International Polar Bear Day Sees Population Pop 27% Despite ‘Global Warming’

By Craig Bannister | February 27, 2017 | 2:22 PM EST
Conservationists worldwide have cause to celebrate on International Polar Bear Day as the global population of this “endangered” animal is surging.

On International Polar Bear Day 2017, the world’s polar bear population is up 27% from 2005 – despite some environmentalists’ fears of global warming.

The day is intended to raise awareness to the supposed plight of the polar bear:

“Feb. 27 marks International Polar Bear Day, an annual event meant to raise awareness of polar bears and their conservation status. Polar bears are considered a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.”

Conservationists continue to warn of the polar bear’s doom because their claims are based on “unverifiable predictions,” not proof, Publisher Marc Morano tells

“There is a lot to celebrate about polar bears today. The feared ‘global warming’ has failed to harm the species as their numbers continue to increase.

“It’s odd that a species whose numbers continue to escalate is still being hyped as being “endangered” based upon unverifiable predictions of the future.

“The greatest threat that polar bears face may only be from the electrons in the hard drives of the scientists predicting polar bear doom decades from now.”
