Cameron previewed a new climate change disaster film at the DNC to help elect Hillary. But are things as bad as Cameron makes them out to be?
James Cameron released a global warming disaster movie at the DNC to help propel #Hillary Clinton into the White House and demonize#Donald Trump.
Narrated by Sigourney Weaver, the “Not Reality TV” 5-minute piece is like a “walk through the book of revelations” despite the fact there simply hasn’t been an increase in extreme weather events.
The pro-Hillary piece, already being called ‘over the top’ by some critics, is a collection of clips featuring hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, tornadoes, flooding,and more.
At one point, Weaver gravely intones that “our crops are failing” and that “our children are in danger,” while making the case that only Hillary can save us from ourselves. “We all know it’s happening. It’s real. It’s happening now,” Weaver declares at one point.