Satellites show no ‘global warming’ for 18 1/2 years – No N. Pole warming for nearly 14 years – No S. Pole warming for 37 years!


The Pause: November 2015 Update

UAH v6.0 (University of Alabama Huntsville satellite) data for November were released a couple of days ago.  Here are updated graphs for various regions showing the furthest back one can go to show a zero or negative trend (less than +0.01C/ 100 years) in lower tropospheric temperatures.   For the second month of the climb towards the El Nino peak, there is still NO pause in the Northern Hemisphere trend.  However, in some regions the pause has lengthened.  Note: The satellite record commences in December 1978.  The entire satellite record is now 37 years long- 444 months.


nov globe

There has been zero trend for exactly half the record, (and for an increase in CO2 concentration of 37 ppm).

Northern Hemisphere:  No Pause

Southern Hemisphere:

nov SH

The Pause has lengthened again.  For more than half the record the Southern Hemisphere has zero trend.


nov tropics

The pause has shortened significantly.

Tropical Oceans:

nov tropic oceans

Unchanged from last month.

North Polar:

nov N Pol

The Pause has lengthened by two months.

South Polar:

nov S Pol

At -0.11C/ 100 years, the cooling trend is now undeniable.  For the whole of the satellite record, the South Polar region has had a negative trend.  So much for a fingerprint of warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect being greater warming at the Poles!


nov aus

No change.

USA 49 states:

nov usa

One month longer!

The Pause lives!

Related Links:

No global warming at all for 18 years 9 months – a new record in other satellite record (RSS)– The Pause lengthens again – just in time for UN Summit in Paris


38 Responses

  1. Even though CO2 concentration has been steadily rising, the global temperature has not risen in the 21st century. Yet, all of the global warming calculations show rises. Yet, there are great differences among the various calculations. This puts the lie to Obama’s claim that climates’ predictions are ” settled science”.

    1. ❝my neighbor’s aunty is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h.Learn More right Here
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      1. Shhhhh! The scam is working as long as the sheeple don’t know. Keep ’em ignorant and fearful and they can be easily manipulated to surrender even the freedom of thought.

      2. Hmmmm……. Wonder why the ignoramous’s don’t get that?!?!!!?! Oh yeah that’s right, forgot, they don’t know how to think for themselves! Hence the mess we are in now!!

  2. This is a great experiment controlling for CO2. Over the poles, H20 is basically non-existent, leaving the GHG effect to other gasses. CO2 is the main GHG over the poles. I would imagine that the same trend would appear over the deserts as well. What would be interesting is to control for incoming radiation by measuring if the spread between day and night temperatures are narrowing, or staying the same. That would be a CO2 signature. Here is the reality of the situation. Sitting on the ground looking up (subarctic), with a 260°K Earth and 0% H20 and 400 ppm CO2, you get a downward flux of 60.6 W/M^2. If you cut the CO2 in half, it drops to 56 W/M^2. The increase over the last 100 years, from 300 to 400 went from 59 to 60.6 W/M^2. If you add H20 to the mix, (water vapor scale 1) the downward flux shoots from 60.6 to 162.21 W/M^2. Basically even the computer, when used to control for H20 demonstrates that CO2 is basically meaningless.

    1. Your science talk makes me love you. The truth is there are way too many variables to come to any conclusion. You and I know that…why doesn’t anyone else?

      1. Because it is their form of income, the days of researching something that has already been researched to death are over with governments checking bogus research. But scary AGW is the new candy, loved by politicians who find it easy to “buy” votes from dumb sheeple.

    2. But if ya fill a sealed glass tube with undiluted CO2 and shine infra red light on it, the temperature goes up. Venus has a high concentration of CO2 in its’ atmosphere and that planet is extremely hot, therefore if CO2 levels increase on Earth, temperatures will go up. Ignore that pesky inverse square law (Venus 67.2 million miles from sun, Earth 93 million miles) .

      This is what passes for atmospheric science at ipcc.

  3. I don’t know about that woman’s mother’s Aunt but it seems to me that both polar regions should warm the fastest and the most since they are very dry places (no water vapor in the air). Water vapor is a more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2 and where it is absent in the air the CO2 should have the most measurable effect. The fact that there has been no change in temperatures around Antarctica for the entire satellite record completely destroys the Man Made warming claim.

    Also, CO2 is a well mixed gas in the atmosphere and varies no more than about 10 parts per million from continent to continent so any argument that says that Antarctica is in the Southern Hemisphere far away from most industrial populations is without merit!

    1. Also, CO2 is a well mixed gas in the atmosphere and varies no more than about 10 parts per million from continent to continent so any argument that says that Antarctica is in the Southern Hemisphere far away from most industrial populations is without merit!

      Absolutely, CO2 is a constant. The main difference between all regions is the atmospheric H2O. Dry areas will have very very cold nights, wet areas won’t.

  4. I believe the latest arguments against satellite temperature data is it’s inaccuracy. This due to some baseline adjustments that had to be made to previous records that were all within the margin of error after the correction. Warmists now discount satellite data as flawed and only rely on earth based measurements, which are subject to multiple variables making the data far more inaccurate than satellite data.

    Essentially, they, the warmist zealots have disregarded the most advanced method of temperature data collection and have relegated their entire theory to 100+year old methods and technologies. Out with the jet, in with the steam engine… And these people call themselves scientists.

    1. Essentially, they, the warmist zealots have disregarded the most advanced method of temperature data collection and have relegated their entire theory to 100+year old methods and technologies. Out with the jet, in with the steam engine… And these people call themselves scientists.

      That is what I love about this “Science.” NASA relies on 17th century technology for their temperature measurements, and they ignore their own Satellites. That shows how perverse this science is.

      1. NASA and science are at different ends of the scale and have been for the better part of 15 years. All and I do mean all department heads of NASA are leftist, who are dedicated the AGW cause/religion and will stop ant nothing to promulgate this lie. Space exploration, real science or the truth are no longer on the menu. James Hanson and his minions of kool-aid drinkers have ruined this institution and it’s reputation. He may no longer be employee but his philosophy still runs deep at NASA.

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    2. ❝my neighbor’s aunty is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h.Learn More right Here
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      1. At three hours of work per day, a thirty day period would be ninety hours of work. If you have earned 18,512 dollars in a month’s time, you are making more than 200 dollars per hour, not just 98.

        Please be more accurate with your projected potential income. You’re losing credibility.

        At five hours per day, 30 days, it is 150 hours, a full time job, 7 days per week. At 150 hours, it is still in the neighborhood of 125 dollars per hour if you are making 18,512 dollars per month.

        You’re just making stuff up, me thinks.

    3. Satellite records are checked against radiosonde measurements (weather balloon) for accuracy. It is the one class of records that actually have a check and balance system.

      Warmist’s don’t like the satellite data because they don’t fit the agenda. Plain and simple. When the hypothesis, catastrophic climate change caused by anthropogenic CO2 as predicted by climate models, rather than adjust the models as the scientific method requires, they just condemn the measurement system.

      What you realize at the end of the day is that this is not about climate change, this is about power, political agendas and social agendas. Science does not enter into their thinking.

      1. This is just another way to extort the tax payer in this country. Sadly, we live in a society that is still wealthy enough to not feel the pain of taxation. I fear we are at that tipping point and if the leftist find a way to tax Co2 people may be awakened. I highly doubt this will transpire because Americans are narcissistic fools, who live for the moment and care nothing about the future. If AGW was real it still wouldn’t worry the average person any more than the national debt.

    4. ❝my neighbor’s aunty is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h.Learn More right Here
      ➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportOnline/GetPaid/$98hourly… ❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦

    5. The so-called science or rather pseudoscience is bought and paid for by special-interest groups that have more to do with money, politics and a global governance then on the science and if an honest researcher doesn’t told the party line their funding is pulled in their characters maligned, it’s extortion.

      It’s time to get the government grant money out of atmospheric science studies!

  5. 95% of greenhouse gases is water vapor! We need MORE CO2 not less! CO2 is plant food! Then the hoaxers want us to burn corn oil in our petrol so there will be less feed for livestock! This is catastrophic! Not only cap and trade but government forcing STARVATION!

  6. The environmental and global climate movements are desperate attempts to complete the unification of nations under a one-world government – a process that secretly began seventy years ago – before the public realizes what happened.

    Unreported events at Konan, Korea in AUG-SEPT 1945 changed the course of world history and initiated unification of warring nations under the United Nations on 24 OCT 1945:

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