The “Anthropolitan” Compromise?

Guest “Stick a fork in it” by David Middleton This should “stick a fork” in the notion of an Anthropocene Epoch… Gill co-authors report arguing Anthropocene should be a geological……

Maine Researchers Breeding a Global Warming Resistant Potato

Researchers in Maine have expressed concern that if they experience a few degrees of global warming, they will no longer be able to grow potatoes. But given Maine potato varieties are a extensively grown in subtropical Bundaberg, my question is, what problem are the researchers actually trying to solve?…

Complete Madness In The Biden Administration: Energy Policy

With Obama, at least he appeared to have some understanding that the whole idea of his policies of fossil fuel suppression was to force consumption down through the mechanism of rising prices. But with Biden you’re never sure. Is he just too stupid to understand that his policies were designed to have, and likely would have, the effect of dramatically raising prices and throwing us back into dependency on OPEC and Russia?…