No Long-Term Trend in Frequency, Strength of Landfalling Hurricanes — A new study by Jessica Weinkle (U of Colorado), Ryan Maue (Naval Research Lab), & Roger Pielke, Jr.

370 years of tropical cyclone data from the Lesser Antilles (the eastern Caribbean island chain that bisects the main development region for landfalling U.S. hurricanes) show no long-term trend in either power or frequency but a 50- to 70-year wave pattern associated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, a mode of natural climate variability

Update: Website apologizes to Climate Depot for mistake: Warmist website falsely claims Morano mentioned 1935 hurricane in CNN debate — Warmists attempt to debunk something Morano never said!

Read warmist website’s apology here.

Update: Warmist website apologizes to Climate Depot: [Morano’s] comments at his site are correct, he did not mention that hurricane in the debate…My apologies to Marc Morano for claiming he said something in a debate he didn’t say, although he obviously agrees with it given the links on his site. My apologies to [warmist website publisher] Charles Johnson for publishing a page with bad information’