Climate Skeptics on ‘historic’ UN treaty: ‘Does this mean we never have to hear about ‘solving’ global warming again!?’

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2,304 Responses

        1. “human caused climate change is an imaginary problem”

          The fact that humans warm the planet when we produce greenhouse gasses was proved over a century ago.

          MV, if you pretend a problem is imaginary, does that mean you won’t be affected by it?

          “In the 19th century, scientists realized that gases in the atmosphere cause a “greenhouse effect” which affects the planet’s temperature.”

      1. It’s the tired old lefty ploy of attempted public humiliation that no longer works. 1: most of us were educated awhile back when an education meant something and 2: any education you’ve received, sadly, is worth less than the paper it’s printed on (people had to print it and their time is worth something).

      2. Unless you’re part of the global warming scam, you’re gonna get scammed like everyone else. This is the left’s religion. They literally believe wealth redistribution works like a global thermostat. You send money to some 3rd world dictator, and the Earth magically cools. Why are you so happy about getting reamed in the keister along with everyone else? Unless you’re part of the scam, you get ZERO out of this. They are literally telling you “pay now, and we’ll lower the temperature of the Earth by 0.5 degrees in 85 years.”

  1. Oh to dream. But of course it doesn’t mean that. It’s always been about leftist watermelon politics, reds posing as harmless environmentally concerned “greens”. So, no, it doesn’t mean anything of the sort.

      1. anon, get a name and come out and play with some facts. Oh right you have none. You’ve been brainwashed into liberal “save the polar bear” land.
        What a moron.

      2. You seem to be stuck on education…as if surviving 4 years of participation in a drunken and high stupor guarantees intelligence. I point to you as an example that it does not.

  2. It is amazing how a hoax like this can capture the attention of so many people in high places. It goes to show the power of frighting people into turning control of their lives in the hopes of gaining security. That is what socialism offers though it never can deliver. It is contrary to human nature; human nature that is a part of the very people advocating it.

          1. Science does include the sun, which has more to do with climate and temperatures than cow farts and carbon. If not, you can stop breathing. Maybe we can ban marathons and stop those thousands of runners huffing and puffing, and save the planet. Gawd!

        1. your comment and your opinion are ignored internationally why is that ?


          hahahhaha !!!!

          it’s a conspiracy known as “an education”

          1. The more you lefties whine about the bloated importance of “international opinion” of political bureaucrats the less people are going to care about this nonsense. So, keep it up!

                1. The feel good ego is a tool used against the well-intentioned misinformed. The benefactors of the false religion are those individuals (usually dictators and fascists) who control unproductive populations. The term ‘wealth’ used by these scammers is marxspeak for what we know as productive earnings and assets. To be recipient one must control a population with a proven history of non-productivity or be integrated in the cash flow of the wealth transfer.

                1. The UN gets the money. I bet Moon smiling on his way to buy his new car. Guaranteed its a big gas guzzler. China laughs because there no strings on them. What we do is offset by China, India. etc.
                  Climate change is really Money change like money changes hands an Moon an his sticky finger son gets to handle it.

          2. So are you educated enough to know that East Anglia University threw away 80 percent of all data from the thirty year period they were studying because it didn’t fit the GW model? Or are you smart enough to remember that the NOAA has been adjusting, by hand, global temperatures upward to make it look warmer? How is it science when the data was fixed?

            Face it, you’re just not that bright. No go flip my burger.

            1. It’s that new fangled science that us old farts didn’t learn back in the stone age. This new science is more “science-y” and just better because its NEW! 😉

              1. We old farts had to learn about ‘scientific method’ and critical thinking. This new wave of “scientists” have become experts on fund driven outcomes,

          3. There are many things that scientists believed in the past that were eventually debunked by new discoveries. To make a religion out of a popular belief is like something out of the 15th century. For this hoax, follow the money. Many scientists and professors are making a living on this industry, and billionaires are counting on making a killing on carbon credits. Leftists are using it for social engineering and wealth transfer to poorer nations. Wake up, you are being duped. Climate has always changed, and will continue to change — on its own, and the biggest factor is the sun. You want to see climate change? Wait until the sun starts burning out.

            1. …The sun has begun its’ descent in age, and the moon slips father away in orbit every day. Tax it ! OR better yet, let’s tax crashing into Andromeda Galaxy. Its inevitable — it;s gonna happen — this inconvenient truth and clear and present danger. Ohhhh, the humanities. Give Generously Today

          4. You will receive an education as you experience the reality of climate change that is undergoing a drop in temperature. Now, we can point to the efforts of idiots such as yourself for even more death due to cold temps. Congratulations stupid.

            1. Perhaps the left finally figured out a way to control global population. If they can bring on an ice age, many more would perish than would if the Earth was really to warm…

          5. speaking of education………….and another hoax———you might be on to something

            how about this…………….get taxpayer money out of education

          6. Stop right there “anon”. The problem is that you did not receive an education but a brainwashing. Thus you are not capable of understanding anything than what is fed to you. So be a good puppy and go sit in your corner now.

          7. something you should endeavor to obtain. The cooked books, the ever changing “goalposts”, the disproven predictions; what will it take? Obamacare has flattened this economy, but no one on the left will cop to it. Now carbon taxes will forever cripple us, as our competition grows fatter on our own stupidity, and you “people” cling to this INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY like a ISIS member clings to his Koran and bombs

      1. Hey anon, I’d laugh and call you a troll who selectively filters and reads/interprets only what you want to hear, but since you value “education” so much, I’ll give you one. Since you lack the knowledge/historical perspective to understand how dogmatic science can be, I’ll give you one simple example:

        Use your fancy little google machine to look up the “Big bang vs steady state universe” debate. Then look at the laundry list of very smart, yet dogmatic scientists who refused to accept the concept of an expanding universe. Albert Einstein was at the top of the list. Yup, the genius who brought us special and general relativity actually denied empirical and observational evidence and refused to believe what was later proven to be accurate. He needed his world view to be a certain way, and so it would be (right or wrong.)

        So good luck with your world view. I’m sure you’re just as “open-minded” in other disciplines as you are on the subject of weather control.

    1. One indisputable fact, the champions of the planet left the mother of all historic carbon footprints that may never be rivaled. So it’s hard to take them serious. It looks like it was all about money and power. Our money and their power..

        1. Of course. The benefactors are those individuals who control unproductive populations. The term ‘wealth’ used by these scammers is marxspeak for what we know as productive earnings and assets. To be a ‘wealth’ recipient one must control a population with a proven history of non-productivity or be integrated in the cash flow of the wealth transfer. Poor people anywhere will not benefit from any of this. At least they can still talk about the weather.

          1. That’s a load of crap. My PERSONAL problem is that AWG is a socialist PLOT to undermine capitalism, steal its productivity, re-distribute the wealth created by capitalism to the world, and then leave capitalism discredited because, “look how it failed”. And anyone with a BRAIN can see this.

            If they want to do all that….then WHY can’t they do democratically? Because they CAN’T do it democratically if they tell the truth…so instead o they disguise their ambitions by taking a STUPID climate theory, cloaking it in “science”, and then duping YOUR dumb a$$ with it.

      1. Yes – THe idea of this global warming is to pass the world wide carbon tax – taking trillions and trillions from economies, while China, India, mexico are all exempt – who are the greatest ecodisaster countries on the planet.
        unbelievable how stupid so many are for not putting 2+2 together.

        1. Dead on – and guess who is connected to the the cap and trade exchanges that will trade in carbon credits as part of this deal? Ayers, Gore, Obama, and friends. They stand to make $$billions on this.

            1. Can’t beat them maybe we all need to join them and shove it all the way up their a$$e$, tee shirts, trinkets the sky is falling the sky is falling

          1. I believe this scam will be worth trillions, not billions to them in the long run if they pull this off. It’s sad we don’t have more real scientists speaking out about how falsifying data (NOAA) is FRAUD, not “settled science”.

            1. NOAA, like all research groups that calculate temperatures, adjusts the data to remove biases. The satellite groups do this too.

              How would you remove those biases?

              1. What biases? You calibrate you instruments. You prove your calibration method. You determine your error margin and you include this in your calculations. None of which have been done by the warmists. What they have done is to take urban heat island readings and use ‘adjustment’ curves to ensure that all readings say the same thing. Of course urban heat island readings have gone up over the decades, and we have been warming out of the LIA. It’s a lot of very poor science and very poor understanding of technology.

                If your instruments don’t say what you expect them to say then you check your science.

                1. I had one prime example of global warming that was eventually debunked. It seems one of the major temperature sensing sites in “Ohio” was originally out in the open (early 1800’s) but a town grew up around the site and buildings and roads etc grew up alongside this temperature sensing site. A Power Transformer was placed next to it in the mid 1950’s which REALLY heated up the site and in retrospect, data showed the sudden rise in collected data but it was never investigated. It was just ASSUMED that it was a natural change.

                  1. 40+ years ago 73% of the data collection centers were rural, now, less than 10%. They still adjusted the early data downwards to show a more significant trend upwards.

                    1. The odd thing is that when you add the sites that show an urban heat island effect to the sites currently used by the USCN, the amount of warming – as computed by NASA and the NOAA goes DOWN. Not up as you Denialists think.

                      But then the Denialists don’t exist in the reality based community.

                    2. If it was the sun then the upper atmosphere would be warming and not cooling as it is doing), and it would have been noticed by the satellites and ground stations that are constantly monitoring the sun.

                      Sorry boy, but it’s only the sun in mentally diseased minds.

                    3. It’s the sunspot activity, read about the Maunder minimum, coming again soon. Liberals are the ones with diseased minds.

                    4. And what happens when this speculated Maunder Minimum is over, and global temperatures stop being artificially depressed?

                      The last Maunder Minimum lasted 70 years. This would mean that even if the earth’s temperatures were depressed by a 1’C cooling, in 2170, the temperatures which will then be 3’C warmer than now, will rapidly rise another 2 to 3’C over period in which the new Maunder period exits.

                      So Global Average temperatures will have risen by about 6’C by 2170, and the earth will be committed to another 6’C warming after that due to the thermal inertia of the oceans and residency time of CO2.

                      8’C is a human extinction level event.

                    5. Since climate is defined as the average weather over a 30 year period, The “theory” doesn’t apply to the last 18 years because the last 18 years isn’t climate. It is weather.

                      But over the last 18 years the temperature has risen quite substantially.

                    6. Currently, global average Temperatures are the highest they have ever been in the last 120,000 years.

                    7. Not very bright are you? What is the air density at higher altitudes? What is the normal temperature at 60,000 feet? What relation is there to temperature and density of the air at high altitude? Get back to me when you have the answer genius.

                    8. Air density is a function of altitude. You omit an altitude so your question is incomplete and can not be answered.

                      Basically you asked “How long is a piece of string.”

                      “What is the normal temperature at 60,000 feet?” – Ken the Kook

                      About -57’C This temperature is pretty much static through the tropopause.

                      Atmospheric density drops with this function for the lower 80 km of the atmosphere d = d0 x 10E(-3*m/50,000)

                      Where d0 is surface density, d is density at altitude and m is the altitude in meters.

                    9. I’ve always wondered whether Neanderthal man blamed the invention of fire for the demise of his wonderful, ice-covered world, with its abundance of wooley mammoths and other necessities. Wow… warming sure ruined that planet, didn’t it!

                      If “climate change” fools ever looked at the geologic and fossil record…

                    10. The ice ages are cause by subtle, long term variations in thee earth’s orbit and rotational inclination to the ecliptic.

                      If you want to find out what a cave man thinks of this, then ask any Republican.

                    11. Tell us, When did the “subtle, long term variations in thee earth’s orbit and rotational inclination to the ecliptic.” …stop, or stop effecting climate …so now we can be sure any fluctuations over a selected short term are because of humans?

                    12. They have always and will always effect the Earth’s climate.

                      But since they operate on time scales of 100,000 years, 25,000 years, 160,000 years, etc, they haven’t had any significant effect over the last 200 years.

                      My goodness you are silly.

                    13. “Somehow, they managed to calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01
                      degrees – even though they had no temperature data for about half of the
                      land surface, including none in Greenland and very little in Africa or

                    THEM 100 TIMES A DAY .


                    BUT HOW DO YOU DO THAT ? MAKE UP NUMBERS ?





                      PEOPLE ARE YELLING WHEN THEY ARE NOT .

                      HOW MUCH ARE THE CAPS COPS PAYING YOU ?

                    2. Are you really this stupid? Nobody reads posts that are in all CAPS. What don’t you understand about this? Is this whole “internetz” thing new to you? wtf

                    3. Nope, just back-filling comments in old conversations. I see your keyboard is still stuck on caps-lock. LOL!

                    4. SURE , ANYTHING YOU SAY .

                      BY THE WAY , I DON’T USE CAPS-LOCK .
                      YOU WILL HAVE TO GUESS WHICH ONE .

                2. With satellites you have to compensate for time of day drift, orbital shifts, orbital decay, and weather you are over open ocean, over clouds, over ice, instrument calibration, inter-instrument bias, as well as breaks in the data and a host of other factors.

                  Gores plan to measure the earth’s temperature from L1 where the earth is always fully lit by the sun was a spectacularly good idea.


                    1. The source of the term is a quotation in an October 17, 2004, The New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, “Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush,” quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush (later attributed to Republican Karl Rove):

                      The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

                    2. Wow, you sound like you are reading a script from an SNL “Deep Thoughts” skit. And if you believe that taxing carbon will manage the worlds’ climate you have really moved out of reality.

                    3. The quote from Karl Rove shows how well he knows you, and how easily you are manipulated by him and others.


                    1. Touche.
                      I’m also worried that we actually do some of the hare-brained things they demand and it actually WORKS!
                      But it’s already cooling, so we are slammed into another ice age.
                      Hubris, thy name is climate scientist.

                    2. The optimum temperature is the temperature that the biosphere has evolved to survive in.

                      That temperature wold be the temperature of the pre-industrial era.

                    3. So in other words, you have no clue. Just some arbitrary number you zealots pull out of thin air.

                    4. My response gives you the ability to answer your question accurate to 3 significant digits.

                      Are you incompetent and unable to do it yourself? Or are you too stupid to do it yourself?

                      Global Temps have risen 1’C over the last 50 years.

                    5. Your globull warming graph doesn’t intimidate me zealot. Tell me assshole, I’m too stupid to figure it out. What’s the perfect temperature?




                    AND YOU HAVE QUITE AN AIM SIR .

                    1. Hey DUMMY! Stop with the all CAPS!!! Nobody wants to read your comments like that – regardless of the content it is unreadable. Do you understand this?

                    2. At least he uses paragraphs, if not correctly.
                      ALL CAPS and no spacing render it completely unreadable.

                      APPARENTLY , IT ISN’T WORKING .

                      I MEAN SERIOUSLY , I READ YOURS .

                      HOW ABOUT YOU TRY TO STAY ON TOPIC ?

                3. …you park a temperature gauge next to an air conditioner, or on a spread of asphalt–something that is GOING to generate heat–and then pass the results off as though it had been parked in a verdant forest.

                4. Do you really think they’re bothered if their calculations match up or not? They’re simply not bovvered as long as they have a method to completely control our lives. We ‘skeptics’ can argue blue in the face about the facts, but if we’re going to get this noose off our necks we need to indict their fraud, but as they own the judicial system that’s never going to happen. So we’re screwed basically.

                5. Please add the probes that do not exist, where they extrapolate data from one place and guess about the temperature in another.

                  Science has nothing to do with the political agenda of warming. You learn in third grade about the scientific method and one is supposed to follow the data, not cram the data into one’s hypothesis. But if they did that, whoops, there goes the grant monies.

                6. You would also admit that although we’d like to collect data for current reasons and to have them for study in the future, making bold statements that cost trillions on this tiny bit of reliable data is crazy.
                  Theory, data, results.
                  They’ve got it all turned around, don’t they?
                  Also, given the subject at hand, isn’t the climate always either heating or cooling? Volcanoes explode, A World War occurs. An oil field is set alight. I thought everything of real interest is at least a sine curve in complexity, didn’t you? Nothing in nature is a linear relationship. It always reaches a point of inflection and heads back the other way.
                  I wonder if Obama knows what a sine curve even is?
                  Given all the ups and downs of climate since mankind has been here, perhaps the question being asked should be “is the climate today similar to any point between the max and min of historical knowledge?”
                  Trees may not give evidence, because we don’t understand them as well as some cranks wish we did.

                7. “…and we have been warming out of the LIA.”

                  That doesn’t have nearly enough climate forcing to account for modern warming. At best it gets you back to baseline.

              2. Well, the first thing is you document very thoroughly exactly what it is you are adjusting and why. You explain why your calibration values were wrong and why you have to “adjust” the temperature readings. You subject those rationale to real peer review, not just review of those who already agree with you.

                What this looks like is that the conclusion (global warming) has been reached and that the data needs to be adjusted to align with the conclusion.

                    1. Well, it will sure make Gore and Obama and a few hundred of their best political buddies richer than hell and add multiple layers of political control on us peons.

                    2. No, I think that taxing carbon and pricing it at a level that reflects the environmental damage it is causing when burned, will send a signal to carbon consumers to find ways to emit less.

                      And in so doing their actions will alter emission levels, and put a damper on Global Warming.

                    3. 2000 years ago we did not have fossil fuels to burn to keep warm or fuel our air conditioners. True modern science allows people to live where they want to because modern technology allows for us to warm or cool our living environment – unlike 2000 years ago

                    4. Vendicar – why do you hate plants so much? Plants need CO2 to BREATHE – why would you deny the very thing that plants need to live as if it is a pollutant? Furthermore, plants EXHALE OXYGEN so if you reduce plant life on this planet by reducing CO2 you WILL reduce oxygen as well. The climate extremists hate plants as well as people apparently!

                    5. INTERESTING .
                      HOW ABOUT CITIES ?



                1. But even a biased temperature instrument will record a change to be correct. The absolute temperature should be meaningless when looking at changes. However, the government will take an instrument’s re-baselining to be THE change. So, my temperature was 1 degree off and I recalibrate, the government says “OMG temperature changed by 1 degree!” Well, no it didn’t. My instrument’s readings did, but they did across the board. If we analyzed a common baseline’s temperature deltas, we would find nothing.

                  Future generations will look at us as flat earthers.

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                  2. Who’s “Us” white man?
                    Tonto was a cool dude. How did the Lone Ranger stay so CLEAN?
                    As usual, a very tiny group of unscrupulous dopes are lying to get their way. I have much experience with such. They will never admit to fudging anything. No, not even if burned at the stake. Not even on a trivial point.
                    We could try, though….

                2. So it’s all a grand conspiracy is it?

                  I guess the Biologists must be in on it because they see species migrating north and up mountain slopes to better cope with rising temps.

                  And the glaciologists must be in on it for observing the recent reality that virtually all of the worlds mountain glaciers are melting.

                  And the Physicists, and the Chemists, and everyone all down to the Candle Stick Maker and the Baker.

                  But not the pure as snow, heaven sent Denialist crank.

                  1. Show me a biologist who is also a climate scientist. How would a biologist now that what he is observing is due to man-made warming, or a natural long-term cycle of solar storms? How would a biologist know that the warming is due to greenhouse effects and would continue forever instead of some natural cycle of warming to cooling to warming to cooling…..?
                    Did the glaciers you’re referring to exist before the last ice age? Were the glaciers there since the beginning of time? Why wouldn’t the glaciers melt after the last ice age and why wouldn’t they be melting now if the temps are now warmer than during the ice age?
                    Are you assuming that world temps have remained constant throughout earth’s history? Seems to me that the only constant in earth’s temps and climate is that the earth’s temps and climate are always changing.
                    So, ah, maybe it’s you who is the crank and not the skeptics of man-made climate change.

                    1. “Show me a biologist who is also a climate scientist.” – SillyJimbo

                      So what you are trying to say is that a biologist can’t report his/her observations
                      that animals are slowly migrating north-wared, and up mountain slopes because they can’t predict the weather.

                      Isn’t that saying that you can’t report that the price of your lunch has gone up because you can’t predict the value of the stock market?

                      You silly little, Kookie, Kook.

                    2. Google thinks that “north-wared” is a word.

                      Let me correct and repost so that your tiny little brain does not have the fatal distraction.

                      “Show me a biologist who is also a climate scientist.” – SillyJimbo

                      So what you are trying to say is that a biologist can’t report his/her observations
                      that animals are slowly migrating northward, and up mountain slopes because they can’t predict the weather.

                      Isn’t that saying that you can’t report that the price of your lunch has gone up because you can’t predict the value of the stock market?

                      You silly little, Kookie, Kook.

                    3. Go ahead and buy your property in Alaska – I’ll invest in property closer to the equator thanks because what you climate extremists are in fact doing is obscuring the real facts that the biggest danger to life on this planet is COOLING and that comes from a quiet sun which some scientists are now predicting to begin in the year 2020.

                    4. AH YES ,


                    5. “Are you assuming that world temps have remained constant throughout earth’s history?” – SillyJimbo

                      You sooooooo desperately want it to be something other than CO2, so you desperately grasp at any failed argument you can in order to maintain your “it’s not CO2” delusion.

                      This is why you Uneducated, Luddite Denialists are the laughing stock of the entire world.

                    6. Laughing stock of the entire world? That would be You & your ilk who seek to repress any who question of your conjecture of global warming.

                    7. You denialists are right up there with the UFOlogists and the amature Bigfoot Paleontologists.

                      The primary difference is that you don’t have the intellectual capacity of the other two, your life is full of nothing but whining and moaning.

                      Most Warming Denialists have lost the ability to even perform simple addition and subtraction.

                    8. If you’re capable, consider becoming proficient in calculus and statistics. Analysis of variance should be a tool you might find useful. There is a theory commonly called the Chaos Theory you may find interesting. Its explores what happens when there are an infinity of variables.
                      I’m talking serious science, not the drivel put out there by the emotionally unstable. If you are not capable of grasping the afore mentioned subjects, sit down & shut up.

                    9. Oh no you don’t. YOU birds are the denialists. You deny climate change. You claim the climate is only warming more and more. That is the opposite of what a climate change believer believes, in fact knows from observations, i.e., that the climate warms and cools.

                    10. The weather has had extremes in past history *before* fossil fuels were burned and even before humans walked the earth – THAT IS BECAUSE OUR CLIMATE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMANS YOU IMBECILE

                      THE ATMOSPHERE .

                    12. We’ll see what future history says of that matter.

                      When unbiased and un-tampered temperature data shows it’s actually getting warmer everywhere on Earth, then I will start to take global warming seriously. Until then you might as well try and convince me Halley’s Comet is going to wipe us out. I can make a computer model predict anything you want.

                      In the meantime, CO2 is not going to destroy our world. This is not Mars…it is not a significant segment of the atmosphere. The concept is laughable. The magnetic pole reversal won’t wipe us out, either. Same for alleged acid rain, alleged ozone holes, and alleged gamma ray bursts. The universe is a huge scary place but we don’t have to behave as if we are frightened children, clinging to our mum’s leg.

                      What we should do is work together to eliminate wanton pollution because we want to and it’s the right thing to do. Not because the sky is falling or there’s a politically-correct pistol to out head. While we are at it, we should love and respect each other more, cure cancer and AIDS, end poverty and homelessness, feed the hungry, and treat the sick and injured. None of these struggles are new or unfounded. How does global warming/climate change truly fit into this mix, hmmmmm?

                    13. There also one constant: there will always be people of limited intelligence who grab onto an idea and try to make that idea fact.

                    1. Yeah shoot a graph at me and I’ll just swoon all over it. MMGW is utter nonsense. I would suggest you tilt at windmills.

                    2. I think it is sad that you never learned how to interpret a graph while in public school.

                      Were you out shooting koons that day, so yer mammy could make yeh a koon pie for dinner?

                    3. Your nonsensical rambling is amusing…but you have convinced no one…but like I said, you do amuse chicken little …

                  2. You are gullible…the earth has warmed and cooled repeatedly over historical times without man made contribution to the process. Like a child, you believe all history began with your presence upon the earth.

                    1. I din’t kill that man officer. People have died of unknown causes throughout history and despite the fact that all the evidence points to me, that you have a film of me shooting him, and that I have no way theory that explains how else he died, you still have no evidence that I did it.

                      The Denialist argument in a nutshell.



                    3. I hate your CAPS crusade: there is a decorum and standards on the internet just like everywhere else. Whether you chose to believe or adhere or not, ALL CAPS is construed as angry or childish, whiny shouting.

                      It’s unfortunate that your repeated middle finger to the internet beleaguers your otherwise excellent point. That’s the perfect way to think about this whole situation.

                    4. YOU ARE THE ONE WITH YOUR SHORTS IN A WAD .

                      I HAVE NOT TOLD YOU HOW TO POST .

                      ALL I WANT IS AN INTELLIGENT REPLY .

                      HERE IS A TOPIC REMINDER FOR YOU :
                      Climate Skeptics on ‘historic’ UN treaty:

                    5. ˙ǝɔıoɥɔ ɹnoʎ sı ʇı ʇnq ‘ǝɯɐɥs ɐ sı ʇɐɥʇ ʞuıɥʇ oʇ uǝddɐɥ ı ˙ʎןsnoıɹǝs noʎ ǝʞɐʇ puɐ sʇuǝɯɯoɔ ɹnoʎ pɐǝɹ ןןıʍ ǝןdoǝd ɹǝʍǝɟ ˙ʇı pɐǝɹ pןnoɔ oɥʍ ǝןdoǝd ʇsoɯ oʇ ǝןqɐʇdǝɔɔɐ ʇou sı ʇɐɥʇ ɹǝuuɐɯ ɐ uı sʇuıod ʇuǝןןǝɔxǝ ǝsıʍɹǝɥʇo ɹnoʎ buıbɐʞɔɐd ʎq ʇooɟ ǝɥʇ uı ɟןǝsɹnoʎ buıʇooɥs ǝɹ,noʎ ʍoɥ pǝuıɐןdxǝ ı ˙ʎןdǝɹ ʎuıɥʍ-uou ‘ʇuǝbıןןǝʇuı uɐ noʎ ǝʌɐb ı

                      I can be daring and childishly challenge conventions, too.

                    6. NOT DARING , BUT DEFINITELY CHILDISH .

                      MATURE OR MEANINGFUL .

                    7. I AM NOT THE ONE STAMPING MY FOOT & WAVING
                      THE FLAG OF NIT-PICKY INTOLERANCE .

                      YOU CONTRADICT YOURSELF .
                      SEEM TO BE ABLE TO DO IS WRITE UPSIDE DOWN .


                    8. I already made my point but I will reiterate it for your benefit: You’re doing yourself and your opinions a disservice by your addiction to caps lock. What you call whining I call pointing out how the world works. Most people are going to just tune you out because your post looks like verbal diarrhea or spam.

                    9. WELL THERE’S YOUR PROBLEM .
                      YOU THINK YOU SPEAK FOR EVERYONE .


                      YOU ARE EXACTLY WHO I WISH TO AVOID .

                    10. Well, at least the feeling is mutual. The fact is, I do speak for everyone, at least according to your comment history. You have posted more comments demanding people ignore your passive-aggressive Caps Lock addiction than actual fruitful and poignant ideas.
                      I gave you the benefit of the doubt, as I would anyone whose breath always is rank or who never showers and who can’t smell him or herself. The fact is, you do realize you smell, and try to justify it by promoting it as a sensible filter of who is truly accepting of you and who isn’t. By extension, your Caps crusade makes perfect sense as you seem to think the Middle ages were a great time to be alive, with no running water and a simpler alphabet with which to express yourself. You’re right: we’re not going to be friends.

                    11. You have to adjust your analogy such that the officer claims that this one alleged killer will be more responsible than other potential causes for the deaths of all the other people in the future.

                    1. WORK AT H OME$98/hour…A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h.You Can Check Here
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                    2. I MADE £13,877 PER HOUR LAST WEEK
                      SELLING CARBON CREDITS AT HOME!!!1111


                  3. What about the satellite pics that show there is MORE ice in the Antarctic than at any time since they started monitoring it? The ice is INCREASING, climate fool.

                    What about the fact that the global temps have not increased in nearly twenty years? You are a climate fool.

                    1. No satellite pics show such a thing.

                      There has been an increase in the ocean ice cover around the Antarctic, but this thin layer of ice has been extended primarily because the surface waters of the ocean are now less salty due to fresh water runoff from the antarctic ice pack, which is shrinking by 50 to 100 square kilometers per year.

                  4. And the glaciers are growing in size not reducing. Where they melt in one area, they increase in another. It’s called nature at work! Nice try, though.

                    1. Virtually ALL of the worlds glaciers are melting.

                      This image shows the rate of melt of the sum total of glaciers on earth.

                    2. You didn’t watch that video, did you? It explains that yes, some glaciers ARE retreating, but it is almost entirely natural.

                    3. Once again, glaciers ARE retreating, but the video doesn’t challenge that fact, it simply states that it is due almost entirely to natural variability. Have you trouble understanding that?

                      A warming climate isn’t the smoking gun for AGW. All it does is prove that climate changes, which we all know. Not that humans are the leading cause, or even a significant cause. That’s where the debate lies.

                    1. I seem to remember for the last couple of years climate “scientists” predicted an increase in tropical storms and hurricanes – but we ended up with the lowest activity for hurricanes in at least 20 years.. HAHAHAHAHA

                  5. GLACIERS HAVE MELTED IN THE PAST .

                    1/100 OF A % INCREASE IN CO2 OVER THE LAST 150 YEARS .

                    ( THAT WOULD BE YOU )

                  6. We will have to forgive venidcar — he is a true warmist, yet they are all the same in their belief that things NEVER change, see? It is always our fault. We almighty humans, who are nothing more than a small fart in the wind.

                    If it is warming, must be our fault. Can’t have happened before.Ever.

                3. Of course, such documentation has been going on since the 1980s. All peer reviewed. You don’t know about any of it, and haven’t cared enough to learn about it. You’d rather just rant and dismiss it while staying ignorant.

              3. How can there be bias in a temperature reading? It can only be a single value at any instant at a given place; are you saying those who compile the data have a bias and leave out data that doesn’t support that bias? That has been proven to happen, and is proof that Climate Change is a hoax!

                1. I have a friend who is PRETTY HIGH UP in NOAA. From him I learned that his colleagues all feel empowered to make or break rules because they have IQ’s over 160. Facts are ignored or manipulated at NOAA. NASA, and all other government agencies think pretty much the same way and they all poo paa each others data.

                    1. I take your response as a reflection of your ignorance and you never having worked in government. I had a 30 year career and can say that in my agency none of my peers or supervisors had the “I can do whatever I want” attitude, at least none that didn’t eventually get terminated for doing whatever they wanted.

                    2. I had in mind IRS’ Lib, Lois Lerner, admitting targeting Conservatives, yet no conviction or jail time, Al Gore committing fund-raising felonies while saying “No controlling legal authority”, Bill Clinton saying, “It depends on what the meaning of the word is is” and his wife saying, “What difference at this point does it make?” My personal encounters with you government types show you to be almost universally rude, arrogant and acting like little Hitlers, inflicting pain upon a powerless public if you can just because you can. Your type are a joke, a cliche, a real-life stereotype of a government worker unable to compete in the free market and sheltered from firing by the government bureaucracy.

                      But by all means, puff out your little chest and tell us free-market workers that our lying eyes don’t see how you treat us. Example: I gave a federal supervisor an estimate for installing some electronics. He said he thought he could cover the expense from petty cash and to do the job. After the job was done he refused to pay on the grounds that no PO# was issued and the work was never authorized. ALL of them I have ever dealt with are that way, and their computer skills were non-existent. When my company proved by time/date stamping that three typists in a typing pool typed about 20 minutes PER WEEK, they were never fired for not working but merely transferred around. I’ve got a day’s worth of stories on your fellow government “workers”, nearly all bad.

                    3. “I had in mind IRS’ Lib, Lois Lerner” – RLALiar

                      So why did you say “All government employees”.

                      You were knowingly lying when you made that claim. Thanks for publicly admitting that you are a liar.

                      I have never encountered a Republican who wasn’t a congenital and perpetual liar.

                    4. Now the truth comes out. You are a communist, er, I mean, a democrat. That explains a lot. I agree with you that Republicans are scum; but, the democrats are brainwashed dolt communists.

                    5. Reread my post, Venereal Disease the proven liar. I wrote, “My personal encounters with you government types show you to be almost
                      universally rude, arrogant and acting like little Hitlers, inflicting
                      pain upon a powerless public if you can just because you can.” I stand by my statement.

                      By the way, have you read that English translation of what the Chinese say about Climate Change yet? They agree with me that there’s no Climate Change and that you are a liar!

                    6. Correct Eagle. You must consider today’s participation generation that has replaced you. They have no sense of history, could care less about it, and have been conditioned that world didn’t exist before there tiny little presence graced the planet. Hec, anyone born after 1979 probably has no idea who John Lennon is/was. Test it yourself.

                2. Maybe the devil has re-painted the scale of your thermometer.

                  Maybe the Illuminati have infiltrated all of the thermometer makers in the world and replaced them with cybors who are under their control, and have been altering the worlds thermometers to show a false and accelerating warming over the last 200 years.

                  Or more likely.. The moon men are behind it all.


                  1. Hey, climate fool, don’t you realize that the temps on Mars and Venus have risen and decreased in lock step with the temps on Earth? That C02 that you are so scared of must be effecting the temps on Mars/Venus, too. It is the SUN that dictates the temps on our planet. You are a brainwashed communist fool.

                  2. There’s been no warming for the last eighteen years, VD the Liar, which has even been acknowledged by you idiot Climate Change Believers who call that a “pause” in warming, but you can’t say why it happened, and none of your computer models predicted it. In fact none of your computer models have predicted ANY of the real-world temperatures, nor accounted for historical nor prehistorical temperatures.

                    I noticed you have never cited your education and personal experience in Climate Change; you are merely a liar who claims expertise, just like all the other Climate Change Believers.

                    TROLL ALERT! VD appears to not even have a job since he spends all his time posting lies about his faith in his religion, Climate Change.

                    1. Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire.

                      There has been a lot of warming over that period as shown in this graph.

                      Why do you feel a need to lie about it?

                    2. “but you can’t say why it happened, and none of your computer models predicted it.” – RLARetard

                      Predicted some mythical cooling that only appears in he polluted minds of denialists?

                      Sorry boy. But the models don’t model your ignorance.

                3. Because instruments change, stations locations change, time of observation of the thermometers change, thermometers break and the data go uncollected for years, the one who reads the thermometers dies or get reassigned and no one takes his place for 10 or 30 years.

                  The transition from mercury to digital thermometers created a quantum jump in the readings. That’s a bias. How would you account for it?

                    1. “That very inconsistency is what makes it unscientific.”

                      Mathematical methods have been developed to account for these changes, such as data homogenization. Are you familar with it?

                    2. STILL no credentials, Davey? Since you have no actual knowledge but merely parrot whatever climate fertilizer other Believers feed you, future posts from you will be dismissed as the ravings of a cult Believer that they appear to be. Enjoy your religion of Climate Change, doofus, and keep the faith; dismissed!

                    3. Sorry, no proof that is you, and despite some technical background, what you have done–IF you are David Appell–is at best speculative fiction based on the shaky research of others without ANY original work in climatology. Why don’t you write about travel through space, then pretend you’re an astronaut?

                      Example: If you wrote about “Global Warming Slowing Down?” you admitted that projected heating isn’t occurring as predicted, then speculate that it MIGHT be in the oceans! You describe NO facts, NO methodology, NO procedures for reaching your conclusions, all based on unfounded assumptions.

                      One big reason I think you are lying about your background is you spend too much time defending Climate Change on this little public forum; just what is it you do for money that someone pays you for? The real researchers don’t have time to copy and paste your meaningless graphs on every internet article on Climate Change, which seem to be well below the level of scholarly achievement I would expect of someone with David Appell’s alleged background. By the way, I found nothing about you from your alma mater; are you sure you claimed the correct school?

                      You remind me of Jon Lovitz on SNL in his role as The Liar; “Yeah, that’s the ticket!”

                    4. I don’t do research. I write about the science done by others. And I do not write for researchers, or scholarly readers. You don’t seem to understand at all what science writers actually do or who their audience is.

                    5. I understand quite well what you do. You are a pimp, an advertising agent for the Climate Change Fraud, and have no actual knowledge nor expertise of your own but merely parrot what you are told by your lying Climate Change Masters. Since you admit you have no expertise in climatology of your own, your opinions about it are worthless. Begone, pimp; you only add noise, not knowledge. Dismissed!

                    6. I’m a journalist and a writer. I write about climate science in the most honest and accurate way I can. I have 3 degrees in physics, so know a lot about the science.

                      You just don’t like the science’s results, and you think personally attacking me will someone change those results.

                      It won’t. Typical denier tactic.

                4. “…and is proof that Climate Change is a hoax!”

                  At this point, this is about the dumbest statement imaginable.

                  Global warming is required by the laws of physics. Just because you don’t know these laws doesn’t make it a hoax — many of us *DO* understand the physics….

                  1. Climate Change does not exist. If it did, it WOULD obey the laws of physics, and you could predict what the climate will be for the next thousand years. As it is, you Climate Change Believers–NOT physicists!–can’t even account for past climate changes before Man existed, let alone predict future climate. For instance, there has been NO global warming for the past 18 years according to NASA, but you Believers never predicted it and don’t know what caused it, calling it a “pause” in warming. You have more than 150 computer models, and NOT ONE accounts for it.

                    You put on airs as a physicist; post your credentials, please. What degrees you have, the climate research you have conducted, papers you have published, etc. Or else admit you are a liar and as big a fraud as Climate Change itself and STHU.

                    1. “As it is, you Climate Change Believers–NOT physicists!–can’t even account for past climate changes before Man existed….”

                      What ever gave you THAT idea??? It’s wrong.

                      Moreover, CO2 has always had a prominent role in determing Earth’s climate. In fact, if there were no CO2 in the atmosphere this planet wouldn’t even be habitable.

                    2. Waiting on your CV. If you refuse to provide them I can only conclude that you are a liar and a fraud. Until I know your background I will presume you to be a prepubescent 12-year-old whose opinions are worthless and will be ignored for the trash that they are.

                    3. STILL no CV, David? Have you NO credentials? A true scientist such as you pretend to be would link to where all your pretty graphs come from so as to let us judge the bonafides of the source, instead of just posting the graphs out of context. If you like graphs, I’ll draw YOU some, all in beautiful colors–and of the same null value of yours!

                    4. I read that website several days ago; with a few changes it could be my resume.

                      IF that is you, you have a very thin professional skin. But you aren’t actually involved in climatology; you merely write speculative fiction about it based on sketchy research others do and with NO effort to ascertain the accuracy of that research.

                      Any mathematician can create a very elegant mathematical structure that has absolutely nothing to do with reality and can’t describe anything in the real world. That’s what you’re doing, IF you are who you claim. If your background is as you say; there seems to be a discrepancy between how “your” website is written and how you write your posts.

                    5. You sound jealous of something.

                      I stand by my writing (which is NOT written for people with PhDs).

                    6. Funny how you use that graph. It shows that you just parrot what people say rather than do the research. If you had done the research, you would have known that the graph you used is extremely inaccurate. It makes earlier temperatures seem much colder than they really were, and completely ignores satellite data.

                    7. Satellites don’t measure surface temperatures.

                      ALL raw temperature data is adjusted, to remove biases. This hold for both surface stations and satellite data.

                    8. I find it hard to believe that they’re just “harmless little adjustments” when NASS has been reducing previous temperatures and increasing modern temperatures in any way they can (like removing the pause).

                    9. Yes, I do. But there is a difference between removing biases and altering data.

                      Yes, there is a pause. First, there were over 60 excuses (all debunked) for the pause, and now? It never happened! But that’s not good enough for you, is it? OK, I understand that. I’ll provide some links to the flaws in the study.



                      About the alterations…well, let this do the talking.


                      For more example of alterations, see here:


                    10. Removing biases is not altering data.

                      The bias-corrected data shows no pause. Period.

                      And, in fact, that data REDUCES the long-term warming trend.

                    11. Did you even read the posts? Simply saying “oh, those are biased” is a tactic used to dodge the actual argument. If you would have read the posts, you might (but probably won’t due to your own pride) change your mind.

                    12. I understand the biases and how they are dealt with. But the adjustments at NASA and NOAA do not match said bias removals. That’s what they’re labeled as, but they aren’t.

                    13. Can you cite any actual science, and not biased blogs, often from amateurs who people afraid to blog under their real name?

                    14. Also, both blogs I cited are run by scientists, which do state their names on the blog, so that is an inaccurate statement and proves that you didn’t even bother to visit them.

                    15. Wrong. Judith Curry is a scientist. Bob Tisdale and “Steve Goddard” (fake name) are not.

                    16. Steve Goddard is a mean angry old man who blogs one mistake after another.

                      You’ll gullible for falling for anything he says. Anything.

                    17. Sounds more like a you problem. It seems you attempt to smear him simply because you don’t agree with him. Typical activist.

                    18. “can’t even account for past climate changes before Man existed”

                      “Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation”

                      “The episodic nature of the Earth’s glacial and interglacial periods within the present Ice Age (the last couple of million years) have been caused primarily by cyclical changes in the Earth’s circumnavigation of the Sun. Variations in the Earth’s eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession comprise the three dominant cycles, collectively known as the Milankovitch Cycles”


                    19. I’m familiar with those cycles, numbnut; when most people refer to “Climate Change” they are talking about the non-existent changes to the climate caused by our civilization, not to natural cycles. The Milankovitch Cycles tend to prove that Man is NOT changing the climate since the cycles exist whether we’re here or not. So given there is NO evidence of man-made Climate Change, can you tell us again why you believe in it?

                    20. That the climate would be changing without us does not mean that we cannot be affecting it. The Milankovitch cycles would have us in a slow cooling period, at a rate about one tenth of the rate at which we are warming.

              4. You first start by not basing your entire research on the complete and utter ASSUMPTION that man made CO2 is affecting the climate. You’re talking about biased data in a biased and flawed assumption.

                1. Actually Scientists start with the spectra of CO2 and noting that CO2 absorbs IR.

                  Everything else follows from the laws of 18th century radiative physics.

                  Are you trying to say that the Radiative physics developed 200 years ago and
                  upon which virtually all subsequent science is based upon is wrong.

                  Maybe your computer is just a figment of your imagination.

                  Ahahahahahah… Kooooooooks.

                  1. CO2 DOES ABSORB IR .

                    IT IS A TRACE GAS THAT HAS GONE FROM 0.03% TO 0.04% IN 150 YEARS .


                2. It’s not an assumption. It’s been known since 1859 that CO2 absorbs infrared radiation, and since 1879 that the Earth emits it. Simply put 1 + 1 together, and calculate the consequences — the current global warming is required by the laws of physics.

                  How are the data “biased?”

                    1. There is no such thing as “unaltered” data in science. All data must first be processed to remove biases.

                    2. Entirely false. There is NO altered data in real science. For example, If I altered data as a trained research chemist, that is fraudulent data, which could cause me to lose my job. A climatologist alters data, and politicians praise them for creating problems they can all capitalize off of. Get real.

                    3. Entirely false.

                      Almost all data in science is biased in some way or another. Those biases must be removed for a proper interpretation.

                      In any case, in climate science there are a lot of biases in the raw data, both in the surface measurements and in the satellite measurements.

                      If you don’t understand these biases you need to go learn about them. Here are a few links to get you started:



                    4. You’re wrong.

                      If a certain location has been read by a mercury thermometer for decades until 1990, and then that is replaced by a digital thermometer, how do you calibrate between the two?

                      The result is a quantum jump or decrease in the temperature reading. How should that be accounted for?

                      Another example: the guy reading the station’s temperature from 1940-1982 did it at 7 am every day. Then he died. The new guy read the temperature at 12 noon ever day.

                      How do you make one consistent, unbiased temperature series out of this information?

                    5. In real science, you don’t combine two data sets that were obtained with entirely different methodology and call it continuous. Thats creating a false pretext.

                    6. Yes you do, when that’s all the data you have.

                      Climate science, like geology or meterology, is an observational science. You have to use the data you have, because you can almost never get the data you really want.

                    7. So how is this science settled? I’ll give you a hint. It’s not. It is IMPOSSIBLE to predict how the earth will compensate to the human footprint. Give up. Stop trying. This is a trillion dollar scam in the works and fools like you that trust the (liar) politicians and (pseudo) scientists computer models, which have already proven to be wrong. You don’t understand science if you can’t comprehend this.

                    8. It’s impossible to predict how the Earth will respond — because no one knows the future pathway of CO2 emissions, CH4, aerosols, solar changes, etc etc etc.

                      All we can do is project, based on a set of assumptions that will definitely not come true.

                    9. “This is a trillion dollar scam in the works….”

                      Oh poor poor you, always on the bottom of the consipracies of your betters, always sucking left-hind tit while everyone else fluorishes.

                      This is science, pal. Whether you like it or not.

                    10. “It is IMPOSSIBLE to predict how the earth will compensate to the human footprint.”

                      This sentence doesn’t even make sense, Jack. (Giggle)

                      But thanks for playing.

                    11. “For example, If I altered data as a trained research chemist, that is fraudulent data….”

                      No one is “altering” data — they are correcting it for biases.

                      Climate science isn’t chemistry — one can’t do bench science on several different copies of the Earth.

                      It’s an observational science, like geology. So one has to use the data one can get, not the data one might prefer.

                      This means correcting older data for biases. Again, educate yourself on what these biases are.

                    12. LOL yeah, they have bias because it’s not showing warming, so they are “correcting” it to show warming. Dude this is really pretty simple.

                    13. False. They have bias because instruments change, or the time the termometer is read changes, or the station is moved because there has been development around it.

                      How would you account for these changes (biases)?

                    14. Why on earth would any scientist change his methodology midstream? You dont just change your entire way of taking data AND STILL INCLUDE IRRELEVANT DATA. You understand that’s why they are showing an ‘upward trend’ – they are litterally doing and saying anything they want and calling it settled science (which its not) when they don’t even have a way of precisely and accurately taking data. By the way, the later is an indeterminate error which is random and cannot be predicted.

                    15. It’s not a methodology change, Einstein.

                      Let’s say a station’s thermometer breaks. You replace it. How do you compare data before the break to data after the break?

                    16. What you are describing is not a methodological change. If you replace the thermometer with the same type, then you simply compare the data.
                      What I was referring to as a methodological change was your example of taking temperatures first thing in the morning for decades, then switching to taking temperatures at noon. That is a change in the method of collecting data.
                      If they change instruments entirely, and they have, that is also a change in the method.
                      Don’t tell me there haven’t been any changes in the method of collecting climate data, because that’s entirely incorrect.

                    17. “If you replace the thermometer with the same type, then you simply compare the data.”

                      Baloney. How do you know the old thermometer and the new thermometer would compare at any give point?

                      THINK for a change!

                    18. “If you replace the thermometer with the same type, then you simply compare the data.”

                      Sure, because it’s trivial to replace an instrument with an identical one made 30 or 40 or 50 years ago, isn’t it?


                    19. You don’t change the methodology… Maybe I’m being unclear. Changing the time of day the temperature is taken is a methodological change. The data obtained before and after the change can be compared, but can not be combined into one data set. It doesn’t work that way. What you have when you take temperature data at two different times a day is two different data sets.

                    20. “The data obtained before and after the change can be compared, but can not be combined into one data set.”

                      Sorry, but this is all the data there is. How do you use it to answer the questions you are asking?

                    21. That’s the point, you don’t. If climate scientists want to make illegitimate claims using two different data sets while calling them one, that’s what you call fraud.

                    22. When was the last time a geologist predicted a large earthquake? Never.
                      When was the last time a climatologist predicted ACTUAL REAL rises in temperature that have NOT BEEN “ADJUSTED”? I could never find a single time that special interests DIDN’T get their grubby, unscientific hands meddling in the data.
                      If there is all this bias, what is it? Why was it wrong from the start? How do they know for sure they’re right this time? Truth is, they don’t, and the rhetoric they’re putting out is “Oh, this is settled science,” when IT IS NOT SETTLED. Have you ever heard of earthquake predictions being settled science? Has it ever rained when the weatherman said it wasn’t going to rain or visa-versa? I don’t buy that load.

                    23. So about 0.7 degrees C preported increase from baseline starting at 1950, huh. OMG the world is ending. The earth has been around for billions of years and you are going to throw a 75 year data set at me wit a 0.7 degree change? Why am I not impressed?

                    24. Warming since 1950 = +0.9 C, according to NASA.

                      That’s a big change already. It was only 6 C cooler than when the dinosaurs lived, and 8 C warmer than the depth of the last ice age.

                      It doesn’t take much tempertature change to bring huge changes in living conditions on Earth.

                    25. Our current rate of warming is about 30 times faster than when the last ice age was ending.

                      From Shakun et al Nature 2012 Figure 2a:

                      global temperature anomaly in year -18,000 is -3.4 C

                      global temperature anomaly in year -11,000 is +0.0 C

                      so the average temperature change is 3.4 C in 7000 years, or ~ 0.005 C/decade, compared to GISTEMP’s 30-year trend of 0.16 C/decade

                      So that’s a factor of 32 now compared to then.


                      There have been far too many liars and politicians making outlandish assumptions, and I don’t blame you for falling for it. If you want to believe their lies, go ahead, but I’m not stupid and I don’t fall for their crap and neither should you. I question the validity of all climate data because of the types of people pushing the agenda. If you don’t know who those people are, I suggest you research all the liars and frauds and all the billions of dollars they embezzle perpetuating the lie of AGW.

                    27. I came to my own conclusion. Let me repeat it for, and let’s see you refute it:

                      Our current rate of warming is about 30 times faster than when the last ice age was ending.

                      From Shakun et al Nature 2012 Figure 2a:


                      global temperature anomaly in year -18,000 is -3.4 C

                      global temperature anomaly in year -11,000 is +0.0 C

                      so the average temperature change is 3.4 C in 7000 years, or ~ 0.005 C/decade, compared to GISTEMP’s 30-year trend of 0.16 C/decade

                      So that’s a factor of 32 now compared to then.

                    28. “I came to my own conclusion. Let me repeat it for, and let’s see you refute it:”
                      And you bash me for grammar. I’m done with you.

                    29. I enjoy how you change the subject every time you can’t answer a question you’re asked. Telling. Satisfying.

                    30. No, you have not.

                      Because you can’t answer them. Not your fault — you’re just an average conservative. Unfortunately, these days all conservatives have chosen to be science stupid.

                    31. The age of the Earth doesn’t matter — we’re talking about climate change now, when we live, not that of 4 billion years ago.

                    32. Looking at 65 years of data on a scale of billions… That matters, David. You can’t pretend that the last 4 billion years of climate changes, which were VERY extreme, including continental drift, volcanic activity, mass extinction events, etc are irrelevant. You are cherry picking data that fits with what you believe. That’s a tactic that doesn’t convince me, and it’s a major reason that nobody believes the climate scientists.

                    33. “When was the last time a climatologist predicted ACTUAL REAL rises in temperature that have NOT BEEN “ADJUSTED”?”

                      Like most data in science, the temperature data (surface & satellite) are adjusted to remove biases.

                      How would you prefer to account for biases?

                    34. It’s not about accuracy, Einstein, it’s about biases.

                      You don’t understand the very first thing about these data, yet you’re sure they’ll all wrong. How does that work exactly?

                    35. LOL. If climate science ISN’T about accuracy, how can they claim that the science is settled? For a science to be settled, one must be able to test in some way the degree of accuracy and precision. Neither of those seem to be very important to you or the climate scientists.

                      Think about experiments in physics and chemistry. One can measure accuracy and precision of any given experiment because THOSE sciences ARE settled.
                      What you’re claiming is that climate scientists don’t have to be accurate or precise. Sorry buddy but that’s not science at all. You’re buying the biggest load of crap Al Gore has to offer.
                      So tell me, Cleo, what do you predict the earth will be like in 50 years? You’re guess is as good as any “climate scientist.”

                    36. The article is written by a top-rate climate scientist.

                      Which of his ideas do you disagree with?

                    37. All of them. He uses CORRELATION to attempt to justify what he thinks is happening. Correlation does NOT imply causation. He even admits there’s uncertainty last paragraph first page. Uncertainty that lies in assumptions, listed on page 2.

                    38. You’re dumb. Pierrehumbert knows the science. When there is a well-formed hypothesis that something should happen because of something else, then, yes, correlation DOES equal causation.

                    39. One reason why I should believe some dumb guy on the Internet, afraid even to post under his real name, to a professional climate scientist noted for all kinds of accomplishments?

                    40. No, just someone who knows a heck of a lot more about all this than you. And isn’t afraid to comment using my real name.

                    41. You’re wrong, but that’s OK. I don’t use my real name to protect myself from malicious people like you.

                    42. Yeah and you’re stupid enough to put your real name out there. There are some very malicious people on this planet that could do some very bad things to you and your name.

                    43. You have a lot of nerve, as a clearly scientifically ignorant person, trying to reject the work of world class experts.

                      Just who do you think you are, anyway?

                    44. I’m a sceptic that doesn’t buy unfounded lies, speculation, and conjecture from fraudulent “scientists” that aren’t even scientists at all. They just draw a paycheck at the expense of the taxpayers and fabricate data (lies) to sell to fools like you.

                    45. You’re dumb, not a “skeptic.” All scientists are “skeptical.” You have no ability whatsoever to judge ideas and determine their worth, any more than a squirrel has.

                    46. You don’t know enough to call B.S. on anything. Low-knowledge people like you don’t get an opinion on the science.

                    47. “Anyone who can spell correctly is a calculating idiot.”
                      – my high school English teacher

                    48. Because it’s based on trying to predict the future with computer models (that are inaccurate) and what the earth will do to compensate for increased CO2. Also, climate science bases several factors on unproven assumptions. Lastly, how can climate scientists know for certain that they are taking all factors into consideration? They can’t. You’ll never convince me that climate science is relevant because there is no way to prove any of it.

                    49. Now you’re just playing dumb… or are dumb. Give me hard evidence that anything the AGW Nazis say is true.

                    50. You aren’t capable of understanding the evidence.

                      Giving it to you would be like giving sirloin to a puppy.

                    51. “Because it’s based on trying to predict the future with computer models”

                      So how would you, as the expert, predict the future?

                    52. Tell us, Einstein: Who in this world tries to predict the future? Market analysists? Doctors? You?

                      I bet you try to predict the future a doze times a day.

                      Climate science does the same thing. It’s an ENORMOUSLY important question.

                    53. Cleo. Global warming alarmists. Yes market ANALYSTS (Did you even graduate high school? I can’t tell). You know what they all have in common? They are all full of sh*t. How many times is a doze? When individuals try to predict the future, it doesn’t involve robbing people of their wealth. How are billions in new taxes going to solve your AGW problem? It’s a scam and you’re too stupid to see it. What’s even scarier is that there are millions of people like you who are too stupid to know fact from fiction.

                    54. I knew you couldn’t support your own claims. You just spout things with nothing to back them up.

                      In other words, you lie.

                      Thanks for making it so clear.

                    55. Why are you so afraid to pay for the damage costs of your own pollution?

                      Didn’t your mommy teach you to clean up after yourself?

                    56. You miss the point. How is giving the government billions of dollars going to solve anything? I’m all for clean energy, but the AGW crap is a total fabrication. You’re clearly a democrat so for you that’s a good thing. I personally don’t want the government to run my life.

                    57. Stop trying to judge who I am — you are extremely wrong.

                      Who is expecting you to “give the government billions of dollars?”


                    58. “Lastly, how can climate scientists know for certain that they are taking all factors into consideration?”

                      How did NASA know they took all factors into account when they used Newtonian gravity to get to the moon and back?

                    59. Unless you can start coming up with intelligent, meaningful replies, you’re done here and will get no further attention. Warming.

                    60. Sure: mindlessly write “cooling,” as if physics cares about what you think.

                      Time for you to haul out.

                    61. “You’ll never convince me that climate science is relevant because there is no way to prove any of it.”

                      So how do you think *ANY* scientific idea ever gets to be relevant? Huh?

                    62. Real scientific ideas become relevant by being proven, many times over, experimentally in a laboratory setting. You can’t do that with the “settled science” of climate science. In fact I’m not even going to refer to it as a science any longer. From now on, it’s climate fraud.

                    63. Do you think it’s not well demonstrated that CO2 absorbs infrared radiation?

                      Or that the Earth emits it?

                      Your understanding or science is very poor. Not even freshman college level.

                      Did you go to college? I can’t tell.

                    64. So you think CO2 doesn’t even absorb infrared radiation?

                      Even Fred Flintstone knew CO2 does this. Barney too.

                    65. “In fact I’m not even going to refer to it as a science any longer. ”

                      Because you can’t. You are the type of know-nothing who rejects all science, though you understand none of it. Bird brain.

                    66. Again, go ahead and believe all the lies you want. You call me a know nothing, yet what you describe as knowledge is all just speculation and lies. And THAT is why you’re the sucker. I know real science when I see it because I do it every single day in the lab. Very poor attempt at trying to convince an actual scientist that AGW is real. Go suck on Al Gore’s knob.

                    67. I’ll keep pointing to knowledge.

                      You dismiss it because you are ignorant, of science, and understand none of it.

                      Conservative politicians LOVE people like you — you are the easiest to be played. You can’t think for yourself, so you accept whatever they tell you to accept.

                      It’s sad, but there you are.

                    68. Propaganda. China’s fresh water is disappearing because they have 1.4 billion people and booming industry. Both of those require a vast ammount of water. Your article doesn’t say much.

                    69. It’s just dumb to reject something because of where it was published. Shows you aren’t up to considering it on its own merits, and are seeking excuses to dismiss findings and ideas you don’t like.

                    70. It’s dumb to trust anything claiming to be ‘scientific’ that’s not published in scientific journals.

                  1. Here is what the chief scientist at RSS systems, that produces the RSS satellite record, has to say about the satellite record.

                    A similar, but stronger case can be made using
                    surface temperature datasets, which I consider to be more reliable than
                    satellite datasets (they certainly agree with each other better than the
                    various satellite datasets do!).

                    The UAH data set is in good agreement with the surface record.

                    1. Problem is that there is nothing special about the ’81-’10 average they are using as a baseline. It’s completely arbitrary, and ignores all of the cooling that was seen in the 1960s and 1970s. This average doesn’t represent Earth’s ‘perfect temperature’…but we are meant to think it does.

                      Why not use the temperature average of, say…1681-1710?? Or 1801-1830? Or 1835-1864?

                    2. “Problem is that there is nothing special about the ’81-’10 average they are using as a baseline. It’s completely arbitrary, and ignores all of the cooling that was seen in the 1960s and 1970s.”

                      It is a bit difficult for the satellite record to use a baseline that is not part of the satellite record which essentially started in 1979.

                      If you can find a way to extend the satellite record to a date that is earlier than 1979, then please let us know.

                      As for the baseline period, it defines the zero point for the anomaly of course. It changes the scale on the left, but of course doesn’t alter the shape of the graf.

                      I learned that in grade 6.

                      Why didn’t you?

                    3. But, but…I thought satellite data wasn’t worth a damn and surface temperatures are ‘where it’s at’??

                      This period is still no less arbitrary than any other 30 year period in the planet’s 4.6B year history. You are high on snark, but low on substance…as usual. Are you really saying that this period is somehow magical because it is the one that’s MOST EASILY GRAPHED??

                      Stretch it back another 30 years and the shape of the graph flattens considerably.

                    4. You are right. The satellite record is very poor since it is obtained by weather satellites that were designed to provide weather data and not long term climate observations.

                      Satellites don’t measure surface temperatures for example, and the ones in service now measure something – they refer to it as a temperature – through a range of atmosphere that is around than 10 km thick centered at around 4 km in altitude.

                    5. “This period is still no less arbitrary than any other 30 year period in the planet’s 4.6B year history.” – A.Ckook

                      Exactly and that is why your family doctor asks you about your childhood experiences when you get a cold. All time intervals are equally arbitrary.

                      My goodness you are stupid.

              5. Demand full and complete publishing and access on the Internet to all global science measurements, data and models that receive a dime of public funding – without exception – in raw data form, along with the biases documented, to get to “adjusted data” etc. It’s what the folks at CERN do.

                Either the adjustments are acceptable and credible, or they’ll be blasted to pieces by Internet review.

                1. All the information you foolishly demand is already available to you, on line.

                  Doesn’t that fact make you look like a fool?

                  Yes it does.

                  When are you denialist kooks going to start your data analysis? You have had over
                  30 years to do it.

                  So far you Mental Ward Patients haven’t managed to produce a single peer reviewed scientific report that supports your Kookie, Kookie, public assertions.

                  1. I live in the city. Every day I drive to country. Currently it is winter. When I leave the City it is -1C. When I arrive at my destination 5 km from the city it is usually -3, -4C. At the entrance to my yard there is a deposit box for carbon footprint. I put 20.00 in that box every day and although I fell pillaged on one hand and gratified on the other (saving the planet through my pocket book you know)
                    the temperature refuses to budge. I know, I know. Auto makers are in the pockets of the oil companies to produce false readings on their vehicles. Say’s it is -4 but it isn’t, right??

                    1. For me today is forecast to have a high of 60’F, when the typical temp for this day of the year is 34’F

                      Not bad for Dec 14.

                      So far, the fall has been exceptionally and anomalously warm.

                      My guess is that the GISSTemp anomaly for last month will come to be in the mid 90’s, making 2015 by far the warmest year ever recorded.

                2. “Either the adjustments are acceptable and credible, or they’ll be blasted to pieces by Internet review.”

                  The Internet — whoever that’s supposed to be — does not have the expertise to make such judgements.

                1. Are you trying to say that NASA, the NOAA, the Hadley Center, the JMO and Berkeley Best are all involved in the same conspiracy.

                  Who is behind it all? The moon men?

                  Ahahahahahah… Koooooook

              6. True enough, but recently NOAA actually put out the results of a study which showed that contrary to popular belief, the world’s forests are replenishing and growing greener, healthier, more expansive and the animals which live there are multiplying in numbers and are healthier than they’ve been in decades. The reason they state is CO2.
                As an added thought: when Al Gore was born there were around 6 or 7 thousand polar bears. Currently, there are over 30,000. Maybe, with the so called loss of the ice and their aquatic food sources, they’ve taken a liking to broccoli. Something’s sure helping them grow!

              7. I have yet to see anyone prove global warming without adjusting the data. Fact is the temp has been cooling over the past 35 years and it screws their plan without making adjustments. Small minds believe idiots like Obama cause they are the same small minds that voted for the liar and thief.

                1. “Fact is the temp has been cooling over the past 35 years….”

                  Really?? Let’s see you prove it — with data. This should be really interesting……..

              8. “How would you remove those biases?” – DavidAppell

                For the surface temperature measured by ground stations I would use the Berkeley Earth method or something similar.

                For the satellite data, I wouldn’t even try The number of corrections is so enormous that it isn’t possible IMO to produce any meaningful trends.

                A targeted satellite mission needs to be launched to do that.

                1. “For the surface temperature measured by ground stations I would use the Berkeley Earth method or something similar.”

                  Berkeley Earth uses very similar techniques as everyone else to account for biases. That’s why their results agree with everyone else’s.

                  You might be right about the satellites.

                  1. Berkeley Earth isn’t necessarily better but it is substantively cleaner than the other methods used.

                    Denialists ignorantly whine about adjustments to the raw data. Berkeley earth doesn’t do that and treats each station record as an independent data set – with some filling for missing data on occasion.

                    So with Berkeley Earth the Denialists have nothing to whine about.

                    That is why they ignore the reconstruction.

                    But since the Berkeley Earth reconstruction is nearly identical to all the others, it tells you that the other methods used in the other reconstructions are valid, and that accusations made by the Denialists against the other reconstructions are nothing more than lies.

                    Lie, Lie, Lie.. That is what Denialists do.

              1. Usually Denialists refer to scientists as “elites”, Now you call them “failures”.

                Please make up your minds guys. It makes you look like you will fabricate any non-truth and then whine about it.

                1. Elitist failures. You know, the guys who are unlocking the secrets of life and the universe and inventing the drugs and machines and software that we all depend on, without which we’d all be back in the Dark Ages. Damned losers.

                  1. The term “Ellite failue” reminds me of the term “do nothing dictator” that the same people use to refer to Obama.

                    It makes no sense but it gives the apes a target to throw their Republidung at.

                    1. Every time you post your inanities, you detract from the sum of human knowledge. Naturally, Obama is your god. The vacuous worship the vacuous.

                2. Typical climate cultists rambling. Your “Climate scientists” aren’t even real scientists and all of this BS fantasy crap will end when the sane finally purge in the insane commie trash from existence. Enjoy lying in your mass grave with the other vermin, kid.

                    1. “with an agenda”.

                      You mean “with a doctor of science degree”.

                      Isn’t it interesting how closely the NOAA, NASA, Hadley Center, BEST and JMO temperature reconstructions match?

                      The Global surface Temperature anomaly is now at 1.0’C and rising.

                    2. ❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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                    3. “10 Year moving average?” Just proves the point that Climate Science is the academic discipline of predicting the movement of statistical noise.

                    4. Your knowledge of statistics is even more primitive than your knowledge of science.

                      You poor Retard.

                    5. Wait, you mean this chart is accurate? Then it shows temperatures in the 1700’s were, using standard deviations, about the same as they are today? Or not?? You do realize of course there were not accurate readings possible except for a few places in Europe, over 150 years ago? You do realize, we are coming out of a global cold spell that lasted until the 1800’s, right? You do realize we had periods much warmer than this in the distant past, like the Middle Ages, right? You do realize of course, the middle of the US was at alternate times covered in 1000 feet of ice, or lying deep beneath an inland sea? And you do realize all of the past shifts in global climate had NOTHING to do with CO 2, or indeed mankind at all? It’s all BS, but if you prefer to live in a fairy tale world, more power to you.

                    6. During WWII the P-38 fighter could make it to Europe, but they flew in formation with a B-17 for navigation. One of these flights reached Greenland and the B-17 had problems and had to put down on the ice. The P-38 pilots had no choice and also landed. Several years ago a group went to Greenland, dug through 200 feet of ice. They disassembled a P-38 brought it up, reassembled it. It is named “Ice Queen”. So, are these idiots saying the oceans are shallower now due to all that ice accumulated since 1942?

                    7. You can’t educate these bafoons The Devil is the father of all lies he cannot tell the truth! Does this sound like Obunghole and all his cronies

                    8. Nope. You can’t educate Denialists. They are too brain dead and typically too old to be able to learn.

                    9. Poor Eric. He just can’t figure out that glaciers flow like rivers to the sea, only very, very slow rivers.

                      Here is the Greenland melt anomaly map for 2012. Red = mundo melting.

                    10. “To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the DEAD.” Thomas Paine Does this discribe these looney or what? These looneys have an agenda we waste valuable time on liberal con men The likes of Al gore pot belly puke

                    11. ❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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                    12. “Then it shows temperatures in the 1700’s were, using standard deviations, about the same as they are today? ” – DennisOhio

                      Sorry Dennis, but you are confusing potential error with the derived value.

                      Due to a lack of data it is possible temperatures in the 1700’s to be slightly cooler to 2.5’C cooler than present. But the most likely value is 1.7’C cooler than now.

                      It is laughable that you don’t know how to read a simple graph that contains error bars.

                    13. what in the world does “possibly” and “most likely” mean in relation to limited data, and what pray tell is the confidence of a derived value when the governing equation isn’t known? (pssst – and you can’t use the derived result to prove the relation that is being postulated. That’s a mathematical circle-jerk) Put some meat behind the statement, since you seem to be the statistical expert here. Dennis is exactly and precisely correct.

                    14. “You do realize, we are coming out of a global cold spell that lasted until the 1800’s, right?” – DennisOhio

                      Here is the data. I don’t see the global cold spell that you are referring to.

                      Perhaps you have been drinking heavily.

                    15. Clearly you don’t know what a standard deviation is, or know how to read a graph.

                      You are pure ignorance Dennis.

                    16. More government chart BULLSHYTE of “adjusted” numbers proving NOTHING because it’s ALL based on stations from less than 1% of the earth’s surface and almost totally ZERO in the Northern Climes of Alaska, Russia and China.
                      Now back to your basement and leggo toys moron.

                    17. ❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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                    18. Also, even if that edited graph you provided was accurate, you can see it would still be within the lines of natural variability when considering past interglacials. That’s IF, mind you.

                    19. Sorry boy, but from wherever you intend to zero emissions the little red dot is going to rise by about the same distance it has risen already and stay there for at least 1,000 years.

                      So if you zero’d global emissions of CO2 now, the temperature chart would
                      evolve as shown below.

                    20. That didn’t answer my question. Did YOU edit that graph I sent you or did you find it somewhere? Because if you just went into Microsoft Paint and drew that red line, then guess what? I wouldn’t be able to take you seriously (and I doubt anybody else would either). Not like I could anyway, as I could never take an extremist like you who associates skeptics with Holocaust deniers seriously.

                    21. So you are not only a denialist, but also an enemy of freedom of speech.

                      The two do go hand in hand.

                    22. “Denialist”?
                      You seem to be the one eager to ridicule and polarize those who don’t agree with you. Is that a universal trait of Alinskyites?

                    23. Funny how the deniers are the ones that get fired from their jobs when they speak out yet you say roccotool has an issue with free speech. Maybe you should clean your own house before giving us a lecture on free speech.

                    24. Deniers should not be fired. They should have a rope wrapped around their necks and be tossed out the nearest window.

                      Their crime. Treason against nature and man.

                    25. Please. Regardless of how much you yell and make fun the science ISN’T settled. Now that doesn’t mean we want to pour oil in the rivers and let my car run all night in the driveway while I sleep, but it also doesn’t mean I want to give trillions to third world countries and democrats that have a financial interest in this scheme. As Kerry said what Obama agreed to in Paris won’t make a difference anyway.

                    26. Sorry Child. The science has been settled since the mid 1800’s, and is confirmed billions of times a day, all over the world.

                      That is only a fraction of the extent of your stupidity.

                    27. You have so little to go on that you need to jump right to name calling when challenged? Even weaker than I thought.

                    28. Sorry Child. The science has been settled since the mid 1800’s, and is confirmed billions of times a day, all over the world.

                      That is only a fraction of the extent of your stupidity.

                    29. That’s pretty funny given that your global communist friends want to arrest and prosecute anyone that doesn’t buy into their climate change scam. You aren’t even intelligent enough to make it as a useful idiot.

                    30. Poor Pam. She just doesn’t exist in the reality based community.

                      Low sloping forehead, down turned eyes, older than most trees, exceptionally low IQ.

                      Truly a paragon of Republican thinking.

                    31. Skeptics should not be jailed. Denialists on the other hand are destined for public execution.

                    32. You act like there are two groups of people. A SKEPTIC is any person who doubts catastrophic global warming due to humans. “Denier” is an alarmist smear word that attempts to link skeptics to Holocaust deniers. Whatever side you are on in this debate, comparing anyone to Holocaust deniers is scandalous. But, based on our previous interactions, I doubt you even care. You’re not just opinionated…you’re a dangerous, illogical alarmist.

                      Even if you don’t believe it, I am an environmentalist. I fully support protection of endangered species, sustainable hunting/fishing, protection of critical habitat, prevention of habitat alteration, etc. But, like 1 in 5 environmentalists, I am an AGW skeptic. That is all I have to say. Goodbye, and have a nice day, y o u p s y c h o p a t h .

                    33. When Skepticism Becomes Denial: The Unholy Alliance Between Science Denial Movements


                      One of the most perplexing side effects of the Information Age is the means that it unfortunately grants to many pseudoscientific and science-denial movements to gain foothold and mutually strengthen numbers. Gone are the days when everyone would read or listen to common, well-researched, professionally written news.

                      Nowadays, everyone can withdraw into a self-imposed cocoon of “personalized” (and often erroneous) information. This includes big players such as Fox News, as Americans, Brits, and Australians hostage to the Murdoch empire know only too well.

                    34. You act like there aren’t any skeptical scientists (or you believe in the 97% consensus). I really don’t care what David Bailey or John Borwein has to say. Like you and I, they are just more people with opinions.

                    35. We are now well beyond Jail.

                      The punishment for their crimes will be public execution.

                    36. NO, they are just total morons like you PLUS being greedy for bigger and MORE government dollars stolen from the taxpayers.

                    37. You are right Pam. The world can’t be warming because your taxes are too high.

                      Get a better Job… Loser.

                    38. Well, when there is only one acceptable view to hold, and not holding
                      that view leads to unemployment, you have to question things just a
                      little bit chief.

                3. According to scientists in the 1970’s and early 1980’s we were entering an extended global cooling period. Where they wrong then or are they wrong now. Even your high patron saint of kilowatt usage and globull warming Algore said ten years ago we would be kaput by now and it would be too late. Wasn’t he wrong then sparky. You people are so gullible. You are either in on the scam or complete imbeciles!

                  1. “According to scientists in the 1970’s and early 1980’s we were entering an extended global cooling period.”

                    Liar.. Liar.. Pants on fire.

                    No such claims appear in the scientific literature.



                      The fools of days past (who are just like the fools of today) thought that the internal combustion engine was causing global cooling (just like the fools of the present think that the internal combustion engine is warming the earth).

                      So, which is it, fool? Do internal combustion engines cool or warm the earth? OR, in your bizarro world, are both true at the same time?

                    2. The idiots all think they can come up with a simple way to model the most complicated thing mankind has ever pondered.
                      You can’t. There are way too many variables whose relationship between each other has never even been studied, let alone established.

                    3. They can’t tell me what the temperature will be next Wed +/- 2 degrees or the humidity within 5%, but they can model a hockey stick divergence in temperature that has not started, 50 years from now. And WE are criticized for not understanding the learned sciencewhores.

                    4. Denying the cooling claims of the 70’s? Hahahahahahahahahahaha u must be 16. Off u go before u get a spankin’

                    5. The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus

                      “Climate science as we know it today did not exist in the 1960s and 1970s. The integrated enterprise embodied in the Nobel Prizewinning work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change existed then as separate threads of research pursued by isolated groups of scientists. Atmospheric chemists and modelers grappled with the measurement of changes in carbon dioxide and atmospheric gases, and the changes in climate that might result. Meanwhile, geologists and paleoclimate researchers tried to understand when Earth slipped into and out of ice ages, and why. An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists’ thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth’s climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests.”

                      Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society > September 2008 > The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific ConsensusAdvanced Search

                    6. There isn’t a single scientific publication in your list. But there is a TV show about werewolves, UFO’s and Big foot.

                      And also this…

                      Deadly Harvest [Film] (Starring: Kim Cattrall, Clint Walker, 1976)

                      Ahahahahahahahah…. Stuuuuuuuuupid.

                    7. Most all of us old enough to remember sat in science classes in the 1970s and were told repeatedly that we were headed for extinction due to an approaching ice age, and those of us that didn’t starve to death were going to be wiped out by killer bees swarming up from Mexico. All of this was going to happen by the year 2000 they said. Well, It’s almost 2016, and I am still waiting.

                    8. I HAD a Science Class; “Man and His Environment” taught by a PhD in Physical Chemistry. He called the supposed coming Petroleum shortage a LOAD of BULLSHYTE (In polite language of course) and poked holes in every other BULLSHYTE climate claim that was being made about cooling OR man caused change.
                      I got an “A” in that class back in the day you had to work and EARN your grade, NOT just show up.

                    9. ❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
                      ➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportOnline/GetPaid/$98hourly… ❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦

                    10. DON’T bother Spouting the “ADJUSTED temperature sources of the government agency; They have adjusted PAST temperatures DOWN for the last 2 or 3 HUNDRED YEARS and the CURRENT temperatures UP to justify their completely WRONG BULLSHYTE and make believe. It’s fodder for morons like you that are incapable of thinking.

                    11. Adjustments /fudge factors are used all the time in science to correlate imperfect models with experimental results. They are done with full transparency. Changing the EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS is an entirely different matter. It is unethical. In my (read: evil) multinational corporation, to falsify data is to violate its ethics policy, and leads to termination.

                    12. Why would that matter? Can’t you read? Or do you have to EXPERIENCE history. Not all of us have the attention span of a goldfish.

                    13. Because I was a witness to the claims back then about a new ice age, it is obvious that you were not. Next time you read something, verify, verify, verify.

                    14. No one in the scientific community made such claims. You were a gullible loser then and you remain a gullible loser today.

                      Denialist scumbag.

                    15. The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus

                      Climate science as we know it today did not exist in the 1960s and 1970s. The integrated enterprise embodied in the Nobel Prizewinning work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change existed then as separate threads of research pursued by isolated groups of scientists. Atmospheric chemists and modelers grappled with the measurement of changes in carbon dioxide and atmospheric gases, and the changes in climate that might result. Meanwhile, geologists and paleoclimate researchers tried to understand when Earth slipped into and out of ice ages, and why. An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists’ thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth’s climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests.

                      Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society > September 2008 > The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus

                    16. Books are also written about Bigfoot conspiracies, Alien tunnels under the White House, the secret alien base built in the hollow core of the earth, about the evils of vaccination, and how the pyramids were built from cement rather than stone.

                      Ben Carson – running for the Republican Nomination for president believes that the pyramids were built to store grain – something he read in a book somewhere, sometime.

                      And of course there are the dozens of books that document how the Moon Landings were a hoax.

                    17. Have you planned what you will say when the noose is being placed around your neck?

                      The noose won’t be listening.

                    18. The examples provided in your first paragraph are actually a good representation of what passes for climate science. For example, nobody has seen the hockey stick divergence (or bigfoot) but more people believe in the former.

                    19. Nice. Why do you keep sharing data that people are hoping may not happen? When I was in grad school at Carnegie Mellon, on professor criticized another student during her thesis review as practicing “mental masturbation”. It was a crude statement, but it applies to the warming crowd i think.

                    20. 18 spectacularly wrong apocalyptic predictions made around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970, expect more this year

                      In the May 2000 issue of Reason Magazine, award-winning science correspondent Ronald Bailey wrote an excellent article titled “Earth Day, Then and Now”
                      to provide some historical perspective on the 30th anniversary of Earth
                      Day. In that article, Bailey noted that around the time of the first
                      Earth Day, and in the years following, there was a “torrent of
                      apocalyptic predictions” and many of those predictions were featured in
                      his Reason article. Well, it’s now the 45th anniversary of Earth Day,
                      and a good time to ask the question again that Bailey asked 15 years
                      ago: How accurate were the predictions made around the time of the first
                      Earth Day in 1970? The answer: “The prophets of doom were not simply
                      wrong, but spectacularly wrong,” according to Bailey. Here are
                      18 examples of the spectacularly wrong predictions made around 1970 when
                      the “green holy day” (aka Earth Day) started:

                      Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that “civilization will end
                      within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems
                      facing mankind.”

                      2. “We are in an
                      environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of
                      the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” wrote Washington
                      University biologist Barry Commoner in the Earth Day issue of the
                      scholarly journal Environment.

                      3. The
                      day after the first Earth Day, the New York Times editorial page warned,
                      “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to
                      enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration
                      and possible extinction.”

                      “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small
                      increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich confidently declared
                      in the April 1970 Mademoiselle. “The death rate will increase until at
                      least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during
                      the next ten years.”

                      5. “Most of the
                      people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of
                      man have already been born,” wrote Paul Ehrlich in a 1969 essay titled
                      “Eco-Catastrophe! “By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will
                      have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into
                      famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic,
                      think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the
                      decade of the 1980s.”

                      6. Ehrlich
                      sketched out his most alarmist scenario for the 1970 Earth Day issue of
                      The Progressive, assuring readers that between 1980 and 1989, some 4
                      billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the
                      “Great Die-Off.”

                      7. “It is already too
                      late to avoid mass starvation,” declared Denis Hayes, the chief
                      organizer for Earth Day, in the Spring 1970 issue of The Living

                      8. Peter Gunter, a North
                      Texas State University professor, wrote in 1970, “Demographers agree
                      almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread
                      famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of
                      India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or
                      conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine
                      conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world,
                      with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will
                      be in famine.”

                      9. In January 1970,
                      Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical
                      evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban
                      dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985
                      air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by
                      one half….”

                      10. Ecologist Kenneth
                      Watt told Time that, “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only
                      a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere
                      and none of our land will be usable.”

                      Barry Commoner predicted that decaying organic pollutants would use up
                      all of the oxygen in America’s rivers, causing freshwater fish to

                      12. Paul Ehrlich chimed in,
                      predicting in his 1970 that “air pollution…is certainly going to take
                      hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.” Ehrlich
                      sketched a scenario in which 200,000 Americans would die in 1973 during
                      “smog disasters” in New York and Los Angeles.

                      Paul Ehrlich warned in the May 1970 issue of Audubon that DDT and other
                      chlorinated hydrocarbons “may have substantially reduced the life
                      expectancy of people born since 1945.” Ehrlich warned that Americans
                      born since 1946…now had a life expectancy of only 49 years, and he
                      predicted that if current patterns continued this expectancy would reach
                      42 years by 1980, when it might level out.

                      Ecologist Kenneth Watt declared, “By the year 2000, if present trends
                      continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate…that there won’t
                      be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, `Fill ‘er
                      up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, `I am very sorry, there isn’t any.’”

                      Harrison Brown, a scientist at the National Academy of Sciences,
                      published a chart in Scientific American that looked at metal reserves
                      and estimated the humanity would totally run out of copper shortly after
                      2000. Lead, zinc, tin, gold, and silver would be gone before 1990.

                      Sen. Gaylord Nelson wrote in Look that, “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley,
                      secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years,
                      somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals
                      will be extinct.”

                      17. In 1975, Paul
                      Ehrlich predicted that “since more than nine-tenths of the original
                      tropical rainforests will be removed in most areas within the next 30
                      years or so, it is expected that half of the organisms in these areas
                      will vanish with it.”

                      18. Kenneth Watt
                      warned about a pending Ice Age in a speech. “The world has been
                      chilling sharply for about twenty years,” he declared. “If present
                      trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the
                      global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year
                      2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

                      Let’s keep those spectacularly wrong predictions from the first Earth
                      Day 1970 in mind when we’re bombarded tomorrow with media hype, and
                      claims like this from the official Earth Day website:

                      warn us that climate change could accelerate beyond our control,
                      threatening our survival and everything we love. We call on you to keep
                      global temperature rise under the unacceptably dangerous level of 2
                      degrees C, by phasing out carbon pollution to zero. To achieve this, you
                      must urgently forge realistic global, national and local agreements, to
                      rapidly shift our societies and economies to 100% clean energy by 2050.
                      Do this fairly, with support to the most vulnerable among us. Our world
                      is worth saving and now is our moment to act. But to change everything,
                      we need everyone. Join us.

                      Finally, think about this question, posed by Ronald Bailey in 2000: What will Earth look like when Earth Day 60 rolls around in 2030?
                      Bailey predicts a much cleaner, and much richer future world, with less
                      hunger and malnutrition, less poverty, and longer life expectancy, and
                      with lower mineral and metal prices. But he makes one final prediction
                      about Earth Day 2030: “There will be a disproportionately influential
                      group of doomsters predicting that the future–and the present–never
                      looked so bleak.” In other words, the hype, hysteria and spectacularly
                      wrong apocalyptic predictions will continue, promoted by the
                      “environmental grievance hustlers.”

                      Earth Day

                      Ronald Bailey

                    21. ❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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                    22. “1. Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that “civilization will end
                      within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems
                      facing mankind.””

                      He was right. And many problems were addressed. I.E. the green revolution,

                      But many of the problems remain to be addressed.

                    23. Curious what the defining and specific “immediate action” was that did the trick? Your talent in logic suggest IVY league. Here is another, and it represents an identical process in thought and logic: While I live in the northern US, my home was at risk for invasion by hippopotamus. I determined that immediate action was required, in the form of smearing dog crap all over my front door. It was completely effective. Whew. Hun, you can’t hold the absence of a hypothetical outcome as proof that a theorized antidote worked.

                    24. “2. “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” wrote Washington University biologist Barry Commoner in the Earth Day issue of the scholarly journal Environment.”

                      Yup. He is absolutely right.

                    25. Absolutely. We will always and forever be in the midst of a threatening, but not actual, environmental crisis. Its pretty convenient.

                    26. “3. The day after the first Earth Day, the New York Times editorial page warned, “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to
                      enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration
                      and possible extinction.””

                      Absolutely. That statement is more true today than when it was first stated.

                    27. … and will always be true apparently. Convenient. Do you know for example that global oil reserves have continually grown faster than consumption? The bumbling clods who continue predicting a “run out of oil” date aren’t having a good time of it.

                    28. 9. In January 1970,
                      Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical
                      evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban
                      dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985
                      air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by
                      one half….”

                      Fortunately despite opposition from Republicans, government regulation forced coal fired power plants and automotive manufacturers to reduce their particulate emissions so that the future described would not happen.

                      You might notice the Severe air pollution seen in China, where people actually do wear gas masks to filter out the air pollution.

                    29. “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the
                      global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year
                      2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.” – Kennith Watt

                      He was absolutely right.

                    30. “Sen. Gaylord Nelson wrote in Look that, “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley,
                      secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years,
                      somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals
                      will be extinct.”

                      ‘Without Doubt,’ a Sixth Mass Extinction Event is Here – – Aug 02, 2015 02:08 AM EDT

                    31. Paul Ehrlich chimed in, predicting in his 1970 that “air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.”

                      “7 million premature deaths annually linked to air pollution” – World Health Organization.

                      25 MARCH 2014 | GENEVA – In new estimates released today, WHO reports that in 2012 around 7 million people died – one in eight of total global deaths – as a result of air pollution exposure. This finding more than doubles previous estimates and confirms that air pollution is now the world’s largest single environmental health risk. Reducing air pollution could save millions of lives.

                    32. Erlich and Watt had quite the competition of “wrong” going there. I have no idea really, but suspect if not dead they still enjoy a comfy academic job, or enjoyed one until they departed.

                    33. you are apparently too young to remember “the next ice age is coming”. It happened about the same time that we were forced to changed from paper grocery bags to plastic in order to save trees.

                    34. Sorry, kook, but the scientific community provided no such warning.

                      You are lying.

                      But lying is what Republicans do 24/7/365.

                  1. You nailed it. The global warming hoaxers, or religionists, are in a panic because fewer and few people are buying their emotionally-charged nonsense. They would have you believe they have received the divine wisdom that carbon dioxide has been isolated from the host of natural factors that have always driven climate. Even their attempt to paint realists as “climate change deniers” shows them to be imbeciles. No one denies that climate changes. The issue are: by how much? who or what is responsible?; and is it worth throwing a wrench into our economies in a ludicrous attempt to “fix” it? The answers are: nothing at all to be concerned about; natural climate variability; and HELL NO, are you crazy?

                    This people have overreacted, for political reasons, to a phenomenon that can only be measured in geologic time, not over short-term political cycles that just happened to coincide with the rise of the modern environmental movement, the parallel desire of some scientists to glom on to the movement for grant-seeking benefits, and the political aspirations of Al Gore who, having flunked out of divinity school, needed a new religion to ride into the White House–thank you Supreme Court (at least on that score).

                    1. COP21 is a success.

                      2015 by far the warmest year ever recorded, globally.

                      Temperatures have risen by 0.3’C over the last 20 years.

                      You are dying of old age. Your ignorance will die along with you.

                    1. Hansen wants stronger, legally binding action by the states.

                      I agree with him.

                      But I don’t agree that COP21 was a fraud. It was simply not sufficient.

                      COP22 will be more sufficient.

                    2. COP19 will be better than COP18!

                      COP20 will be better than COP19!

                      COP21 will be better than COP20!

                      COP22 will be better than COP21!

                      “Insanity is doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results.” ~Albert Einstein

                    3. “Quite impossible since I am in near absolute agreement with Hansen.”

                      So I take it you would support his views about nuclear power and how sea level rise is to be measured in feet soon rather than millimeters, despite that being against all data, evidence, and logic?

                  1. We realize how the earth being flat worked out. I have an aunt living on the other side of the flat earth. She believes living in N Korea would be better than where she living. She knows that a lot of new isis wanna be come from her side but getting to our side is very tricky but not illegal because no one believes it.. Funny thing is they all become Democrats.

                4. The two terms are not mutually exclusive, you know.
                  In Paris, you have possibly the dumbest, least informed, least successful enclave of humans in history deciding how the rest of the world lives.
                  Versailles had nothing on it.

                5. Make up OUR mind?!!? You are the ones screaming “global warming” in 2015, but complained about a “coming ice age” in 1980. Make up YOUR damn mind!

                  1. The people that believe in this warming hoopla let them pay the tax that will be coming. Im sure they will gladly pay those tax just to prove how far their belief goes.

                6. Really the elites? I never heard of them being call elites.
                  Maybe scientists from different universities getting grants so fudging number to get bigger grants to study weather. $$$$$$$$$$

                7. I’m trying to think of another area of honest study, scientific or otherwise, where one view refers to a dissenting population as “denialists”. There aren’t any. That is a telling and damning reality. Global warmists more reflect a religious cult than anything else.

                    1. Sorry. Try again. In none of these fields to protagonist call the other side “deniers”. Big Bang? This is hardly settled. There is significant work ongoing and they all play nice in the sandbox. Evolution? Please. Relativity? Nobody disputes it because the data have unequivocally supported the theory. Without the need to “adjust”. Incidentally Einstein himself was skeptical of his work in statistical mechanics. “God does not roll dice” were his words. He was asking, ASKING, for someone to find a better and more elegant answer.

              2. Yeah. Except for those who are busy inventing all the things that make modern life possible, such as this incredible network who’s resources you’re wasting posting uneducated, anti intellectual Archie Bunker quips on.

                    1. True, however, people can manipulate data and lie about “science” while engineers are bound by real world, verifiable facts.

                    2. If the scientist is wrong, sooner or later we find out and change our view.
                      If the engineer is imprecise, people die. Too late then to change their view.

                    3. If the science is wrong, then all science developed int he last 200 years is wrong.

                      Probability = 0

                    4. ❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
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                    5. Denialists are constantly cherry picking data. Scientists can’t do that because if they dd, their work would not be published.

                      Engineers on the other hand are free to design as many flush toilets as they like.

                    6. ONLY ignorance IS YOU; You can Engineer and invent many things WITH OUT any “science” or “scientist” around or doing anything.

                    7. ❝my neighbor’s mother is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
                      ➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportNew/GetPaid/$98hourly… ❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦

                    8. Yes like the crying towel, and God, and what else?

                      What else are you talking about. What has been invented or discovered without science ?

                1. I thought Al Gore invented the internet. That is what he said, right before he said “global warming” which was right before that was debunked (because the temps aren’t rising) and he had to start saying “climate change” (because that is what the climate does, change, normally over time).

                  1. This climate issue is an income tax scam, for USA and world.

                    Americans should read their tax laws before sending money to politicians.

                    Its Outrageous. Does anyone in taxpayer-land ever bother to read tax law before giving hard earned money to politicians, known liars?

                    Govt-Politicians are lying about taxes. U.S. tax law is codified, and easy as 1,2.

                    -Exempt Income-
                    26 CFR 1.861-8T(d)(2)(ii)
                    “exempt income means any income that is … exempt, excluded, or eliminated for federal income tax purposes.”

                    -Income Not Exempt- [aka, The list of Taxable Income]
                    26 CFR 1.861-8T(d)(2)(iii)
                    “Income that is not considered tax exempt. The following items are not considered to be exempt, eliminated, or excluded income

                    (A) In the case of a foreign taxpayer … gross income (whether domestic or foreign source)
                    (B) gross income of a DISC or a FSC; [means Domestic International Sales Corp, Foreign Sales]
                    (C) gross income of a possessions corporation
                    (D) Foreign earned income as defined in section 911”

                    Do you make Foreign earned income? No? Then according to code (law), you don’t owe any income tax. As usual, politicians are stealing money from citizens under color of law.

                    SOURCE: ecfr DOT gov
                    HOW TO: Click Simple Search, find “exempt income means”

                    Computer scientist data-mines tax code, Whatistaxed DOT com

                  2. I think he said he invented the hair net or was it fish net? Hey its Al he probably invented all three, he had all that time to do nothing while VP.
                    The only thing I remember gore saying to Billy was, “get with the program before Hilda finds out.”

                  3. Liar Liar.. Pants on fire…

                    “I thought Al Gore invented the internet. That is what he said” – tward3

                    Al Gore and the Internet

                    By Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf

                    Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development.

                    No one person or even small group of persons exclusively “invented” the Internet. It is the result of many years of ongoing collaboration among people in government and the university community. But as the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore’s contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time.

                    Last year the Vice President made a straightforward statement on his role. He said: “During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” We don’t think, as some people have argued, that Gore intended to claim he “invented” the Internet. Moreover, there is no question in our minds that while serving as Senator, Gore’s initiatives had a significant and beneficial effect on the still-evolving Internet. The fact of the matter is that Gore was talking about and promoting the Internet long before most people were listening. We feel it is timely to offer our perspective.

                    As far back as the 1970s Congressman Gore promoted the idea of high speed telecommunications as an engine for both economic growth and the improvement of our educational system. He was the first elected official to grasp the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than just improving the conduct of science and scholarship. Though easily forgotten, now, at the time this was an unproven and controversial concept. Our work on the Internet started in 1973 and was based on even earlier work that took place in the mid-late 1960s. But the Internet, as we know it today, was not deployed until 1983. When the Internet was still in the early stages of its deployment, Congressman Gore provided intellectual leadership by helping create the vision of the potential benefits of high speed computing and communication. As an example, he sponsored hearings on how advanced technologies might be put to use in areas like coordinating the response of government agencies to natural disasters and other crises.

                    As a Senator in the 1980s Gore urged government agencies to consolidate what at the time were several dozen different and unconnected networks into an “Interagency Network.” Working in a bi-partisan manner with officials in Ronald Reagan and George Bush’s administrations, Gore secured the passage of the High Performance Computing and Communications Act in 1991. This “Gore Act” supported the National Research and Education Network (NREN) initiative that became one of the major vehicles for the spread of the Internet beyond the field of computer science.

                    As Vice President Gore promoted building the Internet both up and out, as well as releasing the Internet from the control of the government agencies that spawned it. He served as the major administration proponent for continued investment in advanced computing and networking and private sector initiatives such as Net Day. He was and is a strong proponent of extending access to the network to schools and libraries. Today, approximately 95% of our nation’s schools are on the Internet. Gore provided much-needed political support for the speedy privatization of the Internet when the time arrived for it to become a commercially-driven operation.

                    There are many factors that have contributed to the Internet’s rapid growth since the later 1980s, not the least of which has been political support for its privatization and continued support for research in advanced networking technology. No one in public life has been more intellectually engaged in helping to create the climate for a thriving Internet than the Vice President. Gore has been a clear champion of this effort, both in the councils of government and with the public at large.

                    The Vice President deserves credit for his early recognition of high speed computing and communication and for his long-term and consistent articulation of the potential value of the Internet to American citizens and industry and, indeed, to the rest of the world.

                  1. Pollute the internet. Must need a tax to clean it up.
                    You invented a possible tax.
                    Now the politicians may create a tax for it.
                    Not good, Bad Pammy, bad.

                1. “How else is a “climate scientist” to make a living, after all.”

                  It’s difficult with neofascists cutting research budgets!

                  If you understand the person who runs this propaganda site is actually paid by the fossil fuel industry to lie about the dangerous nature of their product, why would you believe a single word he says?

                  Is it possible you’re that gullible?

                  “Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife. According to 2011 IRS Forms, Morano was the highest paid staff member with a salary of $150,000 per year. Morano’s blog Climate Depot regularly publishes articles questioning man-made global warming.”


                    1. “Desmogblog? Really? That’s your “reliable” source?”

                      Sure! Do you have information that Mr. Morano derives his income from some other source besides the fossil fuel industry?

                      What source is that?

                      “Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.”


                    2. “Sure! Do you have information that Mr. Morano derives his income from some other source besides the fossil fuel industry?”

                      You must first provide a source (a reliable one) that confirms your original claim.

                      “Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.”

                      You know that many organizations, like NASA and NOAA, do not have a legitimate poll from all of their scientists to make such claims right? That action comes from the higher-ups (the people who run the organization). They sort of speak on behalf of all of their scientists. For example, a recent study that showed that 48% of the professional members of the American Meteorological Society said man IS NOT responsible for a large portion of the warming trend. However, the AMS still adopts the alarmist view on global warming, despite what almost half of their own scientists say.

                      As for the 97% studies, view here:



                  1. Take a chill pill. In the mist of the hyperventilating you missed the key point: these pseudo scientists MUST take the affirmative view of this BS. There is no viable way for them to earn money being objective. Falsifying data in an effort to prove a theory doesn’t work in any branch of real science. And thank you for mentioning the word fascism: name a single area of scientific research where dissenting views are not tolerated. Turn the brain stem on, man.

                    1. “these pseudo scientists MUST take the affirmative view of this BS.”

                      …and why would you think that?

                      The first person to prove humans warm the planet when we emit greenhouse gasses was someone named Eunice Foote, and she did so over a century ago.

                      Is it likely she was engaging in pseudo-science and no one on Earth has noticed in all that time?

                      “Overlooked by modern researchers is the work of Eunice Foote, who, three years prior to the start of Tyndall’s laboratory research, conducted similar experiments on absorption of radiant energy by atmospheric gases, such as CO₂ and water vapor. The presentation of her report at a major scientific convention in 1856 was accompanied by speculation that even modest increases in the concentration of CO₂ could result in significant atmospheric warming.”


                    2. I think that because there is no funding available otherwise, and more importantly no reason for the work if the assumed outcome isn’t so. You are over-complicating the point.

                2. ❝my neighbor’s aunty is making $98 HOURLY on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, $17k Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over $87, p/h..Learn More right Here….
                  ➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportTap/GetPaid/$98hourly… ❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦

            2. Guys this is so bad on so many levels, I dont even know where to start. When are we the people going to stand up and say no more? I know we keep putting it off but eventually the day will come. At this point it has to, if we as the human race are going to survive. I personally would rather get it over with. Like ripping a band aid. I do not know if I will survive but I will go down fighting. I would rather die on my feet than on my knees. This globalism has to stop NOW

              1. That is sad how the liberal media does that. Most see Hilda as president already.
                They die if Trump is elected or any Republican. They will soon open up on all the republicans running especially Carson, Trump, an Cruz.

                1. Money is just one of the tools of control. There are many. Religion, psychology, sociology and much more help them control. Money alone is absolutely worthless because it’s value in a fiat currency model is all based on perception.

                  This perception is created both psychologically and sociological in nature. The real fuel used is a psychology of the human mind. It’s more commonly known as social engineering and what they are using is confusion and perceived authority to push their policy.

                  They are basically hypnotizing the populaces of the world.

                  Money, or a lack of money is just one of their many catalyst.

          2. Hey how do we get in on it with the money.
            Cant but now wait an see all the climate tax being applied to cars, registrations, car sales, gas tax, drivers licenses, and whatever the government can strap us with.

              1. And yet all of CA has warmed since last Jan? Go figure? hope it cools down for a least a couple of months maybe the money they have collected will provide enough funds to stop the warming till march. Then they’ll have to raise the tax or it will be in the 90’s by Aug.

              2. Have been reading about some new technologies which will convert us to a 100% electrical powered world in (?) the near future. This uses NO gasoline, oil. It used ONLY electromagnet fields which are ALL around us and is generated in the interior of the planet.

            1. Only to discover (they already know) there isn’t a damn thing they can do to change naturally occurring phenomenon that’s played out over millions of years and now billions of $$$ into the hands of thieves!

          3. The estimate first year take in America is in excess of $1B and our Dear Leader is in for an 8% share.
            Not bad for doing what he usually does: lies his lips off.

          4. Exactly. We should not pollute unnecessarily, but this is all theater. The crux being government seizing control of our lives and appropriating more of our property/wealth. Big money for “the few” in the near term, and a new long-term mandate/precedent that world governments should hold sway over other all sovereign nations, and more importantly that they should be able to tax at will to save us from the boogeyman that they created. But let’s not forget the fact that to them the best part of this is a giant new propaganda lever to control nearly anything they choose. They have already clearly demonstrated both these motives to the world even before they have a complete scientific model to prove of anything. That hasn’t stopped their well-meaning, but ignorant devotees from naively choosing to listen only to their lame, hollow “save the planet” refrains and ignore the fact that all these clowns are the same old human politicos with the same motives that their ilk have had since the dawn of civilization; Power & Wealth.

          1. And what so pathetic is these morons jet set all around the world while dumping more CO2 than ever gets mentioned and the sheeple just stand around and applaud!!!

            1. Revenue neutral taxes work like all other liberal ‘ideas’. It’s like ‘common sense gun laws’ the ‘Affordable Care Act’ and ‘peaceful Muslims’. Utopian wishes that exist only in an extremely warped mind and are visible only through rose colored glasses.

              1. I like your “Peaceful Muslims” reference. I lived in Turkey (2 years) and Saudi Arabia (2 years).
                I observed that the majority of Muslims are quiet and quite peaceful – BUT – put a bunch of them together and their rhetoric becomes extreme and very violent. Ever note that it is a MASS of demonstrators that make the news and not a “few” who stand and make noise about this or that?
                Terrorists are different. They lay low, slink into somewhere like Paris and then shoot unarmed innocent people who are just there to listen to the music.

          1. You are taking money from somebody that would not otherwise be taken. For the people subject to that tax, isn’t anything “revenue neutral” about it.

                1. Obama has spent more money he doesn’t have than all the previous presidents combined. All illegally, without a proper budget as mandated by the Constitution, until just recently, too. And you truly have the gall to call Republicans the party of “borrow and spend”…? Wow. Sure, Republicans have their problems, but… wow.

          2. British Columbia tends to use logic instead of fear factors. Have friends up in that area and they are pretty cool and calm and don’t get to excited about stuff.

          3. “revenue neutral”

            I agree, the revenue obtained from Carbon taxes should 100% go to temporarily subsidizing efficiency and sustainable forms of energy.

            1. We don’t have the text of the agreement yet but we do have….

              Premier Li Keqiang, who represented China at the summit, announced that the country will cut its CO2 emissions per unit of gross domestic product by 60-65% from 2005 levels. Moreover, China would increase its share of non-fossil fuels as part of its primary energy consumption to about 20% by 2030. 2030 is also the year by which China will aim to peak its emissions of CO­2 emissions.

              China plans to increase its installed capacity of wind power to 200 GW and solar power to around 100 GW, up from 95.81 GW and 28 GW today, respectively. It will also increase its use of natural gas which is expected to make up more than 10% of its primary energy consumption by 2020.

                    1. There is no direction to honesty. But there is always a direction for a lie.

                      Since Denialists are congenital liars, it amuses me that you would conflate the truth with the properties of denial.,,

                    2. By having confidence in the truthfulness of the Communist Chinese Government indicates that you are a good candidate for buying swamp land in Florida. What a dope you are, very sad.

        2. The Pope talks about people starving if ‘we’ don’t take action on ‘climate change’ but he fails to address the consequences of the world if these psychopaths get their way controlling the climate and taking prosperity out of the hands of the many.

        3. And think of the money China will make from the interest we’ll pay them on the money we will borrow to give away. How enlightened and intelligent liberals are.

      2. Tomas, you nailed it. All this global warming hysteria is nothing but the jokers who preach it getting hold our our money and controlling every aspect of our lives.

        1. Amen, thanks for showing up and being another informed citizen who supports the truth. You’ve nailed it right on the head. plain and simple. it’s about control, domination and bankrupting humanity.

        2. Leftists, by definition, believe themselves entitled by “right” to be free of other people’s rights, which is why leftists commit nearly all crime (depriving victims of their rights) and run government as organized criminals to deprive people of their rights. The only man made crisis we face is leftists. As with their other world wars, there is but one way to deal with leftists.

      3. I think the Global Warming scam was inspired by Hitler’s propaganda tactics.
        Hitler’s psychological profile:

        Never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

          1. Not according to the worlds scientists. They consider it an adequate first step.

            It must be very upsetting to you that everyone is laughing at you Deniliast Losers.

        1. … and you see nothing wrong with the fact that a few dozens of people in a period of less than two weeks emitted more than a reasonable size suburb does in one year?

          You are going to be one of those people, working the fields in a subsistence
          living seeing the elite traveling by cars before you go home to your unheated hovel at sunset saying, “but they need all those luxuries to make sure that we are cared for”.

          1. It’s more like they do what they need to do no matter if they claim it’s destroying the planet to make sure we can’t do what they do because according to them when we do It, it REALLY is destroying the planet. And they smile, slap each other on the back and say “I’ll see you in a couple of years in our next exotic location.”

          2. A few dozens of people? That’s a lie.

            Deniers don’t care about their own CO2 pollution, but love to call it out when they think it’s too their advantage. It’s a disgusting double standard.

        2. So a couple hundred people at a two or three week conference emitted what it takes 20,000 Americans a year to emit…. And you think this is good???? What would they have emitted if they would have stayed home and used GoToMeeting?

          1. I didn’t say it was good — I think it’s necessary. It’s how progress happens, and that couldn’t have been accomplished with a silly worldwide GoToMeeting.

            And it shows the double standard of deniers, who are just fine with their own CO2 pollution but call it out when they find it convenient.

      4. “This is the standard routine,” Dr. Lindzen of MIT said. “You take money from poor
        people in rich countries and give it to rich kleptocrats in poor

      5. it seems if you know anything about those who advocate for saving us from global warming, you find two types of people——-
        1—very rich people with huge energy expenditures via travel and homesteads
        2—sheep like followers who need some mindless cause to try to create some meaning for their life

                1. So…

                  You won’t believe scientists

                  You won’t believe the scientific press

                  You won’t believe the “liberal” news media.

                  You won’t believe a poll conducted by a reputable University.

                  But you will believe someone on YouTube who has near zero education and
                  usually can’t figure out how to add or subtract unless they have a calculator.

                    1. I see. So in your view then the globe isn’t warming because your taxes are being poorly spent.

                      Thank you for illustrating how greed has polluted your mind.

            1. Your Previous link to “popular feknologe” makes me laugh. It includes links to a TV show about Werewolves, UFO’s and Big Foot, as well as a movie staring Kim Cattrell – “Deadly Harvest”.

              There is stupid, and then there is denialist stupid.

              1. Where does it say that exactly? Also, you are dodging the main point. I sent you links related to the argument, you’re talking about a completely different link that may not even exist or is taken out of context.

                1. “Where does it say that exactly? ” – SquidBoy

                  You didn’t even read your own link?


                  Your link includes links to a TV show about Werewolves, UFO’s and Big Foot, as well as a movie staring Kim Cattrell – “Deadly Harvest”.

                  1. I’ve read and referenced that link a thousand times. Perhaps you’re seeing ads? I have ad-blocker, so I wouldn’t see them. Ads don’t reflect the website’s content, you know.

                    The only links on the page are to other articles (all but a few referencing global warming, others about debunking 9/11 conspiracies and talking about technology), links to scientific papers, journals, and other articles.

                    There is even a page that lists common arguments/smears on the site, one being:

                    “Criticism: Popular is a conspiracy theorist website.

                    Rebuttal: This is a dishonest ad hominem as we have resources challenging 911, JFK and Moon Landing conspiracy theories.”

      6. As long as THEY control things – The hell with the facts. They will see and hear what they want to see and hear.
        If WE do anything, then WE are going to screw up their view of the world and how things (actually/probably) work.

        1. It is the greatest conspiracy in the history of Man. Hundreds of scientific organizations, tens of thousands of papers, all wrong. All those scientists with their magic decoder rings and secret handshakes, going to hidden meetings to plan what doctored data to use next.

          Or, maybe it is just another branch of science which started in the 19th Century, with the work of Fourier, Tyndall and Arrhenius, before there was the UN, the NWO, the EPA, chemtrails, Obama, HAARP, Gore, Agenda 21, the Moon landing hoax and those who are after our precious bodily fluids.

          1. “It is the greatest conspiracy in the history of Man. Hundreds of scientific organizations, tens of thousands of papers, all wrong.” – NiCuCo

            And a giggle of denialist kooks with the equivalent of a 5th grade science education got it all right.

            Imagine that. It’s almost like it is from some kind of fairy tale land.


      7. Exactly, the most common “greenhouse gas” is Argon 9000-10000 parts per million vs Carbon Dioxide 300-400 parts per million. However Argon can not be blamed on humans and taxed and regulated. Even if these morons could in fact reduce Carbon Dioxide, if the reduce below 180 parts per million and the earth could no longer support plant life, game over dead planet. I wonder if this is what happened to Mars? LOL.

        1. We can only hope that if they are able to reduce the CO2 to below 180 parts per million, they will be the only ones to go! This would be their punishment (our reward) for being so stupid!

          1. Reductions to 180 PPMV will take 1000 years.

            That is why emission restrictions are essential. Once a problem has been created, it will persist for a long, long time.

        2. Always wrong John claims that Argon is the most common “greenhouse gas”.

          In reality it is Water Vapor.

          Poor Kookie John. He just doesn’t live in the reality based community.

          1. So you are saying we should put legal controls on and fine people for the production of water vaporization? Since by your own admission water vapor is a much more prevalent greenhouse gas than Carbon Dioxide.

            1. No. That would be meaningless, since the water content of the atmosphere is determined by air temperature and only on the availability of water over arid regions.

              Don’t you Denialists have rain on your home planet of Delusia?

              1. I am the denier after over 18 years of no warming and evidence of data tampering, the ice caps adding over 100 tons of ice, the list goes on. You idiots live in a state of denial, and actually to believe in global climate change requires a complete abandonment of scientific method for something called consensus. There is no formula that you can site that would allow me to correlate CO2 levels wit historic temperature readings, and as a matter of fact the warmest period we can locate historically through the study of tree rings was during the renaissance which predates the industrial revolution. Not to mention the zealots of global warming have this far been less accurate than medieval sorcerers.

                1. “There is no formula that you can site that would allow me to correlate CO2 levels wit historic temperature reading.” – JohnGaltLiar

                  Liar Liar.. Pants on fire.

                  Here is the correlation shown graphically.

                  My goodness you Libertarians are stupid.

                  1. So you are saying that i can correlate CO2 to historical trends and derive what the temperature was at any given time in history. My what a breakthrough, too bad it falls flat on it’s face like most of the weather voodoo claims once tested. Explain the high temps during the renaissance for example. If you do not question the science and test the science and just believe it, it is no longer science it is a religion.

                    1. “So you are saying that i can correlate CO2 to historical trends and derive what the temperature was at any given time in history?”

                      There are a large number of slowly evolving factors that influence global climate. Solar output, insolation, the positions of the continents.

      8. .04 of 1% (400ppm) is a flyspeck, not a footprint. You eat more goverment approved rat feces and hair in your “all natural” heart healthy granola than there is CO2 to other gases in the atmosphere. Water vapor makes up 95% of ALL “hothouse gases” but the Climate Hoax Conference never spoke on word on it.

      9. I am not paying to enslave myself or my posterity. This is nothing but an attempt to tax humanity for existing. We exhale Co2 and they (Leaders) will use it to enslave the entirety of humanity.

        Now they will have a “Global Tax” to fund the UN as our world government. This is how they will legitimize it. There is no legit government that can’t level taxes on the populace or the people under that government. Carbon taxes will be the final catalyst for world domination by the few, enabling the UN to become the world government .

    2. Socialism is based on the hope of a transcendent man….a stupid premise if there ever was one. Man does not and WILL not ever live outside of himself enough to make a world collective possible. Socialism is an unworkable theory COERCED upon populations by dreamers who have never been accountable to function in the REAL world.

      1. You are being too nice. The leaders are not dreamers. They are schemers, who acquire immense power and the wealth that always accompanies great power. Every single leader of the Democratic Party is not only a multi-millionaire, but has chosen to live an imperial lifestyle. They speak of socialism and income equality, but carefully avoid both for themselves and their own families. Total, self-serving, hypocrisy.

        1. Because, as the arbiters of societal distribution, they deserve and need those perks because they labor endlessly for the greater good.

          /that, and there is no way they want to live like serfs — that’s why they have wealth and power.

        2. I think they are both dreamers and schemers…and I fully acknowledge how corrupt the dream ALWAYS becomes. I was just pointing out that secular humanism, as practiced by world socialists, is a RELIGION just like any other wherein one has to believe in something intangible and un-provable. Socialists HAVE to ridicule belief in order to coerce socialism as an alternative. Judeo/Christianity is a DIRECT threat to the premise that man can transcend himself.

          The people at the top of EVERY power structure ought to be questioned. I’m pretty sure to be a fly on the wall among the leaders of ANY religious, political, or social group…one would fly away more cynical.

        1. toilet paper – good subject.
          – ever try and wipe with a stick or a rock?
          In the 1800’s (and probably prior to that) men/women carried a ‘shit rag”
          They would wipe then rinse the rag. They would carry that rag for days, weeks or months until they could actually wash it properly. Can you imagine having to carry a ‘shit rag’ with you where ever you traveled?

      2. Man works on the basis of what he (thinks) will benefit him.
        If future experience shows that his original observations and conclusion were wrong (or changed)
        Man will jump to another conclusion. Eventually he will get it right but how long will that take?

    3. It’s so ironic that I just finished watching the great documentary “Stop at Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story,” about another tale of staggering fraud that people refused to see. Regarding this “climate deal” however, I think the climate hoaxers may have screwed themselves. After demanding that we “had to do something to save the planet”, they have what amounts to small potatoes, leaving them in the position where a ‘moving of the goalposts’ will be needed for further shakedowns.

    4. What is really disturbing is how this “science” they always talk about being “settled” is not even science at all. It’s speculation based on computer models. They can’t reproduce anything – a key factor in real science. Hypothesis? The earth is warming. Next step? Develop TESTABLE predictions. They test with computer models that have already been proven inaccurate and falsified (NOAA altering data). Next – gather data to test the predictions. Since NOAA is altering data, it’s obvious that their predictions are incorrect. Their “settled science” is way far off base from being real science, and those crooks that make these claims should swallow their tongues and admit they’re wrong.

      1. When there’s trillions to be made – Not billions – there will always be evidence they can produce to support their claim. No matter how convincing, or how many people they assisinate who disrupts the plot/narrative, they WILL find a way to make the masses only beleive what they have to say, while covering up the evidence they created to come to their conclusions and stances on this issue.

      2. “Are the models, in fact, untestable? Are they unable to make valid predictions?”

        “Let’s review the record. Global Climate Models have successfully predicted:

        That the globe would warm, and about how fast, and about how much.
        That the troposphere would warm and the stratosphere would cool.
        That nighttime temperatures would increase more than daytime temperatures.
        That winter temperatures would increase more than summer temperatures.
        Polar amplification (greater temperature increase as you move toward the poles).
        That the Arctic would warm faster than the Antarctic.
        The magnitude (0.3 K) and duration (two years) of the cooling from the Mt. Pinatubo eruption.
        They made a retrodiction for Last Glacial Maximum sea surface temperatures which was inconsistent with the paleo evidence, and better paleo evidence showed the models were right.
        They predicted a trend significantly different and differently signed from UAH satellite temperatures, and then a bug was found in the satellite data.
        The amount of water vapor feedback due to ENSO.
        The response of southern ocean winds to the ozone hole.
        The expansion of the Hadley cells.
        The poleward movement of storm tracks.
        The rising of the troposphere and the effective radiating altitude.
        The clear sky super greenhouse effect from increased water vapor in the tropics.
        The near constancy of relative humidity on global average.
        That coastal upwelling of ocean water would increase.

        “Seventeen correct predictions? Looks like a pretty good track record to me.

        “Are there problems with the models, and areas where they haven’t gotten it right yet? Sure there are. The double Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone which shows up in some coupled models, ENSO variability, insufficiently sensitive sea ice, diurnal cycles of moist convection, and the exact response of climate to clouds are all areas of ongoing research. But the models are still the best thing we have for climate prediction under different scenarios, and there is no reason at all to think they’re getting the overall picture wrong.”

        References to the prediction articles and to the confirmation articles are in the complete Web page from which I took the predictions above.

    5. It’s far from amazing. These so called leaders are fully aware that man made global warming is BS. This global warming scheme is nothing more than a money grab. Just another way to transfer our money it their pockets.

      1. “GLobal warming” —-> Carbon Tax—–> Trilions upon tillions of dollars sent to the collaborators of this conspiracy hoax, which completely bipasses and ignores the greatest countries creating ecodisasters – CHina and India.
        Global warming is NOT global pollution. No one is talking about that. IF the powers in control of the world turned onto global pollution as the agenda and the REAL source of the issue, there would be a world-wide consensus on this. But that;s way too logical and easy to understand. They want to stick by something much more complex, and easy to lie about. this idea that WE- man- are making this planet hotter, when all the historical evidence shows, indisputably that the world has ALWAYS fluctuated in time it’s temperatures, and has ice ages and droughts, as a continuous cycle. non stop. over and over and over again. FAct. indisputable.

        But to fool all the idiots in the world thinking that if we ALL pay up/ lose our money and be made to take away out ways of life, that we would somehow stop this occurance of nature is fukcing criminal treason, and these people need to be hung in front of the world stage. Including OUR politicians, Those associated with the UN and others for going along and conspiring with it.

      1. Fukc That. I’m not paying shit. They’ll have to serve me in person to get any money out of my hands and everyone elses I know. I’ll be waiting when some chrony shows up on the govt payroll to my door telling me I didn’t file/pay my global carbon taxes last year.

    6. It isn’t amazing at all. It is the perfect hoax for the socialist agenda. It is a “problem” that only vast amount of money can “cure”. The “cure” negatively impacts everything the American way of life holds dear. There can never be any proof one way or the other if these idiotic policies work or not. The data can be fiddled by bribing “scientists” to keep the gravy-train rolling indefinitely. Meanwhile, real pollution problems with well defined monitoring metrics are just ignored. This is no more amazing than the fact Obama was twice elected to office. TRUMP 2016 – the last hope of ending the slide to full-on socialism and a violent civil war.

    7. Actually, it’s completely predictable. Global warming is allegedly produced by CO2, which is produced by just about everything on the planet. To control CO2, governments must have the ability to control everything. Well, this is just tailor made for politicians!

            1. Okay David I’ll play. What is this supposed cape and trade legislation that we have been living under for 20 years? Why would these greenies be proposing cap and trade legislation if it already exists?

                1. Why is it that liberals can not be honest? Is it because facts don’t fit your theories? Is it because liberals are all about emotions whether they help or not? I ask you a question? Funny how there is no answer

                  1. Why is it conservatives can’t understand science, and at least read the news? This program was signed by a Republican president, after all. (As was the Montreal Protocol.)

                    1. Looking at your profile I would have too guess you work in the global fraud industries in some capacity.

                    2. It is because many of us understand science that we shake our heads at this fraud being perpetrated.

                    3. Global warming is an elementary consequence of the laws of physics. So, no, you do not understand the science, in fact.

                    4. The man made global warming proposition, is a hypothesis, not scientific fact, being based on computer modelling, using selected massaged, homogenized, or altered data, rather than irrefutable proven observations, to advance the argument of of anthropocentric climate change. To make matters worse any peer reviews of the scientific arguments for climate change have been far from rigorous, if there were any at all.

                    5. No, it’s based on two very basic laws of physics: that CO2 absorbs IR, and that the Earth emits it. Just that alone is enough to tell you global warming needs to be happening right now.

                      To get the details, yes, you need models, because the physics is far too complicated to calculate by hand, especially due to the absorption and emissions spectrum of CO2 in the infrared.

                      I highly doubt you’re qualifed to make judgements about the quality of peer review.

                    6. Awe the gullible global warm….er climate change apologist speaks his oft repeated propaganda. The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Any peer reviews of the scientific arguments for climate change have been far from rigorous, if there were any at all.

                    7. Going straight for claims of “propaganda” shows you can’t even talk about the science.

                      Have you ever taken any courses in quantum physics? At least an introduction?

                    8. The propaganda claim has to do with the contents of your diqus account and not the single comment. NO ONE is refuting the fact that CO2 is being added by industrial behavior. The dispute would seem to be over the alleged fudged temperature data, and also whether the actual numbers fall within the confines of the margin of error.

                    9. There are articles from highly ideological sources. Not “evidence.”

                      Cite the scientific literature, not ideologues who agree with you while not understanding the science. I bet you can’t.

                    10. These are not scientific papers, they are organizations trying to promote their ideology.

                      Surely you can see the difference, right?

                    11. Why would you ever think the Daily Caller or Climate Depot is giving you unbiased information about climate change??

                      That’d be like me taking my climate science from the Huffington Post or Mother Jones. Which I’d never do — because I recognize their biases.

                    12. I–said–I–got–it–David. I know –exactly–where–you’re–coming–from– David.
                      You’re frantic propaganda posting awaits you David. Don’t let me hold you up.

        1. Be specific: do you mean California’s lunatic cap & trade or some other cap & trade system? Do you mean patents held by the Chicago group or what?
          What cap & trade program?

          1. You don’t even know about this program….. Yet so many here think carbon reductions will enslave them and control their lives. That’s totally false.

            1. Hey David. Rather than drone on about how stupid we all are why don’t you enlighten us. A chance to convert some with your brilliance should not be passed up. I look forward to your presentation. Now will you back up your assertion or will you just keep re-pasting it?

                1. You are not demonstrating anything. You asked a question 10? times and no one has answered. Either this Cap and Trade doesn’t exist or no one here (except for you) knows about it. Move on to phase two… Teach Us.

                  1. This cap-and-trade program has existed since 1989 — and you don’t even know of it!! Yet I’m sure you would claim it’s ruining your life and degrading the economy and enslaving you and jack-booted thugs, and all that.

              1. It’s not CO2 cap-and-trade, moron. The cap-and-trade program I’m talking about is for SO2 and N2O, signed by GHW Bush. It’s worked too, cutting emissions of these pollutants in half.

                And you haven’t even noticed, I bet. So much for all this “controlling” your life and enslaving you. Poppycock.

                Earlier Reagan instituted a cap-and-trade program to get rid of leaded gasoline.

        2. Please show us all the trees that have been planted with the cap and trade money!! Please show us where all the money has been spent that has been collected. Wait you can’t because it is all in Algorenstiens pocket or some other blubbering idiot politicians pocket. Explain how selling carbon emission allowance does anything at stopping climate change. How does it do any good to let a company keep right on polluting but it is okay because they paid someone some money to allow them to keep polluting. It is the biggest fraud and hoax ever played on people by any government.

        3. Guess what, my regressive friend. When a portion of my life is spent working because I have to pay for some political scam, against my will, that is called slavery, by definition. So tell me again how you don’t have an effing clue what you are talking about.

            1. Lol. You leftist government cuksuckers don’t even want to pay for your own contraceptives and you’re going to tell me I’m cheap? Run along, Gruberite, Al Gore doesn’t need you to suck him off any more.

        4. If you are referring to the emission reduction programs — it has raised my energy bills needlessly, has bankrupted the coal industry, has led to roaming brownouts during peak energy usage and has restricted what many businesses have been able to do.

          You are quite the apologist for the statists, I’ll give you that.

          1. No, I’m not referring to CO2 emissions reductions programs.

            Wanna try again to guess the cap-and-trade GHW Bush signed a quarter of a century ago? And the one Reagan signed before that?

        1. We have never had taxing authority of the UN…this treaty is the start of it. It is the noose to hang us all. Taxation without representation. Please do not reply to me and be so obtuse.

          None of this will matter though as this has slim chance to be ratified by congress, and Obama will soon be gone. Plus this treaty doesn’t even do anything until 2020, so there is plenty of time for a new president to undo any Executive Order Obama tries to sign because he doesn’t get his way.

          1. There is no UN taxing authority coming to the US. But we’e had a cap-and-trade program since George HW Bush, and most people here don’t seem to even be aware of it.

            1. Sorry but you are wrong. What you do refer to had no teeth and everything ‘like it’ was just epa regulations. Now they did try to pass such a scheme, but it never passed. Here is my proof below. You have a nice day now!

              The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES) was an energy bill in the 111th United States Congress (H.R. 2454) that would have established a variant of an emissions trading plan similar to the European Union Emission Trading Scheme. The bill was approved by the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009 by a vote of 219-212, but was never brought to the floor of the Senate for discussion or a vote.[1][2]

              The House passage of the bill was the “first time either house of
              Congress had approved a bill meant to curb the heat-trapping gases
              scientists have linked to climate change.”[3]

                1. Nope, the 1990 Clean Air Act did not give the EPA the authority to make such a program. Now this is up for debate if you actually research this act and not just read off some talking point off a liberal rag somewhere.

                  Notice I actually point to actual Acts, and you provide vague statements?

                  1. Wrong. The cap-and-trade I’m referring to is not about CO2.

                    And the Supreme Court rules in 2007 (Mass. v EPA) that the EPA *does* have the authority to regulate CO2 under the Clean Air Act amendments.

                    1. well none of this matters as it didn’t happen, and the agreement just made is non-binding, so it is all a joke.

                    2. It certainly happened. GHW Bush’s cap-and-trade program has been in place since 1989. It is binding law in the U.S.

                    3. someone please tell al gore so he can recoup all his money he has invested in the cap-and-trade schemes over the years. he was to make billion on a ‘real’ system that he never got

                    4. The GHW Bush cap-and-trade program isn’t for CO2. So it has nothing to do with carbon trading.

          2. Yes an if the UN gets this, next will be our 2nd amendment rights.
            When Trump becomes president he will use his pen to undo a lot of o so called privileges.

    8. The Global Warming issue extremely attractive to high placed Big Government elites because it promotes and justifies governmental involvement in many aspects of society for a very long time with essentially no way of measuring accountability; AND it deflects attention from the much more immediate and potentially disastrous matter of governmental debt, which high placed Big Government elites have absolutely NO intention of doing ANYTHING about.

    9. And sadly, once again, the pope and the catholic church find themselves united with the “science deniers” that believe it is “settled science” that man can control naturally occurring climate change.
      Last time they threw Galileo In prison for daring to “deny” the “settled science” that the earth was at the center of the “universe”, and did not rotate around the sun.
      Again, they (and many science deniers and political hacks) threaten those who claim man cannot change naturally occurring climate change with the loss of their jobs, prosecution via the RICO act, and public persecution.
      Just be the very nature of their staunch position that their specious models and ridiculous assumptions are “settled and proven” and no scientific analysis or peer reviewed studies showing the truth must be rejected on faith proves that they are NOT real scientists, and are simply pushing a political agenda and keeping the cash coming in to continue perpetrating the non scientific hoax that man can control the climate.
      They call those who deny that man can change the weather and naturally occurring climate change “climate change deniers”, when in fact, it is they that are the “climate change deniers”. They deny the fact that there is nothing man can do to change naturally occurring climate change, and act as if it weren’t for man, the climate would be static and unchanging, which is patently absurd.
      What a strange world we live in today. A sick, perverted twisted ideology that has laid waste to our republic and the world, and has perverted science into a huge Ponzi scheme.

    10. Precisely. That is what SOCIALIST do. They react to information and do not consider the context of that information.
      If they see a bear they think that the world has all of a sudden had an influx of millions/billions of bears which are out to eat them.

      1. Socialism, communism are just words and approaches. These people are totalitarians and seek control over people, not a specific system. Any means by which to gain that control is A-OK as far as they are concerned — the real goal is control by whatever means the serfs peasants people will accept

        1. Control or Status Quo? Some just fear change – others fear ideas because that indicates change.
          Deamon-crats fear their own shadows, your shadow – etc……………….

    11. Even more amazing how silly people can continue to call a scientific reality a hoax.

      The Denialists are people are spectacularly stupid and easily duped.

    12. Yeah, tens of thousands of scientists are all in a conspiracy to convince the world’s people that the climate is changing faster than living things are able to adapt.

      Now tell me again why so many scientists would agree to engage in such a gigantic fraud? Because they want to destroy the oil industry? Because they hate America? Because they’re really daemons from Hell? Because they’re obamabots? They’re working with ISIS?

      I bet if you had been on the Titanic, you would have refused to get into a lifeboat.

    13. Exactly. This is the “shelter
      in place” style of government management.
      They create a crisis and then expect you become immobilized while they
      fix it — all the while taxing you out the wazoo to beef up their bureaucracy . It’s funny how they (the collectivists) never
      seem to be affected by the various crises that you (the individual) are
      required to solve with your tax dollars.
      Like Jihadis shooting up your neighborhood (requires gun control) or some
      illiterate fool on welfare with six kids who thinks government McNuggets are a
      civil right (requires more food stamps).

    14. The truth is not the point. This fraud is the fastest path to enrich the elite overlords and enslave the stupid and willing class. The generally-useless pipe-puffing PhDs hope to peck at the dribbling crumbs as their reward.

    15. The people in”high” places know exactly what they are doing. It is not saving the planet. And it is Progressivism not Socialism. Progressivism works, but it is brutal. Progressives are eugenicists. They will eliminate the non-productives among us. If you control CO2 you control everything. Your house is to big. You live to far away from work. In progressivism everyone works, because non-productives have been eliminated.

    16. There is a precedent you know. Look up Piltdown Man. To this day no one knows who was behind this huge long lasting hoax, although many suspect Arthur Conon Doyle the creator of Sherlock Holmes.

    17. I want to see the emails on the 2015 Climate fiasco in Paris. This one stinks bad. The AP and NY Times are praising the French and all of the negotiators. Bologna. This agreement will go down in history as a huge sham. I doubt it will take 5 years.

    18. Don’t forget that part of the grand design of this ‘summit’ includes ‘funding’ for hell hole countries which can never do what is necessary to get themselves (notice I said the word, themselves) out of their self-created poverty.
      There is always money at the heart of so many of these global conferences. Who is one of the largest financial benefactors of this scam? Al Gore. Look at how much he’s made (I cannot say earned) off of this thing. It’s obscene. Then again, so is Mr. Gore. I guess I’m old fashioned but I tend to respect as heroes the people who have created systems which benefit us without thinking dollar signs.

    19. Actually, I think it is the human nature of the weak to seek their refuge in the masses and the human nature of the diabolical to seek the leadership of them.

    20. So… since this applies to CLIMATE CHANGE, and not exclusively to “warming”, when do the Lefties realize that we’re growing cooler and start trying to warm the planet, again? Will they tear down windmills and get rid of unicorns and rainbows, in favor of coal plants? Will electric cars be parked and SUVs be mandated as the only acceptable form of transportation?

      These people are so short-sighted, they never look past their own faces.

    21. It’s the perfect cause! Broken down to it’s base so even the least educated person in the Maldives can understand.

      A: For “saving” the planet.
      B: Against “saving” the planet.

      If you answer A then you can’t complain when it’s time to pay up. If you answer B you will be openly ridiculed until you go along with answer A.

      It’s the perfect totalitarian play.

    22. agree, But What amazes me is they used “global warming” nonsense to coral these poor, ignorant people into socialism. I mean that’s the best they could come up with and people still feel the need to follow. The world is just chock full of people that want the government to control their lives.

    23. it’s not amazing it is a means to a end. you think obama or all these other toads feel anything for these poor countries there main plan is to do a way with one country rule and set up a world government. one government runs the whole world. that has been the plan of this flat earth science since the begining

    24. Not really when you consider the dumbing down and indoctrination that has taken place within western education over the last 30-40 years. These young adults do really believe earth is suffocating and drowning in co2 and rising tides. They don’t understand science, so proof does not matter. One dying polar bear is just one dying polar bear too many. The older guard like Albert Gore orchestrated the whole theater to line their own pockets, pure and simple, the left joined the band wagon to kill capitalism and personal freedom, and it’s working.

    25. Take away the piles and piles of money these scare-mongering loons could make off “climate change/global warming/global cooling”, they wouldn’t give a rats azz about the climate.

    26. They know what it is. It will make their backers wealthier, the poor even poorer, and give them even more control over the populace. It has very little to do with climate change.

    27. The idea that self-serving politicians and soulless bureaucrats can change Earth’s climate to some mythical natural state by confiscatory taxes and onerous regulation would be laughable if it weren’t so terrifyingly totalitarian-fascist.

      Never mind the fact that computer models that you tweak to give the result you want are not science, and computer models are all they’ve got.

    28. Save the Planet by Manufacturing in North America.

      If CO2 is such problem… Please do tell why our progressive elites were allowed to move much of North America’s highly environmentally regulated and responsible manufacturing to unregulated China without a tariff penalty by our so called “green” governments? Killing jobs and compounding the environmental problems they profess they want to solve.

      That said, climate change, we now realize is more about wealth distribution than climate.

  3. It’s a Religion….

    Of course it’s not going to go away….

    ….until the Delusional Meme has brainwashed every human being on Earth….

    That’s what Religion is….

    It isn’t satisfied until it Infects everyone…..

    Then it mutates……and the Infection process starts all over again….

    Like when Global Cooling turned to Global Warming…..

    It’ll never End….

    The Left has lost their Traditional Religious Faith………this is the Replacement…..

    Inquisitions, Heretics, Sin, Guilt, Dogma, Apostates, etc…….just like the Old Religions…..

  4. The Era of Fossil Fuels IS NOT over….


    Only a completely delusional fool would thinks such a dumb thing….

    Obama is almost done…..

    ….and the Era of the Reign of the Church of Global Warming…..

    …is almost over…..

    We’ll continue to burn Fossil Fuels for Centuries…..

    1. We burned wood for thousands of years, coal and oil for a hundred. With the speed of discovery of new technologies, we’ll be burning something else within the next few decades. The social engineers aren’t smart enough, or they’re just taking advantage of the fallacy of GW. Once the adults are back in charge, we’ll deal with those people.

    1. You’re taking about the “science” from…. Where? NOAA, who got caught manipulating data to meet the green agenda? Obama’s website that falsely claims that a huge majority of scientists agree that climate change is man made, even though they started with over 1200 scientists and the number that agreed with the whole agenda ended at 75? Is that the “science” you’re referring to? Or are you referring to the same kind of science that teaches the theory of evolution ad a “known fact” now?

  5. HAHA! Good one! Of course it’s not going away, especially once they get a taste of all that “climate money”.

    Besides Barry’s presidential eligibility, globull warming is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.

  6. Science IS NOT…..

    …Neurotic and Panicked Doomsday Armageddon Nature Worship……

    ….based on the Mentally Ill Fear…..

    ….of CO2……

    …Plant Food…..


    CO2 is the Most Important Molecule on Earth for Sustaining the Biosphere…..

    That’s Science……


    white fat ugly bitter old men


    a big embarrassment to white society with their racism and illusions of religion, their denial of science and love of guns

  8. Delusional leaders and media?

    Diversity: Failure to assimilate, or selective segregation.
    Multiculturalism: Cultural enrichment through national suicide.
    Progressivism: Progress through perversity.
    Tolerance: Welcoming your adversaries with open arms and unlimited welfare.
    Political correctness: Fools trying to convince each other of their moral superiority through the absurd misuse of our language. (English, that is).
    Liberalism: The philosophy of self-loathing, grasping, snivelling brats.
    Settled science: Propaganda.
    AGW alarmists: Those that denounce “climate deniers” while denying that global climate was much warmer at about 2,000 and 4,000 years ago as evidenced by the spruce forest being exposed as the Mendenhall Glacier recedes.

  9. It’s pretty obvious to anyone that the climate change hoax was perpetrated because there’s a pervasive redistributive ideology throughout the world that is running out of money. How do they get more money? Simple. Create taxes and penalties literally out of thin air. Tax those big companies – that’ll show them! What do big companies do? Pass it all on to the consumers. That’s what those useful morons on the left will never understand.

  10. I think taking all the idiots that believe in global warming, and launching them all into outer space, where it is deadly cold, should eliminate all the global warming due to all the blowhards about global warming, no longer bloviating on the planet.

  11. If man made global climate change is the greatest threat to humanity, and we’re on the brink of no return, why is implementation being pushed off until 2020 ? Shouldn’t we just stop all use of fossil fuels immediately? Sure, food production will dramatically decrease. Sure, harvesting, storage, and distribution of foodstuffs will become exponentially more difficult. Sure, hundreds of millions, if not billions, of human beings will die as a result. But isn’t it worth it to prevent one tenth of one degree centigrade rise in the global temperature over the next 100 years?

    1. What I get from your comment is that China and India need to be more like the US and the West. Our cities aren’t like Beijing or Delhi, they’re much, much cleaner. If that’s the case, why are you and your ilk pushing so much on Western governments when they don’t have any of the dirtiest cities in the world. In fact, by comparison, our cities are very, very clean.

      As for your toxic comment, well, as an adult I just have to say tsk, tsk and shake my head knowingly.

  12. One indisputable fact, the champions of the planet left the mother of all historic carbon footprints that may never be rivaled. So it’s hard to take them serious. It looks like it was all about money and power. Our money and their power.

  13. If you see Smog in the Air…….

    That has NOTHING to do with CO2……

    CO2 is an invisible gas…..

    Asian Smog and Dirty Air……..

    ….are not due to CO2 emissions….

    You are emitting CO2 from your Mouth right now….

    Is it smogging up your surroundings??

      1. We know all the data over the last thirty years, whish is what’s being used to promote the idea if GW, has been provably shown to be manipulated by hand, is 10.% invalid according to real science.

        And real science shows data, process, and conclusions openly. Have you noticed this crowd of “scientists” want to keep their data and process secret and use imprisonment against anyone that disagrees with them? How is that valid science? How can you believe such garbage? Are you that stupid?

  14. Follow the money.

    Socialists have learned that to gain long-term power they have to entice corporations with corporate welfare – and as Al Gore and others have shown, they can get quite wealthy in the process themselves.

      1. Why are you using electricity to write? Much of it is created by coal. Hypocrite. You shouldn’t drive, heat and cool your home, or cook your food. All those spinning wind turbines are killing millions of birds, which eventually will alter and harm nature. And all those solar panels filling the millions of acres of countryside will be polluting junk in the future. Without dependable power, our grandchildren and grandchildren will live extremely hard and brutal lives the way the world is going. All this “science” is based on climate models. Science can’t predict the weather accurately for next week!

  15. People need to wake up. Global warming is our friend. An ice age is our enemy. These political idiots promoting an ice age where my country is covered in a mile of ice need to be locked up. Why do they want an ice age that will kill 80% of humans. Oh, I get it now. They want us dead.

  16. This is an amazing height of douchebaggery. Please explain how, for example, the “Temperature” component of the “agreement” be measured and validated? Through a Ministry of “Climate Science” that operates from falsified data?

  17. “Modern Witchcraft” is exactly right. The dogma can not stand to be questioned or challenged. Sadly this will not herald then end of the fear mongering, it’s just another tick forward to the day when the inquisitioners of the new church are unleashed.

    1. This douche is obviously too young to remember the daily smog reports on the Today Show back in the 1970’s, and has no historical clue about the real cleanup of our skies. Houston, Pittsburgh, and LA were three of the hotspots that regularly looked like downtown Beijing. Not anymore.

      Yet the mentally ill liberals just keep whining forty years later.

  18. Like anyone who knows that they are not right, liberals cannot tolerate debate. Even FOX News will invite liberals nightly on their commentary shows to debate issues, but you don’t see that on Rachel Maddow or the other MSNBC shows. They know they cannot win an argument unless they frame the debate to their favor. They have come to hate any free thinking, completely intolerant of anyone who has a thought that differs from theirs. They have literally tried to ruin the lives and careers of good scientists who disagree on the warming data to intimidate the rest of the science community to fall in line. They are despicable bullies.

    1. There is mind boggling serious money being made out of the climate change scam, and retribution is guaranteed for any who may rock the boat by pointing out unpalatable truths. Just observe how those who argue to the contrary are demonized.

  19. Anon….

    Of course we should eliminate Toxic Smog…..

    But, that’s a separate issue from whether CO2 Emissions are Bad for Life on Earth…..

    America has already gotten rid of Toxic Smog….

    Talk to Asians about that…..

  20. Meanwhile, radicalized Muslims are stabbing, shooting, and blowing people up, yet these douchebags think “Climate Change” is our biggest threat.


  21. “the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent
    – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most
    of the leading science organizations around the world have issued
    public statements expressing this, including international and U.S.
    science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
    Change and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the
    world). The number of peer-reviewed scientific papers that reject the
    consensus on human-caused global warming is a vanishingly small
    proportion of the published research. The small amount of dissent tends
    to come from a few vocal scientists who are not experts in the climate
    field or do not understand the scientific basis of long-term climate

    – NASA

    1. 97% of how many scientists? I can throw around random statistics too. 97% of the commenters on this particular article are laughing at your goofy self right now.

    2. Although it is commonly claimed that there is a consensus of scientists that blame man for global warming, in actuality there is no consensus at all. Many prominent scientists disagree. Dr. Art Robinson has maintained a website since 1998, signed by around 20,000 scientists, saying that, as of 2009, there is no convincing scientific evidence that greenhouse gases are causing or will cause catastrophic heating of the earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the earth’s climate.
      Of these, over 2,500 are physicists, geophysicists, climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers, and environmental scientists, who are particularly qualified to evaluate global warming.

  22. “When people think of NASA, they think of rovers on Mars, astronauts
    floating aboard the International Space Station, or probes veering out
    to the edge of the solar system. They don’t necessarily link NASA with
    climate research and observations. But Earth is a planet too, and NASA
    is one of the biggest players in the Earth science arena, with broad
    expertise on observing our climate, especially from the vantage point of
    space. Today it spends over a billion dollars a year doing Earth
    science and has more than a dozen satellites in orbit around the planet
    watching the oceans, land, ice, atmosphere and biosphere.

    In the 1970s, NASA’s planetary exploration budget fell dramatically.
    It was then that the agency really got into the business of studying our
    home planet from orbit. It was also a time when people were beginning
    to realize that our climate could change relatively fast, on the scale
    of the human lifespan. Today, we know that our climate is changing at an
    unprecedented rate and that humans are a key part of that change. NASA
    continues to launch new satellite missions, and is also relying on
    aircraft (manned and unmanned), as well as scientists on the ground, to
    take vital measurements of things like snowpack and hurricanes,
    augmenting the big-picture view we get from space.

    NASA’s role is to make observations of our climate that can be used
    by the public, policymakers and to support strategic decisions. Its job
    is to do rigorous science. However, the agency does not promote
    particular climate policies.”

    – NASA

    1. NASA is under the control of the Federal Government…..

      It is one Scientific Body….

      It doesn’t represent and speak for Most Scientists…..

      You don’t know how Science Works…..

      Science doesn’t work by Consensus…..

  23. “Ice cores are scientists’ best source for historical climate data. Every
    winter, some snow coating Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets is left behind
    and compressed into a layer of ice. By extracting cylinders of ice from
    sheets thousands of meters thick, scientists can analyze dust, ash,
    pollen and bubbles of atmospheric gas trapped inside. The deepest
    discovered ice cores are an estimated 800,000 years old. The particles
    trapped inside give scientists clues about volcanic eruptions, desert
    extent and forest fires. The presence of certain ions indicates past
    ocean activity, levels of sea ice and even the intensity of the sun. The
    bubbles can be released to reveal the make-up of the ancient
    atmosphere, including greenhouse gas levels.

    Credit: roundstripe/

    Other tools for learning about Earth’s ancient atmosphere
    include growth rings in trees, which keep a rough record of each growing
    season’s temperature, moisture and cloudiness going back about 2,000
    years. Corals also form growth rings that provide information about
    temperature and nutrients in the tropical ocean.”

    1. Ice cores are meaningless, particularly when it is very clear that ice comes and goes over time. There is no ice core that can give us a view into the past more than a few hundred or thousand years.

      1. About 800,000 years… polar ice sticks around indefinitely. That’s why one of our continents, the Arctic, can have no land mass but yet considered to be macro-permanent.

        1. Doubtful… And even if so, there is no guarantee that the constituents are meaningful with regard to atmospheric CO2 contemporaneous with the “date” of the core strata.

  24. “The Earth’s climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last
    650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and
    retreat, with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago
    marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human
    civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small
    variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our
    planet receives.

    The current warming trend is of particular significance because
    most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is
    unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1

    Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have
    enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different
    types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale.
    This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a
    changing climate.

    The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2
    Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the
    atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA.
    There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must
    cause the Earth to warm in response.”

    Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical
    mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s climate responds to changes in
    greenhouse gas levels. They also show that in the past, large changes in
    climate have happened very quickly, geologically-speaking: in tens of
    years, not in millions or even thousands”

    – NASA

      1. I’m Non-religious and I’m not Jewish.

        Shalom America – Shalom simply means peace. As does the Arabic word As-salamu Alaykum if ya prefer…

        Both mean peace ya “Schmuck’~!

        Please Jump back with your next silly or really stupid Obama-Tardnism~!

        Shalom – ,,l, (^_^) ,l,, -~!

    1. One may ask why the academic scientific community has prostituted themselves on this issue, and the answer is quite simple, MONEY.
      In the area of climate research, if one produces a contrary argument to the climate alarmists, it is a guaranteed way to have research funding terminated, and also possibly to have one’s University employment also terminated.

      1. Well, when you buy a useless degree you need to be a capitalist to pay your state University loan back. Walla, the creation of the “climate scientist”. Every government needs a consensus of them.

      2. Always follow the money in a scam and you will find the scammers. In this case they do not even care because they are raking in so much money from the working people.


  25. “Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last
    century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly double that of
    the last century”

    “All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880.5
    Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest
    years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years
    occurring in the past 12 years.6
    Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an
    unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue
    to increase.”

    “The oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 700
    meters (about 2,300 feet) of ocean showing warming of 0.302 degrees
    Fahrenheit since 1969”

    “The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from
    NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150
    to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between
    2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36
    cubic miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005.”

    – NASA

    1. This is from the government, don’t you know. The same government that told you that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. And the same government that says there are no UFOs, while individual astronauts routinely snap photos of them. And since you are a lefty, the same government that told you that there are WMDs in Iraq.

  26. Relative to past Earth History…..

    In the 1800’s……before the Industrial Era began…..

    ….our Atmosphere was severely CO2 Deficient…..

    Currently, 400ppm……

    ….is still considered relatively Low…..

    ….compared to the past…..

    There is no Danger…….and no need for Alarm…..

      1. yes,


        greed is causing this

        20 people in the US control more wealth than 50% of the country

        the economy is failed due to greed

        the environment WILL suffer and it will destabilize the ecosystem

        1. So the people who caused the problem…. Also have the solution…. That you have to pay for….. Because they obviously can’t…. Right makes TOTAL SENSE!! Good job anon educate us on how we need to pay for other people’s mistakes! You are a good sheeple

      2. I’m not sure so sure this was an Obama driven agreement but to say he didn’t get what he wanted, I think not. Expectations were low no doubt but I think he’s more than a little pleased. It was 50-50 that there’d be any sort of agreement at all. Me? I’m stunned. I find the agreement to be borderline miraculous. I expected nothing at all.

  27. No doubt this same sort of mass hysteria, framed by the hypocrisy of those who exploit it, has preceded the fall of every previous civilization.

    It’s not ‘climate change’ that will end in human extinction; clearly, that extinction will be caused by simple human nature, presently on full display in Paris and everywhere on the globe where this hoax is blindly swallowed whole.

    1. How foolish of us. I thought that climate varies across the planet sort of at will, and has been for millions of years. The global warming thing explains the tropical tree fossils found clear up in Norway. Listening to the global warming hysteria reminds me of watching the Dodo bird scene in the movie Ice Age with the kids.”Doom on you. Doom on you.” How pathetic.

      News flash: The climate does change. It always has, and it always will. The only thing different this time is the number of lemmings and useful idiots to help the big boys and fascists cash in on it.

      I finally got rid of the last of my Al Gore “Got Mercury?” CFL bulbs. There was another great flipping idea. It is strange that the private sector brought us the new LED bulbs which are now a technology that is ready for prime time all by themselves.

      One of these days you folks will figure out that with respect the climate on earth, saying “above normal” when even comparing it against the last 1 or 2 hundred years is nothing short of stupid when you realize that it is only blip in time with regard to global climate.

      You may resume panicking now.

  28. “The number of record high temperature events in the United States has
    been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has
    been decreasing, since 1950. The U.S. has also witnessed increasing
    numbers of intense rainfall events”

    1. “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”

      ― Joseph Goebbels

    2. I feel sad sad sad for you buddy when those liberals start passing laws that screw over all Americans, you silly people that support them now are going to get screwed just like us folks who can see the truth now.

  29. ‘Does this mean we never have to hear about ‘solving’ global warming again!?’

    No such luck, the party of committees (or is it the committee of parties ) is already planning their next five star multi-billion dollar Gala and climate extravaganza. All strictly first class. They need to consume us to “save the planet”

    Get your kids out of government schools immediately

  30. These HOAXSTERS have the knife in , now they will twist until the fat squealing pig public bleeds out slowly , and painfully . These BASTARD CHILDREN that call themselves leaders just murdered 4 billion people by this FRAUD by the famine that follows ! This FRAUD will enslave the stupid piggish population because they believe the FRAUD perpetuated by these pedophiles , liers, mobsters, warmongers , globalist usurpers running this FRAUD ! WE in America will rise up and fight these PEDOS TO THE DEATH . Next Step by these BASTARD CHILDREN , RFID CHIP those who survive the coming holocaust of war, and famine perpetrated by this GLOBAL WARMING FRAUD !!! YOU PEOPLE ARE FOOLS TO BELIEVE THESE GLOBALIST BASTARDS THAT WANT TO ASSFU(K YOUR 8 YEAROLD CHILDREN …

      1. With regard to scientific “theories”. We need to understand, when debating, that a “theory” with respect to a “scientific theory” doesn’t have the same meaning as ‘theory’ in the non-science world, which means a consideration or a contemplation etc…. When scientists call it a theory, it means a fact in science lingo (has to do with no absolute truths prattle). Therefore, evolutionism in no way rises to the level of “scientific theory” and should not be granted the title. A better description would be something like ‘speculative conjecture’ at best.

  31. I feel no sympathy for the Maldives or Marshall Islands….

    Why the F would you build a country…..

    ….on small islands barely above the Water??

    It’s time to move…..

    ….just like Humans have been forced to Migrate for Tens of Thousands of Years….

    ….due to Climate Change….

    No sympathy at all….

  32. Socialism is based on the hope of a transcendent man….a stupid premise if there ever was one. Man does not and WILL not ever live outside of himself enough to make a world collective possible. Socialism is an unworkable theory COERCED upon populations by dreamers who have never been accountable to function in the REAL world.

    Anthropogenic Global Warming is the basis for the next coercion.

  33. Global warming/climate change is merely the Gaia Hypothesis of the 1970s being used as a justification to impose a form a economic socialism by a one-world global governing body.

      1. This is what happens when Progressive academics and so-called scientist, who embrace the moral relativism of the Post-modernist world-view, become joined and become the public policy tool of Progressive political Statisst, who truly believe that they are never wrong. When this took place, which we are watching now, a Justified True Belief, which the Modernist world-view definition for Knowledge, to the Post-Modernist scientist, Truth becomes relative and Truth becomes the tool of the political-class, where Post-modernist scientists merely has to generate biased data to meet the needs of their Progressive-Statist taskmasters, who pay their Progressive scientists millions in research funds to generate biased data to use while writing the latest Progressive social engineering public policy, which the wives, sons, daughters, relatives of Progressives will use to form businesses to regulate Progressive social engineering laws.

        Do you see how Progressive social masterminds get rich in the Post-Modernist era? The Clinton’s, Al Gore, and Joe Biden’s with his connected wife and children, and Barack Obama who will become the first ex-president billionaire, are excellent case studies of “Progressive crony capitalism.”

  34. IT’s amazing how gullible and easily fooled everyone is when you have a figure like bernie sanders preaching about how screwed out planet is and that we have to turn ALL attention to “solving the global warming problem”.

    WAKE UP PEOPLE! This is one of THE GREATEST Con-jobs in human history!
    don’t you see this is another hoax!?!
    just like the conception of obamacare, to create and pass the initiative of this bullsh!t “carbon tax” which is going to tax the industrialized countries Trillions of dollars, EXCEPT CHINA, INDIA, MEXICO, and a host of others – That’s right, the globalist conspiracists what to rake in trillions of dollar, bankrupting the remaining countries while the biggest offenders of the worlds pollution ARE EXEMPT!?
    WTF PEOPLE!!?!?
    Don’t you see this is a scam? Don’t you see how many of the leading scientists who oppose the idea of Global warming, and that there’s actually a global cooling trends, are being persecuted legally, fired from their jobs and silenced out of the left/liberal communist media….. We’re not hearing the hoards of supporting evidence that contradicts everything we’re being told, because there’s trillions of dollars to be embezzeled and stolen from the 1st world nations, like US the usa.

    Why would Russia oppose this measure – they are opposing the global warming hoax conspiracy to rip off the world and continue to enable the china/india population to keep on polluting and not fining THEM.

    SO fukcing sickening! How stupid all of us are!!! I can’t wait one day until the lid is blown off this and the conspiracy to commit theft of the people with this “global carbon tax” and would love to see all the collaborators hung on world wide broadcast TV – including our politicians involved – those running for president too.

      1. Ummm, you’re missing the point. The people are FOR this idea of global warming and the only way to stop it is to pass “carbon taxes” on the non-china, india, mexico…etc. ALL have something to gain.

        Do some research instead of passively beleiving EVERYTHING you’re told and what you hear from the corporate media that’s teaching you what you think you know.
        Research global cooling, see how many highly respected scientists from multidisciplined backgrounds are contesting this idea that our warming trends are completely man-made.
        Also research who and why and how these scientists are getting axed from their positions and even prosecuted for protesting this scandulous idea that we have to all be taxed trillions of dollars world wide to somehow fight this problem we have.
        The more you know, the more stupid you originally feel for beleiving everything that’s told to you by the media that you get your information from. There is a narrative they want you to believe. And people like AL Gore stand to make billions off this “Deal” – because it’s a businss move to him.

        And when you see people like Bill Mahr, who’s a staunch mouthpiece of the democratic party, passively agree and foritify that we have an out of control global warming problem, without talking about any facts, or weighing ANY evidence into this equation, that’s enough for countless millions to automatically agree with this concept.

        Research the facts, The people who are testifying against this concept are breaking news that the polar ice caps actually have MORE SNOW than in the last dozen plus or more years!?
        HOw is that possible?
        There’s no rise in tides, if there was “global warming” from melting icecaps flooding the water on the planet.
        If anything the tides have fallen!! because of the increased polar snow mass.
        Wake up man! do your own research. listen to other people than CNN, bernie sanders, msnbc, Al Gore, and see this is one of the biggest con-jobs trying to be passed over the world that we’ve ever seen!!

              1. WEll don’t make it sounds like you’re one of the people who actually believe this load of horse shit. Especially when bernie thinks our greatest threat to the USA is global warming- WTF!? I merely implied that MOST PEOPLE, who beleive we have this out of control warming epidemic, have been conned into thinking we’ve got a doomsday scenario coming if we don’t start collecting trillions of dollars from the lesser of the ecodisaster countries.
                I agree we have a global pollution problem. Absolutely infuckingdisputable. but to say this is the direct cause of the temps on the planets is both misguided and a flat our exaggeration and a lie.

      1. Much agreed. the next wave of fascism exists because of the special interest, corporat controlled, govt censored media puts out disinformation to create the narrative they want the media to portray and the people to beleive. We’re seeing some of the greatest facism that rivals anything from WW2, but on a whole different, indirect level. totalitarianism is already here.

  35. When you watch and listen to Left Wing Climate Doomsday Propaganda……

    It’s always all mixed up…..

    …with other issues completely non-related to whether the AGW Hypothesis is real or not…..

    Discovery Channel had this propaganda piece a week ago……about Mass Extinction……

    It was a jumble collage of Environmentalists favorite issues…..

    I kept wondering how Asians who are killing off Sea Life…….

    …has to do with me driving a car powered by Gasoline???

    Then, in the background is this Soft Piano meant to try to introduce tears into my tear ducts…..

    It’s really weird Cult Like stuff….

  36. I would be happy if this got us off the addiction to fossil fuels so countries deficient in them wouldn’t have to defend (or suck up to) those that do.

    1. “addiction to fossil fuels”

      Are you nuts? That’s like claiming that there is an addiction to “the wheel” or “steam” …

      As it turns out, the fuel conversion efficiency of internal combusion engines running off of fossil fuels is around 85%. There is literally almost NOTHING that is that efficient.

        1. Only about 11% of all oil used in the USA goes into gasoline. The remainder is split between rubber production, plastics, and energy production. The majority of that remainder, a bit over 60%, goes to the energy sector.

          So there’d be a lot less dependency if we’d gone nuclear, like Europe did. And they use a pretty much perfected single model of power plant too. They work well, and there’s no need for every town/county to have its own. Nuclear is much more powerful and efficient, so less of them are needed.

          With science dedicated to advancing that power source, we’d probably begin using fission within a few decades. It’s the next logical step. And fission is the same energy the sun produces, so if we could harness that, there’s the idea the the entire country could be powered by a handful of fission plants, with room to grow exponentially.

  37. We live in a Fossil Fuel World……

    All Plastic comes from Crude Oil…..

    Thousands of other products come from Crude Oil…..

    It’s not going away…….

    Tens of Millions of Americans rely on Heating Oil to keep from freezing in the Winter…..

    Over 97% of Automobiles, Trucks, etc………run on Crude Oil Fuel Derivatives…..

    Fossil Fuels aren’t going anywhere….

  38. Environmentalists are a funny bunch…..

    18 Wheeler Trucks…..

    ….keep our Economy moving….

    We see them all over the Highways 24/7…..

    Without them…….our Economy would shut down…..

    There aren’t going to be Electrically Powered 18 Wheelers any time soon…..

    It’s a Fantasy……

      1. And there’s already over a half million miles of oil pipeline crisscrossing the country. An educated public would never have allowed this to be stopped. There’s just no logical reason to do so.

    1. The eternal POTUS. It seems this clown has been in town for an eternity. I already have my fireworks ready for Jan 2017. I sense a winter barbecue party coming on.

    2. And when that criminal traitor leaves office, he will be tried and prosecuted when he’s just a civilian again.
      We;ve never had a person in the white house who’s been a bigger traitor, theif and antagonist against the american way more than oba-mao.

      1. No he’s not jewish, just a misguided conartist who’s paired up with the globalist leaders to try to make some more money for himself and the rest of the cartel – while amazingly allowing leglislation to bipass the root of the cause of global pollution – which is China and India – alone contribute to the Global Pollution. Global pollution is NOT The same thing as warming, nor can anyone prove the direct correlation either.

        UK has banned his teachings and opinions on putting his misinformation into their public schooling system.

          1. “The American People own the Federal Reserve…..”

            Wow!!! You need to do some research. You couldn’t be more wrong.

            Search “Federal Reserve Act 1913” to catch up.

  39. GLOBAL = EVERYWHERE on earth
    WARMING = Rising temps
    So HOW are record cold temps possible ANYWHERE on earth if TEMPS ARE RISING EVERYWHERE ON EARTH???……How can Demoliars say “the science is settled”, when they don’t even understand the 5th grade level vocabulary words in their lie?
    NOTE: never has a Democoward Liar Answered the question……ever!

        1. sort of… weather generally refers to the here and now… it’s raining, it’s sunny, etc. climate is more macro… the desert is hot and sunny, the Arctic is cold.

          But I feel ya.

          1. So google is lying about Climate and Weather being synonyms? And the definition of Climate is NOT, THE WEATHER CONDITIONS prevailing in an area……THE WEATHER CONDITIONS>>>>>>> Do you understand the words I am typing??????

      1. That’s about it….I try to get them to discuss Thermodynamics, and how it relates to “Global warming”, but none of them understand science. DEMOCRATS HATE SCIENCE, because real science proves they are liars.

  40. “Does this mean we never have to hear about ‘solving’ global warming again!?’

    In our dreams. And if it’s not global warming it will be something else.

    Government’s main function these days is to keep the populace in perpetual hysterical fear about everything. It gives “our elected officials” a good excuse to step in, deprive us of our most basic freedoms, and control every aspect of our lives … “for the greater good.”

  41. Progressive wealth creation and wealth transfer from the economy to the global political class. This is advanced when Progressive academics and so-called scientist, who embrace the moral relativism of the Post-modernist world-view, become joined and become the public policy tool of Progressive political Statist, who truly believe that they are never wrong. When this took place, which we are watching now, a Justified True Belief, which the Modernist world-view definition for Knowledge, to the Post-Modernist scientist, Truth becomes relative and Truth becomes the tool of the political-class, where Post-modernist scientists merely has to generate biased data to meet the needs of their Progressive-Statist taskmasters, who pay their Progressive scientists millions in research funds to generate biased data to use while writing the latest Progressive social engineering public policy, which the wives, sons, daughters, relatives of Progressives will use to form businesses to regulate Progressive social engineering laws.

    Do you see how Progressive social masterminds get rich in the Post-Modernist era? The Clinton’s, Al Gore, and Joe Biden’s with his connected wife and children, and Barack Obama who will become the first ex-president billionaire, are excellent case studies of “Progressive crony capitalism.”

  42. Only in your dreams. Whenever our Democrats pass something that limits individual liberties, within 24 hours some D-bigwig like Pelosi will announce that “It is a good first step”, and blame the Republicans for obstructionism. Their history on gun control is a good example. Step by step, slowly, slowly, catchee monkey!

  43. As a concerned rancher I decided to do my part in the fight against global warming.
    All my cattle wear flatulence bags which trap and contain the harmful gas. Every twelve hours these bags are emptied into a large vacuum facilitator where the gas is pumped to a depth of 800 feet below the earths surface. There it is forced through a colander and pumped back to the surface as oxygen.
    This process is time consuming and costly and I am quickly going broke. However, I know I am doing the right thing as it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy to know I am helping save the planet……and the children.

  44. I for one think this is an amazing first step toward saving the planet. Another year without an agreement like this and we’d all be dead. There’s just no surviving these skyrocketing temperatures.

  45. “SKEPTIC” is SO STUPID he thinks “the American people own the Federal Reserve Bank”…..
    Actually, most Americans find it hard to beliee that a group of GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW BANKERS own the United States Feeral Rserve Bnk, and printed themselves SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS UNDER OBAMA ALONE…. (Google Quantitative Esing money printing”, because we all know the socialist jew media has not told America what it really is…..GREEDY SOCIALIST JEWS PRINTING THEMSELVES MONEY…..
    Now you know why they don’t want the FED AUDITED…..
    Americans really are ignorant moronas….

    1. Yes, yes, we know, the entire world, except the baby rapers/murderers, neo-NAZI’s, bigot’s, religious haters, etc., are all under the thumb of the Jews. Yes, yes, we all understand. Less that 3% of the world’s population controls the entire world. This is why every president, every dictator, every prime minister, every governor, every mayor, every dog catcher is a Jew. Can you ever get over yourself? Such stupidity, did you take classes in hate or did it come naturally to you?

  46. Carbon dioxide increase from 330 ppm (1980) to 390 ppm now is like the proverbial needle in a haystack increasing its mass by 1/5 of a needle! Not to mention that water vapor accounts for about 3/4 of the very necessary-to-life greenhouse effect! Without the greenhouse effect, we would be Mars. And without carbon dioxide in the air we would be dead!

    1. I’m kind of a fan of water vapor. Sometimes it gets so thick it condenses and falls to earth. It’s weird. Then things like potatoes and beans grow. And then we can pick them when they’re ripe and eat them. They taste pretty good.

  47. I try to get DEMOCRAT GLOBAL WARMING LIARS to discuss Thermodynamics, and how it relates to “Global Warming”, but none of them understand science. DEMOCRATS HATE SCIENCE, because real science proves they are liars.

  48. “SKEPTIC” is SO STUPID he thinks “the American people own the Federal Reserve Bank”…..
    Actually, most Americans find it hard to believe that a group of GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW BANKERS own the United States Federal Reserve Bank, and printed themselves SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS UNDER OBAMA ALONE…. (Google Quantitative Easing money printing”, because we all know the socialist jew media has not told America what it really is)…..GREEDY SOCIALIST JEWS PRINTING THEMSELVES MONEY…..
    Now you know why they don’t want the FED AUDITED…..
    Americans really are ignorant morons….

    1. He is correct. WE own all that debt, And yes, I said all. You are really out there with the anti-jew thing. You are correct with one thing. No entity doing business with the US government should above being audited.

  49. WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA to lie about “Right wing CHRISTIAN Conservatives”, but it’s not OK for me to TELL THE TRUTH about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  50. The Pope has bought in because ‘Climate Change’ is really the hot new religion, and he doesn’t want to be left in the dust.

    It’s amazing how gullible people are and how they can be exploited by this sort of big-time fraud.

  51. Since it is a fraud from the get go. Once they are ready they can claim it is now fixed. Nothing changed but money from the workers to the entitled elite.

  52. JFK publicly stated that he wanted to Abolish the SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, and the GREEDY LYING SOIALIST JEW BANKERS HAD HIM SHOT……
    Then 3 years later, THE CIA MADE UP THE TERM “CONSPIRACY THEORIST”, to attack those who questioned JFK’s death…..
    GOOGLE ZEROHEDGE CIA JFK CONSPIRACY THEORIST…..and see what the greedy, lying socialist jew media is hiding from you!

  53. It’s so easy to fool people these days. A bunch of sheep. If they hear something repeated enough, they lick it up like a dog at the water dish. Bunch of idiotic, moronic fools. Do you Lib Leftists realize how sick you are??

  54. WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA to lie about “Right wing CHRISTIAN Conservatives”, but it’s not OK for me to TELL THE TRUTH about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA?
    WHY doesn’t the socialist jew media call Obama an anti-Semite when he lies about Israel and Netanyahu?

  55. “SKEPTIC” is SO STUPID he thinks “the American people own the Federal Reserve Bank”…..
    Actually, most Americans find it hard to believe that a group of GREEDY SOCIALIST JEW BANKERS own the United States Federal Reserve Bank, and printed themselves SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS UNDER OBAMA ALONE…. (Google Quantitative Easing money printing”, because we all know the socialist jew media has not told America what it really is)…..GREEDY SOCIALIST JEWS PRINTING THEMSELVES MONEY…..
    Now you know why they don’t want the FED AUDITED…..
    Americans really are ignorant morons….

  56. I’m ignorant when it comes down to congressional ratifications of treaties, (or if they will have a say in this at all) but what I do know is that the house and senate that we voted in to stand up to Obama will without a doubt bend over and grab their pasty white ankles on this one.

  57. JFK publicly stated that he wanted to Abolish the SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, and the GREEDY LYING SOIALIST JEW BANKERS HAD HIM SHOT……
    Then 3 years later, THE CIA MADE UP THE TERM “CONSPIRACY THEORIST”, to attack those who questioned JFK’s death…..
    GOOGLE ZEROHEDGE CIA JFK CONSPIRACY THEORIST…..and see what the greedy, lying socialist jew media is hiding from you!
    Calling me names won’t cure your ignorance GOOGLING WILL!!!!!!

  58. ‘Does this mean we never have to hear about ‘solving’ global warming again!?’


    They had to rush this through because it’s becoming undeniably obvious that man-made global warming isn’t happening.

    Now they can take credit for stopping man-made global warming.

    But they’ll keep asking for more money to ‘combat the threat’.

    You know how they tell us, ‘weather is not climate’? Every weather event will be proof of climate change. Just think of ‘SUPER STORM’ Sandy.

  59. In recent news, the African termite queen Ilika Woodchomp has retained the law firm of Whineinurstein & Lyinsacashitz to sue these globalist leaders for damages caused by tampering with earths thermostat. Damages are estimated to exceed all of the money on the planet.

  60. WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA to lie about “Right wing CHRISTIAN Conservatives”, but it’s not OK for me to TELL THE TRUTH about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA?
    WHY doesn’t the socialist jew media call Obama an anti-Semite when he lies about Israel and Netanyahu?
    Name calling socialist jew liars and democowards never answer…….

  61. These treaties and agreements are meaningless. A president cannot enforce laws that congress doesn’t pass. It’s violates the constitution, which is why we need to vote for a strict constitutionalist in November.

  62. Q: WHY no NON-JEW FEDERAL RESERVE Bank CHAIRMAN in the last 3 decades?
    A: Because the last NON-Jew, under Reagan WANTED TO ABOLISH THE FED…..Then REAGAN WAS SHOT…..just as the last President who publicly said ABOLISH THE FED (JFK) was shot……

        1. Nothing says ” I am a tough guy” like hiding on the internet and calling people whom they nothing about sniveling cowards. I can’t think of anything quite as macho.

  63. The state sponsored religion of global warming has now been adopted as the globalist’s forced religion.
    Just as the Emperor of Rome to the King of England forced the single religion of Christianity down everyone’s throats against their will, the modern, self appointed emperors are going to FORCE FEED us their scam of a religion on us in every way possible. But they, so far, won’t threaten us to convert or die…no… They want us alive to TAX us on their religion. Believe it or not, we all will pay.

  64. WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA to lie about “Right wing CHRISTIAN Conservatives”, but it’s not OK for me to TELL THE TRUTH about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA?
    WHY doesn’t the socialist jew media call Obama an anti-Semite when he lies about Israel and Netanyahu?
    Name calling socialist jew liars and democowards never answer…….

  65. but……WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA to lie about “Right wing CHRISTIAN Conservatives”, but it’s not OK for me to TELL THE TRUTH about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA?
    WHY doesn’t the socialist jew media call Obama an anti-Semite when he lies about Israel and Netanyahu?
    Name calling socialist jew liars and democowards never answer…….Sure they will call me names though!!!!

  66. JFK publicly stated that he wanted to Abolish the SOCIALIST JEW FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, and the GREEDY LYING SOIALIST JEW BANKERS HAD HIM SHOT……
    Then 3 years later, THE CIA MADE UP THE TERM “CONSPIRACY THEORIST”, to attack those who questioned JFK’s death…..
    GOOGLE ZEROHEDGE CIA JFK CONSPIRACY THEORIST…..and see what the greedy, lying socialist jew media is hiding from you!
    Calling me names won’t cure your ignorance GOOGLING WILL!!!!!!

  67. Dear Cowardly Name callers….

    Which of these socialist jews are not socialist jews?

    Today, seven Jewish-Americans run the vast majority of major U.S. television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:

    Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
    Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
    Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
    Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
    Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
    Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
    Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

    These seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.

  68. UMMMMMMMMMMMM, BUT……WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA to lie about “Right wing CHRISTIAN Conservatives”, but it’s not OK for me to TELL THE TRUTH about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA?
    WHY doesn’t the socialist jew media call Obama an anti-Semite when he lies about Israel and Netanyahu?
    Name calling socialist jew liars and democowards never answer…….WHY DEMOCOWARDS?

    1. Calm down…..

      Like I said…

      …there is some truth to what you post…..

      But, don’t take it and form massive conspiracy theories that are unsubstantiated…..

  69. Let’s sum this up to one simple quote by Dr. Michael Savage: “liberalism is a mental disorder”. That’s all anyone needs to know when it comes to the climate fraud hoax.

  70. ‘Does this mean we never have to hear about ‘solving’ global warming again!?’

    No. Not by a long shot. They just got world consensus that MMGW is happening and they’re going to milk it for all the money they can get.

    They had to rush this through because it’s becoming undeniably obvious that man-made global warming isn’t happening.

    Now they can take credit for stopping man-made global warming.

    But they’ll keep asking for more money to ‘combat the threat’.

    You know how they tell us, ‘weather is not climate’? Every weather event will be proof of climate change. Just think of ‘SUPER STORM’ Sandy.

  71. No, it means that countries across the world have just agreed to a very long discussion about the subject.

    Never mind Marc, keep you busy for the decades ahead.

  72. Liberal Democrats have decided to regulate CO2 for the Plant Kingdom…..

    The Plant Kingdom says:

    “Thanks Libnutz…….but we don’t need your assistance……just keep emitting MORE CO2…..we LOVE it”

  73. Why do Plants love CO2….

    …but, Liberals fear CO2?

    The Plant Kingdom has been around for Billions of Years……

    I think it’s much Wiser than Liberal Progressives….

  74. The high priests of the global warming cult rejoice. They pulled the scam off just before the coming world wide cooling becomes too apparent to ignore. The elites know that it is a scam, but it is a scam that lets them siphon off more money from the masses and gives them ultimate control. The next generations will be indoctrinated about the need to follow the government dictates to avoid doom and anybody who objects will be eliminated by the believers as a threat to Mother Earth and life itself. It is a cult leader’s wet dream come true. It will make ISIL look like a tolerant group of rational and open minded fun lovers in comparison.

  75. Yeah! We can give credit to Barack Obama. We can give him an award. He can put it on his mantel next to his Nobel Prize he got before taking office, because he brought about World Peace.

  76. UMMMMMMMMMMMM, BUT……WHY is it OK for the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA to lie about “Right wing CHRISTIAN Conservatives”, but it’s not OK for me to TELL THE TRUTH about the SOCIALIST JEW MEDIA?
    WHY doesn’t the socialist jew media call Obama an anti-Semite when he lies about Israel and Netanyahu?
    Name calling socialist jew liars and democowards never answer…….WHY DEMOCOWARDS?

  77. Maybe it’ll be good if Greenland melts….

    Then, White Americans can escape North………and build a New Country and Society…..

    We’ll make sure not to make the mistakes of the Past… Slavery……and importing Cheap Farm Labor…….

    We’ll do the Manual Labor for ourselves……control the Borders……and Immigration…..

    ….and maybe have a chance for a Prosperous Future….

  78. Hope we get kisses from these eco-chondriacs because we are all certainly going to get screwed! Of course, they will protect themselves from whatever dictates they enforce on us.

  79. Pres. Obama and Al Gore can now coalesce all alternative energy sources; aeolian, geothermal, solar, etc. into one conglomerate to be called SCAMerica!

  80. “‘Now that the United Nations has officially ‘solved’ man-made global warming, does this mean we never have to hear about ‘global warming’ fears again!?”—what an utterly mind-boggling stupid statement. oh, wait-it’s climate depot

  81. This climate change movement is only for the MONEY, the greatest TAX
    movement world wide, with most of the money sticking to the greediest
    hands who will run it, and benefit from it. Sure some will go to
    undeveloped countries, but in all it will not improve our climate or our
    only place the World Order looks to Control Climate is where they can
    monitor or force companies to monitor or produce usage figures to be
    monitored and taxed.
    This machine has not ONCE made laws, to
    decrease pollution and Carbon Emissions from a source of millions of
    polluters that can be cut off and eliminated once and for all to better
    the air , but this act of eliminating it would not get them any money
    rolling in month after month.

    and in pits,and land fills, where people all over the world burn
    garbage, plastics, diapers, etc, and pollute the air.

    So the
    question is Are their intentions to really save the planet, or make
    money making everyone think their plan will change climate, and save the
    planet, and justify the need for everyone to pay more taxes to THEM,
    and trust THEM, that the money will enable them to do GOD’s work.

  82. Given the flawed western money and banking system and the natural laws of economics overwhelming the toxic policies driven by the progressive mindset, COP21 is but one huge effort to obfuscate . . . the next global war . . . aka WWIII.

  83. The only thing that matters now is that we’re going to be paying for this for generations because it will become an ‘on going battle’. They’ll use this agreement as a way to settle other future issues that are deemed a ‘threats to humanity and the planet’.

    It’s not going to stop with governments and businesses. This is going to affect where and how you live.

    Watch for calls to curb ‘suburban sprawl’ and other such measures.

  84. If the world was able to implement sufficient wind and solar power generation to run everything, how many non-renewable fuel power plants would be still be needed? Answer: most of them. You see, because we need to maintain a certain level of power production 24/7/365 to keep the world running, we have to maintain those plants. The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow within the required speed parameters to reliably produce electricity.

    Now, you’re probably thinking of replying something to the effect of “Yeah, but the wind IS always blowing and the sun IS always shining somewhere.” True, however we cannot afford to install enough turbines and solar cells everywhere to have capacity to power everything. And, in any case, we have this thing called night that drops solar electric production to exactly 0% of capacity for about half of every day.

    Coal and nuclear power plants still needed for back-up power generation can not be shutdown, the nature of these plants requires a ramp-up to reach efficient generating rates, so they can’t be turned-off and then just started when needed. Meaning, in order to provide reliable back-up capabilities, they have to be left running; perhaps at lower operating levels, but running nonetheless. So, we can not get rid of these other sources of electricity and they have to be left running; how much do we then really save?

    Now add the other environmental impacts: the tons of batteries with all their caustic and poisonous components, the tons of poisonous sludge from solar cell production, the minced-up avian life from wind turbines, the land area needed for solar and wind electrical generation farms, etc. So, we reduce carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels and add toxic landfills for the by-products of “green” energy. Plants breathe CO2, and today’s levels are actually not far above the minimum levels needed to maintain them. If plants can’t breathe, they die; and if the plants die, so do we. Nothing breathes or eats toxic sludge, battery acid, lead, lithium, cadmium, silicon tetrachloride, etc. Add it all up, if we expend untold trillions on “green energy”, how much does it really benefit us?

    I am not saying that there is no benefit to solar and wind power production, it serves a supplemental role well; but that is all that it will ever be able to due to its varying production levels. And, I wanted to point-out that these “green” sources are not as green as everyone thinks. Emissions can be scrubbed, toxic waste is far harder to mitigate. The Earth and its inhabitants have seen CO2 levels more than 15 times higher than today’s levels and survived, I’m not sure how it and its denizens would weather 10 or 20 times the amount of toxins in its water and ground. Until some new miraculous power generation system is developed we will continue to have a reliance on fossil fuels, solar and wind simply can not replace it completely; unless we cut consumption dramatically. And dramatically cutting energy consumption will be no better for humanity than the situation we have today, because our life saving medical sciences, communications, advanced construction materials, food production and transport all rely very heavily on energy availability.

      1. Sure, just be sure to put the nuclear plants in your state and not mine. 😉 But seriously, that does not mitigate the toxic pollution from batteries if we were to switch our transportation systems to all electric. So, I don’t see this comment as a refutation of the overall point of my comment.

    1. “The Earth and its inhabitants have seen CO2 levels more than 15 times higher than today’s levels and survived…”

      Obviously. But it isn’t a question of surviving, it’s question of adapting. We’re now warming 30 times faster than when the world left its last ice age 25,000 yrs ago. That’s very fast warming.

      1. Peak interglacial period warming has historically been dramatic, look at pleistocene era warming periods. I think saying that we are warming faster than only the last ice age is of little value to prove there is a problem, when we have many other cycles with which to compare.

  85. This one of the most oppressive control grabs ever contrived. All the actual facts indicate no need to address anything regarding the trace amounts of carbon dioxide we all exhale or release elsewhere. Absolute BS! Scientists–actual scientists can’t publish papers or speak out with contrary facts. Anyone who believes we are in “climate crisis” or even close to anything out of the norm for climate, is a f’ing idiot. Meanwhile, the same people who steal a fortune from taxpayers, just found a new piggy bank to raid.

  86. The beauty of the movement is that the Climate will ALWAYS change… it can never, ever be solved. But solving this manufactured non-catastrophe was never the goal. Many think that the goal is to level the playing field… to bring Western Civilization and Civilization itself down… to reinforce the dependency of half the world on the other half. But even that is untrue. The movement is neither a religion nor a science, it is a political-social scam which will line the pockets of the Progressive movers and shakers and nothing else. They know that this scam, taken to its logical conclusion, will destroy civilization. Perhaps they simply don’t care about 50 or 100 years from now… or perhaps they know that, at some point (after they have stolen all the money from the West without redistributing anything but suffering) the world will wake out of this silly trance and find a way to rebuild. Progressives haven’t really thought this out… they will kill the golden goose for short term, personal reward and, like all socialist systems, it will consume itself. The world has become a very unfamiliar place.

  87. No big thang. The inevitable worldwide economic depression and pandemic unemployment in industrialized nations can always be blamed on Big Bad Corporate Greed.

  88. As long as these “scientists” are being paid, I assure you global warming, climate change, global cooling, radon, alor poisoning, will remain with us. If their funding was shut off, it would all disappear.

  89. Forget it. These progressives are never going to stop using this scam to separate us from our money and draw power into central government they can manipulate. The single greatest hoax of all time. Right in there with the naive assumption of leading man to paradise via the glory of Marxism and collectivism.

  90. This whole thing is sickening. The pandering. The fearmongering. The self-flaggelation. The outright socialist power grab.

    The worst part IS the money: all of these extortions that will have to be paid by the “rich” countries, to develop green fantasy energy for the poor countries, are NOT going as payments directly to the country that “benefits”. They are getting rolled into giant derivative hedgefunds like Fannie Mae, dedicated to “green energy investment”. All of this investment will act just like the Fannie Mae ponzi scheme…but it will have regular infusions of cash from the west. (What you thought this was a one-time payment?) And by the time the final cash actually gets sent to “green energy projects” in all these third world countries…guess who will be running the companies that will be getting the work? the same “investors” who run them. Just like all the failed green energy companies in the US, they will all have obama donors and other crony socialists on their boards. They will get cash coming AND going.

    This is a crony-socialist ponzi scheme of epic proportions. TRILLIONS will be passed along to anyone connected to this fraud. It boggles my mind why even the average person cannot see this clearly by now.

    1. Global warming/climate change is a prime example of Progressive wealth creation and wealth transfer from the economy to the global political class. This is advanced when Progressive academics and so-called scientists, who embrace the moral relativism of the Post-modernist world-view, become joined and become the public policy tool of Progressive political Statist, who truly believe that they are never wrong. When this took place, which we are watching now, a Justified True Belief, which the Modernist world-view defines as Knowledge, to the Post-Modernist scientists, Truth becomes relative and Truth becomes the flexible tool of the political-class, where Post-modernist scientists merely have to generate biased data to meet the scripted needs of their Progressive-Statist taskmasters, who pay their Progressive scientists millions in research funds to generate biased data to use while writing the latest Progressive social engineering public policy, which the wives, sons, daughters, relatives of Progressive-Statist will use to form businesses to be paid to guide companies, “to grease their wheels” to “make the right phone calls to the right people in government” getting the companies through the mountain of regulations of Progressive social engineering laws.

      Do you see how Progressive social masterminds get rich in the Post-Modernist era? The Clinton’s, Al Gore, and Joe Biden’s with his connected wife and children, and Barack Obama who will become the first ex-president billionaire, are excellent case studies of Progressive crony capitalism.

      1. It’s how socialists operate; they always abuse science for their own ends. The NAZI regime had many scientists, and many peer-reviewed papers “proving” the superiority of the Aryan race. We saw how that worked out.

    2. This chapter is finished.
      This fraud is designed to forge our chains. For the economic collapse is upon us. For there is no “money”. There is the good faith and credit of the world bankers (what does your paper say?: Federal Reserve Note – a private bank owns that currency, you don’t) now worldwide. The poop is already flying at the fan.
      What are they to do with the angry “little people”?
      Yet God has given us the keys to this conundrum, to see our old enemy clearly.

  91. As I posted earlier:

    “Whenever our Democrats pass something that limits individual liberties, within 24 hours some D-bigwig like Pelosi will announce that “It is a good first step”, and blame the Republicans for obstructionism”

    Didn’t take long. Bernie has already gone on TV complaining that the agreement “didn’t go far enough!”

    So, Bernie, when is it “Enough”? Yeah. that’s what I thought… never.


  92. My question is, will the next Republican President put a stop to this nonsense? This is a non-binding agreement which has not been approved by Congress, so the next President has no obligation to honor it. This is basically a deal Obama made on his own and is complete BS.

  93. The political class in places like California have done nothing to husband water, with catchment systems and desalination systems. Instead they have (demorats) imported and made comfy a population of plantation voters, legal or not, to further deplete their aquifers to expose the population to the desert that is Southern California. So now, when the dust bowl migration begins, and those of us who chose not to live under the tyranny of “democrat” rule will be told “it’s your fault, by driving your car you have created this disaster” and so we will be forced, as we are in the case of muslim wackos, to accept those fleeing “climate change”. To support them, to be taxed for them worldwide and all for a LIE.
    There is a way, a truth and a life that opens ones eyes and ears and that stands apart to observe the lies of group think.

  94. It’s all a crock and a scam. Once they have confiscated the wealth of the middle class, they won’t give a crap about the earth again. That’s what it is all about, folks. There can not be global domination as long as there is a middle class that calls the shots.
    It’s as simple and obvious (at least to a few) as that.

  95. Meanwhile, ISIS continues it’s advance across the planet, destroying men women and children in their quest to dominate the world. Our leaders are either the most ignorant and incompetent people on the planet, or the most evil and corrupt.

  96. I wonder if Al Gore’s Mansion……

    …is completely reliant on Wind and Solar Energy?

    How does he power his Gulfstream Private Jet?

    Does he drive an Electric Vehicle?

    If you believe in a Religion…….shouldn’t you First adhere to it’s Moral Precepts….

    …instead of preaching to the Unbelievers to do so??

  97. As someone posted earlier, if we were to stop funding these climate scientists and all of the climate research, the “scientists” would flip flop like a fish out of water. As long as their source of funding depends on their research coming to particular conclusion, then it’s bogus science. Actually, it’s not science at all. All of the predictions are based of models which have already been proven to be fraudulent.

    1. That’s why we need to Vote on Nov. 4th 2016 for the GOP Candidate…..

      All of us….

      No one stays at home this time…….No one……

      Then the new Republican President can cut all Federal Funds to the Climate Science Community….

      NOAA and NASA heads will be removed……..and a massive investigation of these agencies will commence…..

      EPA Chief Gina McCarthy will be indicted for her Economic Crimes against Coal Country…..

      That’ll get the heads spinning….

  98. F-Them.This is a tax on all good people, because western govts. have so far overspent their budgets on the lazy, unproductive and ever demanding “won’t work people” that our govts. appease for votes. Now there is no way to get ours, and their budgets in solvency. So instead of admitting what these liberal geniuses have done to the free people of the world because of the lazy and demanding. They have come up with a scheme that will make the stupid accept, to save their lives. Tooooo bad DEMONc-RATS. We are not stupid. We know your uneducated, sick evil plan, and we are not going along with it no matter what you TRY, yes TRY to impose on us. WE WILL NOT COMPLY!, and you evil liars will suffer for trying.

      1. I’m older. I beg them, or any govt. entity to come for my guns. Me and all the people I know, have already told our adult children that we will go out fighting, but not before we take as many of them as we can first. In defence of our children’s future.

  99. Its all about money nd control… to the third world it is free money…to the enemies of USA it is a means to control our money and economic superiority… for frauds like Gore it is money in his pocket and feather is his unworthy cap… pretty simple really!!

  100. IF Climate change is like A NEW ICE of the 70tys or acid rain or Ozone layer or rain forest,,You SHEEP will lead the world to a jobless rate like never before,,Communist support this HOAX …

  101. Well, if these people are so smart that they think man can control the weather then we shouldn’t have any more cold ,snow ,tornsdos,hurricanes, droughts, storms ,and no more terrorism. These people are so smart!

  102. So by limiting CO2 we are going to limit temperature increase over the next century? Seriously? The arrogance of the GW activists that crafted this agreement in beyond comprehension. Are they going to control the other GHG, or oceanic currents, wind patterns, volcanic activity, solar activity, the earths orbit, the water cycle, etc? Until they control everything they will not limit temp up or down even a fraction of a degree. This agreement isn’t about controlling temperature, its about global welfare.
    Congress needs to act strongly

  103. The way the proponents of climate change use it as a cause for every problem, every last storm, every last issue — from the latest tornado, to a bad rain storm, to global terrorism shows how ridiculous they are, and how ridiculous the entire man-made climate change scheme is. Yes, it is witchcraft — a religion — which uses the language of religion. Those who don’t believe in man-made climate change are “deniers” or “skeptics” — we are the present day heretics!!

    1. What are we supposed to do? Sarcasm and mockery can become a powerful political tool; the left has demonstrated that — just look at how they perpetrated this fraud. We need to take that page from their playbook.

  104. This man-made fraud only demonstrates the level of indoctrination, the academic intimidation, the corruption of today’s leaders who go along with it, the absence of any meaningful resolve to speak the truth, and the willingness to ‘play along’.
    The unintended consequences, the inconvenient truth is that fraud only breeds fraud, fraud, deception, and more of the same.

  105. It will NEVER be over. Because it is not about climate at all. It is, and always was about scaring people into accepting socialism. Until they have accepted it, and have had it instituted, the scam will continue.

  106. I have gone to MULTIPLE sources of temperature changes. Temperatures in Arctic/Antarctic ice as well as temperatures back to hundreds of thousands of years from around the world. Depending on their scale of variation and if they averaged individual years vs averaging hundred or thousands of years you can see minor fluctuation within major fluctuations.
    No matter how you view the data it is easy (even for an novice) to see that there are long term trends (Highs and Lows) that the earth goes through over thousands of years.
    ALL of these can be laid one on top of another and they show that the data is accurate and the only variation is the sampling rates or specific sampling rates of different locations around the earth.
    It is easy to see that there have been a few major fluctuations in our early history and they continued into today’s records. What is notable is that the “Global Warming Alarmist” do is start their sampling from the last low point and point to the increase since then. 1880 seems to be one point they often choose (the little ice age).
    They point out the dramatic increase in temperature since that time (2 to 4 degrees over 125 or so years).
    If they were to take the data we have collected from prehistoric geological records they would see even MORE dramatic rises and dips in global temperature – but THEY IGNORE THOSE FACTS and only concentrate on the latest increase.
    If anything, one would note that the fluctuation in the past were 1. Longer 2. More extreme High & Lows) and 3. the Fluctuation (may or may not be decreasing in duration but that is hard to statistically prove).
    When Prehistoric temperatures were at their peaks THAT is when most of the advances in animal and plant diversity occurred. In other words, we had better conditions for beneficial change then, then we do “right now”.
    If one looks at what we as humans are doing technically and biologically, we are changing physically and for the better – faster than any time in history.

    1. I like the point you are making. The other thing that should cause skepticism is that the precision of estimating temperatures before the advent of the thermometer and monitoring stations is way more that 1 or 2 degrees.

      1. Samples are extracted from physical parameters and not actual thermometer readings of course but science can tell if a rock (for example) formed in low, medium, high (or extremely high temperatures). Tree growth is another area they use. Petrified trees are great resources for ancient temperature variations. There are enough samples of timber and petrified trees that can interlace their records and give us a relatively accurate record.

        1. I understand what is being used as the basis for the estimates of temperature. However, to state with certainty that they can estimate the global (or even local) average temperature to within even 5 degrees using tree rings or other methodology is not reasonable. Tree rings, for example, are influenced by a variety of inputs including moisture, solar illumination, and temperature. Using such estimates and then projecting forward to influence the temperature in the future by tenths of a degree seems a ludicrous approach.

          1. Tree rings are indicators of growth. Temperature increases makes the actual ring thicker whereas increased moisture makes the distance between those rings wider. One can not tell HOW HOT it got or HOW MUCH MOISTURE was involved, just that it was more or less than other years.

  107. The hoax is successful because it is an excuse for government to parse material and regulate commerce. Imagine the bribes, kickbacks, and just plain fawning the politicians will receive now that you will need the government’s permission to use natural resources. David Brin said power attracts the corruptible!

  108. Its all going nowhere fast for these countries who signed up for this. Simply, they don’t represent the “entire world” only a fraction. The rest of the world will continue burning fossil fuels and at an accelerating rate as it is now more advantageous for them to do so. The only way the crazies could carryout this “Utopian” plan would be to enforce it with WAR. Somehow they would have to FORCE the non-participating countries like China, Russia, IRAN, and now ISIS to join at their demise by placing sanctions and killing those who resist. I doubt it very much.

  109. I hereby pledge 50 K dollars to support a reduction in climate change. This pledge is in the form of reduced energy use in ten cold northern winters, I am spending the next ten winters in Mexico.

  110. Recent observations by Astrophysicist have confirmed a Theory showing Global Cooling is in our near future. Beginning in about a decade and expected to last for three decades. They do not expect an manner of an Ice Age. However, it is a given that there will be massive Climate Change.

    I like to say; the Sun God has spoken. Did you know a Physicist from India did relay this to the attendants. All it did was cement their resolve to put into place their agenda. That being Taxes and Wealth Re-distribution. We all know once a tax made it is forever.

  111. What a total crock of shite! Climate change will proceed after the last human being has expired and has preceded the first human. This is nothing but another way for the elites to make money by absconding with another pound of humanities flesh. Good job Kerry/Hienz, and bluebloods of any criminal vein.

  112. SHAME ON YOU, Climate Deniers! Now that The Best And The Brightest, following the inspired leadership of Our Dear Leader, have enacted the principles of Settled Science to save the planet will you shut your carping mouths or will we have to shut them for you? Whirled Gubmint is the answer to all mankind’s problems and the ability of scientists, politicians and police agencies to fix the weather using the amazing axioms laid down by Our Dear Leader has now been realized. Thank You Dear Leader!

  113. Climate Change is scheme and devise of Lucifer and his undaunted children, who work hard to please him. CO2 being a natural component of photosynthesis and plant health, is stored in the biomass of plants as cellulose and other plant tissues, CO2 has not elevated to “harmful” levels, total CO2 in the atmosphere is minute compared to other gases that are far more abundant. Climate change is an avenue in which those who propagate it use it to lord it over others by championing carbon tax and other schemes to gain power and force submission. St. Paul wrote in the Book of Romans that “they would exchange the truth for a lie” and again “they worship the creation in instead of the Creator”. Climate Changers are nothing but Satan’s children and they work hard to please him, doing everything they can to exalt man over the earth and the world. Can they demand the winds to change direction and tell it to “come here” and “go there”? No they can’t. Thinking man can alter the dynamics of the atmosphere is exalting oneself as God himself.

  114. No one has bothered to explain yet how taxing people and spending the money on wars, monopoly protections, and mediocrity producing welfare entitlements helps the climate.

  115. There is a New World Order group who believe the earth cannot sustain as many people as it has now and that the numbers must be cut drastically or we will strain the earth’s resources. I have often wondered if this belief is the reason for the Climate Change hoax? Of course, those who believe there are too many people never think they themselves are among the surplus, do they?

    1. If some think there are too.many people then put birth control in their water, but why keep bringing refugees, illegals and a million naturalized each year?

  116. For the sake of argument, let’s just assume that all this climate nonsense is true, and carbon dioxide is magically some type of pollutant, and every other possible talking point you can think of. Assume all of this is true —

    You’re a politician. If you took 15 short minutes to perform a cost-benefit analysis of the impact of humans on the climate versus the progress that has resulted from the advancements that created these impacts, what would you find? We humans are living longer and living better lives than at any point in history. We’ve done that through the industrial revolution and through technological progress. And if all of that progress, which has created our lives by orders of magnitude, has resulted in a few tenths of a degree change in global temperature, SO WHAT? The benefits greatly outweigh the costs.

    What politicians want is to scare you into believing that an imperceptible (and in reality, immeasurable) change in global temperature will create a global catastrophe in hopes of convincing you to change your lifestyle such that you are living in the 14th century, when the average lifespan was 35 years and people worked their farms for 20 hours a day just to get by.

    Politicians, either through true stupidity or calculated deceit, treat every cost of human activity to be the same level of consequence. Therefore, changing a temperature by 0.2C is the same as thermonuclear war. Politicians truly are the worst of society.

  117. I just read the NY Times story on the agreement. It reads like a it came from a PR shop. It stopped :the slide toward an unlivable planet” Huh?

    The “agreement could be an inflection point in human history.”

    The climate cheerleaders never cease to amaze me,

  118. The fraudulent scheme has been completed. The transfer of wealth now begins. The economy of the United States will be damaged more than any other developed nation. Within time, more will be demanded under the premise of social justice. To the US citizenry: Turn out the lights, the party is over.

    1. “The fraudulent scheme has been completed.”

      And it was a long time in the planning.

      Beginning with work by Joseph Fourier in the 1820s, scientists had understood that gases in the atmosphere might trap the heat received from the Sun. John Tyndall set out to find whether there was in fact any gas in the atmosphere that could trap heat rays. In 1859, his careful laboratory work identified water vapor and carbon dioxide.

      In 1896, Svante Arrhenius published the paper “On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground.” (Carbon dioxide was once known as carbonic acid.) He stated, “If the quantity of carbonic acid increases in geometric progression, the augmentation of the temperature will increase nearly in arithmetic progression.” He included in his calculations the fact that decreased snow cover would decrease the albedo (reflectivity) of the Earth and that a warmer atmosphere would hold more water vapor.

      1. You do realize that there is a limit to the amount of energy that CO2 in the atmosphere can absorb, right? (after all, you are lecturing us on this, so you must know). You also realize that CO2 absorbs only in a very narrow band of the spectrum, so the amount of influence that it can have, even if at maximum absorption, is quite limited, right? So the bottom line is, if we’ve reached maximum absorption, it won’t get any worse.

        1. Note that one of the CO2 absorption bands, at about 16 μm, is the most significant band for radiation from the Earth’s surface.

          “So the bottom line is, if we’ve reached maximum absorption, it won’t get any worse.”

          Ten “Skeptical Arguments that Don’t Hold Water”

          5. ADDING CO2 TO THE ATMOSPHERE HAS NO EFFECT BECAUSE THE CO2 ABSORPTION BANDS ARE ALREADY 100% OPAQUE. First, no they are not, and that’s because of pressure broadening. Second, even if the atmosphere was 100% opaque, it doesn’t matter. Here’s why:

      2. The problem is that Svante is wrong; Increasing atmospheric CO2 does NOT augment the temperature, in arithmetic progression or any other fashion; the temperature has been FLAT for more than 18 years despite humans adding more CO2 to the air. He mistakenly assumed that the factors affecting our climate are static, and the only change is CO2. The sun, our biggest heat source and ignored by climatologists’ computer models, has heating and cooling cycles. The jet stream moves north and south for no known reason, drastically affecting our climate. There are dozens of factors affecting our climate and atmospheric CO2 is only a small factor, comprising only about 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere. There is a HUGE difference between Svante’s lab and the earth’s atmosphere, and an even bigger difference from today’s computer models, NONE of which account for actual temperature readings.

        1. “He mistakenly assumed that the factors affecting our climate are static, and the only change is CO2.”

          “The sun, our biggest heat source and ignored by climatologists’ computer models”

          It is not ignored.

          “has heating and cooling cycles.”

          Yes, it has been cooling for a half century.

          “the temperature has been FLAT for more than 18 years”

          The 18 years is a cherry pick.

          Thanks to Icarus62 (

          As you can see, the UAH warming trends for the last 36 years, 20 years and 16 years are identical to within 1/100th of a degree C per decade.

  119. This is a perfect Communist Money making issue. If climate get better, they can say; “See we were right.” If climate gets worse, they can say; “We need more money, more power, more control.” That is how the Left takes over the World! Create a false emergency, spend billions, and impoverish most people.
    This will never be solved, until all the people are bled dry of money, or are dead.

  120. .
    Just once I wish the far-left ideologues would lead by example.

    Set up that community where everything is free.

    Build that community without energy or a ‘Carbon Footprint’

    Heck, just stop being ignorant hypocrite elites for a change!


  121. Right now, the northern hemisphere is experiencing global cooling as winter approaches, and this spring it will receive global warming. We continually experience “Climate Change”. There is no modifying this pattern. If Man can change this pattern, why doesn’t he? Start in Buffalo, New York, which gets more than its share of snow. Or go the other way and give Louisiana a cool summer for a change. If we can’t do it on purpose, we sure as hell can’t do it accidentally!

  122. You people here kill me. It is all a big giant conspiracy that the whole planet is on (200 countries signed the agreement) and only you morons know the ‘truth’. I can read these comments for hours.

    1. I am not a scientist nor pretend to be. But when 95% of the world’s (not the U.S.) say that global warming is real I tend to believe them. And I am not sure how every country’s government could be an Al Gore counterpart. State some facts for once.

  123. 200 fools who are so excited for saving the world from the dark forces of the magic that they so adore. One more step for the UN towards a one world government led by the same 200 fools. Now off to a feast a Hogwarts.

  124. The latest of their fanaticism involves the horror of leap seconds being added because the earth is *GASP* slowing its rotation, all thanks to melting polar ice drifting to the equator and having the same effect as an ice skater spreading her arms while spinning.
    Scientists think the earth day used to b e6 hours long when the planet was young. It’s been slowing down ever since. Timekeepers have been adjusting the number of seconds in a day for several centuries. And NOT because of sudden global warming. In truth, the earth speeds up and slows down quite randomly. It’s not because there’s an ice melt taking place. We have seen record ice accumulation at the poles recently. It’s not melting.

        1. But they say 2013 was a one-off and that climate change will continue to shrink the ice in the decades ahead.

          Turn up the volume

          The Arctic region has warmed more than most other parts of the planet over the past 30 years.

          Satellite observations have documented a decrease of around 40% in the extent of sea ice cover in the Arctic since 1980.

          But while the extent of the retreating ice has been well recorded, the key indicator that scientists want to understand is the loss of sea ice volume.

          Researchers have been able to use data gathered by Europe’s Cryosat satellite over the past five years to answer this question.

          1. The planet is billions of years old. Thirty years? Nonsense. “They Say”, like AL Gore saying the arctic would be nearly ice free by 2013. They say lots of things. They are almost always wrong.

            1. From Al Gore’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech:

              “Last September 21 (2007), as the Northern Hemisphere tilted away from the sun, scientists reported with unprecedented distress that the North Polar ice cap is “falling off a cliff.” One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.”

              Which is to say, a Navy researcher said that it could happen as soon as 2014.


        1. They’ve only been keeping records since 1979. That’s all the data they have to work with. None of the doomsayers even acknowledge the steady upturn shown at the right side.

  125. The lunacy of what liberals really believe is frightening. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. I harken to a better day when climate fraudsters would have been flogged, put in stocks or an iron mask. Talk about a world upended. Today, they are made wealthy or live in cloistered comfort on university campuses or receive obscene pay and benefits as government workers.

        1. Haha I am not sure I get your point. So are you saying the science of the middle ages is the same as today? And of course you insult anyone that points out any of your lunacy. Very typical.

          1. I am loathe to use my hand puppets, but I guess I must. Consensus is not science. Never has been. Look it up. Check out a lot of “consensus” before Einstein showed up. Science is never settled.

      1. Go look in the news dot heartland site about 30,000 scientists signing a petition objecting to the notion of settled science.
        Belief in global warming or cooling is not nearly as universal as you would like to think it is.

        1. Before you site your source as an internet petition that literally anyone could sign you should do a little research. The petition was found to be made up of mostly non-scientists. Here is a list of just the first couple of A’s on that list.

          “Munawwar M. Akhtar” – no info other than the fact that he is a signatory on the petition.

          “Fred A. Allehoff” – no info other than the fact that he is a signatory on the petition.

          “Ernest J. Andberg” – no info other than the fact that he is a signatory on the petition.

          “Joseph J. Arx” – no info other than the fact that he is a signatory on the petition.

          “Adolph L. Amundson” – a paper by Amundson on the “London Tunnel Water Treatment System Acid Mine Drainage.” [PDF]

          “Henry W. Apfelbach” – an Orthopedic Surgeon

          “Joe R. Arechavaleta” – runs an Architect and Engineering company.

        2. About the “31,000 real scientists signed a petition”

          This is the Oregon Petition. Names on it include: “Perry S. Mason” (the fictitious lawyer?), “Michael J. Fox” (the actor?), “Robert C. Byrd” (the senator?), “John C. Grisham” (the lawyer-author?). And then there’s the Spice Girl, a k a. Geraldine Halliwell: The petition listed “Dr. Geri Halliwell” and “Dr. Halliwell.”

          A skeptical view of the petition from actual skeptics (a great site about skepticism in general), warning, it is a long, detailed reading:

          “Misleading by Petition

          Just What is the Consensus on Global Warming?”

      2. I have yet to hear why the earth’s climate changed so extremely, from Ice Age to tropical, before Man even existed. Can you explain this, please?

        Also, since you criticize others’ lack of credentials and experience in Climatology, can you give us your degrees, findings, papers and research that shows you are involved in Climatology so we know we should listen to you?

              1. A good many of the so-called scientists are nothing more than politicians and staffers. Those “scientists” who believe AGW are not wanting to lose grants from their socialist countries.

                    1. Keep reposting the same bogus article. Some survey of METEOROLOGISTS do not believe in climate change. Good thing that is not their scientific field.

                    2. Your ignorance and fawning worship of so-called settled science is making you look quite the fool.

                      “Nearly half of meteorologists and atmospheric science experts don’t believe that human activities are the driving force behind global warming, according to a survey by the American Meteorological Society.”

                      What do you stand to gain from your dogmatic stance? You own stock in bird cuisinart wind farms … or bird frying solar arrays?

                      These “scientists” have everything to gain via subsidies and grants by playing along with the AGW myth. If they speak out against it, they’re ostracized, defunded or canned. A BBC reporter was just ditched for voicing his skepticism. Wake up, you hopeless lemming.

                    3. Oh? Atmospheric science ISN’T the right field? Somebody needs to take that child away from you, lest you turn him into a mini-moron.

                    4. Being that climatologists employ long-term perspectives — based on models designed to predict weather patterns in months/years to come — they can hide behind that “long-term” BS when it doesn’t pan out as they predict. And remember them predicting the WILD and increasingly FREQUENT hurricanes we’d be experiencing after Katrina? That rather fell flat, didn’t it? Then they lamely and deceptively blamed it on climate change. They have a built-in excuse for their fraud.

                      They’re HARDLY to be held in higher scientific esteem than meteorologists. And, based on their failed attempts so far, it’s little wonder they’re scoffed at.

                      Theirs is junk science. JUNK SCI-ENCE.

                    5. And I do not have a dogmatic stance. If the science led to a conclusion that it wasn’t caused by man, or that it would not harm the planet then I wouldn’t give a shit about it.

                    6. From the article the Daily Caller referred to:

                      Climate science experts who publish mostly on climate change and climate scientists who publish mostly on other topics were the two groups most likely to be convinced that humans have contributed to global warming, with 93% of each group indicating their concurrence. The two groups least likely to be convinced of this were the nonpublishing climate scientists and nonpublishing meteorologists/atmospheric scientists, at 65% and 59%, respectively. In the middle were the two groups of publishing meteorologists/atmospheric scientists at 79% and 78%, respectively.


              2. Because, contrary to your belief, science is NOT merely a “consensus”. At one time Galileo was the only scientist who said the earth circled the sun; the rest believed the earth was the center of the universe. But since you believe in the consensus, the earth must be at the center, right? After all, every single scientist of the day but Galileo said so, right?

            1. Name ten currently-publishing, US climate scientists who say that Man is not the primary driver of current climate change.

              Name ten currently-publishing, US climate scientists who say current climate change will not cause severe problems before the end of the century.

                1. On the Wikipedia page, those meeting the criteria are Drs. Curry, Spencer, Christy, Legates and maybe the Idsos.

                  Note that Drs. Curry, Spencer and Christy all get significant government funding, even with their disbelieving.

              1. YOU are the bright boy who makes unsubstantiated claims that Climate Change exists. Name your top ten “experts”. Include their CV and research experience as well.

        1. “Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation”

          “The episodic nature of the Earth’s glacial and interglacial periods within the present Ice Age (the last couple of million years) have been caused primarily by cyclical changes in the Earth’s circumnavigation of the Sun. Variations in the Earth’s eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession comprise the three dominant cycles, collectively known as the Milankovitch Cycles”

              1. I can tell you specifically how people cause forest fires; can you tell me specifically, first, what is your proof that Climate Change exists, and second, how do people cause Climate Change?

                  1. Problem is that site is using data that has been shown to have been doctored. It is not believable for that reason. If you can’t trust the data, the conclusions are garbage. … and the East Anglia papers as well as Hansen arbitrary “adjustments” to the temperature records make the underlying temperature data completely unreliable. That’s science, that’s fact. The fact Hansen won’t defend his adjustments is more theology than science.

                  1. 97% agree man influences the climate ….

                    it doesn’t make sense to lump them all into the “catastrophic climate change” religion.

                    To do so, PROVES IT IS A FRAUD

                    1. First off, you can’t prove a negative. Prove I am not Jesus Christ. Secondly, if now we are debating the degree of the influence of man that is one thing. Personally, even if it was 20/80 that it would not be catastrophic to the planet, wouldn’t you want to be on the safe side?

                    2. what the hell are you talking about?

                      97% of the world’ scientists don’t predict eminent doom from global warming….


                      grow a brain

                    3. imminent…

                      eminent domain, is actually extremely relevant to the topic of government solving global warming, but it would go over your head

                    4. There we have it! The loony Lib’s solution to all our problems!

                      Thanks, Long-Lies, I knew your mask would come off sooner or later.

                      Since you are obviously crazy, I have nothing further to say to you. Dismissed!

                    5. All I know is never trust a man that uses three exclamation points in the same comment. That is frightening.

              1. I AM a climate scientist, at least as much so as some of the bozos who claim to be. Research the CV of the biggest proponents of Climate Change; they have NO background nor training in what they claim to be “experts” of. I have studied the so-called “evidence” for Climate Change, including the methodology in setting weather stations and collecting data, and it is NOT science. The Three Stooges could have done a better job!

      1. Those 200 countries aren’t doing it because they believe in Climate Change; they are in it to get a piece of the Carbon Tax Pie that US citizens will be forced to provide to the rest of the world.

  126. Many of the participants in this silly orchestration will never engage in what they have agreed to. You can sign papers or drink toasts, but it’s probably going to be about as popular and short lived as the Treaty of Versailles. All this is is a cheap wealth transfer at the expense of nations who have already largely resolved any pollution issues. The only people that don’t yet comprehend the scam are the fools little impacted by it –yet. By the time 2020 rolls around the politics in the EU will have dramatically changed, and most in power now will have been driven from office. The Chinese? They’ll continue to industrialize at any level they wish, smog and all. The US? I doubt if by 2020 there will be anyone in Congress or the executive that will be in any position to threaten their constituents with this nonsense.

              1. You liberals are so funny! Longb23 I live on the coast and the oceans are not arising trust me 97% of the scientists go it all wrong. BTW like my bra? He! He!

                  1. Yes, but 20 years from now is not evidence of climate change. The climate models are not proof of climate change. Consensus is not proof of AGW, so I am supposed to live their lie and shut off my air conditioner?

                  2. Forty years ago you Libs were talking about Global COOLING; we should all be under glacial ice by now. So you changed it to global warming, and the temperature has not risen for 18 years. NOW you call it “Climate Change”, so whatever happens you have it covered.

                    On the oceans rising: If Gore believed that, why would he spend millions buying ocean-front property in California?

                    1. That global cooling thing is the biggest fraud there is. There was one scientific magazine that proposed that theory in the 70’s. It was hardly anything close to a consensus.

          1. Pretty much, when humans can control the other contributors of planetary warming/cooling like volcanoes, oceanic oscillation, solar cycles and irradiance, wind currents, water vapor (the major GHG), the water cycle, the carbon cycle, Earth’s orbit around the sun, geothermal heat, etc then maybe we will have something. Otherwise we will spend trillions and do nothing measurable, and the Earth will warm, then cool, then repeat like it has for 5 billion years. The arrogance to think we are in control of temperature is stunning.

            1. Ha, I like that you use the word control. Like there is some big knob somewhere. The idea that 6 billion people could not affect the planet in any negative way is pretty presumptuous.

              1. Of course humans affect the planet, look at the pollution in China or LA 30 years ago, but that isnt CO2. Look at deforestation, etc no one denies that, and it impacts the planets ability to absorb CO2. We should always strive to reduce emissions because its the right thing to do, but to use 20th century warming as an excuse is just ridiculous. Since we came out of the last great ice age 12,000 years ago we have had several periods of warmth, called the Holocene optimum, the Medieval Warm, the Roman Warm and our current 20th century warm. The past warms were warmer than today and our rate of warming now is similar to those warm periods, nothing alarming about it. Co2 did not drive those prior warms, so why all of a sudden does it, a trace gas now drive 20th century warm? Go back over the last 800,000 years and the cycle is the same, long ice ages greater than 50,000 years and short warming periods of around 20,000 years, each of those periods have their own smaller cycles of warming and cooling, and it is natural and controlled by multiple factors. No where in the geologic history of our planet has climate been stable and unchanging so now we should expect to be just because we have developed civilizations? We can reduce CO2 and real pollutants but if you expect that to drop temp it is delusional, there are too many other controlling factors. This agreement is nothing more that global wealth distribution.

                  1. We could cut all CO2 emissions and temp could still rise, it has in the past with lower concentrations of CO2. Or the temp could fall, as it also has in the past. We as humans are not in control either way. We can control what we emit to some extent but it guarantees nothing. And temperatures have not risen since the mid 1990s despite CO2 increasing, what is your explanation for that?

                    1. You know that termite line you stole from somewhere was from 1982? World has changed a bit bud since then.

                    2. Actually i have degrees in Geology and Geophysics and 35 years studying past climates and extinctions. What are your qualifications?

                    3. .Electricity and Magnetism, my least favorite subject. Then do some research on the subject of earths geologic history, surely a degree in EE qualifies. Or better yet watch “the making of N America” a new 3 part series on NOVA/PBS and you can see true climate change presented in a totally unbiased manner, it is an amazing series

                  2. You CAN’T limit the temperature rise. And why do you want to? What makes our current climate so ideal? If it were warmer we might have a longer growing season. If it gets colder, we might not be able to raise enough food in a shortened growing season.

                    1. Lets create a massive worldwide wealth redistribution plan and give trillions of dollars to China, India and Africa and see what happens!

                    2. How do you lower the temperature? Specifically, what steps must we humans take to undo or minimize this alleged damage we have done to our climate?

                    1. The largest human related CO2 emissions are from power (Coal) generation and cement manufacturing. In the US CO2 emissions from power generation are the lowest since the early 90s, not because it was legislated. It was from the transition of coal powered plants to natural gas. And that was related to supply and price.
                      But in the grand scheme human emissions account for roughly 5% of the total 400 PPM in the atmosphere.

                    2. The US technology that led to that reduction is no secret and can be used in many places on the planet. But it involves the development of natural gas and that is the enemy of the people that put the agreement together. And it still doesn’t mean US taxpayers should pay the bill for the rest of world, export the technology and let them pay for it

          2. The 200 countries that signed because they will be receiving revenues from the Carbon Tax, which will NOT be levied on those with the biggest polluters but on the US and other Western countries.

  127. Any person with at least two functioning brain cells can see the fraud behind AGW/Global Warming/Climate Change. It’s all about redistribution of wealth and nothing about this scam has anything to do with the climate. Here we have a couple hundred monkeys sitting at computers attempting to rewrite the great books. Somewhere along the way, the monkeys have churned out a phrase – Climate Change – and voila! A fantastic scheme is born! Now they needed a way to become wealthy from it. The monkeys labored longer and found a combination of letters and a number – CO2 – and, again, voila! Yes! Yes! Yes! Little did the monkeys realize or care that CO2 is a trace gas that is ABSOLUTELY necessary to all life. Never mind simple truth. Never mind that the climate changes constantly and is influenced far more by the sun than by anything tiny little mankind can do. Never mind the truth about the historic flow of climate changes over millions of years during various ice-ages and hot humid jungle-like eras. The heck with the truth! The heck with the fact that mankind amounts to fleas on the dog where the climate and its control is concerned. The monkeys are typing away like crazy. Eventually, they hope that the great god Science will grant them the keys of actually controlling the weather. THAT’S when I will worry about the climate. When the monkeys finally find some method of controlling the weather and decide to use it as a weapon of war against their enemies, I will worry. Until then, this is all just monkeys gibbering and typing nonsense.

  128. SOLVE global warming? Are you kidding? Liberals will never allow ANY of their problems, manufactured and otherwise, to be solved. Solving a problem would remove the need for liberals to step in and do their tax-and-control routine.

  129. It just means the 3% who label this our most pressing issue can do something more productive with their time, like go scream at white people in libraries.

  130. only marxists belive in th witchcraft they call ‘global warming’. They will cause more of wat is they claim to be saving us from: especially wars and conflicts and impoverishment. Lower standards of living if they are allowed to implement their marxist agenda in concert with the globalist elites.

              1. One of those countries is the US. I and 40% of the rest of us do NOT believe in Climate change, and a majority of the population do not see it as a serious problem.

                  1. On the contrary, I AM a scientist. My field is electronics, which gives me knowledge of the scientific method and theories of logic. Climate Change does NOT follow the scientific method.

  131. I speak w 50 years of experience in analytical chemistry -the science of measurement.Every real scientist knows no measurement can be believed unless it is compared to a known

    standard.THIS PRINCIPLE is the foundation of all measured data.

    Almost the BS data from the warmers is uncalibrated. ……………..and making predictions to the 1000th of degree C IS LUDICROUS. ever heard of significant digits. ……………THIS LIKE TRYING TO MEASURE THE DIAMETER OF A HAIR with a yardstick.

          1. Some say it is hollow.
            Some say it is 1,000,000 degrees
            Since we can’t get down deep enough to ACTUALLY prove or disprove either statement who is correct?
            All that I know is that when we do get close to the mantle it gets HOT.
            Even in the ocean there are places that we know is molten lava sliding beneath the N American Continent.

  132. They blame war on global warming? Well they are being honest in a way.

    If you do not do as we say there will be more war!

    Sound familiar?

    Remember when the feds told congress if they do not bail out the banks there will be rioting, looting, and martial law will be declared.

  133. No this will not end the debate, cause liberalism never stops, plus this is away for governments to circumvent the will of their people to fund socialism. Liberals are so stupid and won’t even debate it on tv. Think about it they never have a debate about it, and the media gestapo reports this lie as if it’s true

  134. The eco-faithful have adopted a pseudo-religion to give their lives meaning. They have been seeking validation of their feelings and beliefs (not science) all their lives. The Paris accord is the validation of their beliefs, a doctrine of the faith.

    Now, hard work to implement with accountability and responsibility to make the changes ….? Nah.

  135. What will this cost American taxpayers? Specifically, what treasure and when are we sending outside our borders? Since we are spending any new dollars in deficit, is it better to warm the future taxpayers or borrow from them and spend it on the hear and now on non-citizens.

  136. The middle class can get ready for more regulation and a continued lowering of their disposable income.

    More will slide into poverty as these silly regulations take hold.

    “Change” is right because after getting screwed over the healthcare lies, they deserve this too.

  137. They laughed and cheered and they drank champagne,

    They said “we promise we will do what we say”,

    They said, “we should come back next year and to this again!”

    Then they boarded their jets and just flew away….I didn’t make this up, but I like it anyway.

  138. Robbing all of the money form US citizens and giving it to lazy, subhuman, entitled left-wing trash in the third-world = “global warming solved.”
    This is the ridiculous insanity we are dealing with. kill them all

    1. Sorry to disagree but you’re mistaken. As long as the politicians have an excuse to loot the US treasury to line their own pockets, the global warming fraud will continue.

  139. Marc Moreno is right when he calls this Climate Astrology–NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, the Climate Hustle will continue; too much money & power still for the taking!

    It’s about sequestering individuals by sequestering their Carbon Footprint….

  140. When i was young in the 70’s it was global cooling, then it was the ozone layer, then it was rain forests, polar bears, condors, then it was global warming, now its man made climate change…yet the solutions are always the same-more State control of industry, more regulations which act as laws and have punitive measures, more taxes and less free speech.
    They could give a tinkers d-mn about the environment, they want Centralized power and to erase national sovereignty. The more Power is centralized the more us little people get from any true representation in government.
    We are no different than cattle to these people.

  141. I always wondered how the Inquisition started, whilst reading history. Now the frenzy is to the point where liberals forget about McCarthy, Salem Witch Trials, and the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution.

    There are way too many people living high on the food chain for this to end. It does not matter if any predictions come true. A believer will get two weeks in Paris, and heretic gets threatened with a trial.

    Forget trials of the skeptics. Just cut to the chase and burn them at the stake.

        1. If he were alive today the Left would be targeting him, picking his home, protesting outside his parents house, following his children, hacking his social accounts and emails….
          These people hate us more than they hate ISIS.

        1. True, but the horrors of Marxism are not taught to our children anymore. Only that the GOP is “racist” and nazi.
          Oh and of course to smoke your buddies pole.

  142. Does it mean that NASA can start exploring space again instead of sullying their reputation by pumping out global warming confirmation propaganda for the Democrats?

  143. Climate has been changing for the entire time of recorded history – and probably before.
    Man, with all due respect, is too small to change climate or control it.
    Those people meeting in Paris are not stupid.
    It is not the climate they want to control – It is YOU.

  144. Soon the fiction that this has anything to do with the environment will fade. Then the rhetoric will shift to economic justice. Mostly it’s about shifting massive amounts of US taxpayer money into the pockets of politically connected elites.

  145. We have cured climate change!!! Good Job, Folks. I think we owe a great debt of gratitude to President Nixon for building the EPA and getting the ball rolling on this! Go ahead, everyone, give yourselves a big ol pat on the backside! Time to kick back and celebrate now.

  146. The real joke are the “alternative” renewable energy souces. Wind and solar are both a joke. It would take millions of square miles of solar panels and millions of windmills to replace fossil fuels. That’s not to mention the inherent weaknesses of both of those sources. That’s if one absolutely believes man can effect the climate — and I don’t.

    1. Instead of calling it ” liberalism” we should properly identify it as LEFTISM. Being a liberal used to be respectable. Being a leftist means they are a ruling class of an amoral bunch of thugs.

  147. Crazier than an SNL sketch, this administration ( and I mean the entire bi-partisan truckload of the bas turds) have wasted more of OUR money than the past five. And the idiots pat each other on the backs. Swear they all smoke crack.

  148. The world is saved. Yahoo. Man has finally with the stroke of a pen taken control of planet earth, weather and climate. Now let’s see how fast and deep they go into all our wallets and see how much more freedom and liberty they will sieze from us. Those of you who believe the first sentence, you truly are vain, demented irrational peons.

  149. Which Law of Thermodynamics allows for record cold temperatures ANYWHERE, if temperatures are rising EVERYWHERE?
    How can Demotards say the “Science is settled” when they don’t even understand the 6th grade level vocabulary words, “Global” and “warming”?

  150. Which Law of Thermodynamics allows for “heat hiding in the ocean depths”? It this the same “heat” that made it too cold for Obama to go swimming in August when he was vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard?

  151. Listening to the press remarks of these people sounds just like a script from a Hollywood Armageddon movie.
    If it wasn’t such a horrifyingly diabolical con game, it would be funny.

  152. It’s about the creation of a new kind of “security” called a “carbon credit.” It’s just another opportunity for the financial elites to make money off of us. All they want is everything. They’ll give us whatever is left over after they take what they want.

  153. Well, if the climate-change screwballs are right that this was the last chance to save the world from destruction, then there are two conclusions:

    1. The Heros of Paris have indeed saved us from extinction. God be praised!


    2. They have failed and we are all doomed to boil, freeze, starve, die of a lack of oxygen, drown, or lie helpless before many other impending and agonizing deaths from riot, war, mayhem, or frog warts.

    Whatever, we have either just been saved by the skin of our teeth or we are inevitable victims of climate doomsday.

    So can we now just give it a frickin’ rest?

  154. Free money = taxpayers getting screwed and government more intrusive in our business. Climate change is on going regardless of how much the government extorts from its tax payers. (On going means one time up and the next time down, like it have been doing for billions of years)

  155. They know it is a hoax and an agenda driven scam.(

    Quote by Ottmar
    Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: “We redistribute de facto the
    world’s wealth by climate policy…Basically it’s a big mistake to discuss
    climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization…One has to
    free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is
    environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy

  156. Thank you, thank you, Obama and co-conspirators.

    At last, I’ll be able to sleep soundly tonight, knowing you have saved us all from impending hell on earth.

    All hail.

    1. And the Slick Trick is that absolutely nothing will happen with the climate when these scumbags get their way and tax us by the trillions for no reason. So they will take credit for the fact that nothing happened. The perfect crime…

  157. It is all about creating and funding socialist a global governance…More quotes from the climate snake oil salesmen…

    Quote by Dixy Lee
    Ray, former liberal Democrat governor of State of Washington, U.S.: “The
    objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of UNCED, is to bring about a
    change in the present system of independent nations. The future is to be World
    Government with central planning by the United Nations. Fear of environmental
    crises – whether real or not – is expected to lead to – compliance”

  158. It is all about creating and funding a socialist global government…More quotes from the climate snake oil salesmen…

    Quote by Dixy Lee
    Ray, former liberal Democrat governor of State of Washington, U.S.: “The
    objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of UNCED, is to bring about a
    change in the present system of independent nations. The future is to be World
    Government with central planning by the United Nations. Fear of environmental
    crises – whether real or not – is expected to lead to – compliance”

  159. It is about control of the globe and nothing more…The New World Order is not to be trusted.

    -Climate bill
    will help bring about global governance….But it is the awareness itself that
    will drive the change and one of the ways it will drive the change is through
    global governance and global agreements.- Al Gore

  160. Tom Lehrer, as I recall Lehrer is the Deutsch word for teacher, appropriately, penned this song in the early ’60s:

    The folk song army by Tom Lehrer

    One type of song that has come into increasing prominence in recent months is the folk-song of protest. You have to admire people who sing these songs. It takes a certain amount of courage to get up in a coffee-house or a college auditorium and come out in favor of the things that everybody else in the audience is against like peace and justice and brotherhood and so on. The nicest thing about a protest song is that it makes you feel so good. I have a song here which I realise should be accompanied on a folk instrument in which category the piano does not alas qualify so imagine if you will that I am playing an 88 string guitar.

    We are the Folk Song Army.
    Everyone of us cares.
    We all hate poverty, war, and injustice,
    Unlike the rest of you squares.

    There are innocuous folk songs.
    Yeah, but we regard ’em with scorn.
    The folks who sing ’em have no social conscience.
    Why they don’t even care if Jimmy Crack Corn.

    If you feel dissatisfaction,
    Strum your frustrations away.
    Some people may prefer action,
    But give me a folk song any old day.

    The tune don’t have to be clever,
    And it don’t matter if you put a coupla extra syllables into a line.
    It sounds more ethnic if it ain’t good English,
    And it don’t even gotta rhyme–excuse me–rhyne.

    Remember the war against Franco?
    That’s the kind where each of us belongs.
    Though he may have won all the battles,
    We had all the good songs.

    So join in the Folk Song Army,
    Guitars are the weapons we bring
    To the fight against poverty, war, and injustice.
    Ready! Aim! Sing!

    It is sad the world was dealing with the unfounded warnings about over population and an impending ice age at the time. Otherwise, this is a perfect song for the eco-chondriacs.

  161. The United Nations in doing so and all their cohorts have just declared themselves god, because they claim to have the power to control the whole planet, it’s peoples, its animals, every aspect right down to the weather. Did you get that? Is it believable that they are that powerful. I find it laughable and funny. They don’t. These people have really lost it and are that arrogant that they think they control the weather now! Wow! These people are beyond nuts.

  162. This is all needless isn’t it? We simply allow natural selection to continue. If you are unfit to deal with the change in the climate your genetic weakness will be removed from the species. Are these world leaders implying there is a moral obligation of man to care for the planet? Says who?

  163. We have solved the Climate Change problem! Just like we have ended poverty with the welfare system, and ended racial tensions with affirmative action. We solved our debt problem by printing more money.
    But when the solution doesn’t work, the answer will always be more of the same; higher taxes, centralized power, and gun control.

  164. If they don’t go along with the fraud, the flow of money for research grants stops. The overlords in governent want the power and taxation and the so-called scientists want their 30 pieces of silver.


    1. There’s nothing scientific about man-made climate change. All of the predictions are based off of models, models that have already been proven to be phony. All of the “climate scientist’s” funding depends on their research finding a particular conclusion, so they have been bought and paid for. You really need to educate yourself with facts and stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

    2. Then they are the political party that represents the majority of Americans because we aren’t gullible enough to buy into the hoax. The Democrats on the other hand are all too eager to grab as much power and money as the AGW ruse will allow them to take.


  167. The world is blessed to have leaders who know better than we what is best for us. But I wonder why, if God blessed us with such resources, our leaders tell us we must abandon those resources to save ourselves?
    I was always taught God does not give us anything which would harm us. He has given us these natural resources and instructed us to be good stewards of the earth. Falsified observations do not qualify our ability to be good stewards.
    Now, even the Pope has aligned himself with those who deny the Creator but lavish worship on His creation.
    God has everything under control; our leaders gainsay that; they want to seize control. We shall be awash in the detritus of their meager knowledge in short order.
    Sic transit gloria munde(Thus passes the glory of the world)!

  168. If its warm, thats global warming

    If its cold, thats global warming

    If there are hurricanes, thats global warming

    If there are no hurricanes, thats global warming

    If there are tornadoes, thats global warming

    If there are no tornadoes, thats global warming

    If it rains, thats global warming

    If it doesnt rain thats global warming.

    Global Warming is everything Democrats want it to be. But mostly it means raising your taxes because Democrats think you are stupid.

    1. What is this Global Warming you speak of? Do you mean Climate Change? You know, where no matters what happens with the weather, because the climate is always naturally changing, you can blame it on man-made climate change? The whole notion is absurd.

    1. Lets see, since we came out of the last great ice age 12000 years ago there have been 4 primary periods of warmth; the Holocene optimum, the medieval warm, the Roman warm and our current 20th century warm. Each of those prior periods were as warm or warmer than today. Each of those prior periods warmed at the same rate as today, yet we are to believe a minor increase in CO2 ( a trace gas and a key ingredient to life on earth) is now the primary culprit behind the 20th century warm? The prior warms were caused by multiple natural factors but now man is in control right? The Earth’s temperature/climate has never been static and unchanging, but now we expect it to be? And on top of everything else there has been little warming since the mid 1990s despite a constantly rising concentration of CO2, how do you explain that? And the 97% consensus is about man impacting the climate in the 20th century, which is true, but the magnitude of that is still be debated as it relates to global warming/cooling. Multiple factors affect our climate including the Sun, wind, oceanic cycles, earths orbit, volcanoes, geothermal activity, the water cycle, the carbon cycle and Green House gas. Somehow mans activity is the main driver, if you studied the history of our planet you would realize there are much bigger factors at work than CO2

  169. 100% of REAL Scientists agree that man made Global Warming is a socialist Democrap lie to raise taxes on working people. There is no basis in Thermodynamics for it…

    1. What an incredibly stupid statement. If there wasn’t consensus everyone would be using their own axioms, their own math symbols, and wasting their time solving problems that have already been solved. Science wouldn’t be getting anywhere.

      1. “Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.
        Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.”….Michael Crichton

        1. The example I like is Einstein’s reaction after the Germans published “100 Authors Against Einstein”: He said “If I were wrong, one would have been enough.”

          I agree consensus isn’t dispositive but the notion that it doesn’t exist (period!) in science is idiotic.

      2. No genius, in science, there is no consensus because opinions don’t matter. In science, it can either be proven through empirical evidence or else, it’s just a hypothesis. Everyone’s OPINION doesn’t mean squat.

    You stupid democrat liars don’t even know what Global And Warming mean, do you? Did any of you make it through middle school?


        Warming = RISING TEMPERATURES…..

        ., PEENUS BREATH

  171. A real greenhouse does not use the “greenhouse” effect to stay warm. Here they are plastic and not exactly transparent.

    A greenhouse operator may increase the CO2 up to 1500 ppm. Plants grow faster.

    Remember all of those IDIOTIC DEMOCRAT LIES…..I do

  173. Now, let’s stop patting ourselves on the back & move on to the big issue. . . War. We have been killing each other non stop since we climbed down from our trees in Africa. In the last hundred years alone an estimated 175,000,000 people died from wars, massacres, slaughters and oppressions. What can we do & is it possible to end this?

    1. First off, I don’t believe we ever crawled down from the trees in Africa. Secondly, war, just like poverty and racism, has and always will be among us. Unfortunately, there are evil people in this world, and from time to time, it is necessary to go to war.

  174. Greenhouse gas bad? ….WHITEHOUSE GAS…….What Comes out of the DIRTY END of Barak Obowlemovement’s LARGE INTESTINE, when REGGIE’S MEAT SLIPS OUT……

  175. The global domination … er … global warming agreement to outlaw climate change will save the planet from free individuals! Finally, politicians are safe!

    You stupid democrat liars don’t even know what Global And Warming mean, do you? Did any of you make it through middle school?

  177. Stupidity… But Obama hates America its his way of decimating the American working class.. This climate hoooey is bovine scatology…the average americans utility bills will necessarily skyrocket…and obama loves it…. He would love for the American lifestyle be lives by candle light…because in his eyes the creation of America was a tragic mistake and has damaged the world…… Obama would welcome an invading force… Oh wait he is..its the Syrian refugee (islamic) invasion and the creep of Islam and sharia law… Its coming……executive order… King obama!! Omg … I know he can’t but I am sure he dreams of ..disband the congress… Shred the constitution… Imprison climate change deniers and Christians… I am ranting but I like other americans are fed up hearing how bad my country is.. I am a infantry soldier veteran…4th infantry..8th infantry…101 division… 10Th mountain…several deployments.. I serve the nation.. I defend the constitution..Obama hates the military… He is destroying it.. He sees no use for it..

  178. .an often heard bit of nonsense is that 97% of scientists agree that man is causing catastrophic climate change/global warming

    .the 97% of scientists agree meme was debunked long ago .. there are plenty of articles available explaining why’s one

    ..the only people still repeating the 97% agree nonsense are purposefully deceitful or are wilfully ignorant

    1. The paper had its problems but the scientific agreement is there, there’s no doubt of that. The strongest voices against climate change come from people who don’t work in the field. Like Matt Drudge and his readers.

      1. No, the scientific agreement is not there. The scientists that agree are the ones who benefit from saying that climate change is a man made problem. Their funding comes from the government, and if they ever say that climate change is not man made, then their funding disappears. There in lies the problem. Everyone agrees that the climate is changing, just as it always has, but there are a lot of scientists that don’t agree that humans are causing it.

        1. Michael Crichton:
          “Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.
          Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.”

      2. .it isn’t just “the paper”, as you said, that has come up with the 97% proclamation, but several that have .each using different data sets ..and each has been shown to have used faulty methodology

        .one making a mistake that lead to the 97% finding is understandable ..several making the same mistake independent of each other leads one to believe that they were trying to arrive at a presupposed conclusion and were fudging and cherry picking .. and that certainly isn’t good science is however, just how the catastrophic man made change/warming science has been operating all along

  179. No one believes them, except for the media, the politicians, and the programmed youngsters who don’t know any better and can’t remember the smog days…

  180. QUOTE: “We had one UK scientist, Philip Stott, who has said there are quite literally hundreds of factors governing global climate. For the UN to pick one politically-selected factor — CO2 — and then try to tweak it at the margins and then come up with some temperature goal 50 -100 years in the future, is akin to scientific nonsense. You could call it modern day witchcraft.”

    Ditto with:
    1. Increased Albedo due to volcanic ash dirtying the northern and southern ice and snow caps. (Interesting how the Arctic Ice Cap shrunk to its smallest extent after the 2010 & 2011 eruptions in Iceland blanketed the snow and ice with an Albedo reducing layer of volcanic ash. We similarly use sand to melt ice on the rivers especially near bridges to weaken the ice and allow it to melt quicker during the spring melt to reduce ice flows and damage. Ever notice how dirty snow melts faster than clean white snow? ALBEDO & sublimation.

    2. Increased Albedo due to volcanic ash fertilizing northern and southern hemispheres (oceans and land) = increased vegetation. Vegetation on land and in the oceans (algae, micro-organisms) increase heat absorption and surface water content. This increases temps, melting, surface humidity and heat transfer such that they feed off each other in an increasing cycle.

    3. CO2 absorption of algae and marine life thanks to their increase growth due to fertilizing effects of volcanic ash (noted above).
    (Wow – plants and organisms absorb CO2, and the AGW folks wonder why they are even less accurate than weather forecasters with their computer models.)

    4. Spreading centers such as the mid-oceanic ridge in the Atlantic have been spreading consistently since before, during and after the last ice age yet the AGW folks only count ~1% to 3% of the Atlantic MOR (Iceland) as if the remaining 97-99% doesn’t exist.
    (Are the AGW folks indicating the recent lack of activity along plate boundaries is the cause for our current lack of volcanic and plate activity or are they saying that volcanic and plate activity has recently stopped but they will not acknowledge it has anything to do with anything.)

    5. Is magma accumulating beneath the plates waiting for a significant event to release some of these growing pools of magma?
    (Keep in mind that the deepest drill hole (bore hole) didn’t even make it half way through the earths crust yet scientists claim to know what is going on within the earth and AGW is the biggest threat to humanity.) LOL

    It is quite obvious that the AGW folks are more intolerant and biased than nearly any other group on earth today.

  181. One day we might figure out that old men and women who will be dead and rotten should not be making decisions for the unborn. 100 year plans? Sounds like failed communist central planning to me. Marx and Engels, dead and rotten, still telling us how to live…

  182. Who is going to pay for this scam? Bet it’s all on the backs of the taxpayer. The only reason those countries participate in this scam is they know we have stupid incompetent people that will cave in to anything they want… WE get holding the bill. Doesn’t any of this need congressional approval?

    1. “Doesn’t any of this need congressional approval?”

      To be a binding agreement, yes it does. Basically, Obama did this all on his own. The next President has no obligations to honor this agreement. The question is, will the next Republican President throw this crap in the garbage where it belongs, in the garbage? Honestly, I think the only one who will do that is Ted Cruz. Even Trump has said he believes in “honoring a deal.”

    2. Well, maybe not. The US Senate basically handed over it’s Constitutional power of treaty ratification by voting, with the blessing of Reid & McConnell, to change their role from treaty approval to treaty objection. Specifically, the US Constitution says that a treaty must be ratified by the US Senate. But now, the way they’ve altered it, a treaty automatically becomes ratified unless the US Senate votes against it. But, that’s all irrelevant anyway because the McConnell/Ryan Congress is NOT going to do anything that might thwart or even oppose Obama’s actions or wishes. They’ll let him do whatever he wants either by voting for it or simply saying nothing as he usurps their powers.

  183. Liberal Democrats always ‘dumb-down’ a subject to its “lowest common
    denominator” or slyly obscure words and their meanings in order to fool people and in
    this case it’s “Climate Change”.
    There is no such thing as a “world-wide climate”. Different regions have
    different climates and that climate is dependent on various parameters (all in play to create that
    region’s climate).
    (The easiest to understand explanation of this, that I’ve found, is here):

    1. The first and foremost changes that affect our climate are solar changes. “Climate scientists” never seem to factor this into their equations (for obvious reasons, because climate science is driven by politics, not science). CO2 is not changing our climate, the sun is more than anything else. There are many, many factors to take into consideration, but CO2 is probably the leas of them.

  184. BO says we should be proud. Proud of being duped?
    Climate change, global warming, global cooling, or whatever it is being called these days, is the biggest dose of snake oil that there has ever been. What a crock.

  185. Global fascism at it’s best, this has nothing to do with climate change as if these ignorant narcissistic clowns could do anything about it anyway, this is about power and control over the lives of most of humanity. Once was a time when these type of dictators were removed by a violent coupe.

    1. Big government politicians create many of the problems we face, and then they swoop in and claim they are the only ones who can fix the problems they created. They are commonly called bureaucrats.
      – Me

  186. I do Not Consent! “We the People” have No Treaty with these idiots!

    “They” have big plans for US! – It’s always about Power and Control!

    “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government.” — George Washington

    “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” — Thomas Jefferson

    Globalists Are Piss-Ants

  187. So this is how it begins. What the bureaucrats of the world hope will be the real new world order, one that is ruled by them, with full control over the entire planet, under the false flag of climate control. Now, their jobs and their power is secured. Especially their jobs.

  188. Save the Planet by moving Manufacturing to North America…

    If CO2 is such problem… Please do tell why our progressive elites were allowed to move much of North America’s highly environmentally regulated and responsible manufacturing to unregulated China without a tariff penalty by our so called “green” governments? Killing jobs and compounding the environmental problems they profess.

  189. The world’s leaders are leading us down a rat hole.
    Climate/Earth Change is very real. Yes, very real and scary, but humans don’t
    have a damn thing to do with it. The native Alaskan Inuit Indians are
    complaining the location of where the sun has always raised and set has changed
    (“The elders maintain the Sun doesn’t rise were it used too.”), see
    The poles of Uranus and Neptune have recently
    moved an amazing 40 degrees. The moon’s orbit around the earth has also changed
    and it is now growing an atmosphere. Pluto’s atmospheric pressure has radically
    increased. The Sun’s magnetic energy has radically changed also. Something is
    affecting the entire solar system, not just our planet, and greenhouse gases
    don’t have a thing to do with it. It is time to wake up and get real – fast!
    The earth isn’t flat and greenhouse gases certainly aren’t changing planetary
    rotations or orbits. Also see

  190. I’m sure the Nazis applauded themselves, too, when Hitler took over. Look forward to thousands losing their jobs over this since the Hoax is all about money.

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    1. I’m hopeful for Trump myself too, but that does sound like wishful thinking. At the same time, I see Trump as a non-globalist and CC is so blatantly a mechanism of globalism.

      1. You really got my attention by referring me to this goofy discussion… Hope you and your family are well, and please have a Merry Christmas & HNY. I don’t expect much from Trump except a third party candidacy as a spoiler for the Horrible Hillary…We should face it “times up”. You should study up on the Nibiru predictions for next spring and fall. They’re saying the Sixth seal in March and the first Trumpet judgement next September…sounds scary for some. Surprised you found the time to look at this stuff and post, are you travelling less now?

        1. Only had to travel twice this year so far, so yes, travelling less. We are well, in fact we’re on the way to being a family of four! I would say we already are four, we just haven’t met the fourth one yet :-). I’m always skeptical of end times predictions, but if it’s God’s will then it is what is best, and it wouldn’t be too soon either. I hope all is as well as ever with you, good to hear from you again!

          1. I’ll fix up what I have been studying on and put it your e-mail. (“Gunny is my ulterior poster that sometimes says things that I wouldn’t say”)(of course I know that I own whatever I say anyway)

  192. OMGawd ! Obama injures self while trying to pat own back as he toots own horn !! American Leadership he says… why can’t he put that to some good use if it exists in the WH now.,. like for terrorists! Funny how he claims CC is more important.. so he can claim credit where it is impossible to determine success.

  193. It used to be difficult to determine if these idiots are just that stupid or simply lying ass criminals. The answer of course is obvious…they are stupid AND lying ass criminals. They spend billions of dollars every year spraying chemicals in the air and zapping the ionosphere with high frequency microwaves to effect changes in global weather patterns and foment rainstorms and hurricanes as weapons against their enemies. They succeeded in almost stopping the Gulf Stream by intentionally contaminating the Gulf of Mexico with crude oil. They are intentionally burning the major woodlands and cutting down the planets rain forests which will require increased Co2 concentrations in the atmosphere, not less. Only true psychopath’s and individuals that are driven by nothing but pure greed and evil would even conceive of such a plan. These people need to be arrested, thrown in a 9 x10 cell, fed bread and water, tried before the world and hung in public executions. I will volunteer to be the hangman…God

  194. They spent two weeks trying to get something substantive at Paris. Fortunately, they failed.

    But I knew that SOMETHING was going to be signed, however insignificant and symbolic.

  195. Global Warming is nothing more than a scam to grant the U.N. power over nations and govern on a global level. The end result might be the removal of everyone’s freedom, an impossible over taxed economy and generations of misery. I predict that if these things come to pass you’ll see the biggest outrage of citizens world wide causing so much havoc that governments will have no choice but to remove GW laws.

  196. what they really achieved was the first global meeting of socialists on the dime of everyone else. that was the point, they knew it, this is their third convention (Kyoto, Copenhagen, Paris), and they’ll likely do it every 5 or 10 years.

  197. This “agreement” needs to be ratified by the Senate, and I don’t see that happening. The US will not fork over the funds required to implement this fairy tale and neither will anyone else. This whole scenario revolves around a computer model of Earth’s climate over hundreds of years when no one believes a 5-day weather prediction.

    In science, one does not start with a preferred answer and work backwards. It’s the other way around.

  198. At 64 years old i remember Global cooling Hoax, Global warming Hoax and now we have climate change Hoax. But really climate changes all the time. it is called weather. I guess you just can’t fix stupid.

  199. In the 70’s, they were predicting a new ice age, which if they had been correct the world would be in total chaos now…well, similar to now but for different reasons. The people rejected their claims. The people were a lot smarter in the 70’s.

    1. Take your choice: Peak oil, Ice Age, Global Warming. All were supposed to kill off the planet already.

      And we give these idiots the keys to our nuclear arsenals. So who is really stupid?

      1. where is the data supporting your POV

        scientists are open to change, that is that nature of science

        if you have data proving the contrary

        THEN PROVE IT !!!!!!

        1. You would have to goggle what PT Barnum was quoted by the newspapers as saying.

          Other than that there is plenty of actual evidence and history shows the lie also. You sound like the fools (scientists) who, despite all the evidence to the contrary, maintained that catastrophism has never happened on planet Earth. That was “mainstream” scientific thought. It was also wrong. We now know that this planet has undergone massive catastrophe time after time. It has been far warmer than it is today and twice it has been nothing but a ball of ice. There were also times when the oxygen content was at least twice what it is today and others when it was far lower.

          Since humankind has only been collecting weather data (very limited in scope) since around 1855 which is approximately when the last minimum ended we really don’t know much. We do know that right now there has been 17 years of declining temperatures but in all truth we don’t know if this is abnormal or normal.
          You really do need to read some real history instead of the revisionist pap.

  200. Never let a Crisis Go to Waste… even if it lasts 20 years! Ridiculous that so many have been duped., Does not bode well for mankind to be this stupid.

  201. check out Beijing………..

    Delhi is the latest city to become unbreathable….

    China and India are polluting massively to try and beat the west

    Indonesia has so much pollution from fires that Singapore and Malaysia are getting smoggy days every day


    1. Perhaps they’d better clean up their problems. But they are THEIR problems, not ours and destroying our economies to feed the greed of politicians redefines the word “stupid”.

  202. “…a form of modern witchcraft: That a UN agreement or EPA climate regulations can alter Earth’s temperature and the level of storms…”
    The author is being intentionally obtuse in order to bobble some heads. The issue is the need to NOT alter “Earth’s temperature”.

        1. Really, so how come there is so much evidence that there may be life, or was life, on Mars, at least one of Jupiter’s moons, and now very possibly the planetoid Pluto. Not to mention that we do know that life sometimes exists within meteors. In fact there is quite a bit of speculation that some of the plagues that have swept across this planet may have come from space.
          Like I wrote: stick with witchcraft. What mankind actually knows about the universe around us is not much more than we know about what is in the very depths of our oceans.

  203. the fact that the US has 20 people who have more wealth than 50% OF THE COUNTRY shows hows terminally FKD up the western economic model is

    the debt is creating massive pollution

    GOAL = use all world resources as fast as possible to make as much money as possible

    human lifespan is 100 years

    humans have been on the planet for millions of years, evolving with minimal pollution

    the planet evolved into stability over billions of years

    humans are creating such rapid change that human pollution WILL destabilize the planet into an dead rock

    it’s an avalanche

    one small action can create massive reciprocal instability

  204. “the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent
    – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. Most
    of the leading science organizations around the world have issued
    public statements expressing this, including international and U.S.
    science academies, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
    Change and a whole host of reputable scientific bodies around the
    world). The number of peer-reviewed scientific papers that reject the
    consensus on human-caused global warming is a vanishingly small
    proportion of the published research. The small amount of dissent tends
    to come from a few vocal scientists who are not experts in the climate
    field or do not understand the scientific basis of long-term climate

    – NASA

  205. “Raging forest fires across Indonesia are thought to be responsible for
    up to half a million cases of respiratory infections, with the resultant
    haze covering parts of Malaysia and Singapore now being described as a “crime against humanity”.”

  206. “Half of Beijing’s private cars have been ordered off the streets and
    many construction sites and schools closed after the government raised
    the alert on pollution in the Chinese capital to the highest level, red.

    A grey haze descended on Tuesday on the city of around 21.5 million
    people, with levels hitting above 300 micrograms per cubic metre,
    according to the US embassy, which issues independent readings.

    The World Health Organisation’s recommended maximum exposure is 25.

    The alert coincided with global climate change talks in Paris, where
    Chinese President Xi Jinping has vowed “action” on greenhouse gas

  207. No, it will be like gun control. Certain people will scream for something and claim it is what we need to fix the problem, then they get it, and once it doesn’t fix the problem they will be screaming for more saying it was not enough.

  208. “Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last
    century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly double that of
    the last century.”

    – NASA

  209. “All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880.5
    Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest
    years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years
    occurring in the past 12 years.6
    Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an
    unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continue
    to increase.”

    – NASA

  210. “The oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 700
    meters (about 2,300 feet) of ocean showing warming of 0.302 degrees
    Fahrenheit since 1969.”

    – NASA

  211. “The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from
    NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost 150
    to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between
    2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36
    cubic miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005.”

    – NASA

  212. “The number of record high temperature events in the United States has
    been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has
    been decreasing, since 1950. The U.S. has also witnessed increasing
    numbers of intense rainfall events.”


  213. “Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the acidity of surface ocean waters has increased by about 30 percent.12,13
    This increase is the result of humans emitting more carbon dioxide into
    the atmosphere and hence more being absorbed into the oceans. The
    amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the upper layer of the oceans is
    increasing by about 2 billion tons per year.”

    – NASA

  214. “Satellite observations reveal that the amount of spring snow cover in
    the Northern Hemisphere has decreased over the past five decades and
    that the snow is melting earlier.”

    – NASA

    1. Wow, the huffpost is what you chose to base your knowledge on. Now there is a truly unbiased scientific journal thats almost as good as mother jones.

      What else could one expect from a zombie.

    1. …global tax? we don’ need no global climate tax…I ain’t paying no steenkin global tax.
      What about building big chevvy assy plants in these sh!t hole countries & give them jobs instead.

  215. No. Because to “solve” one must have a set goal that would equal the “solution.” That would then require those goals to be specific, measurable, and attainable. And if they are all those things, a timeline would have to be developed. And if these things are in place, they become measurable. Once they become measurable, they achieve valuation.

    The biggest enemy of advocacy is achievement. If they meet their goal, there’s no more need for the advocacy. And when you have several careers tied up in moneymaking off the advocacy, those people will have to get REAL jobs. And if the goal is not met using the criteria demanded, that becomes an issue of accountability–WHY was it not achieved, when the demands were met?

    This is part of what informs environmentalism before the internet, when “We only have TEN YEARS to save the (insert endangered thing of the week)!” was the rallying cry. Once the internet came along and searching through archives of decades of muddy, nebulous claims involved a few keystrokes instead of weeks of library research, the “ten years” claims evaporated. Now they’re all 50-100 years away.

    No, there will be no solution because “climate change” is not the problem being addressed here. What IS being addressed is the overabundance of people who have no real jobs, and what to do with them.

  216. AAnon thats a nice list of all ready discredited lies you have there. You seem to have missed the glacier that our Dear Leader stood in front of while telling people that is has been retreating since the ’70’s.
    At least he was correct about it retreating but it’s been doing that for at least several hundred years.

    The only thing that is normal about Earth is that change is constant and whether we warm or freeze is totally dependent upon the big yellow orb that comes up every morning and sets every evening. It’s called the Sun.

  217. Ever since I was a small boy science had a special placemin my heart and in my life. I am not a scientist or anything of the sort, but I am an armchair explorer into all things science. Sadly, my love has betrayed me. Science has lied to me for political and financial reasons. The science I and so many have grown up loving and respecting has sold it’s soul and in doing so, through me and my fellow armchair boffins under the bus. Thanks to the travesty of scientific method called “Climate Change” nee “Global Warming” a moniker it bore until no warming was observed for what is now going on 20 years I believe.

    “Climate Change” was perfect for these new kinds of scientists who reach scientific truth through consensus of opinion rather than the archaic traditions of facts learnt through experimentation and empirical observations. Climate Change was now easy because the climate is always changing. Couple that fun fact with every phenomenon(a) pointing to Global Wa…er Climate Change, who could argue?

    So now I look at science with almost the same suspicion with which I view organized religion; as something not to be entirely trusted. I now wonder what other disciplines may have gone through a similar deterioration perhaps without notice. Should I now question the science, or at least the conclusions that have been the foundation of the theory of evolution? Where do the lies end and the science begin. The people involved in this travesty of science have not only enriched themselves at the expense of working taxpayers globally, but they have at least temporarily tarnished the sterling reputation of science and blurred the lines between science and religion in a fashion many great science leaders would and perhaps do find reprehensible. I’m no science leader, and I do.

  218. In answer to your first questions: no. We will continue to be bombarded with fraudulent nonsense that shows the mindless and unwarranted arrogance of these pitiful humans who think that we can damage or destroy this planet which has survived countless billions of years of catastrophic events which wiped out everything. Life, apparently has a way of renewing itself (without the help of Man). The embarrassments proposed by these ‘scientists’ grand ideas for saving the earth grow by the day. Seems to me the only thing it needs to be saved from is them.
    Now they’re pushing artificial intelligence, robots to replace humans, and someone has stated they are near creating robots which can reproduce! Therein lies the real problem. They want to play God but that role has already been filled, rather nicely, at that except for these cretins. I suspect He can correct that.
    As to the AI folks, since they are so hot to replace real human workers with the adorable little robots, how about we put a quick stop to it. Here’s how: start by replacing every CEO, CFO, COO and every Board member with a robot. How fast will that work? Lickity-split. It totally destroys the mantra of “it applies to everyone except me”.
    Works for me!

  219. Of all the dozens of reasons to hate Obama, the climate change mania that he is foisting on this country is one of the more significant ones. As if he, Kerry or any of the other maniacs who comprise the Obama administration know the first thing about any kind of science. The only thing liberals are good at is frittering away huge sums of tax payer money on completely useless and idiotic causes.

    1. Or maybe normal people putting up with all this nonsense are the stupid ones? I don’t know?? This world as it currently stands is an inversion of sanity. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so serious.

  220. read the comments here,everyone is an expert, everyone is criticizing, just like when it comes to O bama, everyone criticizes but few have the ball s to get up every morning and do his job, they cant even tie his shoes, so bi t ch on lassies, all you do is complain and criticize,no wonder you get what you got

    1. Ah just listen to yourself pandering up to him like a feeble obedient slave that you are? Normal people wouldn’t sleep at night let alone get up in the morning if they did his job.

        1. What more do you want me to say to your asinine comment? I can’t bear sycophants, especially misguided ones. You might be willing to surrender your freedoms because these people make you feel good in an inverted way, but I’m not!

          1. there is no freedom to surrender, what is going to happen will happen and theres nothing you nor your co patriots can do about it, this isnt the old days when civil war solved issues, the big boys have all the guns and your gun and your friends guns will not cause a dent, it is futile to think you are going to stop what is coming, instead, take every moment you can to be with your loved ones, and follow your passion and joy every nano second, planet earth will shake us off like a bothersome flea and no climate talks can avoid this, dont waste your energy and time

                1. Not really, I’m not really achieving much sat here typing. You’re probably right, we are probably doomed, but the human race has been around for over 2 million years, and we didn’t survive that long by surrendering.

                  1. i have come to the conclusion Largejack that life is totally meaningless, there is no theory or data that can prove this otherwise, it seams we are all programmed vessels , almost like pawns in a video game , too much violence and hate, i prefer peace and harmony, but, thats just me, best to you largejack!!

                    1. Thank you, you’re right we are trapped in a bad matrix, like in the movie almost, but I do believe in a higher consciousness, and I believe everything happens for a reason. There are those here though that want to keep us from our higher self and keep us locked in their own version of reality. Our ‘leaders’ play a part in that role.

                    2. i used to believe that, i hope its true , but i dont see the data supporting that, it seams more random, but the idea of time and space as far as quantum physics is concerned, yes, they literally dont exist other than the projection in our linear time space minds, i cant get my head around it, but all things exist right here, right now, sorry, i cant explain it, they have a camera now that takes a trillion shots per second, a trillion, and each frame is slightly different than the last, so paralell realities come into question , im all screwed up largejack and i advise anyone to steer clear of quantum physics as it can literally make one crazy, as i can testify

        1. You are a good man James. And your point is well taken. We The People do need to pay attention to the Washington career Politicians, lobbists, and vote them out, and restrict former Politicians from being lobbists.

          1. Rick, i cannot make sense of life, too many theories, too many innocent peoples live lives of suffering and the very few enjoy the spoils, a 4 year old child inn my area recently got killed by a pitbulll, i cant make sense of anything and all bets are off as to why or what life is about, thank you for your comment and happiness to you and yours!!

  221. Right good, they’re now about to turn the thermostat down on nature so they can reduce the atmosphere to a certain temperature? You have to admire the ostentaciousness of their assertions?

            1. I wish I had that answer. But I do know If we all would stand together we could maybe do something. The only way I see is a revolution. I wish I had a better answer Im sorry

  222. The AGW summit was reminiscent of the Academy Awards which are nothing more than a cluster of Hollyweird’s self-inflated out-of-touch ignorant morons posturing, emoting and patting each other on the back (or the butt).

  223. If those delegates had real jobs and money concerns like most people they would not have time for this foolishness. I can’t believe the crap they spend our tax dollars on and we let them.

  224. “A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?” – Cicero circa 50 B.C.

    The only thing worse than an a**hole is an a**hole with political power.

    1. Dont listen to your critics Burleyman. If a post can induce contemplation then you have made a good post. I think you made you point very well. I will dog pile on with a quote too.
      I am not afraid of an Army of Lions led by a sheep.
      I am afraid of an Army of sheep led by a Lion.
      Alexander The Great

  225. Having a summit on imminent catastrophic AGW while the West is being invaded by seditious Muslim insurgents makes as much sense as boarding up your windows in preparation for a theoretical hurricane while your house is on fire. But then when have leftist politicians, inbred academic elitists and factually deprived news media ever made sense?

  226. I had to laugh this morning as I watched these idiots from around the world celebrated, clapped, and back slapped each other, as if to show everyone that they’ve done the impossible; they’ve regulated the climate of earth with a piece of paper. In their warped minds, they must feel invincible because that piece of paper stops the earth’s temperature from rising 2 degrees. smh

  227. In honor of this historic Global Warming agreement I’m heading out back of my house to burn all the leaves from the dozens of tree’s on my property. I’ll be sending smoke signals to the Global Warming Gods.

    1. Good for you. The Town I live in banned burning leaves or ANYTHING unless you burn it in a brick, cement, or stone fire pit. Like anybody can burn enough leaves and sticks in a Barbecue.

  228. I’ve seen kids playing with the thermostat in the house trying to control the temperature. Now the world? God help us. If we gave them what they wanted in the 70’s they would have tried to turn up the heat.

  229. “a form of modern witchcraft”

    That’s a fairly accurate description of what’s going on. It’s as if they believe doing a “rain-dance” will bring about rain.
    Just as absurd is that these people think charging fines and collecting revenue form those they chose to take the wealth from is somehow going to change the weather! It all amounts to nothing more than voodoo.

  230. Q:What’s the difference between climate-change advocates and tribal witch doctors?
    A: The witch doctors are more grounded in science and open to different viewpoints.

  231. When warmists are losing the argument they resort to name calling., they turned to debunked climate science from the 19th century,, out of date and debunked science from 5 years ago.

  232. It is simply a toxic mix !! The New Religion for the feckless and lost and the most powerful tool for wealth transfer for socialist globalists politicians. The great new boogie man. Does anyone realize our climate always changes usually due to volcanic eruption What a sad era we live in. It’s leading to a very big blood letting as history shows time and time again.

  233. If only we could convince these charlatans that Islam causes global warming they might actually do something that benefits western civilization..if only.

  234. And if their actions should plunge the world into decades of economic depression, skyrocketing taxes, lowered standards of living, and pandemic unemployment in industrialized nations they can always blame it on their other favorite Bogeyman: Big Bad Corporate Greed.

  235. Those that trade out future to China India and Mexico will be held accountable!!!! One day they will be rounded up like dogs and the herd will be culled. So enjoy your time you smug gormless freaks. You were born losers and will die as one.

  236. So, at what point does the Anthropogenic Global Warming Global Warming Religion fall prey to the “prohibit the establishment” of a state religion language of the First Amendment?

    Oh, wait. Silly me. They are Leftists. The Constitution is only applicable to “outrages” perpetrated by conservatives.

  237. What a bunch of BS! I grew up in Steel Town (Pittsburgh, PA) and if you want to talk pollution it was there. The air is since so much cleaner and the technology for power plants and industry have reduced pollution by unbelievable measures. This is no more than rich controlling the masses or the same people that control the money controlling the people and getting rid of the middle class cause we are a threat. To many people over the past 25 years have learned to invest and live better lives creating to many millionaires. That is why capitalism has become a bad thing, it threatens the elite. Global warming doesn’t exist, it’s fabricated by adjusting the numbers to read what they want it to read and now the most industrialized nation has become evil. All just a plan to squash the middle class and destroy the greatest country on earth.

  238. Oh no, the ‘Warmers’ won’t shut up now. Global warming is crap – always has been. Just because the globalists have found a way to redistribute wealth doesn’t mean we have to like it. Polar bears are thriving and there’s more polar ice than there used to be so gee, maybe the planet is managing itself. Idiots …

  239. So now that it’s over, who’s going to run the numbers on the size of the carbon footprint that kicked Mother Earth in the face from the rich, famous and powerful private-jetting into Paris and lumbering around the City of Lights in their gas-guzzling armored limos with their mobile support and security details in tow? You up to it, Sierra Club? Uh, Greenpeace? Earth First? Anybody?

    Yeah, didn’t think so. Rake in enough big fat juicy hush money checks and you eco-hypocrites clam up tighter than a clam.

  240. Funny, back in 1890 when every single home was belching coal or wood smoke to heat and cook and where American factories were shown on their letterheads with the more smoke stacks the better, we never had a global warming problem. The temperature charts reflect that. Only recently (past 40 years) have the Leftists twisted the numbers to show a increase in temps. For a period where the countries manufacturing base has been decimated. There isn’t a single smoke stack left in America and the manufacturing base has been near zero in this country, yet they play everyone like a fool.

  241. “We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this shlt. I’m tired of f–ing Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shlt about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.

    The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!

    We’re going away. Pack your shlt, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas. – G. Carlin.

    Thanks George for keeping things in perspective.

    1. The incessant beating the drum of save the whales, etc., really doesn’t bother me much. Had these “environmentalists” been around in the Jurassic, the world would still be ruled by T. rex and his buddies. I personally don’t feel a sense of loss that I don’t have to be on the lookout for dinosaurs as I drive to work.




  243. We keep hearing how they want to fix and control the climate like they are God, but they never tell anyone how they plan on doing it. Making stuff up as they go is their plan.

  244. China and India are laughing at us because we are the only ones stupid enough to honor this agreement. We are constraining our economy while they are growing theirs, and if we ever ask them to do what we are doing, they’ll tell us to take a hike. Only stupid f’ing liberals would enter into this agreement.

  245. when you have people running these countries who have a specific plan of whats going to happen with all this new flush of carbon tax money to redistribute it around the globe to dirt bag countries run by war lords and dictators with the final ending a world government! that has been the whole plan of this inane science and the hutzpah. unless we stand up as citizens and say enough of this we are just sheep in the fold and the wolves are ready to pounce! pathetic!

  246. Ancient cults once believe that only human sacrifices would end the darkness of night and bring about Sunrise the next day. One can imagine, if you didn’t “believe”…then you were next on the chopping block.
    History repeats itself.

  247. Remember the good old days when we only had to deal with the military-industrial complex? The current climate fraud is much worse, a media-government complex.
    Satellite data show no warming in the last 18 years. Antarctic ice is increasing, not decreasing. But the media and government ignore these facts and keep parading their naked emperor while demanding that all pay homage to the finery of his apparel.

  248. “Global Warming” is a hoax, invented for the benefit of the left. They want a Global government and a Global tax and this is their criminal way of “winning.”

  249. In 1841, a fellow named McKay published a book entitled “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds”, in which he documented some of the most famous and disastrous frauds in history. Among them were the South Sea Bubble and the Dutch tulip craze. I think it’s time to update it to include Ehrlich’s overpopulation prophesies and now global warming/climate change.

    Truly the world is mad. Governments around the world will now raise taxes to fight the climate change boojum, because nothing justifies raising taxes like fear. Climate change will happen or not, but it really doesn’t matter because CC is not the reason for increased taxation, it’s the excuse!

  250. Just as the Earth has changed throughout time…its been hot and its been cold…and it will be again.
    No matter what humans do, no matter what humans say, no matter what humans believe, no matter what humans write on a piece of paper or carve in stone.

  251. When is my carbon tax due?
    Now that Global Warming is resolved, those 200 blowhards can go back to their countries & proclaim to have done something while real people go about their daily lives, working, contributing, and defending the homeland from real, not perceived, false, threats.

    What a joke, the $ pissed away on this hoax is truly astonishing and shows how kooky the leftist of the World really are.

    1. I surely hope the US Nov 2016 election is a huge conservative victory and a statistical indicator of the world waking up to the lunacy of the left and insanity of liberalism. A correction is critical now.

  252. Fossil fuels are not the biggest threat to this planet’s climate. People are.

    What we need is an effective way to quickly reduce this planet’s population by at least 4 billion people.

        1. True, i was thinking about half, but 4 is a bit more. I shouldn’t say such things about libs … some in my extended family, and in the abstract they should be pitied. Still they’ve become dangerous to us all now. But they are the weaker of the species and Darwinism would likely take them first if things got very primitive.

          1. They are also the aggressors, seizing the initiative, actually doing, while their opponent sits on the couch, confident & smug about his cushy life, 2nd amendment, and nostalgia for men in white wigs and red knickers, doing absolutely nothing. Interesting that you invoke Darwinism. The genetic marker that gets passed along is that of the individual which actually fertilizes the egg, not necessarily the ‘fittest’, depending, of course, on how one defines ‘fittest’. False pride, especially over how strong one thinks he is, begets delusion begets laziness begets defeat and extinction. What good are muscles if all one does is sit and admire them when the so-called ‘weak’ are meanwhile going about the business of conquest.

  253. Just call it the Church of Global Climate Change–the invented religion for those who have rejected God the Creator and needed to try and fill the void with some sort of purpose or cause they could believe in to make themselves feel better.

    The other side of this is the global money grab. These charlatans will use their climate cult to exact massive taxes and regulations on corporations and individuals to the amount of billions and possibly trillions of dollars per year.

    You will end up with less money and less freedom all the result of an invented crisis.

    Much of the World mocks these self-important snake oil salesmen. They think they can just say it and make it so. They are so much like the wizard in Oz at the end of the movie where we can see that he is a fraud and it is all literally smoke and mirrors.

    1. Me too. If I had signed on to Obamacare, my out of pocket would have gone up $13,000 a year. Of course Obama would say it should have been $15,500, but he saved me $2,500.

      1. I didn’t sign up for Obamacare yet my self-paid health insurance premium doubled since 2008 and the deductible also doubled. I now pay $680 a month for a $5k deductible PER YEAR health insurance plan. I can only really use it for catastrophic health issues. Not only am I paying $680 a month but also paying for the incidental doctor visits and drugs I might get that doesn’t even touch that $5k deductible.

  254. The short answer to, “Will they shut-up?” is, “no”…
    You need to understand religion:
    After shunning fails, there will be an inquisition and total destruction of the lives of the “deniers”.

  255. Freeman Dyson, the man credited, since Albert Einstein’s death, with being the most brilliant physicist on the planet, signed the Oregon Petition to the US Gov’t in 2007 asking that no gov’t money be expended toward mitigation of “global warming.” Why? Oh, he believes in the concept, but states that the bully boys with the computer programs don’t know what they’re doing even modeling things like clouds, and that we would be great fools to believe the output of the computer models.

    He is also of the opinion that the renewable energy scientists will, in 50 years or so, have great success and we will then be digging and drilling absolutely nothing out of the ground to be burned to make energy. We’ll be getting it all from solar, wind, geothermal, etc. That will end the insertion of new carbon into the atmosphere, and we begin to experience the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere as attrition takes it into sequestration in natural processes.

    IOW, we should relax, the solution is in the future, and when renewable energy is finally figured out, great leaps in prosperity with much cheaper energy will occur. We won’t be hauling huge masses of burnables like coal all over the country, nor moving oil by either pipeline or railcar. We won’t have to do any of that. Things will get safer because of that too.

    1. If renewable energies are in fact better and cheaper and work better – they would naturally overtake fossil fuels in the market place but of course we know that is not the case because green energy has to be propped up by government money. When something better comes along, it does not need to be propped up by government money – it’s called the free market.

      1. Correct, but you seemed to have missed the part about “in 50 years or so.” In 50 years or so, scientists will have discovered how to make solar, wind, and geothermal CHEAPER than digging things out of the ground and burning them for energy. And yes, they will naturally overtake fossil fuels. That is why Dyson is saying to relax, the problem is going to fix itself.

        1. And we will be able to ride unicorns and fly in the sky in 50 years too right? They have been working on fossil fuel alternatives for 50 years already and not a single one has surpassed fossil fuels – oh yeah except NUCLEAR but the climate extremists don’t want to use NUCLEAR energy because that would give us TRUE energy independence

      2. You seem to have totally missed the phrase “In 50 years.” At that time, we will almost certainly have the tech to make renewable energy cheaper than fossil fuels, and all you’re saying that should be the case, will be the case. Green energy, at that time, will need no subsidy. Anyone wanting to use fossil fuels would, tho.

  256. Hearing all these climate extremists lie about data and push their agenda makes me realize that the world of humans has not changed all that much since the times of Galileo when he was attacked and imprisoned because he dared to go against the powerful who wanted everyone to believe that the earth was the center of our universe.

    1. Real scientists don’t attack opposing views, they embrace it in search for the truth. Warmers try to spike opposing views because they are coming from a very weak position.

  257. All this won’t matter in a few years…we are at unsustainable debt. .and it’s only growning…we are heading for a massive global collapse which will followed by war

  258. And the biggest polluters in the world with 2/3 of the population of the planet won’t pay a dime. What an absolute fraud this thing is, not only on the citizens of the U.S., but the entire world. I for one, am done with this NWO experiment.

  259. This is like a bad gag joke that just never ends. I agree, the “problem that never was” has been SOLVED, but of course we all know, like past agreements – and this one is totally toothless, nothing will change at all, not as if they actually thought they could. But vast fortunes of other people’s money will be spent and those who are a party to this ongoing fraud can “feel good” about their worthless endeavors. If these jokers would spend equal times trying to solve international terrorism and find jobs for the 1/3 of the world’s population that should be working, but are not, we might be all better off. I’d like to laugh at this foolishness, but it’s just too sad.

  260. Seriously? Marc Morano, you do not understand what their ultimate goal is, the end of free market capitalism and technological advancement. They will never stop until America and other developed nations no longer exist as prosperous capitalist countries. It is like asking if ISIS will finally stop trying to attack us after succeeding in San Bernardino.

    1. This is a power play, pure and simple. This is the new Western warfare. Submission and conquest by guilt is just as effective as by extermination, particularly when Western man is content to sit on the sofa and
      bitch about it all while waiting for someone to come along and solve the
      problem for him. Too drunk watching sports and huffing the farts of
      nostalgia for men in colorful knickers and white wigs to actually
      engage himself to stop his own demise. In an age when people are so averse to violence that simply hurting someone’s feelings is a felony, thanks perhaps to the carnage of 2 world wars, Korea, VietNam, and decades of brainwashing by tv documentaries about Nazis, war is now fought and won by rhetorical trickery and chicanery. And of course it’s facilitated by the humanist rejection of God and the attempt to create the Heaven that was thrown away with Him. (The Communists tried for Utopia and ironically ended up with a gray, dismal Hell worse than what they tore down.)

  261. I don’t think the Saudi’s are coming along for the ride. Oil is likely going to $20 a barrel and staying cheap for several years. By then any alternative will be in Bankruptcy.

  262. This hoax is on us.
    If we just paid billions for them to rain dance, it would be cheap compared to the hosing were in for.
    First we will pay for a shiny new bureaucracy but they won’t be rain dancers.
    Think of the EPA on steroids.
    Then they will force up the price of gas and oil up by forcing their donors “approved” alternative energy sources from parasites like George Soros and Tom Styer on us.
    At that point, this tab will start running into the trillions.

    Not unlike the fake War on Poverty they started at the height of a real war.
    If it only cost us the out of pocket trillions we wasted that would be cheaper than the destruction of the black American family that the fake war actually caused in the name of helping blacks.
    Government is the greatest con.
    These con men make Madoff look like a rank amateur by comparison.

  263. Climate extremists are the real fascists. They can’t STAND the fact that they cannot control the climate so they just make crap up and try to force it on all of us sane folks.

        1. Better yet, they are charging you for breathing as CO2 had been labeled a pollutant. And since plants turn CO2 into oxygen they are essentilally taxing you for oxygen.

          1. That is probably the biggest fraud and crime perpetrated against the planet in all of our history. It boggles the mind! Some day the sane people who prevail and continue to live on this planet will look back with astonishment at the absolute gall of these climate extremist cultists…

    1. Some of them are already trying to peddle the notion that the planet will run out of oxygen… yeah that will happen if we reduce CO2 which plants need to breathe because it is the plants which produce our oxygen

  264. Remember the Democrats told President Reagan if he passed their comprehensive immigration bills they would fund closing our border and would never have to fix immigration again.

  265. Hi VendicarDecarino0 – hope all is going well for you and your family!

    Look at the body of the messages here and you will find two distinct classes of poster’s.

    1. PROFESSIONAL propagandists (with an ax to grind) busily plying their trade proffering carefully crafted narratives and half-truths often backed by selective cherry picking of specific “groomed” statistics. They are quick to quash any dissent from the unwashed masses by using using ad hominem attacks sprinkled with insulting adjectives and a smattering of their “profound” truths all backed by “group think scientists” who have been able to rid themselves of that pesky “scientific method” that used to be accepted by the unenlightened alchemists and sorcerers of the past.

    2. Hapless COMMONERS trying to express their disgust concerning the boldface lies and distortions of money/power grubbing politicians who could care less if Florida is under six feet of water or encased in a permanent sheet of ice as long as they have the power to force people to use a specific color of toothbrush while living an opulent lifestyle at public expense.. The commoner, when faced with attacks from the professional propagandists, are generally are not willing to invest the time and effort required to defend themselves so they either give up or resort to the same tactics as the pros but without the requisite training/experience there adversaries have had.

    The ratio of propagandists to commoners does not have to very high for it to be an effective strategy!

    Which class do you fit in?

  266. Could some of the warmer explain why it would be catastrophic to grow wheat on the Russian and Siberian waste, Alaska and Canada? Why not papaya here in the Florida Panhandle?

  267. Always ask the warmers (especially politicians) three questions when they talk about climate change:

    1. What was the climate before “climate change”?

    2. What is the climate now after “climate change”?

    3. What should the climate be now so that there is no longer “climate change”?

    1. or play the “and then what” game with them – ok let’s reduce the global temp by .1 degree – and then what? ok let’s all go back to living in caves and shivering because you won’t allow us to use fire – and then what? Ask them when will it be enough? They won’t be able to tell you because in the end they just want to boss the rest of us around and take our money

  268. In a higher phase of communist society… only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be fully left behind and society inscribe on its
    banners: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Karl Marx

  269. Climate change is not a hoax, it is very real. The reality of climate change is its success in distributing income, short of a government coup. The Muslim jihadist are not our only worries, it would take centuries for Muslims to bring down the West. The climate change jihadist could destroy the West in a few years. Climate change is pure genius, it does not discriminate, there is no end game and it can be blamed on everything. Stop characterising the enemy as wanton fouls, they know how to destroy us. If you have nothing to loose and there is no price to pay what chance do we have against the climate nazis.

  270. First of all CO2 is not a green house gas, it is a process gas. For all those who haven’t taken a single Chemistry class perfect combustion produces H2O and CO2 . Plants (forests) use CO2 and H2O and sunlight to produce plant matter. No CO2 No plant material (food, forests). As to will they shut up?: Remember when this was caused by refrigerants? We all had to dump our best refrigerants for these corrosive and less efficient replacements. These hoaxers have never given this credit for any reduction from this strategy. So the answer is Hell no they won’t shut up.

    1. Remember the fake scare about the ozone hole? They banished CFC use in everything including asthma inhalers. What replaced the propellant in asthma inhalers was a corn based propellant not even tested on asthmatics so that many with asthma were actually worsened by the new inhalers which were the only ones available. The price for these inhalers was 3x the CFC inhalers and they clogged all the time ensuring that those who needed the albuterol to breathe were not getting it because the stupid inhalers clogged up. Now that we know this was a lie you would think we can bring back CFC inhalers. How many people have died from asthma attacks because of this one single wrong-headed decision? I am one of them who almost died until I found a work around to the crappy inhalers using a portable nebulizer – way cheaper than even the CFC inhalers and use no propellant so they can’t be banned by any jerk-off liberal politician.

  271. You kidding me? Shut up now? They’ll just double down from here as leftists are want to do. Next they’ll be telling you how you need to live your life in all facets.

  272. Just look at all the things that the climate extremists have forced us to replace – Edison light bulbs with CFL and LED light bulbs that cost 10x more – CFC propellants replaced in air conditioners and inhalers with the replacement propellant costing at least 5x more – removed phosphates from detergents which made them effective and now people have to buy “booster” detergents to get the same things cleaned,

    Now don’t get me wrong – I’m fine with reducing ACTUAL POLLUTION and today our water and air is cleaner than ever and that is a good thing. But once the environmental nazis achieved this they apparently needed something else to do to keep their jobs and that is the crux of the entire fake global warming scam.

      1. Yep – I don’t use CFL bulbs but somehow I still end up having a few around which worries me. I like to deposit any that I find in the CFL recycle bin at Home Depot or Lowe’s and get them away from me

        1. And Lowe’s and Home Depot simply raise the price of replacement lamps and fixtures to cover the cost of the recycle bin. You don’t actually believe they do it from the goodness of their hearts do you? Who sold you those CFLs in the first place? And when they came on the market propped up by government subsidy so they could be sold to you for 25 cents or less they also promised they would last you for at least 10 years. By the way, who do you think paid the money needed to establish the subsidy? Also, where are all of them made? Not in the US. Try China. And China can afford to make them, package them and ship them half way around the world on oil burning ships and make a profit by selling them to the US consumer at 25 cents each and make a profit? Really? In what world can that happen? Oh yeah, right, ours. So not only did we loose American Jobs to produce those things we pay through the nose to obtain them and dispose of them, unless you throw them into the land fill as you once did with a glass incandescent light bulb. Now tell me, is that smart? “But but but most are made by GE and Sylvania, American companies.” True, but where are those manufacturing plants and who are the employees? Hint, they are not US Citizens and are not working/slaving in US factories.

      2. And just how may people dispose their CFLs that were alleged to operate for ten years and more, in a hazmat facility where the disposal costs are roughly $1,25 per CFL lamp? No, they still end up in the landfill with heavy metal pollution to contaminate our water supplies and slowly poison us, our children and grandchildren because the end consumer isn’t going to pay $1.25 to get rid of it. “But, but, but you can drop it off at a recycling center for free.” Free? Where do you suppose the monies to build and operate that hazmat facility comes from? There is no such thing as “free” and everything has a cost.

  273. No, this is not the end of the propaganda. Next come the money and power grabs. If they are allowed to continue this will make Stalin look like Santa Claus.

    1. Good ol’ Stalin – People were reduced to cannibalism in 1933 – the Ukrainians called it “holodomor” and it was responsible for over 9 million deaths.

      It was a Russian state secret for decades – I guess Stalin wasn’t too proud about it.

      GO Socialism/Communism!!!

      But don’t worry folks, that can never happen here! If we start to see our leaders disregarding the constitution, we may something to worry about, but everyone knows that’s not happening!

  274. Make a list of every person who attended this meeting and publish it worldwide proclaiming them enemies, no, better yet:

    Deniers of the Truth

    Based upon the severity of their fraud on mankind, the World populace should then make a citizen’s arrest for Crimes Against Humanity and throw them in jail. Any so-called scientist who has manipulated his or her data will join them.

  275. As with all things “liberal/progressive/socialist/Marxist/communist” it is NEVER enough. Take any issue, taxes, education spending, gun control, it is NEVER ENOUGH until governments’ go bankrupt and the oppresed people live “equally” in poverty and misery.

    1. But you forgot one critical element Tom. We, the people, the people who are supposed to control our government so that excrement like this does not happen have let it happen. And now that the cow has left the barn no one can figure out how to get it back into the barn. The answer to this problem lays with We The People and not the government we have created to control us. Until people start acting the part of We The People don’t expect things to get better and expect it to get worse.

      1. Correct, and “we the people”
        have to ignore political correctness and stop tip-toeing around inept
        or dangerous people in our government because of “race” or
        any other qualifier the left use to shield its politicians from
        proper scrutiny. The media is so owned by the left that the “low
        information voter” doesn’t have the smarts to question it and
        obediently votes for whoever promised them the biggest cut of other
        people’s money.

        Its a tough row to hoe and if we want
        our country back we will have to show us at the polls in numbers that
        even Democrat voter fraud cannot defeat.

        We may have different favorites
        campaigning but in the end we better be behind whoever is the
        conservative candidate or WE will elect four more years of economic
        and national security destruction and I don’t believe the country can
        survive it.

  276. Notice how the “whiners” are still claiming this doesn’t “go far enough?” Even Obama, “this isn’t perfect, there’s more to do.”And may I point out Obama:While they are calling this a “legally binding” agreement (some are calling it a treaty) – nothing at all about this “treaty” is legally binding on the United States unless it is ratified by the Unites States Senate with 2/3rds.And guess what skippy – the US Senate isn’t going to ratify this at all. . . .So while everyone broke the “carbon footprint” scales in Paris running their yaps, it isn’t binding on the United States at all. . .

        1. Sir, if you seriously think McConnell and Schumer are going to oppose anything Obama wants, you obviously have not been paying attention the last 8 years.

  277. The left loves to demonize a particular issue they know they can’t solve so they can keep coming back to you and demand you give more money or give up more freedom.

      1. People are easily fooled. They use techniques like social proof to manipulate you. That’s why they keep using the “97% of scientists say…” line. If a lot of people believe something to be true than it must be true. That’s social proof in a nutshell. But history is clear that group think has been very wrong in the past.

        1. History? Tell me, who really reads history these days? Our nation, in that respect, has an attention span of your average two-year old. About 15 seconds and easily distracted.

      2. No I don’t blame ticks for being blood suckers either. But I don’t allow them to survive on me or my dog either. The problem is we have a largely ambivalent and ignorant public that is incapable of understanding such things much less exercise their Constitutional rights as “We the People” to stop the nonsense. The problem isn’t them, it’s US.

  278. This is just another one of those “wars on…” that can never be won so the taxpayers can be bilked forever. You really think one day they’ll say, ok, the climate quit changing, mission accomplished?

  279. Notice to Obama:While they are calling this a “legally binding” agreement (some are calling it a treaty) – nothing at all about this “treaty” is legally binding on the United States unless it is ratified by the Unites States Senate with 2/3rds.And guess what skippy – the US Senate isn’t going to ratify this at all. . . .So while everyone is being silly “praising” this, it isn’t binding on the United States at all. . .

  280. As I keep saying in regards to the global warming nonsense, I read the other day where the President of The Marshall Islands said a while back that global warming has caused the oceans to rise and his island nation was quickly going under water. I thought sea level is sea level around the world. As I stand here in Galveston looking out at the Gulf, as I have for 40 years, I see the sea level is in exactly in the same place as it was 40 years ago. I am asking, how is sea level higher at The Marshall Island than here in Galveston. None of the global warming, Chicken Little idiots can explain why they are all liars and want to continue to lie lie lie.

    1. I have been looking at the same beach for over 50 years and the mean height of the ocean there has not changed an inch. I have made daily weather observations for the same period of time, rainfall, pressure, wind and temperature and, other than the normal seasonal changes analysis of that data has revealed to me personally that the weather is the same today as it was 50 years ago, It does have excursions and anomalies measured over the short haul but in the overall the climate where I live has not changed to any measurable degree. It’s all a lie by the magic with numbers tactic. If you don’t understand how the data is collected and how it is massaged to give them the results they are looking for, you simply cannot argue with them. I was cursed with a technological mind and cursed for having worked in the high tech industries that support the false theories of global warming. I’d rather be ignorant, trusting and unknowing. My life then would be more peaceful and the alarmists views wouldn’t continually upset me on a daily basis for the last 50 years of my life.

  281. This thing is a “foreign aid” to these 3rd and 4th world dictatorships has never worked to OUR benefut.. And, remember the US taxpayers already pay 47% of the total UN budget each year! This is a setup to draw down the std of living of the productive western countries, so as to be more able to merge them into the NWO of the cabal. Sick.

  282. If this really is a problem that will cause the destruction of the world as we know, do they ask them selves why do so many people not believe them? Should they ask if it is their way of delivering their message? Their hypocrisy? Their response to questions of the process? If I am a global warming scientist and if my numbers come out that do not support my thesis, I am out of a job, I lose my government funding and I lose the power I have over other people. If you are not adjusting the numbers to benefit your power, please use all your skills to make us believe you..

    1. Because they view themselves as being the enlightened, progressive, intellectual whereas the rest of us are viewed as illiterate, stalwarts who are incapable of doing much more than tying their own shoelaces. When you reach that level of arrogance and narcissism you don’t have to listen to anyone else or explain anything to anyone. Ask the Academy of the Sciences in London back in the late 1800’s.

      1. Archimedes was considered to be an unclean oaf by his peers because he did actual physical experiments that were useful. And put shame to other’s made-up nonsense in philosophy.

    1. Let’s save power by switching OFF the TVs and when all the ABC CBS NBC UNIVISION etc. transmitters are turned off due to lack of ratings we will all be better off.

      1. Oh yes! The left always have a cause even if it contradicts themselves. Remember the Population Bomb book written in the 1970s that said we were all going to starve because the population exceeded natural resources? That was a big fad too.

        1. Still is. . . .It’s way past time that these “global warming” losers were told to take a hike.China is polluting, but that’s their problem. It’s their own people that need gas masks to walk out side. . . .We didn’t sign the Kyoto protocols, but we hit the marks “voluntarily”. . . .what the UN didn’t like is, there was no mechanism to “hurt” the US and extort more money from us. . .which is the goal. . not the climate.We offer to do it voluntarily, but no one seems to accept that offer.If it’s so critical, then why won’t they let us “voluntarily” offer the goals?Because, that isn’t the point. . .they want money. . lots of it. And they want “legally binding” teeth to extort that money. . . We’ve never given them teeth before, and we won’t now. . .

          1. Your name says it all and why they don’t listen to you. You and I are no one important. These legends in their own minds are destroying the world for the sake of money and the rest of the dupes in the world are willingly going along with it.

            By the way, China’s pollution problem is our problem.

            Why? Because it affects world climate, along the lines of man made pollutants and then our crackpot pseudo-scientists then say that we, all of mankind and in particular the US, caused it. In as much as our atmosphere primarily moves west to east China’s pollution covers Japan and the US and those pseudo-scientists then, with aging equipment dating back to the late 1950’s and satellites that do not have the precision sensors that are used to establish their claims, manipulate,adjust and even fabricate that data and foist their “gloom and doom” conclusions by presenting those conclusions as scientific fact for an ignorant population to act upon.

            I say this specifically because I worked for over thirty years in the satellite building industry until I retired a couple of years ago and having worked directly with the sensors they are using as well as the data those sensors are capable of producing. All of it is a fabricated lie. I have states so for over twenty years and yet, no one even listens and thinks me to be a crackpot.

            The Ozone hole over the Antarctic is an excellent example. I personally knew the scientist that created the sensor and personally saw it fit on the satellite. Within a couple of weeks after launch the hole was detected and the pseudo-science global climate change alarmists blamed Freon and other man made chemicals as the cause of the problem. This led to the closure of all plants producing Freon in the US, loss of jobs and the creation of a less efficient gas to do the job that Freon did. It was taken out of our aerosols as a propellant to be replaced by things like butane. It literally destroyed economies and jobs. The pseudo-scientists even went so far as to say the condensation trails you frequently see behind high flying, fast moving aircraft are actually the government, and others, “seeding” our atmosphere with chemicals to actually cause a problem.

            But did removal of Freon cause the ozone hole close? Nope, after all of that it’s still there and still the same size, but no one wants to point it out. Nope, they would all rather believe a lie rather than to see the simple truth. The ozone hole is a natural phenomenon involving solar activity, the time of year and our planets magnetic field. It’s been there before mankind walked on the face of the earth and, assuming mankind doesn’t succeed in totally destroying the planet, it will be there after mankind has died out.

            The point is they were attempting to fix something they did not understand and all of their attempts have failed, as the hole is still there just as it was when they discovered it.

            BTW, the guy that invented the sensor went to his grave ashamed at how the device was used and all of the damage it caused the rest of the world and the world population. But it wasn’t his fault that the rest of the world used his device inappropriately for the sake of making a fast buck at the expense of the rest of the world. No, that was our problem for letting them do it. He was innocent and we are the guilty ones because we won’t or can’t put a stop to the global climate change nonsense?

            Related question. You know that Texas sized raft of garbage floating around in the North Pacific? Since we all have access to Google Earth and can resolve things down to the one or two meter level, why is it that you can’t “see” this Texas Sized Raft of Garbage using Google Earth?

            Answer – It’s because it really doesn’t exist and I have access to other space born high resolution satellite images that bear my statement out. If you can “see” a fishing boat about 120 feet long and identify it as a fishing boat by looking at it surely you would be able to easily identify that Texas Sized Raft of Garbage floating around in the North Pacific.

            So, the only logical and intelligent conclusion you can really make is that they, complicit with the government who control our media, are lying to us. Why? For power which equates to money.

            And when I bring this up to NOAA, A.K.A. government employees, they simply smile. They don’t deny it with factual and provable information they just smile and say, “No you’re wrong” and “you just don’t understand.”

            They’re right on the don’t understand answer. I don’t understand why someone would willingly sell their soul for the sake of making a fast buck.

  283. unfortunately we, as in the world will never be able to move on or not have to listen to the global warming sermons, as it is their religion and we as a people are going to be subjected to it more and more on a daily basis. The green police will not be thought of as a joke anymore when actual environmental police officers start giving people visits at their homes, with searches and inventorying of items and you and your families global footprint. Oh and you may have some violations and fines to pay, and they may and probably will make random visits to peoples homes to keep an eye on them. No, this is just the beginning and people had best get use to their agenda 21, one world religion.

  284. I’ll be Darned!!! I looked out my window this morning and Lo and Behold, It was a lot like Yesterday!!! Thank God for the UN and God partnering up to save the planet!~~~~

  285. It’s not legally binding on the USA if it’s not ratified by the United States Senate with 2/3rds.So they can “claim” this is a “legally binding” agreement (or treaty). . but it isn’t and subject to being pushed off the table with the next President. . . .Hopefully a sane one. . .

    1. Wanna take a bet on that? Most of Congress and our current administration don’t follow the Constitution anyway. What makes you think that they will start now?

      Sane? If our populace was sane Obama wouldn’t have been elected for a second term. I’ll give him the first term because anyone can make a mistake. But a second term? Sane? Really?

      Sorry, gotta go, the tooth fairy needs my assistance.

  286. Now that they have “saved us”…..I wonder if that means all of them will stop taking their private, emissions dumping jets, and find a more “earth friendly” way to travel. When all of these paranoid, money grubbing blowhards converge on these meetings to “save the planet”….they dump more emissions into the air in 24 hours than a small country does in a month, and then they start TALKING. The hot air that comes out when THAT starts must heat the globe up at least two degrees.

    1. That won’t work. I have been doing that for over 25 years and it didn’t make a difference. You see, it seems that people like being lied to and paying for those lies. For example, why is the cost of gasoline so low at present? Not because of anything other than to secure profits for OPEC members. By artificially lowering the price of crude and making a glut on the open market they can prevent the development of our own shale oil and pipelines. If developer oil companies can’t make a profit on their investments, because the price of crude on the open market can’t quickly pay off the investment monies they borrow and get from investors through oil shares and loans, the oil fields and pipelines, not to forget the refineries, cannot be built. Then, OPEC can control.economies and the governments who rule over those economies. Its the same tactic that drug dealers use to control their clientele.. Keep the price low and even give away the product to get your customer hooked and drive your competition off the street and then raise the prices to the point where the customer can barely afford to survive and has no other resource other than to pay.

  287. as the climate scammers have their Gruberites for defend them and the warming fraud…… now they have the obamacare scam to try and defend also …………

    times are tough for the warmscammer fascists…….especially without OUR TAXMONEY to pay their bills

  288. They have achieved their first order of business:self-pepretuation with all the trappings of the chosen on the backs of the nameless who must obey our rules.

  289. No, they absolutely will NOT shut up, this will just further empower them, and validate their religion of choice. They will use this as “proof” that The Holy Church of Climate Change is the One True Faith. Like leeches, they will keep sucking blood until the host is dry. This will make them worse than ever, watch and see!

  290. Absolute nonsense. What amount of pollution does China NEED to make to allow their own city-dwellers to breathe clean air again? Their smog makes the worst LA ever had look like a normal day anywhere today – except in the 3rd world of China-Asia-Indonesia-India- and other Middle eastern and African pollution producers…

    1. Their pollution is not our problem. If china starts to kill off their cities/citizens with the bad pollution (trapped between mountains/ocean currents-like LA). . that’s not our problem.China will recognize their lunacy. . .as they did with the “1 child/no child” policy, as billions of their citizens are getting older/dying/no longer commercially productive.Suddenly, China is facing a “declining population” problem, like all other nations, especially advanced nations.The more advanced a nation is, the lower the birth rates. (education/financial/economic situations). . . The only nations that still have exploding populations are the nations that shouldn’t be having children. Uneducated 3rd world nations who birth millions of children into abject poverty, starvation, drought. . . . China has very advanced cities, as well as far-flung poverty stricken areas. If they keep killing off people with pollution in their cities, they’ll figure it out.It’s not our problem. Liberals can shriek and moan all they want – it’s still not our problem.

    2. As a matter of fact – if you want the 50,000 foot view of the world. that’s a frightening graph.2012 – Huffpo – Announcement about world population:Top 10 nations that will experience more population growth. (Including internal birth replacements and immigration:(1) India 467 million projected population increase
      (2) Nigeria 231 million
      (3) Pakistan 101 million
      (4) Tanzania 93 million
      (5) United States 93 million
      (6) DR Congo 83 million
      (7) Ethiopia 62 million
      (8) Philippines 62 million
      (9) Uganda 61 million
      (10) Kenya 56 millionNotice anything about this list? They’re all nations that shouldn’t be having children due to the abject poverty in those nations.Except, the US. ” Nearly 40 million Americans were foreign born or about 13% of the American population. No other country in the top 25 has more than 6% of its population foreign born. So the US population is wealthier, older, less fertile and more influenced by immigration than the other countries projected to experience major population growth.”

  291. Just like gay marriage… I was hoping that would stop but no… It’s never enough for the left. The warmers will continue to shove their agenda down our throats.

    1. It’s all about the “poor me” syndrome. Poor me, I’m white. Poor me I’m black, Poor me I”m Muslim. Poor me I’m Christian. Poor me I’m Mexican, or Asian. Poor me I’m rich. Poor me I’m poor. Poor me we have global warming. Poor me, I’m tired of all the people continually telling me “Poor me.”

  292. No, the warmers will not shut up because this is a scam to get money from the workers, and the fraudsters need to continually up the ante to get more and more of our money to feed their never satisfied greed. They will continually create more “crises” to guilt trip the weak minded and weak willed sheeple.

  293. Hard to solve something that doesn’t exist. Agreed it is just a money and power grab and a way liberals like to pat themselves on the back for throwing money at something that doesn’t exist just to make themselves think they are doing something. Meanwhile real problems are ignored.

  294. In layman’s terms, this has nothing to do with climate and every thing to do with capital & human controls on everything on the planet. Your lives will be scrutinized from food you consume to the vehicle you drive. This will be the Middle Ages on steroids. What’s fascinating about this is that none of the citizens of the world had any input in this. This was all done by Globalists puppets who are controlled by the central bankers. World government is HERE!

  295. The feces in the White House and the 8 years of stench that has imbedded itself into every level of government needs to be removed and cleansed, burn the house down and start over if necessary but every vestige of this regime needs to be eliminated.

  296. This is nothing but a Robin Hood mentality. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Scam city. The folks like Al Gore get richer with carbon taxes. Thieving bastards.

  297. “They” have big plans for US! – It’s always about Power and Control!

    I do Not Consent! “We the People” have No Treaty with these idiots!

    “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government.” — George Washington

    “Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” — Thomas Jefferson

    Globalists Are Piss-Ants

  298. YOU GO BRO….BUT…. Do we need a Permit for Tar/Feathers/Rails?
    Ohh….now I get it…..”Tar” they are against hydrocarbon
    “TAR”…are they so low IQ that “Tar” was a natural substance for millions of years from trees etc. until man was blessed by discovering the miracles of petroleum uses and “Tar” took on new meaning…..ohhh & “Feathers” hmmn….what Species should we use on them uhh and do they think Rail is a cute little bird….hmnnn ….we should eucate the them about the proper treatment of real WITHCES (general neutral)…
    Ride them out on Diesel VW’s ?

  299. It’s Republican proof says Kerry and this historic agreement, wasn’t THE FOREIGNERS election historic also, will solve the major problem only anti American democrats seem to be able to see. And what is the solution these Einsteins arrived at to take care of the AGW problem that does not exist. The rich countries pay the poor countries and the left will handle the money transfers. Yeh, that sounds like a winner.

  300. No governing body in the world, with the possible exception of the EU morons, will do any of this. Follow the money…climate change is funded to frauds who jimmy the numbers to get funding from criminal elements of govs, and that means the leftists anywhere. None of these conferences ever do anything because no country is going to send their people back to the stone age. More important, REAL science shows no global warming, including evidence from NASA. Time for these angry little greenies to go back to their basements.

  301. All this will do is make oil and coal extremely cheap. There is already a glut of the stuff. So with the US and other western countries not using these energy supplies. all the backward and third world countries will be able to use it like water. And they will not do it cleanly.

    This hogwash plan Obama is grinning about will backfire and it will create numerous gross-polluters around the globe.

  302. Global warming/climate change is not science.

    All they have are computer models.

    Computer programs that you tweak to give the result you want are not science.

      1. Hey Sparky.

        You don’t need to be a “right winger” to recognize rubbish when you see it. These dopes have violated all “scientific methods” to collect their ’30 pieces of silver’ for a few government-funded grants. It’s contaminated science.

        1. He’s not, his mother is doing it for him. Sad when a 35 year-old still lives at home sponging off his parents. But that seems to be the American way of life today.

      1. No Stevie, I don’t believe what ever Rush tells me. In fact I don’t pay much attention to Rush. In fact I got myself a good highly technical position, worked in the space industries for 35 years and know precisely what those systems and equipment are capable of doing. So put that in your pot pipe and smoke it. I believe what I have seen with my own eyes and have proven over and over again in my own brain. What’s your pathetic excuse?

    1. Exactly. That’s why they decided to coin another one of their snake oil marketing terms and changed it from global warming to climate change. I have lost count of how many marketing terms they have come up with over the years for the feeble minded. My two favorites are ‘trickle down economics and the war on women. They are never more than a couple of words.

  303. i’m still baffled how Carbon Dioxide which we breath out and plant eat as food can be a “greenhouse gas”. last I checked CO2 was essential to plants to create oxygen? How in the world can a gas naturally found in the atmosphere and used some mammals as part of the respiration process be labeled as a “pollutant”!? The world has gone mad! Not to mention the fact that humans being warm blooded favor warm climates and really most plant and animal life thrives in warmer climates so again even if CO2 was warming the planet, wouldn’t that be good for animal life???

  304. Of course, this whole thing is a hoax, designed to get more of our money to support zillionaires whose only goal is to make as much money as possible by building in 3rd world countries, the so-called developing countries. In the meantime, China and India, among other countries, will be the recipients of our money and that we will get even more restrictions for that money. Ovomit and his criminals will get their share. Does anyone think that McConnell and others of his ilk, like Al Gore, won’t get their share of the pie? It’s time for us to take our country back and vote in a new administration that will represent us. The only person who can accomplish this is Donald Trump because he isn’t for sale, like everyone else is, and that includes Cruz, unfortunately.

  305. oh please. now they’re emboldened and they’ve got 200 countries cooperating with the worldwide crony capitalists to pulverize the working people and steal much, much more. now that they’ve gotten this far, the next move will be on more direct takes of assets. this is the beginning of the takeover by the world wide elites.
    you thought your local or national politicians were garbage, huh…just wait, now you get to pay foreign potentates and their criminal gangs.

      1. And those Grubers want $15 per hour to serve you those fries. The question you need to answer and act on is, is that gruber worth it? What a wonderful lifetime avocation. What did you do for a living grandpa? Me? I spend my life cooking up and serving french fries in places like McDonalds. Oh that’s so cool, I think I will be a french fry server when I grow up. Hint to the Grubers, minimum wage jobs are not intended to be lifetime vocations. They are stepping stone jobs until you get enough of an education go perform a better paying more life sustaining job. But Grubers honestly are to stupid to understand such a basic concept which explains why they are Grubers in the first place. Stupid is as stupid does. But do I have to sustain stupid? That’s a more important question isn’t it?

      1. Perhaps not this year but soon. The Constitution doesn’t matter to most of them and certainly doesn’t mater to our pretend President unless he can misuse it to further his narcissistic causes.

    1. If you think you won, then all future weather events are now your responsibility. I’m just glad you didn’t win in the 70’s, you would have been trying to make it warmer – where would we be now?

  306. If increased carbon dioxide truly increases temperatures on Earth…

    And warmer temperatures causes increased plant growth on Earth…

    Ant that increased plant growth then uses up more of the increased carbon dioxide…

    Won’t the reduction in carobon dioxide from increased plant growth then reduce temperatures on Earth?

    1. The problem is that there will not be additional plant growth as the entire earth would be covered with solar cells to get all that free energy from the sun. And if you know how solar cells actually operate, the climate will get hotter and hotter until life as we know it can no longer exist. To paraphrase an old joke, “nothing grows in the shade”

  307. Climate Skeptics on ‘historic’ UN treaty: ‘Does this mean we never have to hear about ‘solving’ global warming again!?’

    No this is just the beginning. Energy “usage” will be monitored with everything from “smart” meters, to satellites and drones.


  308. Great article, and Phillip Stott’s comment was right on the money. To isolate CO2 from the host of natural factoirs governing climate is not only absurb, but impossible to determine, particularly when we’re talking about a temperature rise of barely a third of a degree Celsius from 1978-1998, following bu no statistically significant wearming for 18 years. For example, the slightest variation in cloud cover as a consequence of cosmic rays can easily dwarf the effect of CO2.

    There is a reason why the U.N.’s IPCC decided early in the process to abandon any attemto to ascertain a baseline of natural climate variability and focus almost solely on CO2. It’s all about money, power, and global income distribution from relatively wealthy western nations to third world dictatorships and economic basketcases that are that way because they will not embraced capitalism and democratic governance. Sadly, we have an idiot in the White House who does not believe in exporting our values or capitalist economy because he’s a Marxist ideologue whose father was a Stalinist.

  309. History will look back at these so called leaders and expose the fraud and folly of them all. It just goes to show how easily influenced men in lofty positions of power can be by their peers and a popular mythology even as the facts surrounding this crazy theory are being debunked and laughed at by most fact-driven people. Man-made global warming is a dead horse that is mercilessly flogged on a daily basis by these blind fools while the rest of the world shakes it’s collective head.

  310. Energy rationing.
    Energy “redistribution.”
    Energy price increases.
    Energy taxes.
    This will hurt Democrats much more than Republicans.
    They haven’t figured that out yet. As usual.

  311. These idiot leaders are so stinking smart! We shouldn’t have any more cold, snow storms ,tornadoes, hurricanes,storms. Earth should have perfect weather from now till eternity! I really under estimated these idiots, I mean smart leaders that man can outdo god and control the weather. Wonder how many more do these wizards of smarts have,or have up their sleeves? All I can say is bend over people!!

  312. The standard-bearer case-study in mass hysteria has, to now, been Salem and how they addressed their witch scare. We look back on that with an attitude of superiority, wondering how people could possibly be so gullible, dense and crude. Indeed.

  313. The biggest problem facing the Paris summit is the “oil wars”. Saudi Arabia is maintaining a high production in order to damage the US shale oil industry. it has effectively brought down the price of global crude to around 40$ to 20$ per barrel.

    That has hammered the Russian oil production. Putin recently said that oil will remain at this price for around 7 years. Russia now has also entered the “oil war” but her war is against Saudi Arabia

    With a world glut of oil developing nations will opt for the cheaper oil than the more expensive alternative energy, especially when their economies are not doing well.

    1. Which precisely explains what OPEC is doing to the compliant US today. It’s why we don’t develop our own oil reserves, pipelines and refineries.

      1. the US has 650 thousand miles of oil pipelines already in place. that is why prohibiting the keystone pipeline does not make sense.
        We should develop more refineries but that is a neurotic issue with Obama
        BTW solar panels depend on Plastics which come from crude oil.

  314. This catastrophic AGW theory is totally BS science. But what is shows is the buffoon liberal leftist people think they can do something…. regulations……. to control the climate. Amazing. But we all know it is about control of the world economies and the lead in to a one world government. Mr. Putin kicked these buffoons out of his country and said he would like a warmer Russia! Sad to say but Putin is a better leader than our President.

    1. I hate to say it and I don’t trust Putin any further than I could throw him, I agree with you. He is a better leader than our President. Or should I say pretend President as I never believed he was qualified to be president anyway. Once a liar, always a liar. Lie to me once, shame on you, lie to me a second time, shame on me. How many lies do you need to hear from him before you brand him a liar? And all that support him are either liars or too stupid to pour urine out of a boot when the instructions are written on the heal. Fact is, people would rather believe a lie rather than to discover and act upon the real truth. So, you blame our president and our government but I will cut to the quick and place the blame for this problem squarely on the shoulders of those responsible for it. It’s WE THE PEOPLE folks. We create our government and give it power to rule over us and then don’t control it or care much what it does. It was the problem with ancient Israel that fell because of corrupt governments/kings it created and then run amok and they fell to the Syrians and Babylonians. Had they listened to God’s Prophet Samuel in the first place they never would have invented their governments and would not have suffered the things that they did. It’s the same way today here in the US and in most first world nations today.

  315. So when the next volcanic eruption spews a few hundred thousand tons of ash into the air we’re supposed to prevent that how?
    When the sun enters another cooling phase or the earth itself warms do to a myriad of natural processes we`re all supposed to stop being human beings and retreat to a cave?

    These people are hilarious…

  316. It was amazing how the Chair, right at the very end of the “global warming talks” …asked if there were any objections………no one was ready to say anything, and he banged down the gavel …. all done !
    What a weasel.

  317. Global warming, or “climate change” (because the earth stopped warming in 1998) is the greatest scientific hoax in history. It has always been a political movement, not a scientificlly based movement. Any study of the IPCC will demonstrate that it was never about science. The 1995 changes by UN bureacrats of the determination of the actual scientists clearly reveals this. It was all downhill after that.

  318. Save the Planet by Manufacturing in North America.

    If CO2 is such problem… Please do tell why our progressive elites were allowed to move much of North America’s highly environmentally regulated and responsible manufacturing to unregulated China without a tariff penalty by our so called “green” governments? Killing jobs and compounding the environmental problems they profess they want to solve.

    That said, climate change, we now realize is more about wealth distribution than climate..

    1. If they want to lower CO2 in our atmosphere perhaps they could do it quicker by keeping their mouth’s shut and holding their breath until they expire.

      1. And when finding a smoke-free bar became too burdensome for them, they came up with a brilliant idea. Let’s make ALL bars smoke-free. And the square mile outside every bar (etc.) smoke-free also. What is good for a liberal ends up being “good” for everyone. Ever noticed that?

  319. carnage just beginning. now have the permission to destroy the global financial and energy infrastructure and plunge all but the most connected into poverty.

  320. The upshot of this agreement will be more control over individuals.

    It won’t be all at once or extreme at first.

    For the sake of combating man-made global warming, they’ll tell us what foods we should eat (vegetarian), where we should live (in cities so we can do away with commuting and cars), how much water the average household should use, how we should heat and cool our homes, etc.

    At first these will only be suggestions. But as people ignore them governments will be forced to take action.

    All the time they’ll be telling us ‘we need more money to combat the threat’.

    Older people will only see the beginnings of this movement but our children and grand children will be indoctrinated in schools to conform.

    It will start out as a soft-tyranny then gradually moving to concrete restrictions.

    ‘Progressive’ liberals are celebrating because they’re about to have their dream of total control of human populations.

    The future is going to be restrictive and bleak.

    1. And that’s an upshot? I thought upshots were supposed to be good things. What you have described doesn’t sound like an upshot to me. Perhaps in a liberal mind but not mine.

      1. Upshot is neither good or bad. It simply means ‘outcome’ or ‘the end result’.

        The upshot (the outcome or end result) of this agreement is we’re screwed.

  321. Planet has been here doing this for billions of years before we existed and will continue after we perish… Who profits from this? Just ask yourself that. Perhaps take them out. Greed holds ALL of humanity back. That’s the worst crime on this planet and those behind it should be put to death.

  322. You know that there is something amiss if there is not to be a discussion involved. There is no such thing as 97% much less 99.5% agreeing scientists. If you insist on ridiculing and belittling anyone that wants to have an open and honest debate then you have no authority to impose your own will on others. You can’t be reasoned with.
    Those pictures may well contain the “evil” Co2 that plants life needs to grow and survive, I am seeing mostly water vapor. Smoke slowly dissipates and spreads out. It does not just vanish 1/4 mile or less from it’s origin. If that is China, they don’t give a damn about other people. They have just recently had smog so bad that they supposedly had to close down some real pollution makers and other real emission producing factories just so people could see and breathe. You think they care about the rest of the world?
    What about India too? This article says nothing, I have to go research what was really talked about on a real news site. IT IS AS EASY AS THAT! Go ahead and try it, you might impress yourself. It is perfectly fine to be wrong about something as long as you admit to yourself that your were in fact ignorant about the issue. You don’t have to get defensive like a caged animal just because you are wrong and you let your feelings get hurt.
    Any reasonable person that is smart and can think for themselves will tell you that the sun is responsible for the temperature of the surface of the earth. Consensus is not science. Paying more taxes and more for everyday products is not going to stop the sun from producing more or less energy.
    Trolls can troll, I have spoken the truth and your words mean nothing.

    1. Well, before I get called out over the pictures I posted about I will just say that I made this post with pictures of water vapor and steam coming out of the stacks on power plants and factories in China. I don’t see those pictures today. Perhaps I saw them on another site. I am sure you know what I mean though by the description. That is the only correction I’ll give my post without editing its content.

  323. Answer to the question posed by the title of the article – NO! If there isn’t a “man made” “emergency” for these earth worshipers to make money on they will create one and everyone else will make them wealthy. It’s all about money isn’t it Al Gore?

  324. Thank you to the brilliant, far-seeing statesmen, and to all of the fervent believers who despite even the tiniest speck of reliable data, have gathered together and have united. Because of you, the sky will not fall. Thank you.

  325. They had to rush this agreement before it became undeniably obvious there is no man-made global warming trend.

    Now when man-made global warming doesn’t happen they can take credit for stopping it.

  326. That the flam-flam con-artists were able to gather together the bought and paid for all in one spot to agree to continue their master’s fraud is only testament to the fact there are so many in this world without honor or integrity.

    Ask even one of these henchmen for reproducible scientific proof, and they either go berserk or stutter and stammer.

  327. These UN elites as so full of themselves that that are clueless as to what foolish morons they are. We know they they will never even implement anything they plan (other than plan more plans). Yet, when the Earth continues to cool due to the solar minimum we are entering, they will take credit!

  328. “The Population Explosion Is Coming!!!!!!!
    No wait…
    “The Ice Age Is Coming!!!!!!
    No wait…
    “Now it’s Global Warming”
    No wait…
    “Global Warming Is Real!!!!!!!!”
    No wait…
    “The Debate Is Over!!!!”
    No wait….
    “We Have Consensus!!!!!!!!”
    No wait…
    “It’s Climate Change Now!!!!!”
    No wait….
    “Climate Disruption!!!!!”
    No wait….
    “It’s Global Cooling Again!!!!”
    No wait….

    “YOU’RE DENIERS!!!!!!!


  329. They did this in a vain attempt to look like they are doing something. But redistributing other nations wealth to warlords isn’t going to help the Earth. Only thing obama wants it some of the money al gore is raking in under the guise of climate change. Nothing more – follow the money.

  330. This boils down to socialism replacing the capital economic system, the left has been brainwashing the kids for years and now it is here. One problem, socialism doesn’t work because 43.7% of the population is lazy and expects the 56.7% to pay for them not to work. We are practically there anyway.

  331. This “accord” won’t shut anybody up. For liberals, it will only provide additional ammunition (!) for more tax increases and more big-brother control over every aspect of our lives. And it ain’t gonna be fun.

  332. What a bad joke, we all know how this will turn out. In about five years 60 Minutes will do an expose on how nobody knows where the billions of US Taxpayer money went. Our government is run by idealistic idiots who do the same thing over and over again. 18 trillion in debt Obama, but don’t worry about that, don’t worry about the interest we will have to pay China on the money you will borrow to give to other nations. Obama is a first class idiot.

  333. H.L. Mencken had it right: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the
    populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it
    with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” 1918

    “How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened.” Thomas

  334. Democrats had sixty years of virtually unbroken power in Congress – with substantial majorities most of the time. Can a group of smart people, studying issue after issue for years on end, with virtually unlimited resources at their command, not come up with a single policy that works? Why are they chronically incapable?

  335. CLIMATE CHANGE SCARES 1895 — 2009

    For at least 114 years, climate “scientists” have been claiming
    that the climate was going to kill us…but they have kept switching whether it
    was a coming ice age, or global warming.

    1895 – Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again – New
    York Times, February 1895

    1902 –
    “Disappearing Glaciers…deteriorating slowly, with a persistency that means
    their final annihilation…scientific fact…surely disappearing.” – Los Angeles Times

    1912 – Prof. Schmidt Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age – New
    York Times, October 1912

    1923 –
    “Scientist says Arctic ice will wipe out Canada” – Professor Gregory of
    Yale University, American representative to the Pan-Pacific Science Congress,
    – Chicago Tribune

    1923 –
    “The discoveries of changes in the sun’s heat and the southward advance of
    glaciers in recent years have given rise to conjectures of the possible
    advent of a new ice age” – Washington Post

    1924 – MacMillan Reports Signs of New Ice Age – New
    York Times, Sept 18, 1924

    1929 –
    “Most geologists think the world is growing warmer, and that it will
    continue to get warmer” – Los Angeles Times,
    in Is another ice age coming?……………..

    For more info see:

    -“On the one hand, as scientists we are
    ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the
    truth, the whole truth, and nothing but – which means that we must include all
    doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands and buts. On the other hand, we are not just
    scientists but human beings as well. And like most people we’d like to see the
    world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to
    reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climate change. To do that we need to
    get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of
    course, means getting loads of media coverage. So
    we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and
    make little mention of any doubts we might have. This “double ethical bind” we
    frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to
    decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest. I
    hope that means being both.” – Stephen Schneider, lead
    author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Discover magazine, October 1989

  336. Anyone remember the Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997? It dealt with Global Warming, and the temperatures have been dropping for ~ 15 years. Was the success of the Kyoto Protocol celebrated at this summit? Was it mentioned? Did any participants even remember it? Of course not as regulating the temperature of the planet is not the objective. The overtly obvious answer is to go nuclear. Surely they had a plenary session on how nuclear energy would solve this disastardly problem.

  337. How does Hussein Obama define “climate change”?

    “It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits!”
    – Barack Hussein Obama

  338. This is no more binding that Kerry’s Iran deal which they refused to sign. It will take billions of dollars from the USA to get this going and congress has already told our Liar and Chief to suck dirt!

    This is all about the EPA not telling the truth and refusing to turn over it’s data. If there are sound facts why would they hide them? LOL! This is more about taking from the poor to give to one’s enemies.

  339. How does Hillary Clinton define “climate change”?

    “Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
    – Hillary Clinton

  340. Religion is the opiate of the masses- If the Elite want to keep power, they have to bow down to the peasant’s (imposed) religion- it costs them nothing, ensures bread and circuses to the plebeians, and cements their rule as caring Autocrats.Machiavelli, Orwell, and Marx are all you have to be familiar with to understand why these czars are giving away other people’s money.

  341. To answer the question, no, if we did the gravy train will end. New round of Federal Funding will start up to monitor the effects of the agreement, which will do nothing of course and will cause more hand wringing.

  342. I can’t believe this headline. These Marxist religious zealots who support global warming have no interest in the welfare of the planet or its people. This is a tool to be used to enslave all of the people. This is just beginning.

    1. gaar, this is nothing but the biggest transfer/heist of wealth in history. Follow the money. It’s one giant gravy train to thousands of scientists, and shady investors.
      Hopefully these company’s will go bankrupt too.

      1. This as about much more than money. This is about religious tyranny and slavery for our heirs. This is about the return to the “Dark Ages”, the last one was about 1500 years of ignorance and poverty two of the main tools used to enslave all people. This about religious tyranny, the most powerful tool in the world that is used to enslave all people, and has for over 1 million years. Religion is the ultimate Left Wing government.

  343. The Anti-Christ system is now needing to provide prepared lies to give the people on earth as to why the Antichrist’s attempt to set up his kingdom will be failing. God will judge the earth for evil. Where will he cast the blame? What will be his patsy? He could never admit that the Bible’s prophecy is truth. Which predicted an inevitable judgment that evil men have invented a lie to cover up with. That lie is the pseudo scientific concept of global warming.

    Its going to happen.. The Antichrist will blame it on the warming deniers for all the suffering designed to draw men to repentance from their evil. The Antichrist will never want to draw men’s attention to God. he does not want men to believe there is a God. For, he wants to be seen as the only god of men.

    Revelation 16:8-9

    8 The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire.
    9 They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these
    plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.

    Grace and peace to those who love Him.

    1. The world has been awaiting reproducible scientific experiment proving any of this nonsense – instead all we get is the consensus agreement of all those paid to nod their head up and down, and a perfect track record of the cultist predictions proven 100% wrong 100% of the time.

    1. Yeah, but a solution to Jihad is too hard. It’s easier to announce a solution to Climate Change, which–surprise!–will be to tax the hell out of every Western nation and give the money to the rest.

      1. Islam has jizya. That is an onerous tax, as if there were any other type, it imposes on non-believers in countries it controls. That is how it funded itself before oil. The political side of islam is well acquainted with destruction by taxation; its religious side just happens to want to conquer civilization every century, or so.
        As someone also noted, in countries islam does not rule, muslims are a minority; in countries islam rules, there are no minorities; they are not tolerated.
        We are doomed in any case.

  344. MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!!! This agreement is a hoax will have a never ending impact on people. People can expect high taxes, increases in energy cost, loss of jobs, a decrease in the economy, increased poverty and a host of other consequences. Obama and the other associated communist sociopaths did not allow a debate or disclose its impact on all the aforementioned issues.

    For sure elites will make a fortune as will the corrupt leaders of third world dung hole countries from aid they will receive that will never benefit the people.

  345. The world’s leaders are leading us down a rat hole.
    Climate/Earth Change is very real. Yes, very real and scary, but humans don’t
    have a damn thing to do with it. The native Alaskan Inuit Indians are
    complaining the location where the sun has always raised and set has changed
    (“The elders maintain the Sun doesn’t rise were it used too.”), see The
    poles of Uranus and Neptune have recently moved an amazing 40 degrees. The
    moon’s orbit around the earth has also changed and it is now growing an
    atmosphere. Pluto’s atmospheric pressure has radically increased. The Sun’s
    magnetic energy has radically changed also. Something is affecting the entire
    solar system, not just our planet, and greenhouse gases don’t have a thing to
    do with it. It is time to wake up and get real – fast! The earth isn’t flat and
    greenhouse gases certainly aren’t changing planetary rotations and orbits.

  346. 35 years ago the same Flat Earth Morons were touting “The Coming of the Next Ice Age.”

    Now the same Knuckle Dragging Troglodytes are touting “Man Made Global Warming.”

    The rest of us should be attacking these Neo-Stalinists with Pitchforks and force them to actually live the ridiculous Third World, 12th Century lifestyle they preach. Make these frauds, phonies and fakes exhibits in a “Global Warming Zoo.” Force them to eat Tofu and recycle their own urine.

  347. Here are some more facts and questions global warming alarmists should study and explain,

    1-Earth seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth in its orbit around the sun. Explain why???

    2-Earth is closest to the sun in January and furthest from the sun in July. Explain why this seems contradictory???

    tilt angle of the earth to its orbital plane is presently ~23 degrees.
    It varies between ~22 and ~24 over a 41,000 year cycle. It is
    presently ~23 and decreasing towards~22. Could this be the MAJOR cause
    of its present warming trend??? It should be warmest at ~22 and coldest
    at ~24. Explain why???

    Is it possible that the earth’s warming and cooling cycle could be 41,000 years??

    Ask the “brain Trust” that brought you the treaty. If they gove you attitude, hit them with the back of your hand.

    After all, that is the way “science” works, doncha know? hyuk hyuk.

  349. Real scientists postulate theories, then devise reproducible scientific experiment to prove or disprove.

    These guys postulate theories, then nod their heads up and down when the puppeteers
    yank their strings, even when proven wrong over and over.

    1. “The science is settled” will be a phrase that will go down in history as one of the most anti-scientific claims of all time. The regressive liberal left cares nothing about science. What they do care about is power and wealth theft giving it to 3rd world tyrants.

  350. Earth’s climate has always changed. It always will. Nobody denies that. What is being challenged is how much, if any, of mankind’s activities are affecting the natural long term cycle of the earth’s climate patterns. The only thing the cultists of AWG have going for them are computer models. Computer modeling statistics that can easily been manipulated (like the NOAA was caught doing, and the LIE that was exposed of the fraudulent “97% consensus”).

    This is nothing but a left wing wealth redistribution Ponzi scheme. And it’s not like the poor neglected third world nations that the left bed wets about being affected the most about climate change will have the competence and non-corrupt leadership to manage any of that Robin Hoodism wealth theft.

    Finally, if these fascist liberal pigs were really interested in “saving the climate” they’d have teleconfereced instead of wasting $1.8 million US taxpayer dollars and spewing 300,000 tons of carbon emissions, a feat that takes all of New York City to accomplish in FIVE DAYS. The left and these oligarchs and their fascist tyranny can take it up theass with a red hot poker. Now ask me how I really feel.

  351. If man can control the climate, why have previous attempts failed? When the big push to control auto emission took place, car manufacturers had to meet strict standards for exhaust emissions. I believe that included CO2. Catalytic converters, etc… were installed on cars along with a bunch of other devices to cut own on emissions. Inspection fees increased as cars were monitored for the amount of harmful gases they emitted. MPG decreased as auto makers had to add devises that starved the engines to eliminate harmful emissions. Apparently, since we now need more money thrown at the problem, the scientists and politicians working on the problem then, didn’t really have any effect.

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  354. Whether you are a “warmer” or “denier” the so called “climate summit” is taking a victory lap for an agreement that will take $1 TRILLION dollars a year for 85 years from productive nation’s economies to lower the global temp by 1 degree? THIS is the “great fix” by Obama and the leftists dictators of the world to solve “climate change”? Mt. Pinatubo eruption lowered earth’s temp 1/2 of a degree in a few days and lasted for 2 years. “Effects on climate were an observed surface cooling in the Northern Hemisphere of up to 0.5 to 0.6°C, equivalent to a hemispheric-wide reduction in net radiation of 4 watts per square meter and a cooling of perhaps as large as -0.4°C over large parts of the Earth in 1992-93.”

    Maybe we should just induce a few volcanoes to erupt and not bankrupt the world’s economies for 85 years. Mt. Etna started erupting right now, so let trigger a couple more big ones and pocket the $85 TRILLION for real issues.

    Has humanity lost that much ability to think and reason logically? All that money so a few dictators and billionaires can become even MORE rich and uncaring while the world’s populace exists in government-mandated “equal” poverty and misery for one lousy degree over 85 year?. Its insanity times a TRILLION!

    “On Monday a noted Danish environmentalist testified at a congressional hearing that all the pledges taken together would have a damning effect on the worldwide economy: a cost of $1 trillion per year for the next 85 years, to yield a decrease in warming of less than 1 degree Fahrenheit.”

  355. Now that climate change has been solved, I suppose that terrorism has as well. All those ISIS fighters turning in their weapons and signing the world’s biggest apology card.
    Great- now we can all travel to Syria, Iraq, etc, etc. without fearing for our lives. Additionally, we don’t need to screen refugees. Life has gone from good to great!

    1. It hasn’t been solved. 200 countries just agreed that in 5 years’ time they will start to think about starting to make some small efforts that might make a tiny contribution towards solving it. Meanwhile global warming continues unabated.

  356. Actually, I wonder how much of this climate change crap is just a guilt trip by those European countries, that through colonialism, raped the resources of these underdeveloped countries and left nothing behind. Using climate change would get apology money paid for by countries that had nothing to do with those colonial efforts. For certain, left wing governments would engage in this type of thing. Some food for thought.

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