Flashback: The Climate Skeptic’s Guide To Pope Francis’: Talking Points About The Pope & Global Warming


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Highlights: ‘When the Pope speaks on climate change, he is not speaking authoritatively on Catholic doctrine. He is merely offering his opinion.’

Scientist: ‘Most of the scientific claims cited in Pope’s encyclical are not true.’

‘There has been nothing short of an ‘Unholy Alliance’ between the Vatican and promoters of man-made climate fear. The Vatican advisors can only be described as a brew of anti-capitalist, pro-population control advocates’

‘If the pope from 300 years ago could see our world today, he’d say it was actually cleaner and healthier than his own era.’

‘The Vatican is aligning itself with a UN climate agenda that is at odds with major aspects of Catholic teachings and doctrine.’

By:  – Climate DepotSeptember 21, 2015 10:05 PM with 5 comments

Also see: Special Report: ‘Unholy Alliance’ – Exposing The Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate


CLIMATE OF FAITH:  Talking Points about Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical

Full PDF Report Available Here:

Do Catholics have to believe in man-made global warming in order to be good Catholics? No. The Pope’s view on climate science and its alleged “solutions” are not part of the faith and moral teachings of the church. When the Pope speaks on climate change, he is not speaking authoritatively on Catholic doctrine. He is merely offering his opinion. Catholics are not bound to follow the Pope’s view on global warming.

Is climate change a part of Catholic teachings now? No. Climate change is not part of Catholic doctrine. It is just another political issue to be debated among Catholics and the general public. The Federalist’s Rachel Lu: “The pontiff clearly has high authority to speak (at least to Catholics) on questions of faith and morals, but when it comes to predictive pronouncements on the Earth’s climate, he is not a definitive expert. Nor does he claim that mantle in Laudato Si.”
