Sister Flatulenta of the Breath of Heaven

That he should thus have wasted the first opportunity in three decades for Britain to chair the Security Council shows how poor is his judgment both about matters of science and about what does and does not constitute a threat to national and international security.…

LA Times Wants to Ban Gasoline Automobiles

According to LA Times, a “disturbing” number of used vehicles are exported to poor countries. To fix climate change, manufacture, sale and export of gas guzzlers should be stopped.…

‘Fringe’ or Reasonable? Bastardi on the Firing Line

A recent E&E News article, “Fringe weatherman advised Abbott before deadly Texas storm” (February 25, 2021), is the latest marginalization job on a “climate science critic.” Author Scott Walderman begins his piece as follows:…

Some Texas coastal fisheries devastated by 2021 freeze, but it’s nothing new

The reality is the back-to-back winter storms kept temperatures low enough, long enough, to kill millions of fishes, thousands of sea turtles, and countless other marine creatures. Contrast this reality with the fallacious idea that climate change is an imminent threat. We simply cannot be simultaneously headed towards overheating the planet while breaking century-old low temperature records.…

Weekly Climate And Energy News Roundup #444

“For every problem, there is at least one solution that is simple, neat – and wrong.” ‒ attributed variously to H.L. Mencken, Peter Drucker, Mark Twain, and others…

REAL threats to threatened species

Their biggest error by far, however, is their insistence that wildlife and their habitats would be saved by eliminating fossil fuel for electricity generation, transportation, heating and cooking. In reality, the gravest threats plants, animals and habitats face are not from climate change. They are from “green” energy policies and programs implemented in the name of stabilizing Earth’s never-stable climate.…

Predicting and planning for the next polar vortex?

Americans know a lot about planning for hurricanes, and about voluntary and mandatory evacuations. They also know that some hurricanes bring major damage to urban and rural areas, and that sometimes (Katrina comes to mind) people’s failure to heed calls to “get outta Dodge” can have disastrous results.…