‘Linking Hurricane Matthew to Climate Change Is Overblown Hype’

Via: http://dailysignal.com/2016/10/06/hurricane-matthew-is-deadly-serious-but-hurricane-hype-is-overblown/

By David Kreutzer / @dwkreutzer / October 06, 2016 / comments

Hurricane Matthew is big, dangerous, and (if it makes landfall) something not seen in the continental United States for a decade. This, of course, means it will be linked to global warming.

There will be a lot of “scientists say we can expect,” but little actual data. That’s because the data show for the last 10 years we have had an unusual drought of landfalling major hurricanes (Category 3 and higher) on the continental U.S. That’s right, no major hurricanes have made landfall for over a decade. This is the longest such drought on record.

A lot of it is luck. There have been major hurricanes in the Atlantic whose paths have not taken them onshore. However, there has not been the steady increase in hurricane activity that the doom-and-gloomers predicted following a swarm of major hurricanes in 2005. Yes, there is a lot of change from year to year, but there is no worrisome trend.

In fact, taking a tally of the scariest hurricanes (Categories 4 and 5) indicates things were worse nearly a century ago. For the 44 years from 1926 to 1969, 14 of these most powerful storms made landfall, while the 46 years since then had only three.


Obama Admin. Targets Fridges and Hairspray Over Climate Hysteria

By Brittany M. Hughes |

Get ready, guys. President Obama and all his “tree-hugger friends” are coming after your refrigerators and air fresheners for being giant, evil climate destroyers. But while the situation may be dire, if we’re extra-super-careful, they tell us, we could stave off the effects of the Maytag Monster and keep our planet from warming a devastating half a degree over the next 84 years.

I wrote that right. A half a degree over 84 years. Estimated.

The problem allegedly lies in our widespread use of hydroflourocarbons, which are commonly used as a coolant in fridges, air conditioners, fire extinguishers and aerosols. But quite ironically, the use of these dreaded HFCs only became common because they replaced other substances (CFCs) that depleted the ozone layer, which were also restricted.

We just can’t win for trying.

President Obama’s Clean Air Act has pushed for a phase-out out HFCs in recent years, particularly in the public sector. To combat these emissions, the Obama administration back in 2013 instructed federal agencies to purchase non-HFC-emitting devices “whenever feasible.”…

Pew: Most Americans Don’t Believe in ‘Scientific Consensus’ on Climate Change

By Lauretta Brown | October 4, 2016 | 1:34 PM EDT
FILE – In this Tuesday Aug, 16, 2005 file photo an iceberg melts in Kulusuk, Greenland near the arctic circle. (AP Photo/John McConnico, File)

(CNSNews.com) – Nearly three-quarters of Americans don’t trust that there is a large “scientific consensus” amongst climate scientists on human behavior being the cause of climate change, according to an in-depth survey on “the politics of climate” released Tuesday by Pew Research Center.

According to the survey, only 27 percent of Americans agree that “almost all” climate scientists say that human behavior is mostly responsible for climate change, while 35 percent say that “more than half” of climate scientists agree on this. An additional 35 percent of those surveyed say that fewer than half (20%) or almost no (15%) climate scientists believe that human behavior is the main contributing factor in climate change.

Pew contrasted this to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which “stated in the forward to its 2013 report, ‘the science now shows with 95 percent certainty that human activity is the dominant cause of observed warming since the mid-20th century.’”

Climate Depot’s Morano receives threatening email: ‘You and your children should be burned in public’

An insight into the intellectual quality of Warmist believers

Marc Morano received the following barely literate email:

Although it is my belief that you and your children should be burned in public. Not be cause you are ” a skeptic”, I honestly believe that you know the science is true, but because you are to cowardly to engage in a real dialog. Since I already know your a coward, I expect this to be declined. I challenge you to debate me on climate change an average citizen with no connection to anyone. The last time I dealt with a door to door salesman, which is really all you’ll ever be, I sent away with his tale between his legs. If you don’t want to debate then let’s meet man to man and I’ll rip that stupid smile off your face. Again I know your cowardice runs deep, I am sure it runs in your family, so I know you won’t accept.


Full email here: 


Related Links:

Read More Samplings of Climate Depot’s Hate Mail: 

Warmist James Hansen calls UN Paris agreement ‘wishful thinking’ – Offers 4 Reasons Why It ‘Won’t Solve Climate Change’

Many hail the Paris agreement—set to cross the threshold this week to come into effect—as a panacea for global climate change. Yet tragically, this perspective neglects to take into account the scientific reality of our climate system, which tells a much different story.

Our latest research, Young People’s Burden: Requirement of Negative CO2 Emissions, appeared Monday as a “Discussion” paper in Earth System Dynamics Discussion, and outlines how—if national governments neglect to take aggressive climate action today—today’s young people will inherit a climate system so altered it will require prohibitively expensive—and possibly infeasible—extraction of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Four key takeaways include:

1. The Paris Climate Accord is a precatory agreement, wishful thinking that mainly reaffirms, 23 years later, the 1992 Rio Framework Convention on Climate Change. The developing world need for abundant, affordable, reliable energy is largely ignored, even though it is a basic requirement to eliminate global poverty and war. Instead the developed world pretends to offer reparations, a vaporous $100B/year, while allowing climate impacts to grow.

2. As long as fossil fuels are allowed to be held up as the cheapest reliable energy, they will continue to be the world’s largest energy source and the likelihood of disastrous consequences for young people will grow to near certainty.

3. Technically, it is still possible to solve the climate problem, but there are two essential requirements: (1) a simple across-the-board rising carbon fee collected from fossil fuel companies at the source, and (2) government support for RD&D (research, development and demonstration) of clean energy technologies, including advanced generation, safe nuclear power.

4. Courts are crucial to solution of the climate problem. The climate “problem” was and is an opportunity for transformation to a clean energy future. However, the heavy hand of the fossil fuel industry works mostly in legal ways such as the “I’m an Energy Voter” campaign in the U.S. Failure of executive and legislative branches to deal with climate change makes it essential for courts, less subject to pressure and bribery from special financial interests, to step in and protect young people, as they did minorities in the case of civil rights.…

Trump is a ‘threat to the planet’, claims Michael Mann – ‘The future of this planet could quite literally lie in the balance’

Trump is a ‘threat to the planet’, says world-leading climate change scientist
‘We are facing a make-or-break election as far as climate change is concerned,’ says Professor Michael Mann, who produced the famous ‘hockey stick’ global temperature graph
Ian Johnston Environment Correspondent Wednesday 5 October 2016

In an article on the EcoWatch website headlined, Yes, Donald Trump is a threat to the planet, Professor Mann, of Pennsylvania State University, wrote: “In just a matter of weeks, we will be confronted with a critical decision.

“It is not mere hyperbole to assert that we are facing a make-or-break election as far as climate change is concerned.

“In the current presidential contest, we could not have a more stark choice before us, between a candidate who rejects the overwhelming evidence that climate change is happening and a candidate who embraces the role of a price on carbon and incentives for renewable energy.

“If you care about the planet, the choice would seem clear. If the appropriate catch-phrase for the 1992 election was ‘It’s The Economy Stupid!’ then this time around it ought to be ‘It’s the planet stupid!’”

He said the US had to choose whether to continue Barack Obama’s “successes” on climate change or “retreat back into the energy-equivalent of the stone age, continuing to degrade our planet through the profligate burning of increasingly dangerous fossil carbon even as the rest of the world moves forward, embracing the renewable energy revolution destined to be the hallmark of the 21st century”.…

Obama: UN Climate Agreement is the ‘best possible shot to save the one planet we’ve got’



President Obama proclaimed the Paris climate change agreement to be the “best possible shot to save the one planet we’ve got” during a statement Wednesday at the White House.

Obama’s remarks came after 55 countries producing at least 55 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions joined the deal–the necessary threshold for ratification. The agreement will go into effect next month. The European Union pushed it over the top this week, joining the U.S., China, and other world leaders. The goal of the agreement is for nations to monitor both their own and other countries’ emissions in the hopes of preventing the global temperature from rising two degrees Celsius by 2100.

“The Paris agreement alone will not solve the climate crisis,” Obama said. “Even if we meet every target embodied in the agreement, we’ll only get to part of where we need to go. But make no mistake, this agreement will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change. It will help other nations ratchet down their dangerous carbon emissions over times and set bolder targets as technology advances, all under a strong system of transparency that allows each nation to evaluate the progress of all other nations.”