Obama Admin. Targets Fridges and Hairspray Over Climate Hysteria

By Brittany M. Hughes |

Get ready, guys. President Obama and all his “tree-hugger friends” are coming after your refrigerators and air fresheners for being giant, evil climate destroyers. But while the situation may be dire, if we’re extra-super-careful, they tell us, we could stave off the effects of the Maytag Monster and keep our planet from warming a devastating half a degree over the next 84 years.

I wrote that right. A half a degree over 84 years. Estimated.

The problem allegedly lies in our widespread use of hydroflourocarbons, which are commonly used as a coolant in fridges, air conditioners, fire extinguishers and aerosols. But quite ironically, the use of these dreaded HFCs only became common because they replaced other substances (CFCs) that depleted the ozone layer, which were also restricted.

We just can’t win for trying.

President Obama’s Clean Air Act has pushed for a phase-out out HFCs in recent years, particularly in the public sector. To combat these emissions, the Obama administration back in 2013 instructed federal agencies to purchase non-HFC-emitting devices “whenever feasible.”
