Climate Depot Roundup on Newt Gingrich: ‘Al Gore hiding under a Phil Donahue wig’ — Prof. empties ‘barf bag’ after watching Newt & Nancy – Newt Urges ‘solution’ to Global Warming!

Newt Gingrich on why he sat on sofa with Pelosi in Gore ad: ‘My point is conservatives ought to be prepared to stand on the same stage and offer a conservative solution’ – ‘Unlike Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich makes no apologies about his past advocacy on climate change’

Climate Depot Response to Newt: ‘Please spare us the explanations for your gullibility and poor political calculations. What ‘solution’ does anyone need to ‘offer’ to the alleged problem Gore presents? Please stop trying to spin your low IQ moment with Pelosi and Gore — it is embarrassing’

Update May 11, 2011 — Climate Depot Impact: UK Guardian: Gingrich’s presidential bid clouded by his belief in climate change — Newt ‘put on defensive’ after Climate Depot ‘demanded he apologize for appearing in Gore ad’ — UK Guardian: ‘Now Climate Depot, the website run by a former aide to the arch-denier, Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, is trying to force Gingrich to issue a public apology. The web site sent out an email blast on Gingrich’s ideological transgressions on cap-and-trade on Wednesday and demanded: ‘Will Gingrich recant and apologize for appearing in the ad with Pelosi?’

Update May 13, 2011: Newt Responds to Climate Depot! A Love-Fest is Now Called A ‘Debate’?! Gingrich now claims sitting on cozy sofa with Pelosi in Gore climate ad was actually a ‘debate’

Newt redefines the English language!? Spokesman: ‘Gingrich’s attempt to work with Pelosi is another testament to Gingrich’s willingness to debate his conservative solutions with liberals’

Climate Depot Response: ‘Mr. Gingrich, your obfuscation is simply stunning. In 2008, you sat on a love seat with Pelosi and agreed that man-made global warming was a serious threat that required we ‘must take action to address.’ You gave legitimacy to Gore’s version of climate science. Now you claim you were actually ‘debating’ the issue with Pelosi and Gore. Just how stupid do you think the voters are?’

Watch Now: This is what Newt now claims was actually a ‘debate’?! Gingrich & Pelosi in Gore Ad: Newt declares: ‘We do agree, our country must take action to address climate change’

Fox News: Gingrich Feels the Heat for Appearing in Global Warming Ad With Pelosi — Newt has ‘a doozy in his closet’ — Climate ad will ‘come back to haunt him’

Morano: ‘Newt Gingrich is arrogant enough to believe that he doesn’t have to play by