Speaking at MC Greenfest, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy insists that climate change is “happening now.” McCarthy: “You just need to get out of that telephone booth where other climate deniers hang out and open your eyes and see what’s happening.”
ADMINISTRATOR GINA MCCARTHY: “They happen to be the most vulnerable when climate change happens. And, guess what? It’s not when, it’s happening now. You can see it every single day. You just need to get out of that telephone booth where other climate deniers hang out and open your eyes and see what’s happening.”
MC Greenfest Opening Ceremony
April 30, 2016
48 Responses
“You just need to get out of that telephone booth where other climate deniers hang out and open your eyes and see what’s happening.”
This comment reveals who you really are: a liberal reduced to name calling and denigrating those who know the truth about the climate. Further, it is a clear indication you do not have any argument based on facts. You need to take your own advice.
The left lacks self awareness and is always projecting.
Yes. It is amazing that they lack basic self-reflective skills. They are never to blame for anything they do, incite, or foster and their motives and methods are always necessary and acceptable if not righteous. A great example is blaming Trump for his opponents who riot at his rallies. “He incites them!” Applying their logic to Orlando would mean that the murder was driven by the behavior of those in the Pulse. “They brought it on themselves.” But they can’t do that since the habitues of the Pulse are part of their protected classes along with the murderer. They are now in a quandary of their own making. This evidenced in the original redacted release of the murdering muslim’s 911 call. They took out all references to islam including the word “Allah”. The resulting storm of protest led to the “unredacted” release shortly thereafter. However, the word “God” remained substituted for the word “Allah”. LPCF’s self-serving behavior is obvious to everyone but themselves.
Well said.
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“He incites them!”
A rerun of the old “she was asking for it” defense.
Weed is now legal so she will not be jailed.
Here is the list of skeptics we assembled in ONLY THREE DAYS: http://www.climatescienceinternational.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=289. It would be tough to get them all into a telephone booth.
This list is too short for three days work. Did you take long lunches and afternoon naps?
All anyone sees every day is the weather, but that’s what they’ve been pushing recently…point to a weather event and claim we caused it.
The ultimate con job, blaming man for the weather.
Fossil fuels use does not materially affect climate. Fossil fuels contribute only 3% of all CO2 emissions. 95% comes from
plant matter decomposition. Warming climate CAUSES increased CO2
emissions, since plant matter decomposes faster in warmer
Nature promptly recycles ambient CO2 into limestone (calcite)
through numerous chemical and biogenic calcification processes. The
higher the ambient CO2, the faster calcification occurs. An
equilibrium-seeking process.
Climate may be warming. It is supposed to be warming because earth
is emerging from an ice age. This warming has many causes
(adequately discussed elsewhere), but it is NOT caused by human
fossil fuels use.
Its simple. Warming CAUSES increased CO2, and IS NOT CAUSED by it. For McCarthy and all the others, its all about power and money. (And for some, but evidently not her) sex.)
Fossil fuels contribute only 3% of all CO2 emissions.
OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH….so THAT’s why CO2 has gone from 280 ppmv to ~400 ppmv! Cuz man’s fossil fuel use!
Thanks, broheme!
You’re denying the delta in natural CO2 component? Nature denier!
I’m LOLzing at the assertion that fossil fool contributes only 3%.
Now I’m LOLzing at you.
You nature deniers are humorous for attributing all the delta to A and none to N. And, for automatically thinking of it as C rather than G.
Might want to think more about CYAzing and less about LOLzing.
Funny projection, broheme!
As you know, you can’t show how a single person is denying nature.
D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a0605fad625d3d4c7e4498f39c5b563acfac237bca887c1ded6857ca42c09bbb.png
Conveniently left out a few (massive) natural sources, eh?
Nature Denier.
Nobody left out any natural sources. You can’t name a single one left out.
Transparent bluff.
Release of CO2 from warming oceans, undersea volcanism and terrestrial volcanism.
Take your pick.
Thanks, that’s part of the extant carbon cycle. Man’s contribution on top of it is what we are interested in. Those who didn’t attend Trump U understand these basics.
Yes, darling, I’m certain that all of you who are masquerading CO2 as a monster are concerned ONLY with man’s contribution.
Nature’s contribution simply doesn’t count through your rose-tinted glasses. Gore U. 101.
This is why you have been dubbed nature denier. Embrace it.
Carbon cycle. You learned about it in 8th grade.
Educate yourself.
Yes, and later in chemistry…. and again in thermo….
Hey, you admit it’s a cycle rather than a runaway slope to be extrapolated ad infinitum. There’s hope.
Still a nature denier.
Carbon cycle.
Man contributes above it, ~35% increase from man.
/basic maths
It’s fourier series not basic math and poorly performed at that.
Nature deniers….
You need to see a Doctor…try a witch doctor.
I LOVE this comedy skit! Just keeps rolling in the LOLz!
The EPA Administrator has already revealed in her testimony hat she knows little about climatology.
And she also testified that new regulations to reduce CO2 emissions would have no measurable impact on climate but were intended to demonstrate US leadership.
She claims that she can see climate change every day. So let us examine this claim.
The paper by Belda et al (2014) confirms what H.H. Lamb said about climate chant between the beginning and end of the 20th century: there was not much change. Lamb wrote,
“In fact, from about the beginning of this century up to 1940 a substantial climatic change was in progress, but it was in a direction which tended to make life easier and to reduce stresses for most activities and most people in most parts of the world. Average temperatures were rising, though without too many hot extremes, and they were rising most of all in the Arctic where the sea ice was receding. Europe enjoyed several decades of near-immunity from severe winters, and the variability of temperature from year to year was reduced. More rainfall was reaching the dry places in the interiors of the great continents (except in the Americas where the lee effect, or ‘rain-shadow’, of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes became more marked as the prevalence of westerly winds in middle latitudes increased).” (end of quote) Climate,
H. H. Lamb, History and the Modern World Edition 2, Routledge, 1995
The paper by Belda et Al (2014) is probably the best to date in reconstructing the Koppen-Trewartha climate classification map from modern datasets.
The Belda maps show the climate regions of the world (except Antarctica) for two periods, 1901-1931 and 1975-2005, based on a 30 minute grid, average area about 2500 km2, (About 50,000 grid cells cover 135 million km2, the land area of the Earth except Antarctica.)
Between the two periods separated by 75 years, 8% of the cells changed climate type. When you plot a scatter diagram of distributions for the two periods, you will find there is little divergence from the straight line passing through the origin and with slope unity. R-squared is 99.5.
The paper does not discuss error bars. However, the CRU (UK) has revised the climate data to remove wet bias, an adjustment that would increase R2, indicating even less change than these maps show.
In any other field of Earth science, using data with similar precision, we would claim confirmation of the null hypothesis that the two data sets separated by 75 years are not significantly different.
So yes, the Earth has warmed a little and most people worldwide are better off than their parents and grandparents. The people benefiting the most are those on the margins of steppe to desert and those on the margins between ice and tundra.
Climate classification revisited from Köppen to Trewartha, Belda, M. et al, Climate Research, 2014
Holy cow! That lady is a complete lunatic.
How the heck did she get that job?!
That’s how she got the job . She’s exactly what the Obama Demorat gang was seeking .
What you see is what you get. She is the second
affirmative action candidate to have been appointed
EPA administrator.
Oh my god! This is the quality of people that get appointed to high government office. We are doomed.
That’s a funny metaphor: denialists are still looking for that phone booth to check the messages on their home answering machine.
No metaphor – your high priestess believes the unwashed masses still have them.
Sounds legit.
How about you clowns get out of the phone booth and open your eyes to the threat of radical islam
Climate Change “deniers” are feared as Superman by the Global Warming Alarmists.. got that
The sane members of the House of Representatives need to bring Articles of Impeachment against these freaks of nature . Obozo, Lynch, Mcarthy , the head of the IRS and many more. The Senate (and We The People-AKA -The Producers) can not get a conviction in the Senate, but the irrefutable evidence of all their crimes will be on the record.
The sycophants in the MSM have always hounded decent men like Eisenhower (He was stupid and played to much golf) and covered for pervs and crooks from Jefferson vs John Adams through Wilson, FDR, JFK, Bubba, and Obozo.
After Bubba the truth,the facts and reality finally lost out against the perverted propaganda of Dan Rather, Catie, Baba , and the brainwashed graduates of Pravada-USA, AKA the journalism department.
And NBC even tried to make a journalist out of Chelsea Clinton and failed spectacularly.
If I had the ability to add one clause to the US Constitution, it would be some provision where We The People have the ability to remove bad politicians from office. The current system relies on other politicians to censor and remove fellow politicians. It is not working.
Where can a person find a “telephone booth” these days?
Maybe the use of an imaginary telephone booth is her subliminal way of saying “I am crazy, do not pay attention to me”.
This is the f***king b***ch that purposely destroyed the Animas River in Colorado. When asked what the EPA would do to clean up the mess she said “Nothing. Nature has a way of taking care of these incidents.” Kill the EPA. Put all the employees up against the wall and use them for target practice, starting with her..
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Extermination is unnecessary. Unceremonious firing would be fine. Hell, I’d settle for keeping 50% and getting it back to clean air/clean water as it was envisioned.
Purposely did it her own bad self. Wow, she must be incredi-bell!
Cool story bro.
One week prior to the “accident” at a town hall meeting for the residents to go over the proposal a local geologist warned the EPA what was going to happen if they proceeded with their insane idea
Check out the facts.
The coo coo bird sings.