‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’ — ‘Shouldn’t we start punishing them now?’

[ Update: June 3, 2009 – 8:44 AM ET: Talking Points Memo (TPM) has removed the article from their website. “The file you are looking for has not been found” – But the url with a portion of the chilling message lingers as evidence: “at-what-point-do-we-jail-or-ex…” – http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/blogs/crazedandconfused/2009/06/at-what-point-do-we-jail-or-ex.php?ref=reccafeClimate Depot has also saved a screen shot of the original article. Update: Washington Examiner weighs in: ‘Hate sport’: Is TPM poster simply lone fanatic? Excerpt: Poster “believes killing those who disagree with him politically is justified.” Update: June 5, 2009: Talking Points Memo issues retraction for call to execute skeptics! — ‘A formal retraction and apology’ — Update: June 5, 2009: Joe Romm defends strangle skeptics in bed remark as ‘not a threat, but a prediction’ — Strangle Skeptics in Bed! “An entire generation will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds” ]

A public appeal has been issued by an influential U.S. website asking: “At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers.”The appeal appeared on Talking Points Memo, an often cited website that helps set the agenda for the political Left in the U.S. The anonymous posting, dated June 2, 2009, referred to dissenters of man-made global warming fears as “greedy bastards” who use “bogus science or the lowest scientists in the gene pool” to “distort data.”

The Talking Points Memo article continues: “So when the right wing fucktards have caused it to be too late to fix the problem, and we start seeing the devastating consequences and we start seeing end of the World type events – how will we punish those responsible. It will be too late. So shouldn’t we start punishing them now?”

The article also claims the “vast majority” of scientists agree that man-made warming “can do an untold amount of damage to life on Earth.”

The full text of the Talking Points Memo is reproduced below:

(Note: The entry is posted under the anonymous byline “The Insolent Braggart”)

At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers

June 2, 2009, 9:42PM

What is so frustrating about these fools is that they are the politicians and greedy bastards who don’t want a cut in their profits who use bogus science or the lowest scientists in the gene pool who will distort data for a few bucks. The vast majority of

Arctic Comedy: Global warming trek ‘makes it less than half way’ to North Pole due to temps dropping below -40C!

Global warming trek ‘makes it less than half way’ to North Pole due to temps dropping below -40C! – UK Guardian – May 13, 2009

Excerpt: The team of four trekked more than 269 miles for 73 days but were unable to make it to the North Pole because of extreme weather, with temperatures dropping below -40 degrees Celsius. The Catlin Arctic Survey, the first Polar expedition to monitor the affects of climate change on sea ice, was also unable to measure the ice using state-of-the art equipment because of the freezing conditions.

Pysicist Dr. Lubos Motl: Warming explorers learned ‘Nature is in charge of the atmosphere’ – May 13, 2009

Excerpt: The three explorers have learned that the Arctic Ocean is pretty cold! They saw all their advanced scientific gadgets freeze and break. They have survived frozen-solid clothes, a frost-bitten and stinky toe, a needle in a buttock, and an anti-septic cream pretending to be a toothpaste. The expedition has showed that the Arctic Ocean is cool enough for the airplanes to safely land in the middle of May, much later than what used to be considered as the limit back in 2003 (April 30th). They learned that there are places without any multi-year ice and the new ice can still be very thick. Most importantly, they have learned that Nature, and not arrogant or other humans, is in charge of the atmosphere. When it comes to millions of squared kilometers of ice, the human civilization is pretty weak and impotent.

North Pole trek mapping Arctic sea ice ends early – AFP – May 13, 2009

Excerpt: There was also “a lot less open water” than expected, Hadow said, noting the team was prepared to swim in the frigid Arctic waters up to two hours each day, but only had to get wet once during the trip. […] Hadow said a hot shower awaited them upon their arrival at Eureka station in Canada’s far north. […] Daniels said she looked forward to drinking a glass of “full-bodied red wine” in front of a roaring fire and sleeping in a bed with fresh sheets, after discarding her smelly sleeping bag.

Arctic global warming explorers ‘battered by wind, bitten by frost, bruised from falls on the ice’ – BBC – March 12, 2009

Excerpt: A team of polar explorers has travelled to the Arctic in a bid to discover how quickly

Flashback: Dem. Senator calls cap-and-trade ‘the most significant revenue-generating proposal of our time’

The Washington Post – April 3, 2009

Article Excerpt: Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) called cap-and-trade “the most significant revenue-generating proposal of our time,” and said it would be difficult to pass without reconciliation because Democrats would be forced to accommodate a handful of Republicans as they did in the debate over the president’s stimulus package. Although winning use of the maneuver is unlikely, Cardin said, “a lot of us don’t want to give up without a fight.”

Full article here:

Sec. Chu’s assertions ‘quite simply being proven wrong by the latest climate data’

Energy Secretary Offers Dire Global Warming Prediction – FoxNews.com – By Major Garrett – April 19, 2009

FoxNews.com Excerpt: Caribbean nations face “very, very scary” rises in sea level and intensifying hurricanes, and Florida, Louisiana and even northern California could be overrun with rising water levels due to global warming triggered by carbon-based greenhouse gases, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Saturday. […] Conservative climate change skeptics immediately denounced Chu’s assessment of the threat and potential consequences of global warming. “Secretary Chu still seems to believe that computer model predictions decades or 100 years from now are some sort of ‘evidence’ of a looming climate catastrophe, said Marc Morano, executive editor of ClimateDepot.com and former top aide to global warming critic Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla.

“Secretary Chu’s assertions on sea level rise and hurricanes are quite simply being proven wrong by the latest climate data. As the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute reported in December 12, 2008: There is ‘no evidence for accelerated sea-level rise.'” Morano said hurricane activity levels in both hemispheres of the globe are at 30 year lows and hurricane experts like MIT’s Kerry Emanuel and Tom Knutson of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration “are now backing off their previous dire predictions.” He said Chu is out of date on the science and is promoting unverified and alarming predictions that have already been proven contrary. End Excerpt.

Full Fox News article here:

Sampling of scientific background of the latest sea level and hurricane data:

Sea Level:

‘No evidence for accelerated sea-level rise’ says Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute – December 12, 2008
Excerpt: In an op-ed piece in the December 11 issue of NRC/Handelsblad, Wilco Hazeleger, a senior scientist in the global climate research group at KNMI, writes: “In the past century the sea level has risen twenty centimeters. There is no evidence for accelerated sea-level rise. It is my opinion that there is no need for drastic measures. It is wise to adopt a flexible, step-by-step adaptation strategy. By all means, let us not respond precipitously.”

U.S. Senate Report on Scientists Counter Computer Model Sea Level Rise Fears – September 26, 2007

Excerpt: Nearly two dozen prominent scientists from around the world have denounced a recent Associated Press article promoting sea level fears in the year 2100 and beyond based on unproven computer models predictions.

Hurricane/Warming Link:

Florida State University: “Global [both Southern and Northern Hemisphere] Tropical Cyclone