More barking madness from the Obama administration: If our hospitals spend more money and time trying to emit less carbon dioxide “they can actually help keep people out of the emergency room”
Climate Change Is a Health Hazard: How Obama Is Using Healthcare To Make People Care About Climate Change – ABC News the White House bestowed what they’ve dubbed the “Champions of Change” award on 11 people they say are “protecting public health in a changing climate” on Tuesday morning….Doctor Linda Rudolph, head of the Center for Climate Change and Health at the Public Health Institute, said during the panel that “climate change is the greatest global health challenge of our time.”So what can people do about it?Hospitals and healthcare providers should play a big role, experts say. Hospitals themselves are actually big producers of waste. They use lots of fossil fuels and their attention has been focused on helping people, not the environment.They need instead to recognize that by shifting some focus to their environmental impact, they can actually help keep people out of the emergency room. By reducing waste output, they can combat things like allergies and asthma, panelists said.