Climate conversion? Al Gore: ‘I could become a Catholic because of this Pope’

Al Gore announced on April 29, 2015 that Pope Francis’s global warming advocacy could turn the former Vice President into a Catholic. Gore was speaking during the Dean’s Speaker Series at the University of California Berkeley. 

Partial transcript of Gore’s remarks: ” I think Pope Francis is quite an inspiring figure really. A phenomena. I’ve been startled with the clarity of the moral force that he embodies. He kind of raises in a new context the old question: “Is the Pope Catholic?” (laughter)

“That’s a joke by the way.

Well I’ve said publicly in the last year, I was raised in the Southern Baptist tradition, I could become a Catholic because of this Pope. He is that inspiring to me. And I know the vast majority of my Catholic friends are just thrilled to the marrow of their bones that he is providing this kind of spiritual leadership.”


Climate conversion? Al Gore: ‘I could become a Catholic because of this Pope’

Related Links:

Climate Skeptics In Rome Warn Pope Francis of ‘Unholy Alliance’ With UN Climate Agenda

Climate Depot’s Mission to Rome – Persuading the The Vatican on ‘Climate Change’


Climate Depot Round Up: Vatican & UN’s shut down of dissent is increasing in climate debate

Climate Skeptics Descend on Vatican – Seek to Influence Pope on ‘Global Warming’


Antarctic Sea Ice Expands To A New All-Time Record High In April

Antarctic Sea Ice Expands To New Record In April


MAY 3, 2015

By Paul Homewood


Time to take a quick look at the sea ice situation down under, as I must have missed it on BBC News!


According to NSIDC, a new record high has been set for April, beating last year. Ice is above average virtually all around the continent.

Meanwhile, according to Bob Tisdale, Southern Ocean surface temperatures continue to plunge.



Flashback 1989: UN issues 10-year ‘global warming’ tipping point

The United Nations in 2015, is once again issuing tipping point deadlines by which humanity must act in order to combat man-made global warming. See: Former UN Sec. Gen. Kofi Annan: ‘We must challenge climate skeptics who deny the facts’ – Warns of ‘tipping point’ – Touts carbon taxes – ‘World is reaching the tipping point beyond which climate change may become irreversible.’

May 2015 is also the deadline for another 2007 UN climate tipping point. See: 8 year tipping point expires May 4! Flashback 2007: ‘There could be as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global average rise of 2C or more’

But as far back as 1989, the UN was issuing ‘tipping points’ that have now long since expired. The UN claimed in 1989 that the world had to act to solve global warming by the year 2000 — or else!

ScreenHunter_160 Nov. 30 06.13

Mercury News: Search Results

As early as 1989, the UN was already trying to sell their “tipping point” rhetoric on the public. See: U.N. Warning of 10-Year ‘Climate Tipping Point’ Began in 1989 – Excerpt: According to July 5, 1989, article in the Miami Herald, the then-director of the New York office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Noel Brown, warned of a “10-year window of opportunity to solve” global warming. According to the 1989 article, “A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos.”

Related Links: 

Earth ‘Serially Doomed’: UN Issues New 15 Year Climate Tipping Point – But UN Issued Tipping Points in 1982 & Another 10-Year Tipping Point in 1989!