New book finds at least 63% of global warming was due to the Sun — ‘Authors predict a decrease in solar activity during 21st century will result in global cooling of 0.64ºC over next 100 years’

Therefore, out of the total increase in global temperature of ~ 0.8ºC during the past 400 years, less than 0.3ºC may be of non-solar origin, in agreement with previous results.” The authors predict a decrease in solar activity during the 21st century will result in global cooling of 0.64ºC over the next 100 years.

New paper predicts CO2 fertilization will greatly improve plant productivity by 40-60% — Paper published in Biogeosciences

The study derives ‘a probabilistic prediction for globally averaged strength of CO2 fertilization in nature, for period 1850 to 2000 AD, implicitly net of other limiting factors such as nutrient availability” & predicts, ‘the increase in gross primary productivity (GPP) in response to a doubling of CO2 from pre-industrial values is very likely (90% confidence) to exceed 20%, with a most likely value of 40–60%’

Settled science: New paper questions usefulness of core IPCC radiative forcing concept — Published in the Journal of Climate

Study ‘finds the core IPCC concept of net radiative forcing at the tropopause is ‘not a useful concept on short timescales because it fails to distinguish between energy absorbed within the [atmosphere itself] and energy absorbed at the [Earth] surface.’ According to the authors, ‘This work begs the question: on what timescales and regimes is the radiative forcing at the tropopause a useful concept and when is the response of the system contingent on the vertical structure of the atmospheric forcing?’