Renowned Princeton Physicist Freeman Dyson: ‘I like carbon dioxide’ – Warns ‘Climate experts have set themselves up as being the guardians of the truth…& that is a dangerous situation’

Related Link:

Flashback: Prominent scientist known as ‘Einstein’s successor’ declares himself a global warming skeptic — Rips colleagues: Freeman Dyson: ‘I just think they don’t understand the climate’ – Freeman Dyson on climatologists: ‘I just think they don’t understand the climate. Their models are full of fudge factors’ 


Must Watch Video: John Coleman of KUSI- How the Global Warming Scare Began

Must Watch Video: John Coleman of KUSI- How the Global Warming Scare Began

A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was senile and refused to debate. John Coleman documents the entire story and shows how our tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.The must watch video is below: )Please email me at [email protected] to be put onto my mailing list.
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Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on Olympians urging new UN climate treaty: ‘105 Olympians actually believe that a UN treaty will impact winter Olympics. That is a frightening thought’ – ‘Almost 2800 Olympians who did not sign on to this letter’

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Daily Caller excerpt: ClimateDepot founder Marc Morano ridiculed Olympians who signed onto a letter urging a U.N. global warming treaty in the wake of low snow totals for the Sochi Olympics, noting that record snow is occurring throughout the world and they picked “the most southern Russian city with palm trees.” 

Morano spoke with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto about the letter, which saw over 100 Olympic athletes write a letter claiming climate change “threatens” this and future Winter Olympics. They highlighted the importance of signing a comprehensive, global climate change treaty at a 2015 U.N. meeting on global warming. 

But Morano pointed out that Sochi’s position in Russia — thousands of miles south of Moscow and not far from the Turkish maritime border — lends the resort town an almost tropical feel that doesn’t produce much snow. Meanwhile, vast swathes of the Northern Hemisphere, including the storm-socked East Coast, remain buried under snow and ice.

Related Links: 

Olympians are using the warm temperatures in Sochi, which usually has balmy temperatures during the winter due to its southern location, to call for action on climate change from global leaders.

’105 Olympians conned into calling for UN climate treaty… Good news is 2,795 Olympians NOT conned’

Someone should have told them that Sochi is one of the most Southern Russian cities and its most famous summer resort. At least that’s how it used to work in the communist era. As a schoolkid, I would hear about Sochi pretty often. Apparatchiks would enjoy many of their summers in Sochi. Stalin himself had the most favorite personal summer cottage in Sochi. I understand that the American and other readers may be unfamiliar with Sochi but Sochi, a Black Sea resort, was a kind of the Soviet answer to Florida and California’

CNN: Don’t sweat it: Sochi’s warm weather explained – Palm trees a feature of ‘one of the southernmost cities in Russia’

Global Temperature Report: January 2014 Upper Michigan was ‘coldest’ spot on the globe in January

‘Unprecedented’ Record Snowfall (almost 7 ft) in Iran – 10 Cities cut off – 145 townships lose water and power – 40 to 50 houses crushed by heavy snow

Heaviest snowstorm in 50 years blankets N Iran

Record snowfall turns Italian village white – Traps people in their homes

4406 U.S. record cold temperatures in January – 1073 Snowfall

Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on TV on Neil Young & Canadian Keystone XL: ‘Even fellow global warming activists are calling greens campaign against Oilsands pipeline ‘a horrible misallocation of resources, they picked the wrong battle’


Related Links: 

From the Left: ‘The Keystone Fight Is a Huge Environmentalist Mistake’ – Warmist admits: ‘The whole crusade increasingly looks like a bizarre misallocation of political attention’ – McKibben & Hansen blamed!

Warmist Andrew Weaver suggests full development of the tarsands would boost average global temperature by just 0.03 degrees Celsius

Warmist Ken Caldeira says ‘I don’t believe that whether the pipeline is built or not will have any detectable climate effect’

Ezra fact checks Neil Young’s anti-oil sands message.

Neil Young’s hypocritical ethics

Warmist George Schultz on Keystone XL: ‘It is an absolute calamity that it was not approved long ago’

Former NASA scientist James Hansen: ‘Climate change is altering people’s lives, right now, from the United States to Africa to the Arctic. It is as clear and present a danger as we’ve ever seen’ — Hansen: ‘What we owe our kids on climate; – ‘This warming is driving an increase in extreme weather, from heat waves and droughts to wildfires and stronger storms (though mistakenly expecting science to instantly document links to specific events misses the forest for the trees).’

Senate Dems urge Obama to approve Keystone XL pipeline – Dem Sen. Manchin: ‘I’d rather buy oil from my friends than my enemies’

Oil sands not a major source of climate change, says IEA economist

Flashback: Warmist Andrew Weaver suggests full development of the tarsands would boost average global temperature by just 0.03 degrees Celsius — Warmist Ken Caldeira says ‘I don’t believe that whether the pipeline is built or not will have any detectable climate effect’

Keystone XL Pipeline: “No Material Impact” on U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions

IHS CERA Study: Keystone XL will have ”no material impact’ on greenhouse gas emissions – Finds: Keystone XL will have “no material impact” on greenhouse gas emissions. Venezuela will be “the number one beneficiary of a negative decision” on Keystone XL. – Rail is a viable option for transporting Canadian oil sands: “Even if new pipelines lag oil sands growth, rail will fill the gap, as it is doing today.” – “Even if the Keystone XL pipeline does not move forward, we do not expect a material change to oil sands production growth.”

Watch Now: Morano on TV on NASA’s retired ex-con James Hansen: ‘Hansen saying the Keystone pipeline means ‘game over’ for climate, is a fancy way of saying it’s ‘game over’ for what little credibility Hansen

Hollywood Weighs in on Climate Science: Bill Maher answers ‘Yes!’ when asked if global warming regulations would have ‘changed weather patterns’ — Rob Reiner claims there are less than 10 skeptical scientists in existence

Real Time with Bill Maher: HBO- Episode #265

Original air date: November 2, 2012

Bill Maher and his roundtable guests (which included James Balog, Matthew Segal, Margaret Hoover, Rick Lazio and Rob Reiner):

Selected excerpts: 

Margaret Hoover: If we had supported the Kyoto protocol, would Hurricane Sandy not have happened? In other words, are any of the solutions that are on the table now going to change weather patterns?

Bill Maher: Yes!

Margaret Hoover: …in the next 10 or 20 years? The UN disagrees with you. (UN Climate Summit Rejects Its Own Science – Links Typhoon Haiyan to Global Warming – UN Summit Degenerates Into Unscientific Claims to Advance Political Agenda – Climate Depot Special Report) & Climate Depot’s Morano At UN Press Conference in Warsaw Denounces Exploitation of Typhoon to ‘an unappreciative audience’: Morano ‘compared the belief that policy can change the weather to ‘medieval witchcraft’)

Bill Maher: I have actually never heard that argument, so I am no actually going to concede that is a real argument.

Margaret Hoover: Its out there. I did not make it up.

Bill Maher: Alright. I will look into it. You may be right.

Rob Reiner: How do you convince someone who believes the earth is 9000 years old? [Reality Check: Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels on Evolution, Creationism and Global Warming: ‘Guilt by Association…Let’s stop conflating the creationist hoi polloi with skeptical climate scientists’]

Bill Maher: That is the problem, it is a religion thing. Religious people are like: you know that if global warming is happening, even better, because then we will die and be with you know who. [Reality Check: Warmists are basing beliefs on faith: See: BURN IN HELL: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose ‘deny’ global warming: ‘May you be punished in the afterlife for doing so’ — Calls ‘denial’ an ‘almost inconceivable sin’ & Repent Ye Sinners to Stop Bad Weather! Wash Post features theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite urging us to ‘repent’ for our ‘sin’ of causing Typhoon Haiyan due to the ‘moral evil of climate change denial’ – ‘Suffering and the sin of climate change denial’]

Rick Lazio: There are also a lot of scientist who are dismissive. I don’t necessarily agree with them.

Bill Maher: No, there are not a lot. .Rick.

Rob Reiner: When …

Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Canada TV on how warmists are resurrecting ‘a return to medieval witchcraft’ by claiming extreme weather is ‘proof’ of global warming

Aired December 24, 2013: ‘The Source, With Ezra Levant’

Related Links: 

Watch Now: Climate Depot Debates Global Warming on UN TV At UN Summit! UN Host to Morano: ‘There is no need to shout’ — Morano: ‘The UN IPCC is first and foremost a political process, not scientific’

Watch Video Now: CNN Hosts Rare Live Contentious Global Warming Debate – Marc Morano vs. Sierra Club’s Michael Brune & Philippe Cousteau Jr. – Full Transcript – Morano: ‘So record cold is now evidence of man-made global warming?

Climate Depot’s Morano At UN Press Conference in Warsaw Denounces Exploitation of Typhoon to ‘an unappreciative audience’: Morano ‘compared the belief that policy can change the weather to ‘medieval witchcraft’

UN Climate Summit Rejects Its Own Science – Links Typhoon Haiyan to Global Warming – UN Summit Degenerates Into Unscientific Claims to Advance Political Agenda – Climate Depot Special Report

New Report: ‘Extreme Weather Report 2012′: ‘Latest peer-reviewed studies, data & analyses undermine claims that current weather is ‘unprecedented’ or a ‘new normal’

New Study: ’2013 ranks as one of the least extreme U.S. weather years ever’– Many bad weather events at ‘historically low levels’