Greens plead for more climate questions in debates

Environmentalists are pressuring the moderators of the presidential debates to spend more time asking Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton about climate change in the coming debates. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
Environmentalists are pressuring the moderators of the presidential debates to spend more time asking Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton about climate change in the coming debates. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Environmentalists are pressuring the moderators of the presidential debates to spend more time asking Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton about climate change in the coming debates.

The League of Conservation Voters and a collection of other environmental groups said on Friday that they have gathered 100,000 signatures of people who want moderators to ask more climate change questions.

“As the moderators of the 2016 presidential debates, you have the opportunity to ask questions about the most pressing issues facing our country — and climate change must be at the top of the list,” the petition reads.

The first presidential primary debate will be held Monday night. It will be moderated by NBC News’ Lester Holt.

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Climate change made its way into nearly every Democratic presidential primary debate but was just barely raised in the numerous Republican debates.…

As Americans Tire of Eco-Panic, Hillary Quietly Drops ‘Climate Change’ Rhetoric

 Ever since July, Hillary Clinton has eliminated the words “climate change” from most of her public addresses, according to recent reports.

A Yale University study released in July revealed that only 17 percent of American voters describe themselves as “alarmed” about climate change, or would rank it as a top tier election issue. Republican candidate Donald Trump has successfully positioned himself as a climate-change skeptic, and Hillary seems to have registered how little the issue resonates with voters.

Climate Home, a UK-based environmental advocacy group associated with the left-wingGuardian newspaper, searched for the words “climate change” in all speech transcripts published on the Clinton campaign website between January 2016 and early September and found that she had all but abandoned reference to climate change since July.

A broader search for the word “environment” confirmed the trend to back away from climate issues, with Clinton mentioning the word in just four of her 78 official speeches in 2016.

375 Scientists Worried About Global Warming Basically Endorse Hillary For President

Hundreds of members of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) signed an open letter criticizing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for calling global warming a “hoax,” and also called on “political leaders” to support an international agreement to fight warming.

The open letter, signed by 375 NAS members, is basically an endorsement of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Two of the letter’s signatories, climate scientists Kerry Emanuel and Ben Santer, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed that “efforts to reduce the risk to future generations are now being imperiled by a small yet vocal group that denies the validity of the evidence and of scientific expertise in general.”

“Of special and immediate concern is the stated intent of the current Republican Party platform and presidential nominee Donald Trump to promote the extraction and use of the most carbon-intensive fossil fuels, to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement and to rescind President Obama’s executive actions designed to reduce climate risk,” they wrote.

Emanuel and Santer, writing on behalf of the 375 NAS members, are referring to a United Nations treaty agreed to at talks in Paris, France in December 2015 to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Trump has promised to “renegotiate” the Paris deal, and may even scrap it altogether as part of his plan to get “better deals” for Americans. Clinton, on the other hand, supports the Paris treaty and has promised to build upon President Barack Obama’s global warming legacy.

In that context, NAS scientists are essentially backing Clinton presidential bid.

“We are deeply concerned about the serious long-term damage to our world that would result if the climate and energy policy goals of Trump and the Republican Party were to become our national policies, reversing decades of progress on energy, climate, clean air and clean water,” Emanuel and Santer wrote.

Read more:

Meteorologist Bastardi: Hurricane Hermine a Poor Example to Push Man-Made Global Warming

I read this article with great interest, given what I do for a living:

Clinton says Hurricane Hermine was caused by climate change as hurricane drought persists.”

I have watched and forecasted hurricanes on a professional level for almost 40 years. So what Mrs. Clinton is asking people like me to believe is that a storm that took 15 days to develop and then hit Florida as a Category 1 hurricane, and then never re–strengthened off the Mid-Atlantic in spite of record warm water, is a sign of extremes. Actually, I am sure she doesn’t care that people like me show the facts, since the idea is to get it out there and rely on the idea that the media will gladly pick it up, publicize it and, once the horse is out of the barn, know there is no way to get it back. In reality, portraying Hermine as some kind of climate change demon is either ignorance as to the history of hurricanes or deceit.

Let me show the reader why I make these statements. I will go to a time when CO2 was much lower to illustrate my point. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will keep this short. Let’s just cherry pick the track of Florida hurricanes from 1950-1974 when CO2 was well below what it is now.…

Clinton says Hurricane Hermine was caused by climate change as hurricane drought persists

In an apparent effort to entice Bernie Sanders’ supporters, #Hillary Clintonblamed #Climate Change for Hurricane Hermine, the first hurricane to hit Florida since 2005. At a rally yesterday in Tampa, Florida, Clinton warned that more storms like Hermine were on the horizon despite all indicators pointing in the opposite direction. For those wondering if Clinton would be President #Obama’s third term, putting the climate above the stalled economy is further proof of her priorities.

At the rally, Clinton railed: “Another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record, and the science is clear. It’s real. It’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause, and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine.” You can view the clip in full here:…

Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump ‘totally unfit’ to protect USA from ‘the threat of climate change’

TAMPA, FL — Speaking to supporters in Tampa, Hillary Clinton says climate change is “wreaking havoc on communities across America.” Clinton warns that Hurricane Hermine “is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate.” She says, “When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified”.

HILLARY CLINTON: “Another threat to our country is climate change. 2015 was the hottest year on record and the science is clear: it’s real, it’s wreaking havoc on communities across America. Last week’s hurricane was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause and I send my thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by Hermine. But, this is not the last one that’s going to hit Florida given what’s happening in the climate. […] If it affects people who lose their homes or their businesses that took a lifetime to build, it doesn’t matter to him. When it comes to protecting our country against natural disasters and the threat of climate change, once again, Donald Trump is totally unfit and unqualified to be our President.”

University of Southern Florida
Tampa, Florida
September 6, 2016

Clinton says Hurricane Hermine was caused by climate change as hurricane drought persists


Scientific Reality Check on Hillary Clinton’s claims:

Weather Channel Founder Says Hurricane Matthew Is ‘Nature Not Mankind’

Clip from the film ‘Climate Hustle’: Extreme weather claims debunked – Climate Hustle now available on DVD!

US Atmospheric Scientist Sees No Link Between Hurricanes And Global Warming Over Past 30 Years


‘Floods are not increasing’: Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. slams ‘global warming’ link to floods & extreme weather – How does media ‘get away with this?’

Hillary crunches on concealed cough drop 20 min. into speech

Lozenged: Hillary crunches on cough drop 20 minutes into speech
“In an effort to advert coughing, Hillary Clinton is apparently now giving speeches with a cough drop tucked between cheek and gum. Twenty minutes into her speech to the American Legion, a cough drop like crunch can be heard as Hillary speaks of “the sequester”. The crunch was picked up by both the C-SPAN and PBS News Hour video feeds.”

The American Legion
Cincinnati, Ohio
August 31, 2016…