News of the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was only minutes old when global warming alarmism advocates began cheering.
New York magazine writer Jonathan Chait notably tweeted in the wake of the news: “The most immediate political consequence of Scalia’s death: Obama’s climate plan will not be struck down.” And that was only the first of many tweets from alarmists looking to the “upside” of Justice Scalia’s death.
Only a few days earlier, Justice Scalia had voted to stop the EPA’s global warming rules (aka the Obama Clean Power Plan) pending completion of ongoing litigation. More than just a mere procedural determination, the 5-4 order was based on the fact that the states and industry suing to stop the EPA rules were likely to win on the merits of the case. But then the unexpected and unfortunate death of Justice Scalia was announced.
As expressed in Chait’s tweet, alarmists are hoping, if not assuming, that Justice Scalia’s death changes everything in their favor. Well, not so fast.