-made? Certainly. A man-made scam. What are the odds the warming cultists will descend on cinemas to protest and even stop this from being shown?

  363. With regard to poor Latin American and African countries looking to send a fat bill to the US for “polluting” their lands with CO2, can someone explain how exhaust from car in Brooklyn knows how to make it across several oceans all the way over to Namibia or Paraguay before settling there? Neat trick, huh?

  364. How nice of these stuffed shirts to gather together in a 5 star hotel with their jets on idle in order to save the world. Thanks guys! We owe you. This is like, what, the 7th time politicians have saved the planet??

  365. I’ve also heard that they’re telling a lie to the gullible that man caused global warming on earth is the cause of receding polar ice caps on Mars and not a cyclically warming sun. Someone once told me that “people love to be lied to.” Some people do. I don’t. Someone telling you they’re your friend when they’re about to cut your throat. Some people, I guess, think they’re cute telling you lies. They practice their lies in front of the mirror. Tell me lies, tell me lies, tell me dirty little lies. You could flatter a pig and it would believe you.

    1. Guy:
      Yeah, it’s a problem with all humans. Quick answers seem better. All dogma is built on that idea. Make the ideas easy to spoon-feed, and the believers will line up.

      I’m no better than the spoon fed ones. I just happened to choke on the spoon at some point. I looked at what I was being fed. Yuck.

      But my political thinking has been a lot of work since then.

  366. Delegates at COP21 will condescendly ignore all efforts of skeptics to inject common sense in the climate question. This is a runaway train, possibly the largest instance of collective hysteria since the end of the Middle Ages.
    We are now at the point where even the modest-sized city where I live is making GGH-reduction commitments.
    Nearly all politicians and most of the media have gone crackpot over climate change.

    1. COP21 and comparable causes are all parallel universes to the French revolutions reign of terror. It won’t be long if you’re not politically correct they’re going to march you up to the guillotine.

  367. We only need simple logic to know that climate change agenda is a scam: 1) The same technology that can’t predict the weather beyond a week or two is somehow able to predict the climate of the entire planet years, decades or centuries from now? 2) The solution they propose is a carbon tax, which is essentially a tax of the air we breath, and all the energy we need to live a modern life. It is a tax on life itself. 3) The other solution they push is the corrupt subsidy of green industries which is designed to enrich lobby interests and increase government power over the economy. 4) The environmental wacos continue to attack nuclear power, a safe, carbon free, power source, which is virtually unlimited. Less people have died from nuclear power plants than any other energy generation method. Nuclear waste is no longer an issue with modern plants where the waste can be used over and over again. Only the old water based reactors produce lots of waste. 5) The science is rigged by far-left universities which only grant tenure to those academics who rubber stamp the agenda.

  368. The devil is a liar and he uses people to tell his lies. Haven’t you ever heard of false doctrine. Doctrine of demons. He’s deceiving people on a mass scale. These people promoting man caused global warming are heretics. They call the adversity to their lies “the flat earth society” where they’re the tower of Babel society. They are in reality very confused people. Confused might be a good synonym of delusional. Ol’ uncle Tom was probably smarter than you think. Be a spectator. Just sit back and watch what they’re sowing come back on them. They’re not getting away with anything. Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive. It riles them to believe that we perceive the web they weave and keep on thinking free. They have to read their teleprompters to remember their rehearsed lies. Where we speak the truth from our pure hearts. Nothing rehearsed. You don’t have to rehearse the truth. It’s joyfully spoken mixed with spiritual praises to Yahweh, the creator. Our Savior and Redeemer. Glory, Hallelujah, thank you Jesus.

  369. .❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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  370. What’s the take-away here? Is Hannity the only outlet for this information? Certainly undermines credibility to release information via this known tool.

  371. Good, but these climate scientists have no clue that the 0.5C unnatural warming from 1965 to 1998 was from CFC manufacture. Montreal Protocol completely shut down CFC production in 2000; no warming since then

  372. According
    to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) climate
    impacts of construction processes in Sweden stand for equal CO2 emissons
    of all cars in Sweden. If we believe that the CO2 emissions cause climate change we must be careful and not
    tear down functional buildings – if not
    necessary – to replace them with new concrete buildings, especially if
    the threatened buildings are of high historical value. Many Stockholmers
    are now concerned about the Nobel Foundation´s plans to demolish three
    buildings, a beautiful Customs House built in 1876 and two unique wooden
    warehouses, and replace them with a huge concrete complex which would
    wipe out a valuable part of the historic waterfront environment in
    Stockholm’s inner harbour and darken the National Museum of Fine Arts.
    Please watch the video to get an idea of the project’s impact on the
    environment in Stockholm’s historic harbor:

  373. at one time, the scientific community believed that the world was flat… in more recent times, ‘scientists’ have been touting calories and eating fat as the cause of obesity…. and thus the multi-billion dollar fitness and healthfood industry… It’s all a sham.

  374. There are so many holes in this “Science.
    1) By what mechanism does CO2 first increase to “force” the globe out on an ice age?
    2) By what mechanism does CO2 then decrease to “force” us back into an ice age?
    3) The oceans are warming. By what mechanism does atmospheric CO2, absorbing and emitting at 13 to 18 micron IR warm the oceans? Hint, 13 to 18 micron IR doesn’t penetrate H2O.
    4) Geologic records demonstrate that CO2 has been as high at 7,000 PPM and earth has NEVER experienced catastrophic warming. The earth fell into an ice age when CO2 was 4,000 PPM. The current level on CO2 is 400 PPM, and near the very bottom of the historic record of CO2. The geologic record simply doesn’t support the claims being made by the alarmists.
    5) Mars have a much higher CO2 concentration and yet its diurnal temperature variation is extreme, meaning that CO2 doesn’t trap much heat at night. Same can be said about earth’s deserts. Dry air at night doesn’t trap much heat.
    6) CO2 is transparent to visible light. There is no way for CO2 to cause a record daytime temperature, and yet record daytime temperatures are used as evidence of global warming. Record daytime temperatures are due to more visible light reaching the earth. Visible light warms the oceans, not IR.
    This documentary pretty much predicted all the nonsense we are seeing today.

  375. It has been alleged that Al Gore will make close to $20,000,000,000 if cap and trade are enforced in the US. So you can see why he wants it to move forward.

  376. Planet Earth has spent as much as 25% of its 4.5 Billion year existence with atmospheric concentrations of CO2 at levels of 4000 parts per million (ppm) or greater – an order of magnitude (10x) greater than current levels of CO2 in our atmosphere – and guess what?… the Planet survived just fine… all by itself!

    On an existential scale – Planet Earth is today experiencing near-historic low levels of CO2 in our atmosphere (400 ppm). The argument can be made that there is a greater chance of Planet Earth becoming a frozen and lifeless planet (much like Mars); simply because we are closer to a CO2 deficiency on the planet than we are to an over-abundance of CO2 – a compound that is essential for the survival of all plant-life on Earth.

    The unfortunate reality is that plant-life begins to shut-down (die) when CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere drop below 150ppm – whereas today’s commercial growing operations pump upwards of 1600ppm into their Greenhouses to facilitate optimum growing conditions. Take a walk in your favourite forest or woodland and you will at times be exposed to CO2 concentrations at levels close to 600ppm… but no worries!… you’ll be just fine. In fact, Princeton Phd Physicist, Freeman Dyson in an April 2015 interview with The Vancouver Sun explains that Planet Earth has greened-up by close to 20% in the last 70 years “… increasing our tillable land, increasing crop yields and feeding more people…” as a direct result of increased levels of CO2 in our atmosphere. In the interview Dyson states emphatically that: “… in the aggregate, increasing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere are a “net benefit” for our biosphere.”

    I find it comically ironic that an entire movement that calls itself “green” has positioned itself as the greatest demonizer of the very compound (CO2) that is responsible for “greening” our Planet in the last 3 generations.

    Carbon Dioxide also forms the very basis of the food chain in our Oceans!… CO2 is consumed by vast quantities of algae and plankton in our Oceans – these micro-organisms feed the small shrimp and krill that sustain the baitfish, who in turn are prey for the larger ocean predators. Without CO2, our Oceans would be lifeless – our Atmosphere would be toxic and the Planet would be dead!

    All life on Planet Earth originated in our Oceans – it is our Oceans that act as vast storage sinks for CO2; as they absorb CO2 during our prolonged Glacial Eras and release it back into the atmosphere following the centuries-long warming process of our interglacials.

    The UN’s Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has CO2’s relationship to climate exactly backwards!… CO2 does not cause warming… it follows warming!… It is a trailing indicator of “warming events” that occurred in the near past (600-1000 years past). The reason; is that our Oceans are so vast… they literally take centuries to warm-up and it is this warming process in our Oceans that releases and emits CO2 back into our atmosphere to complete the cycle during the warmer interglacial periods like our current Holocene Epoch – which reached it’s maximum warming 8,000 years ago of 2-3 degrees centigrade higher than today.

    Mankind with all of his Industry, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Transportation and Land-use needs is responsible for emitting approximately 30 giga-tons of CO2 into our atmosphere per year worldwide. Yes!… that is 30 billion tons… but it is a mere 4% of the 750 giga-ton footprint of CO2 that is emitted naturally into our atmosphere every year by our oceans, lakes, deltas, volcanoes, forest fires, dying vegetation, animals of all kinds and microbes with whom we share the planet.

    Why then is CO2 the source of such angst and hysteria from Academia, our bureaucracies and Progressives?… Answer: In today’s world of misinformation, CO2 has been tagged as the prime candidate onto which our Progressive elites can attach a brand new tax, to pay for the entitlements that 1st World Nations have promised to their constituencies. While at the same time, the UN’s IPCC has become a hypocritical advocate for limiting the growth potential of most 3rd World Nations who are desperate to utilize their own carbon-based energy sources in order to develop their new and emerging economies.

    I suppose under the auspices of the United Nations IPCC and alarmists everywhere, we can expect the hype and ramped-up rhetoric to increase during the COP-21 Climate Talks in Paris — soon to be augmented by the Progressive Carbon Tax, the Fresh Water Tax, the Sunshine Tax and last but not least, the Oxygen Tax!

    Just some of the “inconvenient truths” to buttress the above narrative!…

  377. It’s funny how the biggest polluters of all (china, india etc) are exempt from this accord, putting the blame squarely on the “wicked west” as the villains. All you have to do is follow the money. Taxes raised are transferred to the IMF (Zionist jews) who have a long history of ripping people off, financing most if not all wars for the last 4-500 years and who are behind most of the so called “terror” that we see in the world today. These globalist scum and their minions have a de-population and world government agenda that involves ushering in communism by the back door to take away all of our rights and to transfer all of our wealth to themselves. We can see this happening now as the middle classes in the west are shrinking before our eyes. At last people are waking up en mass and are taking the fight up to these pigs. What we need to do is expose this junk science for what it is, arrest a few of the ring leaders (giving them very long jail sentences) and laugh as the rest of these lowlifes slink away into the void, never to be seen nor heard of again. I can’t wait to see the movie, it sounds like a hoot!

  378. I hope he’s right. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests the global warming problem is about to get much worse. But lets get one thing straight: nothing the Left or the Obama administration has done, or proposes doing, is going to even slow down, much less turn back the increases in fossil-carbon emissions from human sources. Obama and the Left are exploiting the problem, and hoping to use it as an excuse to raise more taxes.

    Although few will admit it, the consensus amongst climate scientists is (unofficially) that we are already past the point where any amount of reduction in human-caused fossil-carbon emissions will make any difference. Why? First, the multi-year sea-ice in the Arctic is effectively gone. We still get significant amounts of arctic sea-ice in the winter, but this 1-year ice does not do what, historically, multi-year sea ice did, namely: reflect solar energy back into space, rather than allowing it to be absorbed by the Arctic ocean. That, in turn, causes increases in the snow-melt rate on the Greenland Ice-sheet.

    Why does that matter? Go on YouTube and independently research: “sea level rises miami and southeast Florida” Miami and southeast Florida. Tell the year-round residents of Miami that global warming is a hoax.

    But the real climate change problem we face now has nothing to do with sea-level rises, and everything to do with frozen methane on the sea-bed of the Arctic Ocean (which is starting to thaw), and as well, on land in what is currently considered “perma frost. Once it starts to melt, we’re toast.

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