Cheers! Wash Post terrified of Trump’s climate policy: Warns of ‘tremendous setback’ to climate movement

To get all the details on Trump’s full energy plan, read Brad Plumer’s piece. Trump would pursue a mostly standard-issue GOP agenda of “fewer regulations and more fossil fuel production.” More important, with some reporters wondering what Trump’s actual views are on global climate change, he clarified them: He is utterly indifferent to its existence and would roll back the main things we’re currently putting in place to deal with it.

Trump said that the current environmental challenges that the Obama administration is trying to tackle are “phony.” He added that he would “rescind” the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, which would curb carbon dioxide emissions from existing coal-fired power plants, and is key to the U.S.’s ability to meet its commitments as part of the global climate deal. He would withdraw the U.S. from participation in that global accord.

As I’ve reported before, there are complexities that could make it harder than expected for a Republican president — even one as masterfully competent and strong as Trump — to roll back the Clean Power Plan and/or withdraw from the Paris climate deal. But it’s possible that Trump could accomplish one or both of these, which would be a tremendous setback.…

Bravo! Climate Skeptics Rejoice! Trump echoes Climate Depot’s call to dismantle & Defund UN/EPA climate agenda!

Via MSNBC – May 26, 2016:

Trump railed against the “totalitarian tactics” of the Environmental Protection Agency. He pledged to dismantle the EPA entirely in an April town hall, although he referred to it at the time as the “Department of Environmental” and “DEP.” He assailed Hillary Clinton for saying in March that fracking projects would be unlikely to pass muster under her environmental regime.

“Hillary’s agenda is job destruction. My agenda is job creation,” Trump said.

He railed against “draconian climate rules” and said he would “cancel” the Paris climate agreement and withdraw any funding for United Nations programs related to global warming. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” in the past…”


Flashback January 14, 2016 – Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on dismantling UN/EPA climate agenda:

Morano: “President Obama laid out his final vision in the State of the Union address. Republicans need to get their act together quickly in order to prevent Obama’s climate legacy from being cemented.

Morano: “The GOP nominee for president in 2016 must present a basic plan to roll back Obama’s climate regulations. Here is a simple breakdown of what is needed:

1) Repeal all EPA climate regulations;

2) Withdraw the U.S. from any Paris agreement (nonbinding) ‘commitments’;

3) Withdraw the U.S. from the UN climate treaty process entirely;

4) The U.S. should defund the UN IPCC climate panel;

‘Yes! We Should Defund The UN IPCC': ‘It seems along with 17 years of flat global temps there is some evidence that we are witnessing some cooling on global warming hype & hysteria in DC as well’

5) Start praising carbon based energy as one of the greatest liberators of mankind and the best hope for the developing world’s poor.

Anything short of this clear and comprehensive approach will lead to failure and guarantee Obama’s climate policies will become permanent in the U.S. The Republicans need to get a coherent plan and articulate their course of action.

End Morano excerpt. 

Trump sends ‘shivers down spines’ of nations supporting UN ‘global warming’ pact

DUESSELDORF, GERMANY – The talks in Germany to flesh out December’s historic global climate deal are probably not at the top of Donald Trump’s agenda this week.

But the diplomats from 196 nations huddled in Bonn are keenly aware of the fact that the “The Donald” is now within spitting distance of the White House — and it is making a lot of them nervous.

It is not hard to see why.

The last Republican standing in the U.S. presidential race has described climate change as a hoax perpetrated by China to gain competitive advantage in manufacturing over the US, an eccentric theory even among climate skeptics.

More recently, he said he was “not a big fan” of the Paris Agreement, the fruit of two decades of stop-and-go (but mostly stop) wrangling between rich and developing nations.

“I will be renegotiating those agreements, at a minimum,” Trump told Reuters in an exclusive interview last week, betraying an unfamiliarity with the U.N.’s consensus-based process.

“And at a maximum I may do something else.”…

‘Forget NATO. Trump Should Defund the UN’

Roger L. Simon is a prize-winning novelist, Academy Award-nominated screenwriter and co-founder of PJ Media.  His next book – I Know Best: How Moral Narcissism Is Destroying Our Republic, If It Hasn’t Already – will be published by Encounter Books on June 14, 2016.

It’s time for the U.S. seriously to curtail, if not end, its mammoth annual contribution to the United Nations that dwarfs those made by all the other 192 member-states


Here’s how CNS News reported the situation in 2012:

In one of its last actions of the year, the United Nations General Assembly on Christmas Eve agreed to extend for another three years the formula that has U.S. taxpayers contributing more than one-fifth of the world body’s regular budget.
No member-state called for a recorded vote, and the resolution confirming the contributions that each country will make for the 2013-2015 period was summarily adopted. The assembly also approved a two-year U.N. budget of $5.4 billion.

The U.S. has accounted for 22 percent of the total regular budget every year since 2000, and will now continue to do so for the next three years.

That’s 22 percent for virtually nothing.

While the UN many have been formed in an outburst of post-World War II idealism, it has descended into an international society for Third World kleptocrats of mind-boggling proportions—the Iraq War  oil-for-food scandal being only one nauseating example–who engage in non-stop Israel-bashing to distract their populaces from their own thievery. What in the Sam Hill do we get out of that?…

U.N. Chief’s Message to Graduates: Don’t Vote for Climate-Change Deniers

“Now that you’re done with finals, help us meet the climate change test,” United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told Columbia University graduates last week.

After receiving an honorary doctorate of laws from the university, Ban told the crowd that April marked the seventh straight month of the “hottest global temperatures on record,” and he said students must help bring the Paris climate agreement to life:

“Don’t vote for politicians who deny the problem,” he said. “Don’t buy products that aren’t sustainable. And for heaven’s sake, turn off the lights!”…

Al Gore: Trump’s position on climate change ‘should concern everyone’ – Gore claims he’s green: ‘I do walk the talk’

“I’m not Pollyanna-ish, but I do think that there is still some basis for hope.”

Trump has called climate change a hoax created by China.

“President [Jimmy] Carter said that he hopes [Trump] will be malleable, so I don’t know,” Gore said before laughing.

Gore called the tone of the presidential campaign in which Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee “unusual.”

“I’m one of the millions who sometimes just does a double take: ‘Whoa, what was that?”’ Gore said.


Trump’s Seawall Is About His Business, Not Global Warming – ‘Only shows Trump uses climate alarmism to benefit his business’

A Monday Politico article claims Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump could secretly care about global warming based on an application to build a seawall to protect a golf resort.

In reality, this only shows Trump uses global warming alarmism to benefit his business.

A permit application for the wall by Trump International Golf Links Ireland which was reviewed by Politico explicitly cites global warming and erosion due to rising sea levels as a justification to build the structure. However, the application was prepared by an Irish environmental consulting group, not Trump’s business. The application clearly uses global warming to add urgency to a permit application to build a seawall which will protect his property from erosion and storms.

Trump’s previous attempts to build the seawall failed to win special approval from Ireland’s national government, so his business resubmitted the application citing global warming as the motivating factor. The seawall would consist of 200,000 tons of rock distributed along two miles of beach in front of Trump’s property.

The real estate mogul has a long history of skepticism about global warming. Trump has taken to Twitter to call global warming a “hoax,” “mythical,” a “con job,” “nonexistent,” and “bullshit.” Trump also has a long history of questioning the benefits of politically popular green power in favor of conventional energy sources. He views policies created to fight global warming as hurting U.S. manufacturing competitiveness with China. Trump has also vowed to “at a minimum” renegotiate the United Nation’s December’s Paris climate deal.

Trump has also expressed extreme skepticism of wind and solar power which environmentalists claim are the best way to prevent global warming.

“I will say wind is a problem because it’s very expensive to build the towers, very, very expensive, and as you know when you have 40-dollar oil, it’s not economics, so they’re going to have to do a subsidy, otherwise wind isn’t going to work,” Trump said when pointing out problems with wind energy to The Washington Post.

Trump even sued to prevent the construction of a new wind farm in Scotland which would have spoiled the view of a luxury golf resort he owns. Trump publicly stated he would stop development of the resort if the wind farm project went ahead.

Trump has vehemently opposed wind power on Twitter, saying “nobody wants wind …

Trump to cause seas to rise?! Climate activist warns Florida property owners: If Trump elected ‘sell now while sea levels still leave you something to sell’

Climate activist Tom Burke, the former head of Friends of the Earth UK, and currently chairman of E3G, a group which works to accelerate the transition to a “low-carbon” economy, has a warning to property owners in Florida if presumptive nominee Donald Trump is elected President.

A Trump presidency “sends a clear signal to people who have property in Florida: sell now while sea levels still leave you something to sell,” declared Burke after Trump said he would essentially scrap the UN Paris climate deal.

Donald Trump’s climate doubts cannot sway the rest of the world. Photo credit: Wikimedia

Trump, in an interview with Reuters,  said he was “not a big fan” of the UN Paris climate accord. Trump said he would seek to “renegotiate” the deal because it is not in the best interests of the U.S. and benefits countries like China.

“I will be looking at that very, very seriously and at a minimum I will be renegotiating those agreements, at a minimum. And at a maximum I may do something else,” Trump said.

But climate activists like Burke have nothing but insults for Trump due to his skeptical take on man-made global warming. [Note: Climate skeptics have implored Trump not to “renegotiate” the UN climate treaty, but to “withdraw” the U.S. from it altogether and defund the UN climate panel.]

According to Burke, a Trump presidency would spell disaster for the global warming movement and the Earth’s climate itself, causing runaway sea level rise. “All this sends a very negative signal to the rest of the world, that he’d be a very ignorant president,” Burke said.

Tom Burke\

Climate activist Tom Burke

“And of course it sends a clear signal to people who have property in Florida: sell now while sea levels still leave you something to sell,” he added. Earlier this week, Trump was also warned that his golf courses would be under threat from “climate change.” See: NY Times Tom Friedman tells Trump his golf courses will be under water because of ‘global warming’ – ‘Donald, Save Your Golf Greens, and the Planet.’

[Climate Depot Note: For a complete debunking of sea level rise scares, see here.

Burke contends Trump could not derail the Paris UN climate agreement. “Who would he renegotiate the agreement with? He can’t renegotiate on his own and the rest of the world is moving on,” Burke added.