Trump’s Seawall Is About His Business, Not Global Warming – ‘Only shows Trump uses climate alarmism to benefit his business’

A Monday Politico article claims Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump could secretly care about global warming based on an application to build a seawall to protect a golf resort.

In reality, this only shows Trump uses global warming alarmism to benefit his business.

A permit application for the wall by Trump International Golf Links Ireland which was reviewed by Politico explicitly cites global warming and erosion due to rising sea levels as a justification to build the structure. However, the application was prepared by an Irish environmental consulting group, not Trump’s business. The application clearly uses global warming to add urgency to a permit application to build a seawall which will protect his property from erosion and storms.

Trump’s previous attempts to build the seawall failed to win special approval from Ireland’s national government, so his business resubmitted the application citing global warming as the motivating factor. The seawall would consist of 200,000 tons of rock distributed along two miles of beach in front of Trump’s property.

The real estate mogul has a long history of skepticism about global warming. Trump has taken to Twitter to call global warming a “hoax,” “mythical,” a “con job,” “nonexistent,” and “bullshit.” Trump also has a long history of questioning the benefits of politically popular green power in favor of conventional energy sources. He views policies created to fight global warming as hurting U.S. manufacturing competitiveness with China. Trump has also vowed to “at a minimum” renegotiate the United Nation’s December’s Paris climate deal.

Trump has also expressed extreme skepticism of wind and solar power which environmentalists claim are the best way to prevent global warming.

“I will say wind is a problem because it’s very expensive to build the towers, very, very expensive, and as you know when you have 40-dollar oil, it’s not economics, so they’re going to have to do a subsidy, otherwise wind isn’t going to work,” Trump said when pointing out problems with wind energy to The Washington Post.

Trump even sued to prevent the construction of a new wind farm in Scotland which would have spoiled the view of a luxury golf resort he owns. Trump publicly stated he would stop development of the resort if the wind farm project went ahead.

Trump has vehemently opposed wind power on Twitter, saying “nobody wants wind …

Analysis: ‘Another Antarctic Sea Level Rise False Alarm’ – Climate fear claims ‘grievously wrong’

Another Antarctic Sea Level Rise False Alarm

by Rud Istvan Aitken et. al. in Nature newly comports to confirm 2015 fears about instability of the Totten Glacier in Eastern Antarctica. This could ‘suddenly’ raise sea level as much as 4 meters! (Or, based on the abstract, maybe only 0.9 meters in ‘modern scale configuration’, but over 2 meters [2.9-4] in unspecified other configurations). There are two parts to the story of Aitken et. al. 2016: the author’s comments as reported by MSM, and what the paper actually found. Media reports An example from the Weather Channel: “An Antarctic glacier three-fourths the size of Texas continues to melt into the sea, and if it disappears completely, sea levels will rise dramatically around the world, a new study says. The Totten Glacier is melting quickly in eastern Antarctica and threatens to become yet another point of concern as global temperatures rise, according to the study published in the journal Nature. It’s getting close to a “tipping point,” the study found, and if the glacier collapses, global sea levels could rise nearly 10 feet…”I predict that before the end of the century the great global cities of our planet near the sea will have two- or three-meter (6.5 to 10 feet) high sea defenses all around them,” study author Martin Siegert told the French Press Agency.” [Bolds mine] From Science Daily, drawn from the Imperial College London press release: Current rates of climate change could trigger instability in a major Antarctic glacier, ultimately leading to more than 2m of sea-level rise. By studying the history of Totten’s advances and retreats, researchers have discovered that if climate change continues unabated, the glacier could cross a critical threshold within the next century, entering an irreversible period of very rapid retreat. This would cause it to withdraw up to 300 kilometres inland in the following centuries and release vast quantities of water, contributing up to 2.9 metres to global sea-level rise. [Bolds mine] Finally, the lurid title of Chris Mooney’s article in the WaPo on May 18: ‘Fundamentally unstable’: Scientists confirm their fears about East Antarctica’s biggest glacier Paper Most of the paper is a complex analysis of detailed gravimetric and magnetic data captured from low pass aircraft mapping an important ridge component of Totten’s subglacial geology. It is helpful to understand the context for seeking evidence of alarming seal level rise (SLR) (see my …

Trump to cause seas to rise?! Climate activist warns Florida property owners: If Trump elected ‘sell now while sea levels still leave you something to sell’

Climate activist Tom Burke, the former head of Friends of the Earth UK, and currently chairman of E3G, a group which works to accelerate the transition to a “low-carbon” economy, has a warning to property owners in Florida if presumptive nominee Donald Trump is elected President.

A Trump presidency “sends a clear signal to people who have property in Florida: sell now while sea levels still leave you something to sell,” declared Burke after Trump said he would essentially scrap the UN Paris climate deal.

Donald Trump’s climate doubts cannot sway the rest of the world. Photo credit: Wikimedia

Trump, in an interview with Reuters,  said he was “not a big fan” of the UN Paris climate accord. Trump said he would seek to “renegotiate” the deal because it is not in the best interests of the U.S. and benefits countries like China.

“I will be looking at that very, very seriously and at a minimum I will be renegotiating those agreements, at a minimum. And at a maximum I may do something else,” Trump said.

But climate activists like Burke have nothing but insults for Trump due to his skeptical take on man-made global warming. [Note: Climate skeptics have implored Trump not to “renegotiate” the UN climate treaty, but to “withdraw” the U.S. from it altogether and defund the UN climate panel.]

According to Burke, a Trump presidency would spell disaster for the global warming movement and the Earth’s climate itself, causing runaway sea level rise. “All this sends a very negative signal to the rest of the world, that he’d be a very ignorant president,” Burke said.

Tom Burke\

Climate activist Tom Burke

“And of course it sends a clear signal to people who have property in Florida: sell now while sea levels still leave you something to sell,” he added. Earlier this week, Trump was also warned that his golf courses would be under threat from “climate change.” See: NY Times Tom Friedman tells Trump his golf courses will be under water because of ‘global warming’ – ‘Donald, Save Your Golf Greens, and the Planet.’

[Climate Depot Note: For a complete debunking of sea level rise scares, see here.

Burke contends Trump could not derail the Paris UN climate agreement. “Who would he renegotiate the agreement with? He can’t renegotiate on his own and the rest of the world is moving on,” Burke added.

Antarctica’s Totten Glacier may melt in a few hundred years (or not)

The floating portion of Totten Glacier in East Antarctica may be melting from warm sea water swirling beneath it, making it more vulnerable than previously thought to future melting. That’s according to a new study by scientists at the Imperial College London and institutions in Australia, the US, and New Zealand, and published yesterday in Nature. The study’s team found that a part of the Totten Glacier that floats on warm sea water is losing some ice, even while total ice cover in Antarctica continues to expand.

The team studied the history of the glacier’s advances and retreats and speculates that it could contribute 2.9 meters (9.5 feet) to global sea level rise. If the Totten Glacier retreats 300 kilometers (186 miles) inland in the next couple of hundred years, it may release vast quantities of previously frozen water.

The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is relatively stable compared to West Antarctica, which sits on an enormous fault zone. However, the region of the Totten Glacier studied sits on ocean water heated from geothermal activity, which explains the possibility that it could progressively melt.

Antarctica’s ice cover has actually grown in size about 33 percent since satellite tracking began in 1979, making it much more difficult for researchers to gain access to the continent. And then there’s the issue of plate tectonics. West Antarctica sits on an active 3,300-mile-long heat-emitting fault that includes a string of volcanoes, rifts, and hot springs. This fault line is constantly in motion, and this friction generates heat. Most of this geologic activity is buried beneath thousands of feet of snow and ice.

The co-author of the Totten Glacier study, Professor Martin Siegert, says that it could take several hundred years for the Totten Glacier to retreat the necessary 186 miles inland to precipitate melting. The research team studied sedimentary rocks below the glacier and aerial topographic surveys to recreate the history of the Totten Glacier, which they say has experienced large-scale retreats and advances, as indicated by inland bed erosion.

If the Totten Glacier has historically advanced and retreated at various times, and long before man-made carbon dioxide emissions increased globally, it’s logical to suggest that this is a natural phenomenon driven by geologic activity. As mantle heat warms the waters beneath the glacier, it causes the underside melt (see video).…

Broken Altimetry? 225 Tide Gauges Show Sea Level Rising Only 1.48 mm Per Year …Less Than Half The Satellite-Claimed Rate!

Broken Altimetry? 225 Tide Gauges Show Sea Level Rising Only 1.48 mm Per Year …Less Than Half The Satellite-Claimed Rate!

Dave Burton of site here deserves widespread, world-wide exposure. Hat-tip: Kenneth Richard The site allows user-friendly observation of sea level rise trends at locations across the world using spreadsheet data direct from NOAA and PSMSL, as it is designed to be similar to Paul Clark’s popular interactive temperature graph site ( Sea levels rising less than half as fast, no acceleration! Stunningly, contrary to the claims of the modeled reconstructions of sea level rise (with “adjustments” added), actual physical measurements indicate that sea levels are rising at rates well less than half the claimed rates when including GIA “adjustments” and satellite altimetry modeled reconstructions. The best estimate is a median global mean sea level value of 1.48 mm/yr, or less than 6 inches per century. is a one-stop source for sea-level information. The spreadsheets consolidate data from NOAA, PSMSL and other sources, to simplify examination of tide-gauge data for long term sea-level trend analysis. The site writes: One interesting observation is that GIA (PGR)† adjustments are often nearly as large as the averaged actual measured sea-level trends! The average of the measured trends for NOAA’s 2012 set of 239 tide gauges is 1.017 mm/year (median 1.280), but the GIA adjustments add an average of 0.665 mm/year, giving a total “adjusted” average trend of 1.682 mm/year, which rounds to 1.7 mm/year, which happens to exactly equal a very widely-quoted figure for 20th century sea-level rise.” The site here also writes that sea level is not rising everywhere, and: The measured rate of coastal sea-level change varies from -17.59 mm/yr at Skagway, Alaska to +9.39 mm/yr at Kushiro, Japan. The average, as measured by the world’s best long-term coastal tide gauges, is just under +1.5 mm/yr (about 6 inches per century).” Satellite altimetry wonders about the often ballyhooed figures of 3.3 mm/yr (13 inches per century), based on satellite altimetry measurements of sea-level, rather than coastal sea-level measured by tide gauges. It writes that satellite altimeters “measure the wrong thing”: Their measurements are distorted by “sea-level rise” caused by thermal expansion when the upper layer of the ocean warms. But that is a strictly local effect, that doesn’t affect the quantity of water in the oceans, and doesn’t affect sea-level elsewhere (e.g., at the coasts). Sea-level rise only …

Neither Rising Sea Levels Nor Extreme Weather Getting Worse

A new paper in the Journal of Geography and Natural Disastersdemonstrates reality proves wrong the oft-repeated claims global warming will result in an increase in the number and intensity of extreme weather events. Extreme weather during the most recent period of warming is on the decline.

The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL), the global data bank for long-term sea-level-change information, shows there has been little or no change in either the direction or rate of global sea level changes.

No substantial change in the rate or direction of sea level change from 1900 to 1975 when compared to rates of change from 1975 to 2016, the period of purported human-caused warming. In Scandinavia and much of coastal Eastern Europe sea levels have fallen or remained the same since 1900 with no change in direction or rate of decrease since 1975. In Australia, Central and Southern Europe, and North America, where sea levels were rising or neutral from 1900 to 1975, they have remained rising or stable post-1975.…

New, Vast Body Of Literature Shows Rates Of Glacier Retreat, Sea Level Change, Now Significantly LOWER

New, Vast Body Of Literature Shows Rates Of Glacier Retreat, Sea Level Change, Now Significantly LOWER!

By guest author Kenneth Richard According to recently published scientific papers, the current sea level highstand, as well as the rate of glacier retreat and sea level change, are now significantly lower than they have been for much of the last 10,000 years — back when CO2 concentrations were stable and considerably lower (at about 265 ppm). A flurry of new papers show today’s sea level rise is slower than in the Holocene past. Photo Tiago Floreze, CC BY-SA 3.0. The most recent IPCC report (2013) indicates that sea levels have been rising at a rate of 1.7 mm/year, or 6.7 inches per century, since 1901 (through 2010). This rate occurred synchronously with an approx. 100 ppm increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. In contrast, scientists Hodgson et al., 2016 have determined that sea levels rose at rates of 1.2 to 4.8 meters per century (47 to 188 inches, or about 4 to 16 feet per century) between about 10,500 and 9,500 years ago near East Antarctica. This sea level rate change occurred while CO2 levels were stable to modestly declining *. In the paper: Rapid early Holocene sea-level rise in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, the authors write: Prydz Bay is one of the largest embayments on the East Antarctic coast and it is the discharge point for approximately 16% of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. […] The field data show rapid increases in rates of relative sea level rise of 12–48 mm/yr between 10,473 (or 9678) and 9411 cal yr BP [calendar years before present].” The recently published scientific literature also indicates that not only was the historical rate of sea level rise significantly higher than it has been since the 20th century began, glaciers and ice sheets continued to rapidly retreat during the late Holocene, or within the last few thousand years. During the Medieval Warm Period, for example, scientists Guglielmin et al., 2016 determined that glacier retreat rates in the Western Antarctic Peninsula were as high or higher than they have been in recent decades. In the publication here, the authors write: Here, we present evidence for glacial retreat corresponding to the MWP [Medieval Warm Period] and a subsequent LIA [Little Ice Age] advance at Rothera Point (67°34′S; 68°07′W) in Marguerite Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula. … Based on new radiocarbon dates, …