If #Donald Trump wins the #Election 2016, the Republican nominee has promised to quash the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, exit the Paris climate accord, and stop the “war on coal” on his first day in the oval office. Trump has pledged a sea change in how the U.S. addresses climate change and it is infuriating special interest groups and environmentalists. The new course, though, will be hampered by legal and regulatory hurdles already in place to stop him. A final gift from President
The new course, though, will be hampered by legal and regulatory hurdles put in place to stop him. Most came from President Obama, who has rolled out more major regulations than any president in U.S. history. Regulations that have devastated coal communities and other disliked energy sectors.
Trump has also promised to revisit and possibly reject the Paris climate accord, a non-binding, unenforceable agreement to curtail carbon dioxide emissions at least28 percent below 2005 levels. China, however, can continue emitting greenhouse gases and building coal-fired power plants. China has said it will try and slow emissions after 2030, despite ramping up coal production: