Climate ‘Science’ Gone Mad: ‘The True Face of Envirofascism’

As a follow up to Climate Bullies Gone Wild; Caught on Tape and Print, we have Climate “Science” Gone Mad; The True Face of Envirofascism. A collection of shameless displays of true, unhinged, unashamed fascism. Watch as the true nature of these fascists is exposed. Fascist and proud!!! Let the book burnings begin!!!

climate-book-burners Intolerant Democrats Ask Teachers To Destroy Books Written By ‘Climate Deniers.’


Jail politicians who ignore climate science: Suzuki


Bill Nye Deemed “Too White”, “Too Male” To Lead Lefty Science March

Bill Nye, ‘The Jail-The-Skeptics Guy!’: Nye entertains idea of jailing climate skeptics for ‘affecting my quality of life’ (Exclusive Video)

After Years of Threats, Prominent Climate Alarmists Still Seek to Jail Climate ‘Deniers’


Not Funny: Monty Python’s Eric Idle: Climate skeptics should be put on trial for ‘crimes against humanity’
