Actor Harrison Ford’s Green Religion: ‘I needed something outside of myself to believe in and I found in nature a kind of God’

Actor Harrison Ford revealed his Earth based religious beliefs in the new Showtime global warming series featuring Hollywood celebrities by James Cameron. Ford explains in the series: “I needed something outside of myself to believe in and I found in nature a kind of God.” 

Ford has already been under criticism for a lifestyle not conducive to low carbon ideals. See: Harrison Ford flies around the world for the climate alarm in new Showtime climate series

Ford has admitted to huge carbon footprint “sins.” In 2010, Ford conceded that “I often fly up the coast for a cheeseburger.”

Planet-healer/Climate Activist Harrison Ford: ‘I often fly up the coast for a cheeseburger’

Reviews for the celebrity filled Showtime series have been less than stellar. See: ‘When it comes to issues like the climate, James Cameron is just batsh*t crazy’ – says Former Harvard University Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl  & NYT OpED: ‘If you were looking for ways to increase public skepticism about global warming, you could hardly do better than the forthcoming nine-part series on climate change’ from Showtime

Ford’s comments about his belief in nature as “a kind of God,” reaffirms what critics of the global warming movement have been saying for years, that environmental activism is a religious belief for many. 

The late author Michael Crichton stated: “Environmentalism is a religion.” Crichton wrote: “Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists.”

Crichton added: “There’s an initial Eden, a paradise, a state of grace and unity with nature, there’s a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge, and as a result of our actions there is a judgment day coming for us all. We are all energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment. Just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs, imbibe.”

Catholic Cardinal George Pell has noted: “In the past, pagans sacrificed animals and even humans in vain attempts to placate capricious and cruel gods. Today they demand a reduction in Co2 emissions.”

Fox News analyst Charles Krauthammer recently declared climate change is not political, it’s a ‘religion.’

Other high profile global warming activists have directly used religion to intimidate people to believe in a man-made climate crisis. 

See: Repent Ye Sinners to Stop Bad Weather! Wash Post features theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite urging us to ‘repent’ for our ‘sin’ of causing Typhoon Haiyan due to the ‘moral evil of climate change denial’ – ‘Suffering and the sin of climate change denial’

WRATH OF GOD ON CLIMATE SKEPTICS: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose ‘deny’ global warming: ‘May you be punished in the afterlife for doing so’ — Calls ‘denial’ an ‘almost inconceivable sin’

The book of revelation type claims made in the movie Ghostbusters has even been compared to the modern global warming movement. See:  ‘The dead rising from the grave!’ Global warming claims imitate scene from 1984 comedy ‘Ghostbusters’ – ‘A disaster of biblical proportions…real wrath of God type stuff’

Related Link: 

Global warming religion advances: ‘Sin, guilt, tithes, penance, punishment, sacrifice, and now we have the sacred peer-reviewed scriptures’ – Climate Depot’s Exclusive Round up of Religion climate claims

Catholic Cardinal George Pell: ‘In the past, pagans sacrificed animals and even humans in vain attempts to placate capricious and cruel gods. Today they demand a reduction in Co2 emissions’

‘Faith-Based IPCC Turns Science into Sin’ – ‘Climate alarmism is now and has always been a matter of faith, and not science’ – ’The First Church of Climate Change needs a reformation. According to its leaders, we peasants are no more qualified to understand the subtle nuances of climate science than the serfs of medieval Europe were qualified to understand the mysterious motions of the heavens. And so we are told to put our faith in the modern-day version of the papal astronomer and to never, ever question the word of the educated elite. To do so would be heresy, a sin that has the most heinous of consequences.’

Analysis: ‘Blaming storms on human industry is as backward as blaming them on gays’ – ‘The eco-hysteria of blaming mankind for the floods’

Esquire Mag. joins doomsday cult: ‘How We’re Fked As A Species’ – ‘Centuries from now, when the several remaining humans are huddled around a dwindling fire and pondering how each of them will kill the others and eat their still-warm flesh’

Forget Christmas Cheer, it’s End Times!? Scientists: ‘Here’s How Earth Could Really End’ — Cite ‘global warming’ as ‘the biggest threat of all!’ Al Gore on the Weather: ‘Every night on the news now, practically, is like a nature hike through the book of Revelations’ 

‘Faith-Based Climate Astrology’: ‘Events which used to be called ‘acts of God’ or Mother Nature, are now being blamed on mankind’s emissions of a trace essential gas (CO2) in the atmosphere that we exhale from our mouths’

End Times: Peace Prof. Michael Klare in Salon Mag. ‘If earth continues heating at its exponential rate, our post-apocalyptic fantasies could become everyday realities’ — ‘We envision rising temperatures, prolonged droughts, freakish storms, hellish wildfires, and rising sea levels…food riots, mass starvation, state collapse, mass migrations, and conflicts of every sort, up to and including full-scale war, could prove even more disruptive and deadly…persistent drought and hunger will force millions of people to abandon their traditional lands and flee to the squalor of shantytowns’

Repent Ye Sinners to Stop Bad Weather! Wash Post features theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite urging us to ‘repent’ for our ‘sin’ of causing Typhoon Haiyan due to the ‘moral evil of climate change denial’ – ‘Suffering and the sin of climate change denial’

WRATH OF GOD ON CLIMATE SKEPTICS: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose ‘deny’ global warming: ‘May you be punished in the afterlife for doing so’ — Calls ‘denial’ an ‘almost inconceivable sin’

Huffington Post: Earthquake/Hurricane Caused By The Wrath Of The CO2 God: ‘God is very disappointed with humanity for leaving the gas on in our home planet. it’s dangerous, wasteful, and wrong’

UK Prof. Philip Stott: ‘From the Babylon of Gilgamesh to the post-Eden of Noah, every age has viewed climate change cataclysmically, as retribution for human greed and sinfulness’

Physicist Dr. Will Happer Compares Global Warming Craze to Aztec Human Sacrifices: 

What Climate Scientists Can Learn From The Aztecs: ‘Like the Aztecs, many scientists believe that sacrificial offerings are necessary to stabilize climate’

‘At last, consensus: The Aztecs, the Mayans, and Time Magazine all agree that humans must make sacrifices to avoid droughts’

Does Sacrifice Appease The Sun? ‘This is an age old idea used by Aztecs. It was well known at the time that global warming was ubiquitous and caused by a lack of human blood being spilled’ — Today, ‘politicians now take a more subtle approach to human sacrifice. By raising energy prices, they can freeze people to death silently in their homes, which has the same effect of appeasing the CO2 gods’

Michael Crichton: Environmentalism is a religion: ’Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism. Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban atheists.’ – ‘There’s an initial Eden, a paradise, a state of grace and unity with nature, there’s a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge, and as a result of our actions there is a judgment day coming for us all. We are all energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment. Just as organic food is its communion, that pesticide-free wafer that the right people with the right beliefs, imbibe.’

‘Naked Girls plow parched fields in a bid to embarrass weather gods to bring badly needed monsoon rain’ – ‘Chant ancient hymns after sunset to invoke the gods’ in India – July 24, 2009 [Editor’s Note: The ‘naked’ farm girls attempt to control the climate is as plausible as President Obama’s G8 Pledge to limit the Earth’s Temps. In fact, Climate Depot votes for the “naked farm girls” to have a much better chance of succeeding than Obama and the G8 leaders.]

Kenya’s rainmakers — using trees, pots and herbs — called to combat climate change – – ‘Kenya’s Nganyi rainmakers [have] long vilified as sorcerers…the magic of their art involves the sacrifice of animals and libations in secret forest shrines…” – September 20, 2009 [Editor’s Note: Once again, as plausible as Obama’s G8 temperature pledge. In fact, Climate Depot votes for the ritual animal sacrifices and “libations” of Kenya’s rainmakers to have a much better chance of succeeding than Obama and the Western G8 leaders.]

Prayers offered to appease rain god…people of different faiths offered special prayers to propitiate rain god’ – The Hindu – June 26, 2009

‘The dead rising from the grave!’ Global warming claims imitate scene from 1984 comedy ‘Ghostbusters’ – ‘A disaster of biblical proportions…real wrath of God type stuff’


More on Showtime climate series: 

James Cameron asked what’s the best thing an individual can do to fight climate change? Cameron Answer: ‘Stop eating animals.’

Flashback 2010: From King of the World to Chicken of the Sea: James Cameron challenges climate skeptics to debate and then bails out at last minute – ‘Cameron’s cancellation of the agreed to debate did not happen until one debate participant (Morano) was already in mid-air, flying from DC to Aspen’

‘When it comes to issues like the climate, James Cameron is just batsh*t crazy’ – says Former Harvard University Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl about Warmist documentary ‘Years of Living Dangerously’

Warmist James Cameron: ‘There are too many people making money out of the system the way the system works right now’ – Flashback: Cameron was Hollywood’s top earner with $257 million

NYT Oped Laments ‘Global Warming Scare Tactics’ – Ridicules James Cameron Warmist series – ‘Claims linking the latest blizzard, drought or hurricane to global warming simply can’t be supported by the science’ – TED NORDHAUS and MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER: ‘IF you were looking for ways to increase public skepticism about global warming, you could hardly do better than the forthcoming nine-part series on climate change and natural disasters, starting this Sunday on Showtime…there is every reason to believe that efforts to raise public concern about climate change by linking it to natural disasters will backfire. More than a decade’s worth of research suggests that fear-based appeals about climate change inspire denial, fatalism and polarization.’

Hollywood’s James Cameron Planning To Provide Endless Fun For Skeptics in New Film

Flashback Aug. 2010: From King of the World to Chicken of the Sea: Director James Cameron challenges Morano, climate skeptics to debate and then bails out at last minute



15 Responses

  1. Oh, Indy, poor bozo. Since humans are part of nature, you didn’t have to look any farther than yourself for “a kind of God.” Hollywood’s been doing that since the beginning. And that’s the default mode of liberals anyway.

  2. It is interesting that we used to believe that believing in one God was an advance in knowledge from worshipping nature and blaming all of nature’s catastrophes on human failings. Looks like we’ve come full circle. Were probably not far from sacrificing virgins to appease the god of the hurricane.

  3. We should all chip in and buy him a little bronze Buddha to sit in a niche in his home, then he could feel better about things without feeling the need to pester the rest of us so much.

  4. like a lot of good Hollywood actors. full of shit and a total azzhole. What are his advanced degrees in? Journalism or Economists like most global warming experts.

  5. Sun output goes up, Earth gets warmer
    Sun output goes down, Earth gets cooler.

    Now, the Sun is going into a quiet period.

    It is going to get colder and people will die.

    Especially in areas, that Islam has taken over.
    They have killed half of the farmers, trashed the farms, and taken all of the seed.

    People are going to starve because of the Muslims.

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