Think Progress climate activists Joe Romm, a former Clinton Administration official, is fingering “global warming” as the key driver to a potential 2016 “record election turnout.”
“The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) expects unusually warm temperatures over most of the nation to continue through election day,” Romm wrote in a October 31 article titled “Will global warming help drive record election turnout?”
Romm continued: “Instead of seeing the kind of cold, harsh November weather that can keep some people home, most Americans who vote early or on election day will see near-ideal temps. That’s especially important since ‘nearly half of Americans live in precincts where long lines’ to vote were a problem in the 2012 election.
Romm leaves no doubt as to who climate change concerned voters should support. “With this weather projected to continue over the next week, you have no excuse not to get your vote in. And, as Al Gore has explained, there is also no excuse for voting for a third party — if you care about the climate crisis.”
12 Responses
As I’ve often noted: the Alarmists will often sneer that “climate isn’t weather” when someone mentions a record snowfall or low temperatures.
But let us have a warm spell, and suddenly…
Climate is weather.
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Once again – claiming scenarios as predictions and predictions as fact. Not to mention claiming weather as climate when desirable to the cause.
Warm weather may drive record turnout. We know it’s bad for GoOPers when more voters turn out, so no wonder the wailing and caterwauling and rending of garments.
All you really need to push dem voting is to cancel Jerry Springer and all ‘reality’ shows for the day.
…and open up booths near colleges and everywhere smart people hang out. Cuz the smart people are lined up in any line that doesn’t say ‘Trump’ this year.
I live in a college town. In order to get them to vote the dems have to pay for free food and shuttles to bus them 2 blocks to the poll.
They’re absolute philosophers.
Educated and smart professors and professionals have their own vehicles. Tech folks will call Uber.
Ya, I remember the adage ‘if you can’t do – teach’. Apparently your last resort is a campus full of voters with no experience, no initiative and those who simply can’t do. You’re betting your hand against millions of americans who have lost their jobs due to world politics and government regulation.
Good luck with that.
Ideological tripe is ideological. And tripe.
I must admit your an expert in both.
This narrative is getting stupid.