350.org Protests Allowing Fossil Fuel Lobbyists To Attend Lima UN Summit

Report from COP-20 in Lima: 350.org Protests Allowing Fossil Fuel Lobbyists To Attend


My first day at the twentieth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-20) in Lima, Peru was pleasant, but a little dull. The energy level of leaders, delegates, and environmental NGOs seems a little low. And I missed what sounds like the most interesting event of the day–a side event on carbon capture and storage (CCS). 350.org, other environmental pressure groups, and indigenous people’s groups from Colombia, Peru, and Canada staged a protest that delayed the event. They called on the UNFCC to ban fossil fuel lobbyists from attending the COP and all future climate negotiations. Spokesmen for indigenous communities accused Shell and Chevron of environmental crimes and human rights violations. 350.org’s point is that fossil fuels should not be used even with carbon capture and storage. The event was sponsored by the Global Carbon and Capture Storage Institute. Speakers from the World Coal Association and Shell were—astonishingly and amusingly—joined by Nicholas, Lord Stern (of Stern Review infamy). The protesters tried unsuccessfully to convince Stern not to speak. Perhaps he was being paid. The session on CCS was part of a series sponsored by the International Emissions Trading Association, whose corporate members hope to get rich off of energy-rationing policies that impoverish people. IETA is a strong supporter of the UN climate agenda. Shell Oil supports a carbon tax in the U S.

— gReader Pro
