Democrat Committee to Investigate Gasoline Price Rises
fter two years of blocking drilling permits, banning pipelines, hostile EPA oversight, pressure on banks, SEC investigations into climate risk exposure, and helping the enemies of friendly oil producers, the Democrats suspect big oil executives are responsible for gasoline shortages.…
Gas Rationing? Germany Paying a Horrible Price for Decades of Green Energy Insanity
As Germany braces for extreme economic and social hardship, it is worth reflecting on the misery the empty promises of green energy advocates have delivered.…
Sentinel-6: New International Sea Level Satellite
“The unprecedented accuracy of the sea level measurements provided by this mission ensures not only the continuity of a 30-year data record, but allows improving our understanding of climate change and the impact of rising seas on coastal areas and communities”…
Part 5 of the series Australia’s Broken Temperature Record – All 224 Homogenised Temperature Series – Including the Bombing of Darwin
Reposted from Jennifer Marohasy’s Blog March 31, 2022 By jennifer I can hardly be accused of cherry picking if I present all the temperature series – all four iterations of the homogenised ACORN-SAT temperature……
A Peer-Reviewed Statistical Analysis of the 2020 Election
Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times reported on a new peer-reviewed paper that analyzes the results of the 2020 election and found Biden received 255,000 excess votes. It has been……
SMH: “Disruptive action on climate only preaches to the converted”
A Sydney Morning Herald reporter has noticed that blocking roads and disrupting trains just annoys people.…