Weather Channel Founder Warns Gore May ‘Win’ Climate Debate in 2016 – Gore May ‘Declare Victory’

Weather Channel Founder John Coleman, a meteorologist for over six decades, is warning that Al Gore may win the decades long “global warming” debate if the victor of the 2016 Presidential election further cements the UN Paris climate agreement and EPA regulations on carbon dioxide.

gore wins - Google Search.clipular

“This election may be a ‘tipping point’ in the climate debate,” Coleman declared in an interview with Climate Depot.

“Climate change, a scientific issue, has now totally become a political issue. As a result, we skeptical climate scientists are perhaps about to be handed a major defeat in the climate debate,” Coleman said.

“President Obama imposed the UN climate agreement on the United States without Senate ratification. Then the President’s Environmental Protection Agency implemented climate rules without a single vote of Congress. If the next President does not overturn these regulations, U.S. citizens will suffer the consequences as energy prices soar over the next eight years,” Coleman explained.

“Al Gore may emerge from the shadows to declare victory in the ‘global warming’ debate if Hillary Clinton moves into the White House. Yes, if that happens and the new climate regulations become the law of the land, they will be next to impossible to overturn for four to eight years,” Coleman added.

“Climate Hustle,” the movie that exposes the facts and propaganda being used to promote global warming alarmism, is now available in the U.S. on DVD and Blu-ray.  It was the #1 movie in America (per screen average) during its one-night theater event in May, playing in 400 theaters in over 200 U.S. cities.

Marc Morano, the host of “Climate Hustle,” agreed with Coleman. “Global warming skeptics face the possibly a historic setback in 2016, despite skeptics having won every political battle going back decades from not having the UN’s Kyoto Protocol ratified in the U.S., to defeating cap-and-trade multiple times,” Morano said.

“The hard cold truth is that the basic theory has failed. Many notable scientists reject man-made global warming fears. And several of them, including a Nobel Prize winner, are in the new “Climate Hustle” movie,” Coleman recently commented. Coleman provided an on-screen introduction for the film when it appeared in theaters.

Coleman noted: “The excellent new movie “Climate Hustle” makes it clear that there is no significant MAN-MADE global warming.  While our climate has been warming off-and-on since the last ice age began to fade away, the carbon dioxide …

Bill Nye Laments climate debate: ‘The deniers have been very successful — surprisingly successful’

CBS News: How come environmental causes — climate change, specifically — have not been brought to the forefront of political debate this year? Domestic, international, and economic issues are at the center, but we really aren’t talking about the environment this cycle. Why is that?
Well, first of all, I’m not telling anyone who to vote for. In my opinion, it’s all due to who I call “the deniers.” The deniers have been very successful — surprisingly successful — because they are almost exclusively funded by the fossil fuel industry. So this whole anti-science movement has been set up to preserve an economy that is going away. The rest of the world is moving away from fossil fuels​ in order to do business, but not the United States​. You know, I, as an engineer, as a citizen by birth, as a patriot — I would prefer that the United States was leading the world in renewable energy. I’d prefer the United States to be leading, but the deniers have been able to influence the power brokers​ so successfully. The United States has hardly done anything to counteract that. The U.S. has just scratched the surface.


Depending on whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton wins the election, how do you see this changing? Will it change?

If the election goes to the candidate who is in favor of addressing climate change and preserving the environment it will move in one way, but if it goes the other way, it will be very difficult — it will lower the quality of life for billions of people. Unites States has to be a world leader when it comes to the environment.…

Al Gore: If You Care About The ‘Climate Crisis’, Don’t Vote For A Third Party


Al Gore was asked what he would say to voters concerned about climate change but dissatisfied with both major candidates and considering voting for a third party, such as the Green Party. Gore replied:

First of all I understand their feelings and misgivings. But if they are interested in my personal advice. I am voting for Hillary Clinton. I urge everyone else to do the same.

I particularly urge anyone who is concerned about the climate crisis, sees it as the kind of priority that I see it as, to look at the sharp contrast between the solar plan that Secretary Clinton has put forward, and her stated commitment to support the Clean Power Plan, and the contrast between what she has said and is proposing with the statements of the Republican nominee, which give me great concern.

The Democrats foolish War on Climate

The party platform adopted at the Democratic National Convention, on page 45, calls for a national mobilization on the scale of World War II. What enemy deserves the wrath endured by Hirohito and Hitler? Climate change! Democrats want to declare a war on climate.

Here is the amazing declaration: “We believe the United States must lead in forging a robust global solution to the climate crisis. We are committed to a national mobilization, and to leading a global effort to mobilize nations, to address this threat on a scale not seen since World War II.”

This scale of mobilization is incredibly expensive and disruptive to people’s lives, something to which the Democrats seem oblivious. Great sacrifices by average Americans were required for mobilization during the Second World War, enforced by massively intrusive government authority. Is this what the Democrats want, the supreme government control that comes with a wartime effort?…

Claim: ‘Trump Will Make a Much More Eco-Friendly President Than Clinton’

A Donald Trump presidency would be way more beneficial to the environment than a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Trump really needs to mention this point at his rallies, not just for the trolling, but also because it happens to be true.

Consider just one example: the hundreds of thousands of rare birds and endangered bats slaughtered in the US every year by the wind farms that Hillary Clinton applauds (and will no doubt go on subsidising) and that Donald Trump loathes (and will no doubt starve of subsidies and cause to become as extinct as the Dodo).



Also see:

Breitbart Writes Donald Would Be “Way More Beneficial To The Environment” Than Hillary

Contrary to what anti-growthers may think, there are many reasons why high growth would be great for the environment. Number one manufacturing would relocate from dirty third world conditions (China, India) back to more modern and cleaner conditions in the USA. Making and buying locally are almost always better for the environment.

Number 2, prosperity also means more money for environmental clean ups.

Number 3: Money would finally pour into massively upgrading the USA’s crumbling and inefficient transportation system, which is plagued by traffic jams, inefficient networks and road conditions that lead to wasteful energy consumption.

Number 4, prosperous nations by far tend to have lower population growth.

– See more at:…

‘Scouring of the climate skeptics’: ‘What to expect on from Team Hillary Clinton

What to expect from Team Hillary in the White House

Scouring of the climate skeptics

“We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
— The essence of politics, attributed to both Franklin and loyalist Richard Penn.

Obama strove, with mixed results, to be a conciliator and unifier of America. Clinton will instead strive, as the Clinton’s always have, to crush their political foes. The climate skeptics have earned a spot near the top of that list.

Skeptics are vulnerable to retaliation due to their disorganization and disunity (unlike the climate activists), their epistemic closure (reliance on communication in a closed network of websites), and their association with the far-right (self-isolation rather than coalition-building). Historians might conclude that they bloomed with the “pause” and wilted as warming resumed (climate change in the mid- and late-21st century will determine who was correct, although that’s politically irrelevant in our time).

They hope for rescue by global cooling (perhaps a strong La Nina) and President Trump. Neither of those seems likely (see pp24-25 for the current forecast of a weak La Nina). They might find the results unpleasant.…

Analysis: ‘The Global Warming epidemic is over’ – ‘The public just aren’t interested any longer’

Posted on by Scottish-Sceptic


Clearly if Trump gets in as the next US president, the global warming hype is dead.

But oddly, I think even if Clinton gets in, I just cannot see the alarmism continuing in the US. The reason for this is that Democratic Politicians just love green voters … because like a one night stand … they just have to whisper the right words to them and then they can get screwed for the night (vote for the politicians) … and then will gullibly wait happily for years left like dirty trash on the side walk without any real demands until they next needed. OF COURSE DEMOCRATS LOVE THEM!

So, I wouldn’t believe a word Clinton is saying about the environment. As far as I can see in private she’s no more green than Trump – and the only difference I can see is that Trump is openly hostile to greens whilst Clinton says one thing in public and laughs at them in private.

Full article here:
