Morano said on his website the movie shows “the climate establishment comparing climate skeptics to Holocaust deniers.”
“It’s all an attempt to silence the debate, to silence any science and go right to centralized planning,” he said. “That’s what this is all about. The U.N. has admitted their goal is wealth redistribution and it doesn’t have anything to do with environmental policy.”
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In an interview with WND, Morano affirmed the end goal of “climate change” activists is money and control.
Their intent now is not to discuss, investigate or research, but to send “a chilling message to doubters and skeptics” to be silent.
“It’s always the same solution, more centralized government; the bureaucrats, the intellectual elites in charge, they know best,” he said. “These storms … they’re going to come and get you.”
But, he said, the solution is at hand, according to the elites: “If you pay up now, put us in charge, we can protect you.”
He said the result will be tragic for large populations who are being denied access to pumped water, power and heat because of climate-change believers’ antagonism to carbon-based fuels.
“The reason we know there’s a hustle is their predictions have failed to come true, on a whole host of issues,” Morano said. “That’s why they now want to stop the debate, suppress debate.”