Polar bears trap Russian meteorologists in remote Arctic circle –  running out of options


Russian meteorologists are finding out just how well polar bears are doing in the harsh#Environment of the Arctic. Five scientists are trapped on a remote Russian island because of a surplus of polar bears roving around their habitat. The Lords of the Arctic have surrounded the Russian weather station and don’t appear to be leaving anytime soon. That can be a real problem if your instruments are outside and you can’t reach them.

Located a long way from Moscow, the weather station is on a remote island in the Arcticcircle. The scientists have since run out of flares to scare off the ursine creatures, and it’s against Russian law to kill or shoot a polar bear unless it’s self-defense. The station chief, Vadim Plotnikov, said that without the flares there’s no other way to scare off the bears.


Bolshie Bear @BolshieBear

Russian Meteorologists Are Trapped By Polar Bears 2,800 Miles From Moscowhttp://flip.it/wVLBby 

Photo published for Russian Meteorologists Are Trapped By Polar Bears 2,800 Miles From Moscow

Russian Meteorologists Are Trapped By Polar Bears 2,800 Miles From Moscow

MOSCOW — Sometimes you can’t get out of the office because your email inbox is overflowing. Sometimes it’s because there’s a pack of deadly polar bears outside the door.Five meteorologists posted on…


The Izvestia CEC weather station is located on the island Sevgidrometa in the southern part of the Kara Sea. Since the polar bears are sleeping under the station’s windows at night it’s too dangerous for the meteorologists to go out and take instrument readings. So far they’ve counted about a dozen adult bears near the station, including a female with four cubs.

Back From The Dead: Giant Coral Reef That ‘Died’ In 2003 Teeming With Life Again


Back From The Dead

Giant Coral Reef That ‘Died’ In 2003 Teeming With Life Again

In 2003, researchers declared Coral Castles dead. Then in 2015, a team of marine biologists was stunned and overjoyed to find the giant coral reef once again teeming with life. But the rebound came with a big question: Could the enormous and presumably still fragile coral survive what would be the hottest year on record? This month, the Massachusetts-based research team finished a new exploration of the reefs in the secluded Phoenix Islands, a tiny Pacific archipelago, and were thrilled by what they saw. When they splashed out of an inflatable dinghy to examine Coral Castles closely, they were greeted with a vista of bright greens and purples — unmistakable signs of life. –Karen Weintraub, The New York Times, 15 August 2016


In 1998, a heatwave, which raised ocean temperatures, had caused corals worldwide to go a deathly white – a process called bleaching – and die. The single bleaching event of 1998 killed nearly 16% of the world’s corals. When Dr Peter Mumby had visited Tivaru on the Rangiroa lagoon six months later, he’d found a vast majority of the region’s prolific Porites coral, normally the hardiest of coral species, had followed suit. Based on the known growing rates for the species, Mumby predicted it would take the Porites nearly 100 years to recover, not 15. “Our projections were completely wrong,” he says. “Sometimes it is really nice to be proven wrong as a scientist, and this was a perfect example of that.” –Jane Palmer, BBC, 6 September 2014
1) Giant Coral Reef That ‘Died’ In 2003 Teeming With Life Again
The New York Times, 15 August 2016
2) The Corals That Come Back From The Dead
BBC, 6 September 2014
3) Some Climate Scientists Predict Global Temps To Keep On Rising Despite La Nina Cooling
CNN, 17 August 2016
4) Some Climate Scientists Are Concerned La Nina May Usher In New Warming Hiatus
Reuters, 17 August 2016
5) Hottest Year? Record Breaking Grain & Corn Harvests In Russia And U.S.
Global Warming Policy Forum 17 August 2016

With ocean temperatures expected to increase an additional 1 to 2 degrees Celsius over the next century, scientists estimate such disasters to become more frequent. Eventually, they predict the majority of the world’s corals will

Bill McKibben on ‘climate crime’: Exxon murdered coral reefs by ‘firing the (global warming) gun’ – ‘We’re not going to let them get away with murder’

Climate Activist Bill McKibben – UK Guardian – August 17, 2016

The coral die-off crisis is a climate crime and Exxon fired the gun - Bill McKibben - Environment - The Guardian.clipular

The reefs can’t be made whole again: if they recover at all it will be slowly, and in the face of ongoing warming that seems unlikely. But at the very least, the nations that sustained this damage should be compensated. Exxon and its brethren made record profits in the last decades of denial and deceit; that money should rightfully go to pay for the damage it caused, and to build the energy systems that can power our lives without destruction.

We need to remember that there’s nothing natural about this horror. It was caused, as so many crimes are, by greed. And that greed is ongoing – Exxon continues to search for more hydrocarbons, and to reject even modest changes to its policies.

That’s why we’re wrapping crime scene tape this week around those bleached coral heads, those dead staghorns. That’s why we’re taking crime scene photos with underwater cameras. That’s why we’re protesting on the reefs. We’re not going to let them get away with murder.

Full McKibben article here:


Scientific Reality Check on Mckibben’s claims: 

‘Coral Reefs Expand As the Oceans Warm’: Peer-reviewed paper in the journal Geophysical Research Letters finds warming oceans expand the range of tropical corals northward’ – ‘Corals are adapting to climate change and expanding, not contracting’

Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: Why Coral Reefs & Shellfish Will Not Die From ‘Ocean Acidification’

Natural climate change drove coral reefs to ‘total ecosystem collapse’ when CO2 was ‘safe’ – ‘According to a paper published in Science, natural climate change 4,000 years ago drove coral reefs to ‘total ecosystem collapse lasting 2,500 years’ for ‘40% of their total history’ over past 6,000 years. The authors believe ‘an intensified ENSO regime’ was responsible, but then erroneously assume AGW will lead to a similar reef collapse, despite extensive peer-reviewed literature showing that changes in greenhouse gases have not and will not affect ENSO intensity’

Claim: CO2 Pollution Could Erase Coral Reefs — Reality Check: ‘Corals evolved during the Cambrian Era, when CO2 levels were 8 to 20 times higher than today’ – ‘The great coral reefs of the Permian era formed when CO2 was as high as 3,000 ppm CO2. …

New Study: Guns and Tractors Threaten Biodiversity More Than Global Warming

Guns and Tractors Threaten Biodiversity More Than Global Warming


Finally … and so blindingly obvious to those not blinded by the AGW propaganda. The main driver of wildlife extinction is not climate change, but humanity’s harvesting of species and our ever-expanding agricultural footprint. This is according to a new study of nearly 9,000 ‘threatened’ or ‘near-threatened’ species. While scientists acknowledge climate change is a threat, they found that three-quarters are being over-exploited for commerce, recreation or subsistence. Demand for meat and body parts, for example, have driven the Western gorilla and Chinese pangolin to near extinction, and pushed the Sumatran rhinoceros – prized in China for bogus medicines made from its horn – over the edge. And more than half of the 8,688 species of animals and plants evaluated are suffering due to the conversion of their natural habitats into industrial farms and plantations, mainly to raise livestock and grow commodity crops for fuel or food. By comparison, only 19 per cent of these species are currently affected by climate change, they reported in a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature. Conservation budgets, the researchers argued, must reflect this reality. And then some of the usual BS ‘There is no need to see tradeoffs among different conservation priorities – we need them all,’ Peter MacIntyre, an expert on the ecology of fresh-water systems at the University of Wisconsin, told AFP. Translation: The AGW cult wants all the money.

— gReader Pro…

New Yorker: Are Environmentalists ‘Worrying Too Much About Climate Change?’


A new commentary in the journal Nature reveals that many species are threatened less by climate change than by overexploitation—human activities such as logging, fishing, and hunting.

Like other conservationists, Watson and Maxwell were already well aware that poaching and agriculture posed serious threats to many species. But even they were surprised by how dramatically the effects outstripped those of climate change. Much like the causes of human death, the current causes of species loss appear to be inversely proportional to the media attention—and, to some extent, the research and funding attention—they receive.

Polar Bear numbers ‘up spectacularly this year and all are looking very fat and healthy’

Via: https://polarbearscience.com/2016/08/04/polar-bears-off-the-ice-in-w-hudson-bay-are-well-fed-and-in-great-shape-this-year/

Polar bears off the ice in W. Hudson Bay are “well fed and in great shape” this year

Reports from Seal River, just north of Churchill at Churchillwild, at July 26 were crowing about seeing lots of bears onshore, with a veritable beehive of activity the weekend of 16/17 July:

“This has without a doubt been Churchill Wild’s most spectacular start to the summer polar bear watching season. …Bear numbers are up spectacularly this year and all are looking very fat and healthy, perhaps much to the chagrin of climate change “experts.” Our best day for the seductive white carnivores over the past week featured 21 polar bears sighted between the Lodge and our whale swim spot!

The ice pack, which was still visible a week ago [i.e, 17 July or so], has finally dissipated and pushed a large number of bears on to our coastline here at Seal River, with the end result being many very happy cameras!” [my bold]

And in Churchill proper, the Polar Bear Alert program has issued three reports so far this season (courtesy the Town of Churchill), which confirm that bears in the Polar Bear Capital of the World are also in great shape.

For the week of July 11-17, 2016:

“Bears are off the sea ice and on land. They are looking well fed and in great shape.”

See all three PBA reports below, compared to one from last year at this time (as well as a map and some ice charts).

More fat, healthy bears than last year, enough to keep the Polar Bear Alert folks hopping and tourists in the north happy. Sure doesn’t sound like a suffering population to me.

Map (courtesy Churchillwild):

Seal River Lodge location


WEEK 1, 2016

2016 July 11_17_bears off the ice

WEEK 2, 2016

2016 July 18_24_week 2

WEEK 3, 2016

2016 July 25_31_week 3


2015 July 5_12


2015 July 20_26



Hudson Bay same week 9 July 1971-2016


Sea ice extent Canada 2016 July 17_CIS