Former cabinet minister criticized for attending climate change skepticism conference: ‘Sparking at least one call for his resignation’…
Computer Models as ‘Evidence’: ‘Computer models and their output are not evidence of anything’
Professor blames the ‘pause’ in global warming on ‘the massive burning of coal in China and India’
Dr. Roy Spencer: Science Knows ‘Almost Nothing’ About Global Warming
Watch Now: Climate Realists Reach a High Mark at Latest Heartland Conference…
Reuters news agency throws away impartiality on US eastern seaboard sea level, manufactures news | Tallbloke’s Talkshop
Study: ‘Rich Republicans Are the Worst Climate Deniers’ – Published in journal Climate Change…
Informing a Slate Reporter About Heartland’s Climate Skeptic Conference
EPA push to garnish polluters’ paychecks hits Republican roadblock…
‘EPA Fast Becoming The Green IRS’…