In wake of Typhoon Haiyan, Actor George Clooney declares global warming skeptics to be ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’ – Watch Video

Actor George Clooney declared the arguments of global warming skeptics to be “stupid” and “ridiculous.” Clooney made the remarks to reporters on the eve of Typhoon Haiyan hitting the Philippines. He was attending the BAFTA Britannia Awards in Beverly Hills on Saturday night November 9.

“Well it’s just a stupid argument,” Clooney said on the red carpet, referring to the dissenters of man-made global warming.

“If you have 99 percent of doctors who tell you ‘you are sick’ and 1 percent that says ‘you’re fine,’ you probably want to hang out with, check it up for the 99. You know what I mean? The idea that we ignore that we are in some way involved in climate change is ridiculous. What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”

“I find this to be the most ridiculous argument ever,” Clooney explained.

Clooney added that he was unsure whether global warming was responsible for the Typhoon that devastated the Philippines.

A Climate Depot special report has found scientists have rejected any link to man-made global warming. See: Media/Climate Activists ‘Hype False Claims’ About Typhoon Haiyan As Scientists Reject Climate Link – Claim of ‘strongest storm ever’ refuted

Clooney’s claim of “99 percent” of scientists agreeing about man-made global warming has been challenged in peer-reviewed studies and other analyses. See: Contrary to reports, global warming studies don’t show 97% of scientists fear global warming: ‘The 97% figure represented just 75 individuals’ – – Another study’s ‘results add up to little more than ‘carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas’ and ‘mankind affects the climate.’

Related Links: 

Analysis: 97% of warmists cite a 97% that’s false

Contrary to reports, global warming studies don’t show 97% of scientists fear global warming: ‘The 97% figure represented just 75 individuals’ – – Another study’s ‘results add up to little more than ‘carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas’ and ‘mankind affects the climate.’

SPECIAL REPORT: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – Challenge UN IPCC & Gore

CONSENSUS? WHAT 97% CONSENSUS? — ‘The consensus revealed by the paper by Cook et al. is so broad that it incorporates the views of most prominent climate skeptics’

Storm expert Brian McNoldy of U. of Miami: ‘We don’t get to pick and choose which storms are enhanced by a warmer climate and which ones aren’t’

Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.:  ‘Philippine Met Service predicted max 18 ft surge from Typhoon Haiyan. So Anderson Cooper’s [show] of CNN ‘off by 22-32 ft’ 

Philippine Met Service: ‘Some of the reports of wind speeds were exaggerated’

Real Science website: Media incorrect to claim The Most ‘Powerful Hurricane Ever’ — Haiyan Was Only A Category 4 at Landfall — ‘Weather officials said Haiyan had sustained winds of 147 mph…By those measurements, Haiyan would be comparable to a strong Category 4 hurricane in the U.S., nearly in the top category, a 5.’

Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue: ‘Over past 1,000 years, Philippines have been hit by 10-20 thousand tropical cyclones. Don’t be so arrogant to believe man caused Haiyan.’ 

Maue: ‘Amazing how bad media/news information is on Haiyan: ‘strongest storm ever recorded’ — No independent fact checking. Just rely on a blog’



2,729 Responses

        1. Let’s take a look at Clooney’s hero, and the democrat achievements (short list):

          Fast & Furious
          SEAL Team 6
          Obamacare would save the avg family $2500 per year
          Forcing businesses and healthcare institutions to violate their religious beliefs
          Violating the rights and sanctity of our Churches
          Obamacare web site-cronyism, bribery, and fraud
          NSA acting as Obama Gestapo
          17 Trillion in debt and climbing (nearly $60,000) per person
          Lies about Benghazi
          Voter fraud
          Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during the sequester
          Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during govt shutdown
          Blocking veterans from a national memorial while allowing illegals access
          Shutting down ‘The Peoples House’ tours
          We can keep our insurance if we like it
          We can keep our doctors if we like them
          Military not getting their votes counted
          Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood with arms and money
          DOJ spying on the free press
          Not securing our borders
          Spying on Americans on American soil with drones
          Picking winners and losers in interstate commerce
          Illegally using IRS to target conservatives for punishment based on politics
          Illegally using IRS to target the Tea Party for punishment based on politics
          Millions losing health care coverage due to obamacare requirements
          Increasing welfare rolls
          Increasing disability rolls for able bodied
          Countless extravagant party’s at the height of nationwide recession
          Countless exorbitant vacations at the height of nationwide recession
          Releasing illegal’s from prison
          Unconstitutional recess appointment
          NO budget for 5 years
          Clapper lying to congress
          Holder lying to congress
          Failing to prosecute the New Black Panther
          Reading our e-mail
          War on women
          Promoting race war
          War between makers and takers
          A123 Systems
          Cash for clunkers failure

            1. Not exactly; the word conservative means to conserve the status quotient or to want things to remain the same in the traditional manner. Since in the US, the tradition is freedom from government tyranny, true conservatives ARE liberal.

              1. All true, but I was going with “Left/Right”.

                Most of today’s conservatives wish to keep a moderately left tradition with personal liberties, while today’s “Liberals” are pushing for a tyrannical government. Highly centralized, much like a strong king or emperor, or a country ruled by a bureaucracy, like Imperial China. I count that as being, in reality, an extreme right wing goal.

                #### chain kissers.

        1. Thanx, Al – I also try yo make this point as often as possible. I think most real Americans are in denial – they can’t bring themselves to face this reality because it’s too dissonant for them.

      1. Actually the entertainment tax is a great idea. When you consider the executive jets, limos, motor yachts, and on and on. It is time the entertainment industry step and pay for their enormous, “Carbon Foot Print ” I first thought $100 was a little excessive, but the more I think about it $100 is a little on the cheap side.

        1. These celebrities maybe 95% support the demonrats that espouse high taxes as a solution for everything. Lets start out at $1000 per DVD/ movie ticket. Next year we can raise it to $1,000,000 per DVD/movie ticket, music CD, Broadway musical show, Professional sports ticket and use all the “Trillions (libbitard math) to pay for universal healthcare. Oprah and bunch can sleep each night knowing they are directly responsible for caring for America’s health. Plus with the added income from all these trillions generated, we should be able to get them to promote it saying they can keep 10% of every sale for themselves……Write your congressman to get this passed in Congress. I know what I say sounds crazy but watch these low IQ celebrities start clamming up when it might impact their business…….We can scream, “what do you not now care about the poor?”

  1. The earth is 25 Billion years old. compare that to a year and man has been on it 3 minutes. I don’t think we make one dimes worth of difference in that short span.

    1. Actually the earth is 4.2 billion years old and the universe – since the big bang – is about 13.7 billion years old. However, you are right on the mark saying human history is a very small piece of the 4.2 billion years.

          1. Gee, Chad, when I was going to high school back in the 70s scientists were swearing on a stack of the Wiccan Bible that Earth was no more 4.5 billion years old. And in the early 1900s scientists were again quite authoritative in asserting Earth was about 2.5 billion years old. The bunk about science being “self-correcting” is so much bunk. Scientists today have no more clue about the true age of the Earth or the Cosmos itself than the ancient Egyptians … give or take a couple of billion years. BTW, true science isn’t about “consensus” it’s about actually applying the scientific method and not in the half-ass way most “scientists” do today.

            1. Since the universe is expanding at a known rate it is not to difficult to determine it’s age. Only a couple of very reasonable assumptions need be made. But if those assumptions (big bang, speed of light) are ever proven false then it’s a new ball game.

            2. Agreed. I really started laughing after the second comment. How do you know it’s 13.7 billion years old? I don’t really care because I don’t think anyone knows. But we do know the earth is old, and Mr. Clooney is a moron for thinking that we can have such a huge impact on its climate.

            1. That’s in politics, law, & everyday discourse. In science, consensus is a widely agreed upon OBSERVATION or cause and effect PRINCIPLE. Consensus is the foundation of science. That’s it’s strength – unreproducible claims are rejected. That’s why there is NO scientific consensus on either GW or AGW – that so-called ‘consensus’ is NOT among scientists – it’s a marxist LIE!

              1. I have no idea what you are trying to say. The word’s definition is it’s definition. You don’t need a consensus to validate C&E or evidence. Neither of which, btw, exists for GW. And, capitalizing words will not make a weak argument strong.

    1. I think you are correct. Furthermore, I think more carbon comes out of Clooney’s mouth than comes out of my biden. He should feel compelled to “do his part” and make the ultimate sacrifice so as to end his carbon emissions. For me, I would consider this impossible. The consumption of beer and Cheetos will continue as I can’t afford better due to the confiscation of my income for obominationcare.

  2. I have to wonder if Mr. Clooney can do sixth grade math, no matter what level of accomplishment attained by this brilliant scholar?

    I never saw his like in a college physics class, let alone a high school earth science class, yet I’m sure he is quite brilliant and stupid little me must be compelled to do as he says.

    1. I was in the 6th grade with him at St. Sussana school in Mason, OH, and the answer to your question is , no he couldn’t do sixth grade math. ( he was not a very good student )

    1. In that case they are called “beards”; proof of manliness and all. Hey, maybe Clooney is Obamas beard… Naw, something doesnt add up in that case

  3. and he is qualified to say this why? what’s his background in science and weather? This guy thinks some black in DC is a god to him and his white friends. can you say useful idiot.

  4. Well, I declare Clooney is a bad actor with greasy hair.

    This is all part of the church of GW agenda. Sensationalise any and all bad weather stories by trying to link them to global warming, then get some celebrity or politician to spot is as truth. The typhoon that just hit the PI was a powerful storm but it was not the worlds largest or the worlds most powerful, it was a catagory 4, it just hit a very poor area with real bad infrastructure. Doesnt take much to blow away a shack.

  5. And, what exactly are Mr. Clooney’s qualifications to weigh in on this subject and to insult those who dispute either the concept of global warming generally, or that global warming is not caused by man? A high school diploma? What we have here is yet another actor with a huge ego, and who thinks merely because he is rich and famous, that he is also qualified and has the gravitas to weigh in on scientific matters–which is classic behavior for limousine Hollywood liberals to engage in. He is no different than Danny Glover, Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, Michael Moore, and all the other idiots who live in the reality free zone of Hollywood and think they are experts on political science, economics, metereology and climatology, finance and business, etc. Fools all.

          1. Hollywood has taken over the media and part of your government. Pelosi is JANE F#CKING FONDA. . Patriots your day has finally arrived. They are now bread for you. Eat them alive.

            1. Aren’t all these global warming, er, coming ice age, er, climate change, er, carbon tax for everybody but the royal families zealots the same person anyway?

              1. Joshua Christ is looney ? Watch out cowboy. You are lucky He is slow to anger and full of mercy. Why don’t you just join the winning side. We will let you keep some of your loot so you wont be a burden in your old age.

        1. Only could be considered remotely as fact if you ignore the long, documented history of the Gore family.
          Seriously, get a life. This whole “a few run the world” is tiresome and idiotic.

            1. The federal register for starters. You do know his daddy had a long political career?
              What’s a fraud are people such as you who think everything is some kind of f**king conspiracy.

                1. Robert, you’re clearly unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy. I looked at your website. Your problem is that you think that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy.

                  Keep in mind, that occasionally, there are some REAL conspiracies. but not everything is.

                2. Right! Not nearly as real as…let’s see…Al Gore Jr is really Bruce Willis in a fat suit. LOL Or that Morgan Freeman is really Jimi Hendrix.
                  Do you even listen to yourself?

      1. I was* a big Clooney fan until… That ended abruptly. Haven’t kept up with Clooney, haven’t seen a Clooney movie etc. since. Clooney turns out to be a moron.

          1. He’s an actor who by luck and fortune is given an opportunity to preach from his Hollywood pulpit. What makes Geo Clooney smarter than the rest of us? Well Geo took it upon himself to anoint himself.

          2. For me, it’s when Clooney and most of his colleagues try to rely on their own words, rather than the ones someone’s put down on paper for them to read.

          1. What makes you think that “he knows it” and sets him apart from the majority of these uneducated overrated star power hungry Hollywood people with nothing to show for? They are all cut from the same piece of leather

              1. You know Mr. Govan, I could care less and wish people (the low information voters) would pay more attention to more important matters regarding the well being of our country and the same rule applies to these professional sport “actors” athletes.

                1. However, ongelofelijk, this administration has given up on the important matters, and Zero is now attempting to pave his legacy with Executive Orders aimed at controlling our economy through global change regulations with the EPA. Looney Clooney is just one of his mouthpieces.

            1. One consolation, all the movies in 10 years (or less), will be cgi, no more overpaid, over opinionated actors to put up with. Clooney, you better save your money.

        1. George Clooney needs to start studying the planets in our Solar System that are ALL brightening , having additional storms, or as in Pluto’s case expanding it’s ATMOSPHERE. It is all cyclical since our Solar System is twirling about our galaxy & entering a galactic cloud.

        2. And a closet gay, anti-war, anti-violence freak who makes all his money acting in violent war and action movies.

          Hey, Georgie. Hear the one about the “humming homo”, hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

        3. Clooney is the poster child of the Hollywood mentality– Demonstrate how much of a liberal you are and you will get work. Oppose liberal mentality and remain unemployed. And the Liberals claim to condemn the McCarthy Witch Hunts, they do not hesitate to practice it.

        1. I make a point of never paying to see any movie. Somehow I always get to see them for free…

          Sinful. I know. Me a capitalist and a Christian. But, hey, I ain’t perfect.

          1. You only had a year to run your ridiculous ‘feds made sarahpalindoitclickhereforproof’ so now your on to ridiculous experiment # 2? Take your meds.

          2. If only The Won would have the Richard Pryor experience and get “all fired up”.

            But there is no way Pelosi could be Fonda. Didn’t you ever watch Jane’s best movie, “Barbarella“?

          1. Perhaps he will join Al in Al’s heated indoor pool in Tennesee where they can both scratch their heads on why global temperatures haven’t risen in the last 16 years despite their predictions of Armageddon.

            1. You’re exactly right. You notice they all say climate change now instead of global warming. They have such convenient rules for their religion

                    1. Aren’t you supposed to be trolling on the Aryan Brotherhood website? Hitler started the program of gassing retarded German Aryans as early as 1938. Lucky for you that your parents had already fled.

                    2. JeffersonIII – You should be giving tongue to your hero Lord Obama when he bends over and drops em for you. You are a worthless, POS, Black Panther, Flash Mobbing, Knock-out playing Racist.

                  1. Jane Fonda should have been tried for treason and shot dead! She turned over the personal notes to the NVA commander right in front of them. They were subject to savage beatings for weeks. She has never apologized.

                    1. What the hell does that have to do with the arguments regarding climate change? Next you will be ranting about Obama and Jews?

                    2. There is no argument, the left will not engage the debate. Neither Al Gore nor any of these Marxist cultists will engage in either policy or scientific debate except among their own coreligionists.

                      The one time they tried they got their asses handed to them and haven’t had the nerve to try again. They run “moderated” (censored) web sites to promote their religion and dissent is not tolerated.

                    3. Stay with us Jefferson clingon. We were talking about celebrities who should keep their mouths shut.

                    4. So the First Amendment to the Constitution that guarantees Free Speech only applies to you and your Tea Bagger Yahoo buddies. Seems like a peculiar reading of the Constitution.

                    5. Turning over your fellow countrymen to the enemy IS treason you dolt! This is why people are starting to realize how stupid you leftists really are LMAO. With friends like you and Jane who needs enemies?

                    6. We were talking about the right of celebrities to voice their opinions on Global Warming. What Fonda did was idiotic, however NIxon’s Dept of Justice, under the aegis of the ruthless Attorney General Mitchell, never attempted to bring charges of treason against Fonda. As for your promiscuous use of the term “leftist,” that simply demonstrates how intellectually lazy you really are.

                    7. Jane?

                      Your bringing up a person from the 1960’s?

                      Are you really that insane?

                      Treason is doing all you can to defeat the president before he steps into office! Doing all you can to make the country fail so Obama doesnt look good.

                      Treason is hijacking the country and making a pledge to GROVER NORDQUIST!

                      Why havent you treasonist teabaggers been shot yet?

                    8. Honey, pie… the only people “tea-bagging” are all on the Left. If you don’t know what tea-bagging is, ask your male hair dresser or interior decorator. Get ’em together, and they might even show you.

                    9. There is, in fact, climate change. It has to do with the sun and it’s been going on for a very long time. Only a Democrat would be so arrogant to think that man could influence the forces of the universe.

                    10. Actually, that never happened. Fonda is a leftist useful idiot, and a POS for visiting North vietnam during the war. But, still, the note thing didn’t happen. Look it up.

                    11. I agree. Fonda was stupid, but her goal was to try and end the killing, not become part of the “People’s Republic”. Just a dumb kid that believed her own BS because the people in Hollywood and Malibu she was hanging with were idiots too who all agreed with each other and never had their opinions challenged. Much like George here.


                      KIND OF HARD TO EXPLAIN THAT ONE .

                    13. She was a 20 year old kid. Do you really think she decided what she was going to be photgraphed upon? That really was not that hard to expalin. Jane Fonda worries me about as much as a spit in the ocean. You want someone to blame for getting Americans killed in the war? Try Henry Kissinger. See “The Trials of Henry Kissinger” on Netflix. I am a conservative by the way, but when we attack an idiot rich kid from Hollywood, rather than go after the real reason the war lasted as long as it did, we appear to look like the liberals or progressives, rulled entirly by our emotions with little regard for facts or eventual outcomes. Jane Fonda is a target of the right wingers only because the main stream media has created her to do just that. The main stream media loves for those on the right lose their freaking minds. Oh, by the way, your “Caps Lock” is on.


                      BY THE WAY , SHE WAS 34 WHEN SHE WENT TO HANOI , NOT 20 .

                1. It’s one of the Left’s oldest and most effective tricks. When trying to shove something down the throats of the sheeple and it’s not working, simply change it’s name.

                  1. You are so right! It is not Global Warming any more but Climate Change!
                    Climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Go Big Fat Al and make more money!

                    1. Frank Shea: “…Go Big Fat Al…”

                      In Bush v Gore 2000 POTUS campaign, Gore, wearing a tight short sleeve shirt, galloped clumsily through a narrow gauntlet with both his soft arms out slapping hands with supporters and his flabby mammaries bouncing away. That clip ran for a couple of news cycles, and now, unfortunately, in my mind, whenever I see his name.

                    2. It appears you were focused on Al’s “Man Tits.” What does that say about you? You would be expelled from a YMCA locker room.

                    3. That could be a fair accusation if it were a habit of mine, but frankly I’d never noticed the phenomenon before. I thought at the time that it was so gross and unflattering that it showed Gore was fat and stupid. Probably that video clip cost him the whole fkn election, aye, God, Florida and the Supreme Court notwithstanding.

                      IT WAS PART OF HIS CAMPAIGN PR .

                      NO , I DIDN’T BUY A COPY .

                  2. Levy, it’s worst than that: Herr Obama is getting ready to bypass the senate, the congress, and the people, and get all he wants (money from the middle class, enough to break it) by a series of Executive Orders. This tyrant will not be satisfied until he turns America into a third-world country. The man hates America in general, and white middle-class Americans in particular.

                2. The old semantics game the liberals love playing . . . change the meaning of words, or spread their meaning (like racism, which now means bigotry and prejudice as well as actual racism, which is rare, except in the ghetto). And of course “diversity” usually means more black people. Government sponsored racial discrimination is called affirmative action. Or try base-line budgeting, or “earned” income tax credit. And the bills they propose — like “affordable health care” — usually produce results that are 180 degrees opposite of what the name implies. In other words, when a liberal’s mouth is moving, they’re lying.

                3. SURE .

                  WHO CAN BE AGAINST PROGRESS ?

                  THOUGHT FOR SOME PEOPLE .




                    1. Al Gore bought a MANSION next to the Ocean. SO, he is not placing money on his prediction of oceans RISING.

                1. That could happen but it might take a billion years so the next few generations are safe . LOL I think the light will go out soon but the warmth will be here always and the light will return .

              1. It started as Anthropogenic Global warming or AGW was changed to Global Warming then Climate Change and will most likely transform into Ocean Acidification as support continues to fall. They have to keep that grant money coming somehow. A lot of jobs at major universities depend on it.

                Why the name change? By calling AGW anything but what it is they hoped to steal credibility the hypothesis lacks. Global Warming and Cooling occur. Climate changes like the weather but AGW as more than a trivial factor in climate lacks hard evidence to support its importance.

                What you should get based on some fairly hard numbers is about 2 degrees C warmer if you double the amount of CO2 or 2 degrees C cooler if you cut it in half. We are nowhere near doing either.

                  1. Yes but in the 70’s they told us we were going to have another Ice age and be out of food when China hit a billion souls. History keeps repeating, but the schools have dumbed everyone down to the point that nobody or at least very few people question what they are told anymore.

                  OR IF IT IS THE OTHER WAY AROUND .


                  THAT IT IS EVEN HARMFUL !






                  AL GORE IS NOT ONLY A CON ARTIST ,

              2. In 1975 Dannion Brinkley did predict there was going to be a “climate RELIGION”. He did not know what else to call it…since there was no new terms stated then… like “climate change. So, you are right… cause with all the up & down temps in the past: it is hard to acknowledge without “faith”. Faith is knowing. This Earth is too complicated for any one man, or consensus to ‘PREDICT’. UNLESS you have been born again thru a NDE like Dannion.

            2. Clooney and Hollywood pigressives are heavily invested in AGW carbon credit racket. Similar to obamacare tryin to fool the young and healthy to overpay wildly for worthless health policies, carbon exchange needs new suckers to pay off old suckers.

              Carbon credit investors are leanin on Obama/Reid/Pelosi to force carbon fines into EPA rules (EPA acts without congress) which will in turn force carbon emitters to buy carbon credits, making exchange investors wealthy.

              Please let feds set up the software to run that system.

                1. So is T. Boone Pickens. He and man, bear pig Gore are big supporters of wind turbines which happen to be killing off bats (mosquito eaters) and bald eagles in droves. The wind turbines are negatively affecting human health, constant noisemakers, catch on fire often and don’t generate anywhere near the electricity to justify their existence or expense. They also ugly up entire countrysides. Even George Carlin, who was a liberal, said the arrogance of man thinking he can control the climate of the earth was laughable.

              1. You are absolutely right about the Carbon Credits racket. Al Gore and his family have made Billions by manipulating the energy market through government legislation, just look up the Teapot Dome Scandal. People need to wake up to what is really going on. The social programs and the government promises to improve your lives is nothing short of a mask to fleece you of your hard earned money and put that money into the pockets of themselves and other party loyalist. The formula is simple, create a crisis, scare the public, pass legislation that will take wealth from the workers. Remember, the power of the government comes from the Enforcement units. Once a law is passed it is enforced by people with guns and if you attach the law to the IRS your wealth can be confiscated with out due process of law.

              1. “…I don’t watch Clooney films, not for free, not on TV and not in
                theaters. My friends know not to ask me to see his films under any
                circumstances. A position I quickly came to back in 2003 when
                Hollywood’s supposed “king of cool” took a vicious and idiotic swipe at
                screen legend Charlton Heston who had just publicly announced that he had been diagnosed with symptoms consistent with Alzheimer’s Disease.

                Clooney tastelessly joked, “Charlton Heston announced ‘again’ today
                that he is suffering from Alzheimer’s.” The needlessly cruel quip was
                delivered at a National Board of Review film awards ceremony honoring
                the loudmouthed actor. When called on about the stupid comment, Clooney
                dismissed any opportunity to apologize. “I don’t care. Charlton Heston
                is the head of the National Rifle Association. He deserves whatever anyone says about him.”

                Heston reacted with his customary intelligent wit and wisdom
                referring admiringly to Clooney’s late aunt, well-known singer Rosemary

                “It just goes to show that sometimes class does skip a generation.”

                Later, Heston added:

                “I don’t know the man — never met him, never even spoken
                to him, but I feel sorry for George Clooney — one day he may get
                Alzheimer’s disease. I served my country in World War II. I survived
                that — I guess I can survive some bad words from this fellow”…” (breitbart)

                1. I seem to recall he made some comment about President Reagan that was just as offensive and stupid.
                  What a classless twit he is. He’s been off my movie “radar” for a long time and I will continue to NOT support him – he’s not that great of an actor anyway.

                  1. Most “actors” are totally talentless anyway, they just “have the look”. Liberalism is extremely shallow, in addition to being a total joke and a mental disorder.

                    1. What don’t you like. How could you not like to see the elite go through the wood chipper ?

                    2. Let us stay on topic. Lets talk about Al Gore. He is aka the actor Bruce Willis in a fat suit and latex. His southern accent is fake and Bruce can’t pull it off unless he speaks very very very very very slowly. Its the same tone as Bruce even though they can change it a 1/2 octave or more in post production. When I heard that Bruce was taking time off from movie making I knew we were about to see more of Al Gore and I was right.

                    3. Robert – I don’t know if you’re site is a joke or not. There are actual whackadoodles out there with conspiracy sites like this. I have no desire to kindle the fires of far-out freakazoid allegations. So as far a staying-on-topic; do you actually believe the stuff on that site – or is it just a joke. I’d like to know whether or not to take you seriously. Right now the scale is tipped way over against you. You jump in on any Discus discussion that has traffic. I think it’s an effort to get traffic to your crazy site.

                    4. It’s only crazy for innocent sheep that believe what the elite media and families tell them. They are conditioned since birth and over generations to believe them. You live in a mass media mind control matrix. Nothing they tell you is real. The matrix is a Hollywood illusion dream and fantasy. But that is about to change. The Great Apocalypse (UNVEILING) is now on. Nothing can stop it. If you take the red pill ( ) you will get the world by THE B@LLS just like them. Your pal Neo.

                    5. Dude you’re all over the place. Which is it? The apocalypse (whose version?) – The Hollywood Elite (you mean people who make movies and television, right?) – The Matrix (you don’t really believe that, do you?) – What can’t be stopped? Is it the Bilingbergs or illuminaty or the Bush family? Oh – they’re all the same – yes – wrap every nutjob conspiracy you can think of and make a website. Get a Google Adsense account and watch the money come rolling in… You are a Whackadoodle.
                      More like a Snake Oil Salesman perhaps.

                    6. I’ve seen him on other sites with the exact same post, which in never directly responsive to the topic at hand.

                    7. Cahal

                      This line about Liberalism being a Mental disorder is laughable.

                      You and your drudge followers are the ones that repeat lines like that “LIKE PARROTS”!

                      That line and your anti-actor/hollywood rants are DRILLED into your easily manipulated minds and you go on messageboards in droves like this and PARROT what you have been told over and over.

                      If you are stupid enough to think spilling oil in oceans, burning coal and fossil fuels has NO effect on the world, your brain has become 100% washed and you should just do the world a favor, take the guns you nuts love, shove them up your anuses and blow your brains out because your head is so far up your colon that its 100% filled with crapola!

                    8. Listen here cunt. You and your lib buddies time is running out. Your leader Barry the sodomite has finally fucked it up bad enough to where your fellow limbs are defecating in their red diapers and we the far right will take over and make things right. Please take Barry and Reggie and all of the other moon crickets and fucking leave the US. GOODFUCKINGBYE!!!!

                    9. Libby, he is parroting Michael Savage, not Drudge. The fact that you see those two as the same tells us you have moved so far left, you fell off the California coast into the Pacific.

                      I don’t think anyone wants oil spilled into oceans or believes fossil fuels or coals are good, they just don’t see windmills that kill birds by the thousands or inefficient solar panels as the answer. We also don’t believe the Al Gore shenanigans of carbon credits as he lives in a house with a power bill 30 times the average citizen of Tennessee should be lecturing.

                      As a centrist I look at both sides and agree the tone of conversations is much too harsh, but I also recognize the left has far more vitriol for another opinion and has a tendency to react with suppression when a discussion doesn’t seem to be going their way.

                      I think any reasonable person would wonder why over the past 16 years there has been no measurable change. A very short period of time in terms of planet age, but the blowhard Gore’s prediction told us we would be in dire trouble by now. At this point Gore’s vision might be the closest thing to crapola in the discussion!

                    10. It is not anti environment or anti anything but the liberals take on life and their ideas of running every ones life but their own . There is so much you know but you are wrong 100%. Libby you need to get out more ar at least read current events it might wake you up .

                    11. You can’t even control your emotions there Libby, a sure sign of a mental disorder! And wishing death on skeptics of a theory pretty much makes the point for them! Did you mean to prove that liberalism is a mental disorder?

                    12. No I am saying I don’t give a green turd what George or any celeb says! And I submit that the Dixie Chicks syndrome kicks in as they do such. And I say put your fat butt on the nearest volcano to plug it up cause the crap we put into the air no way compares what nature puts into the air. We have little effect-some but little. And then get on your bicycle ( cause I know you would not have a oil burning car) I will let you borrow my 9mm ( since you don’t have one-fool) take the gun and shoot youself for being uninformed and a Gore lover!

                  2. Clooney would have never made it in Hollywood if he had not been connected in by his aunt. He can not act, he can not sing, he can not dance, he has zero charisma, and zero class. It goes to show that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.


              1. Gore is not stupid. He is making millions heading toward billions off people that are foolish enough to believe him.I believe the correct phrase would be con artist.

                1. Reminds me of the joke, “What’s the difference between a terrorist and a terrorist mastermind?’. Answer: The terrorist blows himself up for his cause. The terrorist mastermind gets the terrorist to blow himself up for his cause.

            3. Al Gore is probably wondering why there isn’t four feet of sea water on the bottom floor of his recently purchased, beach front Santa Barbara home. Oh yeah he bought carbon credits so he’s exempt, I guess.

              1. It is interesting that the Hollywood leftists who own much ocean front real estate haven’t been concerned about the rising oceans. They haven’t sold their properties.
                Just more hypocrisy.

            4. Global Cooling deniers like Clooney have absolutely no cognitive ability to understand basic reality. I’m amazed that knuckle dragging fool can remember his lines.

            5. I went swimming in Big Al’s pool one time. He was eating a Baby Ruth candy bar and dropped it. I put it in a tube sock. Big Al picked it up and knocked Tipper playfully on the head

          2. George Clooney (and his father Nick) may have a closet full of skeletons, its whether one of those skeletons is wearing a white hood that matters.

            I’d be interested to see the contract on the house Clooney grew up in, and if it barred owners from selling to blacks.<br

            1. That clause didn’t count unless the Clooney people put it there. I remember seeing one in the 1970s in California and being told by the Agent to ignore it because it was unenforceable.

          3. They can hold their meeting in a phone phone booth. Oh wait there aren’t any. How about a mens’ room stall? They can have a circle jerk and he can be the pivot man.

            1. Doubtful. After all, Clooney fell for the climate change gobbledygook didn’t he? I’d say that makes him none too smart. Heplays all day long pretending to be someone else. How does that make him smart? NOT

              1. Whether you personally approve of his political views, based upon interviews that I have seen and read, he is fairly well read, curious, is well traveled, has been extensively involved in African relief work in Somalia bringing world wide attention to genocide and famine, has a wide variety of friends and acquaintances from all over the world. What is your background and experience which informs your world view?



        1. It’s up to 11 now. His esthetician, hairdresser, gardener, butler, chauffeur, agent, drug dealer, and a few other fawning toadies have his back!

      2. The same could be said of those that pay to see anything from Hollywood. Hollywood supports & promotes the liberal/leftist agenda (the destruction of America as you know it). If you support Hollywood, you support the liberal/leftist agenda.

        1. Totally agree. If one is so against “green house gasses” and believe in climate control, than stop buying an iphone and why are you buying goods made in China???? (Not you Joe, just people who whine about this yet support the biggest polluters).

      3. I doubt it. He’s not an independent thinker nor literate enough to read. The “unprintable” is just lucky to have money to have a house in bankrupt Italy and bimbos hanging off his arm.

      4. George, stick to acting and leave the complex thinking to those of us better equipped! With all due respect, or lack thereof, George….STFU!!!

    1. Socialists and communists suffer mental retardation in the parts of the brain pertaining to morality (e.g. honesty) and logic, which is why Democrats commit nearly all crime and vote for their politicians to be their proxy armed robbers. Their failure to practice any intellectual hygiene, e.g., by elminating illogical and dishonest thoughts, swells their intellectual colostomy bags, which eventually explode and splatter a shh ity mess all over the rest of us. Global cooling, er warming, er change is merely one of many means to a socialist end. The only “solution” they offer to every “crisis” they fabricate is more wealth redistribution, seizing control of private property either by taxation or by overregulation (the Third Way).

      1. That is the stupidest thing I’ve read in awhile, even following Drudge links for entertainment value. Democrats commit nearly all crime? I have seldom seen a pseudostatistical factoid so freshly yanked from a conservative anti-intellectual colostomy bag. Climate change denial is an old dried out turd that all non-morons recognize as a trophy of Republican stupidity, but you have served up a nice steaming pile of idiocy here!

        1. I hear they’re having a sale on Oxy in your trailer park. Now put down the Xbox and pot and use that food-stamps money so you can have a groovy time again.

        2. The destruction of our planet from Fukushima’s radiation fallout is NOT being told and is a million times worse then CO2 global warming… is slowly poisoning everything.
          Just wait till all that radio active crap starts hitting the California coast where those Hollywood Parasites all live ….

        3. Simpleton David Cohen: As but one example, 96% of blacks vote Democrt and blacks commit the majority of all violent crime according to DOG/FBI statistics. Apparently, the jealous, covetous, immoral, irrational rage in socialists and communists (Democrats) perceiving themselves as victims results in theft by hand and theft by vote. Prof. John Lott has more detailed statistics, but we all know that fact, law and logic are lost on irrational, dishonest people like you.

    2. George Clooney is a idiot and moron. it has been proven already that
      there is no such thing as global warming. wake up Clooney you lie like
      a rug. I wish that he would wake up and get a life. he is a typical liberal

    3. 660 votes to 1. Those are pretty amazing numbers. It would seem that everyone here is unified in the belief that loony Clooney is a moron. That is except for that lone down vote. Clooney, was that you?

    4. He can’t SAY that the typhoon was cause by ‘global warming’, but that won’t stop moron like him from pretending that it did. What else can one expect from a person who makes a living playing make-believe characters that were written by people smarter than him?
      Professional fakers like him are dangerous.

    5. I hope he is happy with his new boyfriend and stops this silly talk! George, who caused the Ice Age?
      You can’t tell me for sure about tomorrow’s weather but you can tell me about it 10 years into the future!
      Enjoy your new boyfriend in Lake Como!

    6. I would tell that overpaid piece of trash to stop flying in aircraft or driving cars if that is the case. He just wants all of us to live in mud huts while the beautiful people live in the clouds.

    7. Note to Clooney: you may think I am stupid and ridiculous, but I’m astute enough to know when I hear your comments, I will boycott your movies so that my $10 for a ticket stays in my wallet, not yours. Have a nice day, you officious jack***.

    8. George hasn’t read about the search for million year air bubbles trapped in ice. The most recent 800,000 years show extreme climate change every 100,000 years on average. The next oldest layers up to around 900,000 years + show the same change about every 10,000 years. I don’t believe man made too much difference back then. If stupidity is a factor we are all in trouble.

  6. Hey idiot Clooney – First – You just went on my blacklist – I will never see any movie that you are the star of. That sucks because I think you are a good & entertaining actor but the remarks you made prove at an intellectual level you are a dolt and brain dead. In other words you are a typical RTIQI Liberal. (ROOM TEMPERATURE IQ IDIOT) All latest scientific evidence (from real unbiased scientists) not only show at man’s current level of Co2 gases that we put into have no effect in ratio to the size of the earth & it’s atmosphere. That does not mean that eventually we might have an effect – but at the way we are growing in technology and new alternative energy sources we (HUMANS) will never cause global warming. OH – by the way – we are going into a GLOBAL COOLING CYCLE!!!!

    Stick to acting and keep your biased unproven opinions to yourself.

  7. Clooney is an idiot! How many hurricanes have we had this year?… OH RIGHT!!! BOTH Hurricane warmists quit last year KNOWING global cooling was weakening the weather systems. Sun ends 11 year high cycle this year. If you were smart, Clooney, you would know that and shut the hell up. Those poor people in the Phillipines are really suffering and you can’t stop being an a$$hole! Send them 11 million in aid (food, water, and your global warming pamphlets so they have something to wipe with!).

  8. That’s a real smart thing to say about people who put money in your pocket. The only one that’s stupid here is you. Go cry on one of your BF shoulders! HA!

  9. In show biz, it’s all about being relevant, and show biz stars crave relevance. Looney Clooney doesn’t know it but he has just marginalized himself.

  10. What is Clooney’s carbon imprint? If he’s not living in a shack with no electricity and no running water while growing his own food he’s a hypocritical libtard. Until then I could care less what he or any other libtard thinks about global warming because they’re all hypocrites. Now, I need to go burn some more fossil fuels in vast amounts. I plan on leaving the biggest carbon imprint I can.

  11. Hey Looney, just stfu before you make an even bigger fool of yourself than you already are! You’re about as knowledgeable on this subject as your dear leader in the WH! Your movies SUCK and I gave up watching them years ago! You’re an actor and not a PhD, so stop making a fool of yourself!

  12. Mr Clooney must have a PHD in Something, how else could he know so much about anything. Oh yeah, He is a sexologist. He studies the sexual habits of dumb, under aged girls who swoon in his presence. He knows “climate change”, like “cold shoulders, hot babes and tepid movie rolls. Lets give him some credit. It must have taken him most of the afternoon to come to these conclusions. I know it strained him quite a bit to figure it all out. So Good for you Mr Clooney, if you hadn’t told us none of us would ever have known. We are so grateful for you wisdumb.

    1. I’m not so sure he’s into girls (or any women) as much as you might think. His dating life appears more for show than romance. All leading men must have beards or they’ll lose their target audience.

  13. We must stop global WARMING!!!
    It is not getting hotter, it is actually getting cooler.
    I meant we must stop global cooling!!

    Look, the U.N. has already stated they want to be funded by a global carbon tax.

    We will not abide, in fact American citizens, not including over paid over privileged unintelligent actors are looking to dismantle the u.N.
    When we take this country back, war is on the first of the agenda. War with the U.N. They must be eradicated as the virus that they are.

  14. “What’s the worst that happens”? Well, for rich elites like his sorry butt, nothing. But for us regular folks out here in “flyover country”, we’ll be paying through the nose for energy to heat and cool our homes, fuel our vehicles, and the prices of food will go through the roof, leaving us destitute just to get the things we need to live in some reasonable fashion. But for him and his pals, they’ll hardly notice the difference. Screw him.

  15. That’s it… Never see any movie with him in it. Instead of offering or asking for help with the recovery of these devastated areas, he goes on a political, self serving rant! What a waste of a megaphone.

  16. I continue to await proof derived through the Scientific Method that Global Warming even exists extant normal cooling and warming cycles of Earth of millions of years. I’m also waiting for one shred of proof, from the Scientific Method, that MAN is responsible for these cycles, and for the Earth unexpectedly heading for warming cycle.

    An actor is hardly the best source of that information.

  17. The fact of the matter is we have 300 year cycles of warming and cooling. We may now be entering a 40 year cold cycle within the 300 year super-cycle. Activity on the sun is the #1 determining factor as to how warm or how cold the planet will be. George H. W. Bush signed the 1990 Clean Air Act. The left cannot so much bitch about air pollution so they shifted the retribution and called it Global Warming. When the data did not support this over a 12 year period they pivoted to the phrase, “Climate Change.” I have news for everyone: The climate will always be changing. Hot, cold, hot cold. These cycles will exist even if we were to get rid of every coal fired power plant and move all cars to electric or even hydrogen. The sun is the major factor, not man. the SUN! Now, when you hear about some ice melting in Iceland please remember that Iceland is literally sitting on many volcano’s. If ice is melting this is not from warm air. This is most likely from sea temperature changing in that very location. What is the cause of the sea temperature changing in that very location? Most likely from heat rising from the ground!!!!! From the volcanic sites that Iceland is sitting on! Anywhere in the world that is experiencing melting ice is most likely doing so because the earth is throwing off heat from deep underground. Do not buy into the nonsense of the left.

  18. George, if you believed it when 99% of liberals told you that the Obamacare windows 95 servers were going to be perfect,,,,,,,,, YOU WERE WRONG. We are laughing at you. Hahahahahaha.

  19. Idiots like Clooney pollute the air I breathe. There has been climate change in every way imaginable, long before the advent of humanity. I guess, according to AlGore (more Brains, Algore!!) and his ilk, modern inhabitants (not him of course! Oh, NO! HIS carbon footprint could NEVER be a contribution!) of the United States are clearly culpable, even if they didn’t cause it.

  20. Let’s talk, I have a Master’s from UVA (finance) and am stupid, and my skepticism is ridiculous? How about giving these actors better scripts so they can’t imagine the next disaster movie?

  21. Hey George, what caused the ice age to end when man didn’t exist? Hmm…in their world they can never be wrong. Doesn’t matter that the earth has been cooling for the past 20 years. We’ll call it climate change instead of global warming so we can continue to push our agenda of wealth redistribution and our work towards a one world government. Too bad we’re on to your masters George.

  22. Typical moron that ignores science. How the heck due you emphatically ‘know” that climate change/ice age/global warming(whatever the political term of the day) is man caused by using a 30 year slice of time on a planet that’s been around hundreds of millions of years? Keep in mind that based on science we know that there were much hotter decades than we are currently in. Must have been caused even though man didn’t exist. It’s clear Clooless has no interest in science which is why he dismisses the fact that most scientists do not believe the NiEA and the UN.

  23. It’s one of those things Hollywood liberals love to chat about at cocktail parties. Clooney, Sean Penn, Matt Damon, all congregate at Oliver Stone’s sprawling mansion, and discuss these things while doing lines with Aaron Sorkin.

  24. Georgey porgie, stay with you day job, count your blessing, most of the general public do not care what you think about global warming. Are you just spouting for more air time or is it just about hearing yourself speak, or maybe you have a new movie coming out, not surprised you would jump on board with the Hollywood elite.

  25. Well, I guess I’ll have to take his word for it. He is after all, a world renowned climate scientist. Has he testified before Congress yet? I also want to know what fellow scientists Gwyneth Paltrow, Alec Baldwin and Julia Roberts think about this serious matter.

  26. Thus spoke one of the Hollywood elite whose extravagant lifestyle stomps on Mother Earth every day with a carbon footprint bigger than the energy consumed in a year by the tax-paying residents of an average American working-class neighborhood.

  27. I realize what we have government for…entertainment, and actors are for deep wise leadership, but what are we people for? Are we just gargoyles to these mindless ass clowns? I mean if Clooney sums up our carbon balance for us when I am absolutely positive he couldnt complete a calculation with an imaginary number, and he is utterly confident that he is relevant to anything other than entertainment, then as a nation we are on a Disney ride.
    The question is “how long this ride go on?”

  28. As an aside, Obama will see this tragedy in the Philippines as an excuse to throw billions and billions of dollars into the wind to “fight” climate change. While those billions of dollars could be used to help create jobs (ahem, PUBLIC SECTOR) and put people back to work. I don’t give a damn about ‘climate change’. Let the Earth burn up. Call it a mercy killing. I’m more concerned about getting a steady, full time, job that can help pay bills and put food on the table.

    1. sadly, there are too many in the Liberal (as in, who’s giving me what?) side that will just keeping that federal cash register singing.
      If you pay nothing for anything, you value nothing for anything.

  29. let’s see…History deniers, birther deniers, global warming deniers…and the list goes on and on. 95% of scientists including NASA has confirmed humans have made a significant damage on earth, air quality, fauna, ecosystem, etc, etc. but if you lunatics have better technology than NASA…prove it LOL

        1. Wait…you have crossed the line! A Christian can’t have a scientific argument? You are clearly a person who does not accept any argument different from his own, and tries to label. Nice try, you hatemonger, the rest of us will stick to truth instead of manufacturing it.

    1. Let’s be accurate. No NASA study has “confirmed” anything, The terms used were well used in scientific papers, indicating that something was within a 90% probability of…what? They decide the parameters! There is a 99% probability that the moon will be here in the morning!

  30. George, stick to acting…. Leave the weather to real climatologists, they are better informed than you are. Oh and, being that you have so much free time to make stupid comments like this, how about taking some acting lessons… just saying!

      1. I think that the last Clooney movie that I went to see was Batman and Robin, need I say more? His bad acting keeps me from seeing his movies, his politics assures that i will not have a change of heart.

  31. The more the “useful idiots” pump global warming the higher Al Gore’s bank account grows.

    What does Looney Clooney say about global warming on Mars?

    1. No,,,,,, George should send you his FedEx number so you could send it to him to be recycled,,,,,,at his expense,,,,,,, you know,,,, to save his planet.

  32. Let’s see..he blamed the Youtube video for Benghazi, used it to lament the first amendment for anyone other than progressives, had NADA to say, Mr. Human Rights guy, when the truth came out that Obama let our guys die while the filmmaker rotted in prison, filmed all year everywhere but the states to avoid the tax implications here while bitching about studio heads laying off people here mostly due to the progressive policies and ideologies he promotes, he vilifies conservative women, especially Palin, while keeping his young enough to be his granddaughter girlfriends in line with some sort of contract to not speak of him in public…EVER, preaches “fair share” in his movies but is affected none by job crushing regs like Obamacare because he has more money than God (although capitalism and America all inherently bad to progressives), and now this, although the IPCC report last fall stated WITH SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that the threat of man made global warming have been blown out of proportion. BUT…he’s an Obamabot. He got $10 million raised for the Messiah in order to get Prop 8 (which the people of California voted against…TWICE) handpicked by his basketball buddy to go before the Supreme Court and get overturned. ANYBODY who thinks this guy is “for the people” is SADLY mistaken. He is for himself and his big money cronies in Hollywood. That’s it. So sad. I used to be SUCH a fan. I only wished I had figured this out long ago and saved myself the money that went into his pocket and the money since that he has voted to ‘fair share’ with everyone else. JERK. MORE people need to understand he’s the ringleader of this anti-American brigade out there in La La land.

  33. We’ll Bozo George do you ever look beyond your nose and read any facts?
    The Arctic Ice Cap is nearing an all time high in Ice.
    Russia had it’s coldest winter in 70 years last Winter.
    China had it’s coldest winter in 50 years last Winter.
    NASA Study April 2013 says, CO2 causes Global Cooling.
    Atlanta recorded record low temperatures in August.
    In August during one week there were 2,300 record low temperatures in Cities in the U.S.A. Vs 270 record high temperatures.
    Cooley you are the Dumb Ass of Asses!!!
    By the way Dumb Ass there was a Cyclone that hit Bangladesh in the 1970s or 1980s that killed around 200,000 people. You idiots were wearied about the coming Ice Age back then and wanted to increase CO2 to warm the Earth.

  34. while we’re at it, Mr. Humanitarian who pays to keep a satellite above the Sudan to keep an eye on droning of innocent civilians by their dictator…do you have one for you basketball buddy? He’s droned a 16 year old on American soil and a grandmother. Let me guess…they just get a “what difference does it make?” Jerk.

  35. Soooooo…everyone who does not agree with George Clooney (an actor), on global warming, abortion, immigration or other controversial subjects is…Stupid. Sounds like he has been talking to the liar in chief again.

  36. This coming from a man who makes a living pretending to be someone else. I’m always amazed that so many of the brain dead hollywood stars, (many who haven’t even finished high school,) seem to feel they are experts in every other field out there. In reality the only thing that most of them are good at is reading a script and playing make believe.

    1. For a split second I think he’s handsome, then I think of his empty skull and my admiration fades. He reminds me of all those dumb blond jokes–cute, but stupid.

  37. George Clooney demonstrates that the American Left has completely forsaken the values of the Enlightenment. The American Left are traitors to Western Civilization.

  38. Oh he’s an actor, well that makes it true after all their soooooo much smarter than us peons. Hey Clooney go back to acting school and STFU ahole.

    1. I recall that other noted scientist, Ted Danson going before Congress and declaring that the earth would only survive another 20 years if we didn’t do something about Global Warming.
      I think that was in 1988

  39. So this jack wad is a weather expert? Hey dopey, plowing broads is different than plowing snow, acting is what our POS president does, and you are clueless. Oh, but you make movies – ooooh, scary. Go away, Geoergie.

  40. Did Clooney bicycle to the event, or fly in a private jet? These Global Warmers are all talk and no action, proving that they don’t believe what they’re saying. It’s not about speaking the truth. It’s about being seen to say “the right things.”

  41. George Clooney believes that global warming is destroying the planet. Yet compared to the average citizen, his carbon footprint is extreme. He is just the ultimate hypocrite.

  42. This college drop out who took classes in journalism, and who plays make believe for a living, is trying to tell me that I’m the stupid one for not believing the propaganda of global warming? Hahahahahahahahahahhahah! When did he get his Phd. in science? I missed it. He makes millions pretending to be someone he’s not, and people want to take him serious. “I’m not a president, I only play one on t.v., so therefor I can run the country”. Sad thing is that there are a lot of people who would follow.

  43. Back in the Elizabethean Era actors were considered low-lives and untrustworthy. Today we give them LOTS of money and apparently they are ARE low-lives and untrustworthy. It seems the audiences of Shakespeare’s time were smarter than we are now.

  44. This is a good place to recommend Battelle Laboratories research on the two million year long ice ages, repeating cycles of warm 30K years and deep freeze 70 K years and the resulting 500 ft. sea level changes that occur as the ice stacks up in frost at the poles and the complete covering of canada and the USSR down to the 49th parallel for 70k yrs in ice depths of 1 to 1.5 thousand feet deep punctuated by repeating periods of 30 years thawing and warming and the following 70K years deep freezing where the Ice forms over the N. in sheets of 1.5 thousand feet ….repeat for two million years, approximately 2 thousand times per ice age…..
    I am not a book salesman but a PNNL researcher has a book called
    “on the trail of the ICE AGE FLOODS”.
    Read the book, lay the global warming stories into the perspective they need to be put in… near irrelevance. Know your planet, know your home, know your stuff. Read, dont be snookered by politicians and their obsession with cash, fame and notoriety, good and bad. Take a breath, relax, dispell and ward of hostile political manipulations… go to sleep at night with a smile….relax.
    Knowledge is a cross to the vampires of idiocy.

  45. “He attended Northern Kentucky University from 1979 to 1981, majoring in Broadcast Journalism, and very briefly attended the University of Cincinnati, but did not graduate from either. He had odd jobs such as selling men’s suits and cutting tobacco.” ~ George Clooney’s Wikipedia page

    Pseudo – intellectual. Hilarious.

  46. I bet Clooney says what he gets paid by communists to say on public. I bet these anti American a%^$#holes actually don’t believe in this but don’t mind a little payment here and there from Soros, PETA, and the SIerra Club or some foreign rich thug that wants to bring down America.

  47. We are having record cooling and many scientist think we are at the beginning of a mini ice age, and many are saying that we haven’t had anymore global warming for 20 years, and the global warming they are talking about is a tiny fraction of one percent, and they think the world is doomed? Even though we know the world has had changes since it’s existence, but this one is all of a sudden the one to doom us? So every tragic event in the world(which has been going on since it’s inception) is now blamed on global warming? But we’re all stupid for not hoping on the liberal band wagon and hiking our taxes to help Al Gores multi million dollar global warming fund, of which Gore gets rich off of. What a dope!

  48. Typical liberal who loves to use hate when ever he has to defend his beliefs when anyone does not agree 100% with everything that spills out of his loud mouth. He is boring & he is making me sleepy during SNF.

  49. The US is facing a real crisis, Rain forest deforestation. This is a threat to the world as well in terms of climate regulation, etc. For the U.S the threat is destroying the ability of MIdwestern states like Kansas to produce crops. You don’t hear about it much because the problem is overpopulation in South America which is resulting in a move inland which is destroying the rain forest. In other words, the problem does not call for a massive redistribution of wealth from the west to the third world and therefore leftists like Clooney have no interest.

      1. We actually do have a Rain Forest–the only one in North America– on the Olympic peninsula in Washington State. But needless to say I was referring to the Rain Forest in South America.

  50. Clooney’s JOB and BIG TIME incomes DEPENDS on this Globalist position or he won’t see another Hollywood script EVER. The richest in Hollywood aren’t satisfied and want MORE material things and they will use Global Warming Fraud to get it.

  51. “Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had. Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.” – Michael Crichton

  52. Thank god he has not reproduced,and his genetic code will terminate with him.He is a biological Cul-de-sac. The world definitely does not need anymore Clooneys.

  53. First the earth was cooling due to humans. Then it was warming. Then they fudged some data to “hide the decline”. Then they weren’t sure so “global warming” became “climate chaos”. It’s no coincidence that the environmental movement got a big boost after communism fell in the east. It’s more about taxes and wealth transfer than it is about protecting our environment. That’s why acolytes of the movement will not think twice about the huge carbon footprint, a thing they believe in, generated by Al Gore, Maaaaat Daaaaamon, and Clooney due to their lifestyles. These people don’t care about stewardship of our environment, they simply are looking for a cudgel with which to control others.

  54. Did George make these comments behind the tall walls around his gated community protected by armed body guards while preparing to leave in his SUV limo heading to the airport to fly in his private jet to fly to Europe to drink expensive wine and the give a global warming speech?

  55. I guess that makes me stupid and ridiculous. Well, guess what. I will never be stupid enough to pay money to see this fraud ever again. Granted, he hasn’t made anything worth seeing in years, but even a blind squirrel will find a nut once in a while. I’ll just spend my money on something else.

  56. Stick to acting George

    1. 1881 Haiphont Typhoon- 300,000 fatalities.

    2. Typhoon Nina Early August 1975- 229,000 fatalities.

    3. The Super Typhoon of 1780- 100,000 fatalities.

    4. Swatow China Typhoon of 1922- 60,000 fatalities.

    5. The China Typhoon of 1912- 50,000 fatalities

    6. The Canton China Typhoon 1862- 40,000 fatalities.

    7. Tongking Typhoon 1881- 20,000 fatalities.

    8. The Great Hong Kong Typhoon September 1937- 11,000 fatalities.

    9. Typhoon Vera September 1959- 5098 Fatalities

    10. Tropical Storm Thelma November 1991- 5081 Fatalities.

  57. Another brilliant actor speaks. Clooney the Looney? Memorizing lines doesn’t make you an authority on climate Clooney boy. Celebs somehow think their opinions are important. It is an illusion pretty boy.

  58. Clooney is a dope who knows nothing about climatology. Not only has the Antarctic ice sheet been thickening, the Arctic ice sheet is now thickening at a record rate. These facts are all over the Internet from reliable sources. Al Gore – so much for your prediction of no ice in the Arctic Circle by 2013. You were WAY off!

  59. Why doesn’t this nitwit shut up about a subject he knows nothing about instead of opening up his mouth and proving what a lame-brain he is. THERE HAS BEEN NO INCREASE IN AVERAGE TEMPERATURE ON THIS EARTH FOR AT LEAST 15 YEARS> SO WHERE THE HELL IS GLOBAL WARMING?

    1. And so what if there was an increase. The sun and the earths rotation and dynamic position has everything to do with the Earths climate. Not to mention the Earths tectonic plates can and often do shift Earths axis ever so slightly literally changing weather patterns and the four seasons run early or late. Oh wait, no I am wrong, it is cow flatulence, my breathing and driving my car that causes volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and solar flares. I despise stupid peons!

  60. Fewer storms ignored…but a storm happens and it’s proof. I need a theory which I say is proved when it rains. Eventually i am right.

    This reminds me why I boycott all looney clooney product.

  61. I’m sure Clooney lives in a very small apartment and commutes to work in a SmartCar and never travels in a luxury jet that pollutes the stratosphere.

  62. Clooney is a half-wit and a puppet for the Hollywood leftist!!
    Is Clooney really relevant in society today?? He relies on the state controlled media to print his anti-American

  63. I’m sorry Looney Clooney, but I will never join your Cult of Global Warming. This is all about liberals trying to control the lives of everyone on the planet through scare tactics. There has been extreme weather throughout Earth’s history. This is merely unhinged hyperbole from the looney left fringe.

  64. The only thing that is stupid is anybody that listens to George Cloney.. He is a camera monkey.. Jump here, say this, now cry, remember your words.. He is a chimp with money.. Nuff said..

  65. Clooney and his crew burn more carbon with their mansions, movies, constant flying than an average person does in a lifetime. Where does this jerk get off mouthing off about climate change? Give up your mansion, flying, cars, swimming pools and every other movie star over indulgence, THEN, only then, you can lecture people on such things, Clooney.

  66. A lot of Hollywood actors have either high school diplomas or are high school drop outs. So they like to jump on various causes in order to feel smart and intellectual. He really has no idea whether or not global warming is caused by humans or not, he is just spouting off to feel in with his Hollywood buddies.

  67. Now this is an expert – a self involved actor with little academic background. I have a masters degree and I find that the assertion by climate change advocates like the silly former Vice President to be egotistical believers in their power over the environment. Does that make me correct – no – but I can tell you that one big volcanic eruption or a hit by a meteor will make their global warming hubris look like the ripple before the tidal wave. Get a life Clooney and go do something you are good at – making poor movies.

  68. it must be nice to have fame and money so you can jet around the world leaving a huge carbon footprint all the time telling everyone how bad they are for leaving a huge carbon footprint.

  69. The last time Clooney was able to achieve an erection was in March of 2011.

    And even that required him to take a triple dose of Sildenafil, which is generally thought to be an unsafe level of that Erectile Disfunction medication.

    1. Yea, but it lasted 4-hours…bwahahahahahahah!!! I really think the clunerator is down low, just like ohole. How else does a suave “hunk” explain never having a female relationship last longer than a few months. Cum to think of it, perhaps old george is a better actor than I give him credit for…;-)

  70. An actor, average actor, calling me, a person trained in science and a skeptic, an idiot? LMAO! Hollywood needs to stick to making movies because mst of what comes out nowadays is pretty lousy. Maybe it’s too “warm” in LA.

    1. “average actor” is far, far too high of a description of the clunerator’s thespian abilities. About all he brings to a roll is his smug face…and minimal talent.

  71. When it comes to the stupid, the ridiculous and even the incredulous…these Hollywood narcissists should probably set better examples in terms of life style choices.

  72. What Clooney fails to address is the fact that it is mankind who is spraying and clogging the atmosphere, not through accidental over-use either. Global warming is real. . .it is created by rich bankers, who pay for mass spraying programs, who want to be richer by then collecting carbon taxes. . .,i.e. tax whatever they want as a pretense to the actual reason.

    1. Switch to store brand aluminum foil please. Everyone knows Reynolds is part of the problem, and making their aluminum foil a signal enhancer, not a blocker.

  73. Giving up liberty and allowing the government to confiscate property to combat man made global warming is stupid and ridiculous, but hey, why don’t we start with Mr. Cloony’s liberty & property?

  74. That’s what you call swallowing hook, line and sinker. It’s very hard to shake yourself loose from captivity to freedom when you’ve committed yourself so fully. Clooney is a goner.

  75. You have to admit …, Clooney has Impressive credentials , Clooney is after all one of the top minds on the side of the global warming religion. He is probably smarter than all 75 of the so called scientist that promote the warming scam.

  76. George supports Obamacare which only passed because a fraudulent lie was told by the liar in chief. And now millions of plans ARE being terminated because of that lie. And premiums are skyrocketing Georgie–another lie. Who was more stupid George? Palin is smarter than you George. Looks like you are the gullible moron George. Don’t think we’ll credit Georgie on the global warming fraud either.

    1. Excellent post Tom. Just what does George think about the “World’s Worst Polluter For the Faux Waming”
      CHINA? They told the rest of the world to go get phu cked.” George is being conned by the biggest Con of Chicago, who Wants to distribute OUR tax dollars to nations that CAN’T afford picking up the tabs for HIS Global Waming Debacle, that HAS been disputed by Reputible Scientists(and NOT the ones who Ginned up the Numbers to make this faux warming hoax for Obama to REDISTRIBUTE OUR TAX MONEY. LET GEORGE PICK UP THE TAB, IF HE BELIEVES OBAMA, THE LAIR IN ALL THINGS HE DOES “AGAINST
      arrogant(O’s words) America.” George, stick to your dumb movies and pretending you’re SO SMART and COOL….than opening your mouth, and PROVING OTHERWISE, GENIUS.

  77. Hey George, I guess you can pollute all you want as long as you pay money to be in compliance. As long as that is true your cause has a serious credibility problem.

  78. The cluny is an embarrassment to a turd. Go on back to play acting, fool! Where did curious George get a degree in meteorology? Who TF cares about anything this “suave” douche blathers?

  79. I’ll put my carbon footprint up against any of those Hollywood liberals and beat ‘em by a mile. When we’re all living in mud huts and burning cow patties to keep warm, George Clooney will be flying in his private jet, owning three mansions, just like his buddy Al Gore.

  80. This is how the Communist Liberals work. They ratchet up fear by making bold yet false statements that are pure and knowing exaggerations such as “Biggest Storm Ever” or “The Sky is Falling” or “Run Everyone and Hide, the Zombies are Coming.” Sound insane? It is. But that is how the Leftists work and we all know what they really want is to make us all their economic slaves.

    1. Yea I was trying justify going to see it too. A respected former astronaut reviewed (parts of it) and said they got close to reality.

      I rarely go to movies anymore because of dolts like Clowney, he should’ve kept his mouth shut.

  81. If man-made global warming is truly a reality that has very bad consequences for mankind, then why is this Lear Jet Liberal jetting about the world in the furtherance of his career chasing the almighty dollar? Hypocrite! Until members of the Global Warming cult begin living a lifestyle consistent with their global warming rhetoric, then they really have nothing to say to the rest of us.
    I’m not denying the planet might be warming (even though it hasn’t been warming since 1995 and recently some “climate scientists” (sic) said it may not warm over the next twenty years … sheesh!), but man’s contribution to the overall “climate change” lies somewhere between 1% to 5%. BTW, the dirty little secret is the global warming cult has way overestimated the effect of increased levels of CO2 on temperature rise. And another dirty little secret is though CO2 levels are presently 420 parts per million, there have been several times in Earth’s history where CO2 levels were 1800 parts per million without resulting in climate devastation. Clooney is just another snake oil salesman and has been huffing too much essence of unicorn in his later years.

  82. Notice how these rich, leftist, government worshippers ALL agree that man made global warming is real and that YOU must reduce YOUR carbon footprint by having less children, living in a smaller house, consuming less energy, using less water, traveling less, pay more taxes, eat less food, etc.
    Not THEM……YOU

  83. I’ll match my 30 years of scientific research background against Clooney’s any time or day.
    Man made global warming/Climate change is BS.

    A single storm is anecdotal, not evidentiary. Empirical evidence shows temperatures have been flatlined for 17 years or so and even those behind the UN’s attempt at social engineering admit that the cooling trend could last another 20 years. The most telling hint at the cluelessness of the UN folks was when they said the sun had a bigger impact on the weather than they had expected.

    You NEVER massage data to prove a hypothesis, you MUST change the hypothesis when empirical data raises questions. The UN considers data massaging to be SOP. This alone renders all of their reports to best suited for the Science. Fiction section of your local Half Price book store.

  84. Well, he is an actor so of course that means he’s an expert on everything and we should absolutely stick a live microphone in front of him whenever he desires to bless us with his brilliant pontifications.

  85. “Consensus” is not a word that relates to science. Science is based on provable facts. True believers like Clooney, who choose to join a “consensus” believing that human activity causes a significant change in climate rather than remaining skeptical of unproven theories are similar to members of a religious cult. His arrogance is evidenced by his labeling skeptics as, “stupid and ridiculous”.

  86. We are such peons in the cycle of life. Huge huge dinosaurs….millions of them roamed the earth dropping their dung EVERYWHERE for millions of years until an “ASTEROID” took them out…NOT their own dinosaur global warming contributions. One extra large volcano erupting at full mass can infiltrate our atmosphere and do more damage than man could in 300 years….much more. Do we have an impact…of course we do but it is so miniscule compared to Mother Earth’s forces. Now cleaning up our rivers, seas, lakes and oceans is a whole other ball of wax. Humans do not need to live like pigs and dirty up our beautiful blue marble. This planet is unique and we need to take care of it just like anything else we value so we can pass on this exquisite masterpiece of rock we call HOME to our children and their children..

  87. Clooney went on to declare people that work for a living to be morons, lit a Cuban cigar , hopped in his 6000 pound 3 mile per gallon fossil fuel powered limousine , drove to the airport and fired up his 1000 gallon per hour fossil fuel powered private jet and flew off to watch the riot police in France gas some anti-tax protesters.

  88. George – You went to college and earned what degree? Please, you Hollywood actors are good at regurgitating what others have written but have nothing on those who have earned degrees in science and engineering.
    I only have one question for you – Why are people boating on the Great Lakes instead of skiing down glaciers?

  89. I did not realize that Mr Clooney had a degree in climatology, nor did I realize he did so much work studying climate. Or did he?, in fact he has no credentials in climate or weather. So who is ridiculous?

  90. Clueless Clooney. Another idiot celebrity… When we see energy costs skyrocketing due to all the crazy regulations coming from the EPA, I’ll be thinking of you George. You fascist enabler!

  91. Another arrogant, closed-minded, rude, disrespectful Liberal…who, insults those with a different view. Perhaps he should look in the mirror.

    Oh, and so he knows, Asia has been wholopped by Typhoons for hundreds…thousands of years. He really is a moron.

  92. Clooney: “If you have 99 percent of doctors who tell you ‘you are sick’ and 1
    percent that says ‘you’re fine,’ you probably want to hang out with,
    check it up for the 99. You know what I mean? The idea that we ignore
    that we are in some way involved in climate change is ridiculous. What’s
    the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”

    Except that the “doctors” want to charge you a million dollars, and their “cure” consists of bleeding you. Maybe you should listen to the smart one.

  93. I love how all these man made global warming idiots reject religion (something I understand), yet they are too ignorant to understand that they embrace the oldest religion known to man……Gaia (earth) worship
    Clowns…..all of them

  94. And what’s with the worship of the 99 percent.?

    At one time there was pretty much a universal belief among scientists that the earth was flat. Didn’t make it so.

  95. The people who are really stupid are those like Clooney who believe that each isolated weather event, such as the typhoon Haiyan or Hurricane Sandy, is incontrovertible proof of climate change. These opinionated imbeciles don’t understand the difference between weather and climate, the latter requiring decades worth of data to determine if a trend is underway.

  96. Clooney needs to stop going goo goo all over himself The real stupidity is exists with the people who believe everything that crawls out of the mouth of the egotists in Hollywood who think they are smarter, healthier and more beautiful than everyone else. Just because Clooney is one of the beautiful people doesn’t mean he has a mind to match. Ole George can take his superior wisdom and hurl it where the sun don’t shine, way beyond Solarass.

  97. This imbecile would do well to stay in the role-playing game. Or, you could attend a legitimate physical sciences course, paying attention during the first week to this not-so-little thing called, “The Scientific Method”.

    Or, if you can’t be bothered, have someone on your staff Google it and have them read it to you. Twice, perhaps.

  98. Hey Clooney-you disrespect OTHER OPINIONS and dare call them stupid and ridiculous? Priceless-Just shot yourself in the foot didn’t you when you look to those SAME people to buy Your stupid movie tickets? So who, is dumb here Loony? as YOU repeat lines from “truly talented writers who feed them to you.” You’ve been ‘acting COOL for far too long, as you think you ARE really COOL. Sean Connery IS cool- you are an Imitation.

  99. Gee George. When the poler ice cap covered all the way down to NYC some say 2 miles thick , the earth warmed and all of Canada was uncovered. Must have been SUV’s and coal fired electric plants. What? Man was not around yet?
    Mmmmmm. Could be the suns output changing over time….. Just a guess But My feeling is your a dumb
    @ss. Next time your in NYC, take a boat ride down the Hudson and ask how the Palisades were formed and how the NY harbor was gouged out from the breakout of a massive lake from the melted water from the ice cap.
    I’m sure Colony’s a nice guy, but, not so bright.

  100. George anybody that’s not from Hollywood is stupid. Oh wait a minute …you’re a Ky boy who made it big and wants everyone to believe that gives you a different insight to everything going on out here… Cute yes….smart???? not so much.

  101. Son, humans cannot stop what is going to be….. be we ignorant or genius, humans cannot stop Mother Earth… it global warming or global freezing. We will live with it or die. Such is life.

  102. “I am not a climatologist… But i play one on TV” George C.
    Disclaimer… This is not an actual quote but has been presented to be satirical in nature.. Can’t be to careful poking fun at an easily offended liberal.

  103. Right because that’s the first typhoon ever. They never had them hundreds of years ago. This is a new thing because of “climate change”. Did we ever have Noreasters? How about tornados? George Clooney is now a scientist too. Wow. A jack of all trades but you know what they say about them–master of none. I never did see what the big deal about him was.

      1. “The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No
        resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding
        of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls,
        nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance. “

  104. “What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”

    Cleaning up the earth a little bit? Recycling? If it were only that simple. It’s actually about social engineering and taxing certain behaviors out of existence and creating a false parity amongst ‘world powers.’

    Who’s the stupid one?

    1. destroying coal, making everyone drive electric cars, making people eat only approved foods, making sure they can’t set their own thermostat, but all the while NOT even making a second glance at CHINA emitting more and more carbon. ITS Ok for them, just not us.
      THEY are idiots.

  105. Ah, a timely warning from the specious being who is ohole’s West Coast body man. With that kind of background I wouldn’t believe cluny if he said the sky is up.

    1. You’re right about that… think: the sky is all about point down & you point to the center of the Earth, China or Middle East & ? drum roll THE SKY ! So if Clooney says the sky is UP? Say NO it is all AROUND us. LOL

  106. Just remember OBAMACARE,and those lies while they look you right in the face,it easy to declare sometime if you and your life style are effected by lies, do you think colonel has OBAMACARE, do you see him flying commercial jets, if he was so worried about the climate, why does he fly on a private jet that causes green house gases.

    1. YEP, I was about 12 then and wanted my mom to take me to the store for a new coat and some skis. What happened? OH that’s right, scientist couldn’t account for it NOT happening, so they asked for more GRANT MONEY to ‘study’ the situation.

  107. How many of these “expert” scientists who claim man made global warming is real work at universities which receive MAJOR funding by the Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie foundations (all of which push for global carbon taxes)? How many of these professors are eager to receive tenure? How many rely on grants in order to continue their research? To not tow the company line would certainly put an end to both

  108. I lived in Northern Kentucky for 2 years. George’s “lack of intellectual curiosity” was well known there. Good thing Aunt Rosemary came through with a job

  109. Looney Clooney does it again! He speaks from total ignorance and only to kiss political butt with his Hollywood home boys. What is it about pretty boys and their low IQs?

  110. Yes, people who dare to question science are stupid and ridiculous. Isn’t that pretty much the basis of scientific discovery – scientists challenging accepted theories?

    1. Except anyone who challenges THEIR side are idiots. ANYONE who agrees with them must be ”brilliant’. Idiots like him used to burn scientist at the stake for ‘witchcraft’ during the Dark ages.

    1. 10 to 1 Clooney couldn’t do basic algebra. Yet he is an ‘expert’ at Global Climate Change?
      TELL me Mr. Clooney, what SUVs did the dinosaurs drive to cause THEIR global warming?
      Global climate is caused by several factors. 1. Solar output. 2. Volcanic activity. 3. Location of the Earth in its Ellipse around our sun. And a few other small things. ONE of the smallest is the amount of CARBON, humans put into the atmosphere. Additionally CLIMATE change is a natural thing. Climate is NEVER stable. WE are still coming out of our last ice age. There have been ice ages before MAN, and will be more in the future. But it is never stable as the eco-idiots think.
      WITH that lesson, Clooney now knows 10,000 % more than he knew before I told him.

  111. I forget, is it Global Warming or Climate Change?
    Probably the second because the first didn’t go to plan for the past 17 years or so.
    Does Clooney know that this has been the quietest Hurricane Season since Al Gore decided that the big bucks could be made deluding the Useful Idiots that believe in Global Warming?
    I will make sure to not spend one thin dime on anything involving Cllooney. Every time he opens his mouth there is more Globull Warming, with an emphasis on the Bull.
    I also love his Analogy about Doctors. It is fitting considering his Commie Buddy Obama is destroying the best Healthcare System in the world and replacing it with something akin to the systems used in Cuba and North Korea. I think they call it Gulagcare.
    BTW – if 99% of people think that Obama is a LYING POS, does that make the Idiots who agree with the 1% who don’t Obama Deniers?

    1. Idiot actors and idiot ex-vice presidents talk about “Global climate change”, then demand we all live in grass huts and ride bikes everywhere as we eat wheat germ.
      THEN the elitist actor and ex-vp jump on their private jets, head to their mansions and talk about how ‘great’ they are for fighting for “global climate change’.
      Can you say HYPOCRITES?

  112. It’s what liberals do: Ignore the merits of the message and attack relentlessly the messenger. Straight out of Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.”

    You’re a good Progressive, George. America needs fewer of you.

  113. I guess Clooney would know a perfect storm since he, as a stupid and ridiculous captain, sailed into one and lost his ship and got all he crew killed because he was stupid and ridiculous. Stupid and ridiculous seems to be Clooney ‘mo’ both on and off the screen!

  114. If I hang out in a room full of Republicans, chances are I’ll find 99% or more disagree with the President. If I hang out in a room full of Democrats, chances are 99% or more will disagree with Republicans. If George Clooney asks a bunch of scientists that support the Global Warming agenda, chances are 99% or more will agree that its mankind’s fault.

    Actors and politicians, heck everyone not a scientist needs to get out of the debate, and stop labeling those with dissenting opinions as “stupid,” “retarded,” etc.

    If I stand in a room with a bunch of people that agree with me, I’m never going to hear a dissenting voice which opens the way to intelligent debate.

  115. This guy calling ANYONE stupid and ridiculous is utterly stupid and ridiculous.

    How much did he get paid to show up for the lame-O space movie he made with Sandra Bullock? It couldn’t have taken him more than 10 minutes to learn his lines in that stinko movie.

    How many houses, planes, cars boats and electric appliances does Georgie Porgie have?

  116. Half of today’s progressive politicians say we have global warming. The other half say it’s (now) Global Cooling. Both groups are pushing for Climate Control Legislation which will give THEM control over new policies and taxes. THAT’S what this is all about. New taxes and pork chops to be distributed to “Friends of Obama.”

    Clooney’s still riding on the “short bus.” He doesn’t know what’s causing these storms, BUT he’s sure that Obama and his cronies have the answer. Someone needs to tell George that we’ve always had storms. They’re caused by … the weather 😮

  117. Clooney blames the monster typhoon on global warming. If so, to what does he attribute the fact that ZERO hurricanes hit the US mainland this year? It was the lamest US hurricane season in decades.

    1. Good post. Also reminds me what another actor, Tom Cruise said recently-that HIS job is JUST as dangerous as military….REALLY? HOW DUMB IS THAT Cruiser-do YOU have REAL BULLETS flying into your head or body…do YOU wind up with MISSING LIMBS-IF you survive?? Holly-woodheads like these genius types are what WE should all follow??? Yeah Right…what fools, and tools for Obammie.

  118. Hey Clooney, try 99% of UN sponsored scientists support your warming theories along with anyone else posed to make a buck off it. Most of the rest scientists disagree or perhaps the largest ice sheets in years isnt proof enough?

  119. I’ve enjoyed some of Clooney’s movies, but when it comes to ideas, he’s a follower and a True Believer [see Eric Hoffer] — with the statist ring in his nose so that he knows where to go and what to think and say. Getting laid a lot makes him a genius, evidently, but if that is the standard, then I’m Albert Einstein. ~:<)

  120. Clooney’s argument that in the worst case, we “clean up the earth a little bit,” shows an alarming lack of understanding of the economic costs and damage to our economies by pursuing his agenda, to say nothing of the “lost opportunity” costs associated with government action.

  121. I’ll start believing in “Man Made Global Warming”……

    When the elites like Clooney, Kerry, and all……

    give up their limos, private jets, and mansions for the good of the planet……


    otherwise it’s just another scam to tax the peasants……

    because even with the “Carbon Credits Scam” , you can buy as many credits as you have money.

  122. Well, George, there is a pretty good chance one of us us an idiot, and I’m pretty sure it’s the guy who thinks 99% of the world’s climate scientists really believe in man-caused climate change. Liberals like to make up huge numbers to make their phony points. And there are plenty of idiots like this guy who just lap it up like a thirsty dog….

  123. I live in the Arctic for well over 30 years time – We live in a small remote village above the arctic circle 200 miles north.
    We live @ sea level – (gosh) .. .. The last time it flooded up here was in the early 1970’s.
    Global B.S. is very obvious – our ocean ice is the same as it was way back when – it goes in repeatable cycles which we keep track of because we live out on the ocean ice – for two months to harvest food in sub zero temps.
    NOTHING has changed up here one bit. If the sea levels rose – we would be the first to know it. Take a glass and fill it with as much ice as possible. fill the glass with water. Notice when the ice melts – water never spills !!! doh!!!

  124. Boy, now I feel really bad. To be called stupid by this paragon of knowledge and analytical experience puts me down hard. On the other hand, I never tried to a analyze and reach conclusions based on fabricated or purposely modified data, especially when some of the data was hidden because it was embarrassing to that which I was trying to prove. I’ll try harder next time. Now, I have to go out and shovel my driveway (sarc)..

  125. George the scholar…I am sure he has only a Prius and never uses an airplane…

    The fraud of global warming exposed years ago, Hollywood and algore wish it wasn’t so.

    “Hide the decline, and pass the grant money….”

    1. Funny you mention that-I thought a while back Obama had it-especially when they said he lost SO much weight returning from Another Vacay in Hawaii,-called it a ‘stomach parasite’…..geez-wonder if Reggie Love
      HIS body man, had the SAME THING?

  126. George needs to sell his Italian Villa and stop flying back and forth from Italy to Hollywood as these things are causing global warming and Al (Gump) Gore needs to sell his 10000 Sq. ft house to save energy. What low IQ hypocrites.

    1. Because the entire AGW theory is political, not scientific. It has essentially been elevated to that of a liberal religion. They have an entire belief system based on it.

  127. Here’s a dumbf*ck who had to do a high school equivalency to get into college so that he could drop out and use his great aunt Rosemary to get him some acting gigs. GC is the luckiest dope since Ringo Starr, except, of course, Ringo has talent (and enough brains to marry Barbra Bach). GC, the party is over and your movies suck.

  128. Mr Clooney seems like a very nice and kind person, from all the stories about him…never a bad word about him. That is so admirable in that cesspool of Hollywood. But I don’t think he would ever say anything that would jeopardize Obama’s agenda. Some of his statements seem a little on the silly side, but I think he is trying to be a loyal friend, which he seems to be to many people.

    1. I own a great book on that “Galveston The Horrors of a Stricken City”, by Murat Halstead, copyright 1900. It’s an amazing book written during the aftermath. It has many pictures I’ve never seen anywhere else. What a disaster!

  129. Let’s add the facts. Is Clooney a scientist? No, he’s and actor…that’s a zero. Is Gore a scientist? No, he’s a washed up politician and journalist who flunked out of law school and divinity school. So, that’s another zero. Zero plus zero is still zero. So, is it stupid and ridiculous for someone like Clooney to discount all of the scientists who actively and firmly disagree with the politically correct socialist fascist manifesto on global warming – oops, climate change (sort of like saying cell dividing)? It seems to be a scientific certainty – loony Clooney is not only stupid, but he is also ridiculous. He is definitely someone to laugh at when he talks science.

  130. What makes Clooney an authority on global warming? Where are his credentials? Other than another hard left winger from Hollywood. The only credit you can give his opinion is that he touts his parties line. He probably supports all UN mandates as well.

  131. The ruling class of the ancient druids were made up of priests, politicians, lawyers, medicine men, judges, soothsayers, etc.. They ruled all of Europe for thousands of years. One particular sect of this ruling class were the Magi. They carried wands and were believed to be able to cast spells on people. This is where the word magician comes from. These wands were made from the wood of Holly trees. This is where Hollywood gets it’s name from. Hollywood likes to brag about how it creates it’s films using “Hollywood magic” (special effects, mis-direction, editing, lighting, etc.) Disney even portrays Mickey Mouse as a wizard who carries a wand and casts spells on the audience.

  132. I have NEVER seen any WORK that George Clooney has ever done. He’s a clown. He is ROCK HUDSON for our generation. What is GEORGE CLOONEY’S expertise or talent??

  133. Weather activity on Earth is due to the sun’s solar activity not fossil fuel. I’m tried of the lies so the elites can push carbon taxes. The solar activities have been effecting other planets in the solar system too. I guess it’s because people r driving cars on Venus, Jupiter, and mars.

  134. Oh, so Clooney spoke and we are supposed to be IMPRESSED! The friggin guy reads lines, is a Cary Grant wannabe and his comment and OPINION is no more important that the janitor’s comment at Walmart.

  135. The vote tally is in and Clooney, bringing up the rear, has just iced it. Actors are NOT and I’m going to be kind, Not the sharoest knives in the drawer.

  136. Hey George, when was the last time you saw a penny that came out of my pocket? That’s what I thought. No wonder everyone wants to come to America, even total idiots can get rich here.

  137. Well of course you’d find it stupid Georgie. Without your Auntie’s name you’d be just another poor wannabe. Forget your ideology for just a minute or two and follow the money. Yes, there’s “climate change” but sorry to burst your oversized “scientific” ego, this little ol 3rd Rock from the Sun has been going through climate change for just a few million years longer than you’ve been taking up space.

  138. Members of the far left always have the same view of those who live outside their cloistered worlds. They make personal attacks when someone doesn’t walk in lock step with their realities. Clooney is a prime example. He ignores the opinions of many of the world’s most respected climatologists just because their opinions don’t fit the narrative. Those on the left who will force their worldview on the rest of the world see themselves as the world’s intellectuals. They look down their noses at those who disagree with them and the only conclusion for them is that those people must be “stupid” and “ridiculous.” If you are of superior intellect, you believe in man-made global warming. If you don’t drink the Kool-aid, you must be of inferior intelligence.

  139. .

    The very rich people desperately want nothing to change. They want to remain at the top. They don’t care how much more in taxes the middle class has to pay in order to preserve the position the rich currently occupy.


  140. George is now the Ted Danson of Hollywood Eager to Display to show he is an Ideolog..Not someone who knows the FACTS..He is instead someone who Believes what he Wants To, in Spite of the Facts..And If YOU are swayed by Facts….He says..YOU are Stupid !!

  141. The only warming that is man made comes from HAARP
    It is a proven fact that it can create earthquakes, storms, clouds, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, and even raise/lower temperatures.
    THERE is your man made global warming you leftards

  142. Hey, George, the problem with ur analogy is that 99% of scientist did not say there is global warming. Apparently, George, never studied or even heard of the hockey stick theory that was disproven and to be false.

  143. What is stupid is the notion that the climate is changing because the sun is “entering a galactic cloud”. Anybody can just look up into the night sky and see that it’s not cloudy on a clear night. We’re NOT inside a nebula. We’re not NEAR a nebula. And if we were, so what? Nothing in the relation between our own solar system and others, all several light years away, can change on any scale of mere thousands of years. [Barring a nearby supernova. Which we would, like, know about.]
    Clooney can be an arrogant jerk but he’s right about the stupidity of thinking that global warming is not real. And he’s right that pretty much the whole scientific community agrees that CO2 really is a greenhouse gas, that atmospheric CO2 levels are up from where they were before the industrial revolution and rising, and that this rise must cause a rise in average world temperatures—one that will not be good for us.
    The fine details of exactly how bad it will get, and exactly how soon, are not settled science. But that’s beside the point. One doctor tells you you might live six months without surgery, another says seven months. Do you say, ahh, forget it? They don’t know what they’re talking about?

  144. Well, if George Clooney says so, I’ll have to surely rethink my position. Isn’t he that guy from the intellectual thriller, “From Dusk Till Dawn”, with Cheech Marin?

  145. Another leftie who believes in redistribution by climate control being that we could turn off everything and it wouldn’t make an iota of difference if all other countries do nothing anyway.
    Weather goes in cycles.

  146. clooney is an aging ‘pretty’ boy, vapid and superficial, who opens his mouth to try to show depth. takes more than a 90 IQ, george, to express a comment that is listened to. shut up.

  147. Poor Georgie. How embarrassing for him. The worst of it is, because he is a public figure, we will remember him forever, much like we do the traitor Jane Fonda. George is a tool for Obama, of course. Recall when Obama, right around when he was first shoved into the WH, said that he would use Hollywood to help him reach his goals for the ‘fundamental transformation’ (yep, right into communism) of America? Yeah. They are capitalizing on the fact that Mother Earth is finally righting herself to ‘norm’ since the last mega disaster that caused the last ice age. How do I know? Do you ‘big kids’ remember having to learn about Earnest Shackleton, who got within a hundred miles of the South Pole, but had to turn back r/t starvation? Do you remember what his party found? Shackleton’s party found a seam of coal aprox 8 feet thick near the top of Beardmore Glacier. According to the fossils and leaf impressions,

    Antarctica was once teeming with life. “The best leaf impressions and the most obvious were in the rotten clumps of weathered coal which split up easily to sheath-knife and hammer. Every layer of these gave abundant vegetable remains. Most of the bigger leaves were like beech leaves in shape and venation in size, a little smaller than British beech.” On the Palmer Peninsula are traces of fig leaves, sequoia, and an evergreen called araucaria that grows to 150 ft tall, and still grows in South America. At Mount Weaver, very near the South Pole, is a petrified log a foot and a half in diameter, aged from the Jurrasic period. So, there were pine forests, swamps, and fern jungles in Antarctica in the past. Now that Mother Earth is finally repairing herself, and is melting off all that horrific ice caused by a terrible event that likely killed the dinsoaurs, SOMEONE wants to make a bunch of money on it, off you, by screaming “…Global warming and its all YOUR fault! We MUST tax you because of it! We MUST! (so I and my commie friends can get rich, of course)” I realize global warming IS, but its solar-system-wide, and is not a terrible event; its repairing our Earth back to her swampy, warm self, that was once so abundant it can grow dinosaurs on the South pole! So, Georgie likely got a call from the L.I.C., and likely promised LIC he’d make a statement about global warming for him. -You see, the UN Agenda 21-supporting governments cannot tear our way of life down around our ears in order to make the Earth their personal, private park, if we all realize that Earth is healing, not falling apart. We wouldn’t fall for it. I suspect that a tropical paradise needs to have more moisture in the air over all the Earth, like our humid jungles do now, so I suspect the oceans will first rise, to adjust for the melting ice from off the frigid poles, then will again fall, even further than they are now, in order to push more moisture into the atmosphere, which is needed for tropical air. (can you JUST imagine the changes to the mighty Sahara?!) We will warm up, but its Earth’s NORM, and it is solar-system-wide. Other planets are also having superstorms, etc. Obama and Co cant stop it. Just ask the dinosaurs -Well, had they not been destroyed by the mega disaster that befell them, one could research it. Considering Murphy is my boon companion, its likely we will have another mega disaster, at some point, soon, -Earth-timeline-speaking, and Earth will start the cycle all over again. Just realize that Obama and Co forcing us to give them MORE tax money will not stop Earth from making her changes back to normal. Too bad Georgie can’t think for himself. So, had he bothered to mention that the dreaded Global warming is actually a blessed Global Healing, I might have felt that he had some credence.

  148. OMG!!

    (but so long as you buy these carbon credits, you can keep on destroying it)

  149. It may be that Hollywood celebrities are the most intelligent scientists in the world but, I doubt it. It may be that only Hollywood celebrities are capable of understanding scientific explanations about climate change but, I doubt it. And it may be that the scientific community speaks to the Hollywood community with one, indisputable voice without any credible dissent but, I doubt it. For hundreds of years the scientific method was developed by framing doubt as a question. In the case of “global warming” in its previous manifestation or “climate change” in its current PR framework, the presumption is that man is causing devastating effects on the planet that will completely destroy the ecosystem in 5, 10, 20, or 50 years (there is no consensus on how long the worst case scenario will take to develop) In addition the only possible remedy is to give governments untold billions of every nation’s GNP for “right thinking” people to begin to make amends. But there is consensus on the fact that even if we spend this money it won’t change the outcome by 1%. If we can’t significantly change the outcome, why spend the money? Why not spend it on developing the economy and crops that thrive in changeable climates? Why does the Left always want to take little peoples money and give it to the government? Sure they always say “tax the rich”, but do the math, who really pays? It will always be the little average guy that the megalomaniac want to control

  150. Is this the same George Clooney that will leave to go home in his G4 or G5 jet? And live in 5 or 6 homes that use all kinds of carbon? Go live in a cave George…then throw this garbage around. And by the way, why was it warmer in 1100 AD when there were about 5 Billion few people and no cars, jets, cows, coal plants?? No answer

  151. If man is the main cause of climate change, why does NOAA show that roughly every 100,000 years this warming cycle occurs? “One of the most remarkable aspects of the paleoclimate record is the strong correspondence between temperature and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere observed during the glacial cycles of the past several hundred thousand years. When the carbon dioxide concentration goes up, temperature goes up. When the carbon dioxide concentration goes down, temperature goes down. A small part of the correspondence is due to the relationship between temperature and the solubility of carbon dioxide in the surface ocean, but the majority of the correspondence is consistent with a feedback between carbon dioxide and climate. These changes are expected if the Earth is in radiative balance, and are consistent with the role of greenhouse gases in climate change “.

  152. “In wake of Typhoon Haiyan, Actor George Clooney declares global warming skeptics to be ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’”
    I declare George Clooney to be ‘stupid’ & ‘ridiculous’!

  153. who is George cLooney? He’s a “fool” … a societal jester paid to entertain the masses. As his life is one of fabricating personalities he searches for what he thinks will make him intellectually relevant by expounding on issues so as to create value for his existence. He lacks self esteem for having no value other then to be “watched” by others for entertainment. Please understand and forgive his attempt at relevancy.

  154. Obama’s American Chickens…

    A story told of Stalin… While giving a speech, he held a live chicken under his arm. During his speech, he plucked the chicken until it was bleeding and clean of all feathers. As his speech came to an end, he dropped the chicken to the ground. When the chicken hobbled over to Stalin’s foot and leaned against him for support, Stalin said… “This is how you control people.”

  155. George….’it is far better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.’ Typical Lib/Prog nonsense; they hear something, they parrot it. I’m sure he’s done due diligence and confirmed the science before he opened his piehole, cuz he’s a friggin genius! Just ask him. He couldn’t balance a basic chemical equation, but he’s sure that AGW is fact. Another useful idiot cheering for his own enslavement.

  156. For God’s sake man! Stick to acting. Unless you have a Master’s in this field, preferably a Doctorate degree, STFU man! What’s next? Making comments about nuclear fusion or brain surgery because you read a book????

  157. C-looney was not around in the 1950’s. In ’52 it froze everything solid in South Texas. I worked in the fields in 1958 when it was 108 every day and we stopped every thirty minutes to pour the sweat out of our boots. In 1962 it froze the ocean at Padre Island and they chipped fish out of the ice…and it killed nearly all the citrus…some of which were planted in the ’20’s. Average winter temps there were 57 degrees and average summer was high 90’s. It has not been that hot since nor that cold. The same thing can be said around the world. S**t happens all the time.

  158. yeah cause the world has NEVER experienced a typhoon before, right libtard? btw WHERE did you earn you “science/climatology” degree again georgie?? hey stick to “acting” something you are mildly successful at , doucher

  159. The greatest recorded cyclone/typhoon was Nancy in 1961, and hit Japan at 215mph. Did you know that clueless Clooney?
    We have only been meansuring wind speeds for under 100 years.
    Clueless clown.

  160. Please expect us to boycott you & your crappy films, and all the other jackarse pinko actors that are not happy making their $20,000,000 per movie & keeping their pie hole shut. They now have to tell us what to do, just like the jack arses in the Washington.

  161. Jeez! Give the guy a break. He is an actor – AN ACTOR – and not a very good one. He has an actor’s mentality and intelligence. These are people who support Obama. You can’t get more ridiculous than that. You can judge their mental competence by the fact that they alienate half the population of America whenever they open their mouths outside of a movie, and often within one. Anyone who spits at half their customers isn’t thinking too clearly if their goal is to promote their product.

  162. George shut your mouth your stupid! 400 scientists have already signed a white paper stating mankind has little to no effect on global warming George. Oh by the way when are you coming out of the closet like Rock Hudson. That will be much more interesting than you blowing your lips about warming azzz hole.

  163. Clooney probably has a high level of science training, right? No, he is just a self important actor full of BS that thinks he is smarter and knows more than he does in life about anything, much less global climate. Of course, anyone one of us can investigate , read reports and draw our own conclusions. I would call that smart not stupid, but of course, liberals are the most intolerant people and are the only ones who KNOW things and can think.
    I have seen a Russian report . that states the Earth has cooled for 10 yrs and they expect it to cool for another 250 to 300 yrs. 98% of the climate is controlled by the ocean and the sun, man accounts for 2%. No one should pollute, but carbon credit schemes which western guilt ridden countries transfer wealth to other countries, brokers make billons ( Soros and Gore own some broker companies) and the largest countries, e.g., China and India are exempt. The greatest Ponzi scheme in history which counts on the guilt of the west. The EPA decides this year that CO2 is a pollutant, which will let them regulate almost everything. Trees use CO2 to make O2 and levels have been higher , the earth hotter and then we had an ice age, but never mind the facts. Clooney has spoken, so why think for yourself and why look at facts. Millions of years ago the Earth has 10 degrees hotter and CO2 levels were higher. Then we had an ice age where NYC was covered in SIX miles of ice. The scientist have told us these things and that the Earth goes in cycles and that continues, which may be affected by outside forces at times. Meteors, volcanoes , etc. It seems like arrogance for man to think after 3.5 to 4 billion years and many climate shifts now man is the major factor. The ocean levels have been 400 feet lower and higher, before MAN.

  164. Last I heard he was a second rate actor and not an authority on climate or science, so why do reporters rush to Hollywood imbeciles like Clooney asking for their opinion. No on cares what his opinion is on anything so he really should just STF up and try to be a better actor because as an actor he sucks.

  165. Global warming skeptics on the other hand called Clooney ignorant. All I can say is I bet those Philippines wished they paid that carbon tax to Obama, The great weather God might have spared them.

  166. Science isnt a concensus. It is or it isnt. If 1 % of the data is disproving your hypothesis, than one must look for reason why. The global warming environmentalist wackos are getting behind a political movement, not science. If you do believe in global warming why do you people always look to use government to steal other peoples money and freedoms. If CO2 is a problem, why not just plant things that are green. Green plants take in CO2 for photosynthesis and release O2….problem solved.

  167. Hey, this guy is an actor and everyone knows that actors know everything. Yet they make a living by pretending to be someone they are not. That would make princess Obama an actor also.

  168. A true believer he is. This is a religion not science. Clooney must have missed the day his science class where they explained the scientific method. If he had been there, he would know the scientific method does not describe a vote,.

    1. Keep drinking the kool-aid
      Starch your brown shirt
      Learn how to click your heals
      Make a list of those who oppose you

      Read a history book. It was only some 70 years ago that people in a country really did do this….

      1. You make no sense, but I expect as much from a slack jawed, mouth breathing yokel. Keep cramming your fat face full of Jimmie Dean sausage and frozen corn dogs you Walmart zombie.

  169. So George Clooney, the Broadcast Journalism dropout, knows more than someone with a B.S. and M.S. in a physical science [significant coursework in meteorology, climatology, oceanography] from a recognized university.

    So sorry George, I’m a qualified professional. You are nothing more than someone who emotes on command.

  170. We had the big solar convention here in Vegas a couple of months back. The only time I have seen more private jets at the airport, is on Super Bowel Weekend. Climate Change is only important for the non elites

  171. Obviously Clooney will demonstrate his belief in Global Warming by showing the way. He will reduce his Carbon Footprint to no more than that of the average Filipino peasant.

  172. George buddy…if global warming is a fact, it’s a fact because of people like YOU. You own how many houses and estates? You log how many miles jet setting around? You, Al Bore, and the rest of the 1% in America, do more damage to the environment, burn through more resources, than the rest of us combined. Then have the gall to come whining to us “that something needs to be done”.

    You put more carbon in the air, than thousands of other Americans combined…and that’s just from your flapping mouth. So do the world a favor, and shaddup already.

  173. Wow! The top scientist has spoken. How can there be any doubt left after that?

    Sadly the real irony of the matter is that most of them, “scientists”, are on Clooney’s level.

  174. Clooney is the useless Hollywood libtard who has no credentials to spout this line, is as uneducated or little educated as most of the stupid dimwits who are wasting their money on his movies. I have never wasted a dime on one of his movies and never will.

  175. ‘The idea that we ignore that we are in some way involved in climate
    change is ridiculous. What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up
    the earth a little bit?” Wait a minute George, that sounds like you are walking back your previous absolute certainty that climate change is solely man made. Now we are just “involved” ? And the worst that can happen is that we clean up the earth a little bit? How do we do that, institute anti energy, anti growth policies that the rest of the industrialized world will ignore? Please don’t tell me America has an important leadership role to play in setting global direction on climate, that smacks of American exceptionalism.

  176. Where did he amass his educational credentials? Oh maybe it was that prestigious global warming school Northern Kentucky University that he attended for a year or two to study broadcasting. WOW what a background, just like the rest of the lying progressive lefties who tell us the the sky is falling or maybe he went to school with his buddy obozo that no one can find any records on either.

  177. George must have the same ‘science advisers’ that worked on his last movie… You know- the one that defied orbital physics and basic NASA procedures and rules for ‘dramatic effect’! These climate snake-oil Salesmen think that a few lies and wholesale misrepresentation are OK because it’s all for ‘the greater good’.

    “I’m not a COMPLETE idiot, but sometimes I play one during press junkets and photo-ops’…

  178. The earth has always had warming and cooling cycles. We are currently at the end of a warming cycle. These cycles follow SUN activity and always have. This is why in Greenland 2,000 years ago it was warm then it cooled down. Ever hear of the mini ice age 400 years ago? In the 70’s the big scare was the next ice age. The same knuckleheads that were warning about cooling are now warning about warming and in 10 years they will be the same knuckleheads warning about cooling. They are already confused because the data suggest warming has stopped and now have changed the verbiage to ‘climate change’ . By the way these are the same idiots that hang out with the bozo’s that have brought us Obamacare.

  179. I’m certain the 12 years of schooling he got in Kentucky makes Mr. Clooney an expert……The truth is, the Earth’s average temperature has been stable for 16 years, even as CO2 has continued to climb. CO2 as “pollution” is bunk, perpetuated for the purpose of “redistributing wealth”. The CO2 level on Earth is currently 400 microatmospheres. In past time periods (e.g.- Jurassic period), sometimes thousands of years long, it has been anywhere from 6,000 to 30,000 microatmospheres. In fact, during the 4,000 YEAR long Holocene Climate Optimum, the planet was almost 40 degrees (F) WARMER than it is now! Somehow, the planet didn’t “boil over” as the Affirmative Action Kid hyperbolized recently. Now THAT’S an “inconvenient truth”……

  180. Someone tell George three things.

    First – Even the experts have said that the warming stopped at least 15 years ago, and non of the IPCC’s dire predictions of doom and gloom have come to pass.
    Second – One storm does not global warming make. Tell him that the U.S. is currently having the lowest frequency of tornadoes in 60 years and ask him if that indicates global warming. Then explain that the Atlantic has been having a run of the mildest hurricane seasons in decades.
    Third – Tell George to go suck some more Algore!

  181. What qualifications or credentials does Mr. Clooney possess that his opinion rates consideration beyond any other lay person? My opinion is that he needs to familiarize himself with the fundamentals of scientific inquiry, then use that new found knowledge to re-evaluate the climate change data that exists today. In addition, he might take a basic course of study in economics to familiarize himself with the concept of marginal costs, marginal benefits, opportunity costs, how limited/finite resources are allocated in our society, and why priorities that benefit the greatest number people must be established. Mr. Clooney is certainly not a person incapable of learning something new, and I think he is capable (with additional education and an open mind) of separating the the elements of truth and falsehood presented with this topic.

  182. I say let this moron keep spouting off. His glaring lack of familiarity with the topic is as obvious as an avalanche. His mentally deficient sycophants already hold in lock step with him, but people who have a kernel of independent thought will be swayed to reason after hearing him pontificate on this issue.

  183. I expect juggling and Shakespeare in the park from actors and thespians. Not opinions from rich douche bags.
    F-off clowney! You douche bag piece of sh*t. Thank-you in advance.

  184. If I want a conclusive scientific report on a given topic, I always look to the Hollywood pseudo-intellectuals for their learned, logical conclusions. But seriously, folks, when you pay someone 20 million dollars to star in a movie – which is marketed with the intent to fleece your 12-18 year old children out of their allowances – after a while, the recipient of that 20 million begins to think that their intellectual prowess is commensurate with their income. Their agent lied to them.

  185. Is Clooney going to don a loin cloth jump about and contort around a open fire, maybe yell out the guttural names of some lost god’s he has discovered in his search for wisdom….?

  186. I declare George Clooney to be “stupid” and “ridiculous”. I am a man-made global warming/cooling/change denier. I use real science to draw conclusions, not consensus science or theories looking for evidence.
    When the government starts manipulating the jet stream, I’ll jump on board.

  187. It’s one thing to say global warming is real, but quite another to think we have anything significant to do with it. In other words, name-calling Prom King George Clooney believes we can change the weather. That’s just barking mad.

  188. Well with enough tax dollars and regulation we could end global cooling or warming or “Climate change”…
    Did Clooney get to the award show by flapping his wings?
    This man creates more “Carbon footprint” with his personal jet idling.

  189. What qualifications or credentials does Mr. Clooney possess that his
    opinion rates consideration beyond any other lay person? My opinion is
    that he needs to familiarize himself with the fundamentals of scientific
    inquiry, then use that new found knowledge to re-evaluate the climate
    change data that exists today. In addition, he might take a basic
    course of study in economics to familiarize himself with the concept of
    marginal costs, marginal benefits, opportunity costs, how limited/finite
    resources are allocated in our society, and why priorities that benefit
    the greatest number people must be established. Mr. Clooney is
    certainly not a person incapable of learning something new, and I think
    he is capable (with additional education and an open mind) of separating
    the the elements of truth and falsehood presented with this topic. BTW, There is a substantial cadre of knowledgeable, sober scientists that are much more concerned with Global Cooling rather Global Warming. Could this phenomena be responsible for the two most recent Atlantic hurricane seasons that produced a minimum of storms, the North polar icecap achieving record dimensions, and the Antarctic ice mass being the thickest measured to date?

  190. George proves, once and for all. . .In Hollywood, swaggering like you know what you are talking. . . is about the same as being actually truthful. . .

  191. So airheaded Prom King George Clooney believes we can change the weather. Change the weather?

    It’s one thing to say global warming is real, but quite another to think we have anything significant to do with it. The most we can do is adapt.

  192. Inspector Clooney has again proven that even idiots can make a lot of money. The man is completely off the rails with his comments and his limited intellect. I suppose hanging around with the same people who all believe the same thing can leave you in the dark on most subjects. Perhaps one day, Clooney will step outside the bubble and see that the sky isn’t falling, the world isn’t ending because a bunch of cows are farting all over the world. Maybe Georges can invent a machine that can be tied to a cow’s ass to catch all the methane being released. Then, just maybe, we can say Georges is creating a way for the United States to become self-reliant, and stop importing fossil fuel from the Middle East. I say, Bon Chance Georges!

  193. So far, climate-change deniers have produced exactly 13 peer-reviewed studies that purport to disprove manmade climate change, while climate-change scientists’ peer-reveiwed studies number in the thousands. Really, there’s no debate anymore, unless you count the denials from delusional ideologues and corporate shills.

    1. You may need to familiarize yourself with the Scientific Method. The null hypothesis is no man-made global warming. The burden is to statistically significantly reject the null hypothesis, not accept it.

      Give me one citation and I’ll be happy to review it.

  194. Clooney better take it up with the godfather of global warming, James Hanson. Hanson said everything he said was way off, and the data was corrupt and wrong.

  195. Everyone knows Clooney is a second rate CIA asset.

    Notice every 3rd world country this scum goes to gets destroyed?

    He is a pissant and a joke.

    Attention George Clooney: We all laugh at you…

  196. The Climate warming hoax is another excuse for the Totalitarian (Communist) takeover of this Country. You may not want to believe this but Joe McCarthy actually delayed this march to Communism by 50 years by outing all of the massive Communist Ideology in Hollywood. He is a great American Hero, not the villain portrayed by all the Main Stream Media.

    1. The CIA is basically joined at the hip with these Hollywood trash actors.

      And the CIA is a private mafia for multinational corporations.

      There is a reason these washed up actors are talking about this subject over an over again….

      It needs to be exposed.

  197. Wow! What a moron. Apparently he hasn’t noticed that it’s cold outside, with lots of snow. When can we expect his Mea Culpa? Or is he waiting until Hell freezes over too?

    Of course, he’s only an actor, so he should not be taken seriously. He probably doesn’t even believe his own baloney — just acting.

  198. I talked to Carl Sagen this morning and he suggested that Earth is just fine, and species will come and go over time…………. 🙂 bbc

  199. It’s very hard for me to take anything seriously out of the mouth of a person who demands $20 million + salary for a few months’ work of pretending. Otherwise, I might be offended that George is now pretending to be a meteorologist and calling people stupid and ridiculous for having different views than his about global warming.

  200. Does everyone remember when Danny Glubber the rocket scientist said Haiti was being punished by God with an earthquake because they didn’t support the “global warming” scam?

    These Hollywood piles of dog feces are funny and pathetic at the same time…

  201. Obviously Clooney doesn’t believe in PROVABLE FACTS, such as the Magnetosphere (our protective shield against Radiation) of the Earth has decreased over 10% since the 1900’s….this FACT was excluded from the IPCC report. Another FACT, right before the Maunder Minimum, which led to the little Ice Age, the Temperature and CO2 emission rose, then drastically fell during the Little Ice Age…and we are seeing those same exact patterns being played out today. This was also left out of the IPCC report. Another FACT, the other planets in the Solar System are experiencing the same uptick in Temperature and those that have CO2 also show an uptick in those numbers as well…yet another FACT left out of the IPCC report. The Sun’s UV-A and UV-B was measured for the IPCC report and was determined to be normal, yet they didn’t tell the Gamma Radiation, Neutron Emissions, Microwave Radiation outputs from the sun, which have increased…yet another FACT left out of the IPCC report. I have listed 5 PROVABLE FACTS that affect the Earth’s Temperature and CO2 uptick, yet why weren’t these included in the IPCC Report….probable because then they wouldn’t be able to blame us, Humans, for the increases to push the U.N.’s Agenda 21 program to enslave the Earth’s Population!!

    1. Also because they could NOT tax us and redistribute our wealth as a CURE for global warming. This hoax is about taxation and redistribution. That is why CO2 emissions and only CO2 emissions are ever blamed for the non-condition. If you can’t “prevent” it you can’t tax it.

  202. Poor George is soooooo frustrated that due to a Rock Hudson clause in his contract he can’t come out, he takes every opportunity he can to display his ignorance. Nothing, and I repeat nothing that has occured in our recent 20 al gore time frame isn’t something that hasn’t occurred before. George need to take his rose colored glasses off, realize that the world doesn’t revolve around him, and get a reality check.

    1. Clooney’s entire life is one BIG pretend. His reality is not objective nor is it anything normal people would recognize as being real.

      He wears suits costing thousands while whining about poverty and hunger. He travels in private jets and 5 mpg limos while grousing about carbon emissions. Global warming upsets him while living in fully air conditioned 20,000 square foot mansions. Seems a disconnect here somewhere.

  203. “Prove all things. Hold fast that which is good.” A quote from the Bible. Clooney is wrong and probably has his ear tuned to the “Al Gores” and “Barak Obamas” of this world . . . all “chicken littles” who do not rely on science and historical fact. The fact is that the earth has been in a cooling cycle for 15 years! I’d rather depend on someone who has scientific credentials along with other agencies addressing the subject than on the UN . . . people like Christopher Monckton who has stature in this field. The global climate change folks are simply in favor of “spreading the wealth around” . . . yours and mine . . . and putting a hammer lock on industrial productivity and wealth creation.

    1. Correct and they use the global warming hoax as a fulcrum to leverage money from other people. Scare tactics are best used on followers of the religion.

      It is their fire & brimstone sermons for the masses. It has been done before and with much more style and believability. Al Gore evangelist and ordained minister of mayhem will be preaching the next installment entitled “When Warming Burns Your Soul.” Come on now fill that basket with your contributions and checks.

  204. Hmmmm…. so Clooney (barking from some red carpet in Beverly Hills) is now some kind of expert on global warming?

    also, I thought liberals were tolerant. I guess this does not include tolerance toward their critics.

  205. When you quit flying all over the world, driving fuel driven cars, stop using toilet paper, totally live by solar and windmills, grow your own food, hang your clothes out to dry, wash them by hand, of course, then you might be taken seriously, you arrogant pipsqueak.

  206. There’s this moron, then you have little Tommy Mapother going around saying that his acting gig is like being a soldier in Afghanistan.

    Hollyweird Libtard idiots.

  207. His analogy was funny, 99% vs 1%, unfortunately one percent are the only qualified, an expert so we know. 99% was correct if the patients were not human.

  208. It’s OK for the Hollyweird Elite to be filthy rich, fly in private planes, drive in chauffeured cars, own multiple mansions and use outrageous amounts of electricity in all those huge homes. But they’ll lecture us about the evils of the wealthy, and yell at us because we own an SUV.

    1. And your point? People with money should not speak the truth about global warming I suppose. Poor people like yourself are either two ignorant or else are unheard. So you and your Sarah Palin GOP types can just go on your merry ways, without hearing about Global Warming. Convenient.

      1. Remind me again what “the truth about global warming” is? Oh yeah, I remember now – it’s not happening.

        Besides Libtard, you’re not supposed to say “global warming” anymore, since it’s pretty much been debunked. The new catchphrase you’re supposed to use is “climate change” – didn’t you get the memo?

      2. Irresponsible bozos like Clooney and the others should “walk the walk” before lecturing the “little” people about ANYTHING. Al “Big Carbon Footprint” Gore and the rest are HYPOCRITES!

        Your obsession with Sara Palin and the GOP marks you as a political know nothing. Your religion of politics demands you follow the party line whether right or wrong. When the hoax is fully exposed (16 years of stable temps) NOT one of you fanatics will ever acknowledge being wrong.

        It will be on to the next BIG thing. ALL the morons of the Church of Global Warming can’t even bring themselves to see current reality. If we believed all your crap, starting in 1990, we should all be dead by now.

        All the predictions and babbling have come to NOTHING and you still won’t just SHUT the hell up. Like the old time Communists who went to their graves protesting the Rosenbergs innocence you “warmers” with your settled science and political posturing will probably die believing in myths and tax schemes based on fairy dust. “Empty wagons rattle the most.”

  209. Why do you even listen to this Hollywood useful idiot? Promote the Regime’s agenda and the IRS will be kind to you. Remember, it didn’t take long before Dr. Ben Carson felt the vindictiveness of the Obama Regime.

  210. The Earth has been warming and cooling in cycles long before we ever walked it. The Ice age, droughts, and other weather anomalies all have contributed to destroying life. Now all of a sudden we blame man. Oh, if it were only that easy George.

    1. These same cycles also contribute to increased life and diversity of life. Funny how Liberals only see destruction everywhere they look. I forgot it is also another excuse to tax everyone who produces anything.

      That is all this warming thing is, another tax scheme and redistribution of other peoples money ploy. If the earth starts cooling the same structure of taxation will be proposed. Guess Mother Nature is influenced by taxation policies and the latest fads.

      Just what feasible world wide plans are being proposed to “correct” all this climate change. CARBON TAX! Meanwhile blowholes like Clooney can buy carbon credits and continue flying around in private jets and using 4 ton limos.

  211. If he’s serious, he might consider quitting on the jet-set lifestyle… but of course, the sanctions were meant for the little people, the profits of carbon-credit banking for the important people.
    Or… just shut up.

  212. Georgy-Porgy needs to take a clue from Ashton Kutcher. He only gets his information from the blogs and tweets that tell everyone how wonderful he is. Those are naturally attached to a “progressive” mindset that only reads or listens to those points of infromation that tell him how he must speak and think to survive in Hollywood. HEY GEORGE!

  213. Really, George? I guess the scientific data that shows no warming for the past 16 years now means nothing to a genius like you. And, during the same period, CO2 levels have continued to rise. Hmm, how do we interpret that data, George?

  214. Anyone who wants to know the truth about climate change needs to realize that this page’s comments section is FILLED with propaganda. You people should be ashamed of yourselves! GROW UP!

  215. So where did zionist Clooney get his degree from? Nowhere.

    Zionists want to push global warming so that when you exhale CO2 you are a functioning “corporation” who has to pay a global carbon tax; the only way you can get your sovereign rights under common law is to stop breathing (according to this dumb zionist plan).

  216. Wait a minute. This from a guy who ACTS for a living. What could be more stupid or ridiculous then getting paid to pretend. At one time actors and actresses were considered to be part of a lower class uneducated segment of society.

    Well they social climbed up the social ladder but NEVER actually became educated or informed. This is because they are the centers of their own universe and REALLY can’t see anything but their reflections in any available mirror.

    All the political posturing is just another way to focus the spotlight on themselves. Pretty sorry people who as a general rule are pretty useless and contribute little but diversion to the world. Clooney is part of the religion of Global Warming. Facts and reality don’t matter he is just playing another movie part. George Clooney starring in “Look at Me I Am a Political Activist.” Playing at your local theaters starting on Tuesday. What a pompous prig.

  217. The socialists are name calling again. This is their way of acknowledging that they also know global warming is a hoax… I mean climate change, uh, cooling, yeah it’s global cooling, ah crap, I can’t remember what they’re calling it this week!

  218. George wants to know what’s the worst that could happen? There are people being thrown out of work all over the country because of the Employment Prevention Agency’s edicts that stem from the global warming hysteria. There are now nearly 50 million people in poverty in the USA. Did you know that living in poverty will take an average of 6 1/2 years off your life? That’s 330 million years less life!!! If 2/3rds of that could be avoided by ignoring this scam, and going back to work and yeah, maybe we make some smoke and release some CO2. But if we could add 220 million years of life to the American population, wouldn’t it be worth it?

    1. They couldn’t care less about the climate, it’s a hoax and a ruse to re-define “YOU” as a CO2 producing corporation with no sovereign rights and firm up your goyeem status as slave.

  219. This is all just a kooky zionist plan to make everyone who produces CO2 (as in breathes) a “corporation” thus depriving them of their sovereign rights under Common Law by treating them as a slave under Corporate/Admiralty Law. The Zionists are at WAR against Christians; this is just one more way to clamp down.
    Zionists are supremacists who especially hate white Christians, they will never stop devising ways to destroy and this is why zionists like George are so hell-bent on forcing this bee ess down our throats. Oh at first they’ll try to make it sound like “save the world” stuff but their intentions are purely supremacism and enslavement of the goyeem.

  220. His entire life has been make believe and pretending. I remember the people in the drama club from school that have gone on to be actors. Pretty cool and fun people, but certainly not the ones I would turn to for scientific or financial insight. George, the “worst that could happen” is not a cleaner planet, it is economic hardship for the middle class. All the plans to cut CO2 impact costs on families trying to prosper. I know you have prospered already, but does that mean you should slam the door on those trying to make it. You really don’t know what you are talking about and you sound foolish. Typical liberal, does not understand the consequences, very surface level thinkers. Please stop.

  221. George Clooney is a Democrat Party hack who keeps mouthing the same old tripe about global warming and climate change. He should get over it and get a life or retire and shut up. The fraud has been exposed, The Democrats, like Clooney, are ignoring it and hope the facts will go away.

  222. 99% of doctors have only been on the earth just like Clooney for less than .00000001 of 1% of the life of the earth. Pipe up when you have the data. It’s going to be a cold winter and I’m sure the alarmists will blame that on global warming too.

  223. I wonder when his majesty Clooney will be willing to live as he wishes us to live and sell his private jet. Id like to know how huge his carbon footprint is compared to an average person’s is. This why I’ll never watch this hypocrite’s movies again

  224. What we don’t believe, is that we are in any way inferior donkey-goyeem to the zionists who are pushing this stupid plan to define all CO2 producers (breathers) as “corporations” (slaves with no rights).
    America wake up! You are each sovereign natural humans on the land per the US Constitution; but you are mistreated as a slave under Corporate Law, as only an “asset” (slave). Global warming nonsense will just firm up your slave status, and they want you to GIVE your sovereign rights away by convincing you of this hokum! This is just step one.

      1. It’s not a rant, and one day when you finally put in 2 calories of effort to start your reading you will find out who runs the show. Start by listening to some videos by a former jew, now converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity, Brother Nathanael.

    1. He’s a cryptozionist, by definition a supremacist at war against Christians, and global warming has a LEGAL MOTIVE to remove all rights of the goyeem down to slave status.

  225. 5.1*10^18kg (estimated mass of Earths atmosphere, source Wikipedia)
    3.12*10^13kg (estimated amount of world greenhouse gas emissions in 2012, source EPA)
    1% of 5.1*10^18 = 5.1*10^16
    5.1*10^16 / 3.12*10^13 = 1,634

    According to the EPA’s estimates about the world’s emissions of Greenhouse gasses. Assuming 100% of all Emissions went into the atmosphere and stayed there…None of it was converted by plants, none went into the oceans, assuming 100% of it lingered around like an unpaid bill…
    It would take 1,634 years at 2012 levels of emissions for humanity to put out Greenhouse emissions equal to 1% of Earth’s atmosphere, and only if 100% of those emissions pooled somewhere in the atmosphere. The human output of greenhouse gases simply is not enough to have any meaningful effect on the planet. The difference is so huge that even if we started pumping out gasses to intentionally change the planet, it would remain well beyond our capabilities. In short, we couldn’t alter the planet’s atmosphere if we tried.

    Further, this data is easy for anyone with a will and a basic knowledge of middle-school math to figure out. You cannot tell me that the highly-educated professionals who spout this garbage actually believe it, when it is so easily refuted by basic math. There is science, and then there is whoring out science for money….take a guess which one Global Warming is? Hint: Anyone remember that hole in the ozone layer that was going to kill us all by now?

    Yet, people like me who see facts are the stupid ones, while people like Clooney who are spoon-fed garbage and ask for more are supposed to be the smart ones. Amazing what passes for sanity these days…

    1. The New York Times even ran an article proving that MOST REAL SCIENTISTS ARE CONSERVATIVES. The left has been trying to define themselves as the scientists and that conservatives are red-necks…but you know what the left calls a “scientist”? They lump in “social sciences” and “psychology” and “political science”!!
      The real mathematicians, physicists, biologists, doctors, engineers, are predominantly conservatives!

  226. Maybe he was just reading a script from the next Al Gore movie. Just another reason not to get your scientific information from Hollywood. I wonder can he say “Global warming is just a tax scam.”?

  227. Looney’s been waiting three years to make this statement. When you’re standing in a foot of snow and make that statement it sounds as stupid as he is. Why is it that stupid actors have this stage to broadcast their opinions. After all isnt Georgy also a huge fan of Obamacare.

  228. To declare any opposing view based on data in any field of science “stupid” is just ignorant of the nature of science. We look at data and develop hypothesis and then more data can prove our hypothesis questionable as with the now disproved hypothesis of man’s influence on the climate, which seems now to be minimal. The 400,000 year core from Antarctica tells the story of global climate change and not politicos devoted to the radical green religion

  229. Mr Clooney makes his living by pretending to be, BY PRETENDING to be, someone else. Pretending to be wise, pretending to be heroic, pretending to be.. He is not a doctor, but he did play one on TV. I would not go to him for medical advice and I would not go to him for advice on the climate. Has he EVEN pretended to be a climate scientist yet? :-))) For money, I mean.

  230. I find this man to be boring, stupid, arrogant, demeaning to women, obnoxious, and just all around jacka$$. Who does he think he is anyway. He is not much of an actor and even if some think he is what contribution to the world does he make. For crying out loud he is an actor-the world can do just fine with out any of them. They are total drains on society and the mind. To think that they think that because they can read a few lines and act out a scene makes them experts on anything. The sooner California and all these “actor” fall into the sea the better.

  231. Well, I guess a totalitarian global government ruled by elites who get to hoard all the energy and luxuries for themselves while the peasants live highly regulated lives of regimentation and dehumanizing blandness is the only way to save the planet.

    I’m so glad the Left cares about me.

  232. And here’s the thing about it. No matter how many people KNOW this is all a hoax…. the government is going to go through with it’s agenda ANYWAY.

    YOU DON’T COUNT TO THEM. You’re just a wallet and a source of revenue. Nothing else. You are NOTHING to them.

  233. Someone else I can chalk off not to watch from the HollyWierd elite know it alls. Yeah cLooney, you are as intelligent as Al Gorzeera, internet creator. Jim Carrey, move over you’ve got company. Both make as much sense as a pet rock.
    Anything to establish a carbon tax, anything. I never believed these snake oil salesmen, they just get free air time to vomit whatever comes out of their mouth for believers to consume.

    So much for the lies of empirical data, right HollyWeird?

  234. Hollywood & the Main Stream Media are BIG Corporate & Government Shrills to TAX you & make you Pay for things that are AGAINST our interest……in other words they are PARASITES.

  235. If Clooney wants to see stupid and ridiculous, he should simply look in the mirror. And he should leave scientific matters to scientists – at least 50% of which do not believe in anthropogenic causes of global warming.

  236. Thought Clooney was a pretty face that the silly swooned over. I did not know that he was a scientist or climatologist. Wow, a science based Hollywood celebrity. Maybe he should be at MIT. George, just because you can act like a smart knowledgeable man does not mean you are one.

  237. .

    99% of ‘doctors’ are NOT telling us that global warming is caused by human activities: more than 30,000 American scientists and engineers have co-signed a statement saying that CO2 is “harmless” and “beneficial” to the biosphere. More is better. Who should we believe? Thirty thousand scientists and engineers? Or George Clooney?

    Clooney is an ACTOR. What does he know about science??


  238. This moron was reading something another imbecile told him to read. This jackasses brain has soured from too much dope, too much booze, and too many whores with STD’s.

  239. The more Clooney and the rest of the dicktards in Hollywood speak aloud trying to tell the rest of the world what’s best for us, the more they and Hollywood will continue to lose money at the box office because of their ignorance and arrogance.

  240. Because Clooney is so well educated … not. This entertainer needs to stick to flying in his private jet to Lake Cuomo Italy every weekend while putting as much co2 into the atmosphere as some small countries. Stupid hypocrite scumbag.

  241. Where did this Moron get his numbers from The Un and or Al Gore ( Mr GREED himself. Many Scientist are opposing this and you as a Dumb A&& should know better. I know better than to spend money on any film you are associated with or any product you endorse.
    Get you head out of Gores Arse PERIOD.. I hope you understand what period Means Obama seems not too know and he even admits he Knows nothing most of the time..

  242. And just how does he know? The majority of scientist have totally debunked global warming. I guess reading and research are not his strong suits. I am sick of Hollywood liberals and their opinions, based on Obama-love. Disgusting and insulting.

  243. People who are hyper-supportive of the notion of human caused climate change, like Clooney, are as ridiculous as those who unwaveringly deny the the tie between the two. There are way too many variables to ever know for sure. What we can do is protect the planet without being environmental fascists. It doesn’t help to be douchey Mr. Clooney.

      1. here, learn something.

        g00gle joel stein hollywood cmon
        g00gle time israel jews media control
        all mainstream, from them
        here is last line of the one from LA Times…
        “But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

        Every movie youve ever seen.. every tv show… every textbook you ever read… every book… comes through, comes via “organized jewish power”. left, right, all of it.

        1. ‘Al Qaeda ‘ boy I meant to say the spell check did it and misinformed parents did you prejudiced person. Go back to hating yourself being a hater.

          1. oh the “hate”… “sob…sniff… sniff”

            what makes you think emotionally rather than logically? who trained you to do that?

            (hint.. top picture)

            ps – our jewbot govt supports al queda in syria, arms them… while they make videos of cannibalism… cut off the heads of christians.. etc…

              1. “racist”?

                and there you go again with that caveman thought processing

                If I dont bow before Isntreal, I must therefor be an arab?

                here, take a look at real brainwashing (not the bs kind you watch on bolshevision) – take a look at some articles describing the real thing instead of the fake thing youve been taught to reference.

                g00gle joel stein hollywood cmon
                g00gle time israel jews media control
                all mainstream, from them
                here is last line of the one from LA Times…
                “But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

                google biden jews influence gay

                1. I don’t watch or listen to main stream media. I listen to bbc , RT and others to. They have their slant too. You have this Jew thing going on. Did you lose in business because of Jews or something? They are good business people. You hate Jews. I get it. Stand in line with the other anti semiotics , your nothing new Arab boy.

                2. Your a hater Arab boy. I watch RT and BBC and read. I don’t take in mainstream. Your a Jew hater antisemite type person. You wear it well and boldly. Still makes you an A Hole. Are you with the KKK still? A Jewish businessman must have given you a spanking in your life

  244. George Clooney didn’t even finish college. In fact, he dropped out from journalism studies which does not have a robust scientific requirement. However, he’s acted in several roles that had something to do with science and may have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

    Leave science to the people who know. Otherwise, you end up looking like George Clooney.

  245. “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” He says.
    Talk about a low info historian, Tyrants and despots in control of every aspect of your life, this is just another step toward the leftists Utopian dream world.

  246. Colonel is looney and no one with a brain cares what he says. Doesn’t he know it’s Climate Change these days? And Global Cooling has been happening over the last decade. So we see who the dumb one really is!

  247. Hey Boy George, hate to break the news to you, it’s called The Wheather.. Shall we blame this horrific hurricane season here in the US on global warming as well?

    But remember, it is pretty simple to pander to the moron vote.

  248. … off course this is coming from a man that received a noble price in climatology and is a well renowned scientist on the issue. Oops no, this is a liberal actor who considers others who disagree with him stupid. How tolerant of him.

  249. Clooney is looney. Hey go plug volcanos all over the world. Than re stalk! Hollywood douche. Listen just make movies we don’t really G.A.S. About your political or social views. When will celebs understand that. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain by running your big ego mouth. Your reducing you fan flock. That’s ‘dumb’ cause we don’t care what’d you think. Rem ‘Dick chicks’ Well the Dixie Chicks can attest to this. Get it George?”

  250. Thank goodness we have definitive comments from an o viously well studied and educated scientist that is Mr clooney. I for 1 am now a total believer.

    I also like unicorns.

  251. George Clooney is a pompous fool. Did he suddenly get an academic degree from Al Gore’s drive thru? Forecasters cannot predict weather or the precise path of a typhoon with 100% certainty, but George Clooney is now a prophet? At the first sign of fallibility, will he be stoned for being a false prophet?

  252. Lol. As though he has a clue. Guess I missed the news the day they reported Clooney had become all-knowing, therefore, anything he says must be true. What a tool.

  253. so…another Hollywood frat boy who never got a college degree is now a scientist? Every time there’s a storm, it’s “global warming.” Every time there’s not a storm, it’s global warming. If it rains, it’s global warming. If it doesn’t rain, it’s global warming. IF there’s a typhoon, it’s global warming. If there are no hurricanes or tornadoes to speak of, it’s global warming. Now, just give all your money over to govts and the UN, and they will magically adjust the earth’s temperature.
    And if you don’t believe all that, you’re “stupid”

  254. “Stupid and ridiculous” seems to be the primary scientific evidence “stupid and ridiculous” liberals bring to a fact fight in defense of poltically correct science.

  255. What makes George Clooney an expert on anything?? This fool is a HUGE Obama supporter, which should tell you right there how STUPID he is. Just because he an actor, and in my opinion not a very good one, does NOT make him an expert on global warming or anything else. We DO NOT need his opinion. Go back to your island hide away in Italy and shut up.

  256. Huh, I guess 30 years in scientific work does not allow me to analyze data and findings and make my own conclusions. However, I did stay in a Holiday Inn once?

  257. Well, that settles it then. Straight from the mouth of an actor, so it must be accurate.

    The arrogant, belittling stupidity of the people that represent today’s Democrat Party…do you really have to wonder why people that can actually “do math” and understand an economy don’t want to “compromise” (which, to a Democrat, means “give me everything I want while you get nothing or else I call you names and tell more lies spread by today’s “mainstream” media which resembles Pravda and Izvestia”) with these people?

  258. The stupidity of most of the Hollywood crowd is truly amazing!! Because they act out fictitious stories and get paid way too much money, they seem to feel they have something important to say! The reality is that it takes low brain power to do what they do, which they prove over and over, but their ego’s are such that they are convinced they know it all! Every actor or actress that still claims “global warming” is actually happening demonstrates that stupidity!

    1. The facts support the “No Global Warming” finding of the real scientists- the facts are out there. If you want to be a Chicken Little- you are free to be one of the hysterical groupies following the hidden agenda cabal. The carbon tax scam is just another swindle planned by a few insiders like that fool- Al Gore. But then, you are probably one of the millions whom have recently enrolled for food stamps.

  259. “ofcourse, ofcourse all the little people out there are distroying the earth that we the well healed would like to enjoy if it were not for so many stupid clogging the streets.” he is not concerned in the least about the 1000’s dead from the storm as he enters his party. “so good to see you george. your suit is fine. oh’ i can’t say that you have looked better. more wine? it’s imported. pressed by the feet of the oppressed. you’ll be glad to know that at tonight’s party we are using .05% less energy than last years event.” clooney is just another voice from the living dead. laughable if it weren’t so sad.

  260. George Clooney needs to understand that anybody that supports Obama is ridiculous. He also needs to understand that his, “Clean up the earth a little bit” is a nice cliche, but the consequences of the radical left’s idea of “cleaning up” will not really clean anything up, but actually destroy economies and increase the chance of global wars, thus making it more dirty. And to add to this,the use of Natural gas, Oil and Coal, are not hurting the planet. An another thing, he’s wrong about the percentage of scientists that agree with him. George Clooney’s arrogance is causing him to be so stupid and ridiculous.

  261. ‘….if you have 99%….’ Democrats never change. Always start off with a lie, and then state the ‘truth’ based upon that lie.

    For 400 years, their predecessors and then the ‘Democratic Party’ starts off with a lie “Negroes are not human, equal of us etc …’ and then they use the lie to justify their actions.

    Now we all know how it felt to be a Jew. living in Germany, in 1939. While perhaps not in danger of losing our lives, we are certainly in danger of losing 80 to 90% of our freedoms.

  262. If 99 podiatrists tell you that you have heart trouble and 1 cardiologist tells you that you do NOT have heart trouble…..should you have heart surgery?

    George Clooney apparently believes that all scientists are climate experts — sort of like asking a Doctor of Art History (PhD) to perform open heart surgery on you. Well, he/she is a Doctor, right?

  263. This from the article: “The idea that we ignore that we are in some way involved in climate change is ridiculous. What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”

    Perfect representation of an ignorant limousine libbie attacking those with differing viewpoints, all the while literally not knowing what he is talking about.

    As the article goes on to demonstrate, the whole alarmist “99%” meme is simply untrue. Further, the childish, naive “what’s the worst that happens” argument is one that an 11 year old might advance.

    Try this on, you bloviating libbie ponce: The “worst thing that happens” is that we cripple our economy by imposing draconian, unnecessary, and utterly ineffectual restrictions on the sources used to generate the power that you consume in HUGE amounts, being one of the entitled. Try lighting your huge mansion with wind power. Try jetting about using only solar-powered planes.

    What an utter ponce, lecturing those of us who actually understand the following FACTS:

    1) The “science” that attributes most, or even much, of warming to man’s activities is in no way “settled.”

    2) EVERY SINGLE model incorporated, and used by the alarmists at the IPCC to justify their endless call for funding and power-grabbing has overstated warming – of which there has been essentially NONE for SEVENTEEN YEARS – and counting.

    3) Even were we to cripple our economy, (which Obozo has done quite well already, thank you very little) in an effort to reduce the demon of CO2, developing nations have already made patently clear that they will NOT do so; thus, our voluntary economic disarming will do nothing – NOTHING – to materially change global temperatures.

    ….of course, the above is an argument based upon fact, reality, and understanding of the issue. Clooney’s bloviating is based upon him looking good in a tuxedo, and the platform that that affords him to talk down to those far more capable than he to understand this issue.

    Sad. Sad to be a bloviating libbie ponce, exposed as an a pompous ignoramus.

    – Snark

  264. Only low info liberals could be interested in what this narcissistic mannequin actually thinks.
    He’s dressed by others, told where to stand, told what to say, how to say it, but he really believes he is the man that he is only playing.
    He is just a piece of window dressing, there’s no there, there.

  265. Looney is a typical hollywood limousine liberal and a Hussein Obama lovin’ delusional hypocrite…i couldn’t care less what this douchebag “thinks” or has to say.

  266. Typical Hollyweird liberal that ignores the facts. Well, I used to enjoy his films. Now I guess he is banished from my viewing list, just like Jim Carrey and any other idiot actor that thinks they know it all.

  267. And the evidence that the recent hurricane is caused by AGW, Mr Clooney, is? At this point, that the storm was even the most powerful is debatable and probably mostly hype.

    Naw, in the face of strong evidence, not consensus, George is speaking as the fool.

  268. Talk about STUPID, clooney has his nose up obama’s azz so far, he’s become delusional from the poison fumes he’s been breathing.
    Actors play make believe for a living, and people give a shit what these morons think. Go figure.

  269. When George isn’t making his millions pretending what he isn’t, he pretends what he isn’t – an expert….in anything…except pretending what he isn’t.

  270. When your good looks fade and you don’t have any brains or common sense to fall back on, you become George Clooney. I guess, he hopes that by spewing government propaganda, he can somehow be viewed as relevant…….Nice try George, but no cigar…..

  271. Just because somebody has a degree, a job title and a bucket full money they didn’t earn does not make them a scientist. Similarly, being a citizen is a credential, a slip of paper signed by somebody of authority. Having a job on a newspaper or perhaps a prime time tv slot is also a credential. But being an American . . . a scientist . . . or a journalist is not a credential, It’s a behavior.

    These infantile despots who populate our institutions of government, popular media and propaganda masquerading as universities are neither American, journalist or scientist. They bestow credentials upon each other as if to bestow honor. Credentials are handed out like the Soviets used to hand out medals to persons of high rank as ‘hero of the people’ . . . when in fact, few if any could demonstrate willingness or skills commensurate with their credentials. Honor is not bestowed, it is earned.

    George Cloony is no American . . .

  272. The mega wealthy men and women such as Clooney have a carbon footprint at least 10 times that of most Americans and 50 times that of people in third world countries.

  273. Clooney is an actor! He memorizes other peoples writings, when he errors a direct hollers cut! and he gets another go at doing it right. Why anyone gives him credibility is sad commentary on their intelligence. Clooney had displayed a knack for acting, other than that he is shallow.

  274. Clooney is an elitist and nothing more. He is a member of the Council of foreign relations. They meet in private to discuss your slavery. Make Clooney stupid and ridiculous. Donot spend one penny on his movies.

  275. Statements such as these is why I refuse to see anything with George Clooney in it, including Gravity, even though I’ve heard good things about that movie.

  276. There was a time when 100% of the people thought the world was flat! 99% thought “No one will lose their insurance” Try to think beyond what your publisher tells you to say!

  277. Yeah, that’s us….stupid and ridiculous…us knuckle-draggers and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of well-respected scientists.

    In case you think there are only a handful of skeptics out here in the Heartland, the past half-decade has seen public confidence that climate change is real and caused by humans either plateau or slightly decline. In the Pew Research Center’s 2006 poll on whether Americans believe human activity is causing global warming, 47 percent of the public hewed to the scientific consensus. But when Pew asked again this March (2013), only 42 percent were on board.

    Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography at California State University – Stanislaus, has said it best: “Global warming is phony science that was concocted to justify implementation of an international political agenda. The idea of using ‘man-caused global warming’ as a ‘surrogate for war’ and as a way to ‘destroy excess wealth’ originated in American and UN-related think tanks such as the Club of Rome back in the 60′s and 70′s. This pseudo-science is the centerpiece of a phony environmental movement by which the UN hopes to redistribute wealth in the world (toward the super-rich and away from the people) to de-industrialize the industrialized countries (via the UN Kyoto Protocol-type carbon taxes, cap and trade schemes, etc.), and radically reduce the human population.”

    Climate scientists working with the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is comprised of an international group of scientists sponsored by the United Nations) and other international bodies have been known to not only spin scientific data to fit their pre-determined conclusions, but also to outright fabricate “evidence” to support their idea of “man-made climate change.”

  278. Ok that seals it–a Hollyweird actor, cartoon character bellowing EX-Senator along will silly Made for TV documentaries will guide all our lives forever. I will admit the weather this November is much different than it was in July and August. It that the change of which they, Our Betters, prattle?

  279. When the dinosors were killed off by climate change, where were all the liberals then, complaining and trying to change life for everone? Stopped watching Clooney years ago because of his liberal stance.

  280. One storm convinces Clooney Global Warming is “real”.
    If Al Gore declared the typhoon was caused by bunny rabbits, Clooney would be calling for their eradication.

  281. To put Mr Clooney’s remarks in proper context, one should consider who these people really are. Actors are pleasant looking humans who stand in front of cameras and repeatedly mouth words written by someone else. Under no circumstance should one confuse the actor with the character they portray.

  282. Upwards of 10,000 people died from a typhoon and George Clooney’s first reaction is to try to profit from it. Real class act there.

    My suggestion to his PR people is you come up with an escape plan because if he’s willing to try to cash in on death of this magnitude then there will come a point where you can’t save his reputation.

  283. Clooney chooses the data he likes. He doesn’t read what the growing majority of scientists say about climate change and the cycles that have always existed.
    He’s an actor. What else can one expect?

  284. George, what is really stupid and ridiculous, is that you think anyone in their right mind gives a #hit what you think about anything. Get a real life, you over hyped, self righteous jerk.

  285. He has to keep up the party line in Hollywood to keep the phony baloney scripts coming. Haven’t paid to see a movie in years, besides his incessant head bobbing will drive you nuts.

  286. Hey George go over to China and have them change their ways first. Have you seen the crap they pump into the air? Oh ya, don’t want to upset your fellow Commies?

  287. Hi Everyone!
    I am George Clooney!

    I am the CIA’s little effin bitch doll!
    ( pay attention world )

    Oh yes it’s true.
    When I am not screwing brown starving midgets I am screwing over the 3rd world for the CIA!

    How funny is that?

  288. It’s stupid and ridiculous to say 1 typhoon can clearly show us global warming.. Where are all the hurricanes then, George? Whats the worst that comes out of it, you say, George? How about we tax companies. They wont leave the U.S. and find a country with less taxes to put their jobs…

  289. When scientists can accurately explain the triggers that resulted in thousands-feet-thick sheets of ice covering much of the globe, repeatedly, within the last 40,000 years, maybe then we can take their now-politicized observations seriously. We humans MIGHT be tipping the scales —maybe—but we don’t really know for sure, at least not enough to reconstruct our governmental systems & taxation, and daily lives.

  290. Dear George. Follow the money for those 99% of Scientists. If they declare there is no global warming or climate change, guess what? That money dries up. Then what are they going to do? They will have to come up with some new sham to support themselves. You want to see stupid George? Look in the mirror.

  291. What do you expect from a dumbass – intelligent debate? clooney is a moron, hence the reason his words carry know relevance, add to that he’s apparently as accomplished and free wheel lying as his man barry and, well, perhaps morons should learn their place, huh georgie?

  292. Stupid and Ridiculous describes white folks like Clooney who vote for a lying, racist socialist like Obama.
    IF someone put a bullet in him, andf I was on the jury, the verdict would be NOT GUILTY!
    George Clooney, like the ObowelMovement is an enemy of America!
    What HASN’T the ObowelMovement lied about?

  293. He’s stupid and ridiculous. These Hollywood types that think they know what’s going on in the world make me crazy. Go away and shut up ’cause I could care less what he has to say. What university did he graduate from??? Also just wait until the economy totally collapses and NO ONE has any money to go to his crappy movies and they all bomb at the box office. People like Clooney need to go crawl in a hole and shut up.

  294. George and most of the other Hollywood know-it-alls, who consider themselves to be models of inclusiveness and tolerance, are actually the most cliquish and narrow-minded group of people on the face of the planet.

  295. Hollywood and the democrat Party have decalared WAR ON THE MIDDLE CLASS, and it’s past time the middle class declared war back on them.
    F them up, any way you can!

  296. Thomas Paine’s opening words in Common Sense read in part as follows: ” . . . a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance of being RIGHT, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.”

    In modern parlance, “A lie told often enough and to a sufficient number of people eventually becomes indistinguishable from the truth.” This is why election victories are so often won by shear numbers of dollars, faux journalism, tv spots, and hired character assassins. When enough faux Americans, journalists, teachers and scientists hang sufficient credentials on each other, they secure for themselves that coveted ‘majority vote’. But the vote is yet another credential – not a measure of the citizen’s duty to vote for individuals who capably defend liberty.

    The fundamental definition of a scientist is seeker of truth and perpetual skeptic of all that is assumed true. A real scientist offering up a hypothesis of disaster would be delighted to be proven wrong. These ‘hired guns’ make a living by keeping their benefactor’s cash faucet turned on. ‘Scientists’ identified by Clooney et. als. are demonstrating themselves not to be scientists . . . no matter how many presidents, senators, cabinet members and Hollywood bloviators have called them one.

  297. Why I won’t pay to watch these dolts at the theators or on TV. I cut the cable so I am not paying for channels that I don’t watch.

    If 60% of the people in this country stopped going to the movies people like this dimwit – Clooney – would be looking for work and not running their uneducated mouths.

  298. The biggest Hollywood democrat liars are rewarded with the biggest roles by the Joo Hoolywood establishment. That’s why hollywood actors fall all over themselves to say the dumbest things imaginable/

  299. This is
    all you need to know Clowny……..There are ominous signs that the Earth’s weather
    patterns have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may portend a
    drastic decline in food production – with serious political implications for
    just about every nation on Earth. The drop in food output could begin quite
    soon, perhaps only 10 years from now. The regions destined to feel its impact
    are the great wheat-producing lands of Canada and the U.S.S.R. in the North,
    along with a number of marginally self-sufficient tropical areas – parts of
    India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indochina and Indonesia – where the growing season
    is dependent upon the rains brought by the monsoon.

    If this GLOBAL
    COOLING trend is not stopped, the world will run out of food completely by
    the 21st Century. (That would be the year 2000,
    for you libtard warmers!)

    (“global cooling” hysteria in the 1970’s)

    think that the latest IPCC report from the U.N. has truly sunk to level of
    hilarious incoherence.”

    – Dr. Richard Lindzen atmospheric physicist and Professor of Meteorology…So
    keep following your little stupid political hack libtards……

  300. What HASN’T the ObowelMovement lied about, and WHY do democrats trust a serial liar with their health and well being?
    Slimy Democrat cowards have not been told how to answer the question yet……..

  301. If this professional phoney had any credentials other than being able to parrot other people’s words then…

  302. Isn’t it interesting how these Hollywood types are always besmirching the intelligence of those who disagree with them? Many of the biggest offenders – George Clooney, Cher, Whoopie Goldberg, etc. – are high school or college dropouts. They have no business doing so when they were too stupid or lazy to complete their own educations.

  303. George Clooney, like so many ‘best in show’ purebreds displays very attractive physical features however his intelligence level more closely resembles the average Alsatian.

    He is not the sort of cognitive dynamo that would lend credibility to the Left’s manipulative global warming agenda.

  304. “Stupid and ridiculous” is looking to a man who earns his living pretending to be someone he’s not, speaking words someone else wrote, expressing thought that someone else conceived, in a fantasy world someone else created.

  305. He’s just another tool for the climate change freaks. It’s about the carbon tax, getting into your pockets and Agenda 21 controlling your life. One of the best articles I have seen about the truth of “Climate Change shows there is more affecting the climate than CO2. The scientists working for the UN have their own agenda by adding to and leaving out facts that make a try Hypothesis nearly impossible. See:

      1. First I replied and had to delete because I read your comment too quickly….I don’t understand what they want to do, stop everyone from breathing so as to not to ‘negatively’ affect the planet?

      2. So you’re saying there is nothing humans can do to lesson the carbon foot print?…..but I’m an idiot. Btw you have zero understand of the ice growth. It was the caps that grew, you dip stick, it expanded outward over the ocean surface.

    1. Humans are a natural function of the planet. Regardless of what humans do, the planet will always be here. This environmental BS is not for the planet – it’s for human health. We have the potential to destroy ourselves, but the ball of rock that orbits the sun will never go away until the sun becomes a red giant.

      1. Maybe, but you can’t prove that any more than Clooney can prove global warming. And you as well as everyone else that replied didn’t answer my one question.

        1. “you can’t prove that any more than. . .”Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh really?REality check for you skippy. . . .go look up what a “Dawn Redwood” tree is. . . .It was thought extinct. Fossils of them growing in ancient polar forests 250 million years ago.. . . .during the Mesozoic period.Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s right. . . .forests at the poles 250 million years ago.Now. . . .unless you can dig up a fossilized GMC or show me a cave painting of a hummer – you’ve got a lot of explaining to do how we somehow had forests at our poles 250 million years ago.

          1. I’ve never heard of them. You said they were thought extinct, but found a fossil of one? Not sure what that meant. Also, I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove.

    2. Because those that supposedly produced “data” produced fraudulent “cooked” data (“hide the decline”) and took billions of taxpayer dollars, as well as those universities who helped promote this taxpayer fraud.If I took billions of taxpayer dollars and puked up a bunch of “cooked” data and fraudulent studies, I’d be in prison with everything I own confiscated as restitution to pay back the taxpayers for my fraud. . . . Why do you believe a bunch of fraudulent hucksters who took your money and played you for a dupe?

            1. Your question is irrelevant and not what is being discussed. Some people talk of the glass being half full, others see the glass is half empty, you see a giraffe.

      1. Well fine, but why do all you have to go nuts on one little potentially false theory? Read these psychos comments below yours and tell if any of theses clowns could begin to understand any of this.

                1. It means that you are too stupid to follow what is being discussed. You want to talk about good stewardship, go write a f’ing story and get after it. That is not what this story is about. Idiots like you provide cover for idiots like Clooney and you don’t even know the basics of what is going on. You are a tool of the laziest and most dangerous kind.

                  If you really can’t tell the difference between the global warming scam and a willingness to be good stewards then you are lost.

        1. “potentially” false?Jeezuz, do you listen to yourself?”Hide the decline”. . .ignoring the Medieval Warming period, the little ice age (Maunder Minimum). . . .refusing to use accurate tree ring data. . . . It was a hoax Mike. . . plain and simple. Global warming is a hoax. It’s a “made up” hyper hysteria to demand money from the US . . . .and hamper the US economic engine. . . nothing more. .. nothing less.Wake up and start to educate yourself. . . . . stop parroting what idiots in Looney universities tell you and start to think for yourself. .. . .Don’t be an “O-bot”. . . .

            1. And why should we listen to you then?I actually laid out facts that prove your position wrong. . . .and you refuse to pay attention – so what in the he|| gives you the right to negatively impact my life when you can’t even produce evidence of your claims?You and Obama need to go pound sand. . .

              1. I posted questions. Never made any claims or factual statement. You might need to relax a little, this just an online forum. The bottom line is no of know anything to a certainty, but you acting like you do know something to a certainty tells me I probably shouldn’t listen to you.

      2. The global warming “scammers” want to hinder energy production here in the US. Because energy production equals economic prosperity. That’s when they made up this “global warming” scam for the UN to punish the US and take money from us (“blame us”) and hamper out success. . . . .It’s a global scam. . . .to harm the US. . . .I think Governors should start to “break” against the federal government. . . give them the finger – and start to take control of drilling in their own states and tell the feds to go pound. . . . .If Obama and Holder scream, tell them “so sue me. It seems that’s the only thing you actually know how to do.” And then keeeeeeeeeeeep ignoring them. . . move forward with prosperity in their states . . .

  306. Google “ALBERTO GOREZ”…..he is a noted S. American Global Cooling Climatologist who has been warning the public about the danger of GLOBAL COOLING for years!
    What a TRUE VISIONARY!!!!!!! ALBERTO GOREZ!!!!!!!!!

  307. I always thought Clooney was a good actor but ” a little bit of fluff”. That was a term used in the past for Starlets. He never lived a normal, worried about paying his mortgage or putting food on the table, lived the life of a spoiled Hollywood brat. He thinks he knows more than people who live in the “real world, yet he has never done anything but spout someone else’s words. Acting isn’t real life, in case he hasn’t noticed. He jets back and forth, sort of like Gore, uses more gas, oil, etc., has multiple residences, and has the nerve to lecture on what clearly is faux, politically motivated issue. All I can say is, he must not have any roles being offered and this is his cheap way of getting noticed. Age is creeping up on you Mr. Clooney, you will soon be looked on as a character actor, without any character of his own. Maybe he will take the time to learn the facts of life and not be such a caricature of a real person.

  308. I wonder what it must be like to look out on the majesty of nature and have absolutely no clue how anything works, nor want one. I mean what do you do with all that money if you don’t educate yourself? It’s depressing.

  309. Nobody myself declared Global Warming Purists to be “stupid” and “ridiculous.” See how easy that is, anyone can do it – it doesn’t mean it’s a credible statement either way.

  310. George Looney is at it again. Well Georgie, my family and I haven’t given a single dollar to your crummy movies and we not about to start. Capitalism all the way, baby!

  311. SERIOUSLY!!!!!! DO IT!

    Google “ALBERTO GOREZ”…..he is a noted S. American Global Cooling Climatologist who has been warning the public about the danger of GLOBAL COOLING for years!
    What a TRUE VISIONARY!!!!!!! ALBERTO GOREZ!!!!!!!!!

  312. Yes because we ALL want to hear what Georgie Porgie has to say about something he knows NOTHING about. This is a non-story. Shut your yapper Clooney!

  313. If 99% of the doctors have a stupid idea, it’s still a stupid idea. People can believe whatever they want, but it doesn’t make it true. Typical statements from liberals who know nothing but acting, and start acting like scientists. Keep your day job and spare us the lecture.

  314. Seems like hyperbole and misinformation is the order of the day for the uneducated Hollywood and liberal media types. Wasn’t too long ago that the Oklahoma tornadoes were the worst ever as well. Then recent reports that tornadoes have been fewer in number the last two years… Global Warming nuts
    should just give all the money to Al Gore and leave the rest of us alone.

  315. Rules of Global Warmists debating:
    1. Name calling, diminish your opponent

    2. Argue against data with no data of your own: It never snows. It snowed yesterday. That’s just one example.

    3. Invoke moral authority: Believe me because I’m me
    4. Declare victory unilaterally

    Clooney’s got it down.

    1. Yes, he is another elite faker that should stay on the set and stop ttying to step into the melding world between fact and fiction that actors and activists try to creat.

  316. And your Degree is in what Clooney ? Under-water basket-weaving ? Just another reason to NOT watch your movies, cause you see George, when you fly around the world in your personal jet you burn more fossil fuel than my truck does for a whole year, and you have the nerve to preach to us ? F.U.

  317. Who cares, if he died tomorrow the sun would still rise. He’s simply a person whose worldly contribution has been to pretend to be another person. It’s not like he’s important.

    1. I heard wsj this morning say that now the sun doesnt have enough holes in it and its creating a magnetic pull that isnt normal.

      Yet two years ag they said there were so many holes they worried about a major solar flare.

      What makes these very stupid people think they know more than mother nature?

    1. Same, I support people who, at least, say little or noting.
      I recommend Pacific Rim, good movie. Relatable hero, excellent FX, good music score and the brightest star in the movie… Rinko Kukichi. :- D

  318. Another want to be intellect who some how rationalizes hanging out with Berlusconi doesn’t make him a joke as well.

    I would be more than happy to hear Mr. Clooney explain the data that makes him a believer in global warming. This should include items such as the assumptions made in the computer models to what constitutes a long term and short term trend for an entity that has existed over thousands of years.

    99% of scientists agree? On what? That Clooney is an easily manipulated simpleton that can’t think for himself? If that’s the case, I agree.

  319. Does every one of you nuts believe L.A.’s and Hong Kong’s skies have always looked the way they do today? Great, the scientist dubbed a term so simple if the dumbest ones on this sight can refute it, but doesn’t offset all other impacts. Ever try to look at the starts when your in the city as oppose to when your in the wilderness? It’s pretty easy to pick up on.

          1. Mike: I do regret if my glib response came off too sarcastic, but do let me share something. I was using cloth bags back in the 90’s before it was even popular but that was when I was more trusting and using less of a critical eye to issues. That will never happen again.
            I am a conservationist which means I respect the value of what I have and what there is. I don’t abuse nor am I frivolous. When those who are preaching about being ‘green’ actually practice it…..and give up ordering the new technological device every 3 months, go back to cloth diapers and don’t use personal jet planes they might actually make inroads, but they don’t because they are talking heads who want you and I to do their bidding but they do little or nothing. This coupled with the fact that those who talk about warming/cooling/climate change (whichever is works to their advantage) as if there are no opposing scientific viewpoints and who are using the topic to make millions off of the middle class who follow along leave much to be desired in honesty and integrity.

            1. Good post. I agree there is more talk than action. What I don’t like about most of the posts on this blog is how being anti global warming equates with being anti environment. You don’t seem to fall into that category, but most of the fools replying to me yesterday do. I don’t support the global warming theory, but I’m a conservationist/environmentalist. My original post asked people, even if they don’t believe in global warming, do they believe humans are negatively affecting the planet, and these people went off on me. It’s good see one reasonable person on here.

    1. LA’s skys look like that due to their proximity to a mountain range that stops the air from being cleared. . . if LA wants to fix their own smog – then let LA do something. . . .But it isn’t up to you and Obamabots to use false/fraudulent and cooked data to decide what is best for me . . . .or my family. . . . If you don’t like LA’s smog, then move. . . .get it?

    2. He’s the sky is dirty and toxic in China-needs to be cleaned. The water in the river I am close to- yes not drinkable-needs cleaned. Needs to be more attention to cleaning it up BUT go put your big butt in a volcano and plug up what comes out of them and then let’s talk big boy! Global warming not happening by our hand-proven!

  320. This is why I have boycotted Hollywood. There’s simply too much liberal cancer and anti America propaganda coming from these elites. If we want to make them learn a lesson, the nation HAS to quit giving them money to buy, rent and see their productions.

  321. Even some scientists debunk the ‘global warming’ myth, but the liberal media and Al Gore keep pushing it. Funny thing 25 years ago, it was global cooling.
    The sky is falling!

  322. I think it is ignorant and stupid to accept the words of a man who owes his entire existence to mouthing the words of others and calling himself an actor.

    Pursuit of the truth involves the judicious analysis of true facts, and interpretations by reputable experts in a subject and formulation of an opinion based on facts, not spurious observations of people who have a material interest in other believing opinions based in hyperbole.
    And yes, cleaning things up would ne nice, start with your own stuff.

  323. I Just read a great article by Alberto Gorez, the noted S. American global cooling climatologist, who says we are going into an ice age. Have you noticed all of the record breaking cold all over the world this year, most notably in the southern hemisphere…… But even California is shivering……would you like to buy some carbon debits to help warm things back up?

  324. Georgie boy, no one is arguing that there isn’t climate change. Of course there is. But, is it caused by man? Can man make the wind blow in the opposite direction? And George, just who are these 99% of scientists? Are they the academia researchers that depend on government grants to keep their jobs? Hmmm. Get a brain, George. The one that is “stupid” and “ridiculous” is the man in the mirror. Oh, and George, IF you have a Bible, read Job 38. Have a nice day.

      1. And that is an environmental “hazard” when “Big Oil” is involved with the mixing!

        However, at the bottom of the oceans it has been observed that oil is released by the Earth itself. So what is that mixing oil and water? A natural occurrence? The Earth “cr*pping” where it works?

  325. Anyone have a correlation between these actors, media and political hacks that promote this garbage AND their stock holdings or investments in ‘green’ companies. No one is going to tell me they aren’t making a lot of cash on this. And the uninformed buy this rhetoric?

  326. No wonder his nickname is George “Looney.”

    Hey George, LEARN SOME REAL SCIENCE for a change – global-warming/cooling/climate change, or whatever the propaganda word is for the day, is a natural cycle in the neighborhood of 30-35 years.

    It has to do with solar activity, or the lack thereof, and the solar effect on cosmic rays reaching the earth’s atmosphere. Man has nothing to do with it whatsoever. IT IS THE SUN – so go there and tell the sun to behave itself!

  327. Clooney is in the Hollywood bubble. He has everyone patting him on the back and telling him how caring and SMART he is. But he is a liberal so he really cant see the forest from the trees. Theyre good intentions agenda are not about the planet , real science or FREEDOM., its merely self gratification of stroking their own egos. But people with any common sense realize the flawed logic of total hypocrisy.

  328. Well evidently there are 4 Proglodytes who do not believe in Science . I’m sorry Progs the Science results are in Global Warming is as real as obama caring for the middle class and poor

  329. I take great comfort knowing that no one takes him seriously on subjects he knows nothing about. He also was an authority on Obamacare because he once played a doctor on tv and encouraged people to vote for Obama. No one cares what piss poor actors and actresses have to say except the simple minded.

  330. Clooney has played the roles of people who are smart and wise………with words other people wrote, but now he’s gone off the deep end thinking he’s a scientist and has proof. Wake up George or at least tell us who’s financing this acting like you know something credible.

  331. Well, I guess protecting the progressive ideology is just job security in Hollywood, but we should take him about as seriously as those that called us names for pointing out what a failure Obamacare was destined to be.

  332. As usual, liberals think bullying is the essence of science. Thank goodness we have Dr. George Clooney to explain climate science to us. He’s right up there with Dr. Woody Harrelson and Dr. Scarlett Johansson in the fight against global warming and plastic shopping bags.

  333. What’s ridiculous is people comingling global warming with man made global warming. The first is inevitable, the second is a theory of influence with no proof of significant impact. The average global temp for the last 570 Million years is 72F barring the four major global freezes. It’s currently 56F, so guess what? It’s going to get warmer, oceans are going to rise, and they’ll be more CO2 whether man is on the planet or not.

    Clooney said you’d be an idiot to ignore the 99% of Doctors said you’re sick. But what if 100% of the long term tests conducted to determine you were sick were proven to be 100% wrong. Would you be “smart” to still believe the doctor’s original conclusion, or just an unthinking sycophant boob?

    Since All the climate models were proven wrong. Since a NASA mission last year proved the climate models “vastly overestimated” CO2 effect on Temperature, and “vastly underestimated” the Earth’s daily heat loss, I find it utterly laughable for the science to be considered settled by anyone after being proven to be “vastly” wrong.

  334. Global Warming Climate Change is just another Liberal Extortion racket. Al Gore the Consiglieri and his band of Lying fanatics should be prosecuted under the RICO act.

  335. All this guy has going for him is his looks.
    Cloony is a vacuous, bitter and mean man. Just ask those that work with him.
    He should stay in Europe where he belongs – he adds zero valuie to any discussion he participates or intrudes upon.

  336. Funny that these clowns never cite the world-wide experiment which convinced them humans were involved in global warming (hint: there isn’t one!). Especially, since there has been a reversal in climate temps over the last 16 years.

  337. Hollywood is all about style, fashion and reading the scripts other people write. Narcissists are not the people I would turn to when dissecting scientific questions.

  338. Clooney worships at the mythic altar of “Global Warming”,”AGW”, Now “Climate Change” for the purpose of misleading the weak minded into the elitist trap of global governance. A pox on his house. CLIMATE CHANGE is all about control of people, their actions, and most importantly another way to tax our arses off.

  339. Must be something in the air or water in Hollywood that transforms low IQ idiots into climate experts. And yet with all of his genius Clooney flunked out of Northern KY University.

  340. About that 147 mph thing. Hurricane top wind speeds are determined by taking a one minute measurement. Typhoons’ on the other hand use a 10 minute interval. It is entirely possible that during the 10 minutes of 147+ mph winds one minute had wind well in excess on 147. There is no doubt Haiyan would have been classified has a cat 5 hurricane had the NHC been doing the classifying.

  341. I’ve been waiting for someone to tie the typhoon to global warming. But I figured it would be Algore. Is the fact that the U.S. has enjoyed the least number of tornadoes since the 1980’s also attributable to global warming? Or does that not count. Clooney should stick to smiling for the paparazzi and leave thinking to others. If not for the skeptics fighting to maintain some sanity consider where our economy would be.

  342. So explain the Galveston Hurricane Georgie or the The Two Giant Hurricanes in 83 – 1883. Must have been the steam off of the horse crap in the streets that caused those.

  343. Can someone guide me through my Obamacare enrollment? The website is asking for my age. Should I enter my age today, or should I guesstimate how old I am going to be when the program is actually working?

  344. Hollywood sucks and they can keep there lame brain opinions to themselves. MSM gives them a voice, but mainstream America has no voice. Plants produce oxygen from carbon dioxide and the more they take in the more oxygen they produce and even have a 30% growth gain when there is an abundance of CO2. Government has poor stewardship over national forest and fires breakout releasing a bunch of CO2 when this happens, and wildlife is killed. Anyone see how many eagles, hawks, birds, and bats that have been killed by the wind turbine farms the government thinks are so great to counter their stupidity? We would be thrown under the jail if this were one of the mainstream America and not the government cronies that are putting the farms up.

  345. Posting this for Mike who seems truly stupid and incapable of using a search engine.
    Ok everyone, go look up what a “Dawn Redwood” is. (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). It’s thought to be the great great grand daddy of the Giant Sequoia and the California Redwoods. Next, buy one and plant it in your yard. Why you may ask?Every other month, I get some blithering student at my door hyperventilating about global warming.I point to my tree and say – See that tree? It’s called a “living fossil.” They were thought to be extinct until 1947 when they were found growing in China. They have found fossils of these trees from 250 million years ago, during the Mesozoic period, having grown at our ancient polar forests. Thaaaaaaaat’s right. .. there were ancient forests at our poles 250 million years ago.So, unless you can dig up a fossilized GMC or show me a cave painting of a Hummer – you better come up with an explanation for that tree growing at the poles 250 million years ago. . . .I’ve sent numerous liberal idiots walking away confused as they stare at the living proof growing in my yard. . . .proof they were lied to. .. . .Go get yourself one of these and plant it. Can get them for about $20.00, and they’re a wonderful “living” argument against the “global warming” stupidity. Get some for your family too. . .

    1. I think it’s great you have this special relationship with this tree, but I guess I do need you to explain how the existence of thought to be extinct tree disproves that humans are negatively impacting the planet’s environment.

      1. Mike – you’re obviously just too dumb to understand the point – and frankly – that says more about you than anything. . . if even the wingnut liberal students at my door get the point. . . . Put down the keyboard and go think about it. . . .it will eventually come to you. . . .It’s not my problem your public education has failed you. . . . it’s yours for not recognizing your ignorance. . . . Now run along. . .

        1. I think he’s more than a tad. . . . .I think he’s 11 years old or something. If not – he’s truly fried his brain on something. . . Can you imagine someone like Mike walkin’ in your company and applying for a job?Jeezuz. . . .. . .I wouldn’t hire him to make the coffee. . .he seems incapable of anything above “brain pan” level of thought. . . . Higher critical thinking?Nada. . .no one home. . . .

      2. Hey Mike, time to use your brain. If a tree was growing in an ancient polar forest, the earth obviously was warmer 250 million years ago! Think. And by the way, there were no cars, buses, coal fired power plants, a zillion cows in India farting, jets, and 6 billion people 250 million years ago. So to say that AGW is happening is a crock of BS. If every car, bus, coal fired power plant stopped working tomorrow for 10 years…NOTHING would happen to the climate with respects to what the climate has done for millions of years. wake up.

        1. Don’t you feel strange having to explain something that rudimentary to someone?It’s sooooooooooooooooo.. . . . . .it’s like a 5 year old is on the other side of the keyboard or something. . . .except we all know 5 year olds are smarter than this and wouldn’t be commenting on a global warming forum. . . . . .so you’re left with “the guy has fried his mind man. . . he’s just a barely evolved eating machine”. . . . .

        2. That just doesn’t make any sense. One, I don’t support the global warming theory, but I’m an environmentalist. Two, there are numerous theories, The Big Freeze, which would sympathize with both arguments. And 3, claiming that the toxins we burn in our factories and emit from our vehicles has no impact on our planet is mind blowing. You my friend, may be a dangerously stupid individual. P.S. your not also the guy who told me the haze over LA and Hong Kong is smog are you? Cus you sound like him.

          1. Interesting how you describe my fact that trees were present 250 million years ago in the Arctic as a theory. An Environmentalist? This explains everything. I think you forgot to take history classes. The smog in the LA basin was worse in the 1940’s (see web pictures…easy to do) and the population was….wait for it…. 6.9 million and not 17.5 million today.

            1. I didn’t refer to your trees as a theory. I referred to the theories your tress support as being debatable. I’m also not sure one can depict the degrees of environmental impacts of smog based on a picture. I guess what we’re both getting at is, global warming aside, do you or I believe dense population of people, vehicles, and industry provide a largely increased negative impact on the environment and if so are those impacts clearly visible? I say yes, and that the proof of your trees is not enough evidence to convince me otherwise, although it is an interesting point. I believe you say no and aside from your revived species of trees, what other clear evidence is there to support if we did take away all those overpopulated criteria there be no change.

          2. And my point is that the CLIMATE would not change if the world stopped burning coal, driving cars, cows farting, Algore stopped using his private jet (and your buddy Clooney for 10 years. My choice? All nuclear and hydrogen cars (which are available now) but your ilk will never agree to this…you would prefer we live like we did in 1800. Would there still be some smog? yes. and my previous post had a number of 6.9 million in 1940….this was for the entire state of California NOT the LA basin. Get your facts straight and use your brain.

            1. Didn’t see this post. I guess you do believe there would be no difference in the climate without all these things. I just don’t understand how you could think that, but I guess it is what it is. If we’re to continue this convo, do you believe pollution has an impact on the environment?

              1. I give up. My point with the trees was pretty clear. How were there trees in the arctic millions of years ago? It was warm. The earth evolved and it became colder without 6 billion people ‘changing the climate’ . Just as the earth’s climate is changing today WITH 6 billion people. Algore and his ilk refuse to admit that the earths climate has changed well before he started his life on this planet (I.E. it was warmer in 1100 AD than it is now). Do I think there is pollution? of course there is. Ask the people of China. Is the US much cleaner due to the EPA (that Nixon started) ? Of course. Was it important to recognize ozone and gas stations as the culprit of pollution and using high tech fixes to help stop gas fumes getting into the air? Of course. Do I know that the pollution in the LA basin was much worse in the 1940’s (and looking at a picture is not the only evidence) due to the limited population at the time (much less than the 17 million today) using incinerators to burn the garbage at their home (my grandparents had one too) and cars that emitted horrible amounts of pollution? Of course I do. Do I think there would still be smog in the LA basin without 17 million people? I don’t think it would be as bad but it would still arrive because of temperature inversions as smog is a combination of fog and pollution including dust from the climate of an area that gets very hot and dusty during the summer. And I would hope you would have some sense to agree that water vapor has an impact on the change of climate.
                You refuse to acknowledge my points in previous posts or are unable to substantiate your arguments so this is kind of a pointless discussion. And yes, I still maintain the CLIMATE would still do it’s thing with or without us as man has very limited impact on CLIMATE, period.

  346. He proclaimed as he stepped inside his private gas guzzling jet and pumped out a massive carbon foot print. (Imagine how bad the pollution get’s when he opens his mouth!)

  347. So now Hollywood liberals like Clooney are authority figures we should seek out for our information on global warming. This guys brain is about as absorbent as a used tampon.

  348. It must bed a Conservative trait to read the first sentence than rant and rave like a lunatic as if you know what your talking about….Later losers #leavingthisarticle #dontwasteyouretimereplying

      1. I have an old circus cannon that we can stuff fodder like Clooney into and air mail his over payed, talentless rear end to his destination! (Just haven’t worked out the landings yet).

  349. This is part of the Hegelian Dialectic of “manufacturing consensus”. They use tools and fools like clooney to belittle those who disagree and try to make it appear that they are in the lunatic fringe. We are being constantly subjected to coordinated psychological manipulation in order to advance the role of government, from local to global, in our lives.

    What’s the worst that could happen, clooney? An economic collapse and the destruction of American competitiveness. The truth is that is exactly what they want to achieve in order to usher in one world totalitarian, Luciferian government.

  350. So, how does George expect people to get to the movie theaters to worship his persona and acting work? Ah, they have to use their cars…which burn gasoline…which creates that nasty CO2…which according to George is one of the causes of Global Warming. Can anyone spell hypocrite?? Or maybe he just loves the money coming his way….

  351. It is all so funny! Really, please come down to SW Florida George, and see how we have been suffering from the many hurricanes predicted for this Season! Of course the season is not over, and I may speak too soon. Please scold me if we have a big one before November 30th. And don’t forget to scold those so-brilliant Scientists-of-the-Weather if we don’t.

  352. Man I like this guy as an actor but how stupid can you get. There is no evidence of human induced global warming, in fact there is no global warming.

    Talk about ‘group think’ we have a nation of liberal dolts manipulated by left wing and tyrannical corrutpocrat government eager to give away our hard earned hard fought liberty and sovereignty.

    Liberalism has always been a threat and never more dangerous…why… because they will believe anything and do anything.

    Trust me though in 10 years when the climate change bubble implodes, Clooney will be off on some other lefty loon adventure and will have long forgotten his public warming idiocy. Liberals are like that, very short memories…

  353. New rule:
    If you burn 300 times the amount of carbon that the average person does because of your rich lifestyle you have to shut up about global warming.

  354. You’ve got to love it when people who are always playing someone else for a living, calls you stupid because you don’t buy into this fraudulent, debunked “global warming”.

  355. It’s a good thing you do not make your income from your intellect. And, stop it with the generalizations. Just because the man-made theory is debunked, does not mean the informed do not want to take care of the environment.

  356. I really wish spoiled hollywood celebrities would refrain from publically commenting on issues. They just ruin whatever they talk about with their self absorbed faux intellectual comments. There should be some kind addition to the first amendment whereby if you accept that kind fo fame, you lose your right to public political speech.

  357. Global warming and cooling has been happening as far back as we can look at core samples. Duh, Clooney. The only people who don’t agree with today’s nitwittery are the ones who are stunned that people are gullible enough to believe that AGW is a defining factor. When the models don’t work (all of them), the propaganda is lies (An Inconvenient Truth), controlled by the AGW propagandists (East Anglia) and a leading guru STILL respected by the AGW True Believers is Al Gore who ginned up the panic and then sold everyone the cure, I wonder who the misled people are. I don’t think Clooney is stupid, but I do think he is really, really gullible and mean. Arrogance is not a virtue.

  358. Gotta love his 99% of doctors argument, 99% of doctors used to use leeches to cure all ails. 97% of scientists warned Columbus and Magellon about the dangers of sailing west from Europe. 97% of scientists said man can never fly, let alone go to the moon, just a few years ago.

  359. Thank you for Describing yourself Clooney. Which rhymes with Looney. Don’t give up your pretend day job. Ooops. You don’t have one. Try living like the rest of America for one day. You and AL GORE are both BORES.

  360. Global warming is a joke just like Clooney’s acting…, but he should stick to the acting just as other actors should and stay the F out of politics. They are just trying to set up credit system which in return will just cost consumers more and those consumers are already being taken advantage of by political talking heads. If you do your research and talk to private geologists, not govt geologists then you would no that it was warming when the dinosaurs were around and then froze. People need to wake up and we need to silence the politicians and those damn idiotic celebrities!!!

  361. Clooney also played a doctor on television, which made him an authority on healthcare, encouraging everyone to vote for President Obama and Obamacare because it was good for all of us. Now he lectures us on global warming. I can hardly wait until he speaks out again on another important issue.

  362. First, he is and actor, so who cares what he thinks. Second, there are a lot of people (scientists) who know a lot more than him who also have doubts on the issue. My advice to clooney, obama, gore, and the rest is this: If you actually believe in this hoax called global warming, then do your part to stop heating up the planet. Give up your private jet, sell your gigantic house, boat, cars, etc.., and live in a Teepee and take the bus.

  363. This man is an ACTOR, for Heaven’s sake! He might be a fairly good actor, but that gives him no authority on climate science. He obviously has simply taken the regime’s propaganda as fact without taking the time to do either scientific or factual research. He and his kind are the truly dangerous ones.

    1. These are liberals. They know everything about everything. Just ask him. Remember Ted Danson said we only have 10 years to save the planet. What was that 20 years ago?

  364. Hey George Goofey, is every typhoon and hurricane caused by global climate change? Which ones are and which ones aren’t. George Goofey, when will you debate Dr. Lindzen on CNN?

    1. Katrina was caused by George Bush, the others have been caused by climate change. They keep predicting record hurricanes every year because of climate change, yet if you research the last few years you’ll see that they have been 100% wrong, but, as always facts don’t count.

      1. That’s correct. For libs like george goofey, facts don’t matter. I am sure his palatial estates her in the USA and in Lake Cuomo, Italy generate as much, if not more, carbon footprint than 1000 avg citizens, yet he, like all the othe lib hypocrites criticize as though they are disconnected from it. The good news, George Goofey, is that it does nothing to the atmosphere, so he can eat, fart, and use his utilities to his heart’s content, which I am sure includes a big wattage eating air conditioner, home theater, and all kinds of rich people goodies.

  365. Fastest recorded with an anemometer: 113.2 m/s or 407 km/h (253 mph) 3-second gust; one of five extreme gusts during a series of 5-min time periods; Barrow Island (Western Australia), 10 April 1996, during Cyclone Olivia.[126]
    99% is actually 97% of scientist and that has been proven false and the result of poor science. All of the “science” of climate change is bogus, possibly fraudulent and definitively suspect. Just a little research and less Kool-Aid are in order

  366. In Ancient Rome, whenever the entertainers (jesters) ventured into government, politics, or an area where they were clearly unqualified, they were taken out and executed. How I long for the good old days!

  367. Clooney is an IDIOT! He and all the other disciples of AlJazeera Gore are so stupid that they think any natural disaster is automatically caused by man made global warming. What a bunch of morons!

  368. Reposting this

    Ok Guys? Go look up what a “Dawn Redwood” is. (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). It’s thought to be the great, great grand daddy of the Giant Sequoia and the California Redwoods. Next, buy one and plant it in your yard. Why you may ask?Every other month, I get some student at my door hyperventilating about global warming.This shuts them right up. I point to my tree and say – See that tree? It’s called a “living fossil.” They were thought to be extinct until they were discovered in China in 1947. They have found fossils of that tree from 250 million years ago, during the Mesozoic period, growing at our ancient polar forests. Thaaaaaaaat’s right. .. there were ancient forests at our poles 250 million years ago.So, unless you can dig up a fossilized GMC or show me a cave painting of a Hummer – you better come up with an explanation for that tree growing at the poles 250 million years ago. . . .I’ve sent numerous liberal idiots walking away confused as they stare at the living proof growing in my yard. . . .proof they were lied to. .. . .Go get yourself one of these and plant it. Can get them for about $20.00. Very, very fast growing deciduous tree, and they’re a wonderful “living” argument against the “global warming” stupidity. Get some for your family too. . .

    1. I forgot where I got mine – but it’s a deciduous pine tree that grows about 2-4 feet every year, burns orange in the autumn and is hardy to -25 below. . . . .It’s a great conversation tree and a living argument against the AGW people who still blame us for global warming. . . . it’s just hysterical watching it “dawn” on their faces what you’re saying as they look at your pine tree. . . . .(grin)I’m going to get a dozen more and plant them. .. . .

  369. There’s been no global warming in the last 15 years and a new study says there won’t be any for the next 20 and we are the looney ones? Stick to your B movies, Georgie.

  370. Why does the American public support these spoiled punks by paying to see thier movies? The only stupid one is Clooney and others who simply choose to ignore the fact, yes FACT, that golbal warming stoped several years ago. I guess that makes you stupid looney Clooney.

  371. I like some of his movies. He is an a-c-t-o-r so he has never had an original thought in his life he just speaks other peoples written word. It’s kind of sad to see someone who has a modicum amount of talent in an area begin to speak as though they are an expert in other areas about which they really know nothing. He parrots the East Anglia, now debunked and faked, “research”. There is no evidence of man-made “global warming” and to call people who don’t buy into the phony argument “stupid” and “ridiculous” just emphasizes how these people can’t ever debate facts they just call names. My mother used to say better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are a moron then open it and confirm their belief. You ought to take that to heart George.

  372. It is beyond our intellect and science to truly understand, much less predict, the climate. It is a vastly complicated system involving the atmosphere, the oceans, the earth’s orbit and other factors we are not even aware of. Egomaniacs like Clooney like to believe in global warming because if you accept its premise, however horrible, it means that man has control over the climate. Nonsense. Man is a frail, powerless, mortal creature utterly at the mercy of nature. And it is this somber truth that people like Clooney cannot accept. They believe they are grand, dramatic figures on a universal stage. They’re not. They’re just ants on a mound of dirt. Why were Copernicus and Galileo persecuted and ridiculed by the authorities. Did the political and religious leaders really think it was bad science? No. Those egomaniacs were appalled that someone was suggesting that the Earth, and hence man, was NOT the center of the universe. Man is an unimportant blip in the history of the Universe. Enjoy your time here but it doesn’t matter and you are not important. How ridiculous is it for some little ape like beings on a minuscule planet at the edge of the galaxy to think they are important? There are billions of planets and billions of galaxies in a Universe that may be infinite in distance. Get over yourselves.

  373. George Clooney thinks it’s ridiculous to be skeptical of documented evidence from East Anglia University showing global warming data was forged. Is he intentionally lying, or just plain stupid?

    1. The scientists are intentionally lying to gain grant money and power. Clooney is just a stupid acter. The warmist Politicians are evil because they are trying to take your freedom for their enjoyment and they know warming is a hoax.

  374. What HASN’T the ObowelMovement lied about, and WHY do democrats trust a compulsive serial liar with their health and well being?
    NOTE: Democrats are lying, sniveling cowards who never answer the question!

  375. That’s fine dildo head because I think you are a lousy actor, flaming libtard, and I wouldn’t pay two cents to watch your movies. Let’s put this global warming thing into perspective shall we. Clearly there is some amount of climate change going on, quite possibly a compoment of which is caused by human activity. BUT, the amount of change that IS caused by human activity is completely unknown. And even if the percent caused by human actiity is considerable, there is absolutely no reason for the panic among liberal activities like Clooney. We are not going to die tomorrow from global warming (or cooling). A twenty year plan to reduce the effect of humans on the atmosphere is a sensible objective but to rush out and claim gloom and doom is, in your own words, “stupid” and “ridiculous”. You’d better be more concerned about some radical muslim nutgroup blowing up a nuke inNY City. THAT will change the world in an instance. But of course libtards like yourself don’t agree that muslims pose any threat to our country.

  376. And how about the remarkably mild hurricane season in the Atlantic and Caribbean this year?

    It is astonishing that this person can blame a category 4 storm making landfall (hardly unprecedented) on “global warming” that has not been observed since 1998. Mr Clooney suggests “extreme weather events” can be blamed on carbon dioxide emissions in the following causal relationship: CO2 –> global warming –> extreme weather. He omits to mention that there has been no warming in 15 years and thus his causal relationship is: CO2 –> extreme weather. No such hypothesis has ever been offered. Clooney also omits to note that there is no statistical evidence that the incidence of “extreme weather” has either increased or decreased since reliable record keeping began.

    The man is a moron.

    1. Actually . . .to expound on your point further?They’ve never ever figured out which comes first, CO2 or temperature rise.And yet these morons purport to want to “regulate” what you do when they don’t have a clue which comes first. . . .And now?They’re not even sure if they’re linked – because of the high CO2 but falling temperatures.These idiots remind me of the stupid “black plague” era. . .where they believed waving flowers around and using leeches would cure someone of the plague. . . . .

  377. I saw gravity and the best part I like about the film is when he floated into space for eternity. It’s the closest to God he will ever get.

    Global warming/climate change/the next name inserted here is a Political grab on shifting wealth from the USA to poor countries all through a “Carbon Exchange” controlled by elites. They will make more money than oil companies using a fictitious fraudulent science that man has no control over.

    Who is behind this is Al Gore and his cronies. He doesn’t care about you, me nor Tipper.

    Yes, we shouldn’t pollute the environment as much. So go tell China that. They pollute 100 times more than the all of North America.

    Last, If I can Bar B Q a great burger but then there is smoke, should I toss out my Bar B Q’? Football fans get this better than scientists.

  378. Thank you Mr. Clooney … and what college did you graduate from that you feel qualifies you, or any of your “learned” buddies in Hollywood for that matter, to paint the rest of us who question the global warming theories as stupid and ridiculous???? The last time I looked neither you, nor that bloviated bag of wind Al Gore, had any title at the end of your names that ended in “ist” (climatologist, meteorologist, scientist) so why anyone would listen to any of you about world issues like this is beyond me. You are out of your league, Mr. Clooney, and unless someone asks you something about films or television, I’d defer to those who know from whence they speak because you don’t.

  379. Its nice to know that when an actor learns his lines he can remember them. Clooney never will change his opinion no matter how many facts are presented.

  380. So, Loony Cloony is back out there mouthing off again. And anti-warmers are stupid? Did he get past 5th grade? I got my BA from Cal Berkeley with Honors (3.82 GPA). I guess that makes me REALLY STUPID!
    Global Warmers are ignorant, mis-informed, and operate on Ideology like are very very STUPID POTUS!

  381. George, if you really feel that strongly about this Climate Change, Global Warming, then why do you constantly jet around the world dumping tons upon tons, upon tons of carbon emissions into the sky above the masses?
    Taking a sailing ship to go to all the places all over the world would be more appropriate for your line of thinking.

  382. With only a couple of hours of simple research ANYONE can PROVE to themselves that the personal behavior of the 1% (like Clooney) is responsible for more than 33% of all U. S. CO2 emissions. Yet all the policies and programs being put into effect will allow the 1% to continue to spew CO2 unabated and for people like Clooney to be THE problem. If he didn’t care so deeply, I would be outraged.

  383. As my friend Doc Snow has said, “we see this type behavior every week-end in the ER….drunks who have an opinion they think is important enough that they must share with the rest of us…”

  384. The only thing “stupid and ridiculous” about Clooney’s remarks is — Clooney.
    And George: Holding up one single event, typhoon Haiyan, as evidence or proof of anything is… stupid and ridiculous.
    Love your acting, laugh at your intellect.

  385. I appreciated George playing me in “Up In the Air.” However, he should remember his skill set is not of the scientific bent. He is expert in reading other people’s words convincingly while dressed in other people’s clothing. In children, we call that “playing dress up.” In adults, its less charming, when used outside the venue of acting. Those are the skills of con men and politicians. George, enjoy you highly paid lifestyle and the attractive women who come with that. If you wish to share you acting skills, or opinions of movies, I might listen. Otherwise, you’re just a scold and a boor.

  386. You know you have lost your argument when you need to resort to calling names instead of staying on topic.
    The GW scam is falling apart. Its proponents, mostly folks who had a financial gain in promoting it (Gore), are desperate.
    While we need to protect our planet, and not abuse it, attempting to propel theories as facts and refusing to address the flaws of the theories will not covert people who “think”.
    Name calling in this instance will never, ever, stop people from questioning a this theory.

  387. Looks like Clooney is a crazy left-wing Global Warming mouth piece, no surprise. What about Climate Change? Is the world Warming or Changing…I’m confused! I guess when it’s not getting warmer, it’s Climate Change. But when it is getting warmer, it’s Global Warming. So to get this straight, in the winter it’s Climate Change and in the Summer it’s Global Warming…I think I understand the crap-mouth propaganda now.

  388. Why do we never hear…ever…a single report ask a simple question: George, Sean, Matt…where did you go to college and then graduate school and what did you study? I

    Global Warming is a religion. Its an article of faith. But it aint real.

  389. Clooney’s hit movie “Gravity” complete throws reality, the laws of physics and orbital dynamics out the window in order to tell a story and create science fiction drama. What a coincidence.

  390. You cannot talk logic and science with these people. They are all for science as long as you only use the science that supports their argument. When you offer contrary science they dismiss it as being fake, paid for by “BIG” somebody, or just refuse to listen.
    The telling line Clooney uses is: “What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”

    This line justifies everything they want to believe. They will do anything, destroy any business, kick people out of their jobs because they believe if they don’t, the planet is in danger and they alone can save the earth.

    1. I would just be happy if people didn’t throw trash out their car windows and littering our roadways like their own personal dump with things like mattresses and toilets.

  391. So…lemme get this straight…I read in another article that the lack of Solar activity in this years “solar maximum”, along with the fact that they are predicting solar activity to be at 200 year lows, has and will continue to offset anthropogenic global warming. Did any of these carbon tax guys ever think that maybe…that very high levels of solar and sunspot activity over the course of the last 200 years was to blame for “their” climate change. Not that I believe in global climate change or anything…and geez…anybody who goes to bat for increasing taxes for their politicians by citing readings of a number of thermometers located in growing city centers.

  392. Uh. . . .this is from a man who has no marketable skill except playing like he is someone else. Excuse me if I don’t give a flying leap what an ignoramus like him says.

  393. I believe we should take good care of our planet, do what we can do to keep the air and water clean but why does anyone care what a rich spoiled movie star thinks at all? It amazes me that people listen to these people.

  394. I love how all these leftards deny all religions and only embrace science. However they are too stupid to understand that their “science” (global warming) is really just a reboot of the oldest religion man has ever known…..Gaia (earth) worship.

  395. Mr Clooney,

    It has been getting warmer for 10,000 years, since the last Ice Age ended (TRUE or FALSE?)

    The warming was natural then, not manmade (TRUE or FALSE?)

    When did the global warming change from natural to anthropodic (manmade)?

    If you can’t clearly delineate when the change occurred, then the warming must still be natural. See Occam’s Razor (lex parsimoniae, “the simplest explanation is more likely the correct one”).

  396. I always smirk when I listen to Hollywood idiots whose claim to fame is they can repeat words that someone else has written for them and then they think they are great thinkers and intellects who people should believe profound (in their little minds) asinine pronouncements.

  397. No, Loony Clooney. The majority of us know this is only a hoax to get more control and more money out of our pockets. Real scientists, and not those getting paid by the government to agree with their agenda, state that the earth is cooling and the polar icecap is growing. The more CO2 in the air, the better. Plants thrive even more while they use it to make oxygen. If you do believe it’s a pollutant, your Messiah is the biggest polluter of them all. When he wants to go somewhere on “The Big Jet,” he’s burning thousands of gallons of jet fuel and spewing tons of CO2 into the air on every trip – AF1 and all the support jets. So, Clooney we are right and you are wrong. You and your brain-dead, spoiled rich friends, the biggest users of fossil fuels, are the ones who are “stupid and ridiculous.” You are all a laughing-stock.

  398. Just another idiot Hollyweird type. The only people more foolish than the Hollyweird crowd are people stupid enough to actually care what they “think”.

      1. I couldn’t possibly care less who or what Clooney is screwing (well within reason, he better leave innocent animals alone), he’s a bubble headed Hollyweirdo and his opinions just don’t matter to me.

  399. Scientific Consensus (or the Bandwagon Appeal) is a logical fallacy.

    The phrase Bandwagon Appeal comes from the phrase “jump on the bandwagon.” In long past political campaigns, candidates would ride a large bandwagon through town. People would show support of the candidate by boarding the wagon. The phrase now refers to joining a cause because of its popularity. Bandwagon appeal is a logical fallacy: popularity does not equal truth or validity.

  400. I see that scientific consensus is working well. The learned scientists voted to change the planet Pluto to a dwarf world. Now they want to make it a planet again. That scientific consensus is so wonderful. Scientific consensus is merely opinion. Scientific consensus is not part of science; it is it is part of politics.

  401. Look, George, no one is saying global warming doesn’t occur. Global cooling also occurs. Throughout the earth’s entire history these cycles happen. All I’m saying is that your claims that man causes these changes is what’s ridiculous. If you people on the left are so confident in what you believe, then why the need to rig the numbers? At that point it’s no longer science… or fact.

  402. youtube: The IPCC Exposed
    By the Corbett report

    Many so called IPCC ‘top’ scientists are “still 10 years away from a PHD”.
    With now all the exposed fraudulent papers, illegally withholding data, admitted manipulated studies and admissions of scientists lying, perhaps the ‘Warmists’ are the real ‘Deniers’.
    Who are the hysteric alarmists?
    The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie ” The club of Rome…

    Top MIT scientist: Newest UN climate report is ‘hilariously’ flawed

    “I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence,” Dr. Richard Lindzen told Climate Depot, a global warming skeptic news site. “They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase.”

    Read more:

    Darwin award contenders! Liberal zombies decide not to fly and not to have kids because of global warming. I am asking: is it really bad news???

  403. Isn’t the climate always changing?
    The rub here is that the objective science has been hijacked long ago by people with political agendas.
    When the Soviet Union fell the leftys needed a new religion (besides abortion) and Al Gore became their John the Baptist.
    Clooney is good at playing dress up and should stick to his 1%’er lifestyle of the rich and vaccuous, and not bother
    himself with substantive issues that are far out of his pay grade. When Hollywood lefty’s get their knickers in a twist about
    those of us who disagree with their dogma, they inevitably have to call us names.

  404. George Washington died in 1799. His doctors used the current scientific consensus of bleeding to cure him.
    That is, Washington’s doctors used leeches to bleed the pneumonia out of him. The learned doctors took so much blood that they killed Washington.

    Scientific consensus can hurt you.

  405. Remember this scientific consensus laugher? Pluto was a planet, and then it was arbitrarily changed in 2006 to a dwarf world. Poor Pluto. Amazing how scientific consensus works, huh? You just vote on it. No facts needed, since consensus is merely opinion.

  406. Want another scientific consensus blunder?
    In 1982, Doctors Marshall and Warren theorized that the Helicobacter pyloris bacterium caused stomach ulcers. This theory was rejected by the medical profession because the current scientific consensus dogma said that no bacterium could survive in the acidic stomach. Marshall drank a H. pyloris mixture and developed
    stomach ulcers. He then cured himself with antibiotics. Warren and Marshall were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005 for their discovery.

  407. Know what’s “stupid” and “ridiculous,” George? Believing in the myth of anthropogenic global warming without a shred of scientific evidence to back you up — evidence that hasn’t been falsified or cherry-picked, that is.

  408. Stupid? You mean like racing your playboy speedboat around the Venice canals a few weeks after people got killed that way? Is it THAT kind of stupid, Georgie??

  409. Point #1: Liberals confuse “Global Warming” with the issue of pollution. They should be driving home the later rather than the former.
    Point #2: Like all liberal causes, they first turn up the hype and then they turn it into a cult with the same type of dogma, propaganda and evangelists to support their cause. See Al Gore for further details.
    Point #3: The earth is actually in a cooling phase. The Sun and natural earth emissions have more of impact on earth’s weather/climate than anything man is or is not doing.
    Point #4: People like Clooney act as if we don’t know that scientists have cooked the books. They act as if we don’t know about the scientific scandals that have occurred to show bogus results.

  410. How about this scientific consensus faux pas?
    In the 1920s, geologist J Harlen Bretz argued that the Washington Channeled Scablands were caused by
    massive floods. Bretz’ theories met with vehement opposition from liberal, east coast geologists, who tried to explain the features with uniformitarian theories, the scientific consensus of the day. To the liberals, Bretz’ idea sounded too much like Biblical flooding! For the next 50 years, Bretz and other geologists collected evidence that eventually identified Lake Missoula as the source of the Spokane Floods and creator of the Channeled Scablands. In 1979, at the age of 96, Bretz received the Penrose Medal — the Geological Society of America’s highest award. After this award, Bretz told his son: “All my enemies are dead, so I have no one to gloat over.”

  411. Global warming is real….now if you will excuse me I need to get into my private “more than required” fossil fuel burning private limo to take me to my “more than necessary” fossil fuel burning private jet to fly to my enormous electrically sucking villa in Italy where I will use more water on a weekend than most humans in most parts of the world use in a month, eating more food than many starving people eat in a year…oh I am concerned by the way about what all of you do and I am quite confident in my knowledge to tell you how to live, but dont judge me, I read lines written by others and emote based on what I am told to do by others — but I am independent — because I know I am one facial scar away from bankruptcy, and 20 pounds away from never working again, but it isn’t about looks, not at all. Im hired because of how I think.

    George Clooney, Scientist

  412. How about this scientific consensus gaffe?

    Meteorologist Alfred Wegener presented his continental drift hypothesis in 1912. His theory was rejected because he lacked a continental movement mechanism and he wasn’t a geologist. As late as 1953, the theory of continental drift was rejected by geologists, despite mounting evidence, because it went against the prevailing scientific consensus. Jack Oliver provided seismologic evidence supporting plate tectonics in 1968 ending the old dogma. Why so long in the uptake? Geologists had careers to protect. Thirty years of research and a big paycheck make compelling reasons to stick with outdated theories. Now, continental drift and plate technics are the new scientific consensus.

  413. One more moron actor… his job is to pretend to be people who are worth watching a story about. The guy never even got a formal education… Glad I don’t really like his movies anyway.

  414. Clooney is stupid buying into the man can do something about global warming. Its a natural’s the weak minded who have been sold that Man can change the climate…Its those with greed in thier minds that are trying to convince that if you take enough money away from taxpayers and the economies of the world that the climate can be fixed. Climate change is caused by forces beyond man’s control. most of us do not want to pollute the earth, except those as Clooney and his lifestyle.

  415. So says an actor and politician. Did Clooney and Gore secretly get degrees in climatology and meteorology while we weren’t looking? Hurricane activity is down as is tornado activity.

    Even people who’ve been meteorologists for years can’t predict next weeks weather with precision, but we’re suppose to believe the blasphemy (first of all) that man has become god and can control the weather and secondly we can predict what it will be like years down the road? Well Clooney did get all breathless and blissful about meeting Obama. So I suppose gullible fool would also be an accurate description.

  416. Fell asleep in science course, Mr Clooney?
    I think that the critical thinking skills of actors is in direct inverse proportion to their fame. In other words, the greater the actor the bigger the boob.

  417. Follow the money Geoerge… what happens to the scientist that are so staunchly behind it if it turns out that man-made global warming doesn’t exist. Where does their funding go? What are their grants based on? Who is paying he guy who is paying the scientist. My guess is if global warming did not exist, a large majority of them would not have a lot of job prospects.

  418. What a maroon. Amazing how a talented actor feels he has toher talents. I wonder if he is making money of the Indulgences his buddy Mr Gore promotes. Reminds me of Cathloics and sin when I see “carbon creidts”. I wonder how clooney can explain 60 percent more ice in the Artic Ocean. Amazing how many poeple feel they can predict centuries of weather when the experts can’t handle next week.

  419. Yep, I’m gonna take my advice on the climate from a born with a silver spoon in his mouth, mouthy actor.
    The climate is changing. It is always changing. There are only a million or two factors that make up that change. But typical of Elitist Progressives George baby figures he has it all figured out because some people said something that appeals to him. He feels but doesn’t think logically because he doesn’t have the education or experience to support thinking. He’s a typical Elitist Progressive… So what else is new??

  420. George Clooney’s only “talent” is standing in front of a camera and reciting words written by someone else. In other words, he is a complete, abject moron. I wish he would stop reminding us of this fact.

    I have a bumper-sticker that says: I Accelerate for Actors and Politicians

  421. And we should pay attention to Clooney why? Oh, right, he’s a Hollywood elite who does his utmost to protect the world from climate change. Like no extravagant home or excessive air travel. He also drives a hybrid when not driving his electric Tesla. Heats his home exclusively with solar and only eats organic food.

    OK, sarcasm over. Clooney is just another blowhard with a faux interest in “saving” the world. Buzz off.

  422. Stupid? You mean like racing your playboy speedboat around the Venice canals a few weeks after people got killed that way? Is it THAT kind of stupid, Georgie??

  423. The “consensus” has been proven as a lie. Man made Global Warming? Weak evidence. The world is heating up? Well not for 17-20yrs it hasn’t. The warmists have been caught altering past data to fit their narrative. The theory cannot predict climate observations.

    So what are we left to believe in George? A political group such as the IPCC that sells a governmental solution to a problem that no one can quantify, no one can explain and no one knows if it is even a problem to begin with?

    Warming is actually good is you want to believe in history. It is cold that is the danger.

    THESE global warming THEORIES are ridiculous, and then when you ask them WHY THE EARTH ISN’T WARMING UP, THEY SAY “oh, well it’s a down period,” or some lame excuse. GLOBAL WARMING MAKES IT COLDER??? that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. LIES. EXCUSES, AND MORE LIES. THESE ARE THE MORONS WE ARE DEALING WITH AND LETTING RUN THE WORLD? LORD HELP US.

  425. hehehehe……Clooney is just following the “global warming for dummies” playbook which states: when you don’t have a valid argument for “global warming” just call the skeptics dumb. It shows how unintelligent he really is.

    What is his explanation for the lack of hurricanes and tornadoes this year? I’ll bet you a million dollars he also blames that on “global warming”.

  426. Mr. Clooney, it is often better to be thought an idiot, then to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt. Liberal talking points have continually been shown to be dreadfully inaccurate. Try looking at a few other sources other than Huffington Post for your science.

  427. This coming from ignorant Loony Cloony !!! Perhaps he should read the science journal papers on what actually causes earths climate changes over the tens of thousands of years. Not 5 or 10 years, which mean nothing in the earths grand timeline.

  428. Who’s worse? – a global warming skeptic or a global warming supporter who contributes 1000 times more pollution to the atmosphere then the average skeptic. Who’s ridiculous clueless Clooney ?

    1. Why is it always the losers that jet around on their private planes that want to lecture everyone else about how they have to cut down?Clooney, the loser. . . . .

  429. Clooney forgets that when he points his finger at people calling them ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’ he is actually pointing 3 at himself. The more Clooney wags his tongue the more I learn about him and the less I like him.

  430. I find it astonishing that anyone actually cares what Clooney thinks. He’s a grown man who makes his living playing pretend in front of a camera. That’s all he is.

  431. Typical Hollyweird libturd who can’t admit that the claims of man made global climate change are bogus and provably so. He is irrelevant on this subject.

  432. All these global warming guys jetting around the world on enormous contrails of water, co2 and co, enormous houses, enormous entourages. I don’t think they believe in this guff anymore than the rest of us do.

  433. Hey George, you have a much larger carbon footprint than the vast majority of humanity, you easily use 10 time the amount of fuel and carbon as a villager somewhere. Your suggestion of cutting back means they get to starve – you are so compassionate !

  434. His ability to memorize scripts and pretend to be other people makes him one of the greatest minds of his generation…. in the Bubble World that is Hollywood.

  435. If you truly believe that man is the cause then the answer is simple.
    At the very least…do not reproduce..
    Second..if this is your religion and your true conviction that man is killing the earth the anwer is also simple.
    George Cooney and the rest of you liberals…just kill yourselves…Please die and save the earth.

  436. Why does anyone care what some movie actor says about this subject? He should just be ignored. His opinions carry as much weight as mine would be if I were discussing nuclear medicine or some such science.

  437. George Clooney like many in Hollywood is only good at reading scripts. If he was alert and paying attention he would see that the earth is rapidly chilling off. All the record cold temperatures with the massive increase in ice and snow demonstrates that the earth is entering a new weather phenomenon, “global cooling.” If nothing is done about it the earth will end up a frozen ice cube like Mars. Fortunately, scientists know the cause. It’s due to all the rich left wingers overheating their large mansions, flying around in their personal jets and spewing toxic waste from their mouths, all of which blocks sun light from reaching the earth. There is also a cure for “global cooling”: 100% tax on left wingers. Al Gore we’re gonna get our money back and save the earth.

  438. Loony Clooney is running his lying mouth again. He’s been hanging around the White House too much and picking up very bad habits. Telling lies is at the top of the list. Avoid this guy and anything he’s involved in. He’s a charter member of the eco-nazi cult.

  439. Who is George – an authority? based on what? He is misguided.
    Global warming is another HOAX. Just look at the caliber of it’s promoters. Wake up. The real scientists with evidence to the contrary, are not even allowed to get any traction in the controlled media, so as to inform the public on this hype. Al Gore, and other pitchmen are hoping to ram their agenda through- which will result in a carbon-credit exchange game among worldwide energy producers – whether they like it or not. (hence, a GLOBAL tax) A very PROFITABLE IDEA, to say the least. The net effect to us all will surely be a stunning trickle-down tax hike. (In the form of really large energy bills) Remember, the pain of bad legislation affecting large corporations, is always passed on to the consumers.
    Just like their other failure-by-design; “Obamacare”, this climate bill is another farce. It is not about the environment….it’s about CONTROL, and REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH.
    Respectfully, BM

  440. Just because actors can memorize and deliver lines, doesn’t make them smart. Most are pretty “stupid” themselves. The fact that few actually think for themselves and always march in lockstep with the liberal mantra proves it. Just the other day, Tom Cruise, actually said that his job as a actor was as tough as the job of our military fighting in Afghanistan was. Oh course, he’s a nut and it explains why Katy Holmes had to plan a “secret” escape from the psycho. Don’t believe anything “actors” say……..their opinions are no better than ours.

  441. So the man that flies around in private jets, rides in limos, and takes part in an industry that produces millions of tons of CO2 is telling us man made global warming is a problem? Hey hypocrite – start practicing what you preach and then maybe I’ll start to listen. Man made global warming is and always has been a ridiculous money grabbing scheme. The models predicting massive temperature spikes were wrong. Al Gore predicting a 10 ft sea rise by now was wrong. The same scientific community that can’t predict the weather next month wants you to believe they can predict weather a decade from now?!?! Only a simple minded fool believes in man made global warming – which explains why Clooney believes in it so strongly. He’s a mediocre actor with very limited range and zero scientific background. Sure he’s pretty, but that’s all he has. There’s not much else going on upstairs for him. So George – shut up and make your movies. You’re just not intelligent enough to debate global warming.

  442. It’s amazing, Clooney doesn’t really write any of his movies (maybe one of his duds) and he takes direction from someone off camera, but yet he’s an expert on global warming and climate change. If he didn’t have a ton of money, he’d be considered stupid like he thinks ordinary people are who don’t believe his crap. Last time I checked, his movies suck and maybe he does too!

  443. Clooney is a wacko. Is trying to tell us that 99% of the scientists believe global warming is caused by human beings. He should study the long term history of weather. There were ice ages, there were times when the earth was much warmer than now, and guess what, there were not any human being walking the earth. Who is STUPID.

  444. George Clooney is a closeted hoemoesxual…..just like the ObowelMovement!

    GOOGLE Reggie Loves Wife, then hit images…….

    WHY does The ObowelMovement’s Picture come up?

    I guess Reggie is the Pitcher ======>, and
    Obowel (__O__) Movement is the Catcher!

  445. Part of the denigration of our society is due to the un-earned status and elevation the media gives actors and actresses. These people are completely owned, and should not be looked upon as wise sages. They’re prostitutes for the oligarchs who control the media and corporations.

  446. Yes, it is very likely that his insults will change the minds of many skeptics. I care very deeply what George Clooney thinks of me! And every time I think of him…wait, I don’t think of him. Except his name makes me think of the Shel Siverstein poem “Clooney the Clown” whenever I hear it.

  447. This clown is handed a microphone to express his vapid idiocies simply because he plays “make believe” for a living. This clown is tiresome and boring when he reads the words that someone else has written for him to repeat. That he is incapable of discerning scripts from propaganda, is too bad for him, but the fact that he has been given an international forum to pontificate and prove his own stupidity over the airwaves is a cultural catastrophe for the rational people who end up hearing this blithering blather.

  448. Funny this year has seen the least amount of strong storms across the globe. The world has not been warming for the last 15 years….who is stupid and ridiculous?

  449. Clooney is a modern day court jester…nothing he says should be taken seriously, he is not a scientist. As a meteorologist I can tell you the number of typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes are down overall. I can also tell you the Philippines always get hit…they are in the way of the the normal track they usually take.

    1. AND the Philippines wanted us and our bases gone from their precious island and after Mount Pinatubo and this typhoon, I’m sure they’re reveling in their foresight. Good show, I’m sure you’ll be up and running in no time.

  450. WHY doesn’t the socialist media talk about Sasha and Malia Farrakhan, like the gossipped about the Bush girls?

    YES, Sasha and Malia FARRAKHAN, because we all know the ObowelMovement fathered no children up in the dirty end of Reggie Love’s large intestine!___________________________________________________________
    GOOGLE Reggie Loves Wife, then hit images…….

    WHY does The ObowelMovement’s Picture come up?

    I guess Reggie is the Pitcher ======>, and
    Obowel (__O__) Movement is the Catcher!

  451. Since Mr. Clonney is soooo much smarter than we Global Warming Poo-Pooers, why doesn’t HE explain the dormant Sun Spot activity that has all the GW scientists so baffled? It is the weakest activity on record and, if this continues, we can all expect record cold temperatures this year and, probably this cold will continue until the dormant phase on the sun has ended.

  452. That didn’t take long. Expect a constant stream of stories to advance the left wing agenda. Hang on to your wallwts people, they NEVER have enough money.

  453. I wonder what caused the Global Warming that melted the Laurentide ice sheet that covered New York and Chicago several times over the period 20,000 – 95,000 years ago. In some places this ice sheet was 2 miles thick. It was a much more drastic change than what we are seeing now… just not as many professional Chicken Littles back then.

  454. What makes (Looney) Clooney an expert on this subject? just because he is a committed Hollywood liberal who worships the ground Obama walks on doesn’t make him qualified to label others as stupid who oppose his view point. If anyone is stupid it’s the people who voted for that numbskull Obama in the first place.

  455. Ever notice it’s wealthy narcissists who fly around in their private planes with their big mansions who want to regulate what you do and your activities?You don’t ever see them curtailing their trips in their private jets, or turning off their lights in their big mansions, or reducing theirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr carbon foot print. . . . They just want to sanctimoniously lecture you about how you should. . . . .

  456. Stick to acting, retard. I don’t see why I should listen to someone who NEVER graduated from college. Imagine if it wasn’t for Hollywood, this moonbat would have had to get a real job.

  457. Clooney…you must need more money cause your movies, and YOUR ACTS SUCK! You need to shut your mouth! You keep pissing off your own so called friends…keep it up and they will expose you for the homosexual you are!

  458. George is a 5’8″ from Kentucky of questionable sexuality.He puts out more hot air,than most.He lives at Lake Homo in Italy and flys around in private jets.He is rich enough to be liberal.And like Obunder and Al Hore think they know what’s is good for the “little” people.

  459. You can see why dumb leftists like George C. Looney push global warming. Now every time there is bad weather somewhere, and there always has been and always will be, they can use it to push their failed agenda down everyone’s throats.

  460. guess i’m just stupid and ridiculous. but as a stupid and ridiculous fool, I won’t benefit from watching his instructional videos/movies…oh well. I’ll just have to settle for living blissfully in the dark ages, until the government starts taxing the air I breathe, then i’ll just learn to hold my breathe longer and take in less oxygen, leaving more oxygen for George and his girlfriends to enjoy.

  461. WHY doesn’t the socialist media talk about Sasha and Malia Farrakhan, like the gossipped about the Bush girls???
    Any liberal trash care to answer?

    ………YES, Sasha and Malia FARRAKHAN, because we all know the ObowelMovement fathered no children up in the dirty end of Reggie Love’s large intestine!___________________________________________________________
    GOOGLE Reggie Loves Wife, then hit images…….

    WHY does The ObowelMovement’s Picture come up?

    I guess Reggie is the Pitcher ======>, and
    Obowel (__O__) Movement is the Catcher!

    1. Oh go away with your stupid fantasies. . . . .you’re awfully pre occupied with homosexual acts. .. . .perhaps you are a suppressed closet gay?Stop posting your goofy crapola all over the message boards. . . .you’re a nut case that has fallen off your meds. .. .

  462. Reposting this

    Ok everyone – go look up what a “Dawn Redwood” is. (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). It’s thought to be the great, great grand daddy of the Giant Sequoia and the California Redwoods. Next, buy one and plant it in your yard. Why you may ask?Every other month, I get some student at my door hyperventilating about global warming.This shuts them right up. I point to my tree and say – See that tree? It’s called a “living fossil.” They were thought to be extinct until they were discovered in China in 1947. It’s called a Metasequoia They have found fossils of that tree from 250 million years ago, during the Mesozoic period, growing in our ancient polar forests. Thaaaaaaaat’s right. .. there were ancient forests at our poles 250 million years ago.So, unless you can dig up a fossilized GMC or show me a cave painting of a Hummer – you better come up with an explanation for that tree growing at the poles 250 million years ago. . . .I’ve sent numerous liberal idiots walking away with this confused look as they stare at the living proof growing in my yard. . . .proof they were lied to. .. . .Go get yourself one of these and plant it. You can get them for about $20.00. Very, very fast growing deciduous pine tree, and they’re a wonderful “living” argument against the “global warming” stupidity. Get some for your family too. . .

  463. Be careful George! You’ll be in the Penn, Redford, O. Stone, Mahr, MSNBC, entertainment pariah class. Anything you do, write, or say outside of your profession of movie making, which you are quite good at, will be switched off, page turned, by many that enjoy your legacy of cinema work. And then soon your movies will be ignored because people will wonder is the movie political? Artistic success, wealth, doesn’t make you an authority on “climate change” or “global warming”. Nor does it translate into the public wanting to know your political views. I enjoy your career work, but am not interested in your political causes. Be discreet or run for office.

  464. I declare Godless people like you george as stupid and ridiculous…there fits both ways ya???? Sorry you live with so much shame george……and your fear of what you can’t control…..

  465. Wow, does this guy have a clue how elitist, out of touch and out right ridiculous he is being? Dude, stick to acting, you know nothing about science.

  466. Stop reading your talking points, George. Yes, you can read better than Barry, but it’s a shame you can’t come up with one cognitive thought all by yourself.

  467. It appears that Clooney has been drinking the reverend Al Gore’s koolaid.

    Now I’m off to imdb to see which movies Clooney starred in to make sure I don’t ever buy or rent any of those DVDs. Then I’ll compile the list of movies, and send it to 100 people as a recommended boycott list, and ask each of those 100 persons to forward the boycott list to 100 other people.

  468. And Clooney wonders why no one will go see any of his movies now.
    One day the idiots in Hollywood will wake up and realize that the reason that they are only being paid $100K for a movie is because no one goes to see it because they have intimidated over 75% of their audience.

  469. “stupid does as stupid is ” to quote a movie line. 15 years of no, that is right, no warming and counting according to the U.N. IPCC. that fact proves scientifically the computer theory of man made global warming invalid. simply man here, warming not. false theory.

    1. And for all their hyperventilating – they still can’t tell you which comes first – rise in CO2 or the temperature rising.Matter of fact, the linkage is being questioned now that CO2 levels are higher, but the temp is actually cooler. .. . .Notice – it’s always rich people who fly around in jets and have big limos that want to tell you what you can and cannot do. . . .

  470. Malia and Sasha are worried about their Dad, Obama, again:

    Malia: “Dad, when Mom was gone for a week, you and George Clooney were in the bedroom for a LONG time.”
    Sasha: “It sure smelled like…marijuana, and there were all these snorting sounds. Were you smoking in there?”
    Obama: “No. No chance, honey. You know your mother wouldn’t allow that!”
    Malia: : “Just get to the point Sasha! Daddy, are you gay?”
    Obama: “Oh, don’t worry about that! George and I were just playing with Big Bird and talking about global warming.”
    Sasha: “I love the Muppets! Did George give you the bird dad?”
    Obama: “No! Actually, I gave George the BIG BIRD.”
    Malia: “Dad, is George Clooney gay? I heard a rumor that he is.”
    Obama: “Of course not! They said that about Rock Hudson too.”

  471. Just because you can memorize a line doesn’t mean you are smart….. He is just a paid shill stomping for the elite’s agenda. Plain and Simple……..Boycott all these Hollywood celeb’s since they have sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortune…..Australia is getting rid of their carbon tax as of this morning….. He is just another psycopath with all the others……..

  472. coming from a person who never held a job, typical liberal left wing nut. your an actor, you read what people tell you to read, off a script. keep it that way! nobody really care what you think. you could disappear, nobody would care.

  473. Clooney is an out of touch left wing loon who doesn’t have a clue. Because he can “pretend” for a living and is lucky enough to get paid millions doing it, he believes that what he thinks and what he says is somehow magically important. It’s not Cloo-less! Shut up! Continue to do your 50 takes per movie scene, act like you’re some kind of “artist” and prance around the country like you’re important… but just shut up!

  474. God you are so brilliant pretty-boy. Maybe someday, you will learn to not play the same character in all of your movies. It has worked for those other two no-talents Harrison Ford and Robert Redford though.

  475. Why does anyone care what this moron has to say? The problem is these drones all think alike so we the people need to think like them. Sorry Georgie we DON’T. Do the idiots who write these articles believe we are the stupid ones? I don’t know about any of you. But I for one am sick and tired of all these lalaland liberals calling us names because we don’t think like them. I have a thought STOP going to their movies. Their all living of us. They have no problem taking your money while calling you stupid.

  476. If those 99 doctors work for the same pharmaceutical company and are pushing their own product as the only viable solution, it would be “stupid” and “ridiculous”to take them at their word sir.

  477. Y’all are missing the forest for the trees. Here’s the important point of contention for me: “What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?” Um, no. The worst thing that WILL happen if you and your ilk get your way is that the middle class will go bankrupt paying all the taxes and fees associated with paying for all the efforts to “clean up the Earth a little bit.”

  478. George – I didn’t know you held a Science degree with a major in meteorolgy. You’re a great actor, funny guy, and I wish I could’ve snagged Stacy Keibler, but you’re out of your depth and should beg off on subjects you are not an expert on. Pussy yes, global warming no.

  479. What’s his carbon foot print? In fact, how carbon does hollywood put out? Don’t do as I do, do as I say. They almost had me until I saw their “fix”…it’s all about (other people’s) money.

  480. I’ll bet Clooney’s belief in man-made warming hasn’t stopped his excessive use of the planets resources. The only thing causing “global warming” is the constant hot air blathering of hypocritical libs.

  481. Well, that settles it folks. George “Loony” Clooney has presented the grand argument, that we are stupid and ridiculous, for not believing the 99% of scientist who say man made global warming is real, even though it’s not 99% and there has been no global warming for 17 years and many scientists are now saying we are moving in to a global cooling phase. I mean, come on!! It’s settled people!!! As a left wing nut case, “Looney” Clooney has presented an argument that is as powerful and compelling (IF NOT MORE powerful and compelling) than any left wing argument, on any loony left ideology, than I have ever heard.

  482. And you know this because you are such an intelligent scientist right Georgie boy. Or maybe just because you “pretended” to be one on screen at some point. Dolt!

  483. These Hollywood nincompoops who read an article in the Los Angeles Times and think they miraculously understand complicated issues are slowly but surely turning me off movies permanently. Worse than a fool is the fool who doesn’t know he’s a fool. Why would I want to support that fool by buying tickets to his movies?

  484. Just another tool for the establishment.
    George, like most of the other minions doing their imitations of good little mechanical droids, hasn’t had an original thought since childhood. He simply memorizes the script handed him.

    An actor by trade, he acts as if he knows something, acts as if he is intelligent, and acts out his personal life. He won’t be winning any Oscars in those categories.

  485. George Clooney, you are an idiot. Do a little research pal and you will find that ‘warming’ and ‘associated disasters’ naturally occur in roughly 80 year cycles, then the cycle corrects. Thats right Clooney – just like this year, there were the same types of strong typhoons in 1934, and hardly any hurricanes hit America. See how that works. Now stick to acting you hack.

  486. Once again, the Cult of CAGW relies upon “Pascal’s Wager” to make its point, completely missing the opportunity cost of forking over billions upon billions of dollars to puff up this cult. In other news: “Member of religious cult calls others `stupid` for not being a part of his cult.” Dog bites man, you say?

  487. Yes, because we all know that climate is defined by a single rare event that has happened recently enough to be useful as “proof” of ones favored theory on climate behavior. If there’s no category 5 (Haiyan was cat 4 BTW) hurricanes nor typhoons in the next 10 years, then all those “deniers” will be “stupid” for some other reason, obviously. You can’t win a debate with someone who lives in a world of words disconnected from reality. And no one fits that description better than some pampered movie star.

  488. If enough of us refused to plunk down eight bucks to see a George Clooney movie it would bother him the most where it hurts – in his wallet. These lunatics blamed George Bush for the tsunami in 2006 claiming it was caused by bombs exploding in Iraq!!!

  489. I find it ridiculous that anyone cares what an actor says about much of anything, unless it has to do with acting. Even then I’d take it with a grain of salt.

  490. Thank you Junior meteorologist Professor Clooney. Without a script, this guy is like Obama without a teleprompter.
    I’d love to see this idiot actually scientifically debate Lord Moncton (sic) I would actually pay ten times more to see that than I would to see any George Clooney film

  491. If Mr. Clooney polled 1000 scientists from the furthest corners of the globe and asked, “Is it raining?” it could happen that 990 would say “No” and only 10 would say “Yes.” Are we to suppose that when Mr. Clooney exits his home to take a walk in the scientifically-settled conclusion that it is dry, and is DRENCHED to the bone, he would be “stupid and ridiculous” to believe it was raining?

  492. Yet another vacuous Hollywood celebrity who believes in his religion of Global Warming. The average earth temperature has not risen in over 15 years; the number of severe storms is at an 100-year low. People, don’t listen to these rich celebrities, they will not be affected by the doubling of energy prices and higher taxes; but you will be.

  493. Another Commiewood clown who’s gone from being a waiter to being a movie “star” and of course, a world-renowned “expert” on everything. Everything except, putting his own money where his mouth is.

  494. Ever notice?It’s always some rich guy like Clooney, Redford and Gore who fly around in their private jets, in their big limos, with their big houses that use a ton of fuel . . . . .telling us how we have to live our lives?Anyone ever notice that the rich elites are always the sanctimonious ones telling you to reduce your carbon foot print while they never curtail theirs?Yea. . . .f-off Clooney. . . . . .

  495. “Actor George Clooney” is an actor, nothing more. What on earth gives him standing to “declare” anything about climate science and, more to the point, why on earth would his declaration be quoted in the mainstream media?

  496. George plays a concerned global warming advocate, while in real life he owns humongous homes in LA, Mexico and Italy. He especially enjoys jetting off to Lake Como in Italy for weekend getaways. Yes he owns a fleet of luxury cars, but he also drives a $150K Telsa electric automobile, so as to prove he is living a sustainable life. Although his his carbon footprint as big as the Grand Canyon in real life, he enjoys pretending to be a good steward of the planet. If it appears that he is duplicitous hippicrit, that only pertains to Georgie boy when he is not acting.

    1. His “electric car” pulls electricity off the grid that produces over 30% of it from coal, and most of the rest from burning gas… so his “electric” car is really a coal, oil, natural gas car… Not to mention the nasty chemicals in all those batteries in it have to be disposed of somewhere. I think they call it “hazardous waste”… He will probably say he has solar panels or a windmill to make the power for his car… George needs to stick to acting.

  497. So nice to see Mr. Clooney, who, as we all know, has spent his lifetime studying science and meteorology, has chosen to share the results of his world renown studies on global warming. AS always name calling and petty insults replaces thought among the Hollywood elite. God bless you all and down with all thought control!

  498. Now this Clooney is the typical, arrogant Hollywood lib. Not to mention a huge phony. Case in point: On at least 3 occasions Clooney traveled with his girlfriend to Baltimore to attend a Ravens game in a PRIVATE JET because she is a former Ravens cheerleader. I’d bet my bottom dollar that i could ask this clown 2 or 3 fairly basic questions re: Earth Sciences and he wouldn’t know the answers.

  499. So tell me Mr. Clooney, after thirty years of global warming
    why is it not any warmer out side?

    Next time you release a movie I will remember that I am too stupid
    to navigate my way to the theater.

  500. Isn’t this the same George Clooney who told us all that the that money donated after the tragedy of 9/11 would go to the survivors and families of the attack? Why should we consider him a credible source on anything?

  501. If staunch Democrat George Clooney says anyone who disagrees with his view of Global Warming is “Stupid”,
    Then he must be right because there is apparently no
    dispute that he is one of the Annointed Ones, at least by his followers.

    Myself and others who believe otherwise, are apparently Poster Children of Stupidity. But, in our ignorance we believe just as fervently that George Clooney is a Mindless Pied Piper following Moron ! Or maybe he is the Pied Piper ?

  502. cLoony thinks any one who does not believe in a silly religion like Global Warming is stupid? Why do you people watch TV and movies anymore? Why support these whack jobs?

  503. Clooney’s bi-sexual smile doesn’t fool everybody. Lying while acting like an expert is part of his psychopathic syndrome. He’s probably drunk on Al Gore’s poop juice, again.

  504. Since he is only an actor and has no training in Geology or Meteorology, he is taking someone else’s word for GLOBAL WARMING… he chooses to believe the scientists that faked the data.. I choose to keep an open mind and remember, that the earth has went through MANY changes since it was born. They now say Antarctica was a lush jungle at one time, WAY before man was ever around.
    I choose to keep an open mind and not give Pols like Gore and Obama the ammunition to get rich off the back of the middle class over a lie.

  505. The same way we feel about your acting George…… How is one supposed to debate these people when their minds are not even open to the possibility they could be wrong

  506. Attended low colleges, never graduated; attempted a baseball career, never made the cut;
    a true dilettante, afflicted with liberalism and the wrong idea that money and fame make your opinion
    carry more gravitas than everyone else.

  507. Doesn’t Loony Clooney know temps have not risen in nearly 20 years and all the “super” computer predictions with 80s tech and 80s computers have never happened and never will?

  508. I am just a tad curious, why did anyone think Clooney had anything intelligent to say on the topic of ‘global warming’? Did he earn a science degree I was unaware of?

  509. The sun is about to deliver a one-two punch to the planet… probably sending us into a mini ice-age and there he will be, spouting off about how mankind caused it..He ought to start reading solar reports for a change. There is not a scientist alive today who has ever witnessed what our sun is doing right now, so all bets are off. And the ocean is currently in a state called La Nada by NASA. Makes long-term weather predicting impossible.

  510. “Well it’s just a stupid argument,” Clooney said…”.
    It is George ? If so, how ? Where is Georges evidence that shows that AL Gore knows what he’s talking about ? And what is George himself doing about the Global warming that he thinks is occurring ? Has he stopped using private jets to get around ? Has he downsized to a little cabin ? What about those fuel gobbling limousines that he rides around in ? Did you buy a Prius, George ? Leftist clown !

  511. Clooney, along with Alex Baldwin and Shawn Penn, should be over there in their private jet helping pull survivors out and not presenting his hypothesis of the day

  512. Oh, if we don’t believe in anthropomorphic global warming, ‘We’re Clooney’s?’
    I am shocked, shocked I say shocked, that another liberal mouth piece has cut and run on science and made up his mind on what is obviously a liberal power grab to gain even greater control over the American people.
    Go George, Go AWAY.

  513. “Global warming” is faith based, it is a religion. There is not only no evidence of it’s existence, the evidence is to the contrary. It is impossible to talk a zealot out of his religious beliefs, especially when the believer is stupid and ridiculous.

  514. He may be eye candy, but he’s no intellectual heavy weight. I’ll put my academic credentials and research experience up against his ability to memorize words on paper any day. I bet I’ll win. Who’s the “stupid” one?

  515. I wonder if George is getting part of the “Carbon Credit” monies that Al is selling. I guess the 500 million Al got from the Muslim “Oil People”, for his cable TV station, wasn’t enough.

  516. I will agree with George about one thing. Cleaning up and recycling can’t hurt us as a nation. That being said, there are too many instances of faked or inconclusive data in global warming reports to say conclusively that we as human beings are at fault for climate change or that climate change is even occurring outside of the normal, natural cycle of the Earth.

    1. Bullshit! A free market – a truly free market – regulates itself. It’s good business to innovate and come up with newer better cleaner technology. You don’t need a government to make that happen.

      1. Where in my statement did I say government should drive a clean energy solution? Oh that’s right, no where. I simply agree with Clooney that we as humans, individuals, should help keep our environment clean. It’s the right thing to do and the most economically advantageous thing to do. Don’t read what isn’t there.

        1. Yeah, but they take that “agreement” of yours and turn it into excuses for bigger government and more regulation. Concede nothing to the enemy, and they ARE our enemies, anyone who is an enemy of individual freedom and liberty.

          1. Ok then I pose these questions to you John. Do you think recycling is a good idea in terms of economics? Do you think building cars that are more fuel efficient is better for the common man? Do you think the idea of finding alternate sources of energy and weaning us off of foreign oil sources is a good thing? Do you believe that private enterprise and not government is the best solution for these ideas?
            Just because I agree with some ideas from the left does not mean I am in league with all they say.
            In your way of thinking, there is no growth, no economic advantage. They say we need more fuel efficient cars or the world will die. We as enterprising Americans say, sure, we can build that because you created a market. We know the world won’t die, but we gain cars that are cheaper to run and create new technologies for other industries. We don’t agree with the global warming stupidity, but we do agree we have new niches in the market.

            1. Also, my agreement only extends to individuals and responsible business owners not to the increase in government regulation. For example. The coal industry is many time more clean than it has been in the past fifty ears, yet Obama is demanding more at risk of collapsing the coal industry. I think that is insane given the current economic conditions. Keep current limits as they are and wait for cleaner technology, driven by free markets, catch up.

            2. The end user’s so called “recycling” activity is more about making the user feel good than it is about actual efficiency gains in the production process. It is of limited benefit. True recycling activity occurs higher up in the workflow (or lower as it were) and yes it is a good thing and it is a result of market activities/forces that occur mostly in spite of government interference. More fuel efficient cars may or may not be better depending on what is gained and what is lost in the proposition. I’d prefer a less fuel efficient car IF that car continued to provide me with a basic level of safety that I would lose in a car that looks like a roller skate and I’d be crushed like a grape if I got into an accident in it. It’s not necessarily cheaper to run if gas pricing keep going up. You get to pay more and more for less and less of a car. Battery operated cars produce more toxic waste in the manufacturing process. Weaning off foreign sources is already a possibility, we have the resources, but we also have an American population who has been led to believe that “alternate energy sources” are on the cusp of replacing petroleum when they are not even close to achieving that goal. So we have to fight this ridiculous political battle among ourselves about weather or not we should even be using this “dirty” fuel source. I’m sorry I just don’t see these false pretenses as having created “new niches in the market”. I see it as a gullible American public duped into the latest marketing schemes of an economy that has been taken over by crony capitalists.

  517. If 99 bankers said do this and 1 said that is stupid and illogical–use you own head–why did 99 say one thing? profit motive? hmmm
    George 99% of the people I know, say you are a homosexual–should I believe them??

  518. Spare us Clooney, you wanker. Forgot you even existed. Do you plug your prius into a wall outlet that leads to a coal fired energy plant or to your out door windmill that generates it’s own electricity? The world is your act.

  519. Such arrogance to think that a typhoon couldn’t occur on Earth without mankind playing a role. Such crazy-talk from Clooney Tunes. While these guilt-riddled public figures such as Clooney can vent their personal guilt through a charade of climate change, govt. entities see an opportunity to fleece private citizens globally of their income via a bogus carbon tax and funnel billions into environmental .orgs, funds, and foundations then convert into personal wealth while jetting around the world telling everybody the sky is falling, (see Albert Arnold Gore Jr.).

    -Fix your overbite, George …you can afford it.

  520. Ask Mr. Clooney if he realizes how much radioactive waste is created by the wind turbine industry and compare it to the nuclear energy field. Bet he doesn’t know.

  521. The weather may be changing. But giving money to Al Gore and his crowd will only make them richer and us poorer. And the weather will still be changing

  522. Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue: ’Over past 1,000 years, Philippines have been hit by 10-20 thousand tropical cyclones. Don’t be so arrogant to believe man caused Haiyan.’
    Maue: ‘Amazing how bad media/news information is on Haiyan: ‘strongest storm ever recorded’ — No independent fact checking. Just rely on a blog’

  523. This coming from an arrogant D/B who “pretends” for a living. Never thought much of him as a pretender, now I’ll never see anything he does. I’d be stupid and ridiculous to spend a nickle on any of his crap movies.

  524. Accepting anecdotal evidence such as an individual storm, lack of storms, cooling temperatures, etc. IS the indication that one is “stupid”. Wide fluctuations in global temperature have been occurring since Earth was born. It is naive to believe that mankind has the ability to significantly alter global temperatures. If we could, why don’t we choose to raise temperatures in cold places and lower them in hot places? The answer, it’s because we can’t. You see global temperatures are impacted by so many factors that just changing the percentage of CO2 gets balanced out by others.

    The Global “warming” … er… temperature change movement is all about socialist control over populations by the rich and privileged who fly around in private or government jets, ride in gas gulping limousines, live in gigantic homes (sometimes more than one) that gulp energy and belch heat, drive yachts that devour gasoline in 100 gallon chunks… Yes, that’s you George… BTW.

    There are a lot of very intelligent people and scientists who don’t swallow the global warming pill nor drink at the alter of anthropogenic climate change.

    Sadly, we are being impacted by the climate changers today with higher energy costs and shortages, when just one volcanic eruption or meteor could put the planet in a tailspin for decades (and will someday). So we all (except the rich and privileged) are being asked to sacrifice for nothing. When the Yellowstone super volcano goes “BOOM” someday, it won’t matter how much CO2 is in the atmosphere…

  525. So where do the expanding ice caps fit in? Clooney needs to keep up with his reading. I guess he’s falling into the Democratic rhetoric that if you can give accurate facts, you try to ridicule your opponents. And hey, Clooney… just because we like some of your movies doesn’t mean we think you know squat about anything.

  526. Considering all of the billions of dollars spent on the mitigation of global warming/climate change, there seems to never have been a legitimate report showing how much abatement has been done!

    As Walter E Williams said, “Moral crusaders have the habit of heading off to their next crusade without bothering to see whether anything went wrong on their last one!”

    The seed is now being sown to warn us of a “need” for us to be saved from (gasp) asteroids!


    Space Agencies Of The World, Unite: The U.N.’s Asteroid Defense Plan

  527. it’s hard to concentrate on a movie when you know the main actor is a moron…are you listening nsa? please pass it on to George who I am sure has you and obama on speed dial.

  528. Clooney must be right. It was Brad Pitt that said after Katrina hurricanes would be getting stronger and more frequent because of global warming. How can anyone doubt the scientific knowledge of an actor? 😛

  529. Clooney studied broadcast journalism in college but never gradated. His opinions about climate science are not even mildly interesting, much less relevant.

  530. With the 16 years of cooling and the Ice Caps growing every day and more and more scientist are speaking out that the models used by Al Gore an company were biased, you can only use this analogy.
    If you were told you had cancer and the doctors said you were going to die in a few years and then you went for your check up and the doctors said there is no signs of cancer any more, wouldn’t you be happy and jump for joy? I just don’t see Climate Warming Alarmist being happy about it.

  531. “What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”

    Yes, but at what cost to the present day lives of the little man and woman. The present day economic climate is more important to most of us than the future ecological climate. The vast majority of the people don’t have the means to flit about the World posing for the cameras. We wonder how we’re going to pay for the increases in utility rates and taxes.

  532. Ever notice how these people that preach the ” MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM ‘ seem to be rich or in the entertainment industry that fly all over the world and have the biggest so called carbon foot print . They like to think they know everything , typical pin head liberal . The fact is earth has gone through many warm ups and ice ages and will shrug us off like a bad cold as happened to dinosaurs and many other extinct creatures that was not caused by man .

  533. Dick: Why are Liberals so hot for Climate Control Laws?

    Annie: Because it has the word Control in it.

    Annie) How do you Brainwash a Liberal?

    Dick: Give him an Enema.

    Annie: That was juvenile — Butt Funny…let me get an image of that…ha ha ha ha ha

  534. George, the planets been here for billions of years and unless an asteroid hits and blows us to hell it will be here long after you and me die. Stop the bullshit and live a good life, if I had a place on lake Como I
    would go there and enjoy life outside of Obamaland’s fantasy world!

  535. Clooney is adored and idolized by dumb broads and homos. Real men despise this shallow pretty boy. He has the mentality of a slug and does nothing but parrot the liberal line. Exactly what the low info crowd wants to hear.

  536. Eve if his claims of majority opinion were true (which they are not), majority opinion does not determine science. Truth does. Whether it be one man’s truth or everyone’s. Facts.

  537. “In wake of Typhoon Haiyan, Actor George Clooney declares global warming skeptics to be ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous'”

    Yawn. How is that any dumber than asking someone about science when their profession stems from the Fool?

    Hehe, whats next, you going to ask Carrot Top for medical advice? Or perhaps you can ask the Trashman for advice on how to protect your lifes savings from Obama?

    The Riches man in Babylon states “Don’t ask a shield makers when seeking to learn about jewels, ask a jeweler”. The same can be said here. Don’t seek out a Fool when seeking to learn about science, instead seek out a scientist.

  538. George should stick to making movies. George thinks raising taxes will allow liberals to control the sun’s energy. We are so lucky to live in a time where people like George can save the world.

  539. Why do we ask actors their opinions about anything but acting? After all they are recognized for being something or someone they are not. Asking Clooney a weather related question is like asking a non-doctor about health questions. Consider me stupid and ridiculous according to clooney….

  540. What I got out of this article: George Clooney doesn’t want me to go to see any of his movies or buy any of his movies since he finds me to be stupid and ridiculous.

  541. It amazes me how so many climate change theorists use the same group mentality argument that has Clooney convinced. It is such a simple point of view. Let’s start with the $22.2 Billion dollars that the United States is spending on this theory (relative to $12 Billion on border security). That is motive enough to keep the science of fear funding rolling even after valid data and renowned scientists contradicts the warming trend. NASA data, MIT scientists. Therefore there is no consensus and we don’t know George; and what’s the harm? Expanded government imposing draconian regulations and massive expenses to a struggling economy. The Australians realized this and recently pulled the plug on the idiotic carbon tax.

    When you a cashed up movie star clearly it is easier to lose your true perception of reality.

    Why don’t you use your celebrity to bring world environmental awareness to the inept Japanese still allowing radioactive water to spill into the Pacific? They are doing incomprehensible harm with their stubborn ineptitude in handling the Fukushima nuclear debacle…

  542. According to George and rapist Al Gore, there are people with cars on other planets because those planets are warming too. Wait, what? Exactly! Earth is not the only planet warming. Warming is normal and caused by the solar system with mother nature putting out 98% of the CO2. Actually CO2 does not cause warming, it’s a lagging indicator after the planet has already warmed.

    The only thing that is “man made” is the computer models predicting global warming which have ALL BEEN WRONG. The scheme is to steal money from the middle class and producers so Al Gore and his rich socialist buddies can make trillions in the carbon tax trading scheme.

  543. The earth has not warmed for 17 yrs and they predict another 20 yrs of cooling. All the warming models were WRONG, global warming is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth hoax.

  544. Passed on reading this “article” but glad Clooney dropped off my radar many years ago. I haven’t contributed to his pocket book since watching ER. Liberate yourself from these people and just turn the channel. I won’t even buy a $5.00 bargain bin movie with his name on it.

  545. If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced
    stage of improvement, we still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute.”—Thomas Paine

  546. Hey Clooney: Try spending the winter here in Minnesota, where we’ve already had our first measurable snowfall. Oh, and one more point. The land where I live was once under hundreds of feet of ice, but the climate changed and the ice melted without the help of any humans. Us deniers might be stupid, but at least we look at all the facts.

  547. Make believe people who live in a make believe world spouting make believe consensus statements about make believe man caused events. Events that have ocurred througho3ut earth history. It was once very cold and then warming occured; then it was cold again and warming occured; and it was once again cold and… Of course now that another hollywood ‘scientist’ has told the world that anyone who fails to believe is an idiot, I feel relieved to know the world is in good hands (cough-cough). A dem, an obama supporter, hollywood, do as I say far left lib. What else needs to be said?

  548. Certainly climate change has been a fact of life on this planet for eons, however man’s knowledge of the mechanics of climate change is akin to doctors understanding of the human body before the microscope. We are able to observe temperatures, look at ocean and air currents, watch the changes in solar activity, and measure various compounds and substances in the atmosphere, but really no one has any idea how it all fits together. What’s the worst that can happen Mr. Clooney? Progressive policies to combat poorly understood climate change have the potential to cost Americans billions, even trillions of dollars and help push more people into poverty as those policies result in less food and higher cost for energy.

  549. I suggest George Clooney study Geology and Meteorology and get the real history of the world. We were once a big blob. We once had only trilobites alive. They died off. Then we had dinosaurs. Then they died off, without any help from any homosapiens (not created yet). The Earth has always been changing, and always will continue to change. Duh.

  550. Rock on George. It is sickening when “news Outlets” feel they need to give time to both sides just because one is very loud. Facts are facts, regardless of what the Exxon Mobile “scientists” would have you believe. I applaud Clooney, and the LA times for that matter. The LA Times has recently made an editorial decision to quit printing falsehoods of so called skeptics. They believe (and I do to) that it would be akin to printing editorials from tobacco executives telling you smoking is good for you.

    1. ..except that global-cooling-I-mean-global-warming-I-mean-climate-change alarmists are the ones who are bought and paid for, this time; by Government. They are mostly members of Government academies and are the equivalent of the tobacco shills.

        1. People like me do not want to be “helped”; people like you should go adopt a pet, and help IT. As for our increasing irrelevance, you mean Tea Party patriots like me who, just in the past three months, sh*tcanned amnesty, sh*tcanned Syrian intervention, and shut down 17% of the Government? Those “increasingly irrelevant” people? Btw, the LA Times is little more than a fringe Left propaganda rag.

            1. My apologies for blaspheming your pagan religious faith. That was rude of me. Gaia-the-Earth-diety is real, and ancient texts prove that she was born under a triple rainbow.

    2. There are two sides to the man made global warming issue, those who believe in man made GW and those who do not. I do not, but I don’t think those who do are stupid. You have every right to disagree with me but when you call me stupid because I disagree, the stupid one is you.

  551. Politically funded Consensus Opinionists are not Scientists. Consensus Opinionists are driving for absurd centrally-planned programs (red flag!) to combat global warming and save the World. Self-important self-congratulatory, self-centered, self perpetuating, unscientifically educated, in-skeptical morons, every one of them.

  552. So, because he is able to lie successfully for a living, he is suddenly an expert on the climate? this is all despite that its been proven the IPCC manipulated numbers and results to make it look like there is climate change, despite the growing glaciers, the complete LACK of predicted hurricanes year after year from the climate change scientists and that the temp has been flat for a number of years. He needs to do some more reading if he wants to sound at all intelligent. Otherwise he is just another hollywood fool in the liberal echo chamber.

  553. Climate Expert Clooney, who failed to graduate from college then had odd jobs such as selling men’s suits and cutting tobacco before getting into acting, is now rich and therefore MUST be an expert about everything.

    Along with of portraying his lessers as climate ignoramuses, he should offer his expertise to bumbling BHO and help him out with Obamacare.

  554. These people actually think they are as intelligent as some of the characters they play. They run into trouble when they run into people who are not intimidated by their star power and actually disagree with them. Then they just call them names.

  555. You have to wonder what the Progressives are planning next. I realize they are heavily invested in the warming debacle, but they are not stupid. People like Soros must be working on a replacement scheme.

    The top dogs who embraced GW as the road to open borders and Marxism have to know it has failed.

    What will they try to foist on us next?

  556. He must believe he is soo much better than everyone else.
    I bet he thinks the Federal government is doing a great job, even though almost EVERY department would have gone bankrupt if it did not still our money to prevent those departments from doing so.

  557. And I guess that if 90 “scientists” tell Clooney to jump off the roof of Trump Tower because they have reversed gravity and he will fly, versus 10 scientists who have proof to the contrary, old George will prefer to be a grease spot on the pavement… If I’m correct, this bloviating buffoon never completed a bachelor’s degree, but like most H’wood elites, he thinks money equates to intelligence… He’s a white Obama… Never had to manage anything except his social calendar… As we say in Texas: “He’s all hat and no cattle”………

  558. Poor Loony Clooney, that $200 bow tie must be cutting off the oxygen to his last brain cell. Oh well, actors don’t need brains just pretty faces. Who gives a d@mn what he thinks anyway?

  559. climate change has been happening since the beginning of earth’s existence and then Clooney comes along and tells you it’s not so because of you. I guess any obamavoter would believe that.

  560. The global-cooling-I-mean-global-warming-I-mean-climate-change fad is just the latest secular World religion, for those who fancy themselves enlightened Atheists. Consequently, one more quotable quote seems to be in order: “The problem with Atheists isn’t that they believe nothing, but rather that they will believe anything.” –G.K. Chesterton

    1. As a self ordained atheist, I resemble that remark. And is that George Kluny Checterson? Here is a truth you can take to the bank: “We all believe what we want to believe” and that includes Chesterson, you and clooney.

      1. We Christians believe in live-and-let-live, in regard to atheists and other religions, generally. However, we resent it when the others force us to tithe to their deity against our will. People who worship Mother Earth should be content to tithe with their own money, in the form of carbon credits and carbon taxes etc, and leave the rest of us alone. The Government doesn’t force atheists to pay monetary tribute to Christ.

  561. And we should take anything he says seriously because?

    Look maybe there is global warming. Maybe not. But you know what is causing it? Not us. It is good old Mother Nature herself. Doing what she has done naturally for millions of years, long before we came along. Now pollution? That’s a different story and we should be doing our part to keep the environment clean. Just do not mix the two up. Most of the West has been doing a fair job, but until the third world, India and China get on board it will not be effective on a global basis.

    1. It’s not millions of years, it’s billions of years a number much harder to comprehend. Here’s the truth of the matter: Man has been around for such a short time, there is no way in hell he can change the climate. He can pollute the air and do all sorts of harm to the environment but he cannot change the climate, and George, anyone who thinks he can is stupid.

  562. Is this has been still around ?? Use to be a pretty face not so much anymore.. and why does he actually think anyone gives a diddley do what he has to say on any matter that doesn’t concern a written script.. oh wait it most likely does given to him by the DNC..

  563. Another college dropout parroting the LIES of the lunatic Left concerning “anthropogenic global warming” – something he has ZERO knowledge about – other than, perhaps – he’s an investor in one of Al Gore’s scams.

    Despite ObamaCare being a total disaster, these Leftists have their sights set on “carbon trading” and the BILLIONS of $$$ they can SCAM from WORKING AMERCANS

    Just say HELL NO to “carbon trading.”

  564. Yo Georgie Girl. A statement that is not backed up by facts is an OPINION. You know what is said about OPINIONS don’t you? they are like AZZH0LES. Everyone has one and they all stink.. Friggin Hollywood Piss Ant PUKE…

    1. Hey George. have you got the message yet? Everyone on this forum thinks you’re and idiot. I tend to agree. Do yourself a favor and talk about acting and stay out of areas you know nothing about.

  565. I am so tired of celebrities thinking that they are experts on everything. Politics, Healthcare, Gun Control, Global Warming..
    Sure Mr. Clooney, the 99% of scientists that are paid off, are lobbyists, or are friends of Mr. Gore say that global warming is real. They also make a lot of money off of it being real.
    Ever hear of HAARP?

  566. “Green” is the new “Red.” Communism doesn’t rest – even when it seems it’s discredited and defeated.

    Look for Obama to start pimping “carbon trading” as a “market based” solution TO A NON-PROBLEM.

    1. Excellent point, as the economy starts to unravel, so-called ‘carbon trading’ will be touted as the savior. Of course the establishment Republicans will go right along with it.

  567. Just another dim celebrity who found what he believed was a safe PC cause. Too bad the science isn’t really there. In a moment of sheer courage, Clooney has come out against cancer too.
    Listen F’tard. Shut up and make movies. We don’t care about your political views, your views on science or frankly anything else. Have fun being a meat puppet.

  568. What a laugh… this Turd has no formal education to even discuss the issue… yet he thinks he’s right. Hey Looney Clooney…. the data says you’re wrong… and your Climate welfare scientist friends are making money on false hoods. BTW chuckles Water Vapor is the big deal… if you and your idiot friends had their way we would be driving Hydrogen powered vehicles that cost 2 million dollars each, and produce what out the tailpipe… yep you got it… you can say it… Water Vapor. Oh… CO2 is only 60 percent thermally conductive compared to Nitrogen… if CO2 keeps heat in, then it must also keep heat out (conservation of energy), try and figure that out if you can.

    1. He’s not a liberal… Liberals are either old Hippies or young Hippie wannabes. The Turd is a Progressive Fascist…. there is a difference. Liberals are useful idiots to Progressive Fascists. Progressive Fascists are just re-packaged “Comintern”.

  569. Hey cLOONEY, what ya think about Jones and Mann falsifying temp data, when they first discovered that it was no longer getting warmer……or when their data bank mysteriously crashed losing all recorded temp data…..just before they were to be investigated in UK by the authorities?
    And if your movement is REALLY about “science” and not politics, how come all you warmers aren’t out declaring victory….the warming has stopped?!?!?

  570. Well…so when was George Clooney ever known for his intellectual achievements. The only reason this is “news” is because Clooney is an actor. Same guy, same brainpower, except a plumber instead of an actor–this would be paid attention to by exactly nobody. So there is no real reason to pay attention to anything Clooney says. He is just part of the non-thinking, non-critical, it’s-imperative-to-be-politically-correct set of mind-numbed Hollywood parlor pinks. Forget them.

    1. I agree… yet these self aggrandized buffoons need to be taken down a notch… they make way too much money for what they do and the fools will go and pay 12 bucks to see one of their lousy movies which just feeds the idiots.

  571. What’s really ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’ is the fact that the terms of reference limiting the scope of the IPPC inquiry to human causes only, ignoring all natural causes, was written by a junior high school dropout.

  572. Thanks George. The one great thing is I no longer suffer through any of your movies. And why don’t these looney left wing actors/pretenders boycott using guns in their movies?

  573. This comes from a guy who gets paid to read lines that he wasn’t intelligent enough to write himself.
    (PS We still love ya, George…in a crazy uncle kind of way!)

  574. This closet guinea mick needs to shut his pie hole and start praying to a Divinity that has not looked kindly on his life or acts. The b s he pulled about African slaughter begs the question why has he not shown concern for the 50 million aborted infants in this cesspool of a nation, esp. since this farce Clooney claims to be a Christian. My advice: drop dead..

  575. There is no evidence that man can cause global climate chane. There is evidence that it creates large sums of cash in the pockets of those that terrorize people with the false statement of climate change, Al Gore comes to mind with global warming even as the earth cools. Climate change started at the creation of earth by God, no where in the Bible does it state man creates climate or can change climate. It’s all about politicians stealing money from all of us.

  576. The real question is whether there’s regeneration or a “multiplier effect” that gives a tiny amount of CO2 a huge warming effect by increasing water vapor, despite the limiting effect of precipitation. That’s what the IPCC model includes and the NASA climate satellites showed zero evidence of it. It’s extremely unlikely that the climate could be so balanced to allow for such regenerative gain making it an extraordinary claim. But then I’m stupid and ridiculous.

    1. Also co2 is about 60 percent as conductive as Nitrogen… also if CO2 keeps heat in then it must also keep heat out (Conservation)… Water vapor is the problem… if there is a problem. Interesting that the fools on the left would have everyone driving Hydrogen powered cars in the cities which produce water vapor out of the tailpipe… thereby increasing the atmospheric moisture levels in the cities at any given time making it hotter.

  577. He must have invested in Carbon Credits along with Gore. Maybe you should keep your mouth closed until you have all the facts in front of you?…Oh wait this is Hollywood, never mind .

  578. “What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”

    Oh Idk Georgie boy, we may end up De-industrializing over a farce that is CO2 emissions, quadrupling people’s energy prices because we keep shutting down coal refineries as we get outpaced by China who opens new refineries biweekly. And to make matters worse, I don’t want to pay carbon offsets to that slimy conman Al Gore over a complete farce.

    So what’s the worse than can happen? The US cripples its energy infrastructure, gets outpaced by the Chinese, and gives up hundreds of billions of dollars in global taxes to the UN to fund their carbon projects all while we are in a recession/trillions of dollars in debt.

  579. Mr. Coloney, would you care to explain the MASSIVE increase in polar ice, yet there is supposed “gloabal warming”? Didn’t think so. Jack ass. Liberal ftards sure dson’t like pesky things like…. facts.

  580. Let me get this straight a Liberal Hypocrit no nothing movie socalled actor that could not make it in the real world who flies private jets is saying that everyone else are idiots that do not believe the now defunct view on manmade global warming. WOW!! now yes I agree we need to clean up pollution, which in all aspects is happening, but CO2 is not a pollutant, without it we die! it makes up less then 1% of the so called atmosphere!.
    See all you libs look up and see that shiny bright star called our Sun that geneates Heat, did you ever think it is that!! (they do not take into account the Sun in any of the bogus reports by the way) Higher solar flare activity makes it warmer down her, less does not raise it!! see that is wy we had a cooler summer, the solar flare activity was less and for that one week i picked up we were warmer!
    Here is another hint that they are cons if something is true you do not need to change the movement see the same group went from Global Iceage, to global Warming to Climate Change. The last makes me laugh its like DUH! the climate always changes!!
    So if they can answer the following questions with out double talk!
    1 – Why has the tempurature on Mars risen?
    2 – Why is the ice sheets growing now in the north?
    3 – Where is the impact of the Sun in there reports?
    4 – why is the UN reports not being fully released?
    5 – How much money are the groups making on investigating this?
    6 – How come the first Scientist stated that global Warming has been taken to a extreeme by these groups? and where is he now?
    7- How come the name changes?
    8 – Why was the magnetic pull of the planets aligning and now unaligning not brought into consideration>?
    9 – Solar Flares activity?
    10 – If you can not tell us the correct weather for tomorrow 99% of the time why should we believe you can tell us what it will be 50years from now?
    11 – where is the increase in Hurricanes you warned us about this year?
    12 – Do you all still believe the Earth is Flat? (remember 99% of Scientists believed that back then)

  581. It is funny to hear the liberal left Hollywood loons speak off script. If it is not written for them, their IQ comes thru…
    Just like O’bama…no teleprompter and he sho0ws his “High IQ” too.

  582. George, How are you doing? I am concerned that while you live your life of extreme wealth and privilege that you may be worrying yourself too much. We wouldn’t want you to develop an ulcer or lose a moments sleep. There are so many of us who have to spend all of our time and energy just trying to make ends meet. We just don’t have the time or resources to jet around the world and have our limos take us to our PR events so that we can take a second or two out of our lavish lives to tell others how stupid they are. So George, why don’t you try this. SHUT THE HELL UP and just look pretty.

  583. Clooney is good looking and has a knack for acting. Why do I care or why should I value his opinion. He lives in an echochamber of wealth, priveledge and worship.. He has no clue about reality.

  584. “The polar bears are drowning” – algore, democrat. Self-proclaimed inventor of the Internet.

    “Global warming skeptics, stupid” – George Clooney, actor, democrat. Has never done anything, but played one on TV.

    “The polar bears will be fine” – Freeman Dyson, FRS, smartest man never to win the Nobel Prize.

    Who U gonna believe?

  585. Thank you George Clooney for sharing with us your vast meteorological knowledge. I know you must have played pretend and so been one at one point. I seen Gravity it sucked and so do you. I’ve seen my last Clooney movie. Please share your opinion more often. Soon the only fans you’ll have will be in LA and NY. You’ll be left with only the out of touch uber libs that live in a fantasy world, such as yourself.

  586. “Dr.” Clooney is a moron. Guess he skipped over the news the day they covered the scandal in global warming, in which “researchers” collaborated to falsify data in return for continuing grant monies.

  587. To use Mr. Cloony’s example, if 99% of the doctors say “you’re sick” but cannot provide any evidence to support their conclusion; meanwhile, the 1% of the doctors who disagree provide tests that show you aren’t sick, who do you want to follow then?

  588. What is stupid and ridiculous to me would be movie actors that
    dropped out of journalism classes in college commenting on anything –
    especially a branch of science that has barely advanced since the old Eniac
    computers of the 1950s in accurate computer predictions beyond a few weeks out.
    This fool just advances my theory that it only takes an IQ of around 85 to be
    an award-winning actor.

  589. Climate Change is not really about helping the planet (if it were they would be preaching to the world’s biggest polluter China). It is about demonizing America and making us pay for everything. It is about removing American liberty as well and making us feel guilty. It is a leftist scheme to remove freedom and institute socialism. Also, if you pay attention, all of these rich celebrities and fat cats like Al Gore, have no plans to reduce their personal pollution output, just want you to pay taxes and fees to them for yours! This way they get richer and you get poorer and loose freedom. It is a win win for these communists.

  590. Hey George, I hate to break it to you, but, 99.9999999% of the worlds population also used to think the planet was flat. By the way congratulations on receiving your degrees in Meteorology and Computer Sciences. Stick to acting, and never accept an acting job that has you playing a scientist or engineer. You are not cut out for it.

  591. Whether you believe in MM Global warming or not…which I don’t., You have to ask yourself what type of idiot actor would try and divide his potential fan base with controversial or political commentary? How does this help him or his cause. He could simply shut his pie hole and get more money or endorsements to throw at his pansy liberal causes. So this tells me he is stupid by example!

  592. Oh No! Professor Clooney is calling people names. I hope that the good Dr. will ‘splain to us all why the temperature has been stable for a decade.
    What, the degree in Bovine Scatology doesn’t cover that aspect of the made up science of Global Warming? Oh…. never mind.

  593. Well, let me see. I’m an Engineer / Senior analyst with 40 years of experience. I’ve actually read the IPCC reports (I’ll bet Clooney hasn’t, or if he did he didn’t understand what he was reading). I have not, however looked at the Verification and Validation reports for the models they’ve used to predict the course of Global Warming – because none of the models have ever been V&V’d against real-world data. I am a GW skeptic, at least in the sense that man is causing GW to any extent that should give rise to the hysteria that swirls around the topic in some circles. Twenty years ago, the “consensus” based on these models was that by now we would be much warmer than we are. But guess what – we are not. In fact, they are conceding that there has been no significant warming for the past 17 years. Now we see stories that this “pause” may last another 20 years.
    The point is, the Global Warming hysteria (now called “Climate Change” for very specific reasons) is all about money and power and control. Mr. Clooney, if you want to call me “stupid” because I can see this scam for what it is, that’s your right I suppose. But you’re the one who is buying into this scam based on nothing but your emotions – not on any salient facts that you have analyzed. You’re an actor who makes a living in a world of pretending so I guess you can be forgiven.

  594. Hey George you’re an actor not a climate scientist. If you think I’m stupid because I don’t buy the man made global warming schtick I think you are equally stupid when you spout your uninformed BS only because you have the pulpit of celebrity, Do you know how few people would pay attention to anything you say were it no for your celebrity. There is as much evidence supporting the opposite view by respectable scientists as support your narrow minded view, “only my view is the right view”. This is a typical left wing attitude: “we know best”, You know nothing.

  595. Who cares what Clooney thinks? Seriously. I wonder what rich old George’s carbon footprint looks like. Talk about finding Bigfoot! As he scolds YOU he does the damage of 500 regular people. That’s if you even buy this tripe. But HE does, and that’s what counts.

  596. Though you suck at acting. The ocean pictures were a joke, Your worse at science. Your answer to the question is the pat answer the clueless left gives. Try reading the Climate Gate emails if you dare to go there. By the way CONSENSUS IS NOT SCIENCE it’s POLITICAL SCIENCE. Hiding and manipulating data is not science either. Take your head out of your rear end, you might be surprised what you learn.

  597. Another stupid liberal actor opening his mouth & 5h1T pours out. Sorry, did you at some point PLAY a roll that makes you think you’re an authority on this?

  598. Global Warming Clowns have ad hominem attacks – that’s it! Absolutely zero real science to back up their claim.

    George Clowney is a mouthpiece for the clown fraudsters.

  599. Why does anyone give these people Bono, Clooney looney, Sean Spicoli Penn any shrift? They are morons! How much money has Bono used for “administrative expenses” in his charity? Got to have a bottle of champagne when you are agonizing about poor aids victims in Africa. PUUUULEAAASE give these guys no more space!

  600. This is hilarious. Clooney you are truly a tool. You are totally void of any knowledge that he hasn’t been hand fed by people of the same political position. Mr. Clooney I have a Ph.D in a scientific field and I am extremely skeptical of global warming whereas your have no education in the sciences beyond high school. Care to have a debate based on facts, trends and data rather than political persuasions?

  601. Obviously Looney Clooney is a meteorological genius. I mean….he is handsome, rich, goes to all the best Hollywood parties…..and he wears a bow tie for cryin out loud! What else do you need to be able to acurately predict global climate? (pssssst…..I hear he’s thinking of getting into politics! Care to guess what party?)

  602. The global warming scare is all about the Carbon Credits racket. Al Gore and his family have made Billions by manipulating the energy market through government legislation, just look up the Teapot Dome Scandal. People need to wake up to what is really going on. The social programs and the government promises to improve your lives is nothing short of a mask to fleece you of your hard earned money and put that money into the pockets of themselves and other party loyalist. The formula is simple, create a crisis, scare the public, pass legislation that will take wealth from the workers. Remember, the power of the government comes from the Enforcement units. Once a law is passed it is enforced by people with guns and if you attach the law to the IRS your wealth can be confiscated with out due process of law.

  603. Well I guess mother Earth is STUPID for allowing CO2 level to increase for a decade without remembering to increase global temperatures, or increase the severity of storms, or the frequency of storms, etc etc etc

  604. OK, George Clooney’s education consists of high school and a few years at a local community college. He is a pretty face and nothing else. The Hollywood Publicity Machine and the left-wing, extreme media has adopted he as their darling. George probably can’t spell AGW. Pay no attention to his ranting and whining.

  605. What a colossal ass! Clooney, you have no education about this subject whatsoever, yet as you typically do, you spout off lies and your theories without a shred of information to give them any credibility. Go back to Italy and stay there. Take Streisand, Baldwin, and the rest of the Hollywood Looney Tunes with you. Moron!

  606. Every wonder if after making statements like this…IF he will give up HIS private jet rides, Big cars, Hugh mansion OR any other high energy using product?

  607. Clooney ignores the facts from the other side. He has been duped by Obama and Gore.

    Global warming stopped 17 years ago.

    Six years ago, the BBC reported that the Arctic would be ice-free in summer by 2013, citing a scientist in the US who claimed this was a ‘conservative’ forecast.

    A chilly Arctic summer has left 533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 29 per cent.

    Read more at dailymail website.

    The people from the looney left are hilariously hysterical! PERIOD!!!

  608. Hmm, several climate scientist that quit the UN’s IPCC because of the political lie of global warming say, it’s a scam. The man who started the Weather Channel says, it’s a scam. One of the original founders of Green Peace says, it’s a scam. A climatology professor at Harvard says, it’s a scam. More and more climate professionals are jumping of the global waring band wagon saying, it’s a scam. The emails between the UK scientist and the UN that created the scam leaked out (look up Climategate) and proved that it’s a scam. But radical left-wing politicians and Hollyweird actors say it’s true, so gee, it must be true.

  609. He is just intellectually uncurious, would not expect him to read the full IPCC report or even a non-political summary. Trace Green House Gas, Man contribution a Trace, Ice cores not a closed system and pose no correlation to other more accurate reading all well above a Hollywood Narcissist who’s best talent is pretending to be someone else reciting word written by another. Stick to acting George.

  610. Looney’s comment about the 99% of doctors might make sense IF (Big IF) it hadn’t already been proven that numbers were cooked, and scientists (doctors) fired if they didn’t go along with the global warming hype. Any thinking person (leaves our Looney) knows global warming was cooked up to justify new taxes, particularly for the UN and other globalist organizations. Looney is either part of that conspiracy, or he is just stupid.

  611. Hey clueless, first of all, the divide is no where near 99 – 1, Its more like 3 – 1 if you sample all those involved, but you also must realize the entire global warming ‘industry’ is financially tied to proving global warming exists (and don’t tell me that scientist are immune to this type of persuasion. They have mouths to feed and mortgages to pay like everyone else).

    If global warming is proven to be none existent the entire industry evaporates and thousands are unemployed overnight. So from a sceintific perspective the motive is severely tainted from the onset and that only is reason for serious suspicion.

    Please use some of the millions you have to buy a clue.

  612. It never amazes me just how absolutely stupid George Clooney is. This bottom feeding slug is as stupid as a rock.
    F**K YOU CLOONEY. Go back to your play-like world and snort some more cocaine.

  613. Since when does George Clooney have a degree in Meteorology…he’s the one who is stupid and ridiculous .
    Non of the facts will dissuade Clooney from his wrong thinking. After all he’s a Liberal Dem., immune to the facts. Truth and facts never enter his mind!!

  614. Funny because most of us find every movie he stars in stupid and ridiculous. Hence why he has thankfully been cast in less movies, these Hollywood actors do not seem to connect that when they open their mouths in stupid ways, people stop seeing their movies.

  615. I’m glad he understand the argument so well.

    After all, ‘global warming’ sceptics are against all the good things and for all the bad things! /sarcasm


  616. LOL, I was unaware of George Clooney’s technical background and his study of global climate. I am sure, though, his opinion is well thought out and founded on both logical reasoning and historical data.

    Oh wait, this is George Clooney after all…. In the words of Emily Litella “Never mind”.

  617. Just like cancer research it’s there to raise money for salaries not for actually finding a cure. About global warming, research HAARP. We create the weather.

  618. Farmer’s almanac is predicting the Super Bowl to be something of a Snow Bowl. The next cold wave is forecast to cover most of the deep south. George may need some warm undies before this winter is over. What school did curious George go to so he could become a climate expert? Holiday Inn Express?

  619. And Mr. Clooney… where did you earn your PhD in meteorology? Get off the pipe George and take a look at the growing number of REAL scientists who won’t take the Dear Leader’s bribe!!!

    PS: Al Gore is a BOOB!!!

  620. He Cares people.He cares people!! ….Now let him alone as he needs to get in his gas guzzling Limo to drive him to his private jet. He is off to one of his 5000 plus sq ft home to read a script for an HUGE production movie that will only use up as much energy as a small city.. Remember the motto of George..” Do as I say not as I do as I care..”” another Hollywood hypocrite…

  621. The problem with Clooney is the fact that he has had his head up Liberal Butts his entire life, and listens to the spin that the money changers put out .
    Listen, global climate change is and always will be present.
    Global climate changes may be effected by certain man made emissions, but in no way can anyone with a brain think that it is all from man made infulences.
    Earth’s climate change comes from the Sun, Volcano eruptions,forest fires, asteroids, and just plain orbital changes and gravity.

    Global Climate Changes is the golden card free pass for government to tax Mankind .
    Global Carbon Taxes in the US can do nothing to change anything in Climate.
    Global Carbon Taxes paid by the USA can do nothing to eliminate excess pollution in China. Their pollution is our pollution. No one will force 100% of the nations to adhere to global man made restrictions, and no money in the world collected will have any ability to change and reverse Climate.

  622. If Clooney thinks he is so smart, how about he debates some of the skeptics in a public forum and both sides present their case ? We’ll see who is stupid. There is no global warming as a long term trend and there is no evidence that any warming that was recorded was man made. Just because a liberal says so, and says “the debate is over” does not make it so. What is does make so, is the fact that there are a lot of retarded zealots and junk science proponents, or worse, thieving Democrats who will use it as an excuse to steal taxpayer money and use it to further their fascist agenda. By the way, my 86 year old mom says Clooney is gay just like Rock Hudson. Hahahahahaha

  623. .

    Chirpped Clooney: “Damn! We’re in a tight spot!”

    Save our c-o-n-t-r-y. Remain active. Change a dozen minds . Keep the ball rolling. Vote TEA! Vote FREEDOM!


  624. A man who makes such statements when he has no training in physical science is a fool.

    CO2 is a “trace gas” in air, insignificant by definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200 times as much heat making 99.9% of all “global warming.” CO2 does only 0.1% of it. For this we should destroy our economy?

    The Medieval Warming from 800 AD to 1300 AD Micheal Mann erased to make
    his “hockey stick” was several degrees warmer than anything “global warmers” fear. It was 500 years of great abundance for the world.

    The Vostock Ice Core data analysis show CO2 increases follow temperature
    increases by 800 years 19 times in 450,000 years. That makes temperature change cause and CO2 change effect; not the other way around.

    Carbon combustion generates 80% of our energy. Control and taxing of
    carbon would give the elected ruling class more power and money than
    anything since the Magna Carta of 1215 AD.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative,” When you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

  625. Dr. Clooney has a degree in what? He has written papers on what? He has been peer reviewed on what? He has empirical data on what? I recon he’s just a big bag of global warming hot air! Does wearing a tux and attending social martini parties make you an expert on a 4.5 billion year old eco system? Does acting out a character in front of a camera give you special knowledge about sun spots and climate change? Do any of these morons know anything about the earths history? For the first 2 billion years our “climate” was a noxious mix of acid and magma. So now a single degree change gets these idiots all worked up? If he wants to make a difference then he should invest in alternative forms of energy, grab a broom and clean up Hollywood. I go there often and it’s a disgusting mess.

  626. Isn’t he the “father” that called his 12 year old daugher while intoxicated and then proceeded to berate her and call her a “pig”? If so I doubt he has anything of value to say about anything.

  627. The earth’s been getting warmer since day 1. Why? Not just because God said so, but because the Sun has a life cycle. It will continue to expand until it explodes and no global warmer will be able to stop it. Don’t worry. We still have a couple million years according to current scientific analysis to get off this planet that God created. Unless He decides to come back before then.

      1. Yes sir. I thought so. but it’s been awhile since I took an astronomy course at Villanova. When I was there I was taught that stars turn into red giants, Fascinating stuff, I almost lost my religion thinking bout all that space. Just the distance to Alpha Centauri is mind boggling to me. I recently had thoughts that when Jesus said “I go to prepare a place for you” that we that believe might have our own planet. I know. I’m crazy.

  628. Since they are so eager to go after man made warming activities, then lets do it. First off, we will start by banning the most frivolous of activities. This includes expensive cars and big Hollywood mansions. Also on the frivolous list would be the right for celebrities to travel around the world spewing jet fuel just so they can make movies and attend celebrity galas. If they want to go to these things they need to take a bike or a rowboat. We are on the brink of extermination here and we don’t need these frivolous celebrities pushing us over the edge

  629. The last people on earth I take any advice from are those who play other people for a living. Actors have no more insight into life’s issues than anyone else. What they do best though is perceive what they think is the popular thing and then conform to it. Unfortunately, most of them only talk to people like themselves which shows just how smart they really are. They listen to the advice of people who play other people for a living.

  630. Well, this WAS the first typhoon in world history, right? Oh wait, there were others, before the global warming craze? Now I am confused, like George Clooney.

  631. I always get my infallible scientific proof of everything from celebrities.

    I also love to go to movies starring microbiologists and rocket scientists.

    Just the other day I asked my car mechanic if he’d perform some elective surgery on my face and jaw.

    And the cashier at Walgreens is doing my financial planning.

    Oh, and I voted for a community organizer to run the country.

  632. It’s sad… who doesn’t like George as an actor? Unfortunately, as a scientist, what’s to like? He’s obviously comfortable with being a tool, and thus and therefore doth he spout. I wish it were difficult to analyze his case: I would like to say things like, “he should check his assumptions….” or “hasn’t bothered to focus on the data, instead of his beliefs” but of course he has only made obvious that he isn’t really a person in that sense… in the sense of having an opinion that matters because it is based on a set of real beliefs and real knowledge — nope — he’s as hollow a shell as one expects any good actor to be… a husk… happy in his lot as government-sponsored tool. People say “he loves Obama” — while I personally doubt he has the substance to feel anything strongly, my guess is that he is among the category of racists who elected this president on the basis of their sentiment “we finally put a black man in the white house” — to them, instantly resolving 500 years of savage mistreatment of black people in the US — ha ha ha. I say “racist” because these toadies are more interested in absolving themselves of their “liberal guilt” than they were in electing a _person_ irrespective of color whatsoever.

  633. Okay, many know that the DIMocrat/Libs changed the terminology
    from Man Made Global Warming, to Man Made Climate Change, because they know
    their DIM/Lib constituents are $TUP!D enough to fall for it. What people don’t
    understand, is that they originally changed it to Man Made Global Warming,
    because the term used at the time, Anthropogenic Global Warming, had the word
    Anthropogenic in it, which has more than two syllables. Not only could their
    low information (IQ) voter, mental infant, window licking, DIM/Lib constituents
    not comprehend such a word, they couldn’t spell it or even pronounce it. Hey,
    it’s a FACT!! It’s JUST as well founded as “Loony” Clooney and Man Made Climate Change.

  634. So Mr Loony ought to engage in a debate with the gentlemen form England who will eat him for breakfast. Oh, and we will all have to hope he doesn’t do what the Blowhard Cameron did, that is accept to debate then chicken out.

  635. Clooney is a stupid downlow homo!!! Global warming is a made-up idea from the government in order to tax the crap out of industry. Industry, banks, and insurance companies have been the target of greedy governments wanting to strip them of their capitalist wealth.

  636. Hey George…It is a LIE..Guess what…. the biggest greenhouse gas is WATER VAPOR..get rid of the clouds you moron if you want to stop reflective IR warming.

  637. Here is an angle that I have not heard the media of any kind discuss. The global warming crowd says that we need to get rid of cars that burn gasoline or diesel. So, let’s do it. Tomorrow, all the gasoline cars and diesel cars are history. We purchase 7-9 million cars per year. So, let’s assume that 7-9 million cars a year are scrapped. You ever thought about what we will do with 7-9 million giaganto batteries? And, that is just the US. These things are huge and highly toxic. They will destroy the water supply. So, we need to all live in Urban jungles and ride bicycles…NOT.

  638. Hilarious clooney calling someone else stupid and ridiculous!!! A man who pretends to be someone else for a living a scammer, a con, a LIAR his words mean NOTHING!!!! It is quite entertaining that he puts his 2cents in when he is so disconnected from ANY sort of REALITY; that it isn’t funny! All these hollyweirdo elites telling American’s how they should live when they have NO IDEA what the average mans every day troubles are! They are only making themselves look like ARROGANT TWITS who should really sit down and shut up because they have NO IDEA what they are talking about! He is only spewing what someone PAID him to say! His words don’t actually mean ANYTHING at all!

  639. If you have varying degrees of agreement on scientific theories, and you don’t educate yourself on them, then I agree, Mr. Clooney: You are stupid and ridiculous.

  640. And isn’t that ironic? I think that a pompous self-righteous leftist pretender who bobs his head and talks in what he calls, “acting”, is stupid and ridiculous.

  641. What authoritive knowledge does George Clooney have over anyone else? It is his opinion and his opinion is wrong (my opinion). Tempertures have increased on Mars and Pluto ( I think it has more to do with the sun and natural phenomena (volcanos) and that they do not include 100% of the atmosphere’s contents such as water vapor, which comprises 99 % of the atmosphere ( Let me cherry pick the data and I will create a case to push through my agenda too.

  642. Clooney has a single digit IQ. First it was global cooling, then global warming, then climate change. The only thing we know for sure is that it’s hot, then warm, then cool, then cold, then dry, then wet, etc etc. Clooney, you looney, bite the big one, you twitt.

  643. I have a single, two-part question for George Clooney…..

    Did you drop out of college AFTER you learned all the science that gives you any credibility on the issue AND what company manufactured the self-important vacuum, in which you live, where you actually think that any American, with a brain, would look to you for their scientific, political or dog-walking expertise?

    No one, cares what you think, except your family and friends. The rest of us don’t know you, don’t want to know you and genuinely don’t care, one whit, what you think.

    Now, shut up and go write a large check to help these people. It’s far more effective than creating more carbon dioxide, running your mouth….and, far less hypocritical.

  644. Well despite all the comments to the contrary below, I for one believe George, mainly because he’s just so handsome and famous. What other credentials would you need?

  645. George Clooney like Al Gore have scientific minds and although there have been emails published are written by suppose climate control scientist that have refuted their own claims, additionally 32,000 scientist in major fields of climatology weather have refuted the claims. But we all know these two men are more brilliant than those schooled in the subject and they even deny the leaked emails. So let us all stop using gasoline, propane, natural gas, wood, coal and any other item that produces CO2 and other nefarious gases and we must certainly put butt plugs in horses, cows, sheep, goats, dogs, cats and any other mammal that produces gas. Shut down all power plants! period. Stop all trains, planes and vehicles that use fossil fuels.

  646. No, he is just an actor that was blessed with good looks so his followers therefore believe him even when he knows little about his topic for the rant of the day.

  647. Dear Moron.
    99% of doctors used to think that disease was spread by bad air and ulcers were caused by stress.
    Sadly you have chosen to deprive the world of a world class scientific intellect. Stick with ‘it’s Bush’s fault’ and save yourself further embarrassment

  648. Actually the problem with our climate is that solar panels are sucking the energy out of the sun. This has been confirmed by a special Obama appointed commission. The sun only has 3 more weeks of energy left. Obama, Reid and Pelosi have created a cow dodo heater that will prevent them from freezing in three weeks when the sun goes off. The rest of us will freeze to death. This is all in the Koran: Ali Baba 2: 37-49.

  649. What an ignoramus. If he like so many other liberals was educated in science, he would understand the concept known as “scientific method,” which tells us that it is possible for 99% of scientists to be wrong and 1% to be right. There is no such thing as consensus in real science, and scientific discovery and the establishment of theories is difficult, not easy, and theories can’t be proven, only free from being proven wrong. As long as climate change models fail to predict the future, as long as other other peer-reviewed research exists which contradicts it, it is noting but another one in the millions of hypotheses in the history of science

  650. George C. Looney, all they forgot was the period and a space. Global warming…. Hmmmm, ever wonder why they named it Greenland??? Man Caused Global Warming is the fiction faction

    1. actually Greenland was named as a spoof. The real nice place in that area was called Iceland so as not to attract immigrants. Greenland was a wasteland named for the opposite reason. (at least that’s now I remember it).

      1. well, let’s see, I am going to say we are in a period of global climate shift, seeing as how we have had no increase in over a decade, besides, from what I read we humans through all our activity produce about 30 gigatonnes of Carbon emissions per year, Mother Nature about 550, so who is the great offender, besides, we can solve the whole energy equation and close the carbon loop by plating and using hemp.

  651. And just what are Clooney’s academic credentials? Oh, he has none!! All he knows about climate change he learn from biased and discredited publications. Remember the East Anglia debacle where they hid contrary data, used poorly designed models and then lied about it all when confronted with their own emails?

  652. Of course there is global warming, but I doubt it’s overpopulation causing it. HAARP is an atmospheric HEATER! Why is nobody talking about HAARP and it’s effects on the atmosphere??? The elite are pumping the ionosphere with millions of watts (maybe more) of energy! All the time! Blaming it on the masses is what the elite do for good reason. They can use it to implement their carbon tax scheme to fund their global government, and they can also distract us from the truth, and they can use HAARP to obviously control the population (agenda 21). It’s a weapon of mass destruction. Clooney, you want to clean up the planet? Start with the old white guys who sign your overinflated paychecks. Don’t believe me? Google is your friend 🙂

  653. In his defense: “Clooney added that he was unsure whether global warming was responsible for the Typhoon that devastated the Philippines.”

    Sadly, he has no other defenses in this matter.

  654. anybody who would remake the horrible (russian) movie Solaris has got to be a moron. Perhaps the most boring movie ever made, and it almost drove Clooney insane when it flopped. Rosemary Clooney was unremarkable, as is her spawn.

  655. why should anyone care what these fools think? they actors for goodness sake – they read lines and make faces! hes a good example of a brain dead hollywood liberal that couldn’t read a scientific report if his life depended on it.. pathetic

    1. why should we care? Because most people have no hard scientific background to think for themselves, but unfortunately have a vote. Clooney, Bradgelina, Sting, and the other gaggle of liberal morons influence the opinions of this ill informed demographic.

  656. Do we have to endure these endless Global Warming proofs everytime there’s a strong storm. Storms of comparable ferocity, 1911, Glaveston, 1938, the Providence hurricane, Hurricane Andrew, Katrina, c’mon! The world isn’t going to end and man isn’t responsible for it!

      1. The article was about Global Warming (something we have not seen in 16 years) and an Actress claiming that global warming skeptics are ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’. To me that sounded ‘stupid and ridiculous’. Now, you’d have to be ‘stupid and ridiculous’ to deny climate change, since it’s been happening since the solar system had a sun. However, I think that she is claiming that climate change is anthropogenic, which is just plain stupid.

  657. Georgie off your meds again I see playing mad scientist. Wow you actors talk about d movie roles. I guess everybody should be like your messiah! His approval rating is going south faster than a $20.00 crack WH)RE . Ever hear of Camille, how about that cat 3 that hit Columbus during the crossing. Geez go back and take another Zanex, read some history. Dinosaurs 150 M years mankind about 3K, recorded weather history shorter than your ego…… Stick to playing make believe that’s what your good at….

  658. George is right. Good for him. I applaud him and the Likes of the LA times. The LA times has recently made the editorial decision to stop publishing the opinions of the climate change skeptics. They made the informed decision that their baseless claims are not worthy of their bandwidth. That is the trend, as it should be. Just because you can scream your ridiculous viewpoint loudly, does not mean anybody should listen. The good news is that these “skeptics” are being viewed more and more as the extremist nutballs that they are, and as a result become less relevant by the day.

      1. The LA times is free to publish what they wish. As such they made an editorial decision. Do you know what censorship is? I don’t think any agency forced them to do so, they made a decision based on protecting their own credibility. Should they publish editorials on how smoking is good for you, written by tobacco executives too?

  659. Obviously George Clooney is not very intelligent. Learning and reciting a script is no substitution for actual thinking!

    If 99% of the politicians were telling you one thing and 1% was telling you another, regardless of what they said, it would still be political!

    Global warming or change or previously cooling is a “scientific” false flag designed to take your freedoms as well as money. That’s why it doesn’t matter if it’s happening or not…and it’s NOT!

    It just ANOTHER mechanism to control the masses! It’s all about CONTROL!

  660. No one but a fool would make such a statement with no understanding of physical science.

    CO2 is a “trace gas” in air, insignificant by definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200 times as much heat making 99.9% of all “global warming.” CO2 does only 0.1% of it. For this we should destroy our economy?

    The Medieval Warming from 800 AD to 1300 AD Micheal Mann erased to make
    his “hockey stick” was several degrees warmer than anything “global warmers” fear. It was 500 years of great abundance for the world.

    The Vostock Ice Core data analysis show CO2 increases follow temperature
    increases by 800 years 19 times in 450,000 years. That makes temperature change cause and CO2 change effect; not the other way around.

    Carbon combustion generates 80% of our energy. Control and taxing of
    carbon would give the elected ruling class more power and money than
    anything since the Magna Carta of 1215 AD.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative.” When you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

  661. And I declare George Clooney to be a fatuous, self-important, over-paid ass who, like so many of his limo-lib counterparts, sadly equates celebrity with intellect.

  662. When Mr. Cloony is bundled up this winter during the coldest in decades, we’ll see who’s stupid. Sheesh, actors really should just shut up and take the money.

  663. If y’all are so smart and don’t buy the global warming myth, why is it that so many of you are acting so threatened over what Clooney said? Theres no reason to be so nasty and insult him, it just makes you look weak. The poor guy’s opinion already makes him look a fool, do we really need to rub it in? How petty and mean are you, isn’t being right enough?

    I have truth on my side, thats enough for me.

    1. “Theres no reason to be so nasty and insult him…”

      Yes there is –idiots who parade their idiocy in public, and attempt to pass it off as political wisdom, need to be publicly ridiculed and invalidated. It has nothing to do with “meanness” — I’d be perfectly content to ignore the man if he didn’t keep demanding my attention.

      1. I’d say they need to be educated…or ignored. Use your head, if someone insults you are you going to change your mind or become even more stubborn about your point of view? All you are doing is making the truth look bad by tarnishing it with hate. Its not like Global Warming weirdos need facts…they will take your nasty attitude and twist it to their advantage of you let them. Speak the truth loudly enough, with enough conviction, and eventually it will be heard. Your hatefulness just makes people deaf to you and hurts us all in the end.

        1. I’m not trying to change the mind of Al Gore or his acolytes — they’re not open to the possibility. If you think you can carry the day with these people by being soft-spoken and polite, by all means have at it, but ridicule has historically proved itself to be an effective rhetorical weapon; why deny ourselves the use of it? And… apart from anything else, pomposity calls out to be punctured, and no one has better positioned himself to be a target for that than Al Gore (unless it’s George Clooney).

  664. And Clooney being a good liberal pulling the line is sure not to donate any food or goods to the people of the Philippines as we know liberals do not help out themselves unless it is others peoples money.

  665. Find it stupid and ridiculous for those who say man is causing this, but when asked how it would be different if man did not exist, “scientists” don’t know.

  666. God forbid Pretty Boy learn about ‘weather modification’. Our own government admits to doing so in their doc ‘Owning The Weather 2025’. Yes Grass Hopper, our government CAN and DOES manipulate the weather. Of course, sheeple like Georgie Boy are told it’s ‘climate change’, and aren’t they smarter than the average bear to acknowledge it?
    Clooney get a clue!!!!

  667. “What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”

    No, you stupid and ridiculous Hollywood twit –” the worst” is that we lose control of our lives and our resources to a bunch of nameless, faceless, unaccountable, international bureaucrats. They’re drooling at the prospect; meanwhile, you’re jut drooling, period.

  668. Has Georgy won any Oscar’s….lately? Better yet, has he made any GOOD movies lately? Last good movie he made was “The Perfect Storm”! Ha, I see where he gets his knowledge now! Spending sooooo much time on the ocean making that movie!Last one I have ever or will ever see!
    Should change his name to Looney for his mother’s sake!!!

  669. When you run into these “Global Warming” idiots — ask them to explain the many heating and cooling periods the Earth has undergone the millions of years before man was even walking upright. See how fast they fold because they don’t know. They’re just spouting some stupid, liberal chant. Also, ask them if they’ve sold their car and are riding a bike and taking mass transportation. They’ll shut up fast or just show you more ignorance.

  670. I am sure he ponders many things while wolfing down a steak at Morton’s, but probably not the fact that C02 emission and cancer started with one thing- cooked food.

  671. “What’s the worst thing that happens? We clean up the earth a little bit?”
    Spoken like a true rich liberal. Most of us cannot afford the increased energy costs associated with fighting the bogus man-made global warming.
    I have yet to get an explanation from the “climate change” alarmists as to why the temperatures on our neighboring planets have increased the same as the Earth’s. I guess we’re exporting our greenhouse gasses inter-planetarily.

    1. They are probably driving to many suv’s. That is if the Martians and Venusians have suv’s.
      It couldn’t possibly be because the sun is warmer because we are in the midst of a cool spell so it has to be the suv’s.
      Hey, it’s their “logic”. But it was “logic” like this that killed off the Doo Doo bird.

  672. Maybe Mr. Clooney ought to stop talking trash and commit a few of his millions to help clean up the earth, instead. C’mon George– set a proper example for your Hollywood cronies to follow. If each of them donated a measly $1 Million, we’d have a much cleaner environment…………………

  673. “Clooney added that he was unsure whether global warming was responsible for the Typhoon that devastated the Philippines.” LOL!!! C’mon, George, the world needs to know your expert opinion.

  674. More noise from Hollywood… Not to be confused with the facts for sure!

    All of the scientific evidence now coming in debunks the very concept of human caused climate change. Revelations such as the Cloud Project as CERN which has validated Dr. Herik Svensmark’s contentions made in the 1990’s that solar activity is the driver of climate change.

    For a little added, (joyful news to us deniers), is the big bust with the current solar maximum.

    The implications… Probably another mini ice age like occurred during the Maunder solar minimum a couple of hundred years ago…

  675. uh hum;the same Hollyweird crowd call us,the peons,stupid,ignorant,idiots,haters and what not for not buying into the Odumbocare debacle;hey Clowney…SHUT THE F UP!!

  676. You people who see Cloony for what he is better not be going to his films –
    Chirst if we can’t avoid the movies made by these clowns what can we do?

  677. Clooney is the stupid one. He is still clinging to a story that has long since been proven to be scientific fraud that was perpetuated to keep funds coming in.

  678. These hypocrites NEVER practice what they preach,yet they’re always looking down their noses lecturing us on just about everything…GO F YOURSELVES!!

  679. In the immortal words of Charlton Heston, referring to college dropout Clooney “sometimes class skips a generation.”
    This loudmouth has neither the intelligence nor the ability to say anything on this on this issue other than to engage in name calling – oddly enough imitating those children who made fun of his Bell’s Palsy.
    Cloony has issues, and is best ignored.

  680. The most perverted, drugged and dysfunctional demographic in world history.
    Still, there are fools who listen to them.

    Dear George Cyrus-O’Donnell-Elton-Jackson-Lohan-Woopie-Gaga, Shut the fu{k up.
    There needs to be a more direct route between your movie set and your rubber room. Maybe a Hannibal Lechter muzzle as well.

  681. George Clooney, an ardent Obama supporter, would support the return of slavery if Obama ordered it. Without an inkling of knowledge of meteorology, Clooney for the nth time, puts his foot into his mouth.

  682. He’s such a dork. He doesn’t even take into accountability the massive amounts of radiation that Japan has been dumping into the Pacific from their defunct Fukushima nuclear power plants AND the Pacific is chock full of underwater volcanoes, hence the reason it is called the ‘Ring of fire’. These two elements along with the significantly cold arctic air likely acted as a means of warming up the Pacific tremendously to a point in which this is likely what acted as a catalyst in developing such a massive typhoon, which is created as a result of WARM air RISING and COLD air RUSHING in. This isn’t the first time a massive typhoon hit the South Pacific, its likely been occurring for millions of years.

  683. Why is it that when we get a record snowfall, the “global warming” scaremongers always tells us that we cannot use one “Isolated” weather event to disprove “global warming”, but whenever some event like Typhoon Haiyan occurs, they are the first ones to trumpet the event as conclusive proof of global warming. Clooney needs to watch whom he is calling ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’.

  684. I may be “stupid and ridiculous” but now I know it’s because I’ve watched George Looney’s movies. I was so hoping he would be a reasonable man but I see I was wrong again. My question is, if you’re uncertain whether Global Warming caused the Typhoon, then why even bring up the topic?

  685. The inconvenient truth is the George Clooney’s and the Al Gore’s of this world use up more resources in a year than a hundred people would use in a lifetime. They are hypocrites on a band wagon telling the rest of us how to live so they can be sure there will be enough for them and their excesses.

  686. Today it was being reported that the sub-arctic snow pack in Canada has already begun forming, many weeks ahead of historical averages. Libturds are funny.

  687. Ah, there it is, the leftist name-calling because when they don’t actually have a valid defense or any facts at all to rely on, they can only launch personal attacks at others. The continued madness of blaming every single weather event and the changing seasons themselves on “man-made global warming” is, in itself, stupid and ridiculous.

  688. Look, there has been between 10,000 and 20,000 tropical cyclones to hit the Philippines the last 1000 or so years. But if Clooney gets just one extra movie deal by attacking the enemies of the left he is the winner. He sucks but I would like to suck with just one of his movie contracts!

  689. “I find this to be the most ridiculous argument ever,” Clooney explained.

    In light of your insults, I find the following statement to be ridiculous, George.

    Clooney added that “he was unsure whether global warming was responsible for the Typhoon that devastated the Philippines.”

    If you were unbiased and strictly looking at science (which is not there for Global Warming), and not carrying water for the Liberal Establishment, you wouldn’t look so foolish.

  690. No George, stupid and ridiculous is the definition of actors that speak out about things they know nothing about. Like you and global warming. Stick to looking pretty for the ladies since that’s all you seem to be good for.

  691. Instead of focusing his supposed “star power” on helping a ravaged nation he wants to call people who do not agree with his misguided sentiments idiots. Sheez, what a winner. Libturds are funny.

  692. He is an ACTOR not any kind of a scientist. How can he give advice on something he does not and most likely cannot understand himself. Just an opinion that I can easily dismiss. (But worth commenting on.)

  693. I am a conservative, start with that. I am not so much skeptic of “global warming” (Clooney did not receive name change memo i.e, “Climate change.”) as I am the solution immediately attached to it by left wingers. That solution right out of the gate was the redistribution of the worlds wealth. Early on I was shaking my head like WHAT the Fudge? Please explain to me how redistribution cures climate change people. Drop the socialist agendas and propose things that really work (e.g., clean fuel vehicles, live closer to where you work, ride a bike and build smart cities) and I will march right next to you! If you cling to the strategy of making the most liberal agenda points by turning a crises into an opportunity to transform the world’s political system you will never convince the skeptics.

  694. You can always tell when clueknee needs publicity. He rants, as though HE were the expert, about global warming. He really needs to get a life (meet some nice man somewhere) and quit running around with the female “beards” that his studios provide. Just a big effort at distraction when he talks warming. He was never married, you know.

  695. Clooney, it is precisely because people are NOT stupid and ridiculous that they do NOT believe the global warming hoax! By the way, WTF do you know about anything other than acting and what makes you an expert? Your opinion is no more valuable than the next idiot’s opinion.

  696. Here’s why Clowney should never speak without a script from a Hollyweird writer, and a director telling when and when not to speak.

    Antarctic Sea Ice Extent: 2013 Approaching Near

    Antarctic Sea Ice Extent – 2013 is the 2nd highest average to the
    same date

    Second Coldest Start To Spring In

    Russian Scientists: ‘We Could Face
    Cooling Period For 200-250

  697. By a remarkable coincidence, global warming skeptics think exactly the same about George Clueless. Of course they have at least some justification.

  698. So the tsunami as caused by global warming? That seems arguable if not ridiculous to me since there has been no appreciable global warming in the past 10 years and many “scientists” who were screaming about warming are now predicting even lower global temperatures for the next 20 years or so. The idiots here are the global warming zealots like Clooney. Not a single prediction made 10 – 15 years ago by the global warming alarmists has come true – NOT ONE! Indeed, temperatures have dropped which is astounding since the global warming crowd cheated by moving temperature collecting sites to highly populated areas, thereby fraudulently distorting the data.

  699. There were 9 category 3-5 hurricanes that hit the eastern seaboard in the 1950s. 9! And yet Sandy hits New York and everyone thinks it’s something new. Not only were there 9 in the 50s, but there was the biggest one in the 30s called “The Long Island Express”. It killed about 3 times as many people as Sandy, in the 30s.

    The planet hasn’t warmed in 15 years, 1998 being the hottest, yet CO2 has been increasing every year over 15 years. So how come the planet hasn’t warmed while CO2 has been increasing? Huh?

  700. It has always struck me as funny that reporters ask actors to weigh in on scientific and political matters as if they are experts. The problem with man-induced global warming is that the scientific theory has been co-opted by politicians and business men to advance their political and financial schemes. When politicians and scientist are in bed together, so to speak, they often give birth to illegitimate theories that are then mistaken for facts. People can only be fooled by these people for so long, when the data proved to go counter to their predictions they changed the name of the crisis to climate change.

  701. So a Hollywood actor type believes he is of superior intelligence because he is an actor playing some kind of person who believes he is the smartest person on the planet…well played GC, well played! This will surely get you another Academy Award Nomination! Now about that PhD. in physical sciences you are working on, how is the dissertation coming along??? Ahhhh…I thought so…

  702. Looney Clooney should tell that to the people in Washington and South Dakota. They have had a record snow fall this year. If he is going to throw around insults like stupid and ridiculous he had best look in the mirror.

  703. Why do we even read what this moron thinks? I bet if any of his causes were started by conservatives he would denounce them all. So this DUMMY and his ilk take a period of time (what a couple hundred years?) in the millenia that is the Earth’s age and actually say that the climate has never changed so drastically? That is like saying a whole banana is bad because it has a bruise on it.

  704. Well, thank you Dr. Cloo— oh wait, he is not a climatologist? Just an actor? a man who pretends to be someone who knows something??? Oooooh! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA George Looney… good thing you are cute because you certainly are not smart.

  705. “Actor George Clooney declares global warming skeptics to be ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’”

    That should seal the deal.

    If Clooney postures like that…then you can be absolutely certain that the Opposite is True.

    (If you believe CO2 is hurting the environment…stop exhaling it)

  706. This reminds me when the Great Scientist, Meryl Streep testified in front of Congress about something she knew ZERO about and devastated the apple market in my state… then came back (after people lost their farms) and said, “oops, my bad, I guess I was wrong.” These Hollyweird types need to stick to what they know best – pretending for a living!!! And STFU!!

  707. Clooney is 100% correct. We do participate in global warming. Every summer, it gets warmer. We also participate in global cooling. Every winter it gets colder. He is right on!

  708. George Clooney Circa 1616:

    “If you have 99 scientists who tell you ‘the Earth is the center of the solar system’ and 1 scientist that says ‘the sun is the center of the solar system’ you probably want to hang out with the 99.”

  709. Let’s put hollywood into perspective: Back in the 1940’s, it would have been inconceivable for an actor sympathetic to the Nazis to star in major movies. The left secretly loved Josef Stalin and his tyrannical USSR and even as FDR and Truman had a general policy to oppose it, his party and members secretly loved communism and wanted to make amends.

    So when Senator McCarthy (correctly) exposed communists in high security positions as well as in Hollywood, the left claimed they were being oppressed. But keep in mind that LESS THAN A DECADE earlier, that same left had no problems kicking out actors who sympathized with Germany. Millions of innocent people were murdered by Josef Stalin before, during, and after WWII and this continued even with later regimes in the USSR. Why would blacklisting followers of an oppressive regime suddenly be “bad” 10 years later?

    Now in this modern era, Clooney and others participate in blacklisting. If they aren’t America hating leftists, then they won’t get work. This is perfectly acceptable to them and if it’s not, they keep their big mouth shut about it. Clooney claimed at an Oscar acceptance speech that he and his minions were so kind and caring but he only cares about issues that are hip and cool. He’s like the brave kid who agrees with the teacher because the teacher gives him good grades. That’s because he’s a rebel. Doesn’t make sense, but he likes to pretend it does.

  710. How “stupid” can I be? I have a 138 IQ and a degree in Physics from Chapman University. Perhaps I’m barely smart enough to see what movies or TV shows that insulting man appears in — and avoid them.

  711. I’d like to apologize to everyone that my great Commonwealth of Kentucky has produced such an arrogant, egotistical, douche as one George Clooney. Can you ever forgive us?:)

  712. That’s funny, many climate scientist think George is stupid and ridiculous too. I urge you all to read Dr. Michael Crichton’s essay on Eugenics in the epilogue of his Novel, “State of Fear”. You can read it on the internet in about 10 minutes.

  713. Reasons global warming would be good for mankind:

    It will open up the northern parts of white inhabited countries, countries where regular folk profit from the exploration and development of natural resources and responsible stewardship of the environment is a priority.

    It will increase evaporation and therefore rainfall, something in short supply in many parts of the world.

    It may change weather patterns, and speaking as someone who thinks too much of this world is a desert I am willing to roll the dice.

    I’m not smart enough to know whether it’s real or not (and neither is some actor), but I hope it is!

        1. What?
          Tax is added to gas, for example.
          If I drive a car, I have to pay for my car farts.
          Same with a farmer – the government will count the number of cows on your farm, calculate the amount of farts the cows emit, and tax the farmer.

  714. What a hoot. George Clooney calling anyone else ‘stupid’. He is in the less than stellar business of acting. I don’t think he has any degrees in meteorology or any other kind of science. So George, just because you can memorize a few lines here and there, you can pass judgement on those who could intellectual rings around your insignificant presence. Stick to comedy. Although, in all honest, I have never liked you in any role.

  715. In the 50’s you were blacklisted and couldn’t get a job in hollyweird if anyone even thought you knew a communist.
    Now you can’t work there unless you are one.

    Hope and change!

  716. we had typhoons, hurricanes and other climate catastrophes for centuries, galleons were sinking with loads of gold and silver, by the 100S every year and yet there was no CO2 emissions and no polluting industries unless you want to blame cows emitting gas and people farting from eating beans.

  717. Let’s not be to hard on ole George. After all, he did a stint in Al Gore’s garage laboratory years ago as an assistant when Al was working on protecting the ozone layer and inventing the Shamwow. Unfortunately, someone else stole the plans and beat them to the patent office.

  718. Says the man who never graduated from college (dropped out of two schools). Go pretend to be someone you are not, like an educated man, that is your job apparently.

  719. George and I finally have something in common. I think he is silly and ridiculous. I support reasonable efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, such as gradually extending MPG requirements or encouraging solar energy use. Or how about replacing some petroleum use with natural gas. But to blame every major storm on global warming is silly. If GW was a cause of such storms, why have there been virtually none this year?

  720. George insists upon sticking his head in the sand. refuses to educate himself on the issue and parrots up whatever his puppet masters tell him to say. nice person, but essentially a clueless dolt.

  721. No one has ever been able to answer one simple question, not even Global Warming supporters.

    It is: What is the most amount of warming (how many degrees) that you would accept as perfectly natural and/or non-threatening?

    Ask them that and they sputter, fumble and try to change the topic.

    (Hint: Even the scientists that support Global Warming can only cite data for a whopping 0.8 degrees Celsius over the last 100 years.)

  722. I am an attractive man and a skilled actor.
    So that qualifies me to evaluate the intelligences of persons who state opinions about certain scientific data.
    Yes, it certainly does.

  723. No one is stupider and more ridiculous than the followers of that giant moose’s behind Al Gore. Hollywood celebrities with a carbon footprint like Cloonys should walk the walk ut they NEVER do.

  724. Last time I checked, 99% of scientists don’t support the human made global warming propaganda.
    So, since Clooney needs to to re-educate himself, I’d suggest sticking a tampon in his mouth to stop the spewing of diarrhea from it.

  725. If Clooney was alive in 1492 he would have told Columbus don’t go because he will fall off the ends of the Earth according to the majority of scientists.

  726. He should go diving in Belize in the Blue Hole and try to explain how stalactites 200 feet under water were caused by manmade global warming. Hint: stalactites only form above water in caves and caverns.

  727. Question for you Mr. Clooney. Is global cooling better than global warming? Which would kill more people. Increasing the world’s temperature on average 5 degrees F, or decreasing it 5 degrees F. Are there NO benefits to global warming, regardless of whether or not it is natural or manmade variation?

  728. Clooney’s PERSONAL behavior is consistent with so many global warming “caring” types who are responsible for more than 33% of all U. S. CO2 emissions. Oddly, so many of those who claim to mistrust and despise the 1% are clamoring for plans that will allow the 1% to continue to spew CO2 unabated while lowering the standard of living for the other 99%. And they wonder why the elites call them useful idiots?

  729. Global warming and cooling is a given. I always think of the mastodon remains found in Kentucky-Ohio area. Settlers in the late 1700’s documented these remains being visible on lake shores in the area (read “Follow the River). The particular “warming” which resulted in the loss of the mastodons in this area was very very likely not man-made…It is reflective of very poor logic to assume that global warming and cooling must be human caused. But then again, leftists/liberals are not known for coming to conclusions based on logic.

  730. Like Sting & the Rainforest, Ted Danson & the oceans, he will be ridiculed from a distance a few years after his ridiculous predictions fail to come to pass.

    Odd that people give so much credence to a man that started his career in ‘Attack of the Killer Tomatoes II” & readily admits to defecating in boxes to amuse and prank his friends.

    Keep it classy, George.

  731. Look in the mirror, George, and don’t be afraid to do a little research on the subject especially the part about numerous scientists fudging numbers over the course of the last few decades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up George, you look goofy/silly/stupid!

  732. So, any argument at all opposing the left wing, global warming echo chamber is, “Well it’s just a stupid argument.”? Ok Clooney, that is a well reasoned, exceptionally articulated response. I am now prepared to completely abandon my position due to your astounding powers of argument. I can’t believe I ever doubted such intellectual powerhouses like you.
    Would you mind answering one question though? Thanks. Are you bothered by the fact that the more succesful your movies’ opening weekends are, means the more peope driving to theaters?

  733. He makes great movies and talks alot… That’s a pretty solid resume for decoding some of the most complex issues of our time. From what I’ve seen the science is pretty weak.

  734. O2 depravation from the set of Gravity has taken a toll on poor George. Looking forward to his next appearance in Team America 2 – The Search for Obama.

  735. Climate change?

    It’s been occurring eons before humans existed. the world has undergone drastic temperature, atmosphere changes since her birth. Just look at the ice ages – we are bound to go into one every few million(or bil) of years

  736. and George, with his PhD’s in physics and chemistry would know what he is talking about? he’s an actor folks: his opinion means as much as Barbara Streisand’s. these guys never stop talking regardless of whether or not they know the subject.

  737. Clooney is a typical Hollywood a-hole who knows nothing about science, but everything about leftist ideology. Climate change and individual weather events are not the same thing, but try convincing Clooney and like-minded fools of that.

      1. Thanks. Maybe if Clooney and others of his ilk had insights into how complex climate models are and the lengths that scientists go to understand climate change, they wouldn’t be so sure of their opinions. I have seen the work done at the national labs using super computers to understand the long term trends that constitute true climate change.

        1. I view George and most of hollywood as being no better educated than many of the hysterical soccer moms I met through the years who were downright petrified of “global warming,” “rising sea levels” etc.

  738. Interesting… I had no idea Mr. Looney was an expert in science with his high school diploma… He can join Al Moron in the “I have no education, background or experience in science whatsoever, but still feel I should lecture those more knowledgeable, educated and intelligent than I am” club.

  739. Here’s a perfect example of another actor who became an instant genius on the subject and believes he knows more than anyone. I wonder if he ever gets a chance to play GOD in a movie, that he will believe he is GOD.

    1. actually, you’ve created quite an interesting engineering project for students bored with the usual lab stuff. And they could eat the pancakes afterwards.

  740. If the idiot Clooney wants the save the planet he is welcome to do so with his own wealth. Oh wait, that’s not how it works is it, the liberals have decided to save the planet and they will use our money to do so, arseholes.

  741. That’s right. Don’t make a reasonable case for your point of view – just call the other folks names. Yep. Just who is being “stupid” or “ridiculous”?

  742. hey George, just so you know…. the U.S. government has spent over 93 billion dollars on global warming “research” during the last 20 years. Don’t you think by now that if they found some evidence of global warming …… THAT EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET WOULD KNOW IT!

  743. There are approximately ten celebrities on this planet who are not numbskulls. Clooney did not make the list. I will seek Clooney’s advice on the earth’s climate about the same time I seek Lady Gaga’s advice on how to dress.

  744. If a Doctor were to lose his career if he told me any one answer, I wouldn’t trust any of them. “What’s the worst that could happen” he says. Must be nice being filthy rich and not have to worry about being one of the millions who will lose their jobs, or the billions who will have to pay outrageous taxes for basic goods.

  745. And after calling skeptics stupid, Clooney climbed into a makeup chair, donned a costume, and leapt around a movie set, pretending to be heroic…or villainous…or romantic…or whatever else he’s told to do. At least when toddlers play make believe, they follow their own scripts. And to me, that gives their opinions about world issues more weight than Clooney’s.

  746. Oh yes, because this man pretends for a living, he is now scientifically astute. Give me a break. Clooney knows as much about global warming as he does about teaching a Bible study. Memorizing lines and playing make believe does not make you an expert on the climate trends in our world. Nor does being Vice President.

  747. Well, he was almost right, but he has the wrong crowd that is stupid and ridiculous..It is the Global Warmists that are stupid and ridiculous and not able to see the truth.

  748. I was born during hurricane Donna, a class 5 hurricane. During the 50s, there were several class 5s which hit the east coast. From what I understand, this was an unusual run of 5s…not due to “Global warming.” What is ridiculous is Clooney attributes Haiyan to “Global Warming” without the slightest clue what he is talking about. Perhaps he should stick to movies.

    1. well you are way off on the time frame. during the 60’s i lived on the island called taiwan. we got a cat 5 with winds well over 200 miles per hour this was actually slower.when it the other side of the island after slowing from the mountains we only had 175 mph winds. cat 5 happen allot and not just one every thousand years. also global warming was just a wacked out kids dream during the 50’s who became a professor at harvard and who later recanted his theory of man made warming. but by that time it became a political tool and a way to redistribute wealth around the the earth!

  749. Stupid move George. You just pissed off at least 50% of your fan base. Doesn’t matter which half. You should stick to looking pretty for the ladies and not speak to political matters. Look what it did to Jim Carey.

  750. George Clooney is the one who is Stupid and Ridiculous himself. Global warming is a farce and is not happening. Fact is the earth has been cooling for several years now but the tree huggers are too stupid and ignorant to accept the fact thet have been deceived.

    1. Credit where due… they (or anyone) has a 50/50 chance of being right. The world has ALWAYS been experiencing heating and cooling cycles. For an actor to suggest that he/she actually has a significant opinion about this matter is well beyond ludicrous.

  751. Goerge, stick to acting. Stop believing the fake “scientists”. Find the real scientsts. You are buying into propaganda, by political fanatics and wackos like Gore.

  752. His mother dropped him on his bottom when he was a child. The damage was significant as that is the repository for his brain, as is typical for liberals.

  753. When you hold a position that has significant opposition it would be advisable to avoid alienating half of your audience that pays for your lavish lifestyle by calling them and their position “stupid” and “ridiculous”. Especially when the critics position is verifiably false.

    This link ( shows a breakdown of climate scientists stands on the issue. The portion actually backing Mr. Clooney’s position is closer to .3% (not 97% as he claims). Please get your information and position cues from somewhere else other than cocktail parties filled with rich champagne sippers and quiche nibblers.

    Meanwhile I will not be watching any more of Mr. Clooney’s movies (along with Rosie O’Donnell’s and Jim Carrey’s and some other Hollywood airheads).

    Thank you Mr. Clooney for being honest for a change and exposing your hatred for half of your audience. I won’t offend you by offering you any more of my money for any of your projects (including Gravity unfortunately).

  754. This is a guy with zero stick to it skill sets especially
    with women and he his proclaiming himself as smart as al gore. Then you fully realize he is a whack job and
    move on.

  755. this is the opinion of a man who lives in fantasy world. his life’s body of work does not confer a title of scientist. He merely is a wonk emulating Al Gore, the inventor of the internet.

  756. Let’s repeat it again…… Clooney……. remember that whole flat earth thing…… well 99% of scientists once said the earth was flat….. how’s that working’ out?

  757. Well, Clooney, I suppose your answer to this farce of an argument is for more money to be coughed up by the middle class to pay for ……. what …… another government program that doesn’t work? I think YOU are the one who is stupid and ridiculous. I’d threaten you by promising not to watch your crappy movies anymore, but I already did that a long time ago …..

  758. When liberals lack substantiate answers they always stoop to name calling or diversion (something like it’s Bush’s fault.) And Clooney is a picture book liberal.

  759. Amazing the range of expertise these Hollywood geniuses demonstrate. Look how Meryl Streep tried to drive scores of apple growers to the poorhouse with her rant against Alar. Like Obama, they seem to have very imaginative scriptwriters.

  760. Quick scan of these comments indicates 100% stupid and ridicules respondants…….I guess all the smart people are busy.
    Thank God fewer and fewer people are falling for this crap!

  761. A man who makes money pretending to be something he isn’t calls global warming skeptics stupid? I guess he must have played the part of a scientist in some movie.

  762. Can someone explain to me why anyone would give a rat’s ass what some lame ignorant self absorbed actor thinks about anything ? His opinion is like his a–hole . Everyone has one .

  763. I am not a climatologist…but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night!
    I am not a climatologist … I just play one on TV!
    I am not a climatologist…but I did get a B- in High School fundamentals of science class.

  764. Actors are so easy to brainwash. Part of the job description for authentic role playing. Anyway, the Hollywood elite believes in the same nonsense so if you want to play in their fantasy world, you better toe the line. Critical thinking is not appreciated.

  765. I love how all these left-tards reject religion yet are too ignorant to understand that their pseudo-science is actually just a reboot of the oldest religion known to man…..Gaia (earth) worship.

  766. Just ask Clooney if He or any one of the Global Warming extremists can control the Sun ? If not, then their whole theory is a sham to get money, nothing else. The sun controls the weather, not humans.

  767. I think the most idiotic thing the “Global Warming” crowd wants people to believe is that humans are the “CAUSE of global warming. Lets look at the facts…

    The earth has been through dozens of Ice ages and worm periods… ranging from one period when the earth wad one gigantic snow ball covered in ice, to another period when there were practically NO glaciers. With respect to ALL those periods, human beings were not even on the scene… so, if the HUMANS didn’t cause it. What did? In reality there are probably a number of causes, but one of the most probable is volcanic activity, spewing mega quantities of green house gases into the air, and warming the earth. The eath goes thru periods of more volcanic activity, and less… more would obviously warm the earth as well.

    The most recent ice age ended about 15,000 yeas ago, and the earth has been warming ever since… not always on a straight line, there have been colder periods and warmer periods WITHIN the over all warming trend… a couple things to think about for all those
    Global warming lefties:

    1) Global warming COULD be occurring as a natural process of the earth, with NO (or very little human involvement), and …

    2) The earth NEVER stays the same… it is ALWAYS changing,
    and there is little we can do to stop that… should we spend TRILLIONS of $$$
    trying to stop something we have NO power to stop?

    I don’t think so…

  768. How exactly does Clooney know what a smart or stupid arguement is? He never graduated college, has no scientific training or knowledge of any kind. He is nothing more than a face and a voice for TV/Movies. Anything this man says is pure 100% personal opinion based on absolutely nothing.

  769. George, stick to acting, leave the complex thinking to those of us better equipped! With all due respect, or lack thereof, George….STFU!!!

  770. Clooney should stick to primping for the cameras. HE should also do some real research and stop listening to Gore and the liberal media for “scientific evidence.” The argument is not whether global warming is real or not…the argument is whether it is as big a threat as the libs want everyone to believe. And whether it is a natural phenomenon or “man made crisis that is going to destroy the planet and all life as we know it.” Rational thinkers say, “Natural phenomenon…no real threat…the carbon dioxide level increases are not a threat.” It seems only those with political agendas who want to push a worldwide carbon tax worth Trillion$ cry, “The sky is falling!” Ka-Ching!

  771. Interesting all the links above are to bullshit. Climate change deniers belong in the same idiot class as the creationists, It is appalling that so many morons listen to experts like Rush Limbaugh and think they are all knowing.

    1. petitionproject DOT org
      31,487 American scientists, including 9,029
      with PhDs are among those that refuse to board the climate change band wagon. Hardly idiots.


  772. When will these idiot actors ever learn? You think you are some type of brilliant person? You are just another ignorant Hollywood liberal who believes his own bull-oney. You make me sick George Clooney.

  773. Could it be that Clooney is the stupid one. Co2 is not a poison and the climate is not warming. If anything it is cooling. Wake up George you are being taken in by a HOAX to pick tour pocket.

  774. CO2 is a natural byproduct of human respiration and a needed component of photosynthesis! Someone please, PLEASE, tell Clooney that Oxygen is not , repeat NOT, a poison gas.

  775. I would say that this calls for the response that was used on the playground when you were in grade school: “Whatever you call me, that’s what you are!”.


  777. Global warming? All I want to know is; when is it supposed to kick in? Huh? When? I live in upstate New York. When is it going to kick in? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHEN!?!

  778. He is not part of any rational debate. Personal attacks like this disqualifies him from reasonable discussion. Maybe we could put him in the room with someone who can respond, “No, uh yer stupid”

  779. There are thousands of scientists that do not believe there is man-made global warming. It is not 99-1. Evidence is overwhelming. There is no man-made global warming. Heck, even the so-called “experts” that say they believe in it, actually don’t as we saw when their emails were hacked. Stop the charade. Maybe if these liberals would shut up more often, perhaps this would help cool the earth……

  780. The globe is constantly warming or cooling. The question is how much is man made, what danger does it pose and if it is, can anything be done about it. Clooney is just one extreme side of the Hollywood loonies.

  781. I missed the mention of George’s degrees in science. Obviously he hasn’t been reading the most recent research findings. What’s really stupid is when vacuous celebrities try to preach science to anyone. Stick to your movies George, they could use some work, and leave the science to those that know what they are talking about. By the way, that would not include the Gorical.

  782. Good thing highly-trained scientists like George Clooney are here to save us from global warming. Oh, wait, he’s NOT a scientist?? Oh.
    I guess he just starred in a movie about astronauts though, so that makes him an expert. Never mind.

  783. Clooneys right on this. Global warming is a hoax.just like Y2K was a hoax. The only difference is the global warming hoax can continue for years to come. The Y2K had to stop after Y2K arrived..

  784. I like his acting and his ability to poke really gorgeous women!

    Otherwise, apparently he doesn’t think for himself! Its called “Critical thinking” George! Try it sometime!!!

  785. The most stupid and ridiculous person is Clooney. His ‘handlers’ hand him his lines and he just spouts ludicrous (not the rapper) pablum thinking he is bing hip, chic, cool. Forget it George. Go back to one of your male models for comfort.

  786. You know how Clooney can reduce his carbon footprint? Stop breathing! Hahahaha – he’s entitled to his opinion and I’m entitled to how I spend my money – which will not include any movies he is in as I am one of those ridiculous and stupid people 🙂

  787. John Coleman, who founded the The Weather Channel and 4000 actual climate scientists are in the process of suing proponents of global warming, including Al Gore, and companies that sell carbon credits for fraud.

    Who is it that is “stupid” and “ridiculous.”?

  788. I forget what Meteorological College Clooney went too. But he is so positive that he must have received his masters degree.

    Or he has had a personal conversation with Al Gore……

  789. Here we go again so here I post this again…

    As a retired college science prof I have posted a few dozen times on this MMGW hoax.

    In my 27 years in the college science classroom…not once did the general textbook theory of earth cooling change…the earth is heated by the sun…via thermonuclear reactions that convert Sun mass into energy…thus the sun is shrinking…repeat, the sun is shrinking…this is a fact, a REAL fact.

    Many older texts predicted in “maybe 10,000 years” earth would be freezing most months because there will not be enough Sun mass left to keep us as we are in a livable range.

    I never ever see this mentioned and I read year after year of MMGW ya ya.

    Also Albert Gore toured the earth making costly speeches (and burning many thousands of families energy allowance) but he refused questions. Real science never ever ever refuses questions.

    Science is based upon questions that lead to truth. That “no questions” policy alone suggests a massive fraud.

    A weatherman on the west coast back when discovered temperature sensors placed wrongly (against policy locations)…so they read 3-5 degrees or so more. Of course, that data from bad sensor locations was never shredded as was “inconvenient” data overseas that refuted MMGW.

    When you get in bed with gov-meant grant $$$…the temptation to manipulate data for political reasons and more grant $$$ is a huge factor.

    Real science does not shred inconvenient data or refuse questions. Follow the money.

    I am theconservativecrawfish.

    1. NEVER let true science stand in the way of algore’s “imbecilic truth”. If the facts do not fit their narrative, then they area not “true facts”. Funny thing, I always thought you did a study with ALL the available date and let the facts speak for themselves. In this new science, you establish a conclusion and THEN only allow the data that supports your pre derived conclusion. If medicine was like this we would all be dead and I would be out of business or sued every other day.

  790. Denying global warming and climate change is criminal speech and should be punished through provisions of domestic and international law. The debate is over. It is decided by scientific consensus.

    1. The debate? I don’t really recall a debate. I only recall a bunch of wack job wanna be’s telling everybody else how to live our lives while making Al Gore and his ilk wicked rich. Have fun with that. I’ll take my V8 for spin.

  791. Let me see if I can summarize the thinking of the anthropomorphic global warming fanatics: if it’s too hot, it’s due to global warming; if it’s too cold, it’s due to global warming; and if the temperature is just right, it’s also global warming. Seriously, I have seen liberals represent both extremes of temperature, as well as the mean, as being indicative of global warming. And these nutbat democrats want to tax us to death over what is their personal fantasy. Personally, I’d love to see the weather hit extremes, as it would surely wipe out millions of liberals, who as a group are not adept at survival. Liberals are the only people in the world (Obama, in particular) who would try to tax the weather and get away with it.

  792. Well hey you have to give him the benefit of the doubt… I mean really, his HIGH SCHOOL education and his very scientific career of pretending to be other people really does give him tremendous credibility.

    He is just easily convinced because when you know nothing about the subject, if someone comes along and sounds really authoritative well it HAS to be true. George Looney has no intellectual capacity to know if there is Global Warming or not. But that doesnt stop him from deciding YES! There IS Global Warming! And then making a fool of himself over and over…

    This is what happens when you dont have a script to recite from a writer and you try to ‘wing it’. Cue the slap on the forehead by his agent.

    George, go back to pretending… Stay out of reality. We can take of that for you.

  793. I would love to debate this uneducated moron on any matter of scientific inquiry. What makes this doofus even more moronic is that he doesn’t even understand the fallacious nature of his confirmation bias. Dopes like clooney should stick to fooling around with each other and doing drugs.

  794. When George Clooney can tell me what the “ideal” temperature of the world is, and where this ideal temperature should occur, and point to a period of time where weather and temperature remained constant, and explain how the Vikings farmed Greenland a millennium ago, long before the industrial revolution, and he earns a degree in Climatology (or any degree for that matter), then I’ll start listening to George Clooney. I actually like the guy… he just needs to keep his mouth shut on things he knows nothing about.

    1. Agreed, good actor but naive when it comes to climate. Wonder how he overlooks all the data falsification. The say money can’t buy happiness but apparently it will by a hollywood actor.

  795. It just goes to show you how good an actor he really is… He has gotten everyone to believe that he thinks climate change is real. Either that or he is as stupid and everyone else in Hollywood. My guess is the latter.

    1. In the seventies it was we were all going to freeze to death. I feel bad for your generation. It must suck to live in fear. Now go to Whole Foods with your little bags in your ugly little car and let the rest of of us live our lives. Oh, and by the way, if you decide to breed god save the planet. Just think about the snowball effect it will have. Just sayin.

  796. Uh…

    “Actor George Clooney declared the arguments of global warming skeptics to be “stupid” and “ridiculous.” Clooney made the remarks to reporters on the eve of Typhoon Haiyan hitting the Philippines.”

    “Clooney added that he was unsure whether global warming was responsible for the Typhoon that devastated the Philippines.”

    How exactly did he “add this” on the “eve” of the storm?

      1. Good grief. It is GLOBAL warming, right? So what does George the meteorological genius say about the Atlantic storm season, which was one of the quietest EVER – and it was just on the other side of Mexico?

        Stupid and Ridiculous actors. Don’t quit your day job. Go back to your house in Italy, George.

  797. I toured Europe in 2000 and while in Prague, I asked our tour guide what it was like living under communism. Without hesitation she said they were stupid…the dumbest idiots. I don’t recall her using the word “ridiculous” but she did call them thugs. This fits Mr. Clooless and his leftist commie goons perfectly. Want an example? Try ObamaCide!

  798. Well, let me see. I’m an Electrical Engineer / Senior analyst with 40 years of experience. I’ve actually read the IPCC reports (I’ll bet Clooney hasn’t, or if he did he didn’t understand what he was reading). I have not, however looked at the Verification and Validation reports for the models they’ve used to predict the course of Global Warming – because none of the models have ever been V&V’d against real-world data.

    I am a GW skeptic, at least in the sense that man is causing GW to any extent that should give rise to the hysteria that swirls around the topic in some circles. Twenty years ago, the “consensus” based on these models was that by now we would be much warmer than we are. But guess what – we are not. In fact, they are conceding that there has been no significant warming for the past 17 years. Now we see stories that this “pause” may last another 20 years.
    The point is, the Global Warming hysteria (now called “Climate Change” for very specific, strategic reasons) is all about money and power and control.

    Mr. Clooney, if you want to call me “stupid” because I can see this scam for what it is, that’s your right I suppose. But you’re the one who is buying into this scam based on nothing but your emotions – not on any salient facts that you have analyzed; of that we can be certain. You’re an actor who makes a living in a world of pretending so I guess you can be forgiven.

      1. Ice was growing in the arctic. The north pole was under so much ice our subs couldn’t break through. Manatees were swimming in Florida water a degree or two cooler (Gasp!)

        If you really want something to worry about start worrying about super bacteria that are anti-biotic resistant. Now THAT;S really scary.

        1. You could not be more right. Read an article on Medscape the other day on this. The head of the CDC infectious disease division stated that we are getting ready to enter the post antibiotic age due to overuse and inappropriate use. As a physician, this scares the hell out of me. There is no money in antibiotic research because they can’t make anything in this area. No money, no research, no new superbug drugs. Now that is something to get worked up about, not some Hollywood leftist fantasy of climate change.

    1. When a noted intellectual such as George cLooney calls me stupid WELL, I must step back and re examine myself (much sarcasm). Somehow, it gives me a warm fuzzy glow to be on the opposite side of the equation from a Hollywood liberal who lives in a fantasy world. I’ll start taking him and them serious once they give up their private jets and energy guzzling mansions. When they start walking the walk instead of just talking the talk, then and only then can we have a serious discussion. And like you I’m quite sure he would not understand the relevance of statistical analysis, proper study construction, and the non biased interpretation of data.

  799. I guess that means that in 1969 when they were still saying we were entering a new ice age, that must have been global warming then as well. I seem to remember a little tiny storm called Camille that hit the Gulf Coast that until this storm was the strongest in history to ever hit land.

    1. Yup. Thirty years ago we were all going to freeze. Now we’re going to boil. Soon the oxygen will begin to be depleted, and then there will be a naturally-caused TP shortage that will begin the Apocalypse.

      And Hollywood will be leading the way.

  800. There are too many comments on this story…..2456. What kind of carbon foot print would you leave trying to read them all? Your computer would be running for a month.

      1. You are destroying the globe all by yourself. You should be ashamed. Oops I just released a little Ozone destructive gas. I’m torn between sitting here and dying from the smell or opening a window and destroying the earth. You’ll know my decision shortly.

  801. Sun spot inactivity has scientists baffled. The source of energy for the entire solar system is 93m miles away. It is acting strangely. It is resulting in a cooling of the upper atmosphere. Scientists do not understand why.

    Perhaps Hollywood (who has been the most heavily propagandized by pro-global warming folks due to their influence) might like to allow science and scientists to collect all of the information available before the population of the entire planet starts to cede political and financial power to a bunch of scientists?

    George, stick to acting.

    Signed: Stupid and Ridiculous

  802. We had an ice age where glaciers covered much of North America. They receded leaving the Great Lakes. We have found mammoths with flowers in their mouths, now froze in the ice. Now THAT is climate change. Guess what? It all happened before we were ever running around causing “Man made climate change”. Sure I believe in climate change. It has happened as long as this ball dirt has been circling the sun and will continue long after we are gone.

    1. Bingo. Here where I live the land was volcanic, under a large sea, under a glacier a mile thick while man roamed the planet. Sorry dude global warming is not man made and NOT bad for us or the animals. Global cooling would be a LOT more painful and kill billions.

  803. Hey George, I got news for you, 10,000 years from the earth is gonna roll over and fart, and any evidence of the existence of mankind will be nowhere to be found. We’re just a fart in the whirlwind George, embrace the malodorous stench of exquisite nirvana!

  804. IF there is “man made climate change” caused by green house gasses, then Hollywood with it’s “hot air” and “methane” from all the bovine excrement they put out must be the leading cause. Let’s get rid of all the Hollywierd windbags first to see if that makes any difference.

  805. Why is George Clooney’s opinion relevant? Is it the fact he makes boring movies or his PHD in Meteorology? Why is the media so desperate to make this case? How are carbon credits anything more than a “Ponzi Scheme?” These celebutards are truly the Useful Idiots the left needs to make their case

    1. Make “algore” promises not to profit off of the “carbon credit” exchanges, gives up his private jet, and stops constantly keeping his many mansions up and running year round. Do this and we will see how serious a problem he thinks this is. If he still has the same conviction at that time then maybe we need to take him serious. I’m not worried about this because he has learned that truly, a sucker is born every minute so the scam will go on.

  806. Why does the media report what hack actors think about science or cerebral subjects? They are actors not professors. Most are fresh out or rehab, jail or deviant sexual addiction classes. Are these the people we want to advise us on anything?

  807. and why should anyone care about what george clueless thinks? you saw how far his celebrity status got him when he tried to get his father elected a few years ago.

  808. They make a grade B movie and suddenly they’re experts and intellectuals. This clown is a joke. If Obama said a flood of donkey manure was going to cover the earth these Hollywood idiots would agree with him. It’s pathetic.

    1. Donkey manure? Oh crap, I better start shoveling. With all the crap coming out of Washington this new flood of donkey crap will doom us all. Oh wait, you were being sarcastic to make a point. My bad.

  809. Most Gollywoody leftists celebrities (which is most of them) thinks their thoughts(?) and opinions are important only in their own minds. And they are correct.

  810. Maybe one day he will become emperor and he can dictate to us how we should think. Until then you are just another over indulged jerk who has made the mistake of believing his own publicity.

  811. Lets see. Carbon Dioxide is claimed to be a green house gas causing Man Made Climate Change. The more we talk and breath the more CO2 we expel. My hypothesis that needs to be tested: If George cLooney will just STFU then there will be less CO2 and the planet will be safe from MMCC

  812. Al Gore is aka actor Bruce Willis in a fat suit and latex. He has a fake southern accent and needs to speak very very very slowly or Bruce has a hard time pulling it off. Hollywood has taken over the media and part of your government. Obama is the son of Richard Pryor. and Pelosi is JANE F#CKING FONDA. Nice disguise Jane. Patriots your day has finally come. This is what you have been waiting for. They are now bread for you. Eat them all alive right here.

  813. He is a wealth actor that is part of the elites! They don’t know anything but what they are told to stay in the high status of popularity! You sure as heck don’t see him walking to work, or much of anything else. Just like Gore! Do as I say, not as I do!

  814. He should stick to acting I enjoyed him and his cohorts in Brother where art thou,very funny film and good natured . it even had some real music in it . He can pantomime the singing tho .

  815. Rosemary Clooney’s staff of servants raised a overprotected, over privileged, sissy boy who is deeply burdened with guilt about his lofty position in the public eye. People like George crave “do gooder” projects that they can turn into a zealous religion of intolerance of anyone who dare question this made up religion as idiocy.

  816. First off… Another Hollywierd Elitest thinking he knows more then anyone else…George Clooney is the one that is “stupid” and “ridiculous. What is it with Hollywood LibTards drinking the Obama, Gore, Polosi koolaid? So far… Global Warming has only cost the entire world… One Trillion dollars (look it up!!! I did) to what resolve? so far we had the coolest summer in the Idaho , Wyoming and Nebraska, Colorado, Montana, and the Dakotas in 50 years, St. Helens and Penatubo let out more damaging CO2 emissions than All of humanity combined. It is just another Tax put on the people by the GREEDY, out of control speeding governments… to support their liberal spending sprees. They have to be stopped and removed from power. Before there is nothing left of the bill payers in this and many other countries. as far as Clooney goes…I have not watch one think he has been in since I turned 18 and joined the REAL military. I won’t spend one dollar on any movie that has an actor with a ANTI-AMERICAN ideology…I won’t watch Jamie Foxx (racist), Samuel L. Jackson (racist) Jim Carey (anti-Semite) George Clooney (Looney) Susan Surandon (LibTard/Anit-American)…The list goes on and on, Before you spend your hard earned money on people that want to control you… look up what their beliefs and values are… I do!!!

  817. “If you have 99 percent of doctors who tell you ‘you are sick’ and 1 percent that says ‘you’re fine,’ you probably want to hang out with, check it up for the 99″. – George Clooney.
    Wrong Mr. Clooney! If one doctor out of a hundred says I have a chance to be well?,…..that is the doctor I most want to hear from. I actually hope you run for office Mr. Clooney. You’ll make a hilarious candidate!

  818. Does Clooney have a PhD in climatology? Meteorology? Uh … Advanced Cloud Watching? I know, he has a rain gauge! That’s it!
    I will now believe everything Clooney says.

  819. George how do;you explain the most ice ever on this planet? George, how do you explain that one volcano puts out more pollution than man has ever put out ?

  820. These global warming, uuuh,, climate change, whatever enthusiasts have their god as environmentalism. This equates to their desire to control people’s lives as socialists and communists feel this is their duty in life. Is climate change caused by man? Perhaps a bit, but not totally as these utopian do gooders insincerely believe. And watch many of these phony actors flying in personal aircraft rather than flying commercial. And they reside in 10 thousand square foot houses with huge utility bills. Total phonies.

  821. Who cares what Clooney says? He’s just a mediocre actor with a great face. The lame stream media needs to stop giving these people a platform. BTW, when will he come out of the closet. What a hypocrite!

  822. Go on George, continue flying around the world and contributing to your global warming, while because you say so, the rest of us little folks are supposed to save water, electricity, food, etc. What a buffoon. Stay in your global warming bubble in LA.

  823. Speaking of “stupid and ridiculous,” can you believe there are twats who still adhere to the utter and obvious sky-is-falling scam of global warming climate change?

    Yeah, the climate has always “changed,” since the beginning of the planet; but this leftist/liberal scam is so obviously and blatantly a huge money-funneling hoax that has been picked up by the control freaks and their gullible weak-minded talk-puppet sycophants like Clooney.

  824. The first rule of show business is don’t alienate your fans. Mr. Clooney is an idiot for violating it. Most Americans disagree and will be upset with him.

  825. Clooney’s friend Bruce Willis plays the fictional character AL Gore and George knows it. So F#ck you George. George also knows that Nancy Pelosi is aka JANE FONDA. Hollywood has taken over the media and part of your government. Patriots your day has arrived. They are now bread for you. Eat them alive right here.

  826. George cLooney is only marginally qualified to manage a Mutual of Omaha sales team in the Midwest somewhere. I vote that we all just spend our money elsewhere (what we have left of it), and let George and his ilk achieve their true stations in life.

  827. Speaking of denying, when will George stop denying he is gay? There’s about as much truth in global warming as there is truth that George is heterosexual.

  828. Remember he was arrested for his “cause de jour” the Sudan crisis and let go within in an hour. All staged like his entire pathetic life. He uses women for his own sadistic, selfish purposes. A total money whore



















  830. That’s okay, George, everyday Americans find you to be “stupid” and “ignorant”. We realize that living in the insular world of Hollywood doesn’t allow you the opportunity to learn much about science and develop critical thinking skills. It’s far easier to accept, uncritically, the talking points of the liberal cocktail party set. If you want to understand why so-called manmade “global warming” (renamed “climate change”) isn’t occurring, you might want to educate yourself and your friends about solar/sunspot activity and a phenomenon known as the Maunder Minimum. That controlled nuclear reaction (i.e., the sun) that we see rise every affects the earth’s climate and temperature far more than does a lawnmower or an incandescent light bulb or, for that matter, all of the internal combustion engines on this planet. Now, go back to your cocktail party, dimwit, and tell your fellow Hollywood nitwits that you really gave all those right-wing “climate deniers” a piece of your mind. (Personally, though, you can’t really spare any piece of your mind, George. You obviously need all you’ve got, which ain’t much.)

  831. I see Al Gore calling people who don’t believe in AGW, ignorant, now Clooney. I can pick quite a few scientists who would be more than willing to debate these smart people, on the “science” related to global warming, but you can bet these 2 morons won’t show up. For Clooney to call anyone stupid and ridiculous for not believing in something he knows very little about, is classic Hollywood banter. Hey Clooney, what’s your carbon footprint???

  832. Hey moron Clueless Looney Cloony, 99% of scientists DO not agree with global warming, as I am one of them. Stay in your hollywood bubble and leave the thinking to the big boys….jackass!

  833. Clooney…I’m an actor and I am smarter than you. Because there was a Typhoon that means global warming is real. HHHmmm interesting….so your saying that typhoons exist because of global warming. If that is true then global warming has been around since the beginning of the earth. Or maybe typhoons are just part of the earths climate patterns. Which do I believe. I like Clooney movies but he is an idiot when it comes to this.

  834. Do we know who died and made Cloony think he was god? He has nothing in his resume that can determine facts on this issue so he just swallows what he’s been told and regurgitate to us. Dumb is as dumb is and he takes the cake.

  835. George Clooney couldn’t even graduate from college with a broadcast journalism degree. Too graduate with that major all you have to do is show up. What a clown.

  836. Hey George, what would you like the earths permanent temp to be and how would you do that?
    And since science knows everything; ask the “99%” to definitely prove where all of earths water came from.
    Get back to us.

  837. Poor George, all that money and he can’t afford to go to a school that teaches real facts. Perhaps he should plan on a beach party in Greenland since the global warming will surely melt all of the ice there.

  838. He’s just another dumb briar who really really wants to believe that his small circle of dilettantes are as smart as he always dreamed of being. But, you can’t fix stupid, can you?

  839. Mr Clooney also wonders why the solar panels on his roof fail to produce enough power to heat his 200,000 sq/ft home.
    And how come they never work at night ?

  840. “He was attending the BAFTA Britannia Awards in Beverly Hills on Saturday night November 9″……………..

    ahhhh yes…lot of problems can be solved in Beverly Hills!!!

  841. And there was also Kal Penn, who had a regular role on the mega-popular TV show “House” that Penn quit to be an….Obama speechwriter!

    He hasn’t been hearn from as an “actor” since despite losing his WH job…

  842. I do not understand why people in the business of acting do not keep their opinions to themselves. Clooney is not a well educated man, he started to go to college, but couldn’t finished. He is a fair actor. He knows how to pretend to be someone else and that is about it. I must assume he feels that his statements will not damage him with the public.

  843. No increase in temp for years but we should believe a hollywood dink? Reduced sun spot activity and we should expect what, more warming? Clooney would do well to pick up something other than a picture of himself and read a bit about global temperatures in publications that don’t lead with stories about little green alien activity on hollywood Blvd.

  844. Sorry, we idiot climate skeptics don’t think like Mr. Common Sense Clooney. We can’t think on the same level as a celebrity intellectual. Oh, please we aren’t worthy Mr. Clooney. Why does that sound so close to Clowney? Never mind. No pun intended.

  845. If looney Clooney, who shares Obama’s mental illness of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, wants to fund for this tax scheme climate warming, he should pay for it with his money and not mine. It is such a lie, these leftist liars had to change the term ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’.

  846. So liberals, you don’t like fascism, that’s interesting, how do you plan on ruling? WORLD GOVERNMENT..

    So liberals, you don’t like religion because it’s not based in science, why not show your basis for global warming? THERE’S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN.

    I think there’s a problem here…

  847. C-l-o-o-n-e-y….Drop the “C” and it is perfect description of this Nancy. One thing I dislike more than a cupcake….and that is a effeminate cupcake. He is one.

    1. That’s them. Many of them park the Prius out front, and keep the fifty high-performance rides out back in the hangar, where a staff polishes them daily. And they still think no one’s figured them out. The Net is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?

  848. Can you explain how this earth went from an Ice age to being able to sustain life by warming up all on it’s own and that not being considered “Global Warming? Without “MAN POISONING THE PLANET”!

  849. That’s a shame. Turns out George Clooney has an extra chromosome. He’d have to to make that statement. But it’s a syndrome many liberals come down with.

  850. The equivalent of a “Dumb Blonde” stereotype in masculine form…lol This guy might look good, but is Dumber Than HomeMade Sh!t. lol Anyone who wants to debate the hoax of ManMade Global Warming…. let’s hear from you!

  851. Clooney is the least worthy person on earth to comment on a scientific issue. He has no clue, he is a liberal slug and spouts BS for publicity, not awareness. Nothing from hos mouth or his ilk is worth a following thought!

  852. Clooney is very highly qualified in Hollywood terms, his dad read the news for a Cincinnati TV station and he makes movies, reading other peoples’ lines for a living. He’s the closest thing they’ve got to an expert!

  853. George… Go back to what you do best. Chasing around beautiful women that are horny. Leave this grown up stuff to professionals that don’t have puntang on their mind every minute of every day.

  854. Actors are those narcisststs who were able to BS their way into people paying them huge sums of money for pretending to be someone else. Most have no technical, scientific or analytical skills, yet as actors, they try to play the role of someone who is an expert.

    If you believe George Clooney is a climate expert, then you are also susceptible to believing TV is real. Or that another smooth-talking narcissist is actually a good president.

    Have yourself committed. Dr. House says you should.

  855. There have been many heating and cooling cycles in Earth’s history before mankind ever started “raping the planet”, yet environmentalists are such egoists that any climate change today could only be the result of their species. Peer review is wonderful unless your peers have been politicised, bought off, or hoodwinked by falsified data. Some just want to be popular with their friends, like Clooney.

  856. I have no idea what women see in him. he is an egostical twit with girlish mannerisms and somewhere there is something very odd about a man who cannot find a woman who he can adore more than himself!

    1. He’s ‘nonthreatening’, i.e. a metro-male, not very masculine. coincident with the bubba’s coming to DC, Hollywood began pimping the ‘ideal male’ as an effeminate, wispy-voiced, little PC jerk. The place is crawling with them.

  857. essentially everyone in this comment section in a total moron with dick cheese for brains, are there seriously this many idiots on planet earth?

  858. If Clooney had a clue about climate change he would be willing to debate somebody on it! Instead he just dismisses everybody else as “stupid” ! These Hollywood twits are really as clueless as the day is long!

  859. Hes’ NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION to the news reports of how much more ice at the poles. More than in the last 58 years according to NASA. DID HE MISS THE POINT that the AGW crowd was CAUGHT TAMPERING THE DATA? He has a degree in WHAT? (He attended Northern Kentucky University from 1979 to 1981, majoring in Broadcast Journalism, and very briefly attended the University of Cincinnati, but did not graduate from either.) FIGURES! A NON-SCIENTIFIC background.

    1. He makes faces and acts tough in front of a camera. That makes him expert in everything. Most of them need personal assistants to tie their shoes for them.

  860. First of all, this website is a sham. Second, Clooney stated that the *arguments* against GW were stupid and ridiculous. You see that? He criticized arguments, not the people making them. But, from reading the comments here, you can plainly see that no one was capable of making that distinction. Sad and pathetic really.

  861. Hey Georgie Boy lead a pack of Hollweed stars. Those know it all stars experts on AID, on a tour to the Phillippines. HELL YOU PLAYED DOCTOR SO GO DO SOME DOCTORING EXPERT. Put your and Hollweeds mouth to actual use on the ground expert.
    Other than that STFU Moron.

  862. Gee, it’s a good thing I live my life according to the rules of George. Otherwise, I might look around and see he isn’t quite factual. In fact, if I took off my rose colored glasses, I might even see that George isn’t intelligent at all.

  863. In 1905, Albert Einstein stood against the entire classical physics world with his new ideas on relativity.

    A few years later, high school biology teacher from Seattle, Harlen Bretz) stood against the entire geological profession with his explanations of pacific Northwest geology.

    A few years ago, Australians Barry Marshall and Robin Warren stood against the entire medical profession to explain the real cause of peptic ulcers (receiving the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2005).

    So much for consensus!!!!

    What has George Loony got to say about that?






  865. Carbon mitigation and its attendant programs (trading, caps,credits etc) is nothing more than a grand scam promulgated by bureaucrats, kleptocrats and con men, aided and abetted by a gullible public, ignorant of the facts. CO2 is a trace gas comprising .039% of the atmosphere. The total amount of C02 emitted as a result of human activity (factories, jets, cars, etc, etc) is 30 gigatonnes annually. The total amount emitted by the biosphere (volcanoes, geysers, hot springs, fires including forest) is 550 gigatonnes. So even if we were to reduce human activity to the level of the Stone Age, it still wouldn’t make any difference.

  866. I personally cannot recall asking his opinion. I know his father, and if inheritance of genes and brain cells are an accurate phenomenon, I really wonder who is stupid…

  867. This guy is a self-obsessed idiot. Bought and paid for once again. On the gravy train like so many in the la la land that leads to a brick wall in the end..

  868. Who cares what some old, washed up actor says? Global warming is a lie. Storms happen. This was a bad one. We’ve had many bad ones. This has a high death toll, so the marxstream media commies are calling it the ‘worst storm in history’.
    Yeah. Right. The winds were about the same as the 1938 Atlantic hurricane which pushed not nineteen but forty foot waves up onto the Long Island and Rhode Island coastlines. Downtown Providence, Rhode Island was under more than ten feet of water. What did a lie – global warming – have to do with that storm? That’s right, nothing.
    Does anyone still pay attention to these Hollywood leftist has-beens? If so, why? Perhaps they should see a doctor about it.

  869. So if science says global warming is false, we’re going to believe a movie star that tells us it isn’t? George, get your facts straight and then go make a movie or something. Maybe give your friends, the Obamas, cameo roles .. with any luck they’ll be looking for work soon. Maybe we should check in with Kim Kardashian on her thoughts on auditing the Fed,
    And re the “strongest storm ever recorded” statement: when did they start recording wind speeds in the Phillipines .. after World War II?

  870. Clooney wants to play weatherman? Let him get a job on a local TV station. He’ll soon be off the air. He’s just an old hacktor looking for attention. Maybe he can make another stupid anti-business film like ‘Michael Clayton’, take the proceeds, and go play with his bimbos at his Lake Como home.
    We’re sick of these Hollywood billionaire lefties gassing off about how we have to live like serfs so they can dine out large every night.
    This was a bad storm. Global warming, a lie, had nothing to do with it because global warming is a lie.
    The Great Gale of 1815 hit the Atlantic coast and came right up Narragansett Bay to Providence, Rhode Island. Paintings of that event depict what a real storm is like, one whose waves reached fifty feet in height.

    Clooney sounds like just another globaloney gasbag pimping for UN communist tyranny.

  871. We are all aware of George Clooney’s qualifications to speak on this matter. He doesn’t have any…he’s just another dumb-ass, arrogant, leftist, actor.

      1. I can read. Of course it is possible that George Clooney is privy to high level data that would refute scientific studies from around the world proving that global warming is a hoax…but I doubt it.

  872. Yeah, if it actually cleaned up the Earth a little bit Clooney, I’d be with you, but it’s nothing more than a wealth transfer and gigantic tax on the poor and middle class at the same time. The only thing that changes is who is doing the polluting.

  873. Dr.George Clooney has spoken. In his infinite wisdom he has given us his carefully crafted and reasoned opinion. We must all stand in awe…
    at the typical left coast thinking of another uneducated actor.

  874. Yeah, as Prince George jet sets around, big cars, boats, planes, mansion with full security and fully lit 24/7. Thank you sir, may I have another lecture……stupid hypocrite pimp…..

  875. So when did georgie porgie go from being batman to a scientist? Hey George, temps have been FLAT for sixteen years now. The planet evolves in cycles, this has happened before, it’ll happen again. The planet will shake us off like the fleas we are eventually. Get with it moron…

  876. Study: El Nino caused half the global warming since 1970s
    15 hours ago
    A new study estimates that about half the global warming that has taken place since the 1970s can be attributed to natural climate cycles.

    The other 25 percent is because of Hollweed loud mouts spouting hot air, right along with Obozo..

  877. I love how these elitists Marxists have interchanged the term “global warming” to “climate change” so they can blame any change in weather or natural occurring hurricanes (tornadoes, earthquakes, etc…) on the masses for causing these events. This is used by the left for only one reason…. for liberals to start taxing the people on carbon, air, sunshine and whatever else they can think of.

  878. Climate change has been occurring since the formation of Earth until today. Science students at least have studied the earth’s past and can attest to that.

    How stupid can people be?

    Ice Age will likely kill us, not warming. Anyway-there ain’t nothing we can do Earth’s climate changes at it’s own accord. Example the Supervolcano Toba erupted and brought forward the Ice Age of a thousand years.

    We’ve been through a number of ice ages already

  879. ClimateDepot is being financed by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, a nonprofit in Washington that advocates for “free-market” solutions to environmental issues. Public tax filings for 2003-7 (the last five years for which documents are available) show that the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow received hundreds of thousands of dollars from theExxonMobil Foundation and foundations associated with the billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, a longtime financier of conservative causes, including being the primary source of money used to fund attacks against Bill Clinton during the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky eras of his presidency.

    That being said, who cares what George Clooney thinks? Well, I guess people who want to cry about how liberal Hollywood is, I suppose…

  880. Yes, Clooney: Go clean up the Earth a little bit. While u r at it? Plant a few TREES to soak up the CO2 you are spouting out of you big mouth. Talk to the trees & give ’em a hug, too.

  881. The
    Philippine government is “too organized” to have the relief/foods/goods
    distributed, it is slowing everybody down, and more and more people are
    suffering. Even when we went to the post office yesterday, the staff
    named Elena was “too organized” it took us 30 minutes to get the
    package. Hopefully they will change this STUPID system so that they
    will SERVE more than ORGANIZE more. Wadda heck!

  882. Advice to all Hollywood trash.

    Just let them dress you up, do your hair, stand where you’re told, and mouth the words that they give you.

    Nobody gives a crap what you think, because you are an empty mannequin.

  883. Growing up shivering in
    Cleveland and Chicago I prayed daily for global warming. When it didn’t
    come, i moved to Florida. Now I enjoy global warming every day.

    Seriously, let me recommend a great little book that tells the
    science-based climate story in humorously presentation with informative
    charts and quotations from all sides: The Mad, Mad, Mad World of
    Climatism –Mankind and Climate change Mania by Steve Goreham.

    I think you’ll find Clooney in the book somewhere as it exposes all types of silly absurdities.

  884. i just want to share my experience and testimony here.. i was married for 6 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture.. he started hailing me and he was abusive. but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost…then he filed for divorce. my whole life was turning apart and i didn’t know what to do .he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids.. so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster…so i decided to try it reluctantly. although i didn’t believe in all those things… then when he consulted his gods and cast a return and love spell, after 3days, my husband came back and was pleading. he had realized his mistakes. I just couldn’t believe it. .anyways we are back together now and we are happy. in case anyone needs this man, his email address is [email protected] or thought hid website or call him with +2348161850195

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