BBC Deny Saying ‘Denier’! BBC: ‘We tend to refer in our output to ‘sceptics’ because the word ‘denier’can be regarded in some circumstances as pejorative’

BBC Deny Saying Denier!

By Paul Homewood Stewgreen passes on this comment on Bishop Hill, regarding complaints to the BBC: @TerryS just shared this on Bishop-Hill I sent them a FOI request asking for copies of any formal or informal guidance on the use of the term “denier”. I also asked for their definition of a “denier”. This is the response I got: The information you have requested is out of scope of the Act. However, we are happy to explain there is no formal guidance on the use of the word “denier” in relation to climate change. I would be surprised if you had heard BBC presenters or correspondents referring to “deniers” except in circumstances when they are quoting remarks by other people. Generally we tend to refer in our output to “sceptics” because the word “denier” can be regarded in some circumstances as pejorative. I have done a search on the word and can only find it used by interviewees or people in the news.” Since the BBC recognise that the term is a pejorative you should raise a formal complaint whenever you hear one of their presenters use it. This is a very good point. Let’s all keep our ears and eyes open, and make sure that a complaint is raised every time the denier word is used.

— gReader Pro…

Do Greenhouse Gases Affect Antarctica? NASA Empirical Evidence Proves They Don’t

Do Greenhouse Gases Affect Antarctica? NASA Empirical Evidence Proves They Don’t

#tcot #gop #agw CAGW proponents have a long-held belief that CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases are rapidly warming the Antarctica continent along with the surrounding oceans…further, this out-of-control warming is quickly melting sea ice and the South Pole’s massive…

— gReader Pro…

‘EPA uses junk science to wage war on coal’

EPA uses junk science to wage war on coal

The Obama Administration, through the corrupted Environmental Protection Agency, promised to kill the U.S. coal industry and they are already far along toward their goal. Along with it, they are wreaking havoc on the U.S. economy and threatening power outages of mammoth proportions. To justify this, they cite so-called scientific studies that are kept secret so that their findings cannot be easily challenged. But there’s more — other job-killing regulations also not backed by sound, peer reviewable science — that will take the U.S. further away from long-term prosperity. Can this onslaught be stopped or even slowed down?

— gReader Pro…