Inconvenient Question: Gore asked about failed ’10-year tipping’ point – Refuses to answer, enters SUV in snow

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PARK CITY — In January 2006, former Vice President Al Gore predicted, when his first film “An Inconvenient Truth” was first premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, that earth would be in “a true planetary emergency” within the next ten years. According to CBS News, Gore warned in January 2006 that “unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return.”

Fast forward to January 2017, Climate Depot has sent an undercover agent to Robert Redford’s snow filled Sundance Film Festival in Utah this week as Gore debuted his new film, “An Inconvenient Sequel.” The sequel thus far has been met with poor reviews. review of Gore’s sequel: ‘Unfortunately, the filmmaking is, alas, not very good…like watching taped lectures’ & ‘Superhero tragedy disguised as end-times environmental doc’ – Gore ‘sequel is a superhero movie about a sad Al Gore’

Meanwhile, climate skeptics are not expecting much from Gore. See: Weather Channel Founder John Coleman: Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ Will Be Another ‘Scientific Monstrosity’ & Skeptical Film ‘Climate Hustle’ Now Available As ‘Streaming Video On Demand’ to Greet Gore’s Sequel

Climate Depot’s secret undercover agent caught up with Gore on Saturday January 21 in the late afternoon while Gore was exiting a private party at the Zoom restaurant in Park City Utah.

Gore was trudging through the snow to his oversized Chevy Suburban SUV, when the undercover agent asked an inconvenient question of Gore.

Climate Depot’s Undercover reporter at Sundance: “Hey Al, I just saw ‘Inconvenient’.”

Gore: “Oh great, thank you!”

Climate Depot’s Undercover reporter at Sundance: “My friends make fun of me about the 10-year tipping point, what do I tell them?”

Gore: “Well, we gotta keep working.” Gore then gives a momentary stare and then ignores the question and enters his “Executive Car Service” Chevy Suburban and departs on the snowy street.

Below video shows Gore’s massive gas-guzzling SUV (Chevy Suburban) prepping for Gore’s pick up on the snow streets of Utah.

Climate skeptics have been quick to point out that Gore’s predictions have failed and the evidence for man-made climate change has grown weaker. See: Climate Report to UN: Skeptics Deliver Consensus Busting ‘State of the Climate Report’ to UN Summit & Load of bollocks: 2016 allegedly ‘hottest year’ by unmeasureable 1/100 of a degree – While satellites show

Morano featured in The Hill on Trump nominees dodging ‘climate denier’ charge – ‘You sort of just laugh at how gullible the media is’

The climate skeptic community, meanwhile, isn’t bothered by the new tune coming from the executive branch.

Marc Morano, publisher of the skeptical news site Climate Depot and a former aide to outspoken skeptic Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), said that the Trump team’s statements on climate are easily defendable.

“This is a semantic game that Trump’s Cabinet officials are playing,” Morano said. “Obviously, if you say you believe in climate change, it’s a meaningless statement.”

Morano said it’s not controversial that the climate is changing and that humans influence it. But skeptics reject the idea that humans are the main cause, or that any policy change can control global warming.

“The media is so easy to fall for misdirections on this issue, and the Trump nominees have mastered that this week,” he said. “You sort of just laugh at how gullible the media is.”

Morano said he was slightly disappointed that Trump’s picks weren’t “defiant skeptics going into battle to fight,” and didn’t push back forcefully at Democrats.

But overall, the hearings did not dampen his excitement for Trump’s presidency, he said.…