Climate Depot Wins Another Award! Daily Caller: Climate Depot Shares ‘2010 Award for Political Incorrectness’ with Sen. Inhofe!

Daily Caller: 2010 Award for Political Incorrectness: Global warming lands into the deep freeze (Daily Caller – Published: 12/29/2010 By Carey Roberts) (Full Article Here)

Key Daily Caller Excerpts: Today, Sen. James Inhofe and Marc Morano are being honored as recipients of the coveted 2010 Award for Political Incorrectness. Thanks to them, white-dusted children can unabashedly drag out their Radio Flyer sleds, heave a couple snowballs, and restore the faded luster to Frosty’s button nose. […]

But Sen. Inhofe didn’t slay the well-financed Climategate monster alone. Inhofe was aided immeasurably by one Marc Morano, former communications director of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. While Inhofe brought raw political muscle and unflinching determination to the table, Morano, possessed of a rapier-like wit, is the master of parody and satire. […] Earlier this week, Morano appeared on Fox News to comment on the recent blizzard that enveloped the Northeast. Here’s Morano at his finest: “There is no way anyone can falsify the global warming theory now because any weather event that happens ‘proves’ their case…Man-made global warming has ceased to be a science, it is now the level of your daily horoscope.” […]

Pay a visit to Morano’s website — — and you’ll surely be rewarded with a politically incorrect belly-laugh, all at the expense of the hapless warming evangelists.

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Below is a full reprint of a CFACT’s 2010 Special Report on Climate Depot:

Previous Climate Depot Awards and notices:

Morano also received the Accuracy in Media journalism award in February 2010 for his key role in reporting on the global warming Climategate scandal.

In June 2010, Morano given an award by Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) for “demonstrating courage and achievement in defense of scientific truth and freedom.

In August 2010, Climate Depot and Morano were honored again by being inducted into Townhall Magazine’s “Townhall of Fame.” The magazine noted Climate Depot is “the No. 1 online destination for the truth behind today’s global warming hysteria.

The Washington Post singled out Climate Depot in September 2009 for influencing public skepticism. The New York Times profiled Morano in April 2009, noting that he used science as a “Political Battering Ram.” In April 2010, Esquire Magazine featured Morano in a 6500 profile. See: Esquire Mag. Profiles Climate Depot’s Morano in 6500 Word Feature Article: ‘This Man Wants to Convince You Global Warming is a Hoax…He seems to be winning’

Climate Depot – 2010 – A Year in Review — By CFACT

CFACT’s Award-Winning Climate Depot has hit the ground running as the premier global warming and environmental news service. Since Climate Depot’s launch on April 6, 2009, the news site and Executive Editor Marc Morano has been featured, cited and profiled in major international news outlets, featured at massive tea party rallies, debated major figures in the global warming movement on U.S. and international TV. Climate Depot was at the forefront of breaking the ClimateGate scandal that rocked the entire global warming debate.

Talk Show Host Rush Limbaugh praised Climate Depot in a November 20, 2009 broadcast. “It’s a great place to keep up on the global warming debate,” Limbaugh told his listeners on the day the Climategate scandal broke wide open. “The best place to get all the detail (on ClimateGate) is Marc Morano, our former ‘Man in Washington” on my TV show, who runs All the details are there,” Limbaugh said. “Morano’s probably single-handedly, in a civilian sense, the guy (other than me, of course) doing a better job of ringing the bells alarming people of what’s going on here,” Limbaugh added.

ABC World News featured Climate Depot on it’s evening television newscast in May 2010 and called Morano “one of the most vocal climate skeptics in the country.” Reuters news service featured CFACT’s Climate Depot and called it a “high-profile site.” Esquire Magazine called Climate Depot’s Morano “the chief propagandist for the global warming contrarians.”

Climate Depot’s Morano also received the Accuracy in Media journalism award in February 2010 for the CFACT website’s key role in breaking and exclusive reporting on the ClimateGate scandal. Climate Depot’s role in exposing the Climategate scandal that has shaken the foundation of the modern global warming movement was recognized internationally. Thailand news outlets reported: “Climate Depot Reveals Alleged Global Warming Conspiracy” blared the November 21, 2009 headline in Thaindian News.

After the ClimateGate scandal hit the media with the assistance of Climate Depot, Morano was featured in live TV debates on the BBC, UK’s Sky News, MSNBC, ABC News, Fox News, Canadian TV, Japanese TV, Middle Eastern TV and countless other outlets. Climate Depot’s Morano was begrudgingly dubbed “The Muhammad Ali of Global Warming Debating” by global warming activists. “He’s fast and specific — a dangerous combination,” declared warming activist Randy Olson in March 2010. Olson praised Climate Depot’s Morano, explaining: “Morano speaks very fast. Pretty much twice the speed of anyone else I’ve interviewed so far…citing lines from obscure scientific papers is an obvious strategy that every global warming skeptic uses, but Mr. Morano does it better than anyone I’ve ever listened to.”

A frustrated Climategate professor sparked an international furor when he called Morano an “A**hole” during a live BBC TV debate. The Houston Chronicle Credited Climate Depot with the global warming movements’ collapse. Morano debating Scientists is “just a wipeout” — “It’s an NFL team playing a high school team,” the paper explained.

Climate Depot’s Morano was named one of only five ‘criminals against humanity, against planet Earth itself” in 2009 by the eco-magazine Grist. (The other five criminals were Bjorn Lomborg, Richard Lindzen, Sen. James Inhofe and former President George Bush.)

Newsweek Magazine declared Climate Depot’s Morano “is quickly becoming King of the skeptics!” in December 2009. Newsweek called Climate Depot the “most popular denial site.”

Media giant Tina Brown’s Daily Beast also recognized Morano as one of the “The Right’s Top 25 Journalists” who serves as a “bombastic foe of the Greens.” Daily Beast described Climate Depot as “a bustling, one-stop-shop for climate skeptics” and noted that Climate Depot is ‘bringing in more visitors than, one of the most popular conservative blogs on the web.”

In April 2010, Esquire Mag. wrote a 6500 word feature profile on Climate Depot. Esquire Magazine excerpt: “Marc Morano broke the Swift Boat story and effectively stalled John Kerry’s presidential run. Now he is working against an even bigger enemy: belief in climate change. Somehow, he seems to be winning.”

In June 2010, the awards for Climate Depot kept coming. Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) gave Climate Depot’s Morano the 2010 Petr Beckmann Award. The award is given by DDP to individuals “who demonstrate courage and achievement in defense of scientific truth and freedom” DDP praised Climate Depot for using “mockery” and “humor” against global warming activists.

In August 2010, Climate Depot was ‘inducted into the ‘Townhall of Fame’ by Townhall Magazine. Morano “took on climate movement & left a trail of discredited left-wing science in his wake,” according to Townhall Magazine in its profile. Townhall called CFACT’s Climate Depot, “the No. 1 online destination for the truth behind today’s global warming hysteria.”

Rolling Stone Magazine declared Morano one of the planets 17 “climate killers” in a cover story in December 2009. Rolling Stone called Morano “the Matt Drudge of climate denial” and “a central cell of the climate-denial machine.”

The lefty Mother Jones Magazine declared CFACT’s Climate Depot is “the most popular denial site” in December 2009. “ClimateDepot had as many as 168,000 unique visitors in a month, making it the most popular denial site,” Mother Jones magazine explained.

In October 2010, CFACT’s Climate Depot broke all previous media achievements when the New York Times cited Climate Depot no less than four times in one day over the global warming alarmists ‘Splattergate’ film featuring skeptical children being blown up by their teacher for refusing to go along with climate edicts. Climate Depot’s Morano was cited in four separate New York Times articles by four different Times reporters in same day. In addition, Climate Depot’s Morano was also a featured guest on Fox News Channel the very same day.

In October 2010, Climate Depot made international headlines by breaking the story of Gore’s car left idling during an hour long speech. The article was picked up by the Drudge Report and reported on by the UK Telegraph. Climate Depot readers swelled to over 100,000 in a single day. See: Gore leaves car idling for one hour during speech; Opts for Swedish government jet over public transportation – October 28, 2010

In November 2010, Climate Depot’s impact grew deeper. Fox News featured Climate Depot analyzing the UN’s stated goal of redistributing wealth by climate policy. See: Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News to discuss UN’s goal of ‘redistributing world’s wealth by climate policy’: Morano: ‘Climategate and real world data, has revealed that [the AGW scare] has been a con game. The UN has always, since 1988, been about the politics of it. And they have produced the best science that politics can manufacture. – Nov. 26, 2010

The publication Scientific American cited Climate Depot. See: Scientific American Cites Climate Depot: ‘Dr. Judith Curry has caused a stir; she is frequently cited by some of the harshest skeptics around, including Marc Morano’ – October 24, 2010

International media also continued to turn to Climate Depot for the latest global warming news. See: UK Guardian Cites Climate Depot about Warmists’ attack on skeptics: ‘Brought strong reaction from climate sceptic websites. ‘Bring it on!’ said Climate Depot.’ – Nov. 8, 2010

In December 2010, the New York Times once again took note of Climate Depot as Times climate reporter climate reporter Andrew Revkin compared Climate Depot to a ‘mini-Drudge’ report. See: NYT’s Andrew Revkin: Climate Depot’s Morano is a ‘sort of a mini-Drudge’, and ‘really good at that stuff’, but Revkin is not going to try to ‘out-anger’ Morano – Dec. 1, 2010

Just 10 days later, The New York Times once again featured Climate Depot in an article. See: NYT Cites Climate Depot: ‘Morano regularly attacks mainstream climate change science’ – Dec. 10, 2010

As the year wound down, Climate Depot saved the best for last. A blockbuster 321-page Climate Depot special report on December 8, 2010 made international headlines. See: SPECIAL REPORT – Dec. 8, 2010: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – Challenge UN IPCC & Gore: Climate Depot Exclusive: 321-page ‘Consensus Buster’ Report set to further chill UN Climate Summit in Cancun

The report was presented directly to the UN at its global warming summit in Cancun. See: Update: 1000 + Dissenting Scientist Report Presented to UN During Climate Summit in Cancun – Dec. 9, 2010.

Media outlets like The Australian cited the Climate Depot 1000 plus scientist report. See: The Australian: Climate Depot’s ‘report contained 1000 names of eminent scientists who are sceptical’ of man-made global warming claims. – Dec. 18. 2010

Also see: Orange County Register Cites Climate Depot’s More Than 1000 Dissenting Scientist Report – Dec. 13, 2010: Paper: Climate Depot is ‘a leading global warming debunking site, identifying more than 1,000 dissenting scientists around the world who challenge the theory of a manmade global warming catastrophe. Dissenters include current and former IPCC scientists. It’s become more difficult for global warming zealots to quiet critics, many of whom once held similar views.’

Senator James Inhofe, the Ranking Member of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee praised Climate Depot’s 1000 plus dissenting scientist report. “Morano is exactly right,” Inhofe said of the Climate Depot special report. “Morano is now up to over 1000, these are top scientists who agree with us,” Inhofe said on December 13, 2010.

Morano, a former climate researcher, communications director and speechwriter for the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, authored the groundbreaking 255-page U.S. Senate report of more than 700 dissenting international scientists in 2009. Morano has also produced documentaries, including the myth debunking Amazon Rainforest: Clear-Cutting the Myths in 2000. Morano has researched and reported on environmental issues since 1992 and debated UN IPCC chair Pachauri at a UN conference in Kenya in 2006.

Climate Depot’s News and Policy Impact:

Well before the Climategate scandal broke in November 2009, Climate Depot was reporting on how the global warming movement was fading away politically, scientifically, economically and even among the establishment media. See: Oct 2009: Losing Their Religion: 2009 officially declared year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears & October 2009 Polling: ‘More Americans believe in haunted houses than man-made global warming’

In November 2009, Climate Depot once again received international media attention for engaging in a point-by-point rebuttal to Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s alarmist climate claims. See: Australian PM Kevin Rudd warns skeptics ‘are too ‘dangerous to ignore’ and are ‘holding the world to ransom’ — Climate Depot Responds

Climate Depot’s rebuttal was praised by commentators. See: Aussie PM Rudd gets owned by Climate Depot — ‘brilliant article…when faced with facts their claims turn to bulldust’

Climate Depot was at the forefront of Climategate with its exclusive updates which were used by Rush Limbaugh and posted on his daily website. See: Read All About it! Climate Depot Exclusive – Continuously Updated ‘ClimateGate’ News Round Up

& UN scientists turn on each other: UN Scientist Declares Climategate colleagues Mann, Jones and Rahmstorf ‘should be barred from the IPCC process’ — They are ‘not credible any more’

During a heated Climategate debate on live BBC TV, Morano was called an ‘A**hole’ by Climategate Professor Andrew Watson. The incident sparked a huge international news furor.

Financial Times took note of Climate Depot, citing Morano in March 2010: ‘No one believes the warming scientists as they have overreached themselves…It became a silly game where they were trying to scare people’ – Mar. 9, 2010

Senator James Inhofe cited Climate Depot’s Morano during Senate Floor Speech on March 16, 2010

Climate Depot also ran a series of comprehensive and exclusive reports on discredited overpopulation guru Paulo Ehrilch in 2010. See: Climate Depot’s Accurate Tribute to Paul Ehrlich: ‘Mad…Kook…Lunatic…Disgraced…Worse than Hitler…fear-monger…parasite on Academic system…Bernie Madoff of science’

In July 2010, Climate Depot’s broke the exclusive report on a left-wing scientist rejected the man-made global warming movement. See: Left-wing Env. Scientist Denis Rancout Bails Out Of Global Warming Movement: Declares it a ‘corrupt social phenomenon…strictly an imaginary problem of the 1st World middleclass’

Climate Depot was first to report in January 2010 on the UN slowly moving away from man-made global warming promotion and switching gears to cover biodiversity and species extinction. See: Time for next eco-scare already?! As Global Warming Movement Collapses, Activists Already ‘Test-Marketing’ the Next Eco-Fear! ‘Laughing Gas’ Crisis? Oxygen Crisis? Plastics?

In August 2010, Climate Depot made international headlines from Australia to Canada to the U.S. after Hollywood film director cancelled a high profile scheduled debate with Morano. See: From King of the World to Chicken of the Sea: Director James Cameron challenges climate skeptics to debate and then bails out at last minute — Hide the Debate: Cameron ducks Climate Debate with Breitbart, Morano, & McElhinney – August 23, 2010

In June 2010, another Climate Depot exclusive was cited by media in the UK and Australia. See: Laugh Riot: 190-year climate ‘tipping point’ issued — Despite fact that UN began 10-Year ‘Climate Tipping Point’ in 1989! — Climate Depot Factsheet on Inconvenient History of Global Warming ‘Tipping Points’ — Hours, Days, Months, Years, Millennium — Earth ‘Serially Doomed’

Climate Depot was also first with its widely cited exclusive and comprehensive report on the UN IPCC Chair’s history of smearing skeptics in June 2010. See: Say What?! After Wishing Skeptics Would Rub Asbestos on their Faces, UN IPCC’s Pachauri Now Declares he is ‘not deaf’ to skeptics; Says IPCC ‘should welcome vigorous debate!’

In September 2010, Climate Depot continued its exclusive series debunking President Obama’s science Czar John Holdren and exposing his wacky and extremist views. See: Climate Depot’s Round up of Eco-Wacko ‘Science’ Czar John Holdren claims

Climate Depot’s exclusive report on a Stanford Professor global warming polling “irregularities” made waves in 2010. See: ‘Academic embarrassment’: Prof. Jon Krosnick Exposed for ‘faulty’ climate polls — ‘Skewed, propagandized and presented intellectually dishonest and shallow polling analysis’

Another exclusive Climate Depot report took on another global warming activist professor claimed the failure to pass a climate bill was the greatest “ethical” failure of Washignton DC. See: Climate Ethics Prof. Donald Brown Exposed for ‘vacuous spinning of science and subpar understanding of climate bill’ — ‘How would passing a climate bill that was ‘scientifically meaningless’ improve ethics or morality or the climate?’

Climate Depot reported on the Orwellian movement to monitor every person on the planet’s Co2. See German Climate Advisor Schellnhuber ‘proposes creation of a CO2 budget for every person on planet!

In depth media analysis of key reporters covering global warming continued: See: Flashback Sept. 2009: Wash. Post’s Juliet Eilperin Rejects Journalistic Balance — ‘continues her downward slide’

Climate Depot was also key in countering media key media claims. See: Climate Depot’s full statement to USA Today on ‘Hottest’ Year And Arctic Ice: NOAA’s Jay Lawrimore ‘should be ashamed of himself’ — ‘Declaration that we are experiencing the ‘hottest’ year is purely a political statement. Lawrimore knows that these statistics are merely tenths of a degree or LESS’ — USA Today Cites Climate Depot: Morano says the government ‘is playing the climate fear card by hyping predictions and cherry-picking data’

In May 2010, a Climate Depot exclusive reverberated around the globe as a leading scientist warned of upcoming “global cooling.” See: Geologist Declares ‘global warming is over’ — Warns U.S. Climate Conference of ‘Looming Threat of Global Cooling’

‘Expect global cooling for the next 2-3 decades that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been’

In January 2010, Climate Depot exposed the hard core ideology behind NASA’s leading global warming activist, James Hansen. See: Time for Meds? NASA scientist James Hansen endorses book which calls for ‘ridding the world of Industrial Civilization’ – Hansen declares author ‘has it right…the system is the problem’ – Jan. 2010

Small Sampling of Selected Media Debates and Praise for Climate Depot:

Watch Now: Rare ABC News TV Climate Debate: Climate Depot Vs. Center For Am. Progress: Morano: ‘The climate con is ending’

Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano in TV debate with Canadian Green Party Leader Elizabeth May — Morano: ‘Solar panels on huts made of dung are not going to cut it. The developing world faces a lack of development threat, they face a lack of carbon based energy threat — that is the greatest moral question of our day — how to get them carbon based energy to make their lives more in line with the western world’

ABC News TV Features Climate Depot in 2010: Morano ‘is now one of the most vocal climate skeptics in the country’ (Watch Video segment here.)

Morano: ‘It is refreshing to see these scientists hear from the public. When you go to a used-car salesman and you get conned … you don’t go back to the used-car dealer all happy and pleasant. You have a lot of anger, and that’s what these scientists are appropriately feeling’

Reuters Features ‘high-profile site’ Climate Depot: ‘Climate debate gets ugly…scientists, used to dealing with sceptics, are under siege like never before’

Morano told Reuters: ‘The global warming scientists need to feel and hear the public’s outrage at their shenanigans like climategate … There is no advocacy of violence or hint that people should threaten them…Public outrage is healthy’

Pro: ‘Morano — merry motor-mouth…non-stop, breathless delivery…I have seldom, aside from university professors, found anyone with such a prodigious memory’ – May 2010

‘His instant recall for an eclectic collection of global warming facts, personalities and events is formidable’

Cheers! Black List Author Jim Prall: Climate Depot’s Morano Helped bring ‘a couple of decades of policy paralysis and delay’

Climate Depot’s Morano named ‘Bad Guy of the Week’: ‘Fox News regular and all round hatchet man, Morano is the denial machine’s ‘Fixer’

Warmists Lament: ‘Morano is an effective peddler of disinformation… one should never underestimate the likes of Morano. ‘The Fixer’ specializes in confusion, obstruction and misinformation. Morano is the enemy of reasoned debate… Morano talks fast, throws out falsities by the dozen…One wonders how the likes of Morano sleep at night’

Warmist McKibben Praises Climate Depot: ‘The best of the contrarian partisans is Marc Morano, whose Climate Depot is an environmental Drudge Report’ — ‘Morano and his colleagues deserve their chortles—they’re winning, and doing it with skill and brio’

Warmist Michael Tobis: Climate Depot’s Morano ‘completely demolishes his opponent’ Dan Weiss of Center for Am. Progress in MSNBC-TV debate

Rhetoric Professor’s 9 Part Analyses on Debates with Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Morano looks like he’s having fun, while [debate opponent] Maslin appears increasingly irritated’

‘This is a remarkable bit of oratory. How does Morano pull it off, apparently extempore in a complex debate?’ — ‘Remarkably, Morano seems to have been prepared to attack on just this point’ — ‘How many scientist-spokespeople are willing to do this sort of prep?’

NYT: ‘On the Causes of Climate Deadlock’: Prof. Yulsman Issues Warning: ‘Any scientist who thinks he or she can beat Morano at his own game is in for a very rude awakening’

Washington Post: ‘Skeptic firebrand’ Morano praises recession’s impact on climate reporting: ‘Environmental journalism has improved dramatically with these cut-backs and the loss of these activist reporters…got rid of some of their alarmist reporters’

Randy Olson Dissects Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘ANALYSIS: WHY MARC MORANO IS SUCH A GOOD COMMUNICATOR’ — ‘Morano speaks very fast. Pretty much twice the speed of anyone else I’ve interviewed so far’ – ‘Citing lines from obscure scientific papers is an obvious strategy that every global warming skeptic uses, but Mr. Morano does it better than anyone I’ve ever listened to’

Warming Proponent Laments: Debate Opponents of Climate Depot’s Morano ‘have ALL been chewed up and spat out by him. ALL of them’

Chris Mooney: ‘You have to credit the Moranos of the world with a brilliant tactical move…All signs at the moment point to massive’ damage from Climategate

Small Sampling of Praise (and hate) for Climate Depot:

Former Harvard University and Czech Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl: ‘Marc Morano and Barack Obama are credited with the gradual fall of climate hysteria’September 2, 2009

“Probably the most articulate and informed single advocate countering global warming hysteria is Marc Morano.”July 1, 2009 – Peter Ferrara, former White House Office of Policy Development under President Reagan and as Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States under the first President Bush.

UK Telegraph touts ‘marvelous Climate Depot website’July 23, 2009

Climate Depot prescribed as remedy for climate fears: ‘Turn off your TV; stop reading the ‘terrified-twins’, NYT’s Krugman & Friedman; and start reading Climate Depot on a daily basis’Climate Cycles Change website – July 29, 2009

“It’s amazing how much traffic Climate Depot drives.”June 20, 2009Climate Fear Promoter from University of Texas research scientist Michael Tobis.

Climate Depot is one of the very best compilations of the exploding climate science literature which is now discrediting and destroying the global warming fraud. This site is essential in keeping current on these global warming issues as well as much of the related political mischief that is taking place as a result.” Hawaii Reporter – June 22, 2009

Climate Depot “emerging as the United States’ leading denier forum.” – New Zealand’s Carbon News – May 5, 2009

Climate Depot’s “Marc Morano (the former Senate staffer who has done more to expose the lies behind the global warming swindle than any other American.” – Tom Deweese, President of the American Policy Center, writing in Canada Free Press – April 24, 2009

Climate Depot called ‘Climate Drudge’Paul Chesser, Heartland Institute Correspondent – May 1, 2009

“Thank you for the vigorous excellence of Climate Depot, which manages the difficult balancing act of being irreverent and authoritative at the same time. Bravissimo! A great service to the truth.”UK’s Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher. – September 19, 2009

Praise: ‘I could spend all my days hat-tipping Climate Depot for the treasure trove of climate realism posted there’ – July 28, 2009

Alarmists Praise Climate Depot’s Morano: “His special ability is to argue super-fast, spewing out questionable claims, a kind of howitzer of climate ‘skepticism.’ […] The thing is, this stuff (Climate Depot) is totally going to work. Morano is going to get on TV, and he’s going to sow more doubt about global warming. He’s quite effective at this–frankly, even as I lament it, I’m also impressed by his skill–and has a think tank behind him. And they’re willing to fight damn hard to get their point of view across. […] It’s rather pointless to get mad at Morano, or CFACT, over this. They’re playing the game to win, and they’re very good at it. Frankly, we should be paying close attention to their tactics, and even trying learn from them. […] The wealthy philanthropists and well funded think tanks and interest groups on our side who, faced with this unfavorable media environment, have failed to adapt and equip us with counter-Moranos–intellectual warriors who are not only up for the task of setting the record straight, and defending accurate science, but actually have it as their full time job description.”Chris Mooney, author of “The Republican War On Science.” – Discover Magazine – April 9, 2009

Climate Depot’s Morano “a powerful and skilled communicator who is well suited to today’s media environment…. he has arrived in terms of his mission to establish himself as a lead spokesman in their efforts to thwart global warming action. I was impressed with his aggressiveness, quickness, and sheer ability to domineer…they have to deal with a guy (Morano) with a very loud mouth, who trained with Rush Limbaugh, as one of the lead spokesmen. It’s time for the science community to realize they are getting out-communicated.” – Scientist-filmmaker Randy Olson, who is not a skeptic. – Discover Magazine – April 10, 2009

Casting Call Issued! We ‘need some kind of PR counter to the work of Morano’ – ‘Climate Scientists Need A War Room’ – August 14, 2009

Climate Depot ‘Bridges the Climate Divide’: ‘Thanks to Morano, people on opposite sides of debate are now hearing each other out’ – Morano’s ‘got a huge audience and platform. His message is amplified in ways he could never achieve in his previous incarnations’ – Collide –A-Scape website – August 12, 2009

Climate Depot’s Morano is a ‘crank’ – “living in a bizarre fantasy world.” – Science Blogger – April 30, 2009

“In denying the urgency of the problem, Morano definitely slows things down on the regulatory front.” Greenpeace spokesman. – April 9, 2009 in New York Times.

Climate Depot’s Morano “is an increasingly prominent character in the climate debate.”Chris Mooney, author of “The Republican War On Science.” – Discover Magazine – April 10, 2009

“I wouldn’t call anything Marc Morano puts out information. I would call it disinformation. Marc Morano and his cohorts are in the business of spreading lies, mistruths, half-truths, and really are the last hold-outs in a debate that has, frankly, moved on from the position that they’re in.”Josh Dorner of The Sierra Club. – April 8, 2009

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End Reprint of CFACT’s 2010 Special Report on Climate Depot
