It must be true — the models say so! New UEA climate propaganda: With business as usual, ‘two thirds of the plants and half of the animals will lose more than half of their climatic range by 2080…biodiversity will decline almost everywhere’
…Enviros frets in Nature mag: ‘Poverty alleviation could undermine’ sustainable development
Watch Now: Lord Monckton & Marc Morano at UN’s Rio Earth Summit in June 2012 expose phantom ‘climate refugees’ claims
NOOOOOOOO! Warmist Bill McKibben’s Open letter to UN climate talks in Qatar demands: ‘You’ve got to leave carbon underground’
UN Earth Summit propaganda posters show earth sick with more humans
Ron Bailey: Rio +20 Earth Summit: ‘The End of International Environmentalism — Watching green ideology crash and burn’
World Cooling To Global Warming: ‘Increasingly, [warmists’] warnings of impending doom & their character attacks on their opponents will be performed before empty houses, as in Rio’
Time warmist Bryan Walsh channels Marc Morano: ‘We’ve heard warnings about imminent environmental collapse before, and they haven’t yet been right’
Warmist David Suzuki still wants to throw politicians in jail if they don’t believe in AGW; he also believes there’s a 50% chance that CO2 might cause human extinction in next 88 years?
Democray Now asks Greenie David Suzuki about Climate Depot’s Morano dubbing Obama ‘George W. Obama’