Claim: Climate Will Cause an Invasion of Brain Eating Parasites

Claim: Climate Will Cause an Invasion of Brain Eating Parasites

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The sudden surge of a nasty parasitic disease which has infected half a dozen people in the last 3 months has been blamed on climate. A Brain-Invading Parasite Is Believed To Be Spreading Because Of Climate Change Rhett Jones Apr 9, 2017, 4:00pm Health officials in Hawaii have been warning […]

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False ‘Permanent Drought’ Alarm: California’s Rainy Season Now Ranks 2nd All Time In 122 Years Of Records

False ‘Permanent Drought’ Alarm: California’s Rainy Season Now Ranks 2nd All Time In 122 Years Of Records

California’s current rainy season can no longer lay claim to being No. 1. After relatively modest rainfall in March, this season now ranks as the second wettest in 122 years of record-keeping, according to data released Thursday by federal scientists. Between October 2016 and March 2017, California averaged 30.75 inches of precipitation, the second-highest average since such records began being kept in 1895, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Full post

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Eugenics: When Scientific Consensus Leads To Mass Murder

Eugenics: When Scientific Consensus Leads To Mass Murder

Eugenics, the notion of improving the genetic quality of the human race through selective breeding, is a dark stain upon science’s past. It is a prime example of how science can be misused to support nefarious ends. Eugenics is most commonly associated with Nazi Germany, where poor, mentally ill, blind, deaf, developmentally disabled, promiscuous, homosexual, and Jewish people (among countless other groups) were murdered by the millions in an effort to purify the populace and create a master race. But we must not forget that eugenics also has a prominent legacy in the United States, one which began well before the Nazis sowed their own, much darker history. When scientific research made clear that traits are heritable and passed on from parent to offspring through genes, individuals in society began wondering how these findings could be applied to humans in an effort to improve our species. This notion, originally opined by Sir Francis Galton in the 1860s in the United Kingdom, soon spread to the United States. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, prominent Americans including Alexander Graham Bell, Margaret Sanger, and even Theodore Roosevelt expressed support. By the 1920s, eugenics was a genuine movement. As author and pediatrician Paul Offit describes in his new book, Pandora’s Lab, Hundreds of colleges taught courses on the subject. It appeared in the majority of high school biology textbooks. There were fairs, meetings, and advertisements. The nationwide campaign convinced citizens and legislatures – forty-one states eventually prohibited marriage by those deemed feeble-minded or insane, and a few states even instituted policies of forced sterilization. It was Virginia’s law on forced sterilization that eventually reached the Supreme Court. The case, Buck v. Bell, argued ninety years ago, pitted the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded against one of its patients, Carrie Buck. The colony’s superintendent, Dr. John Hendren Bell, wanted to sterilize Buck. His lawyers argued that Buck was a “genetic threat” to society. Buck’s lawyer argued that she had a right to procreate which was being violated. The Court sided 8 – 1 with the colony. The majority opinion, penned by the legendary justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, seems like it originated from a dystopian work of science fiction: “We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it …

California’s governor says ‘never-ending drought’ is officially over

California’s governor says ‘never-ending drought’ is officially over

Gov. Jerry Brown once said the state’s drought was the new normal and blamed it on climate change—now it’s officially over



Inside Redwood National Park. tpsdave/Pixabay

#California’s Gov. #Jerry Brown announced the ‘never-ending drought’ was officially over, despite previous comments that global warming was making it the ‘new normal.’ Numerous studies showed the state’s drought was normal, not historic, and unrelated to #Climate Change; previous dry spells in the Golden State have lasted more than 1,000 years.

Another major issue: the state was still using the 1960’s open-air aqueduct system and leaky pipelines to transport water from rainier areas to drier areas, losing millions of gallons in the process. The aging infrastructure was created under Gov. Pat Brown (the current governor’s father) back in the 1960s. One-half of the state’s population lives in regions containing one percent of the natural supply of water, while the other half doesn’t.



Esfandiari @nezy_esfandiari

In California, all eyes on dam’s eroding spillway as storms loom 

Photo published for In California, all eyes on dam's eroding spillway as storms loom







  •  22 liks


More storms coming

Instead of using taxpayer dollars to upgrade the neglected system of dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, and pipelines, thus preventing a future catastrophe related to the uneven distribution of rainfall in the state, Brown spent billions on his bullet train to nowhere. Millions of gallons of freshwater currently flow into the Pacific Ocean, with even more lost to evaporation under the beating sun.

The governor’s announcement came as more springtime storms were on track to hit the already waterlogged state, taxing reservoirs, rivers, and dams. Four counties with low groundwater levels were still under emergency orders, though they were expected to be lifted soon. The drought has hurt native fish that migrated up once-dry rivers, forced farmers to rely more heavily on groundwater, and killed millions of trees.




ClimateX MIT @ClimateX_MIT

@NASA satellites captured images of northern California