Washington DC: The hopes were so high back in August for a massive climate rally to support Pope Francis’ climate push. But reality has now sunk in .
Climate Prediction: August 25, 2015: WaPo: ‘For Pope Francis’s D.C. visit, environmental rally of up to 200K planned’ – Several environmental groups are planning a major climate rally that will draw hundreds of thousands to the National Mall on Sept. 24, the day Pope Francis speaks to Congress and is expected to address the public afterwards. The permit for the gathering — which will make the moral case for reducing greenhouse gas emissions linked to global warming — is for 200,000 people. The Moral Action on Climate Network, along with the Earth Day Network, League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club and other groups, have timed the rally on the Mall the same day of the pope’s speech.
Update: The rally featured interesting music:
Related Links:
Special Report: ‘Unholy Alliance’ – Exposing The Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate
Actor Harrison Ford’s Green Religion: ‘I needed something outside of myself to believe in and I found in nature a kind of God’ – Flashback: Michael Crichton: ‘One of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists.’
796 Responses
They missed the mark by thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat much.
Just a bit outside…..
And loving it…..99
Greenpeace, among the most uncaring bunch of cheats you’re likely to find. The Pope and The President, perhaps the most corrupt high-ranking twosome in history. Both full of it. Both hiding an agenda. Both advocating world gov’t ran by people who want most people on Earth dead.
I’m persistently stubborn and love to be a bother…
hard to get people excited over an agreed upon lie
Not white liberals! They fall for anything, as long as it hurts their kids’ futures or is bad for the USA.
LOL leftism
Leftism would be funny…except when you add up the price of Stalin and Mao it’s not so funny anymore.
Exactly. It isn’t funny when these wackos are writing legislation.
But jobs! We need well-paying jobs! Waaaaaaah.
You might say that fervor for the rally cooled.
After a feverish prediction of attendance that ran out of steam and went up in smoke.
The models were not as predictive as they were alleged to have been. Just like photographers, the climate change advocates were seduced by their own models.
The attendees that were supposed to show up grew quite concerned that they would be snowed…too late.
Time for the AGW fans to wake up to the fact that no one believes in their silly little religion and no one supports it. They need to pack their bags, load up their van, gather up the Goracle and go home.
They should move on to gun control again… I always get a kick out of that…. and my stck goes up in price every time 🙂
Not to worry, the Next Big Thing will come along, and give their little lives a sense of Meaning, once again. No Nukes! Save the Rainforest! Stop the Ozone Hole of Doom! Free Willy! Having said that, the Next Big Thing will probably be Save the Planet — Abolish Capitalism. Sad, but true.
They have to find him first – he moves too fast in that private jet…..
Even the Pope cannot revive the belief in the climate change lie.
On this earth life must adapt or die. Humanity shall adapt …or die.
All things pass.
Their attendance predictions are as off target as their climate predictions.
That made my day.
I agree.Alas,many of the attendees had nothing better to do with their time.
True dat. Dey don’t work.
dont has too
They’re on “retainer” by the DNC. I’m sure they all got paid something less than $15 an hour to be there.
What? No Union scale? What’s up with that?
“Do as I say, not as I do.”
A Way To Get Paid $97/hour And More…….After earning an average of 19952 Dollars monthly,I’m finally getting 97 Dollars an hour,just working 4-5 hours daily online.….. Weekly paycheck… Bonus opportunities…earn upto $16k to $19k /a month……….HERE I STARTED…look over here …
A complete lack of people wearing “Purple People Beater” Union T-Shirts?
And with Papal Traffic. Transportation by bus would have been “couter productive” to “out of the question”!
Often it is $50 plus lunch for the day.
I guess it beat standing in the unemployment line, or collecting welfare. $15.00 an hour is a lot for a parasite. You noticed all those that have jobs were not there?
If it’s tax free on top of everything else it’s nice.
Maybe someone
calculatedfigured outfudged how much CO2 their shindig was going to generate. 199K of them believed the numbers and were frightened off.Me be mad bout the carbon footprint of pope plane. Hypocrit much?
You’re the one looking gift horses in the mouth, and you call me a “hypocrit” (you meant hypocrite, obviously)? Explain.
The Pope’s carbon print. Hypocritical at best
They are parasites in government dole and George Soros astroturf.
That’s what they had in the old Houston Astrodome if I remember correctly. Nasty stuff.
How many were government employees? How much trash had to be picked up when they left?
Glad you said government employees and not government workers.
Make that “all” of the attendees …
Why can’t we get conservatives to have a rally in DC on a Thursday?
Answer: Conservatives have jobs.
Who is paying for them?
Actually – I know – that was a rhetorical question
For those that don’t, it is the hard working, producing American taxpayer that is paying for these parasites to push the marxist/commie agenda against America and Americans.
I got a great idea for them, how about get a job, and be productive, instead of leeching off of taxpayers dollars to fund their phoney orginizations.
Yeap, mine too. But the bitter truth is that the level of mentality the climate changers/global warmers have will not be changed by facts or setbacks. They lived in a fantasy world before, and they will continue to do so. I liken them to those contestants on American Idol, who — though they can’t sing, can’t dance, are physically unattractive and obviously dumb as a brick — persist in the fantasy that they are wonderfully talented and charismatic individuals who will be universally loved by all. And nothing that happens changes those perceptions; when they are proven wrong, they simply re-engage their massive rationalizations for why the world is not as they perceive it.
They’re claiming this is the biggest climate change rally ever… but they’re only 38% certain of that.
But 96% of attendees agree it is the largest climate change rally ever. So it is settled.
You mean there were 100 people that attended, and only 4 left to get popsicles from the vendor’s truck?
Those weren’t popsicles. They were ‘canabicles’, the frozen treat that lasts all day.
PP ‘sushi”
Actually, they were hoping to get popesicles.
Too bad all they had were poopsicles.
YIKES! lol
I am a meat popsicle.
I’m guessing there’s a cannabis connection here, too. Am I right?
No, mon! No ganja here, mon.
You’re out?
Dave’s not here.
Just you, your empty bong, and your meat popsicle. It’s just you and your meat popsicle tonight…
Dave’s not here, man.
There was a time when I thought Cheech and Chong were really funny. Junior High. Remember ‘Earache My Eye’? Their early albums were outrageous. Now they strike me as pathetic (and, sell-outs!). I must be getting older. No, I must have a teen-ager. No, I must be getting older, and I have a teen-ager.
For oldness, try listening to Cheech and Chong while reclining in your teenagers beanbag and listening with headphones turned loud. This will bring back the same funniness you experienced in Junior High (but now the weed is so much better).
The weed is certainly stronger but I’m not so sure about better. Half the fun was smoking a joint or two with friends while conversing about everything. It was a much a social event as it was getting high. Today, you take one or two tokes and you’re stoned out of your mind. Where is the fun in that.
Claaasss! Shut up!
Their iPods were too loud and they missed the announcement that the ice cream truck had arrived.
If you had any science on your side you wouldn’t need to resort to an insepid retort.
If you had any science on your side you would have an open debate on a public stage.
They know better.
That is science but liberals are too damned dumb to understand that simple fact. How did we ever allow the children to run things? What a cluster f!!
If they had science on their side, they’d be able to explain how 6 GtC from man made CO2 stays in the atmosphere for decades while natural CO2 exchanges hundreds of GtC per year.
if they had science on their side, they could explain why CO2 levels lag mean global temperatures by 800 years, like the ice core data shows.
if they had science on their side, they could show how CO2’s 13 micrometer band, which is already saturated out, would be able to block more than 100% of the IR energy it now blocks, thus how more CO2 would cause more warming.
If they had history on their side, they could show how this time warming is bad, while all the rest of the history shows that warming is good for humanity.
Instead, they agree that it is okay to lie to you (Climate-gate e-mails).
Yes. I wondered from 3rd grade when we were supposed to be terrified about global cooling how all that junk could go up and not get pushed so high it doesn’t get burned up in the earth’s atmosphere. Now I wonder how they stop all that junk from global warming that gets pushed into the earth’s atmosphere from getting burned up. Oh. That’s right. Now we’re supposed to be TERRIFIED about global climate change… as if the earth’s climate has not changed a lick in the millions of years we have been around on this earth. And these GENIUSES still can’t tell us EXACTLY what the climate on earth SHOULD be today. Their answer is ALWAYS the same: SHUT OFF YOUR LIGHTS, STOP DRIVING, SHUT DOWN COAL MINES and blah, blah blah. I’ll trust God to handle the climate. HE IS IN CONTROL OF THE SUN. They are NUTS!
Gosh, here’s an invitation to a productive, insightful conversation…
Science: I have two unimpeachable sources:
1) The UAH Satellite Team (University of Alabama, Huntsville) which has been compiling data since the dawn of the satellite age. They provided the basis for the global warming scare until 1996, a fairly severe El Nino year. Not so much since then. Now, the partisan hacks say “What’s so special about satellite data?”. Of course! Pay no attention to the Big Pause! Two bears walk into a bar, and the bartender says, “What’s up with the Big Pause?”
2) Google Cryostat Satellite, which has been monitoring the arctic ice shelf for a long time. Ready for a shocker? 40% increase in the volume of ice in 2 years. Think about that: +40%, in 2 years. That was considered impossible 2 years ago. What happened? Did we have insanely cold years? No. It was all due to a change in the wind patterns. Sorry if you didn’t get the memo. Sorry if you thought the Arctic was nearly ice free, and the poor polars bears would starve, and Manhattan would soon be under water. Or whatever.
We both know that these scientific facts make absolutely no difference to you. You probably think that I’m making it up, or that I’ve been fooled by propaganda. Just deny it, and keep making vacuous appeals to Science. That’s my 25-cent word for the day! Can you say VACUOUS?
RE Cryosat–it is obvious to even the most casual climate change sleuth that in order for the ice to expand that much in such a short period of time that Mr. Al Gore himself–inventor of the Internet and the 1000 slide PowerPoint–has been secretly visiting the North Pole. Gore effect. Elementary….
Would love to share.
Wouldn’t it be “nice” IF it were possible to have rational, reasonable discussions on matters such as this. Yep, that’s dreaming… The progressive mindset accommodates no dissent from that of their herd of independent thinkers. The latest move to criminalize thinking out loud about this “sacred matter” reveals a sinister side to progressives that goes a lot further than just being obnoxiously arrogant.
No doubt! It smells like fascism! I am so disappointed by this nonsense. The willingness to criminalize dissent is so UnAmerican, or so I thought. I’m reminded that back in the 1930’s the United States really flirted with the dark side. Nothing has changed.
True. Americans looked into the abyss and said, NO, I don’t want to go there. As we are doing again today!
::: scratching my head :::
So, how come the National Snow and Ice Data Center reported (using satellite data) just last week that “On September 11, Arctic sea ice reached its likely minimum extent for 2015. The minimum ice extent was the fourth lowest in the satellite record, and reinforces the long-term downward trend in Arctic ice extent.”? How can you come to the opposite conclusions? Maybe you have your own satellites and data?
Source: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/2015/09/2015_arctic-minimum/ ?
No, not at all. First, I said VOLUME, which is different than extent. And I quoted my source: the Cryosat Team. I also mentioned UAH, right? They are entirely legitimate, without question. UAH offers a PhD in climate science. I have read different sources about the size of the extent, particularly in Greenland, but I don’t have those sources at my fingertips. Of course, you can find sources that claim 2015 was the hottest year ever, and 2014 was the hottest year ever, etc. If you look for it. My point is that the same satellite data that measured global warming through ’96, and was cited as the most important data source in the world (“The Satellites Don’t Lie!”), is now routinely dismissed as irrelevant. That’s pathetic. And what about all of those ludicrous predictions about the End of the World? Does it make any difference to you? Wasn’t NYC supposed to be underwater by now? Not so much. Actually, not at all.
And, maybe more to the point — What about the sacred Theory? We have seen the triumph of global capitalism, and the most astonishing economic growth in China, Indian, the Pacific Rim, and Mexico, among other places. More economic development than ANYONE ever predicted. And what has happened? NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING! We have to change the subject, and forget about those pesky satellites! And, by the way, the satellite age began at the end of the 1970s. Was that a reasonable baseline for all of our predictions? I think we can answer that, with the benefit of hindsight.
Not long ago, our President made a trip to Alaska, where he offered is insights regarding climate change. Did you follow it? Did you happen to catch what the locals had to say — you know, the ones who really know what is going on in Alaska, and what has taken place over the past 100 years?
I guess at some point I have to ask: What is the optimal size of the Arctic ice cap, and why? What is the optimal rate of climate change? If you could control the climate of the planet, would you make the average temperature warmer, or cooler, or would you keep it exactly the same? Why? If warming is bad, is cooling good? Has there ever been a period, in the history of the world, when planet Earth was too warm to support a thriving biology? When was that? Has ever been periods when the planet was too cold to support a thriving biology? Yes, of course! To the best of our knowledge, there have been Ice Ages that have lasted for millions of years.
This is the wrong forum, and I apologize for that. If you haven’t hear the latest, the push is to END CAPITALISM to save the planet. If this comes as a surprise to you, you must be young. Have you heard what Bernie Sanders has to say about this?
I don’t have my own satellites and data, but I realize it makes it easier for you to wish that I was that crazy. I think you may have revealed something about yourself.
The jig is up. There will be weeping, and gnashing of teeth. But don’t worry, the Next Big Thing will soon emerge.
Yes. The world began the day you were born. LOL.
That is a nice effort, but I stopped reading after the first couple sentences. If you want to condense and focus your efforts, you more likely to reach a wider audience. At least beyond NorthlanderLJ.
Point taken. I do get carried away (and frustrated).
How about this:
From ’79 to ’96, every year was the hottest year on record, and in ’96, the theory of global warming was compelling and plausible! Some ‘climate scientists’ extended this trendline into the future, and predicted the coming apocalypse. They have been exposed as silly clowns. The period of stability has lasted longer than the warming period, and it turns out that ’79, the dawn of the Satellite Age, was not a reasonable baseline – not at all. Live and learn! Please.
“Viewed in this framework, the pattern of atmospheric circulation for summer 2015 as a whole (June through August) favored a low September extent. ”
You did read your own source, right? The sky isn’t falling. This was driven by wind patterns, not higher temperatures. Is this news to you? And, by the way, you did notice the reference to the record extent in Antarctica, right? First paragraph. Right? Funny, I’m scratching my head, too. You asked as question: How come? The answer was right in front of you.
::: slapping forehead with palm :::
Yup, read it, very interesting, and to quote, “…led to a pattern of warm winds from the south over the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas, promoting strong melt and transport of ice away from the coast.” An increase in warm winds (as in higher temperatures) blowing over the Arctic ice cap and melting the ice. News flash. Increasing temperatures melt ice.
Record extent in Antarctica. (See first paragraph in your source.) Astonishing recovery of VOLUME in the Arctic, in the past 2 years, which defies explanation. But let’s focus on Greenland. And it’s a change in the wind pattern, which — follow me here, I know this is tricky — is not to be confused with GLOBAL WARMING. Indeed, GLOBAL WARMING cannot explain the data! That’s why we stopped referring to GLOBAL WARMING, and now use a squishier term.
Think about this, if you would: From ’79 to ’96, every year was the warmest recorded! Get it? Then, we reached a period of stability, which was continued for 20 consecutive years — longer than the warming period. And all we can say is ‘Golly, this is da 4th highest temperature recorded!’ It’s the 4th highest in the past 20 years, too. Get it? And, here’s another really important point: Is it SIGNIFICANTLY higher, or are we splitting hairs? The trend is what matters, right? There hasn’t been a trend for 20 years, and counting.
What if the dawn of the Satellite Age happened to occur at a particularly cool period, which didn’t stabilize until 1996? What would that look like?
If you keep slapping your head, you’ll go blind! Oh, wait…
And what about Antarctic ice? LOL. You earth worshippers crack me up! Both poles have MORE ICE than you want in your back yard.
Ummm, maybe check with the National Snow and Ice Data Center? The sea ice is increasing as the oceanfront glacial ice is receding. Of course, the oceanfront glaciers are likely receding because the ocean around Antarctica is warming. Don’t have to be a climatologist (or the Pope) to understand that isn’t good.
Source: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/2015/03/possibly-low-in-the-north-definitely-high-in-the-south/
I got a little clue for you AND the pope: GOD CAN HANDLE IT as he has handled it for millions of years. Pssst: The climate didn’t start on the day you were born. By the way, WHAT SHOULD THE PERFECT CLIMATE BE TODAY?
And we can thank algore and the Kenyan in chief for the seas receeding. Golly, NY was supposed to be underwater by now! LOL
I have a Masters Degree. In Science!
You’re a botanist. How does that make you an expert?
I’m a paleobotanist. Tree rings. See?
If a tree rings in the forest.. Si!
Insipid, Chumley. Insepid sounds like something I have buried in my backyard to process poop. But I did notice that I have 55 upvotes and you have….1. So the science says….I WIN!!!!!!
In fairness, their attendance models were all in consensus about a hundred thousand people showing up at the rally.
uh oh, down 1%, just like Trump the CC folks are starting to fade in the polls
60% of the time, it works every time!
And the other half of the time, it doesn’t. RIP Yogi Berra.
You can observe a lot by just watching.
– Flashback: Michael Crichton: ‘One of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists.’
This says it all. So true!
He also said
SCIENCE is NOT consensus, and CONSENSUS is NOT science.
Ahhhh but….. It may well be that “settled science” is “consensus” and vice versa. Even the concept of “settled science” seems a bit spooky – smells of closed little minds with rock hard atrophied brain matter.
I have seven patents. They are based upon science. What science means is, you may have the same tools or compounds as I did, and following my protocol, you will achieve the exact same results. This is not consensus but science. But I suppose if you take enough drugs and receive great grants from the US Gov, you can write anything. I wrote a white paper concerning the drought in the Central Valley of California. Not ONE news paper would print it, and it was Endnoted from valid sources but one publisher stated, that is not all to it. So I asked him this questions. Europe and North America only 10,000 years ago was covered with 1 MILE of Ice. What caused the ice to melt because there were so few humans, Where did the water go when it melted? How come we are NOT underwater because of that large ice pack? He did not answer but sat back in his chair and said nothing.
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
If science is consensus the earth is FLAT!
Yes so true. I fell off the end of the earth the other day because it was flat…………… The Islamics in their Koran states the earth is held down by pegs and the sun each night rests in a mud flat. SO it must be true according to “consensus science” Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
How cool is that? God, I love this country. We can get things SOOO WRONG sometimes, but we ALWAYS manage to pull our heads out of a dark place and make things RIGHT! lol
Wait until the islamics revolt in this country. It shall not be nice to see, with body parts from explosives stewed all over the market place. But then again, obamassssssssssss want’s it
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Americans have finally figured it out. WE WILL RUN THEM OUT BEFORE THEY RUN US OUT OF OUR OWN COUNTRY as is happening all over Europe today. We have seen what happens! And we are ARMED! Locked and loaded!
Your LAST sentence is what has them very very worried. Our Armed forces have been reduced to nothing in man power. And the LAST poll in Military Times (published by and for the Military) stated 85 PERCENT ARE AGAINST OBAMASSSSSSSSSSSS NOW couple that with 100 million people who are armed in the US, and about (notice the word about) 25 million Vets who have been trained. We may lose many people but our vast numbers and fighting a Guerrilla War Fare such as we did against the British, well it does not take a mental genius to figure out who will win in the long run. AND the people (men) who stand by obamasssssssssss most likely will also visit the 72 virgins only to find out the virgins are MEN
Semper Fidelis
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
They won’t let the military carry arms anymore. But I guarantee you EVERY EX MILITARY guy in this country is armed.
Yes and NOT with the 223 but 7.62, 30.05 and Sabots. If you remember the incident at Bundy, the feds had snipers on a hill. They thought it was grand so they could pick off Americans from a distance. What they did NOT realize, a few “team”s of former Military went up the hill and seized the weapons at weapon point. No one was injured, but it shocked the living poop out of reid’s boys to even think something like that was possible. Also cameras were on station with streaming video to show the world what was happening. In the back of their van (feds) they opened it and found a MINIGUN with a sh..t load of ammo. Needless to say it was never put to use when exposed. His cattle were returned, and the feds retreated. Everyone was armed but did not pull their weapons out, the only weapons out were the feds. Then reid had a poop fit and so did his son by saying, “this country is a country of LAWS” Well that worked for about 1/2 a day until it was exposed reid wanted the land to sell to china for a solar plant. The cattle usually step around the tortoises because BOTH have been living together for over a century. So that was again an out right lie. Then reid was smacked down by his brother for giving the family such a bad name. Like his brother.
Semper Fidelis
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Cliven Bundy, yes. I remember well! I’d PAY to go to a movie about guy that but I guess he doesn’t fit the hollywood agenda. And the feds couldn’t find ONE dead turtle! I LOVE IT!
maybe someone can dig up a dead polar bear and put it on Bundy’s ranch. THEN the feds could say, “I told you so.” or a killer whale. Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
That might work. LOL.
Whenever I require ice cubes, I simply boil water on the top of my stove and PRESTO = ICE CUBES.
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Sure. Works as well as the insanity this whole world is buying with every world leader making billions off their climate exchange hoax. If they can get away with that hoax, what else will people fall for? LOL.
Well, please join my Church. It is the chuch of da heavy buck. For 29.95 a month I givesss yous salviation. IF yous don’ts git it, whens yous die, den whens you be deads, yous can com backs fur a full refund……………………………………………
Pasture of da chuch of da heavys bucks.
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Sign me up! LOLOLOL.
Ahhhh another sucke….. Client I meant to say. You bee saveded whes Is gits da cash
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Sign me up. Call me at 1-800-IBE-SUKA for my credit card number. LOL.
AND we have FREE camel rides on the weekend fur da chuch of da heavys bucks..
http ://i.imgur.com/qaiKyNX.gifv
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Wow! I can’t wait!
nos udder chuch uffers cemal rieds on da weakend. Seas how funs its be? Sens CASH in unmakd penneis two da chuch of da heavy bucks DELEVIER FUR DOLLERS. Sings HARDLYKNEWYA! Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
I don’t carry any cash, but let me know when you can use credit cards. LOL.
darn, ise uses onely cash cuz da irs know trake meee da ways/
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Oh darn. sigh
twos badd. Kuz yous bee savided odderwise
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
double sigh
member frzz camal rids on da weakends
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Darn. Do you take checks?
I USE to take checks but people kept sending me Poles, Germans and French (boy do they stink) instead
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Hm. What to do? What to do?
yous kans ax obamassss he nose all da answears
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
No. He doesn’t like me. Guess I’m outta luck. And by the way he just THINKS he has all the answers. LOL.
Yes, and the way he treats us Military……………… 85 % when asked by Military Times, despise him. Yes, things shall become worse for a while than better. But he does not realize if he messes with the American Public, with 100 MILLION carrying firearms, and 85% of the Military against him………………………. He does not stand a chance if he attempts to pull something off
Semper Fidelis
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
He is EVIL! Save a couple hundred bucks under your mattress in case the banks are closed in the morning and pray that America survives until we can get rid of him.
Yes, everything against morality he stands for, and his “handling” the economy, and russia, I could do better blindfolded, drunk and totally out of my mind. Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
And his “deal” with Iran gives them two paths to get nukes: 1) They can follow the “deal” or 2) They can cheat. He HATES America as much as Iran does.
He has set the works in place for Armageddon to begin. And once that happens, many people will rise and if he thinks a few dozen SS will save his ass, he does NOT know the Anger of the American Public.
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
For sure!
and they will ask the question WHY???????????????
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
I’m in! Locked and loaded!
One idiot asked me today on the net if I was for gun control. I replied, yes I am. I can control my M1A114 with open sights to place 10 rounds in the skull of a person coming to murder me, at 500 meters. – No reply
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Absolutely! I’m all for gun control. Make sure you can shoot straight!
Taught my children the same. I would NOT want to stand in front of them between 4-500 meters in an vain attempt to murder them.
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
like to see the expression on the liberal face when that happens.
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Or their pants. Um… forget it. YUK. LOL.
or the side walk where they stood
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
But think of the good they are doing, they are FEEDING Mother Earth…………AHHHHH So kind and thoughtful Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Yeah. Mother earth is a VERY, very old and VERY, very hungry lady.
I usually set my self on fire, and dance around a car when I worship mother earth. Also put feathers in my hair and ……………..opps forgot, I shave my head because I practice Judo and Pre world war two Japanese Jujitsu which has NO rules and hair pulling is acceptable.. DARN!
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
As the master of Garage Logic would say, “The earth is NOT my mother.” LOL.
Earth produces new children when a volcano cuts lose. BUT at the same time destroys them in fire. Or something like like but she missed a lot of liberals………………………..
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
I think you’re onto something! LOL.
Since liberals love to do new things such as fire walking to “prove” how wonderful they are, I shall build a ramp in Hawaii on the big island to the lip of a volcano and charge admission for them to try it over the lip. Will you paint the sign?
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
But we have to run their credit cards FIRST before they walk up the mountain Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Oh. UTOPIA =====>> cash only
yes your are correct – GOLD only
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Better yet!
when do we start building. We can ask obamassssssss for the funds and after we skim off the top, we hide ourselves
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Ah. The Solyndra model: Get about a hundred billion from the feds, get the money, keep half, send half back to the democrats, then DECLARE BANKRUPCY! Great idea!
Da pasture of da chuch of da heavys bucks he be doin it an gots braens. Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
I wonder. It’s probably too late to try it now. Only a year or so left of his term.
This is the time he shall be more dedicated. Go to
and request what Plato stated. Then ask yourself where are we today.
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Yeah. That’s exactly what I’m afraid of!
Be armed, lots of food and a shit load of ammo
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Stocked up, locked and loaded!
if you ever desire to read my book, tell me
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
I’d love to read your book. Send cash right? LOL
No, ifin yus sinds kash its be goen two da chuch of da heavys butts er bucks.
If you want a copy
write to
and I shall send it via email
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
I use plastic. Never carry cash, so I guess I’ll have to pass. LOL.
I didn’t say you have to buy it………………..
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Oh. I thought sinds kash meant send cash. It’s kinda hard to know for sure sometimes. LOL.
shall be looking for your email on gmx.com
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Sure. LOL.
well then, you don’t desire a free copy of the book
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Wouldn’t do me any good. I can’t read. LOL.
Ok, so you will not receive a copy of my book.
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Oh darn! sigh
you would have enjoyed the book
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Yeah. sigh
The USMC enjoyed it
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Semper Fi buddy!
Semper Fidelis
Subject: Re: Comment on Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘ hundreds’
Is that what it is? I always thought it was envirowackoism. LOL.
Just wait until they whip out their “corrected” attendance data. Talk about yer hockey sticks!
They praise Pope Frances because he’s a climate change disciple, but ignore the fact that he’s creating the largest carbon footprint by one man that may never be rivaled. Gag me with the spoon of hypocrisy!
He said he will throw gold coins out to the crowd at his next sermon.
Silver would be more appropriate.
Yeah, I liked it when he got out of the plane and got in a Fiat 500… and proceeded to ride away with 20 Suburbans following him.
It is similar to the Hollywood hypocrites who drive their Tesla or Leaf to their private jets. It is amusing.
I am sure the Vatican has central air conditioning.
The Vatican also has tons of room for the migrants overflowing all of Europe. But so far no offers, he just tells people to be charitable and take them in, share with them your 1 or 2 bedr. apartment.
Europe in deep trouble!
They don’t really have room to take in migrants. All the rooms are filled to overflowing with treasure, plunder, and booty. So cut them a little slack.
Or like when Algore says the coasts will be underwater and then buys a huge estate on the coast. Does he think we don’t notice things like that?
And the press doesn’t talk about it.
Remember when Prince Charles was flying all over the world in his royal jet to scold people about their CO2 emissions! Gore, Obama, … et al, all do the same – incredibly ironic since they are cast as so technically proficient so SURELY could have “visited” via Internet!
Lol not to mention the massive print oblahma and Mike make when they go on vacation every other month!
Oblookie and the Wookie go to Hawaii.
Recall when they sent a plane back to get the dog? Think that was vacation safari 37 or so, on Cape Cod maybe… too long ago
Didn’t you know, predicting attendance is settled science.
Now DC should fine them the $ 10 K illegal signage fine for the flyers they posted all over dc on the base of traffic light poles. Serve them right!!
They are liberal democrats, all numbers after 100 are unfathomable to them.
97% of the world’s greatest eco-activist prognosticators are convinced that there has simply been a “pause” to the attendance, and that by sometime next week the numbers will explode to hundreds of thousands if not millions, putting all of us at risk of missing a really great rally.
Perhaps the missing attendees were absorbed by the ocean.
Or drowned in the rising oceans that Obama failed to make recede.
Trapped at the bottom of the ocean, safely away from our monitoring devices, defying the laws of physics…
safely away from our monitoring devices
Those pesky skeptics! Always trying to use their eyes to count the number of people at our rallies! If we say there are two hundred thousand, who are they to question?
The forecasting models said there were 200,000 attendees. So that must be the correct answer.
Swept out to sea by a rapidly melting glacier.
Good one or the other side of the argument is to channel the millions that wanted to be there and claim they would have.
If anyone questions you, I DEMAND that they be imprisoned IMMEDIATELY.
I read that article as well, absolutely laughable.
Footnote: The pause may last at least 20 years, and counting.
That’s what the computer models say anyway, and they are evidence of the future attendance.
That’s funny, unfortunately most of my country is so ignorant, can’t read beyond ‘The Cat And The Had’ level and so poorly educated and brainwashed by the public school system that they don’t have any ability to ‘get’ what you just wrote. hahahah, funny you are Yoda says.
Wow. We’d better stock up on popsicles. Lots and lots of popsicles.
Next year they will revise the numbers to show it as the largest and warmest rally in history. They will also revise the attendance at all other rallies downwards to make this one look bigger.
And they’ll predict that by 2017, the attendance will be 72 billion people. From the tri-state area alone!
Nut cases will always be nut cases and only draw other nut cases. The one exception is Obama. He is a nut case that draws all the nutcases, fa@s, commies , and Mexicans and Muslims.
Lol took the words right outa my mouth.
1,000 ^
Your “us and them” thinking reveals your ignorance. Did you mistakenly think that thousands of peer-reviewed climate scientists had anything to do with organising a rally in relation to a visit by the Pope. Climate models have been progressively improved and become more accurate. Your comment is incorrect in its broad suggestion as well as it premise.
Improved means little when the last 18 years has shown them very inaccurate. If they improved 20% they are still undependable.
LOL…Dude, hang it up..We know you’re a shill…Your words are wasted…You guys can’t stuff the genie back in the bottle…The people have spoken…Your side are liars, frauds, criminals and traitors…”Birds of a feather flock together”
Yeah, regarding those “improved” models. “Improved” merely means “modified” (or falsified) in an attempt to create a biased impression. You guys are really so full of it. You’ll believe anything.
You are a dunce.
It’s a lot like improving a Yugo so it can win the 24 hours of Le Mans.
Up here, we have Naomi Klein lecture to us along with Neil Young( currently in Malibu while trying to sell his Hawaiian estate for $25,000,000.00).
Yeah ol Neal is a raving lunatic.
He used to be able to write a tune. But, you know, the Needle and the Damage Done.
Lots of room for immigrants there on his estate.
Come on Neil, do something for real instead of shooting off your mouth.
Yeah, but the computer models showed that there would be over 200 K people. Only a climate rally denier would say there were not 200 K there…………………..
They should charge the attendance deniers using RICO and put them in jail!
I don’t know Bill, the barnacle layers are creeping higher on the beach, they usually follow favorable tides, it seems tides are getting higher.
I read that too, somehow 0.25 inches in the past decade isn’t causing me to lose too much sleep..
The usual SEIU rent-a-crowd…
People are all so sick and tired of the hype and lies!! I mean HOW MANY TIMES have these fools been caught altering or simply making up data to fit their lunatic prognostications of doom?
The co founder of greenpeace is a climate skeptic.. http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2015/03/20/why-i-am-climate-change-skeptic
Apparently that idea received an icy reception.
When is the Hysterical Left going to get the message..
The myth/con that is Human Caused Global Warming (But There Hasn’t Been Any Warming In Decades) has had it’s 15 minutes of fame..
The vast majority of Americans couldn’t care less…
It’s hard for the sheeple to understand that when their politicians are constantly ranting about it from their podiums…..
lol, this is hilarious….. see folks , these kooks are in the minority but with their fake twitter accts and fake fb accounts they seem to be much larger…. These people are just fringe kooks… Every sane person knows this whole man made global warming is just a ploy to take more money from the producers in this country…. Its obvious…. none of these kooks can answer why the grand canyon was formed, or the great lakes , dc under ice a mere 10k years ago, finding fish fossils on land…etc… I keep asking them if it was those damn dinosaurs driving around those evil suv’s….lol
Sounds like the usual group of unemployed and unemployable malcontents.
“This is the most childish form of magical thinking. It’s
like asking kids to clap their hands so that Tinker Bell won’t die. For
activists, climate change is a simplistic and self-centered morality tale that
pits our greed and wickedness against the Utopia of a kinder, gentler, fairer,
better world. In fact, climate change is a complex and fiendishly hard problem,
with huge uncertainties about what lies ahead and even greater uncertainties
about effective policies to address it. The activists should do themselves a
favour, and grow up.”
MARGARET WENTE, the Globe and Mail
Maggie ahs her Brit head screwed on straight.
You miss the point, none of the people preaching this crap believe it. The fairy tail is for the consumption of the benighted.
Gruberism at it’s finest.
Just like all their prior predictions. They just cant seem to get anything right. But they will keep praying at the global warming alter.
well its happening , people are finding out its a hoax , yea keep the air and water clean , but dont shut down the country over it , its the red movement masked as being green.
yes, no one is advocating on dumping in the oceans or littering and things like that…. when the tea party shows up at a rally the place is cleaner than when we arrived… compare that to the union protest on the mall and the ows movement …. Those people are complete slobs…
Not to mention the Obama crowd’s trash on the Mall after his inauguration.
I bet some one (i hope) gets a photo of the area these know nothings inhabited for the day, bet it looks like any other lib gathering trash everywhere but in the pail, no garbage bags allowed (plastic) god help us as a country, the world needs us
Dnice, that is the difference between non producing users, takers, wreckers, as opposed to producers, creators, innovators.
My daughter worked for NBC in Wash. DC. They covered lots of protests etc……after one protest involving some Asian’s protesting policies in the Far East…she reported to us (not the liberal TV audience…they are too stupid), that it was the first protest she had covered where not only did the protesters clean up after themselves, but removed any ribbons they had tied on trees etc…leaving the place as if they had never been there. AND, this occurred just about a week after Eco crazies had protested in the same area and left piles of trash everywhere….oh the hypocrisy.
And mind you, take a look at the desert areas where our wonderful ILLEGALS enter and destroy with liter, etc…..our country before tapping us for their share of the entitlement teet.
Well stated.
yup , the illegals are destroying the deserts down there, the pictures I have seen are horrific, but not a peep out of the msm
Nope, I’m old enough to remember the rivers that caught on fire there was so much crud dumped into them but, the EPA seems to have lost the nobility of stopping that and then standing guard. Nope, they need a new, big mission. Gosh, (I think I remember that from some poly sci 101 courses, nature of bureaucracies, that of a virus, thrive and expand?) Anyway, lots of cash yet to be funnelled to the cronies.
Good ole Cleveland Ohio, the Mistake by the Lake. I remember it well.
Not a bad beer though.
Burn on big river, burn on.
I didn’t know there were that many people still believing in the scam… so a few hundred still seems a lot… though not much intellectual horsepower in that crowd…
As long as there are idiots in the world, there will always be people who can never be swayed by the facts and will always choose fantasy over reality. The useful idiot left are the prime example.
Exactly.Not a single attendee missed his Mensa meeting.LOL!!!!
Free Popsicles….like phones.
So 400 PPM CO2 driving global warming is kind of like how hundreds of people in a population of almost 7 billion can drive up energy prices. Now there’s a hockey stick!
And as more and more people catch on they can expect dozens.
Even the freaks won’t fall for this round of BS.
We can only hope!
It probably did not advance their turnout expectations, as hoped, for the fact of it falling on a weekday. Having #BLM there was at least as meaningful as entertaining Pope Francis the Communist.
Where’s Guido Sarducci when we need him!
Soros just couldn’t get his buds to organize, may be he was busy with the Black Lies Matter group.
or buying more coal stocks after bashing them for years… he should be in jail for that by the way
Why do you think they are going after coal. its all about the money.
Maybe the thousands were turned off by the climactically changed weather: perhaps they feared drowning being so close to the rising ocean; perhaps they feared being caught in one of those HUGE and FREQUENT Atlantic Ocean hurricanes they all predicted would start some 10-15 years ago.
Occam’s Razor would suggest however, that the more rational among us have caught on to what would be pure silliness if it weren’t so ‘politically’ driven.
And the Pope? We can safely just simply ignore the poor old man.
I would think that the satellite data compiled by the UAH team, since ’79, speaks volumes: No upward trend for about 20 years, and counting. Not just any 20 years — a 20 year period that has witnessed the explosion of global capitalism. See, up until ’96, when the satellite data pointed towards ‘global warming’, the satellite data was ‘pure science’, It turns out that ’96 was a fairly severe El Nino year, and the arbitrary starting point (’79, the dawn of the satellite age), was, indeed, a low point… Fast forward to 2015, and what are the warmists saying? “There are more important sources to consider than the satellites.” What a sad commentary on humanity — so willing to believe nonsense, particularly when the nonsense implies that they are the Truly Enlightened, and their mission is to Save the World. It reminds me of Jonestown, for some reason. I’ve grown a little jaded.
Totally agree, of course. It isn’t only ‘humanity’ that is sad, it’s much worse. It is SCIENCE itself and it’s practitioners that has failed us and this when we very BADLY need good science and technology to keep the species together and viable. Climate ‘science’ devalues all of science and that’s very dangerous for humanity.
I am reminded of the 1660s and the founding of the Royal Philosophic Society in London (Hooke, Wren, Newton, et al). When deciding on their ‘motto’ they came up with ‘Nullius in Verba’ and etched it into the stone lintel over their entryway. The exact translation is ‘Nothing in Words’, but the meaning is ‘don’t believe anything unless it is PROVEN by replicable experimentation by other scientists and researchers independently. Otherwise, it’s just words’.
True then, true now…that’s science – always true, never dependent on feelings and hopes.
Damn, I guess even Catholics don’t like this pope.
There are still some Catholics who do not like communists.
Poop Francis
LOL subhuman liberal traitors, truly a worthless bunch of parasites. So the PEDO-POPE has no real sway, that’s why he is trying to import human garbage to build up his churches free falling attendance.
I was there with my hidden dog sh1t dispenser. Two 28″ long PVC tubes loaded with dog turds. Button on belt actuate door on bottom of vertical tubes hidden, strapped to in my inner legs.
I let a few go while in dense crowds. No one notices for about 5 minutes.
Then…..Ewwwwwww! “My God! What did I step in?” they ask.
I had a GREAT time!
lol!! The ones in sandals must be the happiest!!
The pedo pope and the gay muslim president share two things in common for sure, MARXISM and a hatred of FREEDOM!
It’s not the numbers that matter, it’s the camera angle and story that matters.
Well that is encouraging… there are fewer morons in the country than I thought.
Not even the greenies really believe this any more. It looks like a Hillary rally. And for the same reason.
Isn’t telling a lie a sin? So who hears the Pope’s confession? By the way the Pope needs to spend more time trying to fix things with the church. Attendance is down in general. The anti-capitalist has all his clergy looking for more money because collections are way down, and after his visit I believe that the money problems will increase significantly.
It’s not a lie if you believe it. Like Bush with the WMD, which all the intel services believed were there, were there and were moved to Syria. But the progressives still say Bush lied. The pope has been mislead like so many others.
Yes, not to mention that Saddam had in fact used WMD against his own people and against the Iranians in their little war. So it certainly was reasonable to think he may still have some, may want more and may use them AGAIN. Damned lying liberals are the scourge of the planet.
That was not a little war….!!
Then they all got back into their mommies’ SUVs, drove home to their gated communities and cranked the AC down to 71 because saving the planet is hot sweaty work.
This doddering old man should stick to Catholicism and not get involved in scientific matters about which he appears to know nothing. What’s next? Endorsing the Democrat Party platform in this nation?
I listened for a brief while, and thought it was a political rally for the Democrats.
It was!!
Sheep are easily manipulated.
THE FAKE POPE RECENTLY GAVE HIS FAKE PRIESTS THE “POWER” TO FORGIVE ABORTION. Which means that EVEN THOUGH JESUS CHRIST TOLD US that HE would forgive us of EVERY SIN EXCEPT BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE FALSE CHURCH has been doling out their “forgiveness” like those papal indulgences of long ago. AND ONLY GOD can FORGIVE sin a man can PRAY with you and even pray FOR you, but it is GOD that forgives sin. And ONLY God.
Matthew 12:31
Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Matthew 12:31-32 [Full Chapter]
Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
The pope thinks that commenting on homosexuals is him judging them. God judged homosexuals in the bible and had the penalty written down for those who afterward would claim him as their GOD. Why doesn’t the pope know that the bible is God’s judgement against the behavior of man? Thou shalt not seems abundantly clear.
Jesus said to call no man on earth “Father” for we have one “Father” and He is in heaven.
Matthew 23:9New International Version (NIV)
9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
The pope’s church calls priests “Father” and the pope “Holy Father”. Jesus specifically said that the glory of being called “Father” BELONGS TO GOD AND GOD ALONE. Why does the pope think that he can usurp the glory of God for himself.
The pope tells us that the mission of Jesus Christ on Earth was to “BRING PEACE ON EARTH’, his church tells us this every Christmas. Yet JESUS CHRIST warned us not to think certain things about him or his purpose in coming. One of the things that Jesus WARNED US NOT TO THINK was…..oh, let’s just read it shall we?
Matthew 10:34-39New International Version (NIV)
34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not
come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
The pope and his church tell you that he is the MEDIATOR BETWEEN MAN AND GOD. The bible says that there was indeed a “mediator” but has a different take on who that might be.
1 Timothy 2:5New International Version (NIV)
5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,
Oh, so the pope is USURPING THE TITLE OF JESUS CHRIST by calling and allowing himself to be called “the Mediator between man and God”, since the BIBLE tells us that the mediator is JESUS CHRIST.
The pope tells you to pray to Mary, Peter and a thousand other saints.
Exodus 20:1-5 tells you not to have other God’s before the Lord Almighty and not to bow down to them nor serve them.
Matthew 6:6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Add to that the fact that we were told also that whatever we do in WORD OR DEED to DO IT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! And now you know why we say “Father in the name of Jesus”,
Colossians 3:17
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Why does the pope tell you to pray to someone OTHER than GOD?
The WORD “baptism” in the greek, which the N.T. is written in, is the word “Bautizo”, Bautizo MEANS TO BE COMPLETELY IMMERSED IN WATER. When JESUS was baptized in MATTHEW 3 HE WAS COMPLETELY IMMERSED IN WATER. The false church of COURSE had to change even this! SPRINKLING is not BAPTISM. The APOSTLES told you that there is ONLY ONE BAPTISM, in
Ephesians 4:5King James Version (KJV)
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
BUT IT ISN’T THE BAPTISM THAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH PERFORMS!!! Peter, whom they lyingly claim as their “First Pope” SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU HOW TO BE BAPTIZED!! When the Apostles received the Holy Ghost in ACTS 2:1-4, they came down onto the street still speaking in tongues, people mocked them Acts 2: 13, leading to PETER giving the FIRST SERMON WITH THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. At the conclusion of this sermon which goes from ACTS 2:14- ACTS 2:36 the PEOPLE TO WHOM HE PREACHED asked PETER what they needed to do to be saved like the Apostles and disciples.. THEY WERE TOLD TO BE BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. The false church does NOT baptize you in the name JESUS CHRIST but rather in three empty titles, none of which are NAMES..
Acts 2:37-41King James Version (KJV)
37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.
41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
The BIBLE declares that any church which prohibits people from MARRYING ( priests and nuns) AND also asks it’s congregants to ABSTAIN FROM MEATS ( no meat on Friday) IS A CHURCH OF SATAN. Paul told Timothy that this church would get it’s “DOCTRINE” from DEMONS.
1 Timothy 4:1-4
King James Version (KJV)
4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
He prophesied this to Timothy so that the Bishop could IDENTIFY the false church that arose. And you know what ELSE a “False church” that received it’s doctrines from DEMONS would do? It would LIE about the nature of CHRIST’S MISSON HERE ON EARTH. Every year the Catholic Church tells you that Jesus came to “BRING PEACE ON EARTH”, all of you without question have been VICTIMS of this HEINOUS LIE. Is it just a “mis-interpretation”? An INNOCENT MISTAKE perchance? Nope. It’s the EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT JESUS CHRIST STATED HIS MISSION TO BE!!!!
Not only did Jesus never say He came to “bring peace to the Earth”, but it’s something that JESUS CHRIST WARNED YOU SPECIFICALLY NOT TO THINK!!!!!
Matthew 10:34-39
King James Version (KJV)
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Since these verses exist in EVERY BIBLE in the WORLD we can conclude that it isn’t an innocent mistake which has the POPE telling you the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Jesus said that HIS mission was!!
You know, if the “powers that be” would have just pushed a nation-wide, “pick-up, clean-up, it’s all up to you” revival with an industrial side and a public side it would be doing great. By perpetrating this huge lie, and then getting called out as a lie, they’ve set back their efforts 20 years.
they were all out enjoying the nice weather.
Yeah, beautiful cool day in DC. They are lucky the Gore effect didn’t kick in.
Gore should do only Florida, SOUTH Florida bookings only. Then he’d be safe.
What a joke
This is a real yawner. Some times it is hot – like in Summer- and sometime it snows – like in winter – and the spring is in between. So what is the problem?
So he got the “cold shoulder” for his effort. I believe that his visit is not receiving a warm reception for many, many reasons that he preached.
More like dozens.
The folks over at FreeRepublic.com say “Hi!” From the comments here, many of you would fit right in!
Do you want to free the Republic? Google Karl Lentz. That is the only way to free the Republic. Shut down their game.
Google is part of the enemy. Ask the Chinese who tried to google “freedom”!
No ship Sherlock. But we can use it as a tool. So is jewtube but there are a thousand Karl Lentz videos there broken down by subject. This is the only way. End Game for them.
The use of “Jewtube” indicates that you are NOT the kind we would welcome over there. Is this Karl Lentz a hater too?
That’s why you people don’t get anywhere. All you do is talk and talk and talk, and maybe load your web pages with garbage everybody already knows. Karl Lentz has all his postings and audios for free and helps everybody he comes in contact with. The only hater I see here is you.. Like I said, Do you want to free the Republic? Google Karl Lentz. That is the only way to free the Republic. Shut down their game.
Good, We wouldn’t want to waste our time on you braid dead boys anyway.
Send the bum back to Rome and he can take all his Illuminati politician friends/legal society back with him so we can restore a constitutional government. Their reign of terror over America has gone on long enough.
Future NOAA revisions will estimate the crowds in the millions. A NASA study will be commissioned to confirm it.
billions and billions!
There is a reason we never invited a Pope to come to the USA until 1965. This Pope reaffirms that.
The Pope is a wonderful human being. He knows less about climate than he does about economics.
But I bet they underestimated the amount of litter left behind.
They praise Pope Frances because he’s a climate change disciple but ignore the fact that he’s creating the largest carbon footprint by one man that may never be rivaled. Gag me with the spoon of hypocrisy!
400 ppm is equal to 20 parts out of 50,000. So imagine 20 people scattered about in a 50,000 seat stadium. Used to be 10 supposedly. Double a small number and you STILL got a small number. Get it? Tell you friends.
sounds like a Rams football game
Lemme guess, global warming is to blame?
Great idea! Let’s destroy our economy so that China can take our jerbs and output the same amount of pollution, and then some! Yay liberalism!
look up geoengineering conference in redding, ca
on you tube…….. dane wigington
climate change is candy cigarettes compared to
spraying toxic aerosols…. which is what is happening everywhere!
hey california and the west coast….. how’s that engineered drought working out for you?
Climate change is caused by government research grants.
Hypocrites. Not sure if these people are stupid or just ignorant. Obviously none of them ever take the timer to educate themselves about the earth’s climate. It is easier to spread lies and hopefully control the people. While the fat pope builds a bigger belly and Michelle struts with her $2300 dress.
Only 33% of American voters still believe in global warming
they also believe in Santa Claus………
“Watch: Climate charismatics: Praise and worship team sings ‘Love Song to the Earth’ at Pope’s Capitol rally”
Romans 1:25 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”
“When will we ever learn…”
Did they use their reverse hockey stick method when they predicted the attendance numbers?
Now, don’t get kinky
I said nothing about their pucks.
Climate polls rock bottom of the list of issues voters care about..
The great lakes were formed by melting glaciers. There were no cars or industry back then, how did they melt?
Magic of course. Those greenies would not accept anything less.
Let’s see: A skinny black community organizer, an old pedophile in a dress and wackos from the green movement. Yeah, pretty funny but a guarantee the media will cover it.
Our fellow Christians are being slaughtered in the Muslim world. Our P.O.T.U.S. refuses to aknowledge it. Our churches father visites every 35 years or so. Hey I have an idea! As the churches father and protector ill talk about climate change, that’s well within the rhelm of my expertise. Then ill go to Phila prisons and meet life long criminals Muslims and Christian. Why bother going to a childrens Hosp. or such? I understand he loves all people.I get the point. Ya think you might mention to Obama that it would be nice if he asked the Muslims to stop blowing up our people
Spunk your right, We need to take back our Media. How I long to read an unbiased story
Obama and this Pope are frauds.
The 4.6 billion year earth is warming…until the next ice age..
We have irrefutable graphs from 1971
Throw those people into the wild and tell them to fend for themselves. Not one of them would last more than four days.
you meant hours, right?
I didn’t attend because I thought I heard POOP.
I can’t believe there are still people out there who can even say the words Climate Change without busting out in laughter.
GTFO already, this hoax is so over!
Outstanding – thank you
We all should be able to say “Climate Change” without bursting into laughter.
But I and suspect you and millions of others get a knot in their respective stomachs when “Climate Change” is used by Obama et.al. as shorthand for “Catastrophic anthropogenic global warming.”
The earth is warming
the earth is warming
Liberals shout the alarm
only higher taxes and less freedoms
will save us
then in 20 years
The earth is cooling – the earth is cooling
only higher taxes and less freedoms will save us…
the Pope is a dope – a Marxist who hates Capitalism…
Global Warming is the Scam of the Century
People are catching on to the lies and manipulations.
It is about taking your money and spending it on what they want
Who made the prediction? A Fed economist?
We must send all of our money to Al Gore and Obama or else
Both poles will be ice free by 2013
Good. I can swim really well.
.All the black singers were in the back. Those climate-weirdos are racist.
Global Warming is so bad, we have raised the temperatures on Mars
Your SUVs are that bad
/sarcasm off
VW’s for sure.
Gotta love a church were the chicks dress like a Kardashian. Praise the Lord!
The truth, that the Global Warming Nuts do not want you to know.
When the output of the Sun goes up, Earth Warms
When the output of the Sun goes down, Earth Cools
Gee, maybe someone told the people who did not show up about the Bering Straight Land Bridge between Asia and North America that rose from the ocean thousands of years ago when an ice age gobbled up so much water the sea level sank drastically. When global warming eventually happened around 20,000 years ago, a lot of the glacial ice melted, causing sea levels to rise and the land bridge to disappear. All done without taxing carbon emissions.
Zero Credibility Pope. This is what a stealth Coup by Globalist insiders looks like.
We can spend the US into a hole. It would not help one bit
It is all about, taking other peoples money
The Paid Soros Trolls won’t even touch this article,
Pope sucks! Send him back to his walled castle.
Quit Pontificating! We dont need another socialist scum dictating to us. FO!
Is this a Catholic worship team? Just curious.
Global Warming enthusiast remind me of the Vegan that is laying dying of nothing.
No one attended because almost everyone knows there is no such thing as global warming. Climate change is a scheme to tax the whole world. Do we have environmental issues? Yes. But global warming is not one of them.
When I watch the news tonight the liberal media will say its 300K not 200 people.
Letter to the Editor:
What if there was a monumental environmental threat that you didn’t even know was happening? What if you found out it is affecting your health and that of people you know and love? What if you knew it was such an enormous problem that it has the potential to destroy our crops and trees, the soil they are grown in, our entire water supply and whole ecosystems – and that if you didn’t act, we could never turn back?
I am not talking about fracking, nuclear energy, politics or the oil industry. I am not even talking about climate change, but instead the spraying of harmful chemicals into our atmosphere and subsequently onto us and our food supply.
What if it came into use in a most insidious way, just as GMO foods have come into our food supply without our knowledge? What if it appeared to be harmless, but it wasn’t? And what if it were so cleverly woven into our culture that we didn’t even see it anymore? What if it were so masterfully stigmatized and wrapped in controversy that if you thought it strange or concerning, you’d be scorned or ignored? It sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. It’s happening right above you, and it’s called “geoengineering.”
You can find articles and debates in which scientists are proposing to “dim” the sun to slow down climate change using a technique called “Solar Radiation Management” (SRM). Nasa’s David Keith is one. Their concept is to mimic the dimming and cooling effects of a volcanic eruption and existing particulate pollution made by human activity. However, it has been out of the proposal stage for quite some time and, even though officials will not admit it, SRM is already in full-scale operation. SRM sounds like a viable solution to slowing climate change, and scientists have repeated how “cheap” it is over and over again. However, it comes with a price. In fact, it comes with many.
Global climate engineering/geoengineering programs are radically disrupting weather patterns, disrupting the hydrological cycle (causing drought in some areas, flooding others), destroying the ozone layer and contaminating the entire planet with the toxic fallout from these atmospheric spraying operations more than likely causing respiratory illness and deaths.. Climate engineering programs have been fully deployed for many years. There is a mountain of hard science data and film footage to back up this statement of fact. Just Google the subject.
If you’re concerned, take a few minutes to view “Look Up,” an award-winning documentary narrated by William Baldwin. It is an excellent introduction to the issue of ongoing climate engineering/geoengineering.
My only goal is that you will review what I have offered and I hope it will motivate your continued investigation of the completely illegal, unregulated and incredibly devastating climate modification programs that are being conducted on a global scale. Sign me a caring Grandfather Steve B
All that was missing was a massive ice storm to complete the farce.
Soon the scientific community will punish the nonbelievers.
He never mentioned Jesus… not even once.
He believes he is more important. Truly, he has more gold.
I’ll bet the girl in the brown dress on the left likes taking it from behind. She probably acts like a goody, goody Christian girl by day, but is a freak in the bedroom at night. SUPERFREK!
The Soros Paid Trolls are here
No, just a guy that likes to tag hot girls.
If the Pope’s involved, rest assured that “man-made climate change” is a religion and not a science.
If the science is settled then maybe we should close it down. If they’re saying they’ve reached a conclusion, obviously they no longer require funding. Continuing to receive money will only lead people to conclude they’re in it for the money. They can convince us all they’re not in this for money by refusing further grants for research that is apparently no longer necessary. So close it all down and we will see they’re not interested in money at all. Go ahead. I won’t hold my breath.
More comments here than on You Tube’s forum.
So far 65 views on the You Tube.
Untrue deceivers lack true believers.
I was a much better Pope, wouldn’t you agree? The current occupant has no idea the good American capitalism has done to lift millions out of poverty. His poverty is the education he received in Argentina. I had the courage to preach against communism and abortion. He is concerned about the right to life of criminals, not the innocent in the womb. He cannot stand up to 177 Democrats in the House. Are you surprised he is mute to the terror of Radical Islam and more concerned with climate change. The College of Cardinals sure blew this one.
But global warming makes it get cold n’ $hit.
The climate has always changed and it will continue to change.
Climate changers blow
Al Gore, both poles will be ice free by 2013
A few hundred…..Ha Ha….The loopy left can’t draw a crowd to pray to the earth…
They keep telling us it is getting warmer. And my thermometer says it isn’t getting warmer. Who are you going to believe? The “experts” or my lying eyes?
What if they gave a lunatic leftist global warming rally….and nobody came?
The only reason any guys show up at these events is that it’s and easy “F*ck for Climate Change” line needed to get “lucky.”
Also, it’s the “honest effort” of the crowd size they predicted,not the actual numbers.
I don’t think the average climate change rally has gotten bigger in at least 18 years – despite predictions.
I see what you did there
Phew! At least someone did!
I experienced climate change first hand the other day…..fall.
Couldn’t have happened to a more fitting bunch of liars. But I’m sure they can have some scientists manage to prove that the mere hundreds of attendants are actually hundreds of thousands.
The Pope is a dope when it comes to climate change. It is kind of weird and funny watching the atheist commie climate kooks embrace a follower of Jesus Christ.
I wondered where he was getting his intel – definitely wasn’t from God.
Hahaha Stupid Grubers
I count 56 people. Not bad for a Nazi party rally.
They’ve done studies you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.
Climate praise and worship team? The only thing missing is jim jones.
97% certain that climate will always change. with or without human intervention.
A few of dozen dirt worshipers and a bunch of media. Not to worry, when they release the ‘official’ numbers I’m sure it will have increased to 100,000 or so, that’s the way climate astrology works.
And once they do, don’t you dare point to the original photos that show the actual crowd size in the hundreds. They’ll label you a filthy ignorant crowd size denier.
The Kook-a-thon shrank.
The Warm Monger Fossil Phobes in all their hoaxing madness
just like an Ed Schultz rally in Wisconsin
Attendees were standing shoulder to shoulder because they were too stupid to sit down. Most were there thinking there would be some free stuff to be handed out. Others wondering why the main man was wearing a dress-looking thingie. Others not really understanding the concept of climate change. And a few who happened by and stopped to see what the gathering was about. However, still more attendees than at Hillary’s rare rallies.
Too bad it didn’t snow on the little green weenies.
There is a 15% chance of brains in a Liberal.
And, like liberals, you’ve made significant adjustments upwards.
Egads, morons still swallow this hoax? I have some swamp land, er, beautiful forest land for sale. Ice Age 1970s. GloBULL warmings 80s. GloBULL Cooling 90s. Climate Change 2000’s on. What a bunch of nitwits. Stop voting and thinking, you’re wrecking the nation! Just like the stumble bum below…
For God’s sake – our esteemed president and his court constantly rant about it! How can these morons NOT be affected?
She is a lying drunkard.
Drunken Kilary “Who pushed me?”
She was dodging sniper fire.
These people are so lazy and worthless. No wonder people don’t believe in climate change.
Bunch of vacuous, puke milennials with their dual droid, Pentium cored, facebook/twitter/snapchat iphone 456 1/2s. Me – I prefer a dual quad, four speed, ram air, positraction 409. You…?
Chill folks. In 14 months the jig will be up…
These scam artists are going to keep pushing this crap on US until we hit back so hard it makes them run away crying for their mommies.
Looks like the attendance at a Hillary rally.
Prolly too f’n hot to travel
Everyone know it’s a big phony hoax, even the zealots.
Made the pope look like a dope…hahahahahah
He doesn’t need any help looking like a dope with that getup he wears.
If no trees fall in the forest, don’t worry the Left Wing media will report it as lumberjack’s dream.
Predicted a 200,000 people rally…? Damn that Mann hockey stick.
I guess they were about 199,900 short.
When are these douchebags (including the pope) going to realize that this isn’t the 60’s,if it were,the hippies would be against the government,not sucking it’s a$$. Remember the vietnam war protesters? They yelled hey,hey,lbj,how many kids did you kill today? Why don’t they protest the murder of a generation of American babies? I guess they don’t care unless they are gookanese babies.
Hillary Clinton should have been there. This would have been her first chance to address hundreds of people at the same time. Definitely a missed opportunity there.
Climate Change = Money Laundering….Catholic Church needs money and the Politicians need money…
Numbers of attendees has been revised upwards, and attendance at all other rallies has been revised downward to make this rally look like the biggest in history.
Sandra Fluke had more people in her parking stall rally.
they were hoping to get lucky with her and her collection of free condoms
Liberals get scared when the temperature dropped at night. Hehehe
Popey + climate = boring
This reminds me of the million man march where only 5 guys showed up.
Hats off to anyone who can make it through the whole video. Good grief.
I wonder if the pope smells like popery?
We need one heck of a lot more Americans (10’s of millions more) calling, writing and electing law-makers to substantially raise our cost of living in order to change the worlds climate. A few liberals and all the Government-paid scientist peddling doom to advance bigger, more Socialistic Government is not a reason to become a “lemming” marched off the cliff to the unknown. If our environment changes as slowly as predicted, we’ll have time to adjust and make money from it as well. Nobody alive today will die from global warming. Dying from being made more poor and fighting over artificially scarce resources will definitely shorten the lives of millions more in America and Billions around the globe if current plans and wishes of a the power hungry fascist and communist wannabes advance. Obama and Hillary are poster-child’s for this movement and don’t know the first thing about sacrificing squat in the name of us, as they Preach (for big fees) to people richer and more power hungry than they are. All peas in a pod. The smallest, richest minority ready to save us from every harm but them.
Were there even hundreds? Seems like there were more on stage than in the crowd.
Does Grayhound take EBT cards?
They must have used one of the famous climate model computers to reach 200,000.. looks more like 300.. period
That’s a difficult conundrum for a worthless liberal. Do they support a Christian who supports one of their ridiculous liberal causes, even though they disdain Christians? I guess not.
Mall crowd control folks arrived but left immediately thinking they had the day wrong as there were no more people there than on any day.
The country is filled with scientific illiterates, especially the millennials, who are useful idiots pols use in perpetrating this hoax. There is no man made global warming. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is necessary for photosynthesis(food). Currently it is a low 380ppm. Green houses usually maintain 1600 ppm.The MAJOR greenhouse gas is water vapor. In order conjure up a mental image of dirt and pollution, pols cleverly use the word “carbon” for CO2. CO2 is clear and odorless. This is one of many, many observable facts which discredit anthropogenic climate change. Check the literature. There does exist industrial pollution from from the East. USA has done a good job in cleaning our environment by and large.
these people are bat_shite_crazy
LOTS worse attendance than the Tea Party rally a couple weeks ago, you know the one that was belittled by the press.
What a bunch of FREAKS. They make my stomach turn.
looks like a lot of rich white folk at that rally
“Green” energy and green lifestyle is for RICH WHITE people …
the polices that are needed to create a green energy society favor the rich whites in America….
I thought liberals were FOR the little guy?..the minority? …
these policies directly HURT the poor, the middle class, and the minorities in America and the world
It was too freaking cold.
Climatologists are former Meteorology students who failed forecasting.
We need to ridicule these idiots back to the dark ages…I am sick of their lies…The pope and the barry puppet are shills for the carbon tax scheme in which all of them are heavily invested….Scumbags! Nice to see the contempt on the part of the general public…No longer does the office of the Vatican hold its’ former allure…
Look how these white-privilege liberals sent the fat black women to the back of the bus?
Al Gore should be required to wear these pants.
Let’s all vote to change reality and that ought to solve the problem with climate change.
I would go…it looks like a great place to pick up on some gullible HOT CHICKS
The Climate has ALWAYS changed and is cyclical not linear and in tune with the natural thermodynamic cycles of the Sun.
What a bunch of lunatics and fascists.
Green is the new Red
but a great place to pick up gullible hot chicks
It’s never too late to stop the changing so things can stay exactly as they are during my lifetime.
randy…..the EARTH is not warming…..
I’m sure parts are warming and parts are cooling. I just want things to stop during my brief lifetime. Forget about the last 4 billion years. Just stop it now.
it’s is NOT warming now…according to THIER data the earth temperature has remained the same for the past 18 years ..and these same scientists claim that the earth will cool for the next 14 years because the Sun is beginning it’s stage where there is little to no solar storms ..
it is a HOAX to separate YOU from your money ..it is a HOAX to redistribute the wealth from the wealthy nations to the poorer ones…it is a HOAX to redistribute the wealth from the RICH oil companies to the RICH green energy corporations …via YOUR pocket book
I don’t care about that. The correct weather is happening now and we need to freeze it in place for eternity. We then can start working on the pesky seasonal changes. I don’t like winter so it needs to go.
Funny how Mother Nature and Mr. Sun aren’t in their equations.
since ALL these hot young women at this rally believe that our earth is warming…they should easily believe that I am really 11 inches long
Al jokes aside, this is good news. The sheep are waking up to the B.S.
This is really not a joke although it meant to be. It is the truth.
Did anyone expect differently?
Must’ve used the same computer model they do for future temperatures.
common core math – several hundred = several hundred thousand
And it takes them days to add it up.
The consensus is that they are idiots.
TRUTH always prevails in the end. Fear Not!
LMFAO. Useful idiots. Oh and someone needs to tell the Pope to stay out of America’s business and get back into his bubble of air conditioned privilege in the Vatican. We’re not turning communist any time soon nor are we going to stop fighting illegal immigration.
Thank you. More people need to say this and stand up tall. Let’s take America back!
I watched 58 seconds of that video and couldn’t make it any further. I now know why there was no one at that rally. They all KILLED THEMSELVES.
I love to rally with signs saying “Global warming, global power grab”!
Two words – padded cells.
When you hear that the “Black Lives Matter” people were there, you realize that there was nothing but “paid shills” in attendance.
they double as the “global warming” people
there are not enough nut jobs in America to have individual movements…
so they double up on their FAKE rage
Hopefully the BLM ladies forced the crowd to 4 min of silence to morn the death of a criminal who was killed during the commission of a crime.
Because, as we know, those goons go nowhere for free.
Truth is, climate change is a hoax. It’s all about income and wealth redistribution. And massive taxation.
I could not have crafted a better scam if I had a staff of 10,000 people working around the clock to find ways to bilk people out of trillions of dollars
And if you can get Hollywood moe Ron’s on your side it’s becomes an industry.
these people are criminal genius’
And screwing down the country and its people until we can’t move or breathe or work. To hell with the Climate Changers. They are liars and Commies.
Of the 100 people who attended this propaganda fest, four were paid to be there, and the other 96 thought there would be free food.
Likely, rapidly rising sea levels prevented those in coastal states from attending.
Good. Fools leading fools.
Good….you deserve NOTHING more.
I think I’ll steal the moon
…this looks like a scam that only Gru would think of
Of course it feels warmer when you huddle together in a crowd. It is called “body heat”.
They look like DERELICTS!
they look like children of RICH white people
When you sit down for dinner, do you remove your plates before eating?
America is the most generous nation in the world in charity, yet the Pope is telling us we need to move away from capitalism and wealth generation and open our borders to anyone and everyone who wants to come here as well as pay sin taxes for climate change.
Can anyone here explain to me how the hell any of that makes any sense? I guess that does explain why liberals love this Pope though…a first for them.
All of the climate people are just dumb and brainwashed. There is no global warming, climate change or wherever they will call it next. It is a fraud, scam, hoax, a Communist plot. Stop wasting taxpayers money.
I bet the place was FILTHY when they left.
Libs are always filthy. Post Earth Day cleanup is a major undertaking.
In contrast, Tea Party and Conservative events leave the places cleaner than when they got there.
Democrat, liberal, progressive, climate change activist, these are dog whistle/code words for baby killing, organ dealing, population control advocating (genocide) lying, domestic terrorists and traitors.
In a nutshell. 100% agree with ya.
It’s just sad. No evidence but a lot of doe eyed enthusiasm. Of course, the idiot in chief and his posse of idiots, along with the former idiot of state all buy into this baloney. What a bunch of rubes.
I would have been impressed if the singers didn’t use electric powered mikes, speakers, electric instruments and all walked from their homes to the mall. Instead just a bunch of LIBO wacko hypocrites.
Touche!!! Lol
There you go, applying logic to the process! 🙂
Only hundreds gathered, just lovely, me think.
Climate tards! What a bunch of mindless sheep!!! LOL LOL!
<=== audible laughter.
Its easy those who truly believe in climate change should commit suicide, every year they are not here 8.2 tons of that most deadly (according to them) pollutant CO2 will enter our atmosphere. Come on climate-Tards show us all how much you believe, show us all how dedicated you are to making a difference.
People aren’t buying the lie anymore. Time to find another way to rape our wallets.
I’m sure they are working on it. I think their next plan involves taking a piece of your 401K and IRA.
Thank you so very much for that pic.
(I threw up ALOT in my mouth)
Did you make us any Schweddy Balls?
Only Schweddy Wieners today.
Is that anything like a Huma Weiner?
There’s nothing better than the look on child’s face when the first time he gets a hold of his own Schweddy Wiener.
Alex, I’ll take Penn State Football for 100.
Firstly, who cares what he thinks?
Secondly, shouldn’t he be a little more concerned with things like… uh I don’t know PEDAPHILE PRIESTS???
Last but not least, why does it matter what his opinion is on imigration??
Has anybody seen the massive walls that surround his little shack that he lives in??? Nothing says “I put my trust in god”
Like 10 foot walls, funny looking bullet proof laden vehicles Etc. Etc .
Piss on the pope.
Gee Pope Trotsky isn’t as popular as the Leninist media wants us to believe. Maybe he should go back to Rome and start canoodling with some teenage boys, I’m sure he could draw a crowd of leftists to watch that.
He should make a stop at Penn State.
Or maybe the State Penn.
Only the human ego would say we can destroy this planet. This planet has been through a lot worse than us folks. (Not saying we cant damage it of course, but warmists only seem to attack every day folk, not the companies like BP that actually do damage.)
Where is the outrage over the EPA mine spill??
Didn’t you get the memo? EPA didn’t mean to do it, so it’s OK. In fact, it never happened.
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Note to self: Forget that the mine spill caused by the EPA ever happened.
Good! Now go and watch CNN and read the NY Times.
I would have attend if they were nude. Then would have proven to me about global warming.
A lot of those commie greenie chicks are three baggers (not plastic bags, of course) and are lacking in personal hygiene. Hairy pits and legs, you see.
I need no lesson in “morals” from people who suck brains out of babies and sell their body parts,
Good thing… DC is ALREADY by far the biggest source of useless schithouse…. er, greenhouse gasses on this (and probably several other) planets.
According to earth history, we are still recovering from the last ice age. The poles are supposed to melt. Geez how I detest ignorant people. PT Barnum was a gosh dang prophet.
People realize that this GLOBAL WARMING is all BS PC nonsense by liberal whacks.
Maybe the insane influence of the environmental whackos is finally reaching an end
Problem is, now they get desperate. Hence the RICO letter where they want “deniers” locked up. When they get unhinged enough, watch out!
I used to like Harrison Ford. He’s a fine pilot, and has done a lot to introduce young people to flying. I suppose he’ll have to give it up due to all the carbon he’s spewing while flying for no purpose greater than it’s being fun. He’d be a hypocrite to continue such environmentally damaging activities.
He’s going to take low carbon footprint flying lessons. ISIS invented it.
He should also refrain from doing picture shows that have any gun violence in them.
From what I’ve been told by a friend who flies out of Santa Monica, Ford is not flying solo. Earlier this past summer he was seen flying his Bell helicopter with a co-pilot at the controls. I think he needs to give it all up and go hang glide. That’s about the only carbon-footprint-free way to fly.
Isn’t he like 80 something? He should be grounded.
“Climate charismatics: Praise and worship team sings ‘Love Song to the Earth’ at Pope’s Capitol rally”
I wonder if they ever heard of the Great White Throne Judgment.
Oh well, nevermind
Climate change would have been a bigger power grab than health care. Thank God for the fizzle.
If only it was getting warmer I might care.
I’m tired of frigid winters and the coming Ice Age will be a real b1tch.
Look, the National Park Service may have reported a few hundred participants, but the computer models predicted there would be between 197,522 and 204,376 present. Who you gonna believe, the NPS who are definitely being paid by the Koch Brothers or Science??
Oh, yeah. I believe the models. Can’t trust my own eyes! That’s just not….scientific.
Foolish people making fools of themselves and for what, a proposed conflation of a 1 degree celsius rise in mean global surface temperature over a 100 year period when the observed empirical evidence and data suggests otherwise? This is what zealotry looks like and what’s worse the politicization of the weather has allowed politicians find new ways to tax citizens for it.
Inclement weather?
No, in fact absolutely gorgeous day.
They were also collecting unemployment at the same time…
Anyone else remember how it was supposed to be a coming ice age in the 80’s? It’s always been “something”. Global warming is just the flavor of the decade and the flavor has already been changing to “climate change”. Twenty years from now, you will realize you’ve been had and so has your bank account.
It was the 70’s, but yes I remember. It was the 80’s when they said never mind.
100% of the Climate Change Models have been 100% Wrong. Fact
They must have used the same model to predict the attendance of their stupid rally.
Who is more corrupt, Obama or Hillary
Now THAT’s a good question!
Al Gore, both poles will be ice free by 2013.
Ice is building at both poles.
What else are they wrong about
Global Warming is a sixteen trillion dollars scandal and fraud.
Take money from the rich countries and give it everyone else..
None of this will help the weather. It is just a scam.
How much carbon dioxide has the Pope’s trip put into the air so far this week?
He bought an indulgence. So he’s cool.
Can they blame the low turn out on global warming?
It’s easier to just blame Bush or the evil Koch Brothers. Yeah, that’s the ticket. The Koch Brothers did it.
If all 200,000 attendees at this rally would stop eating, pooping, farting, and exhaling for just one month imagine how much closer we would all be to a carbon neutral economy.
Were I Pope Francis, I would cite the statistics that show that global warming has stopped, and declare victory. Two miracles to go and he could be St. Francis the Marxist. (Since the regular St. Francis has been taken by the animal guy)
Yeah…it’s a MIRACLE!
For argument sake,, let us assume that Global Warming is true.
Sixteen trillion dollars, will not change the weather one degree.
Just make Al Gore, Obama, and their friends rich
Weather Ch says High today- 83, at the same time the report is ~~~ 85!?
They say it’s cloudy, but actually it’s sunny to the max. Please explain this to me?
It’s called forecasting error. Like when they say 50% chance of rain, they mean flip a coin.
Should have passed out free condoms, at least that would have attracted the water balloon enthusiast.
What a joke this rally is! And for the Pope to give advice on the climate is also a joke, and this is coming from a Catholic. Stick to religion Francis, and also work on that big problem of priests obsession of little boys. I admire and respect the position but don’t want to hear preaching from you on things you know nothing about: climate, US economy, and our huge immigration problem. I hope I don’t burn in hell but I will say 40 Hail Mary’s just in case.
The crowd was underwhelming.
The upside? It had a very low carbon footprint.
A true reflection of America’s concerns.
So perhaps priest buggery ranks above global warming?
Should have partnered with “Shout Your Abortion” people…but that wouldn’t be saving the world…maybe they could come up with a good jingle though.
I kind of liked that “Stay out of my vagina” slogan. Catchy. How about “Hey, you, get off of my cloud”?
Climate fraud activists = losers.
The sky is falling…….HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Amazing we have a President that believes the earth is flat and the US has 57 states—stupid people in charge.
Obama has convinced me that the best we can do is send all Half-rican-Americans to Africa and give them each 40 acres and a mule _there_.
I dunno. Have you priced mules lately?
Shepherd Smith on Fox today said that the science is there and man made global warming is for real,I couldn’t believe it.He should lose his job,now that he is an advocate.Fox News has gotten real bad.
Fox News is part of a cabal to get rid of Trump and merge the coward RINO’s into scum Democrats. – http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/09/23/carly-fiorina-gaslighting-islam-her-relationship-to-clinton-global-initiative-and-progressive-agenda/
They really are and were on display last night with that lowlife Lowry saying what he did Kelly should have been fired for allowing it or for not cutting the mike or for laughing.She’s a Howard Stern reject and so low class.
Shep was the pansy reporter who ran over a woman holding a parking space. Shep left her on the ground and ran inside to interview some hack. He is worthy of the POS title. http://lonelyconservative.com/2011/02/wow-who-knew-shepard-smith-ran-a-woman-down-with-his-car/
Thanks I forgot about that.I enjoy the people I meet here at Breitbart and writing as much as I do,thanks to everyone goodnight.
their lives have not really mattered to them because they were born too late for Woodstock..they must be miserable
Did they trash any irreplaceable antiquities in the name of social / global justice?
Attending Washington DC climate rallies; much like eating organic food or advocating for the amnesty of low skilled/low educated illegal immigrants, is pretty much an American luxury reserved for either rich people or idle college kids.
Working folks have other things to do.
Aw its too damned hot to have a climate rally
Anyway — you got-a all of your sins, you know? And if you have enough money to pay for your sins, you can-a go to Heaven. But — if you don’t have enough money, you gotta go back again, you know? And, like, be born again, and, like going back-a to work, you know? And-a, you know, it’s-a real-a tough. Life–it’s a job.
Human fuel refinement will solve this climate change in a really BIG way.
Yes. Soylent Premium.
Pope’s Hopes Fail Run Through Snopes
Have you notice that CNN/FOX in their political section, disable their comments?.They are afraid of the comments they are getting from WE THE PEOPLE.
♫ It is one plantinet ♫
Where were the Millennials? My bad, the basement not contributing squat to reality.
They stayed away so the Mall wouldn’t tip over.
Warmunists take up offering at OUR WORLD revival.
Problem solved.
It was too cold to go!
Most people know the Obama , Gore touted climate change is a crock, just like this communist sociopath pope.
Crowds Can’t Handle Truth – Stay Away In Droves
20,000 people marched on 8/28 with Glenn Beck. Nobody covered that rally. If that many people showed up for a pro-abortion rally, it would be covered everywhere.
Try to find ANYTHING on Stand In The Gap, the October 4, 1997 Promise Keepers confab of prayer for the nation.
The Mall was jammed. NO LITTER.
Just doesn’t fit the narrative….
The Gorebal Warming Cult is melting…..melting……melting…
What a world..what a worlllld….
The green is the new red. Climate change is not a priority and never will be. But that never stops the left.
What university did the Pope get his degree in climatology from? When you mix religion and politics, you always get disaster. The Church of Climate Change is religion and politics united, but not real science. Ask yourself how the Earth got out of the ancient ice age it was in when atmospheric CO2 levels were 10 times higher than they are today? Obviously, the Sun is the main driver of Earth temperatures, not CO2. The Sun got us into ice ages and the Sun gets us out of ice ages. CO2 is a trace gas, less than .04% of our atmosphere. Its contribution to our warmth is so small as to be unimportant. Water vapor and water droplets in the form of clouds are the real greenhouse agents. Google *Moderating Climate Change Hysteria* for details and links to important videos and resources.
Just as attendance at churches across the country has fallen precipitously, adherents to this particular brand of charlatanism is in the crapper.
Have to wonder how many flew in on private jets.
Your Holiness, please do not let these Godless people use you.
Even if I cared whole-heartedly about climate change, it would be ridiculous to focus any of my time or energy on it. When a 5 dollar price increase in the gas bill can destroy your finances, you tend to forget about hypotheticals.