Biden And Kerry Get Humiliated On Earth Day, But Are Too Dumb To Realize It
Anyway, Biden today, with absolutely nothing in hand from China after Kerry’s failed mission last week, nevertheless proceeded essentially to double the U.S. promise to cut emissions.…
Green Fury at Australia’s Lack of Ambition at the Biden Climate Summit
Aussie PM Scott Morrison appears to be quietly betting the Biden climate insanity will be a one hit wonder, that the economic devastation unleashed by Biden’s tax hikes, carbon pricing, and giveaways to other nations while Americans suffer, will unleash a tsunami of voter fury which will wash the Biden administration into the dustbin of history.…
China’s strange endorsement of ‘net zero’
You have to hand it to Xi Jinping. The Chinese “president for life” schmoozed United Nations royalty last September with his unexpected pledge that his country aims “to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality (Net Zero) before 2060.”…
Bitcoiner Weighs in on Electric Cars Saving the Planet
It is interesting to see views on mitigation policies from outside our community. And by community we mean both sides arguing over the topic of AGW for years.…
A new study explores novel technology for COVID-19 diagnosis using ultrasound.
. This technology showed high diagnostic accuracy compared to traditional lung ultrasound interpretations. The technology when implemented on ultrasound devices that are currently used in clinical practice can be of great value in improving diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19 patients.…
Wall Street Journal hypes Biden’s climate alarmist absurd emissions reductions propaganda schemes
The latest WSJ article makes the same idiotic misguided and misleading comments about the U.S. 21.5% emissions reduction between 2005 and 2020 but further escalates its absurd pronouncements by noting that Biden is calling for “rich nations to shoulder more responsibility” for reducing emissions.…