Morano at UN Climate Summit in Morocco Day 1: Clexit, Trump & A ‘Feminist Fossil Free Future’ promoted

Marrakech, Morocco –

Climate Depot has arrived at UN climate summit in Morroco to spread Trump message of Clexit .

The UN seems to have high opinion of its abilities. Actual headline at Climate summit in Morroco: ‘World Meets in Marrakesh To Save Earth’

UN climate summit: When you meet in Morocco to talk about going carbon free– make sure you have plenty of A/C units running at max capacity

Economic message at UN climate summit in Morroco: ‘No jobs on a dead planet’ – – So empower the UN to centrally plan the world!

Say what?! A ‘Feminist Fossil Free Future’ promoted at UN climate summit in Morroco

UN hopeful the ‘Green Climate Fund’ will survive Trump

Handing out ‘Climate Hustle’ Dvds to UN delegates at Climate summit in Morroco. This gentleman is from Gambia.

Morano handing out copies of Climate Hustle to UN delegates in Morocco. This woman is from Chad.


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