Today, more than a year after a 29-year-old woman complained to the police about Rajendra Pachauri, formal charges have been laid. Early news reports out of India say the charge sheet runs to 1,400 pages and includes allegations of stalking, criminal intimidation, and sexual harassment.
As his bio over at the New York Academy of Sciences explains:
The name of Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri…has become synonymous with climate change and the environment.
[click for a screen capture taken earlier today]
Pachauri led the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 2002 until 2015. In that capacity he frequently lectured the rest of us about the ethics and morality of doing too little to save the planet. For more than three decades, he was also head of The Energy and Research Institute (TERI), the New Delhi-based organization where the complainant worked. She told police that the then 74-year-old persistently groped and forcibly kissed her. Emails and text messages she turned over as corroborating evidence have been formatted into a 24-page PDF available here.